
veronica colautti - INFN - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

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veronica colautti - INFN - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Solutions-focused professional with current experience developing and executing policies for financial
planning, controllership, and decision-making support. Expertise in preparing and managing annual
budgets, processing financial reports, and coordinating audit activities.
History of improving organizational efficiency and reducing expenditures. Versatile team leader with
unique balance of finance, HR, and legal experience and education. Multilingual with fluency in English,
French, and Italian.
Core Competencies and Strengths
Financial Management and Administration
Financial Control and Reporting Systems
Budget Execution and Monitoring
Asset and Resource Allocation
HR Policy and Procedure Development
Team Building and Leadership
Contract Negotiation and Administration
Legal and Regulatory Compliance
Head of Administration Department, 1/2013 – Present
Successfully leverage 10+-year EGO tenure while serving in current role directing all aspects of
Finance and Procurement, HR and General Affairs, and International Affairs.
Collaborate closely with Director of Consortium to assist in financial planning, preparation of financial
documents, and implementation of EGO Council’s management decisions. Report to Consortium’s
Bodies and Funding Agencies (CNRS-INFN) on annual budget management and control, use of
financial resources, and execution of administrative procedures in compliance with Financial
Regulations. Report to EGO Council on HR policy implementation, union negotiations status, and
international affairs. Attend and present financial documents at Board of Auditors meetings. Interface
with European Commission Project Officer regarding financial and legal aspects of EGO Consortium’s
European Projects. Plan, coordinate, and oversee job activities of five Administrative Assistants.
Key Contributions:
 Developed and implemented policies to improve overall efficiency of administrative management.
 Prepared legal documents, primarily statutes, required for submission of EGO Consortium’s
application to become European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC).
 Successfully negotiated with Unions on content of new labor contract.
 Concluded important calls for tender pertaining to supply, services, and works related to
Consortium’s apparatus upgrade (Advanced Virgo).
 Partnered with the Director of Consortium in planning and implementing new staff organization
and training management plan.
 Participated in the INFN working group for defining the contents of the management manual and
IT protocol.
 Developed persuasive communication skills with capacity for easily engaging stakeholders across
multiple levels and cultures.
 Demonstrated organizational management talent in providing recommendations to senior leaders
including strategic communication.
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Supervisor of Personnel Service, 1/2007 – 12/2012
Orchestrated staff recruitment and selection, managed salary payments, negotiated employee
relationships with unions, and prepared contracts and forms of support for European and non-European
citizens. Formulated staff expense budgets and processed regular statistics pertaining to staff gender,
nationality, contract types, and costs. Directly supervised two Administrative Assistants. Prepared
periodic reports in English to present at EGO Council meetings.
Key Contributions:
 Concurrently completed working stay at CERN, contributing to efforts in transforming legal status
of EGO Consortium into European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC), to include
definition of financial control, HR, and procurement processes.
 Implemented internal procedures, in agreement with competent local Institutions, for recruitment
of non-European citizens.
 Led and coached team members to ensure on-time, on-budget delivery of activities; tracked
status and impact of management deliverables.
Supervisor of European Projects Service, 1/2004 – 12/2012
Held concurrent responsibility for coordinating administrative management, accounting, reporting, and
audit activities of Consortium projects conducted officially in English. Supervised one Administrative
Key Contributions:
 Passed inspections carried out by European Commission Auditors during official audit visits.
 Developed procedures for projects’ internal financial control, frameworks, and best practices to
support project phases and adhere to defined deadlines.
 Coached and educated resources on project administrative management methodology and tools
while tracking status and impact of management deliverables.
Administrative Assistant for Finance Service, 1/2004 – 12/2006
Provided financial management, administered annual budget, monitored financial commitments and
payments, and processed periodic financial reports in English and Italian.
Consultant for Italian Public Administrations, 3/2002 – 12/2003
Delivered technical assistance on management, accounting, reporting, and audit activities associated
with European programs and projects of Ministry of the Interior, Presidency of the Council of Ministers,
Department of Public Function, and Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports. Defined, developed, and
prepared technical-financial reports and internal procedure manuals.
Key Contribution:
 Produced successful project management results by establishing strong relations, commitment,
and engagement from involved civil servants of pertinent Italian Public Administrations.
