
Maria R. Perbellini BIO_Narrative

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Maria R. Perbellini BIO_Narrative
Maria R. Perbellini Ordine Architetti Italiani, Associate AIA Associate Dean for Graduate Programs Professor of Architecture Texas Tech University . College of Architecture 1007 C . Architecture Building P.O. Box 42091 Lubbock Texas 79409-­‐29091 C 806 831 7197 . T 806 834 8702 . F 806 742 1400 [email protected] http://arch.ttu.edu/wiki/maria_perbellini http://arch.ttu.edu/wiki/Digital_Design_Fabrication_M.S. BIO_Narrative Maria R. Perbellini is the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs and a Professor in the College of Architecture at Texas Tech University (TTU). Prior to this appointment, she was the Chair of Instruction. She previously taught at the School of Architecture, University of Texas (UT) at Austin, was a Visiting Professor at the Yeungjin Jr. College, Taegu, Korea and an Assistant Instructor at the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV), Venice, Italy. Maria R. Perbellini holds a B.Arch from the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV) in Italy and a M.Arch from Pratt Institute in New York. She is a licensed Architect, member of the Italian Order of Architects and an Associate AIA, a fully accomplished scholar with a multicultural experience, and the author of several books. Maria R. Perbellini, together with Christian Pongratz, is the co-­‐editor and co-­‐designer of the Monograph on Peter Eisenman for Korean Architects-­‐KA (No.156, 08/1997, Seoul, Korea). Her interest in Digital Design has stimulated a new outlook on the Young American Architects scene with the book she wrote with Christian Pongratz, Natural Born CaaDesigners, (Birkhauser, 2000), which is part of The Information Technology Revolution in Architecture series (founded by Bruno Zevi) and translated in Italian, Chinese and Korean languages. The same book received the nominee and was finalist for the Robert W. Hamilton Book Award from The University Cooperative Society, University of Texas, Austin, 2001. She is again the co-­‐author with Christian Pongratz of the book Cyberstone (Edilstampa, Rome, Italy, 2009) investigating Digital Design and Fabrication technologies associated to natural stone applications in architecture. Cyberstone is currently under translation in English and German. Her Digital Media teaching materials were recently published in the form of a textbook, Digital Media for Design (Cognella Academic Publishing, University Readers, Inc., California, 2016). Most recently, Perbellini was awarded the 2016 Integrated Scholar Award at Texas Tech University by the Office of the Provost for significant accomplishments and effective synergy among the major professorial functions of teaching, research, and service. She has twice been the recipient of the TTU Outstanding Researcher Award in 2016 and 2012. Perbellini has been nominated for the TTU 2015-­‐2016 Chancellor’s Council Distinguished Teaching Award, and the 2015-­‐
2016 Barnie E. Rushing, Jr. Faculty Distinguished Research Award. At TTU, she also received the 2012 Alumni Association New Faculty Award, and the 2012 and 2011 Global Vision Award, Outstanding Study Abroad Faculty-­‐Led Leader from the Office of International Affairs. Selected by TTU President Duane Nellis, in summer 2015 Perbellini attended the Harvard Management Development Program 2015, a nationally and internationally competitive program on higher education leadership (Harvard Institutes for Higher Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge MA). Her previous academic and professional experiences have become integrated on several levels into the College of Architecture at TTU. She is responsible for the professional Master of Architecture, the post-­‐professional Master of Science in Architecture and the Ph.D. in Land-­‐use Planning, Management and Design. As Associate Dean, she created three new Master of Science Specializations in Digital Design and Fabrication, in Urban and Community Design, and in Design and Health. Perbellini co-­‐founded in 2011 the Digital Design and Fabrication Program (DDF) investigating applied research approaches with a sustainable, interdisciplinary direction that are significantly impacting the CoA curriculum. The program is rapidly attaining national reputation and is an attracting force for international graduate students. It is also the vehicle for partnerships with industry, profession and international Institutions and organizations. Since 2010, Perbellini leads the COA th
Study Abroad Program in Italy, an intensive six-­‐week experience required for students in their 4 year and last undergraduate studio. Under her administrative leadership, Study Abroad and International Studies are linked to the Master of Science curriculum within the effort to create unique post-­‐professional plans and increase graduate recruitment. Among other responsibilities, Perbellini directs the Graduate Programs Review required by the University every 6 years and, along with the Dean and the Associate Dean for Academics, the upcoming 2016 Digital Accreditation. She is the Chair of the Administrative Council, an executive member of the Dean’s Council, and serves in key University functions as a member of the University Strategic Planning Committee, the International Affairs Council, the STEM Advisory Board, and as an internal reviewer of the Department of Design Graduate Programs. Perbellini has been involved in NSF STEM grant proposals as P.I. in collaboration with other departments at TTU, in funding opportunities to advance scholarship in the Creative Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, and in institutional development projects. Her proposal for an Interdisciplinary Fabrication Lab, which included plans for equipment needs and for the expansion of the existing facility, since 2013 has generated $ 1.75 million from private donors, foundations, Texas Tech University and the State of Texas. The new Interdisciplinary Fabrication Lab expansion is currently in the final design phase and it will provide 2,500 sq. ft. of additional lab space for cutting edge technologies associated with the ongoing research of our Digital Design and Fabrication faculty and students. She is a principal and co-­‐founder of the firm Pongratz Perbellini Architects (PPA), an internationally recognized, widely published multidisciplinary atelier operating between built and award winning projects, competitions and design research studies on computational design, emergent material based processes, and fabrication technologies. Before establishing her own practice, Perbellini worked in New York for Peter Eisenman and John Reimnitz, involved with the design of prestigious commissioned buildings and with international invited design competitions. The work of Pongratz Perbellini Architects is extensively featured by other authors in several publications: G. Fallacara, Stereotomy. Stone Architecture and New Research; Presses des Ponts, Paris, France, 2012; A. Marotta, Materialita’ fluida di Pongratz e Perbellini, in Architettura & Information Technology, edited by Antonino Saggio, La biblioteca dell’Architetto Series, Mancosu Editore, Rome, Italy, 2011; A. Marotta and P. Ruotolo, Arie italiane. Motivi nell’architettura italiana recente, (Edilstampa, Roma, Italy, 2006); D. Schodek, M. Bechthold, K. Griggs, K. Kao, M. Steinberg, Digital Design and Manufacturing: CAD/CAM Applications in Architecture and Design, GSD Harvard, (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004); Nino Saggio, Other Challenge. Pongratz Perbellini Architects: The Viaduct, in (edited by) Branko Kolarevic, Architecture in the Digital Age, Design and Manufacturing, (Sponpress, 2003); Fredy Massad, Alicia Guerrero Yeste, “A+A Arquitecturanimacio”, Rethinking Traditional Architectural Assumptions, (Collegi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, 2002). Other essays and articles appears in specialized press, journals and magazines like: Architekturjournal Wettbewerbe, L’ Arca, Interni, Area, Interni, L’Industria delle costruzioni, Domus, Modulo, Space Magazine, Architetti Verona, Naturstein, AMC Le Moniteur Architecture, Editorial Casabella, Editorial Architectural Record, among others, 2 besides in Italian national and regional newspapers like La Repubblica, Il Sole 24 Ore, L’Arena and in architecture specialized Web-­‐Sites and Blogs. Pongratz Perbellini Architects are the recipients of International Design Awards and Architectural Competitions Awards. One of the most important is the ADI Premio Selezione Compasso d’Oro 2008, XXI Edition, with their patented series in stone Hyperwave. It is a triennial Award under the patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, and is the first and most influential International Award in the field of design. PPA’s series Hyperwave is now part of the Italian Design’s Permanent Historical Collection of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities of Italy. Hyperwave is also included in the Material Connexion archive, New York, since 2007. PPA received the Honorable Mention for the “Revitalization of Gwangbok Street & PIFF Plaza”, International Competition, Busan, Korea, 2005; the Silver Medal, in the Category Interior Design with the CP Group Hair & Wellness, concept Salon Aveda, at the Bienal Miami+ Beach 2007; the Honorable Mention, in the Category Urban & Landscape Design, with the project for the Busan Competition, at the Bienal Miami+Beach 2007; st
the 1 prize, Estetica Design Award, with the CP Group Hair & Wellness, concept Salon Aveda, Cosmoprof Global Network, nd
Bologna, Italy, 2007. They also are recipients of the 2 Place with the project Porter Henderson Library at the Angelo State University with a Public Art Proposal in San Angelo, Texas, 2012. Maria R. Perbellini has always been active in national and international exhibitions and her curatorial work involves, among others, a participation in two international venues, Abitare il Tempo and Marmomacc Stone, Design and Technology, in Verona, Italy. Recently, her firm designed the stone floor Celly for the Lithic Experiments, Carpets of Stone Exhibition, a collage of stone floors by 7 invited international designers installed in the Italian Stone Theatre, Marmomacc Architecture and Design, VeronaFiere, Italy, in October 2015. 3 CURRICULUM VITAE Maria R. Perbellini Ordine Architetti Italiani, Associate AIA Associate Dean for Graduate Programs Professor of Architecture Texas Tech University . College of Architecture 1007 C . Architecture Building P.O. Box 42091 Lubbock Texas 79409-­‐29091 C 806 831 7197 . T 806 834 8702 . F 806 742 1400 [email protected] http://arch.ttu.edu/wiki/maria_perbellini http://arch.ttu.edu/wiki/Digital_Design_Fabrication_M.S. EDUCATION 1995 -­‐ 1996 Pratt Institute, New York, USA, Master of Architecture 1985 -­‐ 1991 Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (IUAV), Venezia, Italy, Bachelor of Architecture Architectural Theory and Design Studies spring, fall 1996, spring 1997 Architectural Theory Seminar, Peter Eisenman, Cooper Union, NY, USA (Eisenman Architects design team) summer 1996, summer 1997, summer 1998 Architectural Theory Summer Seminar, Peter Eisenman, Eisenman Architects office, NY, USA July 15-­‐August 20, 1995 Urban Studies and Architecture, International Summer Seminar in Verona, Italy, USA-­‐Institute, Pratt Institute, NYC July 15-­‐August 20, 1994 Urban Studies and Architecture, International Summer Seminar in Verona, Italy, USA-­‐Institute, Pratt Institute, NYC Educational and Professional Development Harvard Management Development Program 2015, Nationally and Internationally Competitive Program, selected by TTU President Duane Nellis as Texas Tech University top candidate, Harvard Institutes for Higher Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge MA; May 31-­‐June 12, 2015. 1
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS 2016 Integrated Scholar, Texas Tech University, final selection by the Office of the Provost for significant accomplishments and effective synergy among the major professorial functions of teaching, research, and service; awarded; 2016 Outstanding Researcher Award, Texas Tech University, Nomination by the Collge of Architecture (CoA) faculty; awarded; 2015-­‐2016 The Chancellor’s Council Distinguished Teaching Award, Texas Tech University, Nomination by the CoA Dean; pending; 2015-­‐2016 Barney E. Rushing, Jr. Faculty Distinguished Research Award, Texas Tech University, Nomination by CoA faculty; 2012 Outstanding Researcher Award, Texas Tech University, Nomination by the CoA faculty; awarded; 2012 TTU Alumni Association New Faculty Award, Texas Tech University, Nomination by the CoA Dean; awarded; 2012 Barney E. Rushing, Jr. Faculty Distinguished Research Award, Texas Tech University, Nomination by the CoA faculty; 2012 Hemphill-­‐Wells New Professor Excellence in Teaching Award, Texas Tech University, Nomination by the CoA faculty; 2012 and 2010 Global Vision Awards, Outstanding Study Abroad Faculty-­‐Led Leader, Office of International Affairs, Texas Tech University Study Abroad; awarded; nd
