
Curriculum Vitae - Anna Costanza Baldry

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Curriculum Vitae - Anna Costanza Baldry
Curriculum Vitae et studiorum
Name and Surname:
Anna Costanza Baldry
Place and date of birth: London (GB) 16/05/ 1970
Department of Psychology
Second University of Naples
Via Vivaldi, 43 81100 Caserta Italy
Telephone number:
++ 39 0823274766
Fax number
++ 39 0823274792
[email protected], [email protected]
1988-89 Diploma Maturità scientifica -(High school degree in scientific science).
1994 Laurea in Psicologia summa cum laude. (Master in Psychology). First class honours degree in
1995 Post graduate course. Psychological Techniques in Criminological Investigation: Faculty of
Medicine: University of Rome "La Sapienza".
1996 Master Degree in Criminology. Institute of Criminology. University of Cambridge. (High pass).
1999 PhD in Social Psychology. University of Roma ‘La Sapienza’.
2000 January. Post-doctoral research in Social Psychology. University of Roma ‘La Sapienza’.
2001 June. PhD in Criminology. Institute of Criminology. University of Cambridge.
2003-2004 Marie Curie Fellowship (Post-graduate fellow). Free University of Amsterdam
Position / work assignments
From 1995 till present psycho-social counsellor for victims of crime and people in need, in Traumatic
events and in cases of bullying, and dealing with victims of human trafficking.
From 1996 expert witness for Courts, women’s shelter for the assessment of child abuse, Post
Traumatic stress disorder in adults.
Since 2000 till present trainer for social workers, psychologists, educators and lawyers on youth
violence, domestic violence, risk assessment, femicide, bullying in school, human trafficking and
victims’ issues in different Italian and EU sites. .
2001-2003 Lecture in Social Psychology and Interview, Questionnaire Techniques, Forensic
Psychology, Victimology, Second University of Naples,
Since 2003 Lecture in Psychology and Law at the Lumsa (Libera Università), Rome.
Since 2004 Training for the Italian police forces (Polizia and Carabinieri) on issues of techniques in
approaching victims, of risk assessment, and consequences of victimisation, especially in the field of
violence against women and interviewing techniques of victims of crime.
2002-2004 Consultant Researcher at the National Research Institute of Statistics, ISTAT, Italy on the
United Nation Violence Against Women Survey
2002-2004 Training in Palestine on gender issue, in particular violence against women, for future
shelters personnel, police. Minister of Interior and of Social Affairs of Palestine.
2003-2005 Researcher, Free University of Amsterdam, Department of Clinical Psychology
Since 2005 Associate professor in Social Psychology, Department of Psychology, Second University of
2006-2010 Senior researcher fellow at the Intervict Institute, Institute for victims of crime, Tilburg
Since 2007 Director of the Antistalking service ASTRA in Rome for the Province of Rome and NGO
Differenza Donna.
Since 2009 Lecture in Victimology, Faculty of Sociology, University of Milan, Cattolica.
2009 UN consultant in Occupied Territories in Palestine. UNIFEM programme on gender based
violence. In charge of training of professionals (social workers, psychologists, legal personnel).
2010 UN consultant in Gaza Strip, Palestine. UNIFEM programme on gender based violence. In
charge of training of professionals (social workers, psychologists, legal personnel).
2010 NATO expert for NMT-A in Afghanistan, training police officers on gender based violence
(domestic violence, sexual violence) and techniques for dealing with victims, child abuse and
integration of women in the military services. (two iteration, April & August).
2010 CEPOL expert for the development of on-line of training programme for EU police on Family
Main training and study experiences
1993 January-July Erasmus Project. Collaboration study with the Department of Social Psychology,
Free University: Amsterdam. Tutor Prof. F.W. Winkel.
1994 May Post-graduate course on: Victims, victim assistance and Victimology: Psychological and
legal aspects. World Society on Victimology, Amsterdam.
1994/95 September - March Internship held at the Faculty of Psychology, Rome, under the supervision
of Prof. De Leo (Chair of Criminology and Juridical Psychology). The internship consisted on
developing a research project and also teaching and holding a seminar (in the field of Victimology)
1995 March - September Internship in a day Centre Service for juvenile delinquents convicted
released on probation. Supervisor Prof. G. De Leo.
