
GIOVANNA ZINCONE Addresses Offices FIERI (Forum

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GIOVANNA ZINCONE Addresses Offices FIERI (Forum
Addresses Offices FIERI (Forum Internazionale ed Europeo di Ricerche
sull’Immigrazione / International and European Forum on Migration
Via Ponza 3 • 10121 Torino
Tel. +39 011 5160044 • fax +39 011 5176062
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
COESIONE SOCIALE (Presidenza della Repubblica)
Palazzo del Quirinale 00100 Roma
e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
until June 2014
Academic positions and visiting scholar
Teaching positions:
• Full Professor in Political Sociology, Faculty of Political Science,
Department of Social Sciences, University of Turin (1990-2005)
• LUISS, Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali, Roma
(Free International University of Social Studies, Rome), Faculty of
Political Science
• University of Alessandria
• Visiting scholar in the exchange programme with the Department of
Political Sciences of Brown University, US
• Lecturer in the opening session of European Forum for Citizenship of
the EUI (European University Institute) in Fiesole, then visiting
• Director at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Maison
des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris (1999)
• Visiting professor at the German Marshall Fund, Washington
(November 2002)
• Visiting professor at Nuffield College, Oxford University (July-August
• Informal visits as guest professor, with grants from the Italian
Department of Research, to:
- Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton
- Cornell University, Department of Government
- University of California, Berkeley, Department of Political
• Graduated in Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Political Science in
Rome (1968 – 69)
• Post-graduate school at the University of Florence and the University
of Turin (1970 – 71)
Research interests
Decision-making processes of migration policies
Integration indicators and policies
Nationality Laws in a comparative perspective
In her capacity of advisor to the President of Italian Republic , she
deals not only with immigration, but also with gender gap, disabled
people, education, (un)employment, poverty
Model of citizenship rights and incorporation of working classes in
comparative historical perspective
Party factions, governmental coalitions theory and empirical
research in the Italian political system
Women’s political behaviour and representation
• Senior Honorary Fellow of Collegio Carlo Alberto (2012 - )
• Member of the Scientific Committee of Fondazione Telecom (2012- )
• Member of the Scientific Committee of Istituto della enciclopedia
italiana Giovanni Treccani S.p.a. (2011 - )
• Member of the association of culture and politics Il Mulino
• Member of the board of direction of Biblioteca della libertà (1972-)
• Founding member, member of the editorial and executive board of
Reset (1993-)
• Member of the Scientific Committee of:
- Mondi Migranti (2007 -)
- Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (1994-)
- Quaderni di Scienza Politica
- Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica
- Questioni di Giustizia
• Member of the scientific committee of Scuola Italiana di dottorato in
Scienza della Politica within Istituto Italiano di Studi Umanistici (ISU)
• Member of the Italian Council for Social Sciences - Consiglio Italiano per
le Scienze Sociali (CSS) (2005-2008)
• Member of the Scientific Committee of Confindustria (Italian national
employers’ association) (1996-1999)
• Italian member of COST 2 (with Emilio Reyneri), first European
committee of immigration experts for the promotion of research on
social sciences (1994-1996). Among the members of the Committee:
Han Hentzinger, Christine Whitol De Wenden, Maria Baganha, Grete
• Member of the direction of MicroMega (1990-1995)
• Member of the scientific committee of South European Society and
Politics (from 1995)
• Member of the Scientific Committee of the publishing company Il
Mulino and Donzelli
Extra-Academic Activities
• Founder and President of FIERI (Forum Internazionale ed Europeo di
Ricerche sull’Immigrazione / International and European Forum on
Migration Research)
• Columnist of La Stampa and other Italian newspapers and magazines
