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Massimiliano Bratti
(curriculum vitae)
Current position: Associate Professor in Economics, University of Milan
Nationality: Italian
Contact address: Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods
(DEMM), Università degli Studi di Milano, via Conservatorio 7, I-20122, Milan, Italy
Contact information:
+39 02 503 21545 (telephone - direct)
+39 02 503 21501/21522 (telephone - DEMM secretaries)
+39 02 503 21505/21540 (fax)
[email protected]
2005. Ph.D. in Economics, University of Warwick (UK). Thesis “Determinants and
consequences of educational choices in the UK”. Supervisors: Professor Mark Stewart and
Professor Jeremy Smith. Topics: Education Economics, Labour Economics, Microeconometrics.
2001. Dottorato di Ricerca in Economia Politica, Università degli Studi di Ancona (Italy). Thesis: “Istruzione nel ciclo di vita. Alcuni saggi empirici di economia
dell’istruzione”. Supervisor: Professor Pietro Alessandrini.
Working experience
November 2011 - today. Associate Professor in Economics, University of Milan,
Faculty of Political Sciences.
January 2010 - August 2010. Visiting researcher at the Center for Labor Economics,
University of California, Berkeley.
September 2004 - October 2011. Assistant Professor in Economics, University of Milan,
Faculty of Political Sciences (tenured since 2007).
February 2004-July 2004. Marie Curie Research Fellow at Tilburg University (The Netherlands).
2001 - 2003. Research Fellow at Università Politecnica delle Marche (former University
of Ancona).
2000 - 2001. Research Associate at the University of Warwick in the project “Higher Education Outcomes, Graduate Employment and University Performance Indicators” with
Abigail McKnight, Robin Naylor and Jeremy Smith funded by the DfEE.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Bratti, M. De Benedictis, L., Santoni, G. (2014), “On the pro-trade effects of immigrants”,
Review of World Economics, forthcoming.
Bratti, M., Mendola, M. (2014), “Parental health and child schooling”, Journal of
Health Economics, v.35: 94–108.
Bratti, M. and Cavalli, L. (2014), “Delayed first birth and new mothers’ labor market outcomes: Evidence from biological fertility shocks”, European Journal of Population,
v.30 n.1: 35–63.
Bratti, M. and Staffolani, S. (2013), “Student time allocation and educational production
functions”, Annals of Economics and Statistics, v.111-112: 103–140.
Bratti, M., Felice, G. (2012), “Are exporters more likely to introduce product innovations?”, The World Economy, v.35 n.11: 1559-1598.
Bratti, M., Tatsiramos, K. (2012), “The effect of delaying motherhood on the second
childbirth in Europe”, Journal of Population Economics, v.25 n.1: 291–321.
Bratti, M., Miranda, A. (2011), “Endogenous treatment effects for count data models with
endogenous participation or sample selection”, Health Economics, v.20 n.9: 1090–1109.
Bratti, M., Checchi, D., Filippin, A. (2011), “Should you compete or cooperate with your
schoolmates?”, Education Economics, v.19 n.3: 275–289.
Bratti, M., Broccolini, C., Staffolani, S. (2010), “Higher education reform, student time
allocation and academic performance in Italy: Evidence from a Faculty of Economics”,
Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, v.15 n.2: 275–304.
Bratti, M., Miranda, A. (2009), “Non-pecuniary Returns to Higher Education: The Effect
on Smoking Intensity in the UK”, Health Economics, v.19 n.8: 906–920.
Ballarino, G., Bratti, M. (2009), “Field of Study and University Graduates’ Early Employment Outcomes in Italy during 1995-2004”, Labour: Review of Labour Economics
and Industrial Relations, v.23, n.3: 421–457.
Bratti, M., Checchi, D., de Blasio, G. (2008), “Does the Expansion of Higher Education
Increase the Equality of Educational Opportunities? Evidence from Italy”, Labour:
Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, v.22, n.S1: 53–88.
Bratti, M., Checchi, D., Filippin, A. (2007), “Geographical differences in Italian students’
mathematical competencies: Evidence from PISA 2003”, Giornale degli Economisti e
Annali di Economia, v.66, n.3: 299–333.