1995 October Study period at the Free University of Amsterdam, Department of Social Psychology.
1996 May Study-period at the Free University of Amsterdam, Department of Social Psychology.
Supervisor Prof. F. W. Winkel.
1996 September Official exam and recognition to practice as a psychologist.
1997 June Visiting scholar at the Goldsmith University, seminar presented: ‘Prevalence and
characteristics o f bullies, victims and bully/victims among Italian adolescents’. Goldsmith University,
1997 July Summer School in methodology of research: ’Structural Equation Modelling’. University of
1998 July Training course on penal mediation held by Prof. Mark Umbreit.
2000 May . Visiting researcher at the University of South Australia, Adelaide.
2000 November. Visiting researcher at the Free University of Amsterdam. Prof. Frans Willem Winkel.
2001 February. Visiting researcher at the Free University of Amsterdam. Prof. Frans Willem Winkel
2001 June. Workshop on Cross-National Comparative Crime Victimisation Research, Leiden. Unicri,
Niscale, The Netherlands.
2003 Faculty Research Program (FRP). Canadian Embassy Funding. Study in Canada on Job
evaluation and satisfaction of Canadian and Italian mediators working in the criminal justice.
2005 Faculty Research Program (FRP). Canadian Embassy Funding. Risk assessment of spousal
abusers: the development of an Italian version of the Canadian SARA . Working in Canada with
perpetrators of domestic violence and femicide.
2008 Canadian Embassy Funding. Period of study on psychopathy, stalking and gender related
violence in British Columbia.
Presentations at National and International Conferences
1994 April Poster presented at the IV European Conference of Law and Psychology. Barcelona
(Spain) on the issue: "Paralinguistic and non-verbal triggers of biased credibility assessments of rape
victims by Police officers." Barcelona.
1994 May Paper presented at the IX Post-graduate course on Victimology and Victim Assistance:
Psychological and legal aspects. WSV, Amsterdam. Title: "The process of Secondary Victimisation in
Rape cases: The perception of Police officers".
1995 May Paper presented at the Xth Post-graduate course on Victimology and Victim assistance on
the issue: "Domestic violence, a gender based violence". World Society of Victimology, Amsterdam.
1995 June Paper presented at the First International Seminar on Penal and Civil Mediation, 'Give a
place to disorder' on the issue: "Victim/Offender mediation, truth or fantasy?", Turin.
1995 August/September Paper presented at the Vth European Conference on Psychology and
Law:"Dutch and Italian Police officers perceptions of the Credibility and evidential value of the Victim
and suspect statements in Interviews: examining the impact of 'dynamic 'extra-legal' factors".
1995 August/September Paper presented at the Vth European Conference on Psychology and Law:
'Victim-Offender reconciliation in the Italian Justice System for young offenders". Budapest.
1995 September Paper presented at the Vth Conference of the British Society of Psychology, Division
of Criminological and Legal Psychology on the issue: "Rape victims' risk of secondary victimisation by
Police officers'. Rugby.
1995 November Poster presented at the National Congress of the Italian Association of Psychology,
division of Legal Psychology, 'Protection of the minor between norms, psychology and ethic', on the
issue: 'Victim and offender in the Juvenile Justice System. A sample survey'. Bologna.
1996, August Paper presented at the VIth European Conference on Psychology and Law: ‘Outline
and Empirical Analysis of an Early 'Delinquency'-Intervention Program: Assessing the impact of
(enhanced) perspective-activation on affective responses to misbehavior. Siena.
1996 August Paper presented at the VIth European Conference on Psychology and Law:
Victim/offender mediation in the Juvenile Justice system. Restorative Justice in the Italian Juvenile
Justice system - reparation and reconciliation. Is the victim taken into account? Siena.
1996 September Paper presented at the VIth Conference of the British Society of Psychology, Division
of Criminological and Legal Psychology on the issue’A Social-Cognitive Programme for Early
Delinquency Intervention: Experiments in Italy & The Netherlands. York.
1996 May Paper presented at the XIth Post-graduate course on Victimology and Victim assistance on
the issue: "Child sexual abuse: Typologies and characteristics related to the offence". World Society of
Victimology, Amsterdam.
1996 November Paper presented at the conference: ‘Women, violence and citicenship’. Title of the
paper presented: ‘Domestic violence in the Italian context’. Brighton.