• Scientific coordinator of national and European research projects
funded by CNEL, CNR, MURST, European Commission, European
• Participation to the following training activities:
- summer school on Sociology of migrations, organised by Centro
Studi Medì in Genoa in collaboration with FIERI, Ismu,
University of Genoa and Milan (from 2005)
- summer school Migration Challenges and Opportunity for Europe,
organised by Istituto Universitario di Studi Europei (IUSE) in
collaboration with ITC– ILO, FIERI, European Training
Foundation (ETF), United Nations Interregional Crime and
Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) and the Faculty of Law of
the University of Turin
• Founder and Leader of the cluster of research “The multilevel
governance of migration” (C9) within the Network of Excellence
IMISCOE, funded by the European Commission in the research area
“Migration, immigration and multiculturalism as challenges for
knowledge based societies” of the Sixth Framework Programme (20042011)
• Member of the Advisory Group for the implementation of the theme
“Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities” of the Seventh
Framework Programme (2006 – 2007)
• Responsible for the organization of workshops for the European
Consortium for Political Research – among which (with Stephen
Castles): ECPR Workshop on “Immigration Policies: Between Centre
and Peripheries, Nation States and the EU” (Turin, March 22-27, 2002)
• Evaluator and referee for PRIN (Research programmes set up by the
Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research), for the Swiss
Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences, and for IMR
(International Migration Review)
• Co-director (with Giorgio Rota, and later on with Enrico Colombatto)
of Centro di Ricerca e Documentazione “Luigi Einaudi” (1980-1988)
• Vice editor of Critica Liberale, member of the editorial board since its
• Editor of Biblioteca della libertà (1976-1988)
• Columnist of La Repubblica and L’Espresso, contributor to Corriere della
Sera, Il Sole 24 Ore, Il Messaggero
Public activities
• Advisor to the President of the Italian Republic on matters of Social
(2006 - 2013)
• President of the National Committee for the Integration of Immigrants
in Italy (Presidency of the Italian Council, Ministry of Social Affairs), in
charge of preparing an Annual Report for the Government on the
implementation of immigrants’ integration policies with the aim of
providing effective tools for the development of public policies on
• Member of the Committee (Turco) on the legal status of immigrants in
Italy that updated the Bill regarding the legal status of immigrants in
Italy (Ministry of Social Affairs)
• Member of the Committee (Contri) that prepared the Bill (see above)
• Member and consultant of the Commissione nazionale per la parità tra
uomo e donna (Equal Opportunities Committee), an advisory body of
the President of the Italian Council
“Le ragioni della rappresentanza”, in Reti, IV, n. 4, pp. 70-75
“Modeste proposte per una politica sobria”, in MicroMega, V, n. 4, pp. 25-35
“Sulla sociologia politica delle donne”, in Politica ed Economia, X, n. 9, pp. 565-589
“Prolegomeni a una non metafisica”, in Politica ed Economia, XI, n. 1, pp. 78-93
“Un freno all’accesso, un’accelerata alla cittadinanza”, in E. Granaglia and G. Urbani
(eds.), Immigrazione e diritti di cittadinanza, Roma, Consiglio Nazionale dell’Economia
e del Lavoro
“Immigration between integration and clandestinity”, in Relazioni Internazionali, LV,
pp. 34-45
“Donne, cittadinanza, differenza”, in Il Mulino, XL, pp. 778-787
Da sudditi a cittadini , Bologna, Il Mulino
“Il teorema delle politiche impossibili”, in MicroMega, VII, n. 2, pp. 140-149
“Da immigrati a cittadini: una questione europea”, in Il Mulino, XLI, pp. 645-661
“La crisi dello stato patrigno”, in MicroMega, VII, n. 5, pp. 57-66
“Modèles de citoyenneté au féminin”, in Futur Antérieur, XII, pp. 112-138
“La sindrome americana”, in MicroMega, VIII, pp. 156-168
“Immigrants in Italy: The Three Dimensions of Political Rights”, in New Community,
XX, pp. 131-145
Uno schermo contro il razzismo, Roma, Donzelli
“Femminile condizione”, entry in Enciclopedia di Scienze Sociali, Roma, Istituto
dell’Enciclopedia Italiana G. Treccani
“La cittadinanza societaria”, in Quaderni di Sociologia, XXXVIII-XXXIX (1994-1995), n.
