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An inside and hands-on look to a distance musical
performance and education A/V streaming system.
WORKSHOP | 02-04 April 2012
Conservatory Giuseppe Tartini, Trieste (Italy)
LOLA acronymous stands for “LOw LAtency”, e.g a very specific feature of an Audio/Video
communication system where the transmission delay among remote sites is very small
and therefore negligible for the human eye and ear.
Since its origin, the main goal of the LOLA project was thus to create a system which
fulfills this specific requirement, thus building an high quality tool not only for remote
musical education, but, most of all, an actual solution enabling real time distance musical
The LOLA project was conceived in 2005, and after a set of preliminary studies, was
developed between 2008 and 2010. LOLA first public showcase was in November 2010,
with a performance between Trieste and Paris at the Network Performing Arts Production
Workshop, and then in several other venues in Europe and USA. Given its unique
features, it immediately raised a strong interest in many important institutions of the
musical education and production milieu.
The LOLA workshop scheduled at the Tartini Conservatory in Trieste in April 2012 is
intended as an exclusive opportunity for a detailed insight view of the system targeted to
an audience of experts in musical education and performance: the background ideas, the
technical internals, the data network requirements and challenges, the specific artistic and
performing new features, will be illustrated, and hands-on sessions and laboratories will
allow direct experience with the system, including the tailoring to different real-life situation
and geographical locations. Participants will, indeed, be invited to test themselves the
LOLA system, performing in a real environment created for the occasion which will be also
able to reproduce the actual network conditions existing between most locations in Europe
and USA.
An important session of the workshop will also be dedicated to discuss the state of the art
of the musical e-learning and e-performing scenario in Europe and the rest of the world:
the current status and perspectives of Research and Education networks which enables
LOLA to run, but also the financial aspects of e-learning and e-performance investments,
the chances for large scale optimization and coordination actions, including common
projects, and of course the technical vs. artistic interface design and operability will be
hereafter evaluated and discussed.
Monday, April 2nd 2012
14.00 - 15.00
Arrival and registration.
15.00 - 15.30
Welcome to the workshop, introduction
Mario Diego, Presidente del Conservatorio Tartini
Massimo Parovel, Direttore del Conservatorio Tartini
Roberto Cosolini, Sindaco della Città di Trieste
Maria Teresa Bassa Poropat, Presidente della Provincia di Trieste
Elio de Anna, Assessore alla Cultura, Sport, Relazioni Internazionali e Comunitarie - Regione Autonoma Friuli
Venezia Giulia
15.30 – 17.30
LOLA developing Team (Carlo Drioli, Nicola Buso, Claudio Allocchio and Paolo Pachini)
The LOLA system: history, and a detailed insight view; technical, networking and artistic challenges and
Il sistema LOLA: storia ed esame dettagliato; problematiche e soluzioni tecnologiche, di rete e artistiche.
17.30 – 18.00
Sven Ubik (CESNET, Czech Republic)
The MVTP-4k box and LOLA, a collaboration towards hi-end audio-video systems.
I sistemi MVTP-4k box e LOLA, una collaborazione orientata verso sistemi audio-video ad alte prestazioni.
Welcome concert
Audiovisual works by young artists of Tartini’s ‘Music and New Technologies’ Department
Opere audiovisive di giovani artisti della ‘Scuola di Musica e Nuove Tecnologie’ del Conservatorio Tartini
Sala Victor de Sabata del Ridotto del Teatro Verdi - Trieste
Gala dinner - Harris Grill, Piazza Unità d’Italia - Trieste
Tuesday, April 3rd 2012
9.30 – 11.00
LOLA performing demo session I
Teresa Trevisan - Flavio Zaccaria, piano duo: works by J.S. Bach.
Laura Agostinelli - Sebastiano Frattini, violin duo: B. Bartòk duets.
11.00 - 11.30
Coffee break
11.30 – 13.00
LOLA performing test session II
Guest participants (under reservation)
Partecipanti esterni (su prenotazione)
13.00 – 14.00
Buffet Lunch
14.00 – 15.30
LOLA performing test session III
Guest participants (under reservation)
Partecipanti esterni (su prenotazione)
15.30 - 16.30
Round table for reactions and comments (especially by the performers).
Tavola rotonda per reazioni e commenti (specialmente da parte degli esecutori)
17.00 - 19.30
Trip to the Miramare Castle
Visita al Castello di Miramare
Dinner for participants - Ristorante Il Barattolo, Ponterosso - Trieste
Wednesday, April 4th 2012
9.00 – 11.00
Thomas Solak (Royal Danish Academy of Music)
Claudio Allocchio (GARR) (30 min)
Legacy videoconferencing systems on “general internet” connections vs. a highly specialized system on
research and education networks: pros, cons, and different experiences in distance music education.
Sistemi di videoconferenza tradizionali operanti su connessioni Internet generiche vs sistemi altamente
specilizzati operanti sulle deti dell'educazione e della ricerca: pro e contro; differenti esperienze nell'educazione
musicale a distanza.
John Chevers (DANTE) (30 min)
The GÉANT Network: Enabling European Collaboration.
La rete GÉANT : rendere possibile la collaborazione su scala europea.
Jeremy Cox (Association Européenne des Conservatoires) (30 min)
The chance for a general coordination action and large scale optimization in the European music e-learning
and e-performing scenario: the European musical academies perspective.
L’opportunità di un coordinamento generale e di una ottimizzazione su larga scala nello scenario del “elearning” ed “e-performing” europeo: il punto di vista delle accademie musicali europee.
Athina Zampara, European Commission (30 min)
The new challenge for advanced networks: the EU Institutions point of view.
La nuova sfida per le reti avanzate: il punto di vista delle Istituzioni UE.
11.00 - 11.30
Coffee break
11.30 – 13.00
Round table for perspectives discussion and conclusions.
Tavola rotonda per discussione sulle prospettive e conclusioni.
Fly UP