
Newsletter April 2015 - Italian-South African Chamber of Trade and

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Newsletter April 2015 - Italian-South African Chamber of Trade and
Italian South African
Chamber of Trade
and Industries
Newsletter April 2015
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1-4 Aprile Expoferroviaria, Torino
10-12 Aprile Miart, Milano
14-19 Aprile Salone Internazionale del Mobile, Milano
16-17 Aprile Nuce, Bologna
16-17 Aprile Food-ing, Bologna
17-19 Aprile Cosmofarma, Bologna
24 Apriile-3 Maggio Mostra Internazionale
dell’Artigianato, Firenze
Si e’ svolta il 19 marzo 2015 la consueta assemblea generale annuale dei soci
della Camera di Commercio Italo-Sudafricana presso l’Italian Club di
Johannesburg, a Bedfordview.
Alla presenza del Presidente Antonio Cimato, si e’ riunito l’intero corpo dei
Direttori con la gradita partecipazione del Dott. Paolo Bonissone e del Dott.
Pierguido Sarti in rappresentanza dell’Ambasciata Italiana in Sudafrica.
Il Presidente Cimato, in seguito ad una breve presentazione dei progetti e
delle iniziative future e delle mete raggiunte nell’anno appena conclusosi, ha
provveduto alla presentazione del nuovo consiglio direttivo per il 2015/16,
eletto durante la medesima riunione.
Antonio Cimato (Efficient Engineering) – Presidente
Paolo Cavalieri (Hollard) – Vice Presidente
Roberto Marcer (Simarca)– Tesoriere
Direttori: Maurizio Mariano (BBM Law), Costantino Buccimazza (BPB
Construction), Stefano Vigoriti (Inter Logistics), Luigi Stravino (BLC Plant),
Margaret Giustizieri (Cremalat Cheese), Roberto Bona (FIAT Group
Automobiles South Africa)
Il Presidente ha invitato tutti i soci ad interagire con la Camera di Commercio
Italo-Sudafricana per ogni iniziativa ed opportunità di collaborazione.
[email protected] tel. 0116153906
The Annual General Meeting of the Italian-South African Chamber of
Trade and Industries took place on March 19 at the Italian Club of
Johannesburg, in Bedfordview.
In attendance was the President Mr. Antonio Cimato, the Board of
Directors gathered together with the much appreciated participation of
Dr. Paolo Bonissone and Dr. Pierguido Sarti from the Italian Embassy in
South Africa.
The President gave a brief presentation of future projects and
initiatives and a quick glance over the goals achieved in the last year,
and presented the newly elected Executive Board for 2015/16.
Antonio Cimato (Efficient Engineering) – President
Paolo Cavalieri (Hollard)– Vice President
Roberto Marcer (Simarca) – Treasurer
Directors: Maurizio Mariano (BBM Law), Costantino Buccimazza (BPB
Construction), Stefano Vigoriti (Inter Logistics), Luigi Stravino (BLC
Plant), Margaret Giustizieri (Cremalat Cheese), Roberto Bona (FIAT
Group Automobiles South Africa)
Tony Cimato invites all the members of the Italian South-African
Chamber of Trade and Industries to interact with each other with
regard to every venture and opportunity of cooperation the future will
[email protected] tel. 0116153906
During the week of the 16th to the 22nd of March South Africa was the center
stage of the event “Expo 2015 Milano Open Day”, aimed at promoting EXPO
2015 Milan among the South African public and spread its objectives and
The event was the result of a joint effort from Sandown Tours & Incentives,
which obtained the patronage from EXPO Milan, together with the ItalianSouth African Chamber of Trade and Industries, and the support of the Italian
Embassy in South Africa, the Italian Consulate in Johannesburg, the Italian
Consulate in Cape Town, as well as the ICE office in Johannesburg.
The purpose was to promote EXPO 2015among South Africans, showcase its
themes promoting food, environment and sustainable development.
As explained by Cosimo Brescia, President of Sandown Travel:” I am an Italian
entrepreneur who has been living in South Africa for over 30 years, in
Johannesburg to be precise. Being an Italian abroad, I regard EXPO as an event
of fundamental importance for Italy, as well as a platform from where to show
the excellence of our country. I am sad that South Africa, my adopting country,
won’t join in as exhibitor and, after my recent travel to Milan during which I
wanted to see with my own eyes the exhibition site, I thought I should find a
way to inform and explain to the South African people what EXPO is and why is
it important to join. I have thus begun to work with my contacts, both
institutional and private, and from that emerged the idea of creating an event
totally devoted to EXPO Milano 2015. It has been thought of as a meeting
place between schools, universities and companies in which discuss over the
topics of food security and environmental challenges, and where EXPO 2015
can be adequately promoted, as well as the Italian spirit that generated it.”
