
Translations and Travels

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Translations and Travels
Donatella Abbate Badin
Simonetta Berbeglia
Bill Bell
Gloria Cappelli
Luigi Cazzato
Xavier Cervantes
Edward Chaney
David Clark
Daniela Corona
Mario Curreli
Adele D’Arcangelo
Carla Dente
Roberta Ferrari
Niranjan Goswami
Giovanni Iamartino
Werner von Koppenfels
Franco Marenco
Maurizio Masetti
Maureen McCue
Fabienne Moine
Sabrina Noccetti
Stephen Orgel
Sharon Ouditt
Donatella Pallotti
Caroline Patey
Nick Pearce
Manfred Pfister
Francesca Pieri
Diego Pirillo
William Rossiter
Stephen Rowley
Ilaria B. Sborgi
Selene Scarsi
Barbara Schaff
Cinzia Sicca
Sara Soncini
Martin Stannard
Roey Sweet
Chris Thorpe
Peter Vassallo
Stefano Villani
Greg Walker
Nigel Wood
Sharon Wood
Owain Wright
Richard Wrigley
Michael Wyatt
Alison Yarrington
In Medias Res:
British-Italian Cultural Transactions
Professor Carla Dente
Dr Sara Soncini
[email protected]
[email protected]
tel +39 050 2215881
fax + 39 050 2215887
British Academy Colloquium 3:
Translations and Travels
University of Pisa, 4-6 April 2008
Aula Magna
Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere
Via S. Maria 85
2.00 - 3.15 p.m.
Opening Addresses
3.30 - 4.15 p.m.
(Chair: Carla Dente)
Plenary Lecture
FRANCO MARENCO (University of Turin): ‘Viaggio e letteratura’
4.15 - 5.30 p.m.
Early Modern Exchanges, I
(Chair: Martin Stannard)
WILLIAM ROSSITER (University of Liverpool): ‘Chaucer, Boccaccio and
Petrarch: Intralingual and Interlingual Translation’
WERNER VON KOPPENFELS (University of Munich): ‘Going South in Fact
and Fiction: Two Early Anglo-Italian Travelogues’
DIEGO PIRILLO (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa): Richard Hakluyt,
John Florio and the Writing of The Principal Navigations, Voyages,
Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation’
5.30 – 6.00 p.m.
6.00 - 7.00 p.m.
Early Modern Exchanges, II
(Chair: Edward Chaney)
STEFANO VILLANI (University of Pisa): ‘Italian Translations of the Book
of Common Prayer’
DONATELLA PALLOTTI (University of Florence): ‘“A Far Different Aim”:
The English translations of Maria Maddalena de’ Pazzi’s Biography’
9.30 - 11.00 a.m.
Travellers and Travelogues, I
(Chair: Manfred Pfister)
9.00 – 10.30 a.m.
(Chair: Sara Soncini)
ROBERTA FERRARI (University of Pisa): ‘“Under British Eyes”: Italy in
Addison’s and Smollett’s Travel Writing’
SHARON OUDITT (Nottingham Trent University): ‘Real Tours and
Sentimental Journeys: Eighteenth-Century Travellers to Southern
BILL BELL (University of Edinburgh): ‘Santa Croce with a Baedeker:
British Tourists and their Information Networks’
NICK PEARCE (University of Glasgow): ‘“Directness, Quaintness and
Squalor”: Aspects of Translation and Transformation in Franco
Leoni’s Opera L’oracolo’
XAVIER C ERVANTES (University of Toulouse): ‘“Thou great Seat of
Arms, thou Nurse of Heroes”: History and “Romanitas” in Early
Eighteenth-Century London Opera Librettos’
STEPHEN ORGEL (Stanford University): ‘Shakespeare à l’italiana’
11.30 a.m. - 1.30 p.m. Travellers and Travelogues, II
(Chair: Greg Walker)
11.00 a.m. - 1.30 p.m. Poster Session
(Chair: Stephen Rowley)
DANIELA C ORONA (University of Palermo): ‘Sicily in Coleridge’s
Mediterranean Writing’
FABIENNE MOINE (University of Paris X, Nanterre): Italian Rewritings
by Nineteenth-Century Women Poets: From Constructing a
Community of Women to Creating a Place of Poetical Freedom’
PETER VASSALLO (University of Malta): ‘W.B. Yeats, Lady Gregory and
the Cultural Appropriation of Renaissance Italy’
LUIGI CAZZATO (University of Bari): The Clash of two Cultures: North
and South in W.H. Auden’
MARIO CURRELI (University of Pisa): ‘Images of Pisa in British
SABRINA NOCCETTI (University of Pisa): ‘A Car Accident:
Transcultural Coding of Events’
FRANCESCA PIERI (University of Pisa): ‘“This is Tuscany, and
Nowhere are the Cypresses so Beautiful and Proud”: D.H.
Lawrence’s Travels to Florence, Scandicci and Volterra’
NIRANJAN GOSWAMI (University of Kolkata): ‘Translation as
Transfer: Thomas Hoby’s The Book of the Courtier’
MAUREEN MCCUE (University of Glasgow): ‘Hazlitt and the Bologna
School of Painting’
SELENE SCARSI (University of Hull): ‘Robert Tofte, Traveller and
CHRIS THORPE (University of Aberdeen): ‘The Romantic Struggle
for Artistic Autonomy: Claims to Distinction in the Italianate
Visions of Byron and Shelley’
OWAIN WRIGHT (Kingston University, London): ‘Between Italy and
Africa: British Perspectives on Nineteenth-Century Sardinia’
3.00 - 4.30 p.m.
Translation and Tourism
(Chair: Peter Vassallo)
BARBARA SCHAFF (University of Göttingen): ‘“Andate a farvi benedire”
and Other Useful Phrases for the English Abroad in the John Murray
Handbooks of Travel-Talk 1844-1927’
GLORIA CAPPELLI (University of Pisa): ‘Travelling Words: Languaging
in English Tourism Discourse’
ADELE D’ARCANGELO (University of Bologna): ‘A Translated “Budget
Guide” Travel to Italy’
5.00 - 6.30 p.m.
(Chair: Cinzia Sicca)
Translation and the Arts
RICHARD WRIGLEY (University of Nottingham): ‘Visibility and Propriety:
Images of the Roman Ghetto in the Early Nineteenth Century’
CAROLINE PATEY (State University of Milan): ‘Translating Italy into the
“Poetry of Architecture”: John Soane’s Passions and Appropriations’
ILARIA B. SBORGI (University of Florence): ‘The Mask and Futurism:
Dorothy Nevile Lees's Translation of Marinetti's “Manifesto del Teatro di
3.00 - 4.00 p.m.
Cross-Cultural Stages
Business Meeting
Fly UP