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Trainee, 10/2001 – 2/2002
Participated in coordinating Structural Funds Audit activities by drafting legal protocols between
European Union and Member States regarding adoption of management and control systems. Assisted
in conducting Audit Team activities by analyzing project expense documentation and preparing audit
EURO INFO CENTRE, Florence, Italy
Collaborator, 5/2001 – 9/2001
Offered consulting, teaching, and assistance to local administrations regarding European financial
support. Wrote feasibility study on new professional training center within Municipality of Florence.
University Master in Auditing and Internal Control, 2006 – UNIVERSITY OF PISA
Project: “Management Control in Development Projects”
Bachelor of Arts (BA), Law, 2000 – UNIVERSITY OF PISA
Thesis: “The Local Government and Community Structural Funds”
Additional Professional Development
Executive Master, Human Resources (HR) Management and Development, 2011
Accounting Course, IPSOA, Florence, Italy, 2004
Management Control and Analytic Accountability Course, Ernst & Young Business School, Rome, 2003
Euro-Management Course on European Union-Financed Projects, 2001
Specialization Course in Civil, Penal, and Administrative Laws, 2000/2001
Curriculum Vitae
Michele Punturo
Michele Punturo
[email protected]
Sex Male | Date of birth 18/08/1965 | Nationality Italian
Senior researcher (Primo Ricercatore) at the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
(INFN). – Sezione di Perugia
International coordinator of the European project GraWIToN, supported by European Commission in
the FP7-Marie Curie Actions framework. GraWIToN (2014-2018) is an International Training Network
aiming to the training of 13 PhD in Europe in the Science and Technologies related to the Gravitational
Wave detectors (General Relativity, Astrophysics, Opics, Signal Processing, ...).
International coordinator of the European project ELiTES, supported by European Commission in the
FP7-IRSES framework. ELiTES is a international exchange project between Europe and Japan, in the
gravitational wave (GW) research field, involving Italian, Dutch, British, German and Japanese
Universities and institutions; it started the 1st of March, 2012 with a duration of 4 years. The meetings
of ELiTES are hosted by the European Delegation in Japan (Tokyo).
Representative of the INFN Perugia unit in the INFN Scientific Committee 2 (CSN2)
Member of the INFN committee for post-doc positions at the INFN unit in Perugia
INFN Perugia Representative within the Training National INFN committee (2011-2015)
Member of the Gravitational Wave International Committee (GWIC) since 2008.
Referee for the Italian University and Research Ministry in the “Futuro in Ricerca 2013” programme.
Senior Researcher (Primo Tecnologo) at the INFN-Perugia
International scientific coordinator of the Einstein Telescope (ET) project, supported by the European
Commission under FP7-Capacities. ET is a design study of a 3rd generation gravitational wave
observatory. The ET design study involved 5 nations (Italy, France, Germany, The Netherlands and
UK) and now involves scientists coming also from Poland, Hungary and Russia.
Chairman of the 2nd ASPERA Technology Forum on Mirror and Lasers in Astroparticle Physics
Infrastructures (Ott.2011), a workshop organized to facilitate the interaction between European laser
and optics industries and Research Institutes involved in astroparticle research.
Consultant of the European Gravitational Observatory for the international relationships; in this role I
organized a joint meeting between EGO and the Japanese Institute for the Cosmic Ray research
(ICRR), supported by the Italian Embassy in Tokyo, and a joint meeting between EGO and IndIGO
(Indian Initiative in Gravitational Wave Observation, Pune, India), supported by the Italian Embassy in
New Delhi.
Guest Editor of a “General Relativity and Gravitation” journal special issue devoted to ET.
Member of the Gravitational Wave International Committee (GWIC) since 2008.
Detector coordinator (until 2008) of the Virgo experiment.
Researcher (Tecnologo) at the INFN-Perugia
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Curriculum Vitae
Replace with First name(s) Surname(s)
Detector coordinator of the international experiment Virgo, managing and steering all the upgrade
activities of the detector. In this role I coordinated the “in situ” activities of the Virgo scientific
collaboration, composed by about 150 physicists and engineers, coming from France, Italy and The
Coordinator of the networking (N5) activities of the ILIAS project, an integration activity supported by
the European Commission under FP6-Capacities.
Promoter of a project named QuCORP, addressed to the direct measurement of the radiation
pressure in optical devices (GW detectors and MEMS), supported by INFN 5th national committee.
Principal applicant and Chairperson of an international Exploratory Workshop supported in 2005 by
the European Science Foundation (ESF) and titled “Toward a 3rd generation European Gravitational
Wave Observatory”.