1998 February Seminar held on the topic: “Bullying in school and mediation”; International Centre of
Criminology, Milan.
1997 August Paper presented: ‘Victim/offender mediation: An Italian Perspective’. At the Postgraduate course in Victimology and Victim Assistance. World Society of Victimology. Free University of
1997 August Paper presented:’ The role of victims in the victim/offender mediation Italian practice.
IX°World Symposium on Victimology, Amsterdam.
1997 September Paper presented: ‘Bullying and victimisation in schools’. VII th European Conference
on Psychology and Law. Stockholm.
1998 August Paper presented at the 24 International Congress of Applied Psychology: ‘Influence of
Parental practices and personal characteristics on bullying in schools’. San Francisco.
1998 August Paper presented at the 24 International Congress of Applied Psychology: Police
assessing the credibility of women reporting domestic violence. San Francisco.
1998 September Paper presented at the second National Congress of Social Psychology: Il bullismo
nelle scuole: giudizio e attribuzione, (Bullying in schools:judgement and attribution of responsibility,
1998 September, Poster presented at the second National Congress of Social Psychology: Il bullismo
fra adolescenti e strategie di coping, (Bullying among adolescents and coping strategies), Florence.
1999 June. Paper presented at the ‘First International Forum on Initiatives for Safe School: School
violence prevention & Juvenile Protection. What works?: “Bullying and Delinquency among Italian
adolescents”. Seoul, Korea.
1999 July. Preventing bullying and violence in schools: Evaluation of an intervention project. Paper
presented at the VIII International Conference on Psychology and Law. Dublin.
1999 July. Mixed jury decision making. Paper presented at the VIII International Conference on
Psychology and Law. Dublin.
1999 July. Delinquent behaviour and bullying in adolescents. Poster at the VIII International
Conference on Psychology and Law. Dublin.
2000 August. Pregnancy and Domestic violence: Are pregnant women free from violence”. Paper
presented at the Xth International Symposium on Victimology. Montreal.
2000 October. Juvenile Magistrates’ attitudes towards victim-offender mediation in Italy. Invited key
note speaker at the Fourth International Conference on Restorative Justice for Juveniles. Tübingen,
2001 March “Evaluation of an intervention programme for the reduction of bullying” Paper presented at
the International Conference on Social Policy of Safety in schools, Unesco. Parigi.
2001 June: “Patterns of stalking among battered women: does the end of the relationship stop the risk
of further violence?”. Paper presented to the XI International conference on Psychology and Law.
European Association of Psychology and Law, Lisbona.
2001 June.: “The cycle of violence: myths and facts about the relation of bullying behaviour and
violence in the family”. Paper presented at XI International conference on Psychology and Law.
European Association of Psychology and Law, Lisbona.
2002 March “Stalking and domestic violence: short and long term consequences”. Paper presented at
the II International Association of Forensic Mental Health, Munich.
2002 June. ‘By standing or standing by?’. The role of bystanders in bullying behavior at school.
International conference of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology. San
Sebastian, Spain.
2002 September. Key-note “The cycle of violence: from domestic violence to animal abuse”. 12
International conference on Psychology and Law. European Association of Psychology and Law,
2002 October. International Workshop on “Domestic violence and police reaction”. European Social
Foundation, Leiden.
2002 September. Key-note “The cycle of violence: from domestic violence to animal abuse”. 12
International conference on Psychology and Law. European Association of Psychology and Law,
2003 July. “Risk factors for the development of direct and indirect bullying in girls exposed to domestic
violence”. 13 International conference on Psychology and Law. European Association of Psychology
and Law, Edinburgh.
2003 September. ‘”Senza di te nessuno mai’ Il fenomeno della persecuzione degli ex”. AIP, Psicologia
Sociale, Bari.
2004 August. Second European Conference on Criminology. Paper presented. “The cycle of violence:
children exposed to domestic violence and bullying in school”, Amsterdam, NL.
2004 September XII International Conference on Research on Aggression. Paper presented:
“Assessing recidivism in domestic violence cases”, Santorini, GR.
2004 September AIP, Sezione di Psicologia Sociale. Paper presentato: “Il prototipo del bullismo nel
comprendere comportamenti di intervento e aiuto nei casi di prevaricazione a scuola”. Sciacca, IT.
2005 June. Paper presented 14 International conference on Psychology and Law. European
Association of Psychology and Law, Vilnius, Lithuania.