7, pp. 165-170
USA con cautela: il sistema politico italiano e il modello americano, Roma, Donzelli
“La democrazia del gambero”, in AA. VV., Il voto alle donne 50 anni dopo, Roma,
Poligrafici dello Stato
“Cittadinanza e democrazia incompiuta”, in AA.VV., Solidarietà e cittadinanza,
Firenze, Cultura Nuova Editrice
“Immigration Policies in Italy”, in F. Heckmann, W. Bosswick (eds.), Migration
Policies. A Comparative Perspective, Forum Migration no. 1, Bamberg 1994, 2nd edition,
Enke, Stuttgart
“Modesto breviario per la sinistra liberale”, in MicroMega, XI, n. 3, pp. 127-138
“Torna il passato nel nostro futuro?”, in R. Viale (ed.), What is Left?, Torino, La Rosa
“The powerful consequences of being too weak. The impact of immigration on
democratic regimes”, in Archives Européennes de Sociologie, XXXVII, n. 1, pp. 104-138
“Cittadinanza: istruzioni per l’uso”, in Animazione Sociale, XXVII, pp. 11-20
“La nuova grande trasformazione e i suoi effetti sulla gente comune”, in Il Mulino,
XLVII, n. 1, pp. 5-15
“Multiculturalism from Above: Italian Variations on a European Theme”, chapter 6 in
R. Bauböck, J. Rundell (eds.), Blurred Boundaries: Living with Diversity, Aldershot,
Ashgate Publications, pp. 143-184
Citizenship: Between State and Society, EUI working papers, RSC 99/31
“Illegality, Enlightenment and Ambiguity: A Hot Italian Recepy”, in M. BaldwinEdwards and J. Arango (eds.), Immigrants and the Informal Economy in Southern Europe,
Londra, Frank Cass, also in South European Society and Politics, III (1999), n. 3
“The Second Great Transformation: The Politics of Globalisation in the Global North”
(with John Agnew), in Space & Polity, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 5-21
Primo Rapporto sull’integrazione degli immigrati in Italia, Giovanna Zincone (ed.),
Commissione per le politiche di integrazione degli immigrati, Bologna, Il Mulino,
pp. 571
“Introduzione e sintesi. Un modello di integrazione ragionevole”, in Primo Rapporto
sull’integrazione degli immigrati in Italia, cit., pp. 13-120
“A Model of Reasonable Integration: Summary of the First Report on the Integration
of Immigrants in Italy”, in International Migration Review, XXXIV, n. 3, pp. 956-968
Immigrazione e politiche di integrazione in Italia, working paper of the Italian-Japanese
Association Nichi-I Kyokai, published in Japanese language
“Cittadinanza: trasformazioni in corso”, in Filosofia Politica, XIV, n. 1, pp. 71-92
“Cittadinanza e processi migratori: tesi sulle trasformazioni e i conflitti”, in Diritto,
Immigrazione e Cittadinanza, II, n. 4, pp. 44-56
“Immigrati: quali politiche per l’integrazione”, in Il Mulino, XLIX, n. 1, pp. 80-90
Secondo Rapporto sull’integrazione degli immigrati in Italia, Giovanna Zincone (ed.),
Commissione per le politiche di integrazione degli immigrati, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp.
“Introduzione e sintesi. Utili, uguali, dissimili”, in Secondo Rapporto sull’integrazione
degli immigrati in Italia, cit., pp. 17-81
“Immigrazione”, in F. Tuccari (ed.), Il Governo Berlusconi, Bari, Laterza, pp. 57-72
“La nationalité en Italie – Une marche arrière et un parcours à contre courant” (with
T. Caponio), in J. Reiller (ed.), Nationalité et citoyenneté, nouvelle donne d’un espace
européen, Paris, Centre d’Etudes et Prévisions, Travaux du CEP n. 5, May
“Governare (bene) l’immigrazione per sconfiggere il razzismo”, in Italianieuropei, II,
September-October, n. 4, pp. 107-128
“Il processo delle politiche di immigrazione in Italia: uno schema interpretativo
integrato” (with L. Di Gregorio), in Stato e mercato, December, n. 66, pp. 433-465
“Los cuatro significados de la ciudadanía y las migraciones: una aplicación al caso
italiano”, translated by P. Mercado Pacheco, Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez, n.
37, pp. 201-236
The legal treatment of Islamic minorities in Europe (edited with R. Aluffi Beck-Peccoz),
Leuven, Peeters
“About this book”(with R. Aluffi Beck-Peccoz), introduction to The legal treatment of
Islamic minorities in Europe (edited with R. Aluffi Beck-Peccoz), Leuven, Peeters, pp.
