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Giuseppe Manco
Senior Researcher (First Researcher)
Date of Birth
Education and Training (include degrees and post-doctoral training)
Institution and Location
University of Naples “Federico Biological
Field of Study
1987: Graduated in Biological Sciences ''magna cum laudae'' at University of Naples.
1988-1989: Diploma to exert the profession of Biologist at the University of Naples
1989-1991: Fellowships at International Institute of Genetic and Biophysics (IIGB)
1992-1994: Fellowships at Institute of Protein Biochemistry and Enzymology, CNR
(National Research Council), Naples
1994-1997: Contract as non-permanent Researcher (ex art. 23) at the Institute of Protein
Biochemistry and enzymology, CNR (National Research Council), Naples
1995: Visitor researcher at National Institute of Health, Bethesda, USA
1997-2001: Contract as permanent Staff Researcher at the Institute of Protein
Biochemistry and enzymology, CNR (National Research Council),Naples
2001-till now: Contract as permanent Senior Staff Researcher at the Institute of Protein
Biochemistry of CNR of Italy.
Projects and grants
1999-2000: Principal Investigator of CNR project: ''Thermophilic Lipases and Esterases''
2001-2003: Principal Investigator of CNR project: "Structural and Functional study of
thermostable lipases and carboxilesterases and their potential applications''.
2002-2003: Responsible and Principal Investigator of a Project granted from Campania Region:
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[ Manco Giuseppe ]
''Decontamination of water and soil containing organophosphate pesticides by means of
thermostable paraoxonases '' .
2007-2008: Responsible of the Italian Unit in the frame of the bilateral project CNR-CONICET
"Incidenza di un’ esterasi termofila sull’ aggregazione del caglio e nella maturazione di formaggi
a pasta dura e semidura".
2010-2011: Coordinator and Responsible of the Italian Unit in the frame of MAE Bilateral
Project Italy – China “Use of innovative enzymes for detection and decontamination of
organophosphate pesticides”.
2010-2012- Scientific Coordinator and Principal Investigator of the Project FFC10-2010
granted from Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca in Fibrosi Cistica "Exploring thermostable
quorum-quencing lactonases to conteract infections in cystic fibrosis patients".
2011-2015-Responsible of the IBP-CNR unit in the "MERIT" Project granted from the Italian
Ministry of Research (MIUR) RBNE08LN4P_003, Integrated approach clinic and experimental
to the study of cerebral aging and of neurodegenerative diseases: molecular basis, genetic
epidemiology, multimodal neuroimaging and pharmacogenetics.
2012-2015 Scientific Coordinator of the MIUR/EU project "INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS FOR
EMERGENCY" PON01_01585 and Responsible of the IBP-CNR unit.
2014-Responsible for CNR and Coordinator of a for the high educational project related to the
PON01_01585 project.
-2015-Coordinator of the sub-project "Proteoma" in the frame of Interomics CNR Flag ship
Institutional activities
-2002-2009 : Member of the Institute Committee at the Institute of Protein Biochemistry (CNR).
-2003-till now: Responsible
of CNR sub-project (commessa) of the CNR Biomedical
Department, Institute of Protein Biochemistry.
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[ Manco Giuseppe ]
-2010-till now: Expert in Industrial Biotechnology for the Italian Ministry of Research (MIUR).
-2013-till now: member of the Technological Transfer Group of the Campania Biosciences
-2013-till now: member of the Group of territorial technological transfer for the "BIOTTASA"
Project of the Department Bioscience (CNR).
-2014- till now IBP Responsible of the cooperation agreement with Consorzio SANNIOTECH
-2014- till now Member of the Internationalization Group of Consorzio SANNIOTECH
Member or Chair of many Committees for fellows, post-docs, teachers hiring.
Tutor of many Master degree students, pHDs and post-docs.
-2013 dr G. Manco won the National Habilitation to be Full Professor in Biochemistry.