2005 August. Third European Conference on Criminology, Cracovia, Polonia.
2006 June. Paper presented at the 15 International conference on Psychology and Law. European
Association of Psychology and Law, Vilnius, Lithuania.
2006 June. Invited speaker al ‘First Scandinavian Symposium on Criminology’, Stockholm, 15-16
2006 June. International Forensic Mental Health Conference. Amsterdam. Paper presentation on risk
2007 Orlando World symposium on victimology. Paper presented on
2008 Vienna Forensic Mental Health Conference. Paper presentation : risk assessment of recidivism in
domestic violence cases.
Research Projects participation and leading
1994/‘95 Collaborator to the project: "La Mediazione penale nell'ambito della giustizia penale minorile"
(Mediation in the juvenile justice system”. (joint with Prof. De Leo e dr. Scardaccione). Department
of social psychology. University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’). Sponsored by University Research Grant
€. 5,000.
1995 Co-cordinator to the project "L'abuso sessuale sui minori. Provvedimenti giuridici e conseguenze
psicologiche" (Sexual abuse on minors. Legal aspects and psychological sequalae) (joint with dr.
Gilda Scardaccione). Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza". Sponsored by University
Research Grant Department of Forensic Psychiatry. University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’. Sponsored
by University Research Grant. €. 2,500.
1997. Collaborator of the Project: “Le rappresentazioni degli operatori sociali della giustizia minorile,
con particolare riferimento alla legge 66/96” Social representation of social workers in the juvenile
justice system. Department of social psychology. University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’. €. 2,000.
1998 Referent and coordinator of the research-action intervention for middle and high school students
for the prevention and reduction of violence, with the NGO Differenza Donna. Sponsored by the
Province of Rome €. 26,000.
2000 Referent and coordinator of the research-action intervention for middle and high school students
for assessment and implementation of a program on the cycle of violence: animal abuse and
domestic violence. Sponsored by Ministry of Education. €. 37,000.
2000 Collaborator project: “La mediazione dei conflitti a scuola”, (Mediation and conflicts in schools),
head of project: prof.ssa Ardone, Department of social psychology. University of Rome ‘La
Sapienza’). Sponsored by University Research Grant. €. 2,000.
2001 Referent and coordinator of ‘Joung researcher projects’: “Competenze sociali e di aiuto nel
cotesto di socializzazione a scuola: il ruolo del gruppo dei pari”. Social competences in schools: the
role of peers Department of social psychology. University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’). Sponsored by
University Research Grant €. 11,000.
2001 Collaborator to the European project: ‘Sensibilizzazione e formazione della figura del mediatore
dei conflitti a scuola”, (training and assessing peer meditors in school). Coordinator: prof. Ardone.
Lazio Region and European Council. €. 128,000.
2002 Referent and coordinator of ‘Young researcher projects’. University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’:
“Senza di me nessuno mai: il fenomeno della persecuzione degli ex-partners” (“No one else but
me”. The pattern of violence of ex-intimates). €. 4.000,00.
2003 Award of the Canadian Embassy on ‘Job satisfaction of mediators’ €. 1000,00.
2003 Referent and coordinator of the European Project: SARA-C (Spousal Assault Risk Assessment
Computersied) in Europe, Daphne Projects, for the prevention and reduction of violence against
women and children in Association with Greece and Sweden, in collaboration with the NGO
Associazione Differenza Donna, ONLUS. €. 96.000,00.
2004 Referent and coordinator of the European Project: SARA TrAvels-S (Spousal Assault Risk
Assessment Transferring Risk Assessment and locally studying Stalking) , dell’Unione Europea,
Progetto Daphne 2005 per la prevenzione e la riduzione della violenza contro le donne e bambini, in
coll. Associazione Differenza Donna, ONLUS. €. 120.000,00.
2005 Award of the Canadian Embassy on ‘Risk assessment in violent cases’ €. 1000,00.
2005 Referent and coordinator of the European Project: A Red Vein (Assessing Recidivism of
Domestic Violence: An Early Intervention Approach). Marie Curie European Reintegration Grants
(ERG), Unione Europea. €. 40.000,00
2005 Referent and coordinator of the Faculty ex 60%. Title of research: Attitudes of victims of violent
crimes towards Police forces. A research contribution for the creation of a vademecum to reduce
secondary victimisation. Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli.