2 Place, Pongratz Perbellini Architects, Project: Magic letters, Public Art Proposal for Porter Henderson Library, Angelo State University, San Angelo, Texas, 2012; awarded; 2011 Global Vision Award, Outstanding Service as Study Abroad Faculty-­‐Led Leader, Office of International Affairs, Texas Tech University Study Abroad; awarded; Compasso d’Oro XXI Edition, Segnalazione Compasso d’Oro, International Design Award, ADI, Associazione per il Disegno Industriale, Pongratz Perbellini Architects, Hyperwave Series, Milan, Italy 2008; awarded; Silver Medal, Category Interior Design, Pongratz Perbellini Architects, Project: CP Group Hair & Wellness, Bienal Miami+Beach 2007, awarded; Honorable Mention, Category Urban & Landscape Design, Pongratz Perbellini Architects, Project: Revitalization of Gwangbok Street & PIFF Plaza, Bienal Miami+Beach 2007, awarded; Material Connexion, Hyperwave Series included and featured into the Material Connexion Archive, New York, since 2007; Inspiration Award, Estetica Design Award, Pongratz Perbellini Architects, Project: CP Group Hair & Wellness, Concept Salon Aveda, Cosmoprof global Network, Bologna, Italy 2007; awarded; ADI Design Index 2006, Pongratz Perbellini Architects, Hyperwave Series, Product series featured into Industrial Design Collection for the Compasso D’oro Award, Association for Industrial Design, ADI Milan, Italy 2006; Honorable Mention, Pongratz Perbellini Architects, Project: The eyes of the trees, International Competition: Revitalization of Gwangbok Street & PIFF Plaza, Busan, South Korea, 2005; awarded; Robert W. Hamilton Book Award, Maria R. Perbellini and Christian Pongratz co-­‐authors, 2001 Nominee for the book: Natural Born CaaDesigners, The University of Texas at Austin, The University Cooperative Society, Austin, USA, 2001; finalist; Honorable Mention, Maria R. Perbellini, Project: Pedestrian Bridge on the River Adige, International Competition, USA-­‐Institute Seminar, Verona, Italy, 1995; awarded; 2
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
3 Prize, Maria R. Perbellini, Project: Piazza Molinari Bra’, International Competition, USA-­‐Institute Seminar, Verona, Italy, 1994; awarded. PUBLICATIONS BOOKS Maria R. Perbellini, Christian Pongratz, co-­‐authors, Digital Media for Design, Textbook, Cognella Academic Publishing, University Readers, Inc., California U.S.A; Contract date 05-­‐29-­‐2012; Preliminary Edition, 2015; First Edition, 2016; Christian R. Pongratz, Maria R. Perbellini, co-­‐authors, Cyberstone, Innovazioni digitali sulla pietra, a book investigating cutting edge digital design and fabrication technology of natural stone applications in architecture: in Italian: Series “The IT Revolution in Architecture” (edited by) Antonino Saggio, Edilstampa, Rome, Italy, 2009, ISBN 978-­‐88-­‐7864-­‐
051-­‐1; Translation to English and German in progress; Christian R. Pongratz, Maria R. Perbellini, co-­‐authors: In English: Natural Born CaaDesigners. Young American Architects, Series “The IT Revolution in Architecture” edited by Antonino Saggio, Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland, February 2000, ISBN 3-­‐7643-­‐6246-­‐4; In Italian: Nati con il computer. Giovani Architetti Americani, Collana Universale di Architettura directed by Bruno Zevi, Series “La Rivoluzione Informatica” edited by Antonino Saggio, Testo&Immagine, Torino, Italy, February 2000, ISBN 88-­‐86498-­‐93-­‐4; In Chinese: Natural Born CaaDesigners. Young American Architects, Series “The IT Revolution in Architecture” edited by Antonino Saggio, Prominence Publishing Taipei Taiwan, February 2000; http://www.arc1.uniroma1.it/saggio/RivoluzioneInformatica/IndexCina.Htm. Christian R. Pongratz, Maria R. Perbellini, co-­‐authors, designers and editors, Peter Eisenman, Monograph, pag. 5-­‐177, in “KA Korean Architects”, No.156, 08/1997, Seoul, Korea, ISSN 1227-­‐611108; BOOKS IN PROGRESS Maria R. Perbellini, Christian Pongratz, Editors, Digital Design and Fabrication (tentative title), under revision by Texas Tech University Press, Lubbock, TX. ARTICLES, ESSAYS in BOOKS/JOURNALS/PERIODICALS/MAGAZINES Maria R. Perbellini, Espressioni superficiali, in (edited by) Paola Ruotolo, Nuove Nature, Series “Collana EdA Didattica e Ricerca”, EDA, Il Prato, Padova, Italy, on hold; Invited by the Editor; present; Maria R. Perbellini, Foreword, in Jeffrey S. Nesbit, Urban Design Studio: Shanghai 2015, V.2, College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, ISBN-­‐10: 1320512135, ISBN-­‐13: 978-­‐1320512138, http://issuu.com/jsnesbit/docs/urban_design_studio__shanghai_v2_di August 2015; Maria R. Perbellini, Introduction, Volume co-­‐editor and co-­‐designer, in Digital Design and Fabrication, V.1, College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, http://issuu.com/archttu/docs/ddf_book_digital_d90e0512a2214a , May 2015; Maria R. Perbellini, Build it new, in Crop02, College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, Annual Publication, 2011; Christian R. Pongratz, Maria R. Perbellini, co-­‐authors, USA: giovane post-­‐avanguardia/NaturalBornCaaDesigners, in L’Arca Magazine No. 230, Turin, Italy, November 2007, pag. 2-­‐5; 3
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
Christian R. Pongratz, Maria R. Perbellini, co-­‐authors, Rethinking traditional architectural assumptions; in (edited by) Guerrero-­‐
Yeste, Alicia-­‐Massad, Fredy; A+A Arquitecturanimación; Collegi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, 2003; Christian R. Pongratz, Maria R. Perbellini, co-­‐authors, Intermedial Architecture, PPA recent projects, series MaN Mapping ArchiNet-­‐
MaN19, in Space Magazine No. 392, Seoul, S. Korea, 07-­‐2000, pag. 96-­‐112; Maria R. Perbellini, L’eccesso di un’architettura inprevedibile/Excess of an unpredictable Architecture, in (edited by) L. Galofaro, Peter Eisenman. Progetti e opere, I quaderni de L’Industria della Costruzioni, Edilstampa, Rome, Italy, 1998, pag. 64-­‐69; Christian R. Pongratz, Maria R. Perbellini, co-­‐authors, The Possibility of Redefinition, interview with Peter Eisenman, in KA Korean Architects, n. 156, Architecture & Environment Publications, Seoul, Korea, August 1997, pag. 24-­‐45; Maria R. Perbellini, Peter Eisenman, Arredata CD Rom, Rivista di architettura d’Interni, allestimento e design, n. 01, Apice Editoria Elettronica, Milan, Italy, 1997; Maria R. Perbellini, Progetti di Concorso, Architetti Verona, n. 22, Ordine degli Architetti della Provincia di Verona, Verona, Italy, January-­‐February 1996; Maria R. Perbellini, Nuove idee per la Città, Verona Sette n. 33, Verona, Italy, September 1995; BOOKS ON PONGRATZ PERBELLINI ARCHITECTS (PPA)/ INTERNATIONAL Featuring PPA works, projects, project images and project descriptions/Citations Giuseppe Fallacara, Stereotomy. Stone Architecture and New Research, Presses des Ponts, Paris, France, 2012, pag. 52-­‐53; Antonello Marotta, Materialita’ fluida di Pongratz e Perbellini, in Architettura & Information Technology, edited by Antonino Saggio, La biblioteca dell’Architetto Series, Mancosu Editore, Rome, Italy, 2011, pag. 102-­‐108; Evelina Bazzo e Veronafiere, edited by, PPA featured in Marmomacc Meets Design 2007-­‐2010, with the patronage of Veronafiere, Marmomacc, ADI, Arsenale Editrice, Verona, 2010, pag. 3, 6, 8, 80-­‐83, 121; Christian R. Pongratz, Compound curved building surfaces with shaped stone blocks, in: (edited by) Ingrid Paoletti, Innovative Design and Construction Technologies, Maggioli Editore, Milano, Italy, 2009, pag. 403-­‐423; Branko Kolarevic, Kevin Klinger, Manufacturing Material Effects, Rethinking Design and Making in Architecture, Routledge, 2008; G. Ciceri, A. Fontaneto, Premio Compasso d’Oro ADI, Award Catalogue, Editrice Compositori, Bologna, Italy, 2008, pag. 125; AA.VV., PPA featured in Red Book, Beauty Salon Design Guide, Edizioni ESAV, Torino, 2007, pag. 182-­‐185; AA.VV., PPA featured in Wall Design, daab, Cologne-­‐London-­‐New York, 2007, pag. 280-­‐285; Antonello Marotta and Paola Ruotolo, Space which looks back, in Arie italiane. Motivi nell’architettura italiana recente, Series “IT Revolution in Architettura”, Edilstampa, Roma, Italy, May 2006, ISBN 88-­‐7864-­‐022-­‐0; pag. 38-­‐39; A. Bassi, ADI Design Index 2006, Editrice Compositori, Bologna, Italy, 2006, pag. 160-­‐161; Christian R. Pongratz, IT and Sustainability. A method for landscape recovery in abandoned stone quarries, in Volume Two of Intelligent Environments – the 2nd IET International Conference – IE 06, National Technical University of Athens, Conference th th
Proceedings, Athens, Greece, July 5 -­‐6 2006, ON DEMAND SA, 2006, pag. 151-­‐159; 4
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
Daniel Schodek, Martin Bechthold, James Kimo Griggs, Kenneth Kao, Marco Steinberg, Digital Design and Manufacturing: CAD/CAM Applications in Architecture and Design, GSD Harvard, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004, pag. 62; Antonino Saggio, Other Challenges, in (edited by) Branko Kolarevic, Architecture in the Digital Age-­‐Design and Manufacturing, Sponpress, NY, 2003, pag. 237; Charles Jencks, The New Paradigm in Architecture: The Language of Postmodernism; Yale University Press, New Haven-­‐London, 2002, pag. 207. ARTICLES in PERIODICALS/MAGAZINES ON PONGRATZ PERBELLINI ARCHITECTS (PPA)/INTERNATIONAL Featuring PPA works, projects, project images and project descriptions/Citations Vincenzo Pavan, Raffaello Galliotto, (curated by); Ente Autonomo per le Fiere di Verona (Edited by), The Italian Stone Theater, Exhibition Catalogue 2015, project featured: “Celly”, Verona, Italy, October 2015, pag. 82-­‐84; Margarete Schwarz, Die Magishen Buchstaben, in Architekturjournal Wettbewerbe n. 316, 01 2015, Bohmann Druck und Verlag, Wien, Austria, January 2015; Renzo Gastaldo, L’Architetto che tiene cattedra in Texas, in L’Arena, Verona, Italy, April 08, 2014; Veronica Dal Buono, Pongratz Perbellini Architects’ works; in: (edited by) Acocella, A., in Materialdesign.it online magazine, and in MD Material Design Post-­‐it , ISSN 2239-­‐6063, Unife, Ferrara, Italy, Novembre 2012; Pongratz Perbellini Architects, in Boring Classics, an archive for associative design and manufacturing, 2009; Andrea Pirruccio, Marmomacc incontra il design, in Interni No. 1-­‐2/2009, January-­‐February 2009; Andrea Ciotti, Marmi, pietre, design, in Box – Progetto e percorsi No. 84, January 2009; Editorial, Marmomacc 2008, in L’Arca Magazine No. 243, January 2009; AA.VV., Pelle.Skin.Texture, in topdeco, B. Data Editor, Athens, Greece, January 2009, pag. 88-­‐118; Susanne Storath, Perfekte Wellen; in Naturstein Magazine, section Gestaltung, E. Verlag, Ulm, Germany, 12-­‐2008, pag. 62-­‐64; Editorial, Marmo e Design, in Blu&Rosso Magazine No. 198, December 2008; Davide Turrini, Pietre in movimento, in Costruire Magazine No. 307, December 2008; Susanne Storath, Neue Oberflächenstrukturen für Naturstein: Perfecte Wellen, in Naturstein Magazine n. 12/2008, Germany, December 2008, pag. 62-­‐64; Editorial, Hyperwave, in Architectural Record, AR No. 214, Product Reports 2008, December 2008; Barbara Gerosa, Materia primordiale, in Brava Casa Magazine, Mondadori, Milan, Italy, December 2008; Editorial, Hyperwave, in Casabella Magazine No. 771, November 2008; Renzo Picasso, Pelle, Skin, Texture, in a+d+m Magazine, November 2008; Giulia Bruno, Il marmo, pelle di pietra, in ddn Magazine No. 154, November 2008; Editorial, Marmomacc incontra il design, in of arch Magazine No. 105, November 2008; 5
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
Alessandra Moro, Marble splendid and resplendent. Art and design at the 43 Marmomacc trade fair, in AZ Marmi Magazine No.239-­‐240, October/November 2008; Editorial, Marmomacc. Tecnologia e Design, in Giornale dell’Arredamento No. 11, November 2008; th
Editorial, Speciale Marmomacc, in L’Arena, Main Regional Newspaper, Verona, Italy, September 29 2008; th
AA.VV., Design duro e puro, in “Le Guide de La Repubblica”, La Repubblica, Main National Newspaper, Rome, Italy, September 24 2008, pag. 31-­‐33; Renzo Gastaldo, Onde sul marmo, gioelli di design, in L’Arena, Main Regional Newspaper, Verona, Italy, August 2008; Editorial, Hyperwave, in Design Art & Trend Magazine No. 53, June 2008; Antonello Marotta, Materialita’ fluida nel lavoro di Pongratz Perbellini Architects, in: (edited by) nITro (New Information Technoloy Research Office)+A. Saggio, L'architetto Italiano No.19, Section “ON&OFF”, Mancosu Edit., Rome, Italy, April-­‐May 2007, pag. 88-­‐91; Andrea Botti, Marmodesign ‘07, in Schegge Magazine No. 4, Consorzio Marmisti Bresciani, July-­‐August 2007; Paola Resbelli, Uno sguardo sul design contemporaneo, in Schegge Magazine No.4, Consorzio Marmisti Bresciani, July-­‐Aug. 2007; Editorial, Abitare il Tempo in Verona, in AIT Magazine No. 1-­‐2, January-­‐February 2007; Editorial, Hair and Wellness Salon for CP Group, in AIT Magazine No. 1-­‐2, January-­‐February 2007; AA.VV.; Hyperwave; in AMC Le Moniteur Architecture Magazine, Interieurs 2007, Paris, France, December 2006; Christian R. Pongratz, Disegnare la pietra/Designing stone, in Interni Annual DECOR 2006, in Interni Magazine No. 564, Mondadori Editore, Milan, Italy, September 2006, pag. 68-­‐73; (edited by) Rcs Pubblicità, Le nuove tendenze dell’ospitalità. Stone & Marble Hospitality, in Abitare il Tempo, supplement to Corriere th
