
News Saturday, January 18, 2014

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News Saturday, January 18, 2014
TALU MAI LE 1904 2
James leads Heat
past 76ers to
snap 3-game skid B1
Saturday, January 18, 2014
NUA: Tumau pea le
fa’aiuga fa’asaga ia Fofo Sunia
tusia Ausage Fausia
Ua tasi nei le faafitiga o
aleaga i Pupuali’i ma faipule
o Siufaga i Ta’u, Manu’a,
ina ia fa’ate’a le afioga i le
Fa’atuiolemotu ia Lefiti Atiulagi Pese mai le faiganuu a
Si’uafaga, fa’apea ai ma le
aloaia pea lea o se faaiuga sa
faia e tuaa o le afioaga i ni
tausaga ua mavae, ina ia tumau
pea le fa’ate’aeseina o le tofa
Fofo Sunia mai le faiganuu a
O le aso 4 Ianuari 2014 na
usuia ai le fono a le pitonuu
o Si’ufaga i Ta’u, Manu’a i le
maota o Nuanuaolefeagaiga i
Suasua, mo le faamautuina o
lenei fa’aiuga.
I se feiloaiga a le Samoa
News ma le afioga i le ali’i
Senatoa ia Nuanuaolefeagaiga
Saoluaga Nua, o le sui peresetene o le maota maualuga a le
Senate, o ia fo’i sa fai ma sui o
Puluali’i ma Faipule o Si’ufaga
Le afioga i le Fa’atuiolemotu ia Lefiti Atiulagi Pese
[ata: SN]
e faalauiloa lenei faaiuga, sa ia
saunoa ai e faapea, o le amataga
o le masina nei o Ianuari na
fono ai le pitonuu o Si’ufaga i
Ta’u, Manu’a, mo le faamautuina o lana faaiuga e faate’a ai
le afioga Lefiti mai le faiganuu.
“O le mafua’aga o le
faaiuga a Pupuali’i ma Faipule
e faate’a Lefiti ma Si’ufaga,
ina ua ia taumafai e sui fa’avae
o le nuu,” o le saunoaga lea a
Na faateia le afioga a Lefiti
ina ua fesiligia o ia e le Samoa
News e uiga i lenei mataupu,
aemaise ai o tuuaiga faapea ua
ia taumafai e sui faavae o le
“E leai se mea faapena
o tupu, e mama a’u na ma
tu’uaiga, ou te iloa o ni
mafuaaga faaletagata ua mafua
ai ona faia e Nuanuaolefeagaiga lenei fa’aiuga,” o le saunoaga lea a Lefiti.
Sa ia taua fo’i e faapea, so
o se faiganuu lava i Samoa, e
i ai ona ao, ona faasolo mai ai
lava lea ia i latou e sosoo ane
ai, pei fo’i la o lona afioaga i
Si’ufaga, o ia o le Fa’atui, o le
fa’aao lena o le nuu, sosoo ai
ma le Pupuali’i ma faasolo atu
ai lava lea i tofiga e sosoo atu
Saunoa Lefiti e faapea, o
tala ua ia maua mai i lona aiga
i Manu’a, fai mai ua ita Nuanuaolefeagaiga i tala ua ia alu ma
faasalalau, fai mai o ia e pule i
le nuu, ae o lo o molimau lona
afioaga atoa i Manu’a, na te le
i faia ni fa’amatalaga faapea,
ai lava o ni faamatalaga ua
faatupu e le alii senatoa e mafua
mai i ni mafuaaga faaletagata.
“E leai se manatu faapena ia
te a’u, pau lo’u fa’anaunauga o
lo o i ai, ia maopoopo ma lelei
le nuu, ia fealofani fo’i matou o
lo o faauluulu i ai le nuu, o la’u
tatalo fo’i, ia manuia le alo atu
o le alii senatoa i tiute ma faiva
e pei ona fai ai o ia ma sui o le
nuu i le Fono Faitulafono,” o le
saunoaga lea a Lefiti.
Sa ia taua fo’i, “ou te le
popole i ni tofi po o ni mamalu,
pau lo’u agaga ia tausisi ma
faamamalu i le aganu’u, e
faailoa lea i lo’u tautua pea i le
(Faaauau itulau 14)
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Samoa News will not
publish a print
edition on
Monday, Jan 20
in honor of the life
and achievements of
Martin Luther King Jr.
Visit samoanews.com
for updates and we’ll
be back on Tuesday.
