
Franca Fraternali Professor in Bioinformaecs and

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Franca Fraternali Professor in Bioinformaecs and
Franca Fraternali
Professor in Bioinforma-cs and Computa-onal Biology
Randall Division of Cellular and Molecular Biophysics King's College London New Hunt’s House, Guy’s Campus, London SE1 1UL
Tel: +44-­‐(0)20-­‐78486843
E-­‐mail:[email protected]
1995 PhD Physical Chemistry University of Naples, Italy and ETH Zurich
since 2013 Professor in Bioinforma-cs and Computa-onal Biology, Randall Division King’s College London
2005:2009 Lecturer in Bioinforma-cs, Randall Division 1999:2005 Permanent staff Scien-st at the MRC Division of Mathema-cal Biology NIMR London
1997:1998 Research Associate at the EMBL Heidelberg, Group of Dr. A. Pastore
1995:1997 European Grant at the University of Strasbourg, Group of Prof. G. Wipff
1993:1995 EMBO Fellowship at the ETH Zurich, Group of Prof. W.F. van Gunsteren Membership of Socie-es and Professional Ac-vi-es
Member of the Interna-onal Society for Computa-onal Biology, Biochemical Society and the
Biophysical Society, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Member of the Execu-ve commieee of the Thomas Young Centre for Simula-ons of Materials.
Academic editor of the journal PLoS ONE, Current Proteomics and Fron-ers in Computa-onal Biology.
Reviewer for the research councils BBSRC, EPSR and MRC.
Reviewer for the journals: PNAS, Nature Communica-ons, Nucleic Acids Research, JACS, Bioinforma-cs, BMC Bioinforma-cs, Proteins, Biochemistry, FEBS, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics and PLoS Computa-onal Biology.
Awards and Fellowships
Industry interchange award BBSRC King's College (FF) and Nestle’ Research Center Lausanne May 2011.
Invited Professor at the ETH Zurich, Department of Physical Chemistry, May-­‐July 2011.
Award for research Fanconi Anemia founda-on Oct. 2011.
Invited Professor at the University of Cagliari, Department of Physics, May-­‐Sept 2008.
Associate professor honorary award to teach Bioinforma-cs at the University of Naples Federico II, 2004-­‐2007.
European Science Founda-on Fellowship within the ini-a-ve`Integrated Approach for Func-onal Genomics', Laboratory of Prof. D. Frenkel, AMOLF, Amsterdam 2003-­‐2004.
EMBO Fellowship, ETH Zurich, 1993-­‐1995.
SELECTED RECENT PUBLICATIONS [1]Pandini A, Fornili A, Fraternali F and Kleinjung J. GSATools: analysis of allosteric communica-on and func-onal local mo-ons using a Structural Alphabet. Bioinforma-cs doi: 10.1093/bioinforma-cs/be326 (2013).
[2] Autore F, Pfuhl M, Quan X, Williams A, Roberts RG, Shanahan CM and Fraternali F. Large-­‐scale modelling of the divergent spectrin repeats in nesprins: giant modular proteins. PloS ONE 8(5) e63633 (2013).
[3] Chakroun N, Fornili A, Prigent S, Kleinjung J, Dreiss CA, Rezaei H and Fraternali F. Decryp-ng prion protein conversion into a beta-­‐rich conformer by molecular dynamics. J. Chem. Theor. Comp. 9(5) 2455–2465 (2013).
[4] Kleinjung J, Scoe WR, Allison JR, van Gunsteren WF, Fraternali F. Implicit Solva-on Parameters Derived from Explicit Water Forces in Large-­‐Scale Molecular Dynamics Simula-ons. J Chem Theory Comput. 2012;8(7):
[5] Kleinjung J, Fraternali F. Urea-­‐Water Solva-on Forces on Prion Structures. J Chem Theory Comput. 8(10):
3977-­‐3984 (2012)
[6] Fornili A, Autore F, Chakroun N, Mar-nez P and Fraternali F. Protein-­‐water interac-ons in MD simula-ons: POPS/POPSCOMP solvent accessibility analysis, solva-on forces and hydra-on sites. Methods Mol Biol 819 375–
392 (2012).
[7] Pandini A, Fornili A, Fraternali F and Kleinjung J. Detec-on of allosteric signal transmission by informa-on-­‐
theore-c analysis of protein dynamics. FASEB Journal 26 868–881 (2012).
[8] Carlin LM, Milewicz H, Fernandes L, Maehews DR, Perani M, Levie J, Keppler MD, Coolen T, Barber PR, Vojnovic B, Suhling K, Fraternali F et al. Targeted siRNA Screen Iden-fies Regulators of Cdc42 Ac-vity at the Natural Killer Cell Immunological Synapse. Sci Signal 4 ra81 (2011).