del Veneto, Padova, Italy, September 18 2006, pag. 7; Editorial, Abitare il Tempo, la qualità nell’arredamento, in Il Sole 24 Ore No.256, Main National Newspaper on finance and economy, th
Milan, Italy, September 18 2006, pag. 19; Editorial, Abitare il Tempo. Sette mostre per stupirsi e per capire. STONE & MARBLE HOSPITALITY, in Il Sole 24 Ore, No. 256, Main th
National Newspaper on finance and economy, Milan, Italy, September 18 2006, pag. 20; Editorial, Testi Group, i maestri nella pietra naturale, in Il Sole 24 Ore, No. 256, Main National Newspaper on finance and economy, th
Milan, Italy, September 18 2006, pag. 21; (edited by) Eleonora Faggioni and Alessandra Schiavi, Abitare il Tempo. Mostre e Architetture d’Interni, catalogue of the exhibition “Stone & Marble Hospitality”, Abitare il Tempo. International Exhibition of Dècor, Grafiche Zanini, Bologna, Italy, September 2006, pag. 129-­‐169; Carla Zusi, I materiali lapidei nel mondo alberghiero/Stone materials in the hotel world, in L’informatore del marmista Magazine, No. 537, section “Manifestazioni/Events”, Giorgio Zusi Editore, Verona, Italy, September 2006, pag. 10-­‐12; Mila Fiordalisi, La pietra si «veste» di interattività, in Il Geometra Veronese, Publisher Società Cooperativa Geometri Veronesi, Verona, Italy, April 2006, pag. 29-­‐30; Editorial, Stein, in Stein – Zeitschrift für Naturstein Magazine, No. S02, Callwey Verlag, München, Germany, February 2006, Hyperwave Dunes in front Cover; 6
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
Mila Fiordalisi, La pietra si «veste» di interattività, in Edilizia e Territorio, weekly magazine of Il Sole 24 ORE, section “Industria e th
Tecnologie”, No. 2, Milan, Italy, January 16 -­‐21 2006, pag. 15; Editorial, Stein, Alles fließt, in Stein – Zeitschrift für Naturstein Magazine No. S12, Callwey Verlag, München, Germany, December 2005, pag. 4-­‐5; Willy Hafner, Architektengerecht, in Stein – Zeitschrift für Naturstein Magazine No. S12, Callwey Verlag, München, Germany, December 2005, pages 56-­‐59; exhibition “Liquid Stone” at pag. 58; Alessandra Coppa, Progettare la pietra naturale/Designing natural stone, in Area Magazine No. 83, section “Osservatorio/Observatory”, Federico Motta Editore, Milan, Italy, November-­‐December 2005; Mila Fiordalisi, Marmo e pietra cambiano superficie con i software 3D, in Edilizia e Territorio, weekly magazine of Il sole 24 ORE”, st
section “Industria e Tecnologie”, No.42, Milan, Italy, October 31 -­‐November 5 2005, pag. 18; (edited by) Industrialzone and Comune di Schio, Campus dei Licei. Concorso di progettazione per il disegno di spazi aperti e per la realizzazione di un nuovo auditorium e di un edificio per servizi nel “Campus dei Licei” a Schio/Competition to design the open spaces and to realise a new auditorium and services building in the “High Schools Campus” in Schio, Competition catalogue, Industrialzone s.r.l., Malo, Vicenza, Italy, 2005, pag. 352-­‐353; Editorial, AIT, Text about XX Abitare il Tempo and image of Fluxus installation, in AIT Architektur Innenarchitektur Technischer Ausbau, No. 10, Germany, October 2005, pag. 66; AA.VV., Pareti come sculture, in Ville Giardini Magazine No. 10/2005, section “VG Hi Tech”, Mondadori Editore, Milan, Italy, October 2005, pag. 182; Hyperwave, in L’informatore del marmista Magazine No. 525, Giorgio Zusi Editore, Verona, Italy, September 2005, in front Cover; Testi Group Information, Liquid stone. Matter turns fluid, in L’informatore del marmista Magazine No. 525, Giorgio Zusi Editore, Verona, Italy, September 2005, pag. 57; Carla Zusi, Hyper-­‐Wave: la pietra fluida, in L’informatore del marmista Magazine No. 525, section “Company news”, Giorgio Zusi Editore, Verona, Italy, September 2005, pag. 86; Editorial, Abitare Verona (Maria Teresa Ferrari), 100 volti 100 progetto, Fluxus installation, in Abitare Verona Magazine No. 20, Ballarini Interni, Verona, Italy, September 2005, pag. 19; Editorial, Abitare Verona (Maria Teresa Ferrari), Pianeta marmo, Liquid Stone exhibition, in Abitare Verona Magazine No. 20, Ballarini Interni, Verona, Italy, September 2005, pag. 35; (edited by) Eleonora Faggioni and Alessandra Schiavi, Abitare il Tempo 20 anni. Scene per un ventennale/Scenes for a twentieth anniversary, catalogue of the exhibition “100 volti 100 progetti/100 faces 100 projects”, in Abitare il Tempo. International Exhibition of Dècor, Grafiche Zanini, Bologna, Italy, September 2005, installation Fluxus pag. 210-­‐211; Carlo Amadori, 100 volti per 100 progetti, in Interni per Abitare il Tempo 20 anni, supplement to Interni Magazine No. 9, Mondadori Editore, Milan, Italy, September 2005, pag. 26-­‐33, installation Fluxus, pag. 28; Susanna Grego, 100 volti per 100 progetti all’interno di Abitare il Tempo, Verona. Fluxus a cura di Vincenzo Pavan e Pongratz Perbellini Architects, in Architetti Verona Magazine No. 75, Ordine degli Architetti della Provincia di Verona, Verona, Italy, July-­‐
August 2005, pag. 40-­‐41; SaieDue Living 2005, Studio Original Designers – 6R5 Network, Verticalia, exhibition catalogue, supplement to review Frames Magazine No.114, SaieDue, Bologna, Faenza Editore, Faenza, Ravenna, Italy, 2005, Hyperwave, pag. 63; 7
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
Editorial, ACIMM news (Ivano Spallanzini), Il marmo tra i protagonisti anche al Saiedue di Bologna, in ACIMM news No. 42, Rho, Milan, Italy, April-­‐June 2005, pag. 59; PubliAdige, CP Group, nuovo salone a Verona, Speciale “Acconciatori”, in L’Arena, Verona, Italy, 2005, pag. 32; Maria Grazia Zunino, Marmomacc e l’architettura in pietra, La Grotta images in Abitare Magazine No. 447, section “News”, Segesta Editrice, Milan, Italy, February 2005, pag. 32; Ingrid Paoletti, High Tech su misura, Mass-­‐Customization, Forme Complesse, project La Grotta, in Modulo Magazine No. 298, 2004; th
Vincenzo Pavan, Digital Scapes: Global Remix, exhibition catalogue, Veronafiere, 38 Marmomacc, Verona, Italy, 2003; nd
BiArc, The captured ocean, 2 Busan International Architectural Design Competition 2003, Busan, S. Korea, 2003, pag. 149; Byeong Joon Kang, Performance Result, Busan International Architectural Culture Festival, Busan, S. Korea, 2003; M. Sengala, extract of “Natural Born CaaDesigners” in Time-­‐like Architectures: The Emergence of Post-­‐spatial Parametric Worlds, ACADIA, Thresholds, 2002; th
Renzo Gastaldo, Urban Redevelopment of Industrial Brownsites in S. Giovanni, in L’Arena, Verona, Italy, February 9 2002; Antonino Saggio, The Actual Moment of Architecture in the Perspective of IT Revolution, exhibition catalogue on “Digital/Real”, Deutsches Architektur Museum, Frankfurt, Germany, June 2001; P. Peters, Natural Born CaaDesigners. Pongratz Perbellini Architects, Platform, the University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA, 2001; L. Sitta, M. Basso, Urban Interface. Nuova Piazza Cittadella, Comune di Verona, Cierre Edizioni, Verona, Italy, 2001; L. Polo, A. Russo, Tracce dall’alto, in Spazi Ritrovati 3, supplement to n. 51 of Architetti Verona, Verona, Italy, November-­‐December 2000, pag. 83; Schmal Peter Cachola, Natural Born CaaDesigners, Young American Architects, Book 21, in A-­‐Matter. Architecture and related, www.a-­‐matter.com, Sedus Stoll AG, Munich, Germany, August 2000; Magazine published Jan. 2000-­‐Dec. 2004; Robert Tavernor, Review of IT Revolution Series, Natural Born CaaDesigners, Architectural Research Quarterly No.4, Cambridge University Press, 2000, pag. 188-­‐189; Hoon Oh Seom and Huh Sook Hyun, Urban Interface: pONGRATZ & Perbellini. Interview with Pongratz Perbellini Architects, series “MaN Mapping ArchiNet-­‐MaN19”, in Space Magazine No. 392, Seoul, Korea, July 2000, pag. 111-­‐112; (edited by) Vincenzo Pavan and Livio Dimitriu, Fiume di pietra -­‐ Progetti per Verona, USA Seminar, Veronafiere, USA Books, 1994. ONLINE PUBLICATIONS/REVIEWS Featuring PPA works, projects, project images, project descriptions, and PPA books citations http://youtradeweb.com/2015/09/carpets-­‐on-­‐stone-­‐marmomacc-­‐2015/ http://www.arredativo.it/2015/eventi/carpets-­‐of-­‐stone-­‐a-­‐marmomacc-­‐2015/ https://outdoorobserver.wordpress.com/2015/09/28/a-­‐verona-­‐carpets-­‐of-­‐stone-­‐a-­‐marmomacc/ http://architetturaedesign.marmomacc.com/en/the-­‐italian-­‐stone-­‐theatre/lithic-­‐experiments/carpets-­‐of-­‐stone/ 09-­‐2015 8
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
http://litosonline.com/en/photoreports/en/588/carpets-­‐natural-­‐stone 09-­‐2015 http://www.consorziomarmistichiampo.com/decormarmi-­‐marmomacc-­‐2015b.aspx 09-­‐2015 http://www.platform-­‐ad.com/italiano-­‐carpets-­‐of-­‐stone-­‐marmomacc-­‐2015/?lang=it 09-­‐2015 http://mz-­‐consulting.org/de/presse/417/exhibition_carpets_of_stone/ 09/10-­‐2015 http://www.habimat.it/binomio-­‐marmo-­‐e-­‐design-­‐a-­‐marmomacc/ 09/10-­‐2015 Chiara Testoni, Cyberstone. Innovazioni digitali sulla pietra, Review, http://www.architetturadipietra.it/wp/?p=4300 (architetturadipietra.it), in Letture, 14 giugno 2010; http://archiblog.info/it/2010/06/15 (archiblog > recensione architetturadipietra.it), Review of Cyberstone. Innovazioni digitali sulla pietra, in Books and Magazines, 15 giugno 2010; D. Finelli, Alla ricerca di nuovi territori, review of Nati con il computer: Giovani architetti americani, in http://www.libreriauniversitaria.it/nati-­‐computer-­‐giovani-­‐architetti-­‐americani/libro/9788886498937 , Libreria Universitaria, 04-­‐20-­‐
2010; A. Blasi, Nuovi Orizzonti, review of Nati con il computer: Giovani architetti americani, in http://www.libreriauniversitaria.it/nati-­‐
computer-­‐giovani-­‐architetti-­‐americani/libro/9788886498937 (Libreria Universitaria), 04-­‐18-­‐2010; F. Sallemi, La nuova era della pietra, review of Cyberstone. Innovazioni digitali sulla pietra, in http://www.libreriauniversitaria.it/cyberstone-­‐innovazioni-­‐digitali-­‐pietra-­‐edilstampa/libro/9788878640511 (Libreria Universitaria), 04-­‐19-­‐2010; www.newItalianblood.com. Pongratz Perbellini works; Luisa Juarez, Pelle, Skin, Texture, in Notizie, DOMUS Magazine, Milan, Italy, 17.08.2009 http://www.domusweb.it/it/notizie/2009/08/17/pelle-­‐skin-­‐texture.html La Triennale di Milano, Pelle, Skin, Texture, Exhibition, Milan, Italy, http://www.triennale.org/en/exhibitions/past/177-­‐pelle-­‐skin-­‐
texture-­‐marmomacc-­‐incontra-­‐il-­‐design#.VsoQSEteZtc , 26 May-­‐26 June, 2009 Antonino Saggio, Cyberstone. Innovazioni digitali sulla pietra, in http://antoninosaggio.blogspot.com/2009/02/onde-­‐di-­‐pietra.html , in Conferences and Talks on Architecture, February 15, 2009; Antonino Saggio, Cyberstone. Innovazioni digitali sulla pietra, in http://www.arc1.uniroma1.it/saggio/rivoluzioneinformatica/Pdf/Cyberstone.pdf , Universita’ La Sapienza, Rome, Italy; Davide Turrini, Imparare dalla Pietra. Il progetto lapideo nelle università, PostScriptum; blog “L’architettura di pietra”, www.architetturadipietra.it , 06.11.2008; Alfonso Acocella, “Pelle, Skin, Texture”. Marmomacc incontra il Design/Marmomacc Meets Design 2008, in News, blog “L’architettura di pietra”, www.architetturadipietra.it , 09.06.2008; Alfonso Acocella, Una didattica integrata. Strategie di progettazione lapidea nelle università italiane, News, blog “L’architettura di pietra”, www.architetturadipietra.it , 25.09.2008; Evelina Bazzo (curator), “Pelle, Skin, Texture”. Marmomacc incontra il Design/Marmomacc Meets Design 2008; Perbellini Pongratz Architects con/with TESTIGROUP, 43th Marmomacc -­‐ Verona 2/5 October 2008. PRESS KIT CONTENTS 2008 (PdF); 9
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