The whole week commencing from the 16th until the 22nd of March was
devoted to EXPO 2015 Milan, with an info point set up at the Sandton City
mall. The aim of the info point was to supply detailed information to the
South African public about EXPO, its history, its meaning, its significance,
its evolution over time and its importance in reflecting themes of global
relevance. It also addressed the possibilities of travelling and staying in
Italy to participate in a globally important event taking the opportunity to
discover Italy in a unique experience.
Despite South Africa not being an exhibitor country at EXPO, the interest
shown in the event, the project of presentation and promotion by the
South African public has been extremely positive and encouraging and it
has confirmed the success of this important initiative.
The keynote speaker was Edoardo Alzetta. Ticketing Manager of EXPO
2015 Milano. In his speech he presented the data regarding EXPO Milan:
144 participant countries, more than 50 national pavilions, and 9 clusters
in which pavilions are grouped according to themes and geography, 3
international organizations as official participants, 12 organizations of civil
society with 20 million visitors anticipated. Mr. Alzetta discussed the
significance of this EXPO edition and its themes, the opportunities it
offers in terms of economy, business and tourism both at Italian and
international level.
Riccardo Negrini of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Catholic University of
Milan then spoke to the audience, and his compelling speech highlighted
the focus of the central themes of EXPO 2015: agriculture, food,
sustainable development, environment and technological innovations in
Also well received were the informative talks by Gustavo Pancaldi,
Commercial Director of Alessandro Rosso Group, who are the main
reseller of the EXPO event; that of Francesco Pilli, coordinator of
Sandown Travels Italy; John Friel, Regional Business Development
Manager of the airline Etihad (who are working in a partnership with
Alitalia), are the official airline of EXPO 2015 Milan, and that of Gaetano
Giudice, President of the society Dante Alighieri.
On the morning of the 17th of March the delegation of EXPO 2015 Milan
was received in an official visit at the Italian Consulate of Johannesburg.
Part of the delegation is the magnificent mascot Foody. Foody
represents the community, the diversity and food intended in its widest
sense, the source of life and energy. For this reason the mascot is made
up of 11 elements joined together to form a face, this represents the
ideal synergy between countries that need to work together to address
the nutritional challenges of the new century.
In South Africa Foody visited a few landmarks which are most relevant
to the country, its identity, history and culture. These included the statue
of Nelson Mandela in Mandela Square, a symbol of the fight for freedom
and racial equality that is perhaps the most relevant element in defining
the country’s identity and its civil society; the Cape of Good Hope, which
symbolizes the extreme geographic limit of the country as well as Table
Mountain and Simon’s Town.
All the events and the initiatives realized in South Africa to promote
EXPO 2015 Milan have been possible thanks to the sponsors that have
supported the project: Alitalia and Etihad airlines, Fiat, Ferrero, Sandown
Travels & Incentives.
On the 17th, after the official visit to the Consulate, the delegation of
EXPO 2015 Milan went to the info point at Sandton City for the ribbon
cutting ceremony by Mr. Alzetta. From there they flew to Cape Town,
where on the 18th of March the second big event of promotion of EXPO
2015 Milan was held.
The event in Cape Town was a business breakfast organized at the Clock
Tower Conference Center by the Italian-South African Chamber of Trade
and Industries, in conjunction with Sandown Travels with the
cooperation of the Italian Consulate in Cape Town and with the valued
support of the Consul Mr. Edoardo Vitali. The event was attended by 70
guests, among whom media, institutional representatives and
representatives of the Italian community, such as the Fogolar Furlan
were present. Consul Mr. Vitali was the key note speaker and he
reiterated the importance of EXPO 2015 Milan.
He passed the microphone to Mr. Alzetta, who in his speech once more
outlined the objectives and the results that have been set as goal with
the Milanese edition of EXPO.
The morning was concluded by the speech from Cosimo Brescia, who
thanked all the sponsors and all those who worked to make this project
possible enabling the promotion of EXPO 2015 Milan in South Africa. He
emphasized the importance of taking part in an event whose
importance is not limited to the Italian context but involves the global
context as well.
Il 25 Febbraio 2015 l’evento atteso da tutti coloro che amano il design
italiano, il Made in Italy, l’alta qualita’ e l’arredamento casa ha avuto
luogo a Johanessburg, dove il gruppo Colombini Casa ha inaugurato
ufficialmente il proprio ingresso nel mercato Sudafricano. Il progetto e’
stato sposato dall’impresa Diva Cucine, partner e distributrice in
Sudafrica dei prodotti Colombini Casa, e ha quindi segnato un
importante passo avanti nel rapporto commerciale Italia-Sudafrica.
Colombini Casa, da oltre 50 anni leader del mercato italiano e
internazionale per l’arredo casa, lavora ogni giorno per adeguare il mito
dell’aritigianato e della tradizione italiana allo scorrere del tempo e al
cambiamento dei gusti, senza mai abbandonare i valori da cui e’ nata:
qualita, made in Italy, innovazione.
