
granata giuseppe - Università degli Studi di Cassino

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granata giuseppe - Università degli Studi di Cassino
Naples ( Italy)
Short CV (updated December 2015)
Graduated in Economics and Ph.D. in Business Management, later he attended a Masters in
Business Management at Business School of Rome. Through his studies in the field of Marketing
and, in particular, marketing and communications, has been started active collaboration with
organizations and companies both nationally and internationally.
He is a chartered accountant and statutory auditor with the district of the Court of Naples, where,
for the same Court, works as a consultant for the Civil Section.
He is a professor of marketing and communications and has been in charge of "Business
Communication” and Relationship Marketing at the University of Cassino in Southern Lazio.
He has been a lecturer for the Interior Ministry, for vocational training to law enforcement on
corporate aimed at combating money laundering and drug trafficking, business administration
confiscated and counterfeiting to protect the corporate brand, in Safety and legality of the PON.
He was professor and coordinator of two master in the field of business management, organized and
financed by the Ministry of University and Scientific Research.
He was coordinator of the monitoring and reporting of funds Por Regional in the Province of Naples
and Salerno.
He was a member of the team of auditors to verify expenditure for the reporting of Por Regional.
He has participated as a speaker at numerous conferences of a scientific nature at regional, national
and international.
He has published several articles in various magazines, on issues of economy of SMEs, marketing,
communication and business planning.
He was director of the Agency for Employment and coordinated actions of different formations
through the use of funds Formatep.
He is the member of the Study and Research of Unimpresa (National Union of Companies).
He is Member of the Scientific Committee of Information and Communication Technologies Faculty of Management Science and Informatics at the University of Žilina in Slovakia.
He is a professor of business communication at the Master ( undergraduate) in Marketing and
Retail Management at University of Cassino and Southern Lazio
He is a professor of business communication at the International Master ( post-graduate) in
Business Management at School of Management – Gustav Eiffel – Paris
He is Coordinator of international department - Unimpresa (National Union of Companies).
He is visiting professor in business management at University of Paris-Est Creteil ( Upec) – Faculty
of Economics.
Naples ( Italy)
Short CV (updated December 2015)
He is visiting professor in International Marketing at University of Zaragoza – Faculty of
Membership of Institutions, Associations, Scientific Committee and Editorial Board
1 .Member of the Scientific Committee of Information and Communication Technologies
Conference - Faculty of Management Science and Informatics at the University of Žilina in
Slovakia. 2013 – 2014
2 .Member of the review committee of Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference 2013 –
2014 University of Žilina in Slovakia.
3 .Member of the review committee of International Conference on Advanced Research in
Scientific Areas 2014 University of Žilina in Slovakia.
4. Member of the review committee of Human And Social Sciences at the Common Conference
2014 University of Economics Katowice.
5. Member of the review Committee – Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science - Springer
6. Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Business and Management - Canadian Center
of Science and Education.
7. Member of the Technical and Scientific Committee of the Magazine "Line Border - Knowledge
economy" Giannini Publisher- Italy.
8. Member of the American Marketing Association - Association of Marketing - USA.
9. Member of the scientific committee of Journal of Management and Marketing Publishing Society
10. Member Editor of Eurasia Business Review –Springer International Publishing
11. Editorial Board Member – Journal of Chinese Business Review – China Business Review –
David Publisher – USA
12. Member of the review Committee – International Journal of Makets and Business Systems Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
13. Editorial Board Member – International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
14. Member of the review Committee – International Journal of Globalization and Small Business Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
15. Member of Scientific Committee of Mediterranean Academy of Malta.
Naples ( Italy)
Short CV (updated December 2015)
- 1993 to 2000 Lecturer of Economics and Advertising at the Faculty of Economics, University of
Cassino, SSD Secs P/08;
- 2000 to 2001 Lecturer of Economics and international trade at the Faculty of Economics,
University of Cassino, SSD Secs P/08;
- 2001 to 2005 Adjunct Professor of Economics and international trade at the Faculty of Economics,
University of Cassino, from school. A. SSD Secs P/08;
- 2005 to 2007 Lecturer of Business Administration at the Faculty of Law of the University of
Naples Parthenope, SSD Secs P/07;
- 2005 to 2011 Adjunct Professor of Economics and advertising at the Faculty of Economics,
University of Cassino, SSD Secs P/08;
- 2010 to 2011 Lecturer for supplementary teaching courses in Economics and Business
Management and Marketing, Faculty of Economics, University of Cassino, SSD Secs P/08.
