Rivers and associated sediments
Rivers and associated sediments Weathering and erosion in mountain source area The hydrologic cycle describes the continuous movement of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth. The water moves from one reservoir to another, such as from river to ocean, or from the ocean to the atmosphere, by the physical processes of evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, runoff, and subsurface flow. In so doing, the water goes through different phases: liquid, solid, and gas. Rivers are a branch of the hydrologic cycle. Transport downstream via river systems Ultimate deposition of sediment in coastal marine environment ghiaia/conglomerato > 2 mm Silt/siltite tra 0.0625 mm e 0.0039 mm (1/256 mm) Sabbia/arenaria tra 2mm e 0.0625 mm (1/16 mm) Argilla/argillite <0.0039 mm Basics. In fluid mechanics, the Reynolds number Re is a dimensionless number that gives a measure of the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces Re = 2pVL / µ p is the density of the fluid (kg/m³) V is the mean velocity of the fluid (SI units: m/s) L is a characteristic linear dimension (hydraulic diameter of river systems) (m) μ is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid (Pa·s or N·s/m² or kg/(m·s)) Turbulent water flow occurs at high Reynolds numbers (>2000): high V / low μ tends to produce chaotic eddies, vortices and other flow instabilities. Laminar water flow occurs at low Reynolds numbers (<500): low V / high μ tends to produce smooth, constant fluid motion. Particles of any size may be moved in a fluid by one of three mechanisms. Rolling: the clasts move by rolling along at the bottom of the water flow without losing contact with the bed surface. Saltation: the particles move in a series of jumps, periodically leaving the bed surface, and carried short distances within the body of the fluid before returning to the bed again. Suspension: turbulence within the flow produces sufficient upward motion to keep particles in the moving fluid more-or-less continually. At very low water current velocities (very low Re) only fine particles (fine silt and clay) are kept in suspension. No rolling/saltation of sand particles. At low water current velocities (low Re) fine particles (fine silt and clay) and low density particles are kept in suspension while sand-size particles move by rolling and some saltation. At higher flow rates (high Re) all silt and some sand may be kept in suspension with granules and fine pebbles saltating and coarser material rolling. What causes saltation of grains? The Bernoulli effect. Fig.4.3 The Bernoulli effect The Bernoulli effect: reduction in pressure = lift force Deposition and grading: the Stokes Law The Hjulstrom diagram shows the relationship between the velocity of a water flow and the transport of loose grains.The cohesive properties of clay particles mean that fine-grained sediments require relatively high velocities to re-erode them once they are deposited, especially once they are compacted. Arno alluvione Po piena Po magra Depositional environments: 1) Alluvial fans; 2) Braided Rivers; 3) Meandering Rivers; 4) Deltas; 5) (Turbidites) 1 2 3 4 5 Alluvial fans are characterized by turbulent (high Re) sheetfloods occurring during heavy rainstorms Sheetflood deposits consist of alternations of gravel and sand layers. Alluvial fans are characterized by high density, laminar (low Re) debris flows Debris flow deposits are a poorly sorted admixtures of all grain sizes Bedload (braided) rivers Mid-channel bars in braided systems are typically characterized by downstream accretion, where the bar migrates by adding new material to the downstream end (the upstream end erodes) Camping near braided rivers is not recommended Bedload (braided) river deposits Meandering rivers Yukon River, Alaska Val Gardena Sandstone (Upper Permian, Italy) Meandering rives * *The thalweg is the line of fastest flow in a river. Meandering rives Meandering river dynamics Meandering river dynamics Oxbow lake Meandering rive deposits Point bar sediments Laminated sand gravel Delta Environments Nile Delta Mississippi Delta Delta Delta Differences in the grain size of the sediment supplied affect the form of a delta: (a) a high proportion of suspended load results in a relatively small mouth bar deposited from bedload and extensive delta-front and prodelta deposits; (b) a higher proportion of bedload results in a delta with a higher proportion of mouth bar gravels and sands. Fundamental sedimentological unit of a delta is the distributary mouth bar, formed where sediment is rapidly deposited after rivers enters basin Delta front: Progradation of relatively steep delta front (1-10°) produces a type of bed geometry called a clinoform Topset Foreset Bottomset Delta front foresets Delta Plain Delta Front P Prodelta Delta Front Delta front sediments occur as coarsening-upward succession over prodelta. Prodelta (sub-wave base) generally resembles fine-grained offshore facies. Slumps may occur due to steeper prodelta slopes and rapid sedimentation rate Wave-Dominated Coasts In open water, waves are purely an oscillatory motion Where water depth < 0.5 wavelength, water interacts with bed (=wave base) Typical ocean waves have λ = 10-30 m: fairweather wave base (FWWB) is about 5-15 m depth Large storm waves can have λ < 400 m: storm wave base (SWB) is anywhere between 30-125+ m depth Beach sediments: Low angle