Agnese Ananasso, “Il taglio e’ da alta sartoria grazie alla tecnologia digitale” , La Repubblica, Casa e Design, Material ConneXion Exhibition at the 43th Marmomacc 2008, Centro internazionale di documentazione e ricerca sui materiali, September 2008; http://temi.repubblica.it/casa-­‐marmomac/2008/09/23/material-­‐connexion/?h=0 Vincenzo Pavan, Imparare dalla Pietra. Il progetto lapideo nelle università/Learn from Stone. The University Stone Project, www.marmomacc.com, September 2008; Alfonso Acocella, La formazione, strumento di innovazione e cultura, News, blog “L’architettura di pietra”, www.architetturadipietra.it, 06.08.2008; Editorial, Nomination XXI Compasso d’Oro, Hyperwave, www.edilizia.blog.excite.it, 14.07.2008; Alfonso Acocella, Nomination XXI Compasso d’Oro, Hyperwave, News, blog “L’architettura di pietra”, www.architetturadipietra.it, 13.07.2008; Alfonso Acocella, International Summer Design Studio, Eventi/Events, blog “L’architettura di pietra”, www.architetturadipietra.it, 17.05.2008; Alfonso Acocella, Progettare in pietra. Brand Partners, News, blog “L’architettura di pietra”, www.architetturadipietra.it, 02.02.2008; RESEARCH AND CREATIVE ACTIVITIES Professional affiliations LICENSED ARCHITECT, Member of Ordine Architetti Italiani (OAI), Chapter of Verona, Italy, License n. 1527, registered 07-­‐28-­‐1999; ASSOCIATE AIA, The American Institute of Architects, n. 38491203, since 08-­‐23-­‐2015. Patents Hyper-­‐Wave, product series of façade cladding, interior wall covering, (registered: EU 000495353-­‐0001; USA 29/256.025). Memberships in Scholarly Societies and Professional Organizations ADI, Associazione per il Disegno Industriale, Milan, Italy; ACSA, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Washington, DC; NAPW, National Association of Professional Women, Garden City, New York. PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE January 1997-­‐Present pONGRATZ pERBELLINI aRCHITECTS, Principal Cyberstone LLC Verona, Italy; Lubbock, Texas, USA -­‐ McNamara Apartment, residential building addition, 1,300 sq.ft, project design, Lubbock, TX, present; -­‐ Peoria Residence, residential, new apartments complex, 6,800 sq.ft., project design, Lubbock, TX, present; -­‐ Lithic Experiments, Carpets of Stone, Stone floor “ Celly”, PPA invited Designer; a collage of stone floors by 7 invited international designers installed in the Italian Stone Theatre, Marmomacc Architecture and Design, VeronaFiere, Italy, 09/30 – 10/03, 2015; -­‐ TTU CoA Urban Stage, vision for Downtown Lubbock, Urban Design Masterplan, Design Team Director, Jan. 2014-­‐Nov. 2014; 10
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
-­‐ Chansky Residence, residential renovation and addition, 2,000 sq.ft, project design, Lubbock, TX, 2014; -­‐ Neumann Residence, residential renovation, 3,200 sq.ft., project design, Lubbock, TX, 2012; nd
-­‐ Porter Henderson Library, Angelo State University, Public Art Proposal, San Angelo, TX, 2012, 2 Place; -­‐ Deep Surface, new designs for façade and interior stone cladding, product design, product development, prototyping with Scuola th
del Marmo, exhibited in Marmomacc 47 , 2012, Verona, Italy; -­‐ Saddle Polihedra Screen, new design for façade screens, prototyping with Kienesberger GmbH & Co KG, Schluesselberg, Austria, th
exhibited at Marmomacc 47 September 2012; -­‐ Pare Pinto Residence, residential renovation, 2,600 sq.ft, project design, Lubbock, TX, completed 2011; -­‐ Villa Tripoli, exterior cladding design with Hyperwave series, residential, Tripoli, Lybia, 2011; -­‐ Villa Vicenzi, 300 sq.mt, new addition, residential, project design, Verona, Italy, 2011; rd
-­‐ S. Emilio Masterplan, 25,000 sq.mt, Urban Design project, transformation of an area in residential, zoning, 3 phase development, several presentations to the Municipal Authority in Verona, Italy, 2011-­‐2015; -­‐ Berlin Monument, International Design Competition Application, “Gestaltungsewettbewerb fuer ein Freiheits-­‐und Einheitsdenkmal in Berlin”, Germany; Interdisciplinary Team with Artist Pino Castagna, Verona, Italy, 2010; -­‐ St. Margherita, preliminary design and currently guiding the prototyping phase for a new three-­‐dimensional surface out of engineered stone agglomerate, manufacturer Santa Margherita, 2009-­‐ongoing; -­‐ Hyperwave, façade and interior stone cladding, product design, product development, manufacturer Fratelli Testi, exhibited worldwide, Verona, Italy, 2005-­‐ongoing; -­‐ Hyperwave Shower Collection, stone cladding shower series and glass decors, product design, product development, manufacturer Fratelli Testi, exhibited worldwide, Verona, Italy, 2007-­‐ongoing; -­‐ Bonavicina Residential Complex, new construction, 45 apartments, Bonavicina, Verona, Italy, completed 2009; -­‐ Lukmar-­‐Cristal Residential Complex, new construction, 11 apartments, S.G.L., Verona, Italy, completed 2008; 2
-­‐ Villa Paradiso, historical residence, renovation, new outside pool project, 750 m , Verona, Italy, completed 2007; -­‐ FerrettiCasa Expo, kindergarten, 350 sq.mt, project design, Bergamo, Italy, 2007; -­‐ FerrettiCasa Expo, showroom, interior new construction, 600 sq.mt, Bergamo, Italy, completed 2007; -­‐ Villa Kuwait, façade design & consulting (UDA, Turin, Italy), 1,000 sq.mt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, 2007; st
-­‐ Stone & Marble Hospitality, exhibition project for 21 Abitare il Tempo and 41 Marmomacc, curators in collaboration with Vincenzo Pavan and Luca Scacchetti, Veronafiere, Italy, 2006; 2
-­‐ The Eyes of the Trees. Revitalization of Gwangbok Street and Piff Plaza, International Competition, 16,800 m , Busan, South Korea, 2005, Honorable Mention; -­‐ Fluxus, project for Abitare il Tempo, Veronafiere, 2005: chaise longue and floorlamp in Corian®, Planit GmbH, Italy, 2005; wall cladding, manufacturer Sandri srl, Italy, 2005; 11
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
-­‐ Seoul Performance Art Center, International Design Competition for Opera House (8,200 m ), Concert Hall (5,500 m ), open 2
amphitheater (5,000 m ) and park design (112,000 m ), Seoul, South Korea, 2005; 2
-­‐ Villa Vicenzi/Villa V2, residential, new construction, 320 m /1,357 m , project design, S.G.L., Verona, Italy, 2004; 2
-­‐ Hair & Wellness – Salon for CP Group, renovation and new interior, 100 m /400 m , Verona, Italy, 2004, completed 2005; 2
-­‐ Campus dei Licei – Campus Schio, International Competition, Campus design with new Library-­‐Mediatheque (1,600 m ), 2
Auditorium (5,150 m ), parking (30,000 m ) and park design (212,700 m ), Schio, Vicenza, Italy, 2004; 2
-­‐ Villa Vicenzi/Villa V1, residential, 200 m /1,100 m , project design, S.G.L., Verona, Italy, 2002-­‐2004; 2
-­‐ “La Nuvoletta Celeste”, infants day-­‐care, 160 m /external area 100 m , S.G.L., Verona, Italy, completed 2004; 2
-­‐ Villa iNTRUSA, residential, 250 m /1,200 m , project design, S.G.L., Verona, Italy, 2003; 2
-­‐ La Grotta/The Cave, resort, reuse of an abandoned stone quarry, 1,900 m /650 m , project design, Verona, Italy, 2002-­‐2004; 2
-­‐ The G-­‐Point, Galmod Bike Center, a sports-­‐entertainment center, 200 m /1,200 m , project design, S.G.L., Verona, Italy, 2003; 2
-­‐ The Viaduct – LBHF, mixed-­‐use building including sport-­‐wellness-­‐entertainment-­‐shopping center, 18,510 m /70,000 m , project design, Berlin, Germany, 2001; -­‐ XSPACE-­‐SGL -­‐ FLEXcity: NEW URBAN STRATEGIES FOR e-­‐DENSIFICATION, urban redevelopment design proposal for the existing Masterplan of San Giovanni Lupatoto, Verona, Italy, with respect to the town’s abandoned industrial areas, Research at the University of Texas, Austin, USA, 2001-­‐2002; -­‐ The Virtual Museum, International Interactive Ideas Competition, NewITALIANblood, Rome, Italy, 2001; -­‐ UEC-­‐Europa Viertel, International Investor Competition, Feasibility Study, high-­‐rise research project, Frankfurt, Germany, 2000-­‐
2001; 3
-­‐ Villa Vicenzi, renovation and partial new construction, 950 m , project design, S.G.L., Verona, Italy, 2000; -­‐ Piazza Cittadella – The Urban Interface of the New Millennium, International Design Competition for the upgrading of Piazza 2
Cittadella and for the creation of a new underground car-­‐parking garage, 29,000 m , Verona, Italy, 1999; 2
-­‐ Via Tridentina, partial residential renovation and new office space, 180 m , S.G.L., Verona, Italy, completed 1999; 3
-­‐ Mulino dei Sassi, hotel, restaurant and fitness complex, 5,800 m , project design, Zevio, Verona, Italy, 1999; 2
-­‐ Piazza Parrocchiale Perzacco, Design Competition for renovation of 5,190 m Public Space, Zevio, Verona, Italy, 1999; 3
-­‐ The new IUAV (Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia), International Design Competition, San Basilio, 34,800 m , Venice, Italy, 1998; 2
-­‐ Rose Residence, renovation and addition, 570 m , project design, Sunset Island 4, Miami, Florida, USA, 1998; 2
-­‐ Kiosk & Public Space, piazza and news stand in S.G. Lupatoto, piazza 225 m /kiosk 50 m , project design, S.G.L., Verona, Italy, 1997; -­‐ Prototype-­‐House, research project design, New York, NY, USA, 1997. 12
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
May 1997 – December 1999 JOHN REIMNITZ ARCHITECT P.C. New York, NYC, USA Project Architect (Schematic Design/Design Development/Construction Documents/Construction): -­‐ “The Bank” – 77 Eighth Avenue NYC, commercial/high-­‐end residential project, new construction and restructuration of existing Beaux Arts Bank, 41,000 sqf, New York, NYC, USA, 1997-­‐1999; -­‐ Tim Burton – 9 Story Townhouse, 13,000 sqf, New York, NYC, USA, 1998; -­‐ Pegasus Residential Complex, 36 units, Hoboken, 40,000 sq.ft, New Jersey, NJ, USA, 1998; -­‐ Lou Reed Apartment, New York, NYC, USA, 1997; -­‐ Morton House, Orange County, New York, NY, USA, 1997; -­‐ Fishman Residence, Montclair, New Jersey, NJ, USA, 1997; -­‐ Truro Residence, Massachusetts, MA, USA, 1997; -­‐ Odd Job – Retail Store, Port Chester, NY, USA, 1997; th
-­‐ Odd Job – Retail Store, 14 Street, New York, NYC, USA, 1997. February 1996 – April 1997 EISENMAN ARCHITECTS New York, NY, USA Project Team (Research/Schematic Design/Design Development): -­‐ The Church of the Year 2000, Invited International Competition, 22,000 sqf, Rome, Italy, 1996-­‐1997; -­‐ BFL Software Office Building, commissioned project, 120,000 sqf, Bangalore, India, 1996-­‐1997; -­‐ The Jewish Museum of San Francisco, project for restructuration and plaza renovation, San Francisco, CA, USA, 1996-­‐1997; -­‐ Library IUHEI, commissioned project, Place Des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, 1996-­‐1997. Fall 1995 REGIONAL PLAN ASSOCIATION (RPA) New York, NY, USA – Urban Design Research, Graduate Assistantship, Pratt Institute January 1991-­‐ January 1995 PERBELLINI ARCHITETTI Verona, Italy Project Architect (Schematic Design/Design Development/Construction Documents/Coordination Clients-­‐Contractors/Construction): -­‐ Hospital Center for Elderly “La Giselda”, Verona, Italy, 1994 -­‐ Hospital Center for Elderly – Villa Italia, Verona, Italy; 1994 -­‐ Security Ramp, Hospital Center for Elderly “Pia Opera Ciccarelli”, Verona, Italy; 1993-­‐1994 -­‐ Villa Menin, Residential Building, Verona, Italy; 1993-­‐1994 -­‐ Residential Building for Mr. and Mrs. Aprile, Verona, Italy; 1994 -­‐ Residential Building for Mr. and Mrs. De Paoli, Verona, Italy; 1994 13
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
-­‐ Winter Garden, Hospital Center for Elderly “Pia Opera Ciccarelli”, Verona, Italy; 1993 -­‐ Funerary Art Exhibition Building, Verona, Italy; 1993 -­‐ Canton Apartment, Interior Design, Verona, Italy; 1993 -­‐ Sede Società Gas, National Design Competition, Rimini, Italy; 1993 -­‐ A Bridge on the river Adige, International Design Competition, Honorable Mention, Verona, Italy, 1992 -­‐ Church S. Giovanni Battista, Renovation, Verona, Italy; 1991-­‐1992 -­‐ Cultural Center in S.Giov.Lupatoto, Verona, Italy; 1991-­‐1992 EXHIBITIONS Professional Exhibitions/International th
-­‐ Perbellini, M.R., Pongratz, Christian R., Stone floor Celly, Exhibition “Carpets of Stone” curated by Vincenzo Pavan, 50 Marmomacc, Verona, Italy, October 2015; -­‐ Perbellini, M.R., Pongratz, Christian R.; Exhibition “Hyperwave Collection”, Design by Pongratz Perbellini Architects, 48th Marmomacc, Verona, Italy, September 2013; -­‐ Perbellini, M.R., Pongratz, Christian R.; Exhibition “Hyperwave Collection”, Design by Pongratz Perbellini Architects, Maison & Objet, Paris, January 2013; th
-­‐ “Deep Surface”, Pongratz Perbellini Architects, Solo Exhibition, 47 Marmomacc, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, October 2012; th
-­‐ “100 % Gravity”, Pongratz Perbellini Architects with Saddle Polyhedra, Collective Exhibition, 47 Marmomacc, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, October 2012; th
-­‐ “Hyperwave Collection”, Pongratz Perbellini Architects, 47 Marmomacc, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, October 2012; -­‐ “Hyperwave Collection”, Pongratz Perbellini Architects, Maison & Objet, Paris, January 2012; -­‐ “Hyperwave Collection”, Pongratz Perbellini Architects, Maison & Objet, Paris, January 2011; th
-­‐ “Hyperwave Collection”, Pongratz Perbellini Architects, 45 Marmomacc Veronafiere, Verona, October 2010; -­‐ “Hyperwave Collection”, Pongratz Perbellini Architects, Maison & Objet, Paris, January 2010; -­‐“Pelle, Skin, Texture”, Pongratz Perbellini Architects with “Roses”, a stone wall cladding; Collective Exhibition at STONEXPO, Las Vegas, October 2009; -­‐ “Pelle, Skin, Texture”, Collective Exhibition promoted by Marmomacc within the scope of promoting the edition of “Marmomacc Meets Design 2009”, Material ConneXion area, Pongratz Perbellini Architects with “Roses”, a stone wall cladding; Milan Triennal, Italy May-­‐June 2009; -­‐ Roses, stone wall cladding, included in the Collective Exhibition “Pelle, Skin, Texture”; Pongratz and Perbellini Architects were one of the 10 invited international designers in “Marmomacc meets Design 2008”, Verona, Italy, October 2008; -­‐ XXI Compasso d’Oro ADI, PPA with Hyperwave, Collective Exhibition, ADI Awards, Venaria Reale, Turin, Italy, June 2008; -­‐ Selected work, Pongratz Perbellini Architects in "Interazioni italiane del secondo millennio: Fluidità, Trasparenza e Invisibilità", Facoltà di Architettura dell'Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, 2008; -­‐ Making, “ The process of architectural design and construction”, Pongratz Perbellini Architects selected work, Solo Exhibition, Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts, LHUCA, Lubbock, TX, March 27-­‐April 15, 2008; -­‐ “Hyperwave stream Shower Collection”, PPA, Chelsea Flower Show, London, 2008; -­‐ “Hyperwave moon Shower Collection”, PPA, Interiors, Nizza, France, 2008; -­‐ “Hyperwave dunes Shower Collection”, PPA, Stone Exhibition, Bombay, India, 2008; 14