AG’s Office not
opposed to
amendments to
Child Abuse law
by Fili Sagapolutele, Samoa News Correspondent
The Attorney General’s Office is not opposed to two major
amendments made by the House to its version of an administration bill—which further criminalizes and expands the definition
of child abuse— and the Senate has approved in final reading the
House version, which now goes back to the faipule.
The Senate approved last September its version of the same
bill without any changes and sent it to the House, where Representatives made two major amendments to ensure clarification
of certain provisions of the measure.
When the House version arrived in the Senate in the later part
of September last year, the Fono was prepared to end the 2nd
Regular Session and senators opted to wait until this month to
hold any necessary hearings on the bill.
As previously reported by Samoa News, the House’s two
major amendments clarify what is considered “a dangerous
(Continued on page 14)
Buckle up &
Save a Life!
Le taimi na faaee ai aao o susuga i Feagaiga o le afioaga o Aua i le ao o le tofa Leoititi Maselino
Ioane, e faapaia ai le amataina o le galuega o le fausiaina o le sa fou a le afioaga i le vaiaso nei, le
Sa o le Paepaeulupoo II. [ata: AF]
01-01-14 to date
01-01-14 to date
office of highway safety
Page 2
samoa news, Saturday, January 18, 2014
Special prosecutor to
handle NM shooting case
Se vaaiga atu lena i motu o Ofu ma Olosega pe a e vaavaai mai i luma tonu o le vaega o lo o i
[ata: AF]
ai le aoga maualuga a Manu’a i le motu o Ta’u.
tusia Ausage Fausia
Talu mai le tausaga e 1904
ina ua sainia le feagaiga e avea
ai le motu o Manu’a ma vaega
o le teritori o Amerika Samoa,
e tuuina atu i lalo o le vaavaaiga
a le malo tele o Amerika, na
amata mai ai lava i le taimi
lea ona le amanaia e Amerika
Samoa le motu o Manu’a, seia
aulia mai le tausaga na te’a nei,
lea na faatoa molimauina ai
e tagata Manu’a o lo o alala i
Manu’a atina’e tetele ua faia e
le malo mo i latou, e pei ona
taua i se vaega o le ripoti a le
kovana sa tuuina atu i le Fono
Faitulafono i le vaiaso nei.
“O le tausaga na te’a nei
na faatoa molimauina ai e tagatanuu o Manu’a, le le toe i
ai o se totogi mo a latou uta e
la’u atu i Manu’a, atoa ai ma le
faaitiitia o isi totogi mo femalagaaiga aga’i i le motu,” o se
vaega lea o le ripoti a le alii
kovana sa tuuina atu i le fono.
Saunoa fo’i Lolo, o le
tausaga na te’a nei na faatoa
maua ai se pamu kesi e utu
ai taavale a tagata Manu’a,
suia mai ai i le faiga sa sau ai
i le tele o tausaga, o le ave o
kalone kesi ta’i 50 i le va’a mo
O isi suiga e pei ona taua e
Lolo, e aofia ai le ulua’i taimi
i le tausaga na te’a nei na
faatoa faasalalau tuusa’o mai
ai i Manu’a sauniga o le sisiina
a’e o le fu’a i Malaetele, atoa
ai ma le ulua’i taimi ua faatasi
uma atu ai sui o le kapeneta i le
molimauina o lea sauniga taua.
O le tausaga fo’i na te’a
nei e pei ona saunoa Lolo,
na faatoa mafai ai ona tala e
tagata faigaluega a le malo i
Manu’a a latou siaki i totonu
lava o Manu’a, ma totogi ai a
latou pili eletise ma le telefoni,
e aunoa ma le tau toe malaga
mai i Tutuila nei e faatino ai
nei fuafuaga uma.
O le taimi nei, ua i ai uma
i totonu o Manu’a lala o Ofisa
ma Matagaluega a le malo, ma
ua i ai fo’i a latou tagata faigaluega faapea ai vaega e faaaoga
e faatino ai galuega e pei o
ofisa ma taavale.
I tulaga o atina’e, o lo o
galulue pea le malo mo le faamautuina o feutanaiga ma lala
o le malo tele, mo le faaleleia
o uafu ma malae vaalele i
Manu’a, ina ia saga faaleleia
atili ai tulaga o femalagaaiga i
Le alii kovana ia Lolo Matalasi Moliga ma ni isi o sui o lana
kapeneta i lana ulua’i asiasiga i le motu o Manu’a ia Me 2013.
