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 ALESSANDRO MASSIMO GIANNI, M.D. PERSONAL DATA Birthplace Citizenship Home Address Business Address Telephone Castelvetro (Modena), Italy, December 12, 1943 Italian Via L. Muratori 29, 20135 Milano, Italy Medical Oncology 2, Fondazione Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Via Venezian 1, 20133 Milano, Italy Home +39-­‐02-­‐5501-­‐3182 Business +39-­‐02-­‐2390-­‐2532 Fax +39-­‐02-­‐99985601 [email protected] e-­‐mail EDUCATION 1962 Graduated, Liceo Classico Alessandro Manzoni, Milan 1968 Medical Doctor, Magna cum laude, University of Milan TRAINING 1968-­‐1971 Residency in Internal Medicine, Institute of Internal Medicine I, University of Milan 1971-­‐1972 Residency in Internal Medicine, Istitute of Clinical Semeiotics, University of Milan 1971-­‐1973 Fellow of the Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, Institute of General Pathology, University of Milan 1972 Specialization in Internal Medicine, Magna cum laude, University of Milan 1973-­‐1974 NATO-­‐CNR Fellow, Institute of Molecular Virology (Director: Dr. M. Green), St.Louis University School of Medicine 1983 Residency (one month), Bone Marrow Translplantation Unit (Dr. U.Schaefer), University of Essen (West Germany) 1983 Residency (two months), Bone Marroiw Transplantation Unit (Dr. D. Thomas), Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, Wa USA APPOINTMENTS 1970-­‐1978 Assistant Professor, Institute of General Pathology, University of Milan 1973 Teaching Professor (Professore Incaricato), Institute of General Pathology, University of Milan 1974-­‐1976 Research Associate, Center for Cancer Research, Massachussetts Institute of Technology 1978-­‐1983 Assistant Professor, Institute of Internal Medicine, University of Milan 1983-­‐ 1992 Associate Professor in Clinical Therapeutics, University of Milan 1983-­‐ Director, Bone Marrow Transplant Unit, Milan Cancer Institute 1992-­‐ 1992-­‐ Associate Professor in Medical Oncology, University of Milan Director, Division of Medical Oncology C and BMT Unit, Milan Cancer Institute 1994-­‐ Teaching Professor, Research Doctorate in Experimental Hematology, University of Milan 1996-­‐1998 Interim Director, Division of Medical Oncology A, Milan Cancer Institute 1998 Full Professor, Chair of Medical Oncology, University of Turin 1998-­‐present Director, Division of Medical Oncology C (II° Level Operative Unit), Department of Medical Oncology, Milan Cancer Institute 1998-­‐present Director, Chair of Medical Oncology, University of Milan 2004-­‐2007 Director, Leukemia and Lymphoma Department, Milan Cancer Institute 2007 Science Vice-­‐Director for Clinical Science, Milan Cancer Institute (Fondazione Istituto Nazionale Tumori) 2008 Member of the Council of Scientific Direction, Milan Cancer Institue (Fondazione Istituto Nazionale Tumori) 2008-­‐2010 Director, School of Specialization in Medical Oncology, University of Milan 2010-­‐2013 Director, School of Specialization in Medical Oncology, University of Milan PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES 1990 European Group for Bone Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) 1990 American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 1990 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 1991 Italian Society of Experimental Hematology (SIES) 1996 Italian Society of Hematology (SIE) 1996 European Haematology Association (EHA) 1996 International Society of Hematotherapy & Graft Engineering (ISHAGE) OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 1989 Member, Italian Goup for Bone Marrow Transplantation (GITMO) 1988 Member, Italian Society of Immunopharmacology (ISIPHAR) 1989 Member, Management Group of the Human Haemopoietic Stem Cell Project of the European Community 1990 Member, Scientific Committee of the Bone Marrow Donor Association of Italy (ADMO, Regione Lombardia) 1994 Reviewer of Grant Proposals to the Dutch Cancer Society 1994 Member, Scientific-­‐Ethical Committee of the Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan 1994 Core Member, European Task Force on Lymphoma (ETFL) 1995 Member, Regional Committee for Bone Marrow Transplantation Evaluation and Reorganization 1995 Member of the ASCO International Task Force (ASCO International Affairs Committee) 1995 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1999 2000 2000 2001 2003 2004 2005 2008-­‐2011 2012-­‐2014 Member of the Visiting Party for the Site Visit to review the clinical work of CRC Units (CRC Department of Medical Oncology, Beatson Laboratories, University of Glasgow) Reviewer for International Cancer Technology Transfer Fellowships (ICRETT) (Union Internationale Contre le Cancer (UICC) Member of the Comitato Promotore per la realizzazione del Consorzio “Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica” (CNAO) Member of the Expert Committee for Oncology, Regione Autonoma Friuli-­‐Venezia Giulia Regional Vice-­‐President Elect of the International Society for Hematotherpay & Graft Engineering (ISHAGE) Faculty Member, Specialization Course in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Senology, University of Siena Member of the Bone Marrow Transplantation/Cytokines Subcommittee of the 1997-­‐1998 ASCO Program Committee Member of the Board of Directors and of the Board of Trustees of the Fondazione Medico Scientifica Mirasole Internal Member of the Ethical Committee of the Istituto Nazionale Tumori of Milan Member of the Ethical Committee for Animal Experimentation at the Istituto Nazionale Tumori of Milan Member of the Committee for Somatic Gene Therapy of Cancer at the Istituto Nazionale Tumori of Milan Member of the Scientific Board Associazione Italiana per la Lotta al Neuroblastoma Member of the Bone Marrow Transplantation/Cytokines Subcommittee of the 1998-­‐1999 ASCO Program Committee Member of the Board of Directors of the 'Associazione Marco Semenza' for cancer research Member of the Board of Directors of the 'Fondazione Michelangelo' for cancer research Member of the Technological/Scientific Committee for the Monitoring of Bone Marrow Transplantation Procedures, Lombardy Region Member of the Technological/Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Piemontese per la Ricerca sul Cancro – ONLUS (IRCC, Candiolo, Torino) Expert for the Consiglio Superiore di Sanità, Ministero della Salute dela Repubblica Italiana Faculty Member of the Myelomas and lymphoproliferative diseases Section, “Faculty of 1000 Medicine” Member of the reviewer committee of the “Alleanza Contro il Cancro” (ACC) Member of the Technological/Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Piemontese per la Ricerca sul Cancro – ONLUS (IRCC, Candiolo, Torino) Member of the IRCC Scientific Committee of the Fondazione Piemontese per la Ricerca sul Cancro – ONLUS (Candiolo, Torino) 2012-­‐2015 2013-­‐2015 Editorial: 1989 1992 1992 1993 1994 1996 1996 1996 2004 GRANTS 1976 1979 1982 1983 1985 1992 1992 1992 2003 Coordinator of the Corso di Dottorato di Ricerca in Biotecnologie Applicate alle Scienze Clinche e Sperimentali, Università degli Studi di Milano Member of the Scientific Committee of the Bioindustry Park “Silvano Fumero”, Colleretto Giacosa, Torino Haematologica (Advisory Board) Annals of Hematology (Advisory Board) Bio-­‐Reguladores (Editorial Board) Oncology & Haematology Journal of Cytokines and Molecular Therapy (Editorial Board) The Oncologist (Editorial Board) International Union Against Cancer (Fellowship Reviewer) Annals of Oncology 7 (suppl 2), 1996 -­‐ Guest Editor of the European School of Oncology Task Force Programme -­‐ Workshop on Peripheral Blood Progenitor Cells F1000 Medicine (Faculty Member, Myeloma and Lymphoproliferative diseases Section) Principal investigator, Fondazione Anna Villa Rusconi Principal Investigator, Research Unit "Control of gene expression in human tumors”, Consiglio Nazionale Tumori (CNR) Principal Investigator, Research Unit "Oncogenes and Familial Predisposition to Cancer", Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) Principal Investigator, Research Unit "Bone Marrow Transplantation in Human Neoplasia", Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche (CNR) Principal Investigator, Research Unit "Purification of Human Bone, Marrow Cell Subpopulations with Diagnostic and Therapeutic Intents in Oncology" Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione, Italy Principal Investigator, Research Unit on “Therapy of Non-­‐
