
Dear Ron and Christine , it is with deep emotion and great warm

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Dear Ron and Christine , it is with deep emotion and great warm
Distretto 2100
Anno di fondazione 1924
“esempio e azione per fare opinione”
Dear Ron and Christine ,
it is with deep emotion and great warm friendship that the Rotary Club of Naples ,
through me , would like to welcome back to Naples. your presence moves us and we
would like to be able to express to you all the joy for your return and all the
excitement that accompanies the memory of the ugly adventure you lived in our
city. Naples is known worldwide for the songs , the joy of life, the beauty of the land
, sincere hospitality and friendship that the Neapolitans express to all foreigners
who come to visit them. Plays through to you is touched , unfortunately, to be the
witnesses of another violent Naples , bad and evil that we do not want to accept
even in our thoughts. Forgive and continue to love each other as if you want us
there . The next Tuesday, April 8 , the day of our club meetings, we will raise our
glasses for a toast to you and your Birkenhead Rotary Club of health, friendship
and peace .
A big hug
Napoli lì 7 aprile 2014
Anno 2013/14
Raffaele Pallotta di Acquapendente
R .I. Senior Leader
Piazza Leonardo 21/b
80129 Napoli – Italy
[email protected]
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