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
-­‐ “Hyperwave breeze Shower Collection”, PPA, 42 Marmomacc, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, October 2007; -­‐ “Hyperwave breeze, Flower Shower Collection”, PPA, XXI Abitare il Tempo, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, September 2007; -­‐ ED.A, “Estetica Design Award 2007”, PPA with CP Group Hair Salon project, Cosmoprof, Bolognafiere, Bologna, March-­‐April 2007; st
-­‐ “Stone & Marble Hospitality”, PPA with Mossa, Hi-­‐lo, Hyperwave, 41 Marmomacc, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, October 2006; -­‐ “Stone & Marble Hospitality”, PPA with Mossa, Hi-­‐lo, Hyperwave, XXI Abitare il Tempo, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, September 2006; th
-­‐ “Liquid Stone”, PPA with Hyperwave, 40 Marmomacc, Cittadella Marmo Arte Cultura, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, September-­‐October 2005; -­‐ “Liquid Stone”, PPA with Hyperwave, XX Abitare il Tempo, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, September 2005; -­‐ “Fluxus”, PPA, Installation, Collective Exhibition “100 volti, 100 progetti”/“100 faces, 100 projects”, XX Abitare il Tempo, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, September 2005; -­‐ “Hyper-­‐Wave”, PPA, Stone+Tec, Exhibition for Stone & Technology, Nürnberg, Germany, 2005; a
-­‐ “Hyper-­‐Wave”, PPA, Progetto Città, 3 Mostra dell’Architettura e dell’Urbanistica, Nuova Fiera di Milano, Milan, Italy, 2005; -­‐ “Hyper-­‐Wave”, PPA, in Exhibition “Verticalia”, Expo Build China 2005, Shanghai New International Expo Center, Shanghai, China, 2005; -­‐ “Hyper-­‐Wave”, PPA, in Exhibition “Verticalia. Innovative materials and wall claddings”, Saie Due, Bolognafiere, Bologna, Italy, 2005; -­‐ “Campus dei Licei”, PPA, Competition Exhibition, ITIS “De Pretto”, Schio, Vicenza, Italy, January 2005; th
-­‐ “La Grotta/The Cave”, PPA, 39 Marmomacc, Marble Art Culture, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, October 2004; -­‐ “La Grotta/The Cave”,PPA, XIX Abitare il Tempo, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, September 2004; -­‐ “Digital Scapes: Global Remix”, PPA, Group Exhibition, Videoclips of seven European and eight American Digital Design Practices, th
39 Marmomacc, Marble Art Culture, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, October 2003; -­‐ “Hans-­‐Schaefer Preis”, PPA, Finalist Exhibition, 2001 Entry, BDA Berlin, Berlin, Germany, November 2001; -­‐ “Bienal Miami + Beach 2001”, PPA, semi-­‐finalist, public exhibition and web-­‐page, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA, October 2001; -­‐ “Web-­‐page of Digital-­‐Real“, http://www.a-­‐matter.com/digital-­‐real, Deutsches Architektur Museum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, June 2001; -­‐ “Pongratz + Perbellini Architects. Recent Works”, Solo Exhibition, University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture, Austin, USA, March 2001; -­‐ UT-­‐Explore, Digital Visual Communication III Course, University of Texas, Austin, USA, 2001; -­‐ “Nuova Piazza Cittadella”, PPA, Competition Exhibition, Verona City Hall, Verona, Italy, February 2001; -­‐ Web-­‐site of Dipartimento di Progettazione Architettonica e Urbana, http://www.digitalarch.tsx.org, Università “La Sapienza”, Facoltà di Architettura, Rome, Italy, lecture: “Nuove Tendenze in Architettura”, June 1999; -­‐ Spazi ritrovati 3, Arsenale Austriaco, Verona, Italy, 1999; 15
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
-­‐ “Nuova Sede I.U.A.V.”, Competition Exhibition, Arsenale di Venezia, Corderie, Venice, Italy, Fall 1998; -­‐ USA-­‐Institute New York, Urban Design Proposal, International Idea Competition Exhibition, Verona, Italy, 1995; -­‐ USA-­‐Institute New York, Urban Design Proposal, International Idea Competition Exhibition, Verona, Italy, 1994. Professional Exhibition Curator/Co-­‐curator th
-­‐ “Deep Surface”, Pongratz Perbellini Architects, 47 Marmomacc, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, October 2012; -­‐ Making, “ The process of architectural design and construction”, Pongratz Perbellini Architects selected work, Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts, LHUCA, Lubbock, TX, March-­‐April 2008; st
-­‐ “Stone & Marble Hospitality”, 41 Marmomacc, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, October 2006; -­‐ “Stone & Marble Hospitality”, XXI Abitare il Tempo, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, September 2006; th
-­‐ “Liquid Stone”, 40 Marmomacc, Cittadella Marmo Arte Cultura, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, September-­‐October 2005; -­‐ “Liquid Stone”, XX Abitare il Tempo, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, September 2005; th
-­‐ “La Grotta/The Cave”, PPA, 39 Marmomacc, Marble Art Culture, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, October 2004; -­‐ “La Grotta/The Cave”,PPA, XIX Abitare il Tempo, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, September 2004; -­‐ “Digital Scapes: Global Remix”, group show with videoclips of seven European and eight American Architects with digital practices, th
39 Marmomacc, Marble Art Culture, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, October 2003; -­‐ “Pongratz + Perbellini Architects. Recent Works”, University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture, Austin, USA, March 2001; Architecture Tours / Professional Exhibitions Pare Pinto House, Pongratz Perbellini Architects, Project included in Tech Terrace U.N.I.T. 2012 Home Tour, Lubbock, TX, December 2012; INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT Strategic Plan and Vision for the future of TTU College of Architecture, with a proposal for an Interdisciplinary Design Center; the Strategic Plan and Vision includes the future impact of the Digital Design and Fabrication Program on the CoA Curriculum, promotes interdisciplinary collaborations, plans on facilities and equipment needs, and on the Shop new spaces. Proposal presented to the Provost, University Administration and several private donors. Authors: Assoc. Prof. Maria R. Perbellini and Assoc. Prof. Christian Pongratz. Funding request for $ 6 Million; spring 2011 with proposal updates and integrations; currently, the amount received from private donors, foundations and Texas Tech University is $ 1,750,000. GRANTS - FY13 Internal Competitive Funding Opportunity to Advance Scholarship in the Creative Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Grant proposal 2012, Level 2: $ 10,000, funded; completed in August 2013; - CH Foundation 2013, Editor, with Prof. C. Pongratz and Prof. M. Martin, Texas Tech University System, Grant proposal for the extension and renovation of the DDF lab, submitted April 2013, $ 100,000 funded; - CH Foundation 2012, Texas Tech University System, Grant proposal, $ 11,800; submitted November 2011, not funded; 16
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
- FY12 Internal Competitive Funding Opportunity to Advance Scholarship in the Creative Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Grant proposal, October 2011, $ 20,000, not funded; - ArtPLACE, Ford Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts, Chicago, IL, “The Cloud”, submission in collaboration with Prof. Christian Pongratz and Prof. David Driskill; Grant proposal, Nov. 2011, $ 250,000, not funded; - Private funding, proposal for the Digital Design and Fabrication program, requested $ 35,000 for equipment needs; 2010, funded; - John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 2011, Fellowships to Assist Research and Artistic Creation; intended for men and women in mid-­‐career who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship within their discipline or exceptional creative ability in the arts; 2010, not funded; - CH Foundation 2011, Texas Tech University System, Grant proposal for the Digital Design and Fabrication Book, $ 28,745; submitted 2010, not funded; - National Science Foundation STEM, Grant proposal: The Architectural Geometry of Surfaces, P.I. in collaboration with Co-­‐P.I. Christian Pongratz Associate Professor and Director of the Digital Design and Fabrication Program at the College of Architecture and faculty from the Department of Mathematics & Statistics at Texas Tech University; $ 200,000; 2010, not funded; - Regione Veneto Public Research Grant, Industrial Research, Development and Technology Transfer in stone and marble manufacturing, Art.10 L.R.8/2003, misura 2a -­‐ Bando 2005, Euro 261,580, Venice, Italy, 2006, funded; - Mike Hogg Urban Scholars Grant, “Urban Governance” Research Project, “Flexcity: New Urban Strategies for e-­‐Densification in Berlin”, the University of Texas at Austin, Austin, USA, 2000-­‐2001; RESEARCH INTERESTS Parametric surface structures, with the focus on emergent computational strategies that require engagement with technology and promote novel design abilities and sensitivities. Computational models promote complex interrelations between form, material, structure, space and their systems’ behavior and performance. The scripted and parametrically defined surface structures are constituted of material and aesthetic performativity (patterns are also considered). Equally important is the question of the relationship between form and space, between the envelope and the content. The definition and control of parametric relationships and values in order to have new and advanced geometric configurations. New multi-­‐layered structural and formal complexities unfold from the parameters continuous evolution and differentiation. Design Process, research on developing design strategies for digital constructs. In particular, as the implementation of software technology in an experimental design process to study emergent and generative applications. The interest is on Surface Design, an accumulation of techniques to foster the translation of affect into architecture, a digital inscription of rhythmic and harmonic patterns in architectural design, which propagate the creation of architecture of experience with sensorial surfaces. Digital Design and Fabrication, research into materials and experimentation with a parametric fabrication of digital spatial organizations at the scale of details and with various construction techniques. Specific emphasis is put on the potentials triggered by 3D-­‐datatransfer and new modes of mass-­‐production, which explore digital customization and manufacturing of buildings and their components. The inquiry into the contemporary modalities of manufacturing processes and questions of material innovation afford to revise and implement new techniques of design and digital data translation into the fabrication process. Digital making; Digital Craft and Fabrication; studies of material systems, their performances, properties and intrinsic characteristics enter early in the design process and are linked to CAM (computer-­‐aided manufacturing) and CNC (computationally numerically controlled)-­‐milling techniques. Qualitative properties: texture, ornament, color, transparency/opacity, light/shadow. Intermedial Architecture, inquiry on the integration of actual and virtual realities in architecture; interactive environments; implementation of IT-­‐infrastructures in architecture and urban design in order to experiment with the evolution of new organizational structures: 17
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