Referee of the following scientific journals:
FEMS Microbiology Letters -Research in Microbiology -Journal of Marine Biotechnology Journal of Molecular Evolution -Biochimica and Biophysica Acta- Archives of Biochemistry and
Biophysics- Current Chemical Biology- Extremophiles- Archaea- Microbial Cell Factory-GeneElectrophoresis-BMC Biotechnology-Protein Science-Proteins-Journal of Molecular BiologyJournal of Biological Chemistry-Biochemical Journal - Applied Microbiology and
Biotechnology- Environmental Technology LWT - Food Science and Technology- Process
Biochemistry-Bioresource Technology- European Journal of Organic Chemistry-Proteins- Protein
Editorial activity
2003 till now Member of Editorial Review Board of Archaea.
2008 Guest Editor of Protein and Peptide Letters
2014-till now Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology Research
Scientific interests
Dr Giuseppe Manco is a senior Researcher (Primo Ricercatore) and Group Leader at the Institute
of Protein Biochemistry, CNR, Naples, Italy. Its main research line is the study of the structurefunction relationship in enzymes from the viewpoint of understanding the determinants that
underlay (thermal)stability and the molecular processes, which control the substrate recognition,
enzyme inhibition and enzyme catalysis. The tasks are approached mainly by studying enzymes
from (hyper)thermophilic sources, and are also performed by comparison with mesophilic,
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[ Manco Giuseppe ]
homologous counterparts, which allow tracing back evolution of enzyme activity by looking at
sequence/structure hallmarks and promiscuous activities. Furthermore, the potential uses of these
enzymes in the industry, for the environment and for human health are investigated.
Recent started projects are on thermostable phosphotriesterases, enzyme involved in
detoxification of xenobiotics. He has been co-author in the resolution of the structure of the first
thermophilic phosphotriesterase-like lactonase (PLL) and in collaboration with Dan Tawfick
(Weizman Institute) demonstrated that is indeed a lactonase, a nice demonstration in vivo of the
theory of evolution of new functions starting from promiscuous activity. Furthermore, projects
on understanding the role in diseases of human PON2 and human PDHKs are ongoing.
Dr Manco has been tutor of several students and since 1987 has co-authored over 80 publications
and 4 patents.
1. Manco G. and Rossi M. Fosfotriesterasi termofila e termostabile ottenibile per via
ricombinante. NA2003A000031 submitted 03/06/2003. Released 20-08-2008 N.0001346628.
2. Febbraio F., Nucci R., Rossi M., Manco G. Impiego di esterase termostabili per la rivelazione
di inibitori organofosfati e carbammati. NA2006A000010 submitted 06/02/2006. Italian Patent
Released 18/01/2010 N.0001369708.
3. Mandrich L, Merone L, Porzio E, Rossi M and Manco G FOSFOTRIESTERASI
NA2007A000005 submitted 16/01/2007. Released 30/12/2010 N. 0001384494.
4. Mandrich L. and Manco G. Un nuovo gruppo di esterasi per la chimica fine e la
detossificazione degli agenti nervini organofosforici NA2009A000008 Italian patent Realesed
Dr Manco has recently co-funded the start-up "DETOXIZYMES" srls.
Grants Evaluator
Dr Manco has been evaluator for:
Israel Science Foundation;
EMBL Interdisciplinary Postdoc (Application No: 8158);
Academia Sinica of Applications of the Thematic Research Program Life Science;
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[ Manco Giuseppe ]
India-Welcome Trust Program;
Italian MIUR Program "Futuro in Ricerca";
The Italian ANVUR Agency for Research evaluation in 2012.
1 Zhang Y, An J, Yang GY, Bai A, Zheng B, Lou Z, Wu G, Ye W, Chen HF, Feng Y,
Manco G. Active site loop conformation regulates promiscuous activity in a
lactonase from Geobacillus kaustophilus HTA426 PLoS One. 2015 Feb
2 Carullo P, Cetrangolo GP, Mandrich L, Manco G, Febbraio F. Fluorescence
spectroscopy approaches for the development of a real-time organophosphate
detection system using an enzymatic sensor. Sensors (Basel). 2015 Feb
3 Ferriero R, Iannuzzi C, Manco G, Brunetti-Pierri N. Differential inhibition of PDKs
by phenylbutyrate and enhancement of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex activity
by combination with dichloroacetate. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2015 Jan 20.
