
Prof. Domenico Moro - Milano

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Prof. Domenico Moro - Milano
Prof. Domenico Moro
6 Wirral Road, Northfield, Birmingham B31 1NX
Tel: 07855 242126 Email: [email protected]
Personal Profile:
A highly educated and self-motivated Economics Researcher & Lecturer with well developed
analytical, IT and project management skills. An accomplished bi-lingual Economist with advanced
project management and research capabilities and an instinctive problem solving ability. Excellent
communication and organisational skills developed through both academic and employment
experiences with the drive and enthusiasm to succeed in any environment. A team player who is
flexible in location and willing to travel.
Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher
Birmingham City University, Birmingham
PhD in Economics (VIVA: December 2007, Graduation: July 2008)
PhD Thesis: “Modeling Economics Effects of International Retirement
Migration within The European Union”
The University of Warwick, Coventry
PhD in Economics (distinction)
Dottorato di Ricerca in Economia e Diritto XVI Ciclo
PhD Thesis: ” Three Essays on Social Security, Fiscal Rules and Legal
Framework in the European Union”
Universita’ di Bologna, Italy
MSc in Economics (pass - 65%)
MSc dissertation: “ Fiscal Rules in European Monetary Union: a Comparison
between Stability and Growth Pact and the Golden Rule”
University of Warwick, Coventry
BSc in Economics and Finance (grade 110/110)
Including an Erasmus year at Southampton University
Dissertation: “EMU and Welfare in Europe”
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Piacenza, Italy
Work Experience:
Sept 13 – date
Senior Lecturer (full time)
Birmingham City University- Department of Business and Marketing
Courses taught: (Undergraduate)
 Microeconomics
 Labour Economics
 Business and Economics
 Environment Economics
Personal Tutor
Jan 14 – date
Lecturer (Sessional)
University of Birmingham- Department of Economics
Courses taught:
 International Macroeconomics and Financial Markets
 Corporate Finance
Sept 10 – date
Project Manager – Italian market
Bournville College
Feb 08 – date
Recruitment of Italian students via various funding streams
Management of the Italian groups, including courses, work
experience placements, accommodation, finance etc
Recruitment of Italian students for the summer school
Lecturer (Sessional)
Facolta’ di Ingegneria dei Sistemi, Politecnico di Milano, Sede di
Courses taught:
 Micro and Macro Economics (Undergraduate)
Sept 09- Sept 13
Research Fellow (full time)
Third Sector Research Centre, University of Birmingham
Topics of research:
To provide quantitative measures of third sector organizations
To examine the workforce employed within the sector, their
characteristics and contribution;
Courses taught:
 Introduction to Economics for Non-Specialists (module lecturer)
 The Economics of Public Expenditure (4h as guest lecturer)
Sept 02 – Sept 13
Researcher (contractor)
Centre for Health Services Studies (Warwick Business School),
University of Warwick Coventry, and more recently Warwick Medical
Feb 06 – Sept 09
Topics of research included Deep Vein Thrombosis and Menstrual
Disorders, Ankle Sprains.
Techniques used: Discrete Choice Experiments, Cost-Utility Analysis
[ICERs and CEACs]
Research fellow
Economics Department, Universita’ Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Piacenza,
Research Projects:
 Research project (D1) Growth and dimension distribution of Italian
factory: a parametric and non parametric approach”
 Generational Accounting
 Non linear dynamic discrete models with Prof. Anna Agliari
Courses taught:
 Macroeconomics (PhD students)
 PhD seminars
 Macroeconomics (Undergraduate and postgraduate)
 Microeconomics (Undergraduate)
 Politics and Economics
 Applied Economics
Feb 08 – March 11
Lecturer (Sessional)
Law Department, Universita’ Magna Graecia, Italy
Courses taught:
 Health economics (Postgraduate-Laurea Specialistica)
 PhD Seminars
Feb 08 – March 09
Lecturer (Sessional)
Economics and Law Department, Universita’ Mediterranea Reggio
Calabria, Italy
Courses taught:
 Politica Economica (Undergraduate)
Sept 02 – Feb 06
Research Assistant
Economics Department, University of Warwick, Coventry
Bibliography research
Matlab programming
Indexing books
Editing books:
1. Group Formation in Economics, Cambridge University Press
2. Math for Economics, Oxford University Press
Courses taught:
 Quantitative Techniques (Mathematics and Statistics for Economics,
First year undergraduate)
 Computer Data Analysis (Mathematics and Statistics for Economics,
First year undergraduate)
 Management (Summer School for the National Academy for Gifted
and Talented Youth)
Software knowledge:
- Moodle
- Canvas
- Blackboard
- WebCt
Matlab and Maple Summer School in Applied Economics – Programming in MatLab
(University of Lecce, Italy 2005)
Stata, Eviews and SPSS
Latex, scientific Word
Relevant Publications
1. Clark M, Petrou S, and Moro D. ‘A systematic review of the literature relating to Discrete
Choice Experiments (DCEs) in healthcare’
 .‘Pharmacoeconomics’
 Accepted for publication on May / 2014
2. McKay, S., Teasdale, S., Moro, D. and Clifford, D. (2014) 'The marketisation of charities in
England and Wales',
 Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. 2014:1
3. Paine, A., McKay, S.and Moro, D. (2013) 'Does volunteering improve employability? Insights
from the British Household Panel Survey and beyond'
 Voluntary Sector Review volume 4: 2013 (November)
4. Moro D, Clark M, Higgins R, Gumber A, Moro D, Leech D, Szczepura A, Daga S,,and West
N. Review article: “A better way to measure choices’, discrete choice experiment / conjoint
analysis studies in Nephrology - a literature review“.