2006 Referent and coordinator of the Faculty ex 60%. Title of research: Police perception of the
usefulness of the Cognitive Interview to increase victim credibility in serious crime. Seconda
Università degli Studi di Napoli. €. 2.000
2006 Referent and coordinator of the Psychology Department, SUN. Title of research: Fear of Crime in
IPV (Fatality European assessment of risk in Intimate Partner Violence), European Commission.
Daphne Programme. €. 120.000,00
2007 Referent and coordinator of the Psychology Department, SUN: Title of research: Earn in JVO:
European Assessment of Risk/Needs in Juvenile Violent Offenders exposed to IPV: effective
responses, European Commission. Daphne Programme. €. 250.000,00
2008 Referent and coordinator of the project: ISA, Increasing self awarenss in cases of intimate
partner violence: Differenza Donna, Onlus, European Commission, Daphne Programme. €.
Official recognition and prizes
1991 Award for a successful ending of the first two University years (1990/91). Faculty of Psychology.
1992/93 Erasmus exchange student-project award.
1996 Italian Award for one year only to conduct research abroad (Cambridge) (University of Genova,
1996 Cambridge European Trust award.
1997 August Cambridge European Trust long term vacancy award to attend the Post-graduate course
in Victimology, Amsterdam.
1997 August Winner of the student paper competition. World society of Victimology.
2001 Young researcher award. European Association of Psychology and law.
Other skills and experience
o Supervision of master thesis of undergraduate and post graduate students in Criminology, social
psychology and psychology and law.
o Referee for international Journals (es. Aggressive Behavior, Criminal and Legal Psychology,
Psychology, Crime and Behavior, Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, Child
Abuse and Neglect, Journal of Interpersonal Violence).
o Good knowledge and practice of statistics for social science. Use of univariate and multivariate
analyses. Statistical Programme used: Spss.
Group management, project & event organisation and management.
Conflict resolution
Organisation and set up Focus group and group discussion
Project design
Crisis intervention and first psychological techniques for conflict resolution
English articles in journals and books:
Baldry, A. C. (1996) Rape victims’ risk of secondary victimisation by police officers. Issues in
Criminology and Legal Psychology, Issues in Criminology and Legal Psychology, 25, 65-68.
Baldry, A. C. (1998) Victim-offender mediation in the Italian Juvenile Justice System: the role of social
workers. British Journal of Social Work, 28, 729-744.
Baldry, A. C. (1998). Bullying among Italian School Students: Combining Methods to Understand
Aggressive Behaviours and Victimisation. School Psychology International, 19(4), 155-168.
Baldry, A. C. (1998). Is psychology all ‘fangled stuff’ useful for police officers? Forensic Update, 53,
Baldry, A. C. (2001). Italy. In R. Summers & A. Hoffman (eds.) Teen violence: Global perspective.
Westport. Greenwood publishing.
Baldry, A. C. (2001). Italy. In R. Summers & A. Hoffman (eds.) Domestic violence: Global perspective.
Westport. Greenwood publishing.
Baldry, A. C. (2002). From domestic violence to stalking: the infinite cycle of violence. In Boon, J &
Sheridan, L. (eds). Stalking and Psychosexual obsession: Psychological Perspectives for
Prevention, Policing and Treatment. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Baldry, A. C. (2002). Victimization of domestic and sexual violence in Western Europe. In P.
Nieuwbeerta (ed.). Crime victimization in comparative perspective, pp. 249-264. Den Haag:
Boom Juridische uitgevers.
Baldry, A. C. (2003). Animal abuse and exposure to interparental violence in Italy: assessing the cycle
of violence in youngsters. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18(3), 258-281.
Baldry, A. C. (2003). Bullying in schools and exposure to domestic violence in Italy: the intragenerational transmission of violence in youngsters. Child Abuse & Neglect, 18.
Baldry, A. C. (2003) “Stick and stones hurt my bones but his glance and words hurt more”. The
impact of emotional and physical violence by current and former partners in Italian battered
women. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 2, 47-57.
Baldry, A. C. (2003). Family Violence and Animal Abuse by Juveniles. The Intragenerational Cycle of
Violence, In M. Vanderhallen, G. Vervaeke, P.J. Van Koppen, & J. Goethals. Much ado about
crime: Chapters on psychology and Law, pp. 165-174. Politeia Brussels.