4 Tang X, Liang B, Yi T, Manco G, Palchetti I, Liu A (2014) Cell surface display of
organophosphorus hydrolase for sensitive spectrophotometric detection of pnitrophenol substituted organophosphates. Enzyme Microb Technol. 55: 107-12.
5 Fiorentino G, Del Giudice I, Petraccone L, Bartolucci S, Del Vecchio P (2014)
Conformational stability and ligand binding properties of BldR, a member of the
MarR family, from Sulfolobus solfataricus. Biochim and Biophys Acta.1844: 11671172.
6 Mandrich L (2014) Endocrine disrupters: the hazards for human health. Cloning
and Transgenesi. 3 (1): e110 doi: 10.4172/2168-9849.1000e110. Editorial.
7 Zhang Y, An J, Yang GY, Bai A, Zheng B, Lou Z, Wu G, Ye W, Chen HF, Rao Z,
Feng Y, Manco G (2014) Active site loop conformation regulates promiscuous
activity in a lactonase from Geobacillus kaustophilus HTA426. Plos One. Accepted
8 Mandrich L., Di Gennaro S., Palma A., Manco G., A further biochemical
characterization of DrPLL the thermophilic lactonase from Deinococcus
radiodurans, Protein Peptide Letters (2012) in press.
9 Mandrich L., De Santi C., de Pascale D, Manco G. Effect of low organic solvents
concentration on the stability and catalytic activity of HSL-like carboxylesterases:
Analysis from psychrophiles to (hyper)thermophiles. Journal of Molecular Catalysis
B: Enzymatic 82 (2012) 46– 52
10 Manco G., Merone L., Porzio E., Yan F., and Mandrich L. Enzyme Promiscuity in
the Hormone-sensitive Lipase Family, Proteins Protein & Peptide Letters (PPL) "
Volume 19, No. 2, 2012. 19, 144-154. Review
11 Corso C, Pisapia L, Citro A, Cicatiello V, Barba P, Cigliano L, Abrescia P, Maffei A,
Manco G, Del Pozzo G. EBP1 and DRBP76/NF90 binding proteins are included in
the major histocompatibility complex class II RNA operon. Nucleic Acids Res. 2011
Sep 1;39(16):7263-75. Epub 2011 May 29.
12 Maillard N, Babiak P, Syed S, Biswas R, Mandrich L, Manco G, Reymond JL. A
five-substrate cocktail as sensor array for measuring enzyme activity fingerprints of
lipases and esterases. Analytical Chemistry 83: 1437-1442 – 2011.
13 Merone L, Mandrich L, Porzio E, Rossi M, Müller S, Reiter G, Worek F, Manco G.
Improving the promiscuous nerve agent hydrolase activity of a thermostable
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[ Manco Giuseppe ]
archaeal lactonase. Bioresour. Technol. 2010 Dec;101(23):9204-12. Epub 2010
Jul 27.
Phosphotriesterases/lactonases for the Environment and Human Health.
Environmental Technology 31: 1115-1127 – 2010.
Manco G. Carboxylesterases: a world with still words to say. Protein Pept Lett.
Manco G., Nucci R, Febbraio F. Use of Esterase Activities for the Detection of
Chemical Neurotoxic Agents. Protein Pept Lett. 2009 16(10):1225-34.
Mandrich L, Merone L, Manco G. Structural and Kinetic Overview of the
Carboxylesterase EST2 from Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius: A Comparison with
the Other Members of the HSL Family. Protein Pept Lett. 2009 16(10):1189-200.
Mandrich L., and Manco G. Evolution in the amidohydrolase superfamily:
substrate-assisted gain of function in the E183K mutant of a phosphotriesteraselike metal-carboxylesterase 2009 Biochemistry 48, 5602–5612.
Del Vecchio P, Elias M, Merone L, Graziano G, Dupuy J, Mandrich L, Carullo P,
Fournier B, Rochu D, Rossi M, Masson P, Chabriere E, Manco G. Structural
determinants of the high thermal stability of SsoPox from the hyperthermophilic
Extremophiles 2009 13(3):461-70.