Referee for the Vigoni programme for the exchange programme between Italian and German
Referee for the American Project eLIGO
Referee for the NSF for the LIGO R&D projects.
Representative for INFN-Perugia in the National Computation and Networking committee.
Consultant of the company SESO (Société Européenne de Systèmes Optiques) in a Technology
Transfer activity
Consultant of the company SILO (Società Italiana Lavorazioni Ottiche) in a Technology Transfer
Business or sector GW research
Researcher (temporary position) at the INFN-Perugia
Responsible of the design and assembling of the Virgo optics suspension system.
Business or sector GW research
PhD at the Perugia University
Research activity at the CERN experiments UA2, NA31 and NA48. Design of mechanical, electronic
and software components.
Business or sector High Energy Particle Physics
PhD in Physics
“Study of a rare decay of the Meson Ks: Ks2”
▪ Data Analysis, Simulation, Fortran, C programming
Degree (“Laurea”) in Physics (110/110 e lode)
“Development of a detector for a future High Energy particle accelerator”
▪ Data Analysis, Simulation, Fortran, C programming
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
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Curriculum Vitae
Communication skills
Organisational / managerial skills
Job-related skills
Computer skills
Michele Punturo
Good communication skill acquired in my role of coordinator (of several projects) and thanks to the
many conference presentations performed
Excellent coordination and management skill, developed in all my career.
▪ leadership (I had the duty to manage teams of ten or hundred elements)
Capability to solve problems and negotiate solutions. Modeling.
Computer programming (C, Fortran, Matlab, HTML)
▪ Author of 197 publications in scientific journals and of contributions in two books.
Currently advanced Virgo and the Einstein Telescope
About 30 presentations at national and international conferences and workshops (13 in the last two
Member of the Gravitational Wave International Committee (GWIC)
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Pier Andrea Mandò, nato a Firenze, 20 /08/1950 - laureato
in Fisica con lode presso l'Università di Firenze, nel luglio 1973,
con una tesi di fisica nucleare sperimentale svolta presso la
Technische Universitaet di Monaco grazie alla vincita di una
borsa di studio Della Riccia.
Nel 1978 assistente di ruolo presso la Facoltà di Scienze Mat.
Fis. Nat. dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze.
Nel 1984 professore associato di Fisica generale.
Dal 2000 professore di prima fascia di Fisica generale (B01/A)
- optando successivamente per il raggruppamento di Fisica
Applicata (FIS/07) - sempre all'Università di Firenze.
Dal giugno 2008 è direttore della Sezione di Firenze
dell'Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, incarico rinnovatogli
nel giugno 2011 per ulteriori quattro anni.
Attività didattica.
E' stato titolare di corsi di base e specialistici e corsi di
laboratorio per le lauree in Matematica, Scienze Biologiche,
Fisica, e Tecnologia per la conservazione e il restauro dei beni
Docente in numerosi Master universitari italiani e Scuole
Internazionali di Fisica.
E' stato relatore di numerose decine di tesi di laurea in Fisica e
in Scienza per i Beni Culturali, e tutor di una decina di tesi di
Attività scientifica.
L'attività scientifica, sempre di tipo sperimentale, è stata
inizialmente, dopo la laurea, rivolta a tematiche di fisica
nucleare fondamentale (spettroscopia nelle regioni delle shell
f7/2 e g9/2). In seguito ha progressivamente dedicato la sua
attività di ricerca allo sviluppo di applicazioni di tecniche
nucleari in vari settori, principalmente quello degli studi
sull’inquinamento ambientale e quello dei beni culturali. In
questi campi, ha costituito un gruppo di ricerca che, a partire
dalla metà degli anni Ottanta, si è affermato come un punto di
riferimento a livello internazionale nei due settori citati. Questa
attività ventennale è infine sfociata nella costituzione formale a
Firenze, all'inizio degli anni 2000, di un laboratorio dedicato
dell’INFN - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (LABEC,
Laboratorio di tecniche nucleari per i beni culturali), con
l'acquisizione di un acceleratore di particelle di tipo Tandem
nella nuova sede del Polo Scientifico di Sesto Fiorentino. Per le
applicazioni ai Beni Culturali, col nuovo Tandem del LABEC si è
potuta iniziare anche un'attività di datazioni col metodo del
radiocarbonio utilizzando la tecnica della spettroscopia di
massa con acceleratore, oltre a potenziare le analisi non
invasive di composizione sui materiali di opere d'arte o di
interesse archeologico utilizzando le tecniche di analisi con
fasci ionici che già in precedenza erano state sviluppate dal
gruppo con metodologie originali (fasci estratti dal vuoto, setup di rivelazione ad alta efficienza, microfasci ionici a
scansione) utilizzando un acceleratore Van de Graaff singleended nella vecchia sede del Dipartimento di Fisica ad Arcetri.