Bratti, M., Staffolani, S. (2007), “Effort-Based Career Opportunities and Working Time”,
International Journal of Manpower, v.28, n.6: 489–512. Awarded “Highly commended” article by Emerald.
Bratti, M. (2007), “Parents’ Income and Children’s School Drop-out at 16 in England and
Wales: Evidence from the 1970 British Cohort Study”, The Review of Economics of
the Household, v.5, n.1: 15–40 (Springer).
Bratti, M., Matteucci, N. (2005) “Is There Skill-biased Technological Change in Italian
Manufacturing? Evidence from Firm-level Data”, Brussels Economic Review, v.48,
n.1: 715–744.
Bratti, M., Del Bono, E., Vuri, D. (2004) “New Mothers’ Labour Force Participation in
Italy: The Role of Job Characteristics”, Labour: Review of Labour Economics and
Industrial Relations, v.19 (Special Issue): 79–121.
Bratti, M., Bucci, A., Moretti, E. (2004) “Dinamica demografica, capitale umano e crescita
economica: dalla teoria all’evidenza empirica”, Rivista Italiana degli Economisti, v.
IX, 2: 187–224 .
Bratti, M., McKnight, A., Naylor, R., Smith, J. (2004) “Higher Education Outcomes,
Graduate Employment and University Performance Indicators”, Journal of the Royal
Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), v.167, n.3: 475–496.
Bratti, M. (2003) “Female Labour Force Participation and Marital Fertility of Italian
Women: The Role of Education”, Journal of Population Economics, v.16, n.3: 525–
Bratti, M. (2002) “Does the Choice of University Matter? A Study of the Differences
across UK Universities in Life Sciences Students’ Degree Performance”, Economics of
Education Review, v.21, n.5: 431–443.
Bratti, M., Staffolani, S. (2001) “Performance accademica e scelta della facolta’ universitaria: aspetti teorici e evidenza empirica”, Rivista di Politica Economica, v.91, n.7-8:
Bratti, M. (2001) “Oltre la scuola dell’obbligo: un’analisi empirica della scelta di proseguire nell’istruzione post-obbligatoria in Italia”, Moneta e Credito, v.54, n.214: 175–
Bratti, M. (1999) “L’evoluzione dei divari settoriali di valore aggiunto per addetto nei
paesi OCSE”, Rivista di Politica Economica, v.89, n.11: 93–149.
Books, book chapters and other publications
Bratti, M., Cappellari, L. (2012), “Reform of higher education and social gradients in university graduates’ outcomes”, in John Ermisch, Markus Jäntti and Timothy M. Smeeding
(eds.) From Parents to Children. The Intergenerational Transmission of Advantage. New
York: Russell Sage.
Bratti, M., Cappellari, L., Groh-Samberg, O., Lohmann, H. (2012), “School tracking and
the intergenerational transmission of education in Germany and Italy” in John Ermisch,
Markus Jäntti and Timothy M. Smeeding (eds.) From Parents to Children. The Intergenerational Transmission of Advantage. New York: Russell Sage.
Bratti, M., Staffolani, S. (2012), “A microeconometric analysis of female labour force participation using Italian Quarterly Labour Force Survey data”, Forthcoming in T. Addabbo
and G. Solinas (eds.), Non-Standard Employment and Quality of Work. The Case of Italy,
Ballarino, G., Bratti, M. (2010) “Reperimento del lavoro e disuguaglianza sociale”, chapter
V in Daniele Checchi (ed.), Immobilità Diffusa. Bologna: Il Mulino.
Bratti, M., Checchi, D., Filippin, A. (2007), Da dove vengono le competenze degli studenti?. Bologna: Il Mulino.
Bratti, M., Checchi, D., Filippin, A. (2006), “Il Mezzogiorno nella conoscenza. Competenze degli studenti italiani quindicenni”, La Rivista delle politiche sociali, v.4: 93–111.
Bratti, M. (2006) “Female Labour Force Participation and Marital Fertility in Italy”
in Education and Postponement of Maternity, Gustafsson, Siv; Kalwij, Adriaan (Eds.).