Febbraio Ferdinando, Esposito D’Andrea Sandro, Mandrich Luigi, Rossi Mosè,
Nucci Roberto and Manco Giuseppe Irreversible inhibition of the thermophilic
esterase EST2 from Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius" Extremophiles 2008
Merone L, Mandrich L, Rossi M and Manco G. Enzymes with phosphotriesterase
and lactonase activities in Archaea Current Chemical Biology, 2008 Volume 2,
No.3 237-248 (September issue) review.
Mandrich L, Menchise V, Alterio V, De Simone G, Pedone C, Rossi M, Manco G.
Functional and structural features of the oxyanion hole in a thermophilic esterase
from Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius. Proteins. 2008 Jun;71(4):1721-31.
D'Ambrosio C, Mandrich L, Rossi M, Scaloni A, Manco G. A proteomic approach
to study Escherichia coli. Acetyl esterase interactors unveil a sequence motif
involved in protein-protein interaction. Protein Pept Lett. 2008;15(4):333-40.
Zhang Z, Zheng B, Wang Y, Chen Y, Manco G, Feng Y. The conserved N-terminal
helix of acylpeptide hydrolase from archaeon Aeropyrum pernix K1 is important for
its hyperthermophilic activity. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2008 Jun 6.
Mandrich L, Caputo E, Martin BM, Rossi M, Manco G. ”The Aes protein and the
monomeric alpha-galactosidase from Escherichia coli form a non-covalent
complex. Implications for the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism” Journal of
Biological Chemistry 2002 Dec 13; 277(50): 48241-7.
Manco G., Mandrich L., and Rossi M. “Residues at the Active Site of the Esterase
2 from Alicyclobacillus Acidocaldarius Involved in Substrate Specificity and
Catalytic Activity at High Temperature” Journal of Biological Chemistry 2001 276:
Manco G, Carrea G, Giosue E, Ottolina G, Adamo G, Rossi M.”Modification of the
enantioselectivity of two homologous thermophilic carboxylesterases from
Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius and Archaeoglobus fulgidus by random
mutagenesis and screening. Extremophiles. 2002 6: 325-31.
M. Rossi, L. Mandrich and G. Manco:.“Search for remote homology by fold
recognition and experimental validation” Recent Research Developments in
Protein Engineering 2001 1, 149-159. Review
Michiotti G., Manco G., Parisi S.,.Lago C.T., Rosa F., and Persico M. G.
“Structure-function analysis of the EGF-CFC family member Cripto identifies
residues essential for nodal signalling” Development 2001 128: 4501-10.
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[ Manco Giuseppe ]
30 G. De Simone, S. Galdiero, G. Manco, D. Lang, M. Rossi and C. Pedone “A
Snapshot of a Transition State Analogue of A Novel Thermophilic Esterase
Belonging to the Subfamily of Mammalian Hormone-sensitive Lipase” 2000 Journal
of Molecular Biology Nov 10;303(5):761-771.
31 Del Vecchio P, Graziano G, Granata V, Barone G, Mandrich L, Rossi M, Manco G.
“Denaturing action of urea and guanidine hydrochloride towards two thermophilic
esterases” Biochemical Journal 2002 367: 857-63.
32 Del Vecchio P, Graziano G, Granata V, Barone G, Mandrich L, Manco G, Rossi M.
“Temperature- and denaturant-induced unfolding of two thermophilic esterases”
Biochemistry. 2002 41: 1364-71
33 De Simone G, Menchise V, Manco G, Mandrich L, Sorrentino N, Lang D, Rossi M,
Pedone C. “The crystal structure of a hyper-thermophilic carboxylesterase from the
archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus”. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2001 314: 50718.
34 D’Auria S, Herman P, Lakowicz J R., Tanfani F, Bertoli E, Manco G and Rossi M
“The Esterase from the Thermophilic Eubacterium Bacillus acidocaldarius:
Structural-functional relationship and Comparison with the Esterase from the
Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus“. 2000 Proteins. Structure,
Function, Genetics 40:473-481.
35 Defez R., M. Chiurazzi, G. Manco, E. J. Patriarca, A. Lamberti, A. Riccio, C.
Lopes, S. Colonna-Romano S. Moreno, R. Meza, G. Espin and M. Iaccarino 1990.
The glutamine synthetases of Rhizobium leguminosarum and their regulatory
genes". (Gresshoff, Roth, Stacey and Newton Eds.). Nitrogen Fixation.