Hordgkin’s Lymphoma”, Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche (CNR) National Scientific Coordinator and Principal Investigator Research program of national interest on “Human Hematopoietic Stem Cell”, Ministry of University, and Scientific and Technological Research (MURST) Principal Investigator, Finalized Research Project on “Identification and functional characterization of tumor-­‐specific antigens for immunotherapeutic use”, Ministry of Health Principal Investigator, Project: “Immunization of patients with Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) with autologous monocyte-­‐derived dendritic cells loaded with apoptotic/necrotic autologous tumor cells exposed to heat shock”, Lymphoma Research Foundation, New York, USA 2005 Principal Investigator, Project : “Attivita' antitumorale di cellule CD34+ e cellule natural killer esprimenti tumor necrosis factor-­‐
related apoptosis-­‐inducing ligand (TRAIL) dopo trasduzione con adenovirus”, MIUR (progetto PRIN) 2005 Principal Investigator, Project: “New Approaches in the Immunotherapy of Human Tumors”, AIRC Regione Lombardia 2006 Principal Investigator, Progetto “Vaccinazione antitumorale di pazienti con tumore mammario o ovarico con cellule dendritiche caricat, e ex vivo con corpi apoptotici/necrotici di cellule tumorali autologhe”, Ministero della Salute (progetto PIO) 2007 Principal Investigator, Progetto: “Il microambiente tumorale come bersaglio terapeutico”, Ministero della Salute (Alleanza Contro il Cancro) 2010 Principal Investigator, Proposal: "Cell therapy with TRAIL-­‐armed, genetically engineered or phenotypically redirected, effectors" Special Program Molecular Clinical Oncology 5 per mille (AIRC, Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro) 2011 Member of the Scientific Board of the Master of Palliation Medicine (State University of Milan, Italy) 2012 Member of the “Commissione Nazionale per la previsione e prevenzione dei grandi rischi”, Ufficio di Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri SCIENTIFIC AWARDS 2006 Prize for “Scientific Excellence in Medicine”, American Italian Cancer Foundation 2007 XV National Prize for “Research against Tumors -­‐ Vittorio Alfieri”, for “Terapia Innovativa dei tumori” 2011 Prize “Pier Camillo Beccaria 2011” for “Innovative therapies against malignant lymphomas” RESEARCH FIELDS 1. Molecular basis of thalassemia 1.1 Molecular defects of ß-­‐thalassemia and HPFH 1.2 Translational regulation of globin chain synthesis 1.3 Molecular diagnosis of thalassemias 1.4 Mechanisms of HbF→HbA switching 1.5 Analysis of hemoglobin synthesis in in vitro erythroid colonies (BFU-­‐E) 2. Retroviral oncogenesis 2.1 Molecular steps in the life-­‐cycle of Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus (MMLV) 2.1 Biological activity (transfection) of reverse-­‐transcribed MMLV nucleic acids 3. High-­‐dose chemotherapy in the treatment of human malignancies 3.1 Clinical protocols for high-­‐dose therapy of human chemosensitive tumors 4. 5. 3.2 Clinical use of peripheral blood progenitor cells following submyeloablative therapy Clinical use of growth factors 4.1 Use of growth factors to reduce hematological toxicity of high-­‐