-­‐ Flexcity, New Urban Strategies for e-­‐Densification, Research Project supported by Mike Hogg Urban Scholars Grant, The University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture, Austin, USA, 2001; -­‐ Project “The Leisure Palace”, Architectural Design and IT-­‐Concept Development for Lehrter Bahnhof Berlin, Germany, 2001-­‐2006; -­‐ Xspace – e-­‐Density Urbanism, Research Project, UT-­‐Austin, School of Architecture, Austin, USA, 2002. List of selected Research Products: Testi Group, Marble Company: -­‐ Roses, interior stone cladding, product design, manufacturing with Testi Fratelli s.r.l., Verona, Italy, 2008 -­‐Shower collection as prefabricated component including accessories; stone CNC milled. Glass Laser etched, Manufacturing with Fratelli Testi s.r.l.; glass with Officinadelvetro, Verona, Italy. 2007-­‐2008; -­‐ Hyperwave Series, Facade and interior stone cladding, product design, product development, manufacturing with FratelliTesti s.r.l, Exhibited in several tradefairs and furniture fairs worldwide, Verona, Italy, 2005, present; Laboratorio Morseletto, Marble Company: -­‐ HI-­‐lo, bench Vicenza stone, CNC milled, Laboratorio Morseletto s.r.l., Vicenza, Italy, 2006; St.Margherita, Marble Company: -­‐ Surfaces, 3d printing on conglomerates, product design, product development, manufacturing with St.Margherita s.r.l., Verona, Italy 2008-­‐present; -­‐ Mossa, cladding system with conglomerates, product design, product development, manufacturing with St. Margherita s.r.l., Verona 2006; XX Abitare il Tempo, International Furniture Fair and Exhibition, Verona,Italy, 2005: -­‐ Chaise Longue and floor Lamp, CNC milling, Thermoforming (Corian), Planit GmbH, Bolzano, Italy, 2005; -­‐ Wall cladding, CNC milling, full size (PU 40 kg/qm), Sandri srl, Verona, Italy, 2005; CP Group, Hair & Wellness Salon, Verona, Italy, 2004-­‐2005: -­‐ Interior partition wall, Table, Lamps: CNC milling, Thermoforming (Corian), Planit GmbH, Bolzano, Italy, 2004-­‐2005; -­‐ Shelves, mirror stands, steelwork, project CP Group, ACME, A. Scavazzini, Verona, Italy, 2004-­‐2005; -­‐ Wall cladding, CNC milling (MDF) wood models, project CP Group, Sandri srl, Verona, Italy 2004-­‐2005; La Grotta, Resort: -­‐ Facade/ Roof stone cladding, design, development, manufacturing and installation of façade mockup (in Stone Nembro), Fratelli Testi, Verona, Italy, 2002-­‐2004. INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH & Collaboration DDF/ TTU/ International The M.S. Digital Design and Fabrication Specialization and Certificate (DDF) Program is a design related think tank that engages in strategic interdisciplinary research and collaboration with Colleges and colleagues across campus at Texas Tech and internationally. The new and expanding fabrication shop facilities are used on an increasing scale by faculty across campus. Emerging technology such as Robotics and 3D Printing will lead to new interdisciplinary collaboration. Grant proposals and collaborations were developed together with: -­‐ Department of Industrial Engineering, TTU -­‐ Department of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering, TTU -­‐ Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, TTU -­‐ Department of Mechanical Engineering, TTU -­‐ Department of Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, TTU -­‐ Department of Department of Mathematics and Statistics, TTU 18
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
-­‐ School of Art, TTU -­‐ Scuola del Marmo, Verona, Italy -­‐ Architecture Department, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany. LECTURES/Presentations/Talks Maria R. Perbellini, “Re-­‐tooling Architecture”, Lecture, Tech Preview, CoA Gallery, TTU, Lubbock, October 2015; Maria R. Perbellini, “Architecture and Innovation”, Lecture, University Day, CoA Gallery, TTU, Lubbock, October 2014; Maria R. Perbellini, Graduation invited key-­‐note speaker, El Paso College of Architecture, TTU, Commencement, May 18, 2014; Maria R. Perbellini, “The impact of the Digital Design and Fabrication Program on CoA Curriculum”, presentation to the Del Mar College delegation, CoA, TTU, April 28, 2014; Maria R. Perbellini, CoA Dialogues, invited speaker, “Research”, CoA Gallery, TTU, November 2013; Maria R. Perbellini, “Future Practice”, Lecture, University Day, Student Union, TTU, Lubbock, October 2013; Maria R. Perbellini, CoA Dialogues, invited speaker, “Iconism”, CoA Gallery, TTU, November 2012; - Maria R. Perbellini, “DigitalReal Architecture”, Lecture, University Day, United Spirit Arena, TTU, Lubbock, October 2012; - Maria R. Perbellini, “The discipline of Architecture. Design, Research and Practice”, Lecture, University Day, United Spirit Arena, TTU, October 2011; - Maria R. Perbellini, TSA/CES/AIA Course for Registered Architects, Presentation of Advanced Design Studio and DDF work, CNC machine and 3D printer demos, at the College of Architecture and at Urban Tech Design Center, TTU, Lubbock, April 2011; - Maria R. Perbellini, “The garden of the lost footsteps”, Invited Lecture, the Knights of Architecture, College of Architecture, TTU, November 2010; - Maria R. Perbellini, “Digital Design and Fabrication”, Design, Environment and Society, ARCH 1311, Invited Lecture, CoA, TTU, November 2010; - Maria R. Perbellini, “Practicing Architecture”, Lecture, University Day, United Spirit Arena, TTU, October 2010; - “Craft”, AIA Alumni, Dean Andrew Vernooy lecture featuring Pongratz Perbellini work, San Antonio, September 2010; - Maria R. Perbellini, “Studio Work”, invited by USGBC Students and Knights of Architecture, Video, CoA, TTU, September 2010; - Maria R. Perbellini, “Parametric Design and Digital Crafting”, 2009 AIA/CES Course, College of Architecture, TTU, October 2009; th
- Maria R. Perbellini, “Architecture as a Career “, 7 Emmy Noether High School Mathematics Day, Invited Key-­‐Note speaker, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Texas Tech University, May 2009; - Maria R. Perbellini, “Research and Studio”, Lecture for the CoA Alumni Board, Texas Tech University, April 2009; - Maria R. Perbellini, “PPA: Practice, Research, Teaching”, College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, April 2008; - Maria R. Perbellini, Christian Pongratz, “IT Revolution in Architecture”, IUAV, Facoltà di Architettura di Venezia, lecture series on the relationship between education and the profession, "Rapporto Scuola e Professione" Venice, Italy, December 2006; 19
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
- Maria R. Perbellini, Christian Pongratz, “Cartiera Saifecs S.G.L. Urban Redevelopment of Industrial Brownsites, S.G.L. ”, presentation of student work from UT Texas, Advanced Design with Climate (Urban) Studio to the local community and municipality, S.G.L., Verona, Italy, May 2004; - Maria R. Perbellini, Christian Pongratz, Lecture: “Leisure Palace. Body, Mind and Spirit”, The Center for American Architecture, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA, November 2001; - Maria R. Perbellini, Christian Pongratz, Lecture: “Recent Work”, Domus Academy, Milano, Italy, May 2001; - Maria R. Perbellini, Christian Pongratz, “Work in progress”, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA, May 2001; - Maria R. Perbellini, Christian Pongratz, “Intermedial Architecture”, The University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA, September 2000; th
- Maria R. Perbellini, Christian Pongratz, “The Art of Life. An Organization of Chance”, Yeungjin 2000, 28 Edition, Yeungjin Jr. College, Taegu, Korea, January 2000; - Maria R. Perbellini, Christian Pongratz, “Recent Work”, Università “La Sapienza”, Facoltà di Architettura, Rome, Italy, May 1999; CONFERENCES AND SYMPOSIA - Maria R. Perbellini, paper co-­‐authored with Victoria McReynolds, paper presentation: “Fe.Arch: Instilling Parity for Texas Tech Women in Architecture”, in Texas Women in Higher Education Conference, TTU McKenzie-­‐Merket Alumni Center, Lubbock, January 29, 2016; - 2015 ACSA Administrators Conference, “uncharted territories”, Associate Deans and NAAB workshops, lectures participation, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR, Nov. 2015; - 2014 ACSA Administrators Conference, “Expanse”, Associate Deans and NAAB workshops, lectures participation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, Nov. 2014; - 2012 ACSA Administrators Conference, “Research Practice Place”, Associate Deans and NAAB workshops, lectures participation, UT Austin SoA, Austin, Nov. 2012; th
- ACSA 100 Annual Meeting, “Digital Aptitudes”, Conference and lectures participation, Boston, MA, March 2012; - 2011 ACSA Administrators Conference, “Old School/New School”, Chairs and NAAB workshops, lectures participation, Los Angeles, CA, Nov. 2011; th
- Maria R. Perbellini, accepted paper abstract: “Crafting Parametric Surface Structures”, in 5 International Conference, Design Principles and Practices, University La Sapienza, Rome, Italy, April 2010; - Maria R. Perbellini, paper abstract: “Surface design and digital expressions”, in 26th National Conference on the Beginning Design Student, College of Art +Architecture, The University of North Carolina, Charlotte, 2009; - Maria R. Perbellini, paper abstract: “Deep surfaces”, in 2009 ACSA Southwest Fall Conference, Chang[e]ing Identities; Design, Culture + Technology, Albuquerque, New Mexico, University of New Mexico, October 2009; - Maria R. Perbellini, paper presentation: “Digital Beginning”, in “We are a discipline” , 25th National Conference on the Beginning Design Student, Conference Proceedings, College of Art and Design, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA, March 12-­‐14, 2009; - Maria R. Perbellini, Lecture: “Research within Practice, Teaching, and Writing”, in CoA Research Simposium, College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, September 2009; 20
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
- Christian Pongratz on Pongratz Perbellini Architects, Lecture: “IT and Sustainability. A method for landscape recovery in abandoned nd
stone quarries”, 2 IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments, Athens, Greece, July 2006; - Maria R. Perbellini, Christian Pongratz, Lecture: “Hyperwave_Research with Natural Stone and Marble”, Symposium: “Pietra e territorio”, Villa Salvaterra di Prun, Verona, Italy, June 2005; - Maria R. Perbellini, Christian Pongratz, Lecture: “Form and Stone. Digital Design and New Manufacturing Technology”, Research with Natural Stone and Marble, Symposium: “Pixel and Marble. Digital Design and New Manufacturing Technology in the Stone and th
Marble Industry”, 38 Marmomacc, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, October 2003; - Maria R. Perbellini, Christian Pongratz, Symposium co-­‐curators with Vincenzo Pavan: “Pixel and Marble. Digital Design and New th
Manufacturing Technology in the Stone and Marble Industry”, 38 Marmomacc, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, October 2003; - Maria R. Perbellini, Christian Pongratz, book presentation: “Natural Born CaaDesigners”, Conference: “IT Revolution in Architecture”, with Gerhard Schmitt, Maia Engeli, Greg Lynn, Peter Eisenman, Antonino Saggio, ETH-­‐Zuerich, Zuerich, Switzerland, April 2000; - Maria R. Perbellini, Christian Pongratz, Lecture : “Millennium City”, Conference: “Re-­‐Defining Urban Open Space”, Taegu, Korea, January 2000. TEACHING -
September 01, 2014-­‐Present Professor, TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY, College of Architecture, Lubbock, Texas, USA Arch 4000 -­‐ Research Architecture and Urban Studies, Acculturation in preparation of Study Abroad Studio VI offered each Spring; Combined with Studio VI in Summer; Spring 2015, Spring 2016; Arch 5303 -­‐ Special Problems in Architecture -­‐ Smart Materials, Spring 2015, Spring 2016; Arch 5315 -­‐ Systems of Architectural Inquiry, graduate course for new M.S and Ph.D students, writing intensive, Fall 2014, Fall 2015; Arch 4601 -­‐ Architectural Design Studio VI, Study Abroad Studio, Verona, Italy, Summer 2015; Arch 6000 -­‐ DDF, Master’s Thesis Advisor, Committee Chair, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015; student: Milad Fereshtehnezhad; Arch 7000 -­‐ DDF, Master’s Thesis Research, Committee member; Spring 2014, present; students: Merlyn Samuel; Paola Garcia-­‐
Mendoza; Sven Nevlida, Shakil Shimil. September 01, 2008 -­‐ August 31, 2014 Associate Professor, TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY, College of Architecture, Lubbock, Texas, USA -­‐ Arch 4601 -­‐ Architectural Design Studio VI, Study Abroad Studio, Verona, Italy, Summer 2011, 2013, 2014; -­‐ Arch 4000 -­‐ Research Architecture Urban Studies, Acculturation in preparation of Study Abroad Studio VI offered each Spring; Combined with Studio VI in Summer, Spring 2011, Summer 2011, Spring 2013, Summer 2013, Spring 2014, Summer 2014; - Arch 5303 -­‐ Special Problems in Architecture -­‐ Smart Materials, Fall 2009, Fall 2010, Fall 2011; Spring 2014; - Arch 5315 -­‐ Systems of Architectural Inquiry, graduate course for new M.S and Ph.D students, writing intensive, Fall 2012, Fall 2013; - Arch 6000 -­‐ DDF, Master’s Thesis Advisor, Committee Chair, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, student: Jose’ Sanchez; - Arch 7000 -­‐ DDF, Master’s Thesis Research, Spring 2013, student: Merlyn Samuel; - Arch 5334 -­‐ Advanced Studies in Construction Technology, Fall 2009, Fall 2010; Fall 2011; - Arch 5502 -­‐ Advanced Architectural Design Studio, Parametric Design Studio, Spring 2010, Spring 2011; - Arch 6000 -­‐ DDF, Master’s Thesis Advisor, Committee member, Spring 2011, Fall 2011; Spring 2012, student: Rob Diaz; - Arch 4341 -­‐ Media Elective, Digital Media, Spring 2010; - Arch 2501 -­‐ Architectural Design Studio II, Fall 2008, Fall 2009; - Hons 4300 -­‐ Honors Research, Fall 2009; - Arch 5901 -­‐ Comprehensive Design Studio, Spring 2009; 21
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