La discriminazione dei lavoratori immigrati nel mercato del lavoro in Italia (research report
edited with E. Allasino, E. Reyneri and A. Venturini), International Migration Papers,
Geneva, Employment Department, International Labour Office, April
“I diritti elettorali dei migranti nello spazio politico e giuridico europeo” (with S.
Ardovino), in Le istituzioni del federalismo, XXV, n. 5, pp. 741-762
“Cittadinanza e migrazioni: un’applicazione al caso italiano”, in M. Livi Bacci (ed.),
L’incidenza economica dell’immigrazione, Quaderno Cesifin n. 20, Torino, Giappichelli,
”Immigrati e lavoro indipendente: cosa impariamo da questa ricerca empirica” (with
M. Ambrosini), introduction to the research report Imprenditori stranieri in provincia di
Torino, Torino, Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura
“The Making of Policies: Immigration and Immigrants in Italy”, in Journal of Ethnic
and Migration Studies (JEMS), vol. 32, no.3, April, pp.347-375
Familismo legale. Come (non) diventare italiani, G. Zincone (ed.), Bari-Roma, Laterza
“Due pesi e due misure: pronipoti d’Italia e nuovi immigrati ”, in Familismo legale.
Come (non) diventare italiani, cit., pp. 3-51
“Il perché del presente e gli auspici per il futuro che potrebbe essere migliore”, in
Familismo legale. Come (non) diventare italiani, cit., pp. 139-164
“Italy”(with M. Arena e B. Nascimbene), in R. Bauböck , E. Ersbøll, K. Groenendijk,
H. Waldrauch (eds.), Acquisition and Loss of Nationality. Vol. II: Country Analyses.
Policies and Trends in 15 European Countries, Amsterdam, IMISCOE – Amsterdam
University Press book series, pp. 329-366
“The Multilevel Governance of Migration” (with T. Caponio), in R. Penninx, M.
Berger e K. Kraal (eds.), The Dynamics of Migration and Settlement in Europe. A State of
the Art, Amsterdam, IMISCOE – Amsterdam University Press book series, pp. 269304.
“Integration Indicators” (with T. Caponio T. e R. Carastro), research report delivered
for the ILO project “Promoting Equality in Diversity: Integration in Europe”, Ginevra,
ILO, www.fieri.it.
“Out of Paradigms: the Italian Reasonable Way to Integration” (with I. Ponzo) in
Canadian Diversity, vol. 5, no. 1, Winter, pp. 51-56.
“Italian Immigrants and Immigration Policy-Making: Structures, Actors and
Practices”, IMISCOE Working Paper (Working Paper n. 12), www.imiscoe.org.
“Capitale sociale e capitale umano come fattori d’integrazione. Una riflessione sul
contributo di Riccardo Faini alla teoria delle migrazioni” (con A. Del Boca), in
Riccardo Faini. Un economista al servizio delle istituzioni, Il Mulino, Bologna.
Immigrazione: segnali di integrazione. Sanità, scuola e casa (a cura di), Il Mulino, Bologna.
“Il passaggio al primo piano”, in Immigrazione: segnali di integrazione. Sanità, scuola e
casa, cit.
“Country Report: Italy”, (con M. Basili) EUDO citizenship observatory, RSCAS,
“Citizenship Policy Making in Mediterranean EU States: Italy”, EUDO citizenship
http://eudocitizenship.eu/docs/EUDOcom-Italy.pdf this essay is part of a research project
directed by G. Zincone The Making of Naionality Politices in Souhter Europe
“The Making of Italian Nationality law”, Italian Politics & Society - The review of the
conference group on Italian politics and society, no. 69, Spring
Immigrati: servizi uguali o diversi?, (con I.Ponzo, a cura di), Roma, Carocci, serie FIERI.
“L’immigrazione e l’incerta cittadinanza”, Il Mulino 5/2010, LIX (451): 758-766
Immigrazione e cittadinanza: questioni di uguaglianza, annual lecture Ermanno Gorrieri,
Fondazione Ermanno Gorrieri per gli studi sociali, Modena
Inclusione di Rom e Sinti: missione possibile, article for Rapporto conclusivo dell'indagine
sulla condizione di Rom, Sinti e Caminanti in Italia, Commissione Straordinaria per la
Tutela e la Promozione dei Diritti Umani, Senato della Repubblica
Migration Policymaking in Europe. The dynamics of actors in past and present (with R.