dose chemotherapy 4.2 Use of growth factors to expand/mobilize hematopoietic progenitor cells Gene transfer into human hematopoietic progenitor cells 5.1 Development of new retroviral vectors for gene therapy of cancer 5.2 Use of hematopoietic progenitor cells as target of gene transfer through retroviral vectors 25 MOST SIGNIFICANT PUBLICATIONS, YEARS 1972-­‐2011 Bregni, M., Magni, M., Siena, S., Di Nicola, M., Bonadonna, G., & Gianni, A. 1992. Human peripheral blood hematopoietic progenitors are optimal targets of retroviral-­‐mediated gene transfer. Blood, 80(6): 1418-­‐1422. Carlo-­‐Stella, C., Lavazza, C., Nicola, M. D., Cleris, L., Longoni, P., Milanesi, M., Magni, M., Morelli, D., Gloghini, A., Carbone, A., & Gianni, A. M. 2006. Antitumor Activity of Human CD34(+) Cells Expressing Membrane-­‐Bound Tumor Necrosis Factor-­‐Related Apoptosis-­‐Inducing Ligand. Hum Gene Ther. Devizzi, L., Guidetti, A., Tarella, C., Magni, M., Matteucci, P., Seregni, E., Chiesa, C., Bombardieri, E., Di Nicola, M., Carlo-­‐Stella, C., & Gianni, A. M. 2008. High-­‐
Dose Yttrium-­‐90-­‐Ibritumomab Tiuxetan With Tandem Stem-­‐Cell Reinfusion: An Outpatient Preparative Regimen for Autologous Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. J Clin Oncol: JCO.2008.2016.8294. Di Nicola, M., Carlo-­‐Stella, C., Magni, M., Milanesi, M., Longoni, P. D., Matteucci, P., Grisanti, S., & Gianni, A. M. 2002. Human bone marrow stromal cells suppress T-­‐lymphocyte proliferation induced by cellular or nonspecific mitogenic stimuli. Blood, 99(10): 3838-­‐3843. Di Nicola, M., Zappasodi, R., Carlo-­‐Stella, C., Mortarini, R., Pupa, S. M., Magni, M., Devizzi, L., Matteucci, P., Baldassari, P., Ravagnani, F., Cabras, A., Anichini, A., & Gianni, A. M. 2009. Vaccination with autologous tumor-­‐loaded dendritic cells induces clinical and immunologic responses in indolent B-­‐
cell lymphoma patients with relapsed and measurable disease: a pilot study. Blood, 113(1): 18-­‐27. Gianni, A. M., Bregni, M., Siena, S., Brambilla, C., Di Nicola, M., Lombardi, F., Gandola, L., Tarella, C., Pileri, A., Ravagnani, F., Valagussa, P., & Bonadonna, G. 1997a. High-­‐dose chemotherapy and autologous bone marrow transplantation compared with MACOP-­‐B in aggressive B-­‐cell lymphoma. N Engl J Med, 336(18): 1290-­‐1297. Gianni, A. M., Bregni, M., Siena, S., Villa, S., Sciorelli, G. A., Ravagnani, F., Pellegris, G., & Bonadonna, G. 1989a. Rapid and complete hemopoietic reconstitution following combined transplantation of autologous blood and bone marrow cells. A changing role for high dose chemo-­‐
radiotherapy? Hematol Oncol, 7(2): 139-­‐148. Gianni, A. M., Dalla Favera, R., Polli, E., Merisio, I., Giglioni, B., Comi, P., & Ottolenghi, S. 1978. Globin RNA sequences in human leukaemic peripheral blood. Nature, 274(5671): 610-­‐612. Gianni, A. M., Giglioni, B., Ottolenghi, S., Comi, P., & Guidotti, G. G. 1972. Globin -­‐
chain synthesis directed by "supernatant" 10S RNA from rabbit reticulocytes. Nat New Biol, 240(101): 183-­‐185. Gianni, A. M., Hutton, J. R., Smotkin, D., & Weinberg, R. A. 1976. Proviral DNA of Moloney leukemia virus: purification and visualization. Science, 191(4227): 569-­‐571. Gianni, A. M., Siena, S., Bregni, M., Di Nicola, M., Orefice, S., Cusumano, F., Salvadori, B., Luini, A., Greco, M., Zucali, R., Rilke, F., Zambetti, M., Valagussa, P., & Bonadonna, G. 1997b. Efficacy, toxicity, and applicability of high-­‐dose sequential chemotherapy as adjuvant treatment in operable breast cancer with 10 or more involved axillary nodes: five-­‐year results. J Clin Oncol, 15(6): 2312-­‐2321. Gianni, A. M., Siena, S., Bregni, M., Lombardi, F., Gandola, L., Valagussa, P., & Bonadonna, G. 1991. Prolonged disease-­‐free survival after high-­‐dose sequential chemo-­‐radiotherapy and haemopoietic autologous transplantation in poor prognosis Hodgkin's disease. Ann Oncol, 2(9): 645-­‐653. Gianni, A. M., Siena, S., Bregni, M., Tarella, C., Stern, A. C., Pileri, A., & Bonadonna, G. 1989b. Granulocyte-­‐macrophage colony-­‐stimulating factor to harvest circulating haemopoietic stem cells for autotransplantation. Lancet, 2(8663): 580-­‐585. Gianni, A. M., Tarella, C., Bregni, M., Siena, S., Lombardi, F., Gandola, L., Caracciolo, D., Stern, A., Bonadonna, G., & Boccadoro, M. 1994. High-­‐dose sequential chemoradiotherapy, a widely applicable regimen, confers survival benefit to patients with high-­‐risk multiple myeloma. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 12(3): 503-­‐509. Gianni, A. M., & Weinberg, R. A. 1975. Partially single-­‐stranded form of free Moloney viral DNA. Nature, 255(5510): 646-­‐648. Giglioni, B., Gianni, A. M., Comi, P., Ottolenghi, S., & Rungger, D. 1973. Translational control of globin synthesis by haemin in Xenopus oocytes. Nat New Biol, 246(152): 99-­‐102. Ladetto, M., De Marco, F., Benedetti, F., Vitolo, U., Patti, C., Rambaldi, A., Pulsoni, A., Musso, M., Liberati, A. M., Olivieri, A., Gallamini, A., Pogliani, E., Scalabrini, D. R., Callea, V., Di Raimondo, F., Pavone, V., Tucci, A., Cortelazzo, S., Levis, A., Boccadoro, M., Majolino, I., Pileri, A., Gianni, A. M., Passera, R., Corradini, P., Tarella, C., Gruppo Italiano Trapianto di Midollo, O., & Intergruppo Italiano, L. 2008. Prospective, multicenter randomized GITMO/IIL trial comparing intensive (R-­‐HDS) versus conventional (CHOP-­‐R) chemoimmunotherapy in high-­‐risk follicular lymphoma at diagnosis: the superior disease control of R-­‐HDS does not translate into an overall survival advantage. Blood, 111(8): 4004-­‐4013. Magni, M., Di Nicola, M., Devizzi, L., Matteucci, P., Lombardi, F., Gandola, L., Ravagnani, F., Giardini, R., Dastoli, G., Tarella, C., Pileri, A., Bonadonna, G., & Gianni, A. M. 2000. Successful in vivo purging of CD34-­‐containing peripheral blood harvests in mantle cell and indolent lymphoma: evidence for a role of both chemotherapy and rituximab infusion. Blood, 96(3): 864-­‐869. Siena, S., Bregni, M., Brando, B., Belli, N., Ravagnani, F., Gandola, L., Stern, A., Lansdorp, P., Bonadonna, G., & Gianni, A. 1991. Flow cytometry for clinical estimation of circulating hematopoietic progenitors for autologous transplantation in cancer patients. Blood, 77(2): 400-­‐409. Siena, S., Bregni, M., Brando, B., Ravagnani, F., Bonadonna, G., & Gianni, A. 1989. Circulation of CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells in the peripheral blood of high-­‐dose cyclophosphamide-­‐treated patients: enhancement by intravenous recombinant human granulocyte-­‐macrophage colony-­‐
stimulating factor. Blood, 74(6): 1905-­‐1914. Tarella, C., Benedetti, G., Caracciolo, D., Castellino, C., Cherasco, C., Bondesan, P., Omede, P., Ruggieri, D., Gianni, A. M., & Pileri, A. 1995. Both early and committed haemopoietic progenitors are more frequent in peripheral blood than in bone marrow during mobilization induced by high-­‐dose chemotherapy + G-­‐CSF. Br J Haematol, 91(3): 535-­‐543. Tarella, C., Passera, R., Magni, M., Benedetti, F., Rossi, A., Gueli, A., Patti, C., Parvis, G., Ciceri, F., Gallamini, A., Cortelazzo, S., Zoli, V., Corradini, P., Carobbio, A., Mul√©, A., Bosa, M., Barbui, A., Di Nicola, M., Sorio, M., Caracciolo, D., Gianni, A. M., & Rambaldi, A. 2011. Risk Factors for the Development of Secondary Malignancy After High-­‐Dose Chemotherapy and Autograft, With or Without Rituximab: A 20-­‐Year Retrospective Follow-­‐Up Study in Patients With Lymphoma. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 29(7): 814-­‐824. Tong, J., Gianni, A. M., Siena, S., Srour, E. F., Bregni, M., & Hoffman, R. 1994a. Primitive hematopoietic progenitor cells are present in peripheral blood autografts. Blood Cells, 20(2-­‐3): 351-­‐362; discussion 362-­‐353. Tong, J., Hoffman, R., Siena, S., Srour, E. F., Bregni, M., & Gianni, A. M. 1994b. Characterization and quantitation of primitive hematopoietic progenitor cells present in peripheral blood autografts. Exp Hematol, 22(10): 1016-­‐
1024. Viviani, S., Zinzani, P. L., Rambaldi, A., Brusamolino, E., Levis, A., Bonfante, V., Vitolo, U., Pulsoni, A., Liberati, A. M., Specchia, G., Valagussa, P., Rossi, A., Zaja, F., Pogliani, E. M., Pregno, P., Gotti, M., Gallamini, A., Scalabrini, D. R., Bonadonna, G., & Gianni, A. M. 2011. ABVD versus BEACOPP for Hodgkin's Lymphoma When High-­‐Dose Salvage Is Planned. New England Journal of Medicine, 365(3): 203-­‐212. April 18th, 2013 
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