[ata: AF]
totonu o le motu.
I tulaga o pasese e malaga ai
tagata i Manu’a, o lo o iloiloina
pea e le faigamalo i le taimi
nei le $30 mo le malaga e tasi
ma le $50 mo le alu ma le toe
fo’i mai, o lo o totogi e tagata
Manu’a i le MV Sili, faapea
ai ma le toe faia o ni suiga i le
ta’i $40 i le po e tasi mo tagata
faigaluega a le malo e malaga i
Manu’a e galulue ai.
O nei suiga uma e pei ona
taua e le alii kovana, o taumafaiga uma a le faigamalo
ina ia faaleleia atina’e ma le
tamaoaiga i totonu o motu o
Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia
[email protected]
ROSWELL, N.M. (AP) — A New Mexico district attorney
announced Friday she will have another county’s prosecutor
handle this week’s shooting at a Roswell middle school due to
conflicts of interest in the case.
Chaves County District Attorney Janetta Hicks pointed to her
many connections to the community. She knows the parents of
the 12-year-old boy accused of bringing a shotgun to Berrendo
Middle School, opening fire in a crowded gym and wounding
two classmates.
Hicks also attends the same church as the boy’s grandmother,
she has known the school principal her entire life, and she has
worked with a grandfather of one of the victims.
“A prosecutor has a responsibility as a minister of justice and
not simply as an advocate,” she said. “These connections would
render any handling of this matter by me subject to questions or
criticism to the detriment of all parties involved. My prosecution
of the case would become an unwarranted distraction.”
Clovis District Attorney Matt Chandler has been appointed
as the special prosecutor.
Authorities say the seventh-grade suspect brought a shotgun
to school in a duffel bag Tuesday. A 12-year-old boy and a
13-year-old girl were wounded, and a school staff member suffered minor injuries.
The seventh-grader was charged as a juvenile with three
counts of aggravated battery with a deadly weapon.
While parents kept some students home this week, other children began returning to class Thursday. They were greeted by
streamers, posters and other pieces of art put up by local artists
in an effort to make them feel more welcome, the Roswell Daily
Record reported (http://bit.ly/1mbsBuy).
Officials said the installation was meant to help the students,
hundreds of whom witnessed the shooting.
“We’re just here to do something nice for the community,”
said Roswell High Art Teacher Jessica Parham, who is coordinating the installation.
Students in the Free Art Friday club headed by Parham
decided their efforts would be best spent comforting the afflicted.
Before students returned to school, Parham called on area artists to help in creating bulldog-themed art. Berrendo’s mascot is
a bulldog. Roswell 10th-grader Candy Gonzales, 16, arranged
paw-print cutouts into the shape of a heart.
“I think that kids their age shouldn’t go through something
like that,” she said.
Gov. Susana Martinez said she visited the two wounded students, 12-year-old Nathaniel Tavarez and 13-year-old Kendal
Sanders, on Wednesday. She said Kendal is expected to be
released soon. Martinez told reporters Nathaniel remained in
critical condition at a Lubbock, Texas, hospital and doctors have
repaired slight damage to his heart.
His face and head are covered in pockmarks from the shotgun
pellets and both of his eyes were injured, Martinez said.
Immigration officer admits to criminal
conduct in exchange for plea agreement
by Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu
Samoa News Reporter
Immigration Officer Polone Savea, who
was charged on allegations that he had issued
fake immigration identification to two Chinese women has admitted in court his criminal
conduct. This followed a plea deal from the
Savea of Matu’u was initially charged in connection with two criminal cases, the first case
based on allegations that he issued fake immigration identifications for two Chinese women,
for which he faced two counts of forgery and
public servant acceding to corruption.
Also in this case, Polone is charged with
Matagi Lelilio, who is facing bribery of a public
servant, and who’s case is pending in High
The second case against Polone charges
him with two counts of forgery and one count
of public servant acceding to corruption. In
the second case, his co-defendant was Jin Hua
Sullivan (aka Nunu), against whom the government has since dismissed charges due to lack of
In the plea agreement that was read in open
court, Savea pled guilty to one count of forgery,
a class C felony punishable by imprisonment
for seven years, a fine of $5,000, a fine equal to
twice the amount of gain from the commission
of the crime up to a maximum of $20,000 or
both fine and imprisonment.