Penninx and M. Borkert, eds.), IMISCOE research, Amsterdam University Press,
“The case of Italy”, in Migration Policymaking in Europe. The dynamics of actors in past
and present, cit., pp. 247-291.
“Conclusion: Comparing Migratory Policies Making”, in Migration Policymaking in
Europe. The dynamics of actors in past and present, cit., pp. 377-443.
How European Cities Craft Immigrant Integration. Something to Learn, (with I. Ponzo,
eds.), Rome: Foundation for European Progressive Studies e Fondazione
1996, November 8-9 • The Future of Democracy between Masses and Elite oral presentation for
the conference organised by Princeton University and Reset, Princeton
1999, February 2 • Essere cittadini oggi, Conference: “Riformare la legge sulla cittadinanza”,
Commissione per le politiche di integrazione degli immigrati, Dipartimento per gli Affari
Sociali, Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Roma
1999, June 21 • Rappresentanza e diritto di voto, International Conference: “Partecipazione e
rappresentanza politica degli immigrati”, Commissione per le politiche di integrazione degli
immigrati, Dipartimento per gli Affari Sociali, Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Roma
1999, October 12-13 • Relationships between integration policy and management of migration,
Seminar on managing migration in the wider Europe, European Council, Strasbourg
1999, October 19 • Immigrazione e politiche di integrazione in Italia, Annual Conference,
Associazione Giappone–Italia, Tokyo
1999, November 30 • Presentation of Secondo Rapporto sull’integrazione degli immigrati in Italia,
Commissione per le politiche di integrazione degli immigrati, Roma
1999, December 1-3 • Representation and Right to Vote, European Committee on Migration
(CDMG), 41st meeting, Council of Europe, Strasbourg
2000, February 25-26 • I modelli di integrazione: il caso italiano, International Conference:
“Immigrazione e cittadinanza in Europa”, Agenzia romana per la preparazione del Giubileo,
2000, May 3-6 • Regards sociologiques sur le multiculturalisme, “Citizenship: Positioning
transformation and conflicts”, Comité Executif de l’AIS – Association Internationale de
Sociologie, Courmayeur
2000, June 3 • The Impact of immigration on National Labour paper presented at Locarno
Library- Dissent-Reset, Locarno
2000, June 23-24 • Spezzare il cerchio, International Conference: “Rom e Sinti. Un’integrazione
possibile”, Napoli
2000, July 5 • I meccanismi decisionali che presiedono alle politiche di immigrazione. Una bozza di
analisi e proposta, Seminar on “Gestione delle migrazioni e riorganizzazione dei sistemi
istituzionali”, Fondazione CARIPLO–I.S.M.U, Milano
2000, July 14 • Citizenship and migration processes. Positioning transformations and conflicts,
International Conference: “Migrations – Scenaries for XXI Century”, Agenzia romana per la
preparazione del Giubileo, Roma
2000, September 11 • La nationalité en Italie – Une marche à rebours et un parcours à contre
courant, Conference: “Nationalité et citoyenneté, nouvelle donne d’un espace européen”,
IFRI, Paris
2000, October 5-6 • Les droits des long résident. Considérations générales appliquées au cas italien,
“Séminaire sur l’intégration des ressortissants des pays tiers en situation légale”, European
Commission, EU French Presidency, Paris
2000, November 13-17 • Missing Links in Italian Policy Making, X International Conference of
“Metropolis”, workshop “Building Institutional Capacities”, Vancouver
2000, December 13 • Presentation of Secondo Rapporto sull’integrazione degli immigrati in Italia,
Commissione per le politiche di integrazione degli immigrati, Roma
2001, September 13-15 • Il processo delle politiche di immigrazione: uno schema eclettico (with L.