September 01, 2007 -­‐ August 31, 2008 Visiting Associate Professor, TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY, College of Architecture, Lubbock, Texas, USA - Arch 2502 -­‐ Architectural Design Studio III, Spring 2008; - Arch 2501 -­‐ Architectural Design Studio II, Fall 2007; January 01, 2001 to May 31, 2002 Lecturer, Adjunct Professor, THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN, School of Architecture, Texas, USA: - Arch 520L -­‐ Studio Design IV, Spring 2002; - Arch 320K -­‐ Studio Design III, Fall 2001; - Arch 520L -­‐ Studio Design IV, Spring 2001. (Implementation of Digital Technology, Computational Design & Process Methodologies) June 05-­‐23, 2000 Visiting Teachers Program, THE ARCHITECTURAL ASSOCIATION, AA, London, UK, Final Reviews, June 2000; January 08-­‐24, 2000 th
Visiting Professor, YEUNGJIN JR. COLLEGE, Taegu, Korea, Yeung-­‐Jin 2000, 28 Edition, Design Seminar, January 2000. February 1992 – December 1994 Assistant Instructor, ISTITUTO UNIVERSITARIO DI ARCHITETTURA DI VENEZIA (IUAV), Venice, Italy, First Year Design Studio. Advising/Mentoring College of Architecture, Texas Tech University - Arch 6000 Master’s Thesis Advisor and Chair, Master of Science with specialization in Digital Design and Fabrication, Spring 2011-­‐present; - Honors Thesis Advisor, Student: Sam Tannembaum, Fall 2008; - Advising international students (from Bangladesh, Iraq, Norway, Nigeria, Czech Republic, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, China, Taiwan, India, Mexico) on their graduate studies at the COA, 2008 -­‐present; - Advising and recruiting graduate and undergraduate students interested in Graduate Programs, 2010-­‐present; - Mentoring tenure track Assistant/Associate Professors Peter Raab, Jeff Nesbit, Julie Zook, Mari Michael Glassell, Rafael Duran; Visiting Assistant Professors Daniel Pruske, Dustin White, Victoria Mc Reynolds, Josh Nason, Terah Maher in their teaching assignments; Graduate Part Time Instructors and Graduate Assistants involved with teaching the Digital Media sequence, 2010 – present; Coordination College of Architecture, Texas Tech University - LPMD Ph.D Program Coordinator, from Fall 2012 -­‐ present; - Arch 1353-­‐Digital Media I, Coordination and Course Development, Spring 2013, Spring 2012; 180 Students, 9 sections, 1 GPTI, 4 TAs; - Arch 1353-­‐Digital Media I, Coordination and Course Development, Spring 2011; 201 Students, 10 sections, 1 GPTI, 4 TAs; 22
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
- Arch 3341-­‐Digital Media II, Coordination and Course Development, Fall 2012, Fall 2011, Fall 2010; 100 students, 4 sections, 1 VAP, 1 GPTI, 2 TAs; - Arch 3341 -­‐ Digital Media II, Coordination with CoA El Paso section, new Instructor Craig Dixon, Fall 2012; - Arch 4000-­‐Arch 4601 Study Abroad Verona Studio in Italy, Coordination and Program Director, Spring-­‐Summer 2011-­‐2016; - Arch 5901-­‐Comprehensive Design Studio, Co-­‐coordination with Dean Andrew Vernooy, Graduate Course Development, Spring 2009-­‐present; 30-­‐40 Students, 3-­‐4 Sections; starting in Spring 2016 we offer Arch 5601-­‐ Integrative Design Studio; Curriculum Development/Special Assignments College of Architecture, Texas Tech University - Parametric Design Workshops, development and assistance to the organization for computational workshops to enhance technical rd
skills for 3 year students and graduate students, Spring 2010-­‐present, offered each semester; - Arch 1353-­‐ Digital Media I and Arch 3341 -­‐ Digital Media II, reinvention and reconfiguration of the Digital Media sequence of courses, impacting the TTU College of Architecture’s curriculum, proposing new Syllabi and a new series of assignments . Students are exposed to the most innovative and latest digital tools and techniques. The DM courses implement several strategies of visualization at different levels of complexity, introduce to techniques for model making, and relate them to various geometric challenges. They are designed to work as the supporting courses integrated with undergraduate Design Studios. Students apply the digital knowledge and tools on their studio design processes. Representational techniques are supporting Technology Sequence courses. Fall 2010-­‐present. rd
- Digital Media Workshop for 3 and 4 year students at the CoA El Paso, pedagogy, instruction and presentation’s content supervision, coordination of one faculty and one GPTI visiting CoA El Paso; the Workshop was to initiate a transfer of knowledge and skills to 40 El Paso students giving them specialized exposure to leading representational and modeling methods, techniques and software; a constant dialogue through conference calls was and continues to be in place with the Coa faculty and Director; Spring 2012; - Preparation and Update of Smart Materials library-­‐digital data Lab, for student and faculty, Fall 2009 -­‐ ongoing. New Course Development/Interdisciplinary Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX The geometry of surfaces – Interdisciplinary Course Development and proposal, new joint course on Multivariable Calculus and Geometry for Architecture, Engineering, and Math students, in collaboration with Christian Pongratz (Associate Professor, Director of DDF program, CoA, TTU) and Magda Toda (Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, TTU). Course approved by the Honors College in 2011 as Math 4331, entitled “Advanced Geometries for Architecture, Engineering and Sciences, with Technology” and offered starting in spring 2012. Arch 5303 -­‐ Smart Materials, new interdisciplinary Graduate Course development, in preparation of the M.S. with specialization in Digital Design and Fabrication, and DDF Graduate Certificate, Fall 2009-­‐every Fall to present ; Academic/Student Work Exhibitions/National and International - “3D printing Smart Materials”, Exhibition at LHUCA, Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts, Lubbock, TX, May 2015; - 2014 Student Biennial Exhibition, AIA Houston, Architecture Center, Traveling Exhibition with TSA Convention, CoA submission, Designer, Editor and Curator, July-­‐October 2014; 23
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
- “Verona Lab”, CoA Study Abroad Summer Studio 2013 in Italy, in collaboration with Visiting Assist. Prof. Dustin White, exhibition at th
Marmomacc Stone Academy with AIA, RIBA and RAIC, “Forum del Marmo”, “Progetto Didattica Formazione 2013”, 48 Marmomacc, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, September 2013; - “Digital media I”, First Friday Art Trail, CoA Exhibition at Urban Tech Design Center, student works, Lubbock, TX, May 2012, 2013; - “Art + Architecture”, Arts Festival, Exhibition at the Lubbock Civic Center of Smart Materials Research, student works, curator of the exhibition, collaboration with the School of Art at TTU, Lubbock, TX, April 2012, 2013; 2014, 2015, 2016; - “Digital Media II ”, First Friday Art Trail, CoA Exhibition at Urban Tech Design Center, student works, Lubbock, TX; December 2012; - 2012 Student Biennial Exhibition, AIA Houston, Architecture Center, Traveling Exhibition with TSA Convention, CoA submission, Designer, Editor and Curator, July-­‐October 2012; - ACSA ARCHIVE100, CoA submission, Editor and Curator, online exhibition of faculty and student projects and stories intended for the public to better understand the experience of architecture school. Funded and supported by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) as part of their 100-­‐year anniversary celebration. The exhibit opens to the public on March 01, 2012, as part of the ACSA's 100th Annual Meeting at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. - “Verona Acting School (VRAS)”, CoA Summer Studio 2011 in Italy, in collaboration with Prof. Christian Pongratz and Visiting Assist. Prof. Dustin White, Italy, Marmomacc Stone Academy with AIA, RIBA and RAIC, “Forum del Marmo”, “Progetto Didattica th
Formazione 2011”, 46 Marmomacc, Veronafiere, Verona, Italy, September 2011; - “Study Abroad Verona Studio”, First Friday Art Trail, Exhibition at Urban Tech Design Center of CoA Summer Studio 2011 in Italy, in collaboration with Prof. Christian Pongratz and Visiting Assist. Prof. Dustin White, Lubbock, TX, August 2011; - “Avenue J-­‐ CITY GREEN SCAPE”, First Friday Art Trail, Exhibition at Urban Tech Design Center of Parametric Advanced Design Studio, Lubbock, TX; May 2011, August 2011; September 2011; - “Avenue J-­‐ CITY GREEN SCAPE”, USGBC-­‐Spring into Green, Exhibition at LUHCA of Parametric Advanced Design Studio at the College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, May 2011; - “Avenue J-­‐ CITY GREEN SCAPE”, Arts Festival, Exhibition at the Lubbock Civic Center of Parametric Advanced Design Studio at the College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, April 2011; - “Parametric Design”, First Friday Art Trail, Exhibition of Parametric Advanced Design Studio at the College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, May 2010; - “Pattern transformations and surface modulations”, exhibition on 2nd year Design Studios at the College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, October 2008; May 2010; - “Life Cycle of a School”, Comprehensive Design Studio, Exhibition at LHUCA, Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts, ICE House, Lubbock, TX, May 2009. Academic/Student Work Competitions College of Architecture, Texas Tech University - CoA Study Abroad Studio 2013, Verona, Italy, in collaboration with Prof. Dustin White, Marmomacc Stone Academy with AIA, RIBA and RAIC, “Forum del Marmo. Progetto Didattica Formazione 2013”, 48th Marmomacc, Veronafiere, Italy, September 2013. - Verona Acting School (VRAS), CoA Study Abroad Studio 2011, Verona, Italy, in collaboration with Prof. Christian R. Pongratz and Prof. Dustin White, Marmomacc Stone Academy with AIA, RIBA and RAIC, “Forum del Marmo. Progetto Didattica Formazione 2011”, 24
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
46th Marmomacc, Veronafiere, Italy, September 2011. - DRYLANDS DESIGN, an open ideas Competition for retrofitting the American West, 2011-­‐2012 California Architectural Foundation William Turnbull, with Advanced Architectural Design Studio’s Students, Arch 5502, Spring 2011, collaboration with Prof. Christian Pongratz and Prof. David Driskill; entry submission Fall 2011; - Dean’s Cup participation with Advanced Architectural Design Studio’s Students, Arch 5502, Spring 2010; students Mark Buchanan and Wesley Parks received the Graduate Category, Honorable Mention; - TSA 2010 Studio Award Entry , Advanced Architectural Design Studio, Arch 5502, Spring 2010; - Life Cycle of a school, ACSA Steel Design Student Competition Entry , Comprehensive Design Studio, Arch 5901, Spring 2009; - TSA 2009 Studio Award Entry , Comprehensive Design Studio, Arch 5901, Spring 2009; SERVICE College of Architecture, Texas Tech University ADMINISTRATIVE September 01, 2012-­‐present Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, Texas Tech University, College of Architecture, Lubbock, Texas, USA. Responsible for the development of the professional Master of Architecture with 4 Graduate Certificates, the post-­‐professional Master of Science in Architecture with 2 newly created Specializations in Digital Design and Fabrication and in Urban and Community Design, and an upcoming Specialization in Design and Health; Coordinator of the interdisciplinary PhD program in Land-­‐use Planning, Management and Design; Coordinator of graduate programs publications; responsible for the culture of the College; major role in design pedagogy, in curriculum development, teaching performance criteria, strategic planning, program learning objectives; Accreditation, Graduate Programs Review; policy formation, vision for new graduate programs, seeking for external resources, grants, funds; teaching schedules; graduate students recruitment; Chair of the Administrative Council; executive member of the Dean’s Council and Faculty Budget Council; University and College of Architecture service; September 01, 2010 – August 31, 2012 Chair of Instruction, Texas Tech University, College of Architecture, Lubbock, Texas, USA. Responsible for the culture of the College: Lectures, Symposia, Exhibitions, Workshops, Final Reviews, Special Events; responsible for design studio assignments, coordinators, design pedagogy; major role in curriculum development, teaching performance criteria, strategic plan, program learning objectives; responsible for hiring adjunct faculty and faculty teaching evaluations; responsible for the Administrative Council; major role in policy formation and member of the Dean’s Council; University and College of Architecture service; Spring 2010 -­‐ present Study Abroad Program in Verona, Italy, Program Director; Fall 2010 -­‐ present Digital Design and Fabrication Program, co-­‐founder, development of the Master of Science with specialization in DDF and a graduate certificate, in collaboration with the Program’s Director, Prof. Christian Pongratz. 25
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
