
INTRODUCTION Centro Vacanze Pra` delle Torri has created this

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INTRODUCTION Centro Vacanze Pra` delle Torri has created this
Centro Vacanze Pra' delle Torri has created this website to provide information and services to the users and customers
By accessing these pages means the user accepts the following conditions:
- the documents, images, brands and anything else that is published and reproduced herein, is the property of Centro Vacanze Pra'
delle Torri and the respective owners;
- we accept no liability regarding the contents of these pages and the use any others make of them;
- this website is protected by computerised systems to prevent the loss, abuse or tampering with the information;
- this website contains links to other websites. Centro Vacanze Pra' delle Torri is not liable for the contents nor the privacy policy,
or the security methods adopted by said sites.
The contents that are published in the website, the graphics, files, tables, images and information, are all protected by current
copyright law (Law n. 633/41) and industrial property rights. The website contents are exclusively for personal use, consequently
none of the contents may be copied, reproduced, downloaded, forwarded, retransmitted or distributed in any way, apart from
registering on a personal terminal for personal and not commercial uses. Even if authorisation is given for personal use, the property
rights that are indicated or mentioned must remain intact. Any products or companies that are mentioned in the website, are brands
that belong to their respective owners or holders, and may be protected by patent and/or copyright, granted or registered with the
relative authorities. Therefore they may only be downloaded or used for personal and not commercial purposes: therefore nothing
may be totally or partially copied, altered or resold for a profit or to gain any other benefit. The contents of the website shall not be
used, published, distributed or included in other websites without prior authorisation from the holders of the relative rights. The
website may contain hypertext links to other websites. in this case Centro Vacanze Pra' delle Torri has no control over the contents
of said sites and, consequently, accepts no liability regarding the truthfulness, reliability, accuracy, completeness or updating of the
Centro Vacanze Pra' delle Torri is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the information that is published or whatever else
is inserted independently by the authorised users.
Centro Vacanze Pra' delle Torri declines all responsibility for any direct, incidental, consequential or indirect damage, and for any
lost or damaged data, lost profit, goodwill, business or opportunities further to gaining access to or using the site. In other words, if it
is impossible to use the website or its contents that are published, or the access to other sites by means of hypertext links, or their use
- i.e. if it is impossible to use the sites or their contents.
As we do not perform any controls of the published contents, Centro Vacanze Pra' delle Torri cannot be held responsible in any
manner for any illicit acts committed through the website. Centro Vacanze Pra' delle Torri undertakes, however, further to
notification, to remove as quickly as possible and according to their exclusive opinion, any contents that are damaging or which are
declared as such by the judicial authorities.
This section of the site could be changed at any time. The users are requested to view the updates as they become available. The use
of the website signifies that the user gives full and unconditioned acceptance of the above clauses.
Any disputes that may arise relative to this document will be submitted to the relative Court and subject to the laws and regulations
established by Italian law.
Viale Altanea, 201 - Loc.tà Pra' delle Torri - 30021 CAORLE (Venezia) ITALIA
E-mail: [email protected] - Centro Vacanze: Tel. +39 0421.299063 - Fax +39 0421.299035
Hotel: Tel. +39 0421.299445 - Golf: Tel./Fax +39 0421.299570
In no case shall Centro Vacanze Pra' delle Torri be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused by accessing the site,
for the inability or impossibility to access the site, from your acquiring and using the news given therein. Centro Vacanze Pra' delle
Torri will include updated information in the site, but does not guarantee its completeness or accuracy. Centro Vacanze Pra' delle
Torri reserves the right to alter the contents of the site and the legal notes at any time without prior notice.
Centro Vacanze Pra' delle Torri has no responsibility for the sites that can be accessed through links in this website, which are just
there as an additional service for the user.
The fact that Centro Vacanze Pra' delle Torri provides these links, does not mean they approve them and consequently Centro
Vacanze Pra' delle Torri declines all responsibility for their quality, contents and graphics. Centro Vacanze Pra' delle Torri is not
responsible regarding the information obtained by the user who accesses the sites with links from Centro Vacanze Pra' delle Torri.
Consequently the owners of said sites are exclusively responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information they contain,
and which are accessed according to the conditions of each one.
The items, products, programs and routines in the site for downloading, such as technical and commercial documents, software, etc.,
unless indicated otherwise, are made available at the conditions defined by the owner. Anything available as download from the site
is covered by copyright and usage right by the respective owners. Consequently Centro Vacanze Pra' delle Torri invites the user to
check the conditions for use and the rights given therein, and is released from all responsibility regarding this.
Centro Vacanze Pra' delle Torri does not guarantee the site has no errors or viruses. Centro Vacanze Pra' delle Torri, its
suppliers and colleagues are not responsible for damage caused to the user by any such destructive elements.
Viale Altanea, 201 - Loc.tà Pra' delle Torri - 30021 CAORLE (Venezia) ITALIA
E-mail: [email protected] - Centro Vacanze: Tel. +39 0421.299063 - Fax +39 0421.299035
Hotel: Tel. +39 0421.299445 - Golf: Tel./Fax +39 0421.299570
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