[9] Fruhwirth GO, Fernandes LP, Weitsman G, Patel G, Kelleher M, Lawler K, Brock A, Poland SP, Maehews DR, K
´eri G, Barber PR, Vojnovic B et al. How Forster resonance energy transfer imaging improves the understanding of protein interac-on networks in cancer biology. Chem Phys Chem 12 442–461 (2011).
[10] McCole RB, Loughran NB, Chahal M, Fernandes LP, Roberts RG, Fraternali F, O’Connell MJ and Oakey RJ. A case-­‐by-­‐case evolu-onary analysis of four imprinted retrogenes. Evolu-on 65 1413–1427 (2011).
[11] Schroder S, Fraternali F, Quan X, Scoe D, Qian F and Pfuhl M. When a module is not a domain: the case of the REJ module and the redefini-on of the architecture of polycys-n-­‐1. Biochem J 435 651–660 (2011).
[12] Autore F, Bergeron JRC, Malim MH, Fraternali F and Huthoff H. Ra-onalisa-on of the differences between APOBEC3G structures from crystallography and NMR studies by molecular dynamics simula-ons. PLoS ONE 5 e11515 (2010).
[13] Autore F, Pagano B, Fornili A, Ritnger K and Fraternali F. In Silico Phosphoryla-on of the Autoinhibited Form of p47(phox): Insights into the Mechanism of Ac-va-on. Biophysical Journal 99(11) 3716–3725 (2010).
[14] Chakroun N, Prigent S, Dreiss CA, Noinville S, Chapuis C, Fraternali F and Rezaei H. The oligomeriza-on proper-es of prion protein are restricted to the H2H3 domain. FASEB J. 24 3222–3231 (2010).
[15] Fernandes LP, Annibale A, Kleinjung J, Coolen ACC and Fraternali F. Protein networks reveal detec-on bias and species consistency when analysed by informa-on theore-c methods. PLoS ONE 5 e12083 (2010).
[16] Merabet A, Houlleberghs H, Maclagan K, Akanho E, Bui TTT, Pagano B, Drake AF, Fraternali F and Nikolova PV. Mutants of the tumour suppressor p53 L1 loop as second-­‐site suppressors for restoring DNA binding to oncogenic p53 muta-ons: structural and biochemical insights. Biochem J 427 225–236 (2010).
[17] Vaz F, Hanenberg H, Schuster B, Barker K, Wiek C, Erven V, Neveling K, Endt D, Kesterton I, Autore F, Fraternali F, Freund M et al. Muta-on of the RAD51C gene in a Fanconi anemia-­‐like disorder. Nat. Genet. 42 406–409 (2010).
[18] Annibale A, Coolen ACC, Fernandes LP, Fraternali F and Kleinjung J. Tailored graph ensembles as proxies or null models for real networks I: tools for quan-fying structure. Journal of Physics A: Math. Theor. 42 485001 (25 pp) (2009).
[19] Huthoff H, Autore F, Gallois-­‐Montbrun S, Fraternali F and Malim MH. RNA dependent oligomeriza-on of APOBEC3G is required for restric-on of HIV-­‐1. PLoS Pathog. 5 e1000330 (2009).
[20] Nicastro G, Masino L, Esposito V, Menon R, Simone AD, Fraternali F and Pastore A. Josephin domain of ataxin-­‐3 contains two dis-nct ubiqui-n-­‐binding sites. Biopolymers 91 1203–1214 (2009).
[21] Coluzza I, De Simone A, Fraternali F and Frenkel D. Mul--­‐scale simula-ons provide suppor-ng evidence for the hypothesis of intramolecular protein transloca-on in GroEL/GroES complexes. PLoS Comput. Biol. 4 e1000006 (2008).
[22] Patel S, George R, Autore F, Fraternali F, Ladbury JE and V NP. Molecular interac-ons of ASPP1 and ASPP2 with the p53 protein family and the apopto-c promoters PUMA and Bax. Nucleic Acids Res. 36 5139–5151 (2008).
[21] Rabello S, Coolen ACC, Perez-­‐Vicente CJ and Fraternali F. A solvable model of the genesis of amino-­‐acid sequences via coupled dynamics of folding and slow gene-c varia-on. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 285004 (50pp) (2008).
[23] Simone AD, Corrie JE, Dale RE, Irving M and Fraternali F. Conforma-on and dynamics of a rhodamine probe aeached at two sites on a protein: implica-ons for molecular structure determina-on in situ. J Am Chem Soc 30 17120–17128 (2008).
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