stratification Not storm-dominated: Wave ripples Beach sediment: Low angle (<5°), seaward-dipping upper plane bed stratification, usually well-sorted mature sand Wave ripples Form in oscillatory water motion created by fairweather waves Symmetrical profile, often sharp crest with “tuningfork” bifurcations Tidal Flat Environments Tides are a complex product of gravitational attraction (from the moon and the sun) and Earth’s rotation. Lunar'dalbulge rotatesaroundEarthwitha periodof24hours50minutes Tidal range is highly variable, depends more local coastline amplification and development of standing waves (seiches) Tidal range governs speed of tidal currents during flood (rising) and ebb (falling) flows Bidirectional paleocurrent indicators (especially cross-stratification) are diagnostic of tidal deposition Herringbone crossstratification Floodcurrent:'degoingin Ebbcurrent:'degoingout Turbidity flows In deeper water the mouth bar is restricted to an area close to the river mouth and much of the sediment is deposited by mass-flow processes in deeper water. Hypopycnal plume Hyperpycnal plume Density < seawater Density > seawater Relatively continuous Episodic, lasts hours-days Deposition from suspension (=hemipelagic sedimentation) Deposition from suspension, modified by traction Bouma “Ta” division Massive normally-graded sandstone reflecting unhindered settling of particles from waning Newtonian and turbulent flow Technically, should always exhibit normal grading (flow should be Newtonian, not plastic) Parallel laminated sand Tb, rippled sand Tc, faintly laminated silt Td, and mudstone Te divisions reflect deposition from waning flow Bouma Te division partly consists of hemipelagic (nonturbidite) mudstone E D C B Due to the Newtonian flow rheology, turbidites are typically very laterally extensive, thin beds (typically 5-20 cm) Turbidity flows can transfer continental sediments from the continental shelf through canyons to the abyssal plain Majorfeaturesoftheoceanfloor: 1) Con'nentalShelf–Shallow(lessthan~100m)andrela'velyflatregionoverlyingcon'nentalcrust. 2) Con'nentalSlope—Transi'onregionbetweencon'nentalandoceaniccrust. 3) Con'nentalRise—ThickprismofsedimentdepositedatbaseofCon'nentalSlope. 4) AbyssalPlain—Broadflatplaincoveredwithsediment,overlyingruggedoceanfloor. 5) Mid-oceanRidge—Longcon'nuousridgesrising2-3kmabovethesurroundingseafloorextendingthroughoutall majoroceanbasins. 6) Deep-seaTrenches—Deep(asmuchas11km)trenchesformedbysubduc'onofoceaniccrust. Il dissesto idrogeologico (frane e alluvioni) è un problema estremamente diffuso sul territorio nazionale. Negli ultimi quaranta anni si sono verificati molti eventi di dissesto idrogeologico che hanno avuto effetti catastrofici. Tra i principali si ricordano quelli di Firenze (1966), Genova (1970), Ancona (1982), Val di Fiemme (1985), Valtellina (1987), Piemonte (1994), Versilia (1996), Sarno (1998), Soverato (2000), Nord-Ovest dell’Italia (2000), Valbruna (2003), Varenna, Nocera Inferiore (2005), Cassano delle Murge (2005), Ischia (2006), Vibo Valentia (2006), Messina (2009), Laces (2010). La crescente incidenza degli eventi catastrofici corrisponde ad un progressivo aumento del rischio idrogeologico legato all’aumento del territorio antropizzato spesso in aree instabili che ha interessato il territorio nazionale a partire dal dopoguerra. Densità di fenomeni franosi: numero di eventi rilevati in rapporto alla superficie territoriale. A scala nazionale si registrano 1,56 frane per kmq. Superano di molto questo valore la Lombardia (5,5 frane/kmq), il Molise (5,1 frane/kmq), le Marche (4,4 frane/kmq) e l’Umbria (4,1 frane/kmq). FLOODS The number of flood disasters by country from 1974 to 2003 • Distinguish broadly between two kinds of floods: Large scale river floods, and Flash floods • Large scale river floods: – Occur in large river basins from large scale heavy rain (Orange, Vaal, Limpopo, Zambezi Rivers) – Long response time (6 hours to many days) between heavy rain and flooding – Complex hydrologic models calculating river levels as the flood moves down the river over the next few days • Flash floods: – Occur in small river basins (50 – 200 square km) – Quick response (<6 hours) between heavy rain and flooding – Traditional hydrologic models ineffective due to small lead time Flood mechanisms • Hydrometerological floods - snowmelt runoff - storm rainfall - rain-on-snow - ice jams • Natural dam failures - earth dams (e.g landslides) - ice dams (e.g jökhalaups) 100 Vancouver I.A. 90 80 Storm rainfall: precipitation and river response (October, 2003) 70 60 50 Series1 40 30 20 ? 10 0 1 14 152 Q 3 16 174 185 196 207 218 229 Coquitlam R. at mouth Understanding hydrological responses Discharge m3/s Peak discharge Rate of recession Lag time Discharge m3/s Question: what determines the flood response (lag time, peak discharge and recession rate) to a precipitation event? Rate of recession Lag time Discharge Stream order and flood response Discharge Discharge Regional climate and flood response Discharge Discharge Discharge Geological substrate and flood response Basin geometry and flood response circular Discharge Discharge Discharge elongated effect of storm path? Discharge Discharge Discharge Land use and flood response Summary: Stream order Regional climate Geological substrate Basin geometry Land use Determine the flood response (lag time, peak discharge and recession rate) to a precipitation event.