- 2012 to 2013 Lecture of marketing and communication at Master degree in Marketing and Retail
Management at University of Cassino and Southern Lazio;
- 2011 to 2014 (in progress) Adjunct Professor of Bussiness Communication, Department of
Economics and Law, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, SSD Secs P/08;
- 2014 Lecture of business communication at international Master ( post-graduate) in Business
Management at School of Management – Gustav Eiffel – Paris;
- 2014 Visiting Professor in Business Communication - University of Paris-Est Creteil ( Upec);
2014 to 2015 Adjunct Professor in Communication of Business and Territory Department of
Economics and Law, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, SSD Secs P/08;
2015 Visiting Professor in International Marketing - University of Zaragoza;
2015 to 2016 (in progress) Adjunct Professor in Relationship Marketing - Department of Humane
Arts and Philosopy , University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, SSD Secs P/08
2015 to 2016 (in progress) Adjunct Professor in Communication of Business and Territory
Department of Economics and Law, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, SSD Secs P/08
1.Granata G. – (2015) Business Communication 2.0. Evolving, principles and tools of Business
Communication ( in print) Aracne Publischer – Rome
2.Granata G – Battaglia S. ( 2011) Code for the legality of small and medium-sized enterprises
Naples ( Italy)
Short CV (updated December 2015)
Giannini Publisher - Naples - ISBN 978-88-7431-539-0
3..Granata G, ( 2010) The advertising communication, Giannini Editore – Napoli 2010 – ISBN 97888-7431-489-8
4.Granata G. – Palumbo V. ( 2010) Counterfeiting of products and brands for the protection of the
SMEs - Giannini Publisher - Naples - ISBN 978-88-7431-480-5
Articles and Chapter in book:
5. Granata G, (2015) Enterprise and development: The role of social networks, in International
Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research – Vol. 4 Issue 12 (USA) ISSN 2226-8235
6. Granata G ( 2015) Territorial valence of the network contract: the case Campania. Chapter in
Book AA. VV. Imprese e Territori nel Contratto di Rete. Giannini Publisher - Naples ISBN
7. Granata G. (2015) Business Management and new technologies to improve the services. Chapter
in Book: Tsiakis T. Trends and Innovations in Marketing Information Systems, IGI Global Usa.
ISBN13: 9781466684591 EISBN13: 9781466684607 DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8459-1.
8.Granata G., Moretta Tartaglione A., (2014) Social media for the management of luxury Brand
( abstract proceeding ) 3rd Business systems Laboratory International Symposium – Perugia 2015
ISBN: 9788890824227.
9 Granata G., Moretta Tartaglione A., ( 2014) Enterprise 2.0: General Insight from Literature
Review ( working paper). International Journal of Globalization and Small Business. ISSN online:
1479-3067 - ISSN print: 1479-3059
10. Granata G, (2014) Delocalization as a competitive strategy for small and medium enterprise, in
International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research – Vol. 3 Issue 6 (USA) ISSN
11 Granata G, ( 2013 ) “WEB 2.0 from traditional advertising to new media. Social media network
“ on the 2nd International Conference of Informatics and Management Sciences – Faculty of
Management and Informatics – University of Zilina Slovakia - March 2013 – ISBN 978-80-554012. Granata G ( 2012) I prodotti tipici per lo sviluppo locale. Il caso della Campania - Giannini
Publisher - Naples ISBN 978-88-7431-563-5 ( Capitolo)
13.Granata G ( 2010 ) Strumenti anticontraffazione : alcuni casi pratici, nella rivista Linea di
Confine – Economia della conoscenza - Giannini Publisher - Naples - ISSN 2038-4734 - p. 50 to
Naples ( Italy)
Short CV (updated December 2015)
14.Granata G, ( 2010 ) From local to global networks. The internationalization of production of
textile and clothing district “ on the Eurasia Business and Economy Society ( EBES) Conference
Athens - December 2010 – ISBN 978-605-61069-1-0
15.Granata G. ( 2010) Confidi: espansione rapida, pubblicato sul giornale “ Il Denaro”.
16.Granata G. ( 2009) Confidi: Centri per le opportunità, pubblicato sul giornale “ Il Denaro”.
17.Tartaglia Polcini G. - Granata G. ( 2009) Codice per la legalità delle piccole e medie imprese Giannini Publisher - Naples - ISBN 978-88-7431-444-7
18..Granata G. ( 2009) Crisis, working without borders, pubblicato sul giornale “ Il Denaro”.
19.Granata G. ( 2008) Confidi: The competitiveness of enterprises through training and research.,
pubblicato sul giornale “ Il Denaro”.
20.Scafarto T. – Sansone M. – Granata G. ( 2008) I Centri Commerciali Naturali nella
riqualificazione del sistema città: costituzione, promozione e problematiche Aracne Publisher Rome ISBN 978-88-548-2274-0
21.Tartaglia Polcini A. – Granata G. ( 2008) Modelli di emersione del lavoro sommerso
nell'impresa. Riflessioni a margine di un'esperienza - Robuffo Publisher - Rome ISBN 978-088067-635-2 648-0
References contact:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/giuseppe.granata
Twitter: @granatag
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/granatagiuseppe
Google + : https://plus.google.com/106108449250948134905
Skype: giuseppe.granata22
Slideshare: http://www.slideshare.net/GiuseppeGranata
Website: http://www.docente.unicas.it/giuseppe_granata
Activity: Adjunct professor of business management
Department of Economics and Law
University of Cassino and Southern Lazio
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