 European Medical Journal – Nephrology 2013: 1: 52-59.
5. Arvidson M, Lyon F, Moro D, McKay S, “Valuing the social? The nature and controversies of
measuring social return on investment (SROI)”
 Voluntary Sector Review, volume 1: 2013
6. Michael D Clark, Dennis Leech, Anil Gumber, Domenico Moro, Ala Szczepura, Nick West
and Robert Higgins “ Who should be prioritized for renal transplantation?: Analysis of key
stakeholder preferences using discrete choice experiments”
 BMC Nephrology 2012, 13:152
7. Michael Clark M, Szczepura A, Moro D (April 2012) Diabetes and Pre-Eclampsia Intervention
Trial (DAPIT): Economic Analysis.
 Report prepared by Division of Health Sciences, Warwick Medical School for Regional
Centre for Endocrinology and Diabetes, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast.
8. Donegani C, McKay S, Moro D, “A dimming of the ‘warm glow’? Are non-profit workers in the
UK still more satisfied with their jobs than other workers?”
 Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms.
Volume 13, 313–342
9. Clark M, Moro D, Szczepura A, et al “Prioritising patients for renal transplantation? Analysis of
patient preferences for kidney allocation according to ethnicity and gender”
 Diversity in Health and Care 2009;6:181-91
10. Clark M, Moro D, Szczepura A. “Balancing patient preferences and clinical needs: Community
versus hospital based Care for patients with suspected DVT”.
 Health Policy 90 (2009) 313–319
11. Moro D.”Public investment in European Union: A comparison between stability and growth pact
and the United Kingdom Golden Rule”, Journal:
“Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali”, July 2002
1. Moro D, “Fiscal Rules in European Monetary Union”
 VDM publishing international editor
 ISBN 978-3-639-22685-0
2. Moro D, “Modeling Economics Effects of International Retirement Migration”
 July 2009 VDM publishing international editor
ISBN 978-3-639-18110-4
Working papers
1. Arvidson M, Lyon F, Moro D, McKay S, “The ambitions and challenges of SROI”
 Working paper n.49 January 2011, TSRC, University of Birmingham
2. Moro D, McKay S, “The growing workforce in the voluntary and community sectors Analysis of
the Labour Force Survey, 1993-2009”
Briefing paper n.28 December 2009, TSRC, University of Birmingham
3. Moro D. “International Retirement Migration: Legal Framework in European Union ”
 Quaderno N.40 Luglio 2006, Universita’ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Piacenza
4. Moro D. “Fully Funded Social Security and Allocations of resources: The case for an
Environmental Motive in a two countries overlapping Generations Model ”
 Quaderno N.1 Dicembre 2002, Universita’ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Piacenza
Other works
1. Moro D. “Fiscal Rules: The Stability and Growth Pact in the European Monetary Union”,
 November 2008 NTA Proceedings from the 101st Annual Conference in Philadelphia.
2. Moro D. “Modeling Economics Effects of International Retirement Migration within The European
 October 2007, PhD thesis, The University of Warwick, Mimeo.
3. Moro D.”Can stability and growth pact jeopardize public investment? A theoretical approach”,:
 March 2006 Atti della seconda “Lezione Mario Arcelli”,
4. Moro D. “Three Essays on Social Security, Fiscal Rules and Legal Framework in the European
 June 2005, PhD thesis, Dottorato di ricerca in Economia e Diritto, XVI Ciclo Universita’ di
5. Moro D. Definitions of the words: trade union, rent and profit described in an Economics
 “Temi politici per il nuovo Millennio” Portalupi Editore, June 2005
6. Clark M, Moro D, Szczepura A. “Optimal reconfiguration of healthcare provision for patients with
suspected deep vein thrombosis: Discrete choice experiment conjoint analysis evaluating patient
preferences in patients with suspected DVT.”
 July 2004 Reforming Health Systems: Analysis and Evidence Strategic Issues in Health
Care Management, edit by Manouche Tavakoli and Huw T.O. Davies, Published by
Manouche Tavakoli and Huw T.O. Davies. University of St Andrews
7. Moro D. “Fiscal Rules in European Monetary Union: a Comparison between Stability and Growth
Pact and the Golden Rule”
 September 2001MSc dissertation, The University of Warwick, Mimeo.