Series: European Studies of Population, Vol. 15. Springer.
Bratti, M. (2005) “Classe sociale e scelta del corso di laurea”, in Brucchi Luchino (ed.),
Per un’analisi critica del mercato del lavoro. Bologna: Il Mulino.
Bratti, M., Bucci, A., Moretti E. (2003), “Demografia, investimento in scolarità e crescita
nei PVS” in Eros Moretti and Marcello Natale (eds.), Siamo pochi o siamo troppi? Alcuni
aspetti delle relazioni tra evoluzione demografica e sviluppo economico e sociale. Milano:
Franco Angeli.
Bratti, M., Bucci, A. (2003), “Effetti di complementarietà, accumulazione di capitale
umano e crescita economica: teoria e risultati empirici”, in Eros Moretti and Marcello
Natale (eds.), Siamo pochi o siamo troppi? Alcuni aspetti delle relazioni tra evoluzione
demografica e sviluppo economico e sociale. Milano: Franco Angeli.
Bratti, M., Matteucci, N. (2005) “R&S, ICT e lavoro qualificato nelle imprese manifatturiere italiane”, in Alessandro Sterlacchini (ed.) ICT, mercato del lavoro, produttività.
Roma: Carocci editore, pp. 107–130.
Bratti, M. (2003) “Offerta di lavoro: partecipazione e orario di lavoro”, in Claudio Lucifora
(ed.) Mercato, occupazione e salari: la ricerca sul lavoro in Italia. Milano: Mondadori
Università, pp. 30–57.
Bratti, M., Bucci, A. (2003) “L’effetto di tasse e sussidi”, in Claudio Lucifora (ed.) Mercato, occupazione e salari: la ricerca sul lavoro in Italia. Milano: Mondadori Università,
pp. 58–83.
Work in progress
Complete working papers
Bratti, M., Felice, G. (2012), “Buyer-Supplier relationships, exporting and innovation”,
Bratti, M., Leombruni, R. (2009), “Local Human Capital Externalities and Wages at the
Firm Level: The Case of Italian Manufacturing”, IZA DP No. 4613, Institute for the
Study of Labor (IZA).
Bratti, M., Naylor, R., Smith, R. (2008), “Heterogeneities in the returns to degrees:
Evidence from the British cohort study 1970”, Departmental Working Papers No. 200840, Department of Economics University of Milan, Italy.
On-going projects
Bratti, M. (2010), “Education and health: Evidence from Italy”.
Bratti, M., Miranda, A. (2009), “Selection-endogenous ordered probit and dynamic ordered probit models”, presented at the United Kingdom Stata Users’ Group Meetings
2009 01, Stata Users Group.
Participation to Funded Research projects
2010. “GINI - Growing Inequalities’ Impacts”, FP7.
2009. “Cross-National Research on the Intergenerational Transmission of Advantage”
(CRITA), coordinated by Timothy M., Smeeding, John Ermisch and Markus Jäntti,
funded by the Russell Sage Foundation.
2006. Research report on “Qualità della formazione scolastica, uso delle risorse e fattori
ambientali. L’indagine PISA 2003 in Italia.” for the Fondazione per la Scuola della
Compagnia di San Paolo, joint with Prof. Daniele Checchi and Antonio Filippin.
2005. PRIN (i.e., funding from the Ministry of Education). Participation to the Milan’s
unit “Institutional configuration, schooling choices, and labor and financial markets”,
research unit leader Prof. Daniele Checchi, national coordinator Prof. Giuseppe Bertola.
2004. Research report on “Il lavoro part-time e l’occupazione femminile” for the Ministero
del lavoro e delle politiche sociali, joint with Emilia del Bono, Matteo Picchio, Prof.
Stefano Staffolani and Daniela Vuri
2004. PRIN. Participation to the Milan’s unit of the project “Determinants of income inequality in developed labour markets”, research unit leader Prof. Micael Antonio Salvati,
national coordinator Prof. Renata Lenti.