Baldry, A. C. (2004). The impact of direct and indirect bullying on the mental and physical health of
Italian youngsters. Aggressive Behavior, 30, 343-355.
Baldry, A. C. (2004). “What about bullying?” An experimental field study to understand students’
attitudes towards bullying and victimization in Italian middle schools. British Journal of
Educational Psychology, 74, 583-598.
Baldry, A. C. (2004). The development of the ‘P.E.T.’ Scale for the measurement of Physical and
Emotional Tormenting against animals in adolescents. Society & Animals, 12, 1-17.
Baldry, A. C. (2005). Animal abuse among preadolescents directly and indirectly victimized at school
and at home, Criminal Behavior and Mental Health, 15, 97-110.
Baldry, A. C. (2005). Bystanders behavior among Italian students. Pastoral Care Journal, 30-35.
Baldry, A. C. (2007). “It Does Affect Me”. Disruptive Behaviors in Preadolescents Directly and
Indirectly Abused at Home, European Psychologist, 12, 29-35.
Baldry, A. C. & Farrington , D.P. (1998). Parenting influences on bullying and victimisation. Criminal
and Legal Psychology, 3, 237-254.
Baldry, A. C. & Farrington, D. P. (1999). Types of Bullying among Italian school children, Journal of
Adolescence, 22, 423-426.
Baldry, A. C. & Farrington, D. P. (2000a). Bullies and delinquents: Personal characteristics and
parental styles. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 10, 17-31.
Baldry, A. C. & Farrington , D. P. (2000b). Gender and age differences among bullies and delinquents.
In Czerederecka, A., Jaskiewicz-Obydzinska & Wojcikiewicz (Eds.). Forensic Psychology and
Law, pp. 58-63. Institute of Forensic Research Publisher, Krakow.
Baldry, A. C. & Farrington, D. P. (2004). Evaluation of an intervention program for the reduction of
bullying and victimization in schools. Aggressive Behavior, 30, 1-15.
Baldry, A. C. & Farrington, D. P. (2005). Protective Factors as Moderators of Risk Factors in
Adolescent Bullying. Social Psychology of Education, 8, 263-284.
Baldry, A. C. & Farrington, D. P. (2007). Effectiveness of Programs to Prevent School Bullying, Victims
and Offenders, 2, 183-204.
Baldry, A. C. & Scardaccione, G. (2001). Victim and offender mediation in the juvenile justice system.
In G.B. Traverso & L. Bagnoli (eds). Psychology and Law in a changing world, London:
Baldry, A. C. & Winkel, F. W. (1998). Perception of the credibility and evidential value of victim and
suspect statements in interviews. In J. Boros, I. Munnich & M. Szegedi (Eds.). Psychology and
Criminal justice, pp. 74-81. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Baldry, A. C. & Winkel, F. W. (2001). Early prevention of delinquency. In G.B. Traverso & M. Coluccia
(eds). Psychology and Law in a changing world, London: Routledge.
Baldry A. C., & Winkel, F. W. (2003). Direct and vicarious victimization at school and at home as risk
factors for suicidal cognition among Italian youngsters. Journal of Adolescence, 6, 703-716.
Baldry A. C., Winkel, F. W. (2004). Internalizing symptoms of Italian youth directly and vicariously
victimized at school and at home, International Journal of Forensic Mental Health.
Baldry, A.C., & Winkel, F.W. (2008). Introduction to assessment and management of risk. Intimate
Partner Violence Prevention and Intervention: The risk assessment and management approach
(pp. 1-7). Hauppage, NY (USA): Nova Science.
Baldry, A.C., & Winkel, F.W. (2008). Intimate partner violence in Italy and risk assessment: The
implementation of the SARA, screening version. Intimate partner violence prevention and
intervention: The risk assessment and management approach (pp. 83-105). Hauppage, NY
(USA): Nova Science.
Baldry, A. C., De Leo, G. & Scardaccione, G. (1998). Victim-offender mediation in the Italian Juvenile
Justice System: A first attempt of definition. In J. Boros, I. Munnich & M. Szegedi (Eds.).
Psychology and Criminal justice, pp. 377-384. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Baldry, A., C., Scali, M. & Volpini, L. (1998). Mediation in the Italian Juvenile Justice system: A
Mediation Service Project, VOMA Quarterly, 3, 6-11.