Colombini Casa e’ infatti la perfetta fusione di gusto estetico, eleganza
italiana, stile made in Italy, qualita’ artigiana, passione per l’avanguardia
e accessibilita’.
Questi valori, che sono l’essenza stessa del marchio Colombini Casa,
hanno accompagnato l’esportazione del design Colombini nel mondo:
dal 2005 negozi Colombini Casa si trovano non solo nelle principali citta’
europee ma anche in Cina, Medio Oriente, America e, dal 25 Febbraio
2015, Sudafrica. L’ingresso nel mercato Sudafricano e’ quindi il risultato
del progetto di espansione di Colombini Casa, che ha trovato in un
mercato in continua crescita come quello sudafricano, nuove
opportunita’ di esportare nel mondo i propri valori e i propri prodotti
per la casa.
L’evento che ha marcato il grand opening di Colombini, tenutosi in435
Jan Smuts Avenue Blairgowrie dove il nuovo negozio e’ stato aperto, e’
iniziato fin dal mattino, con una prima funzione alla quale hanno preso
parte architetti e specialisti di interior design.
La seconda parte dell’evento si e’ tenuta a partire dalle 18 e ha visto
partecipare i rappresentanti di numerose imprese italiane attive in
Sudafrica, nonche’ i rappresentanti dell’ Ambasciata Italiana in
Sudafrica e della Camera di Commercio italo-sudafricana. Momenti
culminanti dell’evento sono stati il discorso di Paolo Bonissone,
Primo Segretario dell’Ambasciata Italiana in Sudafrica e presente
all’evento in sua rappresentanza, il discorso di benvenuto di Laird
Adams e quello di Luca Innocentini e, ovviamente, il ribbon cut che
ha visto in prima linea Craig Adam e Laird Adam (Diva Cucine ) e
Luca Innocentini (Colombini Casa).
Fin dalla fondazione nel 1965 Colombini Casa non si e’ mai arrestata
nel progetto di offrire ad ognuno la propria casa dei sogni, e l’evento
del 25 Febbraio 2015 e’ il messaggio che ora e’ possibile anche in
Sudafrica realizzare il proprio sogno di una casa su misura,
perfettamente adattata ai gusti e alle esigenze di ognuno. E una
casa cosi’ porta il marchio Colombini.
Per maggiorni informazioni su Colombini Casa, contattare
Anthea Adam 0027 82 328 3822 [email protected]
oppure Craig Adam 0027 82 650 0289 [email protected]
On the 25th of February 2015, the much anticipated event for all those
who love Italian design, Made in Italy, high quality and home furniture
took place in Johannesburg. Colombini Casa celebrated its entrance into
the South African market. The project was endorsed by the company, Diva
Cucine, who are partner and distributor in South Africa for the products
from Colombini Casa, and this marks an important step forward in the
commercial relation between Italy and South Africa.
Colombini Casa, leader in the Italian and international market of home
furniture for over 50 years, works constantly to maintain and adapt the
quality of Italian handicraft and tradition to the passing of time and the
changing of tastes, without abandoning the values from which it was
born: quality, made in Italy and innovation. Colombini is indeed the
perfect fusion of aesthetic taste, Italian elegance, style, handicraft quality,
passion for vanguard and accessibility. These values, which are the
essence of the brand Colombini Casa, have accompanied the export of
Colombini’s design around the world. Since 2005 Colombini Casa shops
are not only in the main European cities but also in China, Middle East,
America and now from 25 February 2015 available in South Africa.
The entrance into the South African market is the result of the expansion
project of Colombini Casa that looks for growing markets such as the
South African one. Identifying new opportunities to export around the
world, sharing its values and its home products.
The event which has marked Colombini’s grand opening was held at 435
Jan Smuts Avenue Blairgowrie, where the new showroom has been
opened. The opening started with a function attended by architects and
specialists in interior design.
The second part of the event followed at 6 pm and saw the participation
of many representatives of Italian companies operating in South Africa, as
well as the representatives of the Italian Embassy in South Africa and of
the Italian-South African Chamber of Trade.
Paolo Bonissone, First Secretary of the Italian Embassy in South Africa
and its representative at the event gave a key note speech, followed
by a welcoming speech from Laird Adam and that of Luca Innocentini
and finally, the auspicious ribbon cut, which saw in first line Craig
Adam and Laird Adam (Diva Cucine) and Luca Innocentini (Colombini
Since 1965 Colombini Casa has never abandoned it’s project of
offering to everyone their own dream home, and the event on the
25th of February is the realization that now in South Africa it is also
possible to realize one’s own dream of a home perfectly adapted to
each one’s tastes and needs.
For more info about Colombini Casa, please contact
Anthea Adam 082 328 03822 [email protected]
or Craig Adam 082 650 0289 [email protected]
Contact Person: Bozzi Lorenzo
Tel. +39 3358414092
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