
Agenda della giornata

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Agenda della giornata
Connecting Europe Facility Info Day and Workshop
Call for proposals on Public Open Data
9 June 2016, Brussels
Location: Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA), Chaussée de Wavre 910, B-1040 Brussels
How to find INEA: https://ec.europa.eu/inea/en/mission-objectives/contact-us/find-us
Offer a detailed presentation of the call
Clarify open questions
Give interested parties and potential participants the opportunity to meet one another
10:00 Arrival and registration
10:30 Welcome & opening of the meeting
10:35 General administrative requirements
11:05 Dive deep into the Public Open Data call
11:45 Frequently Asked Questions
12:15 Lunch break
13:45 The European Data Portal, metadata harmonisation and learning resources
14:15 Breakout sessions: typical topics that can be addressed
15:00 Coffee break
15:15 Breakout session: experiences on proposal writing
16:00 Tips and tricks to proposal writing
16:20 How to find a partner: the dedicated LinkedIn Group and other means
16:30 Open Questions
16:50 Wrap up
17:00 End of meeting
Please register by e-mail indicating your name and organisation
at: [email protected]
to attend the meeting.
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