Il tempo progressivo
Il tempo progressivo (Parliamo italiano p. 224-5) Presente: sto leggendo stai leggendo sta leggendo stiamo leggendo state leggendo stanno leggendo Imperfetto: stavo leggendo stavi leggendo stava leggendo stavamo leggendo statvate leggendo stavano leggendo Sto leggendo = I am reading. The action is IN PROGRESS. Example: A friend phones you and says “What are you doing?” You reply “I am reading.” --“Cosa fai?” or “Cosa stai facendo?” = What are you doing? --“Sto leggendo.” = I am reading. Stavo leggendo = I was reading. The action WAS IN PROGRESS. Example: Last night your friend phoned at 10pm but you didn’t answer because you were reading. Today he says to you “What were you doing last night at 10:00? You reply “I was reading.” --“Cosa facevi ieri sera alle 10.00?” or “Cosa stavi facendo ieri sera alle 10.00?” = What were you doing last night at 10:00? --“Stavo leggendo.” – I was reading. F.A.Q. Q: Does the progressive tense always correspond to the “-ing” in English? A: No. It corresponds to the “-ing” in English only when the “-ing” refers to an action in progress: I am cooking, they are playing, we were watching a movie. Q: How would I say something like “I’m studying a lot this semester”? A: You would use the present tense: “Studio molto questo semestre”. Q: How would I say something like “I like cooking” or “Cooking is my hobby.”? A: You would use the infinitive of the verb: “Mi piace cucinare” “Cucinare è il mio hobby”.