NEW PROGRAMS/Curriculum Development College of Architecture, Texas Tech University Design and Health Program, initiation and development of the Master of Science with specialization in DH; Track 1: Healthcare Facilities Design; Track 2: Health and Wellness Design; including 2 graduate certificates, in collaboration with the program’s Director Prof. Ray Pentecost, the TTU Health Sciences Center and the Department of Public Health. This specialization will be offered starting in fall 2016, with a special dedication to new forms of on-­‐line instruction addressing non-­‐traditional students. Digital Design and Fabrication Program, initiation and development of the Master of Science with specialization in DDF, interdisciplinary program, in collaboration with the program’s Director Prof. Christian Pongratz, Fall 2010-­‐present; Urban and Community Design Program and Historic Preservation Certificate, redevelopment of the Master of Science with specialization in UCD, and Graduate Certificates in HP and UCD, in collaboration with the program’s Director MaryAlice Torres-­‐
Macdonald; Fall 2010-­‐present; Master of Science in Architecture, redesign and revision of the study plan credit hours to 34 and setting a common structure of semesters and courses for each specialization with a digital application process; Incorporation of International Studies linked to our Study Abroad programs and the Mexico and Shanghai topical studios; establishing a solid pedagogical relationship with our Study Abroad Programs; PhD in Land-­‐use Planning, Management and Design, redesign and new proposal with three areas of specialization: 1-­‐ Design Studies; 2 -­‐ Building Technologies and Computation; and 3 – Resource Management and Analysis. The intent is to strengthen design while advancing scientific inquiry and technology combined with issues of resource management and analysis, environmentally sustainable studies and land-­‐use planning. COMMITTEES College of Architecture, Texas Tech University COUNCIL/COMMITTEE CHAIR: Administrative Council, Standing Committee, Chair, Fall 2010-­‐present; LPMD Ph.D Committee, Chair, Fall 2012-­‐present; M.S. and Ph.D Graduate Admissions Committee, Chair, Fall 2012-­‐present; Shop, Building and Safety Committee, Chair, Fall 2010 to Fall 2015; Faculty Search Committee, Chair, Building Design and Technology tenure track positions, Spring 2010, Fall 2011, Spring 2012; COUNCIL/COMMITTEE MEMBER: Dean’s Council, Standing Committee, executive member, Fall 2010-­‐present; Faculty Budget Council, Standing Committee, executive member, Fall 2010-­‐present; M.Arch Graduate Admissions Committee, member, Fall 2012-­‐present; Post Tenure Review Committee, member, Assoc. Prof. MaryAlice Torres McDonald, Fall 2015, Spring 2016; Faculty Search Committee, member, Architectural Design and Construction Technology tenure track position, Fall 2014,Spring 2015; Digital Design and Fabrication Program Committee, member, Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2011, present; Curriculum Committee, member, Fall 2008 to Spring 2013; Fall 2015 – present; Technology Curriculum Task Force, member, Spring 2009, Fall 2009; Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2011; Lecture Series Committee, member, Fall 2008 to Spring 2013. SERVICE SPECIAL ASSIGNMENTS/Program Development/COA Promotion and Recruitment 2016 NAAB Digital Accreditation, responsible of the College Curriculum Matrix with Dean and Associate Dean of Accademics; 2016 Accreditation preparation and SPC review, APR submission, building organization with display of work, development of a digital model for showing evidence to the accreditation team; ongoing; Team visit on March 05-­‐09, 2016; 26
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
- CoA 2015 Graduate Programs Review, responsible of preparing the TTU CoA Graduate Programs Report and organizing the Review of M.Arch, Master of Science in Architecture and PhD in LPMD, Fall 2014-­‐Spring 2015; GP Review Committee (3 internal TTU reviewers and 2 external reviewers), visit on March 24-­‐26, 2015; - Graduate Scholarships and Fellowships, Assignment of Recruitment financial support for the best new incoming students; Retention Scholarships, Dissertation Scholarsips; in Coordination with CoA Scholarship Committee and Dean of Graduate School; ongoing; - Faculty Annual Evaluations, evaluation of Service and Teaching, COA, ongoing; - Digital Design and Fabrication Booklet, idea and design, edited with Director Christian Pongratz, March 2015; - Urban and Community Design Booklet, idea and development, in coordination with Director Mary Alice Torres-­‐MacDonald; Fall 2014-­‐Spring 2015; - Commencement, Key-­‐note invited speaker, El Paso College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, Spring 2014; - University Day, Recruitment event, CoA program presentation, Student Union, TTU, Lubbock, October 2013, 2014, 2015; - University Day, Recruitment event, CoA program presentation, United Spirit Arena, TTU, Lubbock, October 2010, 2011, 2012; - Graduate students retention/recruitment from B.S. Arch to M.Arch program, student interviews, President Scholarships assignment, Fall 2012; continuing; - Master of Science in Architecture specializations, national and international students recruitment, promotion and development in collaboration with advisors, program’s Directors and faculty; continuing; - Curriculum Development, Teaching Schedules, NAAB SPC Criteria implementation, design courses coordination, NAAB Matrix preparation and updates for faculty, Fall 2010-­‐present; - Graduate and Undergraduate Final Reviews, organization, guests invitation, schedule, budget, Fall 2010-­‐present; - College Walk-­‐Through, Coordination of studio visits and discussion on NAAB SPC criteria and curriculum assessment, Fall 2010-­‐
present; - Digital Workshops at the CoA El Paso, organization, coordination with Director in El Paso Robert Gonzalez, College of Architecture El Paso, Spring 2012; - “Art+Architecture”, Interdisciplinary event with College of Visual & Performing Arts, Event organization, exhibition and recruitment service at the Lubbock Civic Center, April 2010 to April 2016; - Brochures and Graphics, College of Architecture; concept and design; coordination; include: College presentation and promotional materials, programs and curriculum brochures, posters and flyers; Fall 2010, Spring 2011, Fall 2011, Spring 2012, since 2013 coordination of a Graphics Assistant to present; - Graphics, Posters and Flyers, design and coordination, for Arts Festival and First Friday Art Trail Events, Avenue J Project, Lubbock, Spring 2011; th
- Graphics and Posters for the 25 CoA Anniversary, design and coordination with the assistance of Matt Ballentine, Hall of Nations, International Cultural Center, TTU, Lubbock, Spring 2011; - “Avenue J-­‐ CITY GREEN SCAPE”, First Friday Art Festival , Interdisciplinary collaboration with College of Visual & Performing Arts, Event Organization, Studio Exhibition and Community Service at the Urban Tech Design Center, Parametric Advanced Design Studio at the College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, May 2011; 27
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
- “Avenue J-­‐ CITY GREEN SCAPE”, Arts Festival, Interdisciplinary collaboration with College of Visual & Performing Arts, Event Organization, Studio Exhibition and Community Service at the Lubbock Civic Center, Parametric Advanced Design Studio at the College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, April 2011; - Accreditation 2010, coordination evidence for graduate studios, meetings with accreditation team, presentation to the accreditation team; CoA, TTU, Lubbock, Fall 2009, Spring 2010; - CoA Best Female Student Award within Pink Day and Fe.Arch events, organization, reception, Award ceremony, April 2011-­‐present; - Fe.ARCH, and Pink Day Events, event organization in collaboration, guests invitation: Elizabeth Chu Richter, Winka Dubbeldam, Lise Anne Couture, Lisa Iwamoto, Billie Tsien, Elaine Molinar, College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, April 2009-­‐present; SERVICE TO THE PROFESSION - Texas Society of Architects Board-­‐ TSA/CES/AIA Course for Registered Architects, Reception, Exhibit, and Presentation of Studio and DDF work, CNC machine and 3D printer demos, at the College of Architecture and at Urban Tech Design Center, TTU, Lubbock, April 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014; - AIA/Alumni Board, CoA Curriculum and Programs, 2012-­‐present; - Marmomacc Stone Academy (with AIA, RIBA and RAIC), Educational Courses, Symposium, and Design Research within th
Marmomacc, 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 , 48 International Exhibition of Stone Design and Technology. Lectures on PPA and DDF work and research, Exhibition at the Fiera di Verona of CoA Summer Studio in Italy. It is an important international venue where Profession, Industry and Academia meet and share contents and research, experiences as professionals (Pongratz Perbellini Architects stone work) and as faculty (TTU-­‐CoA-­‐DDF work), within a larger conversation that includes TTU-­‐CoA and European Architecture Universities. Verona, Italy, Fall 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013; - AIA/CES Course, “Parametric Design and Digital Crafting”, Lecture, College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, October 2009; - AIA/Alumni Board, “Research and Studio”, Lecture, College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, April 2009. UNIVERSITY SERVICE/TTU - International Affairs Council, member, Texas Tech University (TTU), Fall 2015-­‐present; - STEM Advisory Board, NSF ADVANCE, Institutional Transformation, member, TTU, Fall 2015-­‐present; - University Strategic Plan, Committee member, TTU, Spring 2015, Fall 2015; - Charles B. Qualia Chair in Classical and Modern Languages and Spanish, invited Search Committee member, TTU, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015-­‐present; - Dean of Libraries, invited Search Committee member, TTU, Summer 2014-­‐Fall 2014; - Del Mar Community College, presentation of TTU CoA Graduate Programs, facilitator for future collaboration with CoA, Spring 2014; - TTU Campus Beautification Committee, Art Proposal, Facilities Planning and Construction, TTU Systems, Spring-­‐Summer 2014; - Graduate Programs Review Committee, member, review of TTU Design Department Programs, Master of Science in Environmental Design and PhD in Interior and Environmental Design, Spring 2013; - TTU International Center in Italy Committee, member, TTU, International Cultural Center, Spring 2011-­‐present; 28
Curriculum Vitae MARIA R. PERBELLINI
- “Connect Tech”, TTU Office of Admission, Perspective Student Recruitment Event, Invitation by the Chancellor of best faculty meeting best students; Spring 2012; Spring 2013; - Teaching, Learning and Connecting (TLC) to Diversity Committee, member, TTU, Spring 2012-­‐present; OTHER UNIVERSITIES/INSTITUTES SERVICE International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS): th
- Invited Article Reviewer for the 6 International Multi-­‐Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics, article: Urban Stage 2014, by Prof. David Driskill, January 2015; University of Manitoba, School of Architecture, Winnipeg, Canada : -­‐ Evaluation of Tenure and Promotion dossier, Assistant Professor Lancelot Coar, September 2014; Illinois Institute of Technology, College of Architecture, Chicago, IL : -­‐ Invited Abstracts Reviewer, 30th National Conference on the Beginning Design Student 2014, MATERIALITY: ESSENCE AND SUBSTANCE, April 3-­‐5, 2014; Tulane University, School of Architecture, New Orleans, LA : -­‐ Evaluation of Tenure and Promotion dossier, Assistant Professor Marcella Del Signore, December 2013; SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY/OUTREACH - Urban Stage, Interdisciplinary University event with other units at Texas Tech University, vision for Downtown Lubbock, Urban Design proposal, CoA Design Team Coordinator, Lubbock, TX, Spring 2014-­‐Fall 2014; - “Art+Architecture”, Interdisciplinary event with College of Visual & Performing Arts, Event organization, exhibition and recruitment service at the Lubbock Civic Center, Lubbock, TX, April 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014; 2015, 2016; - “Avenue J-­‐ CITY GREEN SCAPE”, First Friday Art Festival , and Lubbock Arts Festival, Interdisciplinary collaboration with College of Visual & Performing Arts, Event Organization, Studio Exhibition and Community Service. Students and kids were engaged in music, dance performances and model making, Lubbock, TX, April, May 2011; - “Cartiera Saifecs”, S.G.Lupatoto, Urban Redevelopment of Industrial Brownsites, S.Giov. L., presentation of student work from UT Texas, Advanced Design with Climate (Urban) Studio to the local community and municipality, Verona, Italy, May 2004; - Technical Advisor – Development of digital research film documentaries on the local city planning history of S. Giovanni L., Verona, Italy (by Architect Martino Perbellini); - “M.F.R.”, Public presentation to the local community and the S.Giovanni L. History and Arts Society, Verona, Italy, May 2000; - “Santo Zovane Lavatoto. Tra Storia, Cronaca e Fantasia”, Public Presentation to the local community and the S.Giovanni L. History and Arts Society, Verona, Italy, April 1999. Languages Italian, English 29
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