Achievements and Objectives. Chapman and Hall, New York, London. p. 715.
36 Manco G., Sansone G. and Abrescia P. "Characterization of a sperm coating
antigen in rat". 1987 Italian Journal of Biochemistry 36:339-341.Sorrentino N, De
Simone G, Menchise V, Mandrich L, Rossi M, Manco G, Pedone C.
“Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of Aes acetyl-esterase
from Escherichia coli.” Acta Crystallographica D Biol Crystallogr. 2003 59: 1846-8.
37 R. Defez, C. Lopes, M. Chiurazzi, E.J. Patriarca, G. Manco, A. Riccio, A. Lamberti,
R. Meza, S. Moreno, G. Espin, M. Iaccarino."Applicazioni di tecniche di
immunofluorescenza ed istochimicha per la ricerca di batteri manipolati
geneticamente". Ordine Nazionale dei Biologi. Atti del Convegno Internazionale:
"Ingegneria Genetica e Rischi Ambientali" a cura di S. Dumontet, E.Landi. Giardini
Naxos (ME) 1-3 giugno 1990 pag.119-121.
38 Manco G., Sansone G. and Abrescia P. "Interaction of proteins RSV IV and RSV V
in rat seminal vesicle secretion" 1989 Journal of Experimental Zoology 249: 193202.
39 Elias M, Dupuy J, Merone L, Mandrich L, Porzio E, Moniot S, Rochu D, Lecomte
C, Rossi M, Masson P, Manco G, Chabriere E. Structural basis for natural
lactonase and promiscuous phosphotriesterase activities. J Mol Biol. 2008
40 Elias M, Dupuy J, Merone L, Lecomte C, Rossi M, Masson P, Manco G, Chabriere
E. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the hyperthermophilic
Sulfolobus solfataricus phosphotriesterase. Acta Crystallograph Sect F Struct Biol
Cryst Commun. 2007 Jul 1;63(Pt 7):553-5. Epub 2007 Jun 11.
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41 Salzano AM, Febbraio F, Farias T, Cetrangolo GP, Nucci R, Scaloni A, Manco G. Redox
stress proteins are involved in adaptation response of the hyperthermoacidophilic archaeon
Sulfolobus solfataricus to nickel challenge. Microb Cell Fact. 2007 Aug 12;6(1):25.
42 Farias T, Mandrich L, Rossi M, Manco G. Biochemical and Thermostability Features of
Acetyl Esterase Aes from Escherichia coli. Protein Pept Lett. 2007 Feb;14(2):165-169.
43 Porzio E, Merone L, Mandrich L, Rossi M, Manco G. A new phosphotriesterase from
Sulfolobus acidocaldarius and its comparison with the homologue from Sulfolobus
solfataricus. Biochimie. 2007 May;89(5):625-36. Epub 2007 Jan 27.
44 L. Mandrich, M. Pezzullo, M. Rossi and G. Manco “SSoND and SsoNDlong: two
thermostable esterases from the same ORF in the Archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus? 2007
Archaea 2:109-115.
45 Foglia F, Mandrich L, Pezzullo M, Graziano G, Barone G, Rossi M, Manco G, Del Vecchio
P. Role of the N-terminal region for the conformational stability of esterase 2 from
Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius. Biophys Chem. 2007 Apr;127(1-2):113-22. Epub 2007 Jan
46 Livnat Afriat, Cintia Roodveldt, Giuseppe Manco and Dan S. Tawfik “The latent promiscuity
of microbial lactonases links to a recently diverged phosphotriesterase” Biochemistry 2006
Nov 21;45(46):13677-86
47 G. Manco, L. Merone, L. Mandrich and M. Rossi. A new phosphotriesterase cloned from the
archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus MT4. Proc. of Japanese Intern. Workshop on
Extremophiles 2005 18-25 online: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/isea/2005/0/_contents.
48 Ben Ali Y, Chahinian H, Petry S, Muller G, Lebrun R, Verger R, Carrière F, Mandrich L,
Rossi M, Manco G, Sarda L, and Abousalham A “Use of an inhibitor to identify members of
the hormone-sensitive lipase family” Biochemistry 2006 45:14183-91.