Nell'ambito di tutte queste attività, nel corso degli anni sono
stati ottenuti un gran numero di risultati sia di sviluppi
metodologici che nel merito delle applicazioni, che hanno
avuto vasta eco scientifica e mediatica.
Nell'ambito delle attività del LABEC, Mandò ha contribuito
anche a quelle relative all'analisi del particolato atmosferico,
sia per la misura dei livelli di inquinamento e l'identificazione
delle sorgenti che lo producono, sia per contribuire alla
comprensione dei cambiamenti climatici globali.
Nel corso della sua carriera, al di là delle tante applicazioni
specifiche a casi di studio, l'interesse di Mandò è stato
costantemente rivolto soprattutto allo sviluppo di metodologie
e strumentazioni innovative per rispondere a problemi sempre
più complessi che vengono posti dal mondo “esterno” alla
Per questi sviluppi ha ottenuto un ampio riconoscimento nella
comunità internazionale, culminato nel conferimento (2009)
del premio IBA Europhysics che la Società Europea di Fisica
assegna biennalmente allo scienziato che si è maggiormente
distinto nel campo della Fisica Nucleare Applicata. Il premio è
stato motivato come segue:
"for outstanding and seminal contributions to the application of
the Ion Beam Analysis techniques in the field of Cultural
Heritage studies, favouring the birth of a new interdisciplinary
research area that brings together scientific and humanistic
E' autore di circa centoventi pubblicazioni su riviste
internazionali soggette a referee e di numerosi altri lavori a
E' stato relatore su invito in talk plenari a una ventina di
congressi internazionali.
E' stato invitato a tenere un gran numero di
conferenze in Italia e all’estero, sia a carattere
che divulgativo, presso Istituzioni pubbliche e
private, su argomenti relativi alle applicazioni
fisiche, in particolare allo studio dei beni culturali.
seminari e
di tecniche
Attività scientifica organizzativo-gestionale
E’ stato responsabile di numerosi progetti nazionali sia
ministeriali (ex-40% e PRIN), che INFN, che finanziati dalla
regione Toscana.
E' stato membro della V Commissione scientifica nazionale
dell'INFN (Ricerche Tecnologiche e Interdisciplinari), dal 1988
al 1994, e nuovamente dal 2000 al 2005.
E' componente (designato dalla Conferenza Stato-Regioni) nel
Comitato di Gestione dell'Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Istituto
autonomo del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali,
(Segretariato generale) la cui attività operativa e di ricerca si
esplica nel campo del restauro delle opere d'arte.
Nel 2009-2010 è stato membro del Panel Generale di
Valutazione del CNR, in particolare, responsabile della
valutazione delle attività di Scienze per il Patrimonio Culturale.
E’ stato referee di progetti internazionali, europei e nordamericani.
E' stato ed è membro di Comitati Internazionali fra i quali il
Comitato Scientifico dell'Acceleratore AGLAE dei Laboratoire de
Recherche des Musées de France al Louvre, il Programme
Advisory Committee del progetto LIBRA, finanziato dalla
Comunità Europea ai laboratori Demokritos di Atene, dei
comitati permanenti delle conferenze internazionali European
Conference on Applications of Accelerators in Research and
Technology e International Conference on Particle Induced X
ray Emission and its analytical applications.
E’ stato chairman della 9th European Conference on
Applications of Accelerators in Research and Technology
(Firenze settembre 2007), co-chairman della 11th International
Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectroscopy (Roma
settembre 2008), co-chairman della International Nuclear
Physics Conference (INPC13) (Firenze giugno 2013).
E’ managing editor della rivista EPJ+ (European Physics
Journal Plus) edita da Springer Verlag.
Rappresenta l'INFN in alcuni Comitati Scientifici tra i quali
quello di CoIRICH, Consortium of Italian Research
Infrastructure for Cultural Heritage.
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