Di Gregorio), Congresso Italiano di Scienza Politica, Siena
2001, October 14-15 • The case of Italy, in Policy Recommendations for a European Migration
Policy, Press Conference, Bruxelles, GMF, King Baldwin Foundation, Compagnia di San
2002, January 29-February 1 • Políticas de inmigración en Europa y en el Mediterràneo, Institut
Català de la Mediterrània”, Barcelona
2002, March 22-27 • The Immigration Policy Process in Italy – An Integrated Scheme of
Interpretation (con L. Di Gregorio), in G. Zincone, S. Castles (eds.), workshop on
“Immigration Policies. Between Centre and Peripheries, Nation States and the EU”, ECPR
(European Consortium of Political Research) Conference, Torino
2002, December 13-14 • L’immigration et la citoyenneté en Italie, Colloque sur la
Citoyenneté(s), Université de Montpellier I
2003, February 18-20 • Migration Processes and Changes in Citizenship Rights, International
Conference: “The Challenges of Immigration and Integration in Australia and the European
Union”, University of Sidney, Sidney
2004, June 17 • Few Suggestions for a European Integration Index, International Conference “The
European Inclusion Index: Political Participation Seminar” organised by Sciences Po, British
Council Brussels, The Foreign Policy Centre, Barrow Cadbury Trust, MPG, The Joseph
Rowntree Charitable Trust, Science Po, Paris
2005, 12 May • Le déficit du politique, participation to the symposium aimed at the collective
draft of the paper with Michel Wieviorka, Elie Barnavi, Elie Sanbar, Saskia Sassen, Alain
Touraine, etc., Fondation Gulbenkian, Paris
2005, November 4 • La crisi delle strategie classiche, Conference “L’immigrazione vista
dall’Osservatorio provinciale di Bologna e dal Dossier Caritas Nazionale internazionale”,
Province of Bologna, Bologna
2005, November 24 • intervention to the presentation of the national reaserch activity
carried out by Scenari Immobiliari “Un Nuovo protagonista nel mercato della casa:
l’immigrato – Abitazione è integrazione? ”, Rome
2006, February 17 • Cittadinanza e immigrazione, Lezione Norberto Bobbio
2008, June 13 • Trends and contradictions, Venice Forum - “Migration from a National,
European and Global Perspective”, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore (Venice)
2008, September 15 • The making of migration policies: a comparative analysis, Turin
international Summer School - “Migration. Challenges and Opportunities for Europe”, Villa
Gualino, Turin
2008, February 23 • Why Legal Familism. The Making of Nationality Policies in Italy, Badia
Fiesolana (FI), seminar “Comparing citizenship regimes – Mediterranean Europe”, European
University Institute (EUI).
2008, July 4 • Policy Trends and Contradictions, Lisbona, PhD Summer Workshop “Thematic
Research Seminars on Migration”.
2008, September 15 • The making of migration policies: a comparative analysis, Turin
international Summer School “Migration. Challenges and Opportunities for Europe”, Villa
Gualino, Turin.
2009, February 23 •Why Legal Familism The Making of Nationality Policies in Italy?, conference
“Comparing Citizenship Regimes”, organised by Rainer Baubock of the Department of
Political and Social Sciences - EUI, Badia Fiesolana, Florence.
2009, October 16-17 • Politiche migratorie: ragioni, trend e contraddizioni, Dialoghi Asolani “Le
nuove politiche dell’immigrazione:sfide e opportunità”, Asolo (TV)
2009, November 20 • Politiche migratorie: ragioni, trend e contraddizioni , conference organised
by Fondazione Federico Chabod in Aosta, Conference hall of the Regional Library, Aosta
2010, May 27 •Lectio Magistralis Immigrazione e cittadinanza: questioni di uguaglianza,
organised by Fondazione Ermanno Gorrieri per gli studi sociali di Modena, Teatro della
Fondazione San Carlo, Modena.
2010, April 29 • I conflitti intorno alla cittadinanza in Europa e in Italia: storia, sviluppi e
prospettive, oral presentation at the conference organised by Associazione Cultura & Sviluppo
di Alessandria (ACSAL) and by Istituto per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (ICS) , within an
intercutural training course funded by Fondazione CRT, Alessandria
2010, November 16 • conclusions to the workshop I Rom e il processo di integrazione europea.
Problemi ed indirizzi, organised by Commissione straordinaria per la tutela e la promozione
dei diritti umani del Senato della Repubblica and by FIERI, Aula della Commissione Difesa –
Senato della Repubblica
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