Baldry, A.C., Enthoven, D.S. & Winkel, F.W. (1997). Psychological triggers in credibility assessment
among police officers in perception of a rape case. In Redondo, S. Garrido, V. Pérez, J. Bajet, J.
& Martinez, R.M (eds.). Advances in Psychology and Law, pp. 163-173, Berlin: de Gruyter.
Baldry, A.C., Winkel, F.W., Pemberton, A., & Kuijpers, K.F. (2009). Intimate partner violence risk
assesment: The prediction of 'recidivism' in terms of short-term self-reported re-victimization. In
F.W. Winkel, P.C. Friday, G.F. Kirchhoff, & R.M. Letschert (Eds.), Victimization in a
multidisciplinary key: Recent advances in victimology (pp. 467-484). ISBN 9789058504425
Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers.
Farrington, D. P. & Baldry, A. C. (2010) . Individual risk factor of bullying, Journal of Aggression,
Conflict and Peace Research, 2, 4-16.
Kuijpers, K.F., van der Knaap, L.M., Winkel, F.W., Pemberton, A, & Baldry, A.C. (2010). Borderline
traits and symptoms of post-traumatic stress in a sample of female victims of intimate partner
violence. Stress and Health.
Tofi, M., Farrington, D., Baldry, A. C. (2008). In Springer, D.W. (Ed.) Juvenile Delinquency and
Juvenile Justice: Policies, Programs, and Intervention Strategies. Sudbury, MA: Jones and
Tofi, M., Farrington, D., Baldry, A.C.. (2008). Effectiveness of Programmes to Reduce School Bullying
A Systematic Review. Report prepared for The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention.
Winkel, F.W., Baldry, A.C., Kuijpers, K.F., & Pemberton, A. (2009). Risicotaxatie van herhaald
slachtofferschap bij partnergeweld: Handleiding bij de SARA-PV. Tilburg: INTERVICT.
Pemberton, A., Kuijpers, K.F., Winkel, F.W., & Baldry, A.C. (2009). A nuanced position: Restorative
justice and intimate partner violence. In F.W. Winkel, P.C. Friday, G.F. Kirchhoff, & R.M.
Letschert (Eds.), Victimization in a multidisciplinary key: Recent advances in victimology (pp.
411-465). Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers.
Winkel, F.W., Baldry, A.C., Kuijpers, K.F., & Pemberton, A. (2008). Chronische PTSS bij slachtoffers
van misdrijven en huiselijk geweld: Nieuwe evidentiegebaseerde ontwikkelingen. In T.I. Oei &
L.H.W.M. Kaiser (Eds.), Forensische psychiatrie onderweg: In de spiegel kijken naar het
verleden en koersen naar de toekomst (pp. 359-371). Niijmegen: Wolf Legal
Winkel, F.W., Bogaerts, S., Baldry, A.C., Kuijpers, K.F., & Pemberton, A. (2009). Risicotaxatie bij
partnergeweld door het Clinically Anchored Precipitation (CAP) model: Validiteit verhogen door
een theoretisch onderbouwde voorspelling. In T.I. Oei & M.S. Groenhuijsen (Eds.), Forensische
psychiatrie en haar grensgebieden: Actualiteit, geschiedenis en toekomst (pp. 697-715). Alphen
aan den Rijn: Kluwer.
Winkel, F. W. & Baldry, A. C. (1997). An application of the Scared S’traight - Principle in Early
Intervention Programming: three studies on activating the other’s perspective in pre-adolescents’
perceptions of a stepping-stone behaviour. Issues in Criminological and Legal Psychology, 26.
Winkel, F.W., Blaauw, E., Sheridan, L., & Baldry, A. C. (2003) Repeat criminal victimization and
vulnerability for coping failure: a prospective examination of a potential risk factor. Psychology,
Crime and Law, 2003, 9, 1, 87–96.
Italian articles in Journals and books:
Baldry, A. C. (1996). "La percezione in termini di credibilità e attribuzione di responsabilità nei reati di
violenza sessuale da parte di operatori di Polizia. Un'indagine sperimentale." (Credibility and
responsability perception in rape cases by Police officers: An experimental study’). Rassegna
Italiana di Criminologia, 2, 270-287.