49 Mandrich L., Manco G., Rossi M., Floris E., Jansen-van den Bosch T., Smit G. and Wouters
J.A “Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius Thermophilic EST2’s Activity in Milk and Cheese Model”
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2006; Vol. 72 (5) :3191-7.
50 Del Vecchio P., Graziano G., Barone G., Mandrich L., Rossi M. and Manco G.
“Temperature -induced denaturation of Aes acetyl-esterase fro Escherichia coli”
Thermochim. Acta 2006; 441: 144-149.
51 Merone L, Mandrich L, Rossi M, Manco G. A thermostable phosphotriesterase from the
archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus: cloning, overexpression and properties. Extremophiles.
2005 9:297-305.
52 Mandrich L, Merone L, Pezzullo M, Cipolla L, Nicotra F, Rossi M, Manco G. Role of the N
terminus in enzyme activity, stability and specificity in thermophilic esterases belonging to
the HSL family. J Mol Biol. 2005 345:501-12.
53 Del Vecchio P, Graziano G, Granata V, Farias T, Barone G, Mandrich L, Rossi M, Manco
G. Denaturant-induced unfolding of the acetyl-esterase from Escherichia coli.Biochemistry.
2004 Nov 23;43(46):14637-43.
54 De Simone G, Menchise V, Alterio V, Mandrich L, Rossi M, Manco G, Pedone C. The
crystal structure of an EST2 mutant unveils structural insights on the H group of the
carboxylesterase/lipase family. J Mol Biol. 2004 343:137-46.
55 De Felice M, Esposito L, Pucci B, De Falco M, Manco G, Rossi M, Pisani FM. Modular
organization of a Cdc6-like protein from the crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus. Biochem
J. 2004 381:645-53.
56 Napolitani C, Mandrich L, Riccio A, Lamberti A, Manco G, Patriarca EJ “Mutational analysis
of GstI protein, a glutamine synthetase translational inhibitor of Rhizobium leguminosarum”
FEBS Letters (2004) 558(1-3):45-51.
57 De Simone G, Mandrich L, Menchise V, Giordano V, Febbraio F, Rossi M, Pedone C,
Manco G.”A substrate-induced switch in the reaction mechanism of a thermophilic esterase.
Kinetic evidences and structural basis.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2004.
58 Mandrich L, Pezzullo M, Del Vecchio P, Barone G, Rossi M, Manco G. ”Analysis of thermal
adaptation in the HSL enzyme family.” Journal of Molecular Biology. 2004 335: 357-69.
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61 Del Vecchio P, Graziano G, Granata V, Barone G, Mandrich L, Rossi M, Manco G.” Effect
of trifluoroethanol on the conformational stability of a hyperthermophilic esterase: a CD
study.” Biophysical Chemistry. 2003 104: 407-15.
62 M. Spinosa, A. Riccio, L. Mandrich, G. Manco, A. Lamberti, M. Iaccarino, M. Merrick, and E.
J. Patriarca "Inhibition of glutamine synthetase II expression by the product of the gstI gene"
Molecular Microbiology 2000 37 (2): 443-452.
63 Caputo E., Manco G., Mandrich L. and Guardiola J. “A novel aspartyl-proteinase from
apocrine epithelia and breast tumors 2000 Journal of Biological Chemistry
64 Manco G., Camardella L., Febbraio F., Adamo G., Carratore V. and Rossi M.” Homology
Modeling and Identification of Serine 160 as Nucleophile of the Active Site in a
Thermostable Carboxylesterase from the Archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus.” 2000 Protein
Engineering Mar;13(3):197-200.
65 D’Auria S., Herman, P., Lakowicz, J.R., Bertoli, E., Tanfani, F., Rossi, M., and Manco G.
“The thermophilic esterase from Archaeoglobus fulgidus : Structure, and Conformational
dynamics at high temperature” 2000 Proteins. Structure, Function, Genetics
66 Manco,G., Giosue’,E., D’Auria,S., Herman,P., Carrea,G., and Rossi,M “Cloning,
Overexpression and Properties of a New Thermophilic and Thermostable Esterase with
Sequence Similarity to Hormone Sensitive Lipase Subfamily from the Archaeon
Archaeoglobus fulgidus. Archives of Biochemestry and Biophysics 2000 373, 182-192.