The government moved to dismiss the
remaining charges and all charges in the second
case in return for Savea’s guilty plea. Chief Justice Michael Kruse accepted the plea agreement
and scheduled sentencing on February 7, 2014
for this matter.
The government claims that the case against
Polone began when the AG’s investigating
officer was informed about a situation involving
fake immigration cards having been issued by
the defendant. Court filings say that immigration cards in question were issued to two Chinese women, Ruiquin Liu and Jianxing Huang.
The investigation was triggered due to suspicions raised when an immigration officer
working at the Tafuna airport reported that Liu
and Huang were accompanied by co-defendant
Lelilio to Samoa and they returned to American
Samoa on the same day — Wednesday, Sept.
7, 2011. Court filings state that inquiries were
run on the immigration ID cards used by Liu
and Huang and it was discovered that the Alien
Registration numbers on their ID cards (alien
registration receipt cards) belonged to different
foreigners with inactive or closed files.
tusia Ausage Fausia
O le ali’i mai Pago Pago
lea na ia sasa le ulu o lona uso
matua i le samala, e mafua mai
i se feeseeseaiga na tula’i mai i
lo la va i le tausaga na te’a nei,
ua faasala e le fa’amasinoga
maualuga e taofia i le toese i
Tafuna mo le 6 masina, o se
tasi lea o tuutuuga o lana nofovaavavaia e 3 tausaga.
A’o le i tuuina atu e le
fa’amasinoga maualuga lana
faasalaga fa’asaga i le alii
o Dicklah Te’o i le taeao
ananafi, na muamua faafofoga
le fa’amasinoga i faafinauga
a loia mo se faasalaga mama
mo le ua molia, atoa ai ma le
faatoesega a le ua molia. Na
faatoese Te’o i le faamasinoga
faapea ai lona uso matua na
aafia e tusa ai o le faalavelave
na tula’i mai i lo la va, lea ua
mafua ai ona ta’usala o ia e
le fa’amasinoga i le moliaga
mamafa o le fa’aoolima i le
tulaga lua.
Sa ia faatoese fo’i i lona tina
ma le aiga atoa e tusa ai o le
faalavelave na tula’i mai i le va
o ia ma lona uso.
Ina ua maua le avanoa e
molimau ai le uso matua o le
alii ua molia i luma o le faamasinoga, sa ia talosagaina ai
le faamasinoga ina ia aua ne’i
tu’uina atu se fa’asalaga faafalepuipui mo lona uso.
Na taua e le alii na aafia e
faapea, talu ai sa i ai fo’i lana
vaega sa faia na mafua ai ona
tula’i mai le faalavelave i le va
o ia ma lona uso, o lea e tatau ai
ona ia faatoese fo’i i lona uso e
tusa ai o le mea sa tupu.
Na tutu faatasi le loia
fautua a Te’o ia Karen Shelly
faapea ai ma le loia a le malo
ia Camille Phillippe e finau i
le fa’amasinoga, ina ia nofovaavaaia le ua molia ae aua
ne’i tu’uina atu i le falepuipui.
Sa laua finauina fo’i le tatau
lea ona auai Te’o i ni aoaoga
faa faufautua e fesoasoani ai i
le tulaga o le tagofia o le ava
malosi aemaise ai o le loto ita.
Saunoa le ali faamasino sili
ia Michael Kruse e faapea, e
ui ua maea ona latou iloilo ma
ona uso faamasino lagolago
Did You
faafinauga a loia, talosaga a le
ua molia ma lona uso, faapea
ai le ripoti sa saunia e le Ofisa
Nofovaavaaia e uiga i lenei
mataupu, peita’i o le itu e le o
mafai e lo latou mafaufau ona
fa’amatala, pe faapefea ona
tupu se mea faapenei i le va o
se au uso, o le ta e le isi le ulu o
le isi i le samala.
Saunoa fo’i Kruse, tusa
lava fo’i pe faapea sa aafia i
le tiapolo i le vevesi na tula’i
mai i le va o le au uso lenei, sa
le tatau lava ona tupu se mea
faapea. Na faamatala e le faamasinoga le gaioia a Te’o na
fai i lona uso, o se gaioiga e fai
lava si matuia, ona sa faaaoga
i ai se a’upega mata’utia po
o le samala. E foliga mai i le
silasila a le faamasinoga, o
le tele o mataupu faapenei e
aafia ai tulaga tau faaoolima, e
tuuaia ai lava le tiapolo pe afai