Baldry, A. C. (1997). Bullismo a scuola e mediazione scolastica. (Bullying in school and mediation) In
G. V. Pisapia & D. Antonucci (eds.) La sfida della mediazione, (The mediation bet) pp. 149-165.
Padova, Cedam.
Baldry, A. C., (1997).Vittima e autore di reato nella giustizia penale minorile. Indagine su campione.
(‘Victim and offender in the juvenile justice system. A research study’). In A. Mestiz (ed). La
tutela del minore tra norme, psicologia ed etica, (‘Legal, psychological and ethical protection of
the minor’) pp. 212-221. Giuffrè, Milano.
Baldry, A. C. (2001, in press). La violenza domestica in Italia (Domestic violence in Italy). In Nizzoli &
Pisacroia (eds). Trattato degli abusi e delle dipendenze. Piccin.
Baldry, A. C. (2001). Conflitti e bullismo a scuola. La mediazione scolastica come possibilità di
risposta (Conflicts and bullying at schools). In F. Scaparro, (ed). Il coraggio di mediare. Contesti,
teorie e pratiche di risoluzioni alternative alle controversie. Guerini e Associati.
Baldry, A. C. (2001). Mediazione e violenza domestica. Risorsa o limiti di applicabilità? (Mediation and
domestic violence. Advantages and disadvantages). Rassegna Criminologica & Penitenziaria,
2/3, 29-54.
Baldry, A. C. (2001). Fattori individuali dei ragazzi prevaricatori e con tendenze devianti (Individual
factors of youth at risk of delinquency). Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 3.
Baldry, A. C. (2003). La violenza in famiglia. In M. Barbagli (ed.). Il rapporto della criminalità in Italia.
Bologna: Il Mulino.
Baldry, A. C. & Winkel, F. W. (1998). Un programma di intervento socio-cognitivo per la prevenzione
della delinquenza minorile: un contributo di ricerca (A socio-cognitive intervention programme for
juvenile criminal prevention). Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia, 3-4, 433-450.
Scardaccione, G., Baldry, A. C. & Scali, M. (1998). La Mediazione penale: ipotesi di intervento nella
giustizia minorile (Penal mediation and opportunities for intervention with juveniles’). Giuffé,
Scardaccione, G. & Baldry, A. C: (1996). Ricerca sulle tipologie dell’abuso sessuale sui minori e
possibili conseguenze a carattere psicologico dell’intervento giudiziario, svolta presso la Procura
del Tribunale e la Corte d’Assise di Roma. In V. Mastronardi (eds.). Manuale per operatori
criminologici e psicolpatologi forensi, pp. 499-506, Giuffré, Milano.
Scardaccione, G. & Baldry, A. C: (1997). Tipologie di abuso sessuale e modalità dell’intervento
giudiziario. (Typology of sexual abuse and intervention strategies) Rassegna Italiana di
Criminologia, 8(1), 127-149.
Published books:
Baldry, A.C (2003). A psycho-social approach to understand bullying at school. ICA Press.
Baldry, A. C. (2004). Il bullismo a scuola: Un approccio psico-sociale. Edizioni Carlo Amore. Roma.
Baldry, A. C. (2005). I Focus Group in azione. Come utilizzarli in campo educativo e psico-sociale.
Carocci, Roma.
Baldry, A. C. (2006). Dai maltrattamenti all’omicidio. La valutazione del rischio per la prevenzione
della recidiva e dell’uxoricidio (From domestic violence to killing of women). Franco Angeli,
Baldry, A. C. & Winkel, F. W. (Eds)‚ (2008) Assessing risk of spousal assault. An international
approach to reduce domestic violence and prevent recidivism. Nova Science Publisher. US.
Baldry, A. C. & Ferraro E. (2008). Uomini che uccidono. Cause, storie e investigazioni (Men who kill).
Torino: Centro Scientifico Edizioni. Second edition 2010.
Baldry A. C. & Kapardis A. (2010, in press). Risk Assessment of Juvenile Offending. Devon, Uk:
Willan Publishing. ISBN-10: 1-843928-22-1.
Scardaccione, G., Baldry, A. C. & Scali, M. (1998). La Mediazione penale: ipotesi di intervento nella
giustizia minorile. Giuffé, Milano.
Ardone, R. G. & Baldry, A. C. (2003). La mediazione scolastica. Carocci, Roma.
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