2003. PRIN. Participation to the Milan’s unit of the project “Inequality, unions and labour
market institutions”, research unit leader Prof. Daniele Checchi, national coordinator
Prof. Giorgio Brunello.
2001. PRIN. Participation to the Ancona’s unit of the project “Siamo pochi o siamo
troppi? Alcuni aspetti delle relazioni tra evoluzione demografica e sviluppo economico
e sociale”, reaserch unit leader Prof. Eros Moretti, national coordinator Prof. Marcello
2004-2005. Microeconomics (undergraduate course), University of Milan (60 hours);
2004-2007. Topics in Labour Economics (Master in Labour Sciences), University of Milan
(14 hours each academic year);
2005-2009. Labour Economics (undergraduate course, ORU), University of Milan (60
hours each academic year);
2007-2009. Topics in Education Economics (Master in Labour Sciences), University of
Milan (18 hours ech academic year);
2009-2010. Macroeconomics (undergraduate course, ECE), University of Milan (60 hours);
2010-2011. Labour Economics (undergraduate course, ORU), University of Milan (60
2010-2011. Topics of Labour Economics (graduate course, LAV), University of Milan (20
2011-present. Principles of Economics (undergraduate corse, SIE), University of Milan
(60 hours);
2011-present. Education Economics (graduate course, LAV), University of Milan (40
2013-2014. Topic of Labour Economics (undergraduate corse, ECE), University of Milan
(20 hours).
Ph.D. Supervision
Dr. Massimiliano Volpi, Ph.D. in Economics, University of Milan – Environmental Economist
at the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC, UK).
Dr. Chiara Noè (joint with D. Checchi), Ph.D. in Economics, University of Milan –
Post-doc at the University of Cergy-Pontoise.
Dr. Laura Cavalli (joint with A. Rosina), Ph.D. in Public Economics, Catholic University
Milan (DEFAP) – Post-doc at the University of Verona.
Dr. Anna De Paoli (joint with D. Checchi), Ph.D. in Economics, University of Milan
–Post-doc at the University of Milan Bicocca.
Dr. Valeria Groppo (joint with G. Barba Navaretti), Ph.D. in Economics, University of
Milan – Temporary researcher at WTO.
Dr. Chiara Conti (joint with P. Garella), Ph.D. in Economics, University of Milan –
Post-doc at University of Rome “La Sapienza”.
IZA Research Fellow since 2006 (Affiliate since 2003), CHILD Research Fellow
since 2004
Main Research Interests: Education Economics, Health Economics, Higher Education
Performance Indicators, Population and Household Economics, Labour Economics, Migration, Innovation, Applied Microeconometrics.
Invited referee for: Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Applied Economics, B.E.
Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Eastern Economic Journal, Economia PubblicaThe Italian Journal of Public Economics, Economics Bulletin, Economics of Education
Review, Education Economics, Education Finance and Policy, Empirica, Empirical Economics, European Journal of Sociology, Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia,
Health Economics, Industry and Innovation, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, International Journal of Manpower, Journal of Economic
Policy Reform, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Population Economics, Labour
Economics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Polena (Political and Electoral
Navigations: rivista italiana di analisi elettorale), Polis, Population Research and Policy
Review, Population Studies, IBE Prospects (UNESCO Quarterly Review of Comparative
Education), Research in Labor Economics, Review of Economics of the Household, Revista
de Economı́a Aplicada, Rivista di Politica Economica, Rivista Italiana degli Economisti,
Southern Economic Journal, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, The World
Invited reviewer for: Italian Ministry of University, Istituto per lo Sviluppo della Formazione professionale dei Lavoratori (ISFOL), European Science Foundation (ESF), Regione Calabria, University of Padua, VQR 2004-2010 (Italian Research Quality Assessment
Prof. Mark Stewart
Department of Economics
University of Warwick (UK)
[email protected]
Prof. Jeremy Smith
Department of Economics
University of Warwick (UK)
[email protected]
Prof. Robin Naylor
Department of Economics
University of Warwick (UK)
[email protected]
Prof. Daniele Checchi
University of Milan (Italy)
[email protected]
Milan — March 26, 2014
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