67 Manco G, Febbraio F, Adinolfi E, Rossi M “Homology modeling and active-site residues
probing of the thermophilic Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius esterase 2”. Protein Science 1999
68 De Simone G, Manco G, Galdiero S, Lombardi A, Rossi M, Pavone V "Crystallization and
preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of the carboxylesterase EST2 from Alicyclobacillus
acidocaldarius.” 1999 Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr Jul;55 ( Pt 7):1348-9.
69 Pisani F.M., De Felice M., Manco G. and Rossi M. Domain organization and biochemical
features of Sulfolobus solfataricus DNA polymerase. 1998 Extremophiles 2(3):171-7.
70 Manco G., Febbraio, F. and Rossi M. “Thermophilic esterases and the amino acid “traffic
rule” in the hormone sensitive lipase subfamily”) 1998 in Progress in Biotechnology. Stability
and Stabilization of Biocatalysts. (Ballesteros A., Plou F.J., Iborra, J.L. and Halling P.J. eds)
15, pp. 325-330. Elsevier Science B.V. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
71 Manco, G. Adinolfi, E., Pisani, F.M., Ottolina, G., Carrea, G. and Rossi, M. “Overexpression
and properties of a new thermophilic and thermostable esterase from Bacillus
acidocaldarius with sequence similarity to hormone-sensitive lipase subfamily” 1998
Biochemical Journal. May 15;332 ( Pt 1):203-12.
72 Manco, G. Adinolfi, E., Pisani, F.M., Carratore, V., and Rossi, M. “Identification of an
esterase from Bacillus acidocaldarius with sequence similarity to a Hormone Sensitive
Lipase Subfamily” 1997 Protein and Peptide Letters. 4, 375-382.
73 Pisani F.M., Manco G., Carratore V. and Rossi M. "DNA-Induced conformational changes
of an archaeal family B DNA polymerase investigated by limited proteolysis and
fluorescence spectroscopy" 1996 Biochemistry 35, 9958-9176.
74 Manco G., Di Gennaro S., De Rosa M. and Rossi M. " Purification and characteritation of a
thermostable carboxylesterase from the thermoacidophilic eubacterium Bacillus
acidocaldarius." 1994 European Journal of Biochemistry 221, 965-972.
75 Amar, M., Patriarca J.E., Manco,G., Bernard, P., Riccio A., Lamberti, A., Defez,R. and
Iaccarino M. " Regulation of nitrogen metabolism is altered in a glnB mutant strain of
Rhizobium leguminosarum" 1994 Molecular Microbiology. 11, 685-693.
76 Colonna-Romano S., Patriarca J.E., Amar, M., Bernard, P., Manco,G., Lamberti, A.,
Iaccarino M., and Defez, R. "Uridylylation of the PII protein in Rhizobium
leguminosarum".1993 FEBS Letters, 330: 95-98.
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[ Manco Giuseppe ]
77 Manco G., Di Gennaro S., De Rosa M. and Rossi M. "Purification and some properties of
an esterase from Bacillus acidocaldarius". 1992 Italian Biochemical Society Transactions
(IBST). Vol.2. p.53.
78 Manco G., Rossi M., Defez R., Lamberti A., Percuoco G. and Iaccarino M. "Characterization
of Glutamine Synthetase II from Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae" 1992 Journal of
General Microbiology, 138: 1453-1460.
79 E.J. Patriarca, M. Chiurazzi, G. Manco, A. Riccio, A. Lamberti, A. De Paolis, M. Rossi, R.
Defez and M.Iaccarino. "An upstream element involved in NtrC activation of the Rhizobium
leguminosarum glnII gene" 1992 Molecular and General Genetics, 234: 337-345.
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ABSTRACTS more than 100 not reported here
The H index of dr G. Manco is 26 as for 6/10/2014 search with Google Scholar database.
Orcid ID: orcid.org/0000-0001-6191-3952
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[ Manco Giuseppe ]
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[ Manco Giuseppe ]
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[ Manco Giuseppe ]
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[ Manco Giuseppe ]
Pagina 14 - Curriculum vitae di
[ Manco Giuseppe ]
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