8. Moro D. “ARCH & GARCH an analysis of the Japanese exchange rate and German Euro-Interest
 May 2001, The University of Warwick, Mimeo.
9. Moro D. “National Lottery tickets, cigarettes and newspapers - are they complementary goods?”,
 April 2001, The University of Warwick, Mimeo.
Conferences and workshops:
Moro D, McKay S ‘Are charities in England and Wales succumbing to market forces?’
 The International Society for Third-Sector Research International Conference – Siena
Moro D, McKay S., Arvidson M, ‘Promises and challenges of SROI’
 Workshop at the Office of the Civil Society, London - September 2010
 Colloquio scientifico sull'impresa sociale – Milan 2011
Moro D, McKay S., Arvidson M, ‘Is Job satisfaction really higher in the third sector’’
VSSN/NCVO National conference, Leeds, September 2010
Moro D, McKay S., Arvidson M, ‘Issues in evaluating the distinctive contribution and impact of
the ‘third sector’
 4th ESRC Research Methods Festival, 5-8 July 2010, University of Oxford
Moro D, McKay S., Arvidson M, ‘Recession and the ‘third sector’ Workforce consequences’
VSSN/NCVO National conference, Leeds, September 2010
 The Work Pensions and Labour Economics (WPEG) conference 2010 , The University of
Bristol, July 2010
 Workshop, Third Sector Research Centre, University of Birmingham, UK, June 2010
 Workshop Universita’ Cattolica, Piacenza, Italy, June 2010
Moro D, McKay S., ‘Issues in evaluating the distinctive contribution and impact of the ‘third
 Workshop, Third Sector Research Centre, University of Birmingham, October 2009
Moro D. “Rules: The Stability and Growth Pact in the European Monetary Union”
 November 2008 NTA, Philadelphia 101st Annual Conference on Taxation
Clark M, Gumber A, Szczepura A, Leech D, Moro D, West N, Higgins RM “Exploration of key
stakeholders valuation of priority criteria for the allocation of deceased donor kidney transplants”
 UC Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento, (Ca), November 2008
 British Transplantation Society, Glasgow, April 2008
Clark M, Gumber A, Moro D. “Who should be prioritized for renal transplantation?: Analysis of
stakeholder group and altruistic preferences.” September 2006 Warwick University, Mimeo.
Presented at:
 71st Health Economists’ Study Group Meeting Brunel, September 2007
”Can stability and growth pact jeopardize public investment? A theoretical approch”, Journal:
 Presented at: Seconda “Lezione Mario Arcelli”, March 2006
10. “Preferences of patients with suspected Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT): Comparing community
based vs. hospital outpatients based provision using DCE conjoint analysis.”
Presented at:
 Sixth International Conference of Strategic Issues in Health Care Management,
University of St Andrews September 2004
11. “Fully Funded Social Security and Allocations of resources: The case for an Environmental
Motive in a two countries overlapping Generations Model ”
Presented at:
 Second Meeting on Social Security, University of Lisbon, May 2003
 Workshop, University of Warwick, UK, June 2002
 Workshop Universita’ Cattolica, Piacenza, Italy, July 2002
12. “Fiscal Rules in European Monetary Union: a Comparison between Stability and Growth Pact
and the Golden Rule” MSc dissertation, Warwick University, Mimeo.
Presented at:
Workshop, University of Warwick, UK, September 2001
Dr. Bruce Philp
Head of Department, Strategy, Marketing
and Economics
Galton G410, City North Campus
Birmingham City Business School
Birmingham City University
B42 2SU
Tel. 0121 331 6545
[email protected]
Relationship: Line manager
Prof. Alessandra Guariglia
Professor of Financial Economics
Head of Department
The Department of Economics
University of Birmingham
Birmingham UK
B15 2TT
Telephone +44 (0)121 4148312
Email [email protected]
Relationship: Line manager
Dr. Mike Clark
Senior Research Fellow,
Norwich Medical School
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
University of East Anglia
e-mail: [email protected]
Telephone:+44 (0)1603 59 1444
Relationship: Manager
Prof. Stephen McKay
School of Social & Political Sciences
University of Lincoln
Brayford Pool
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Relationship: Supervisor
Tel. 0044 (0)1522 882 000
Prof. Norman Ireland
Department of Economics
University of Warwick
Tel. 02476 523 470
Fax: 02476 523 032
e-mail: [email protected]
Prof. Maurizio Baussola
Dean of the Faculty
Faculty of Economics and Business
Catholic University
Via Emilia Parmense 84
29100 Piacenza
Tel. 0039 0523599310
Fax: 0039 0523599437
e-mail: [email protected]
Relationship: Supervisor
Relationship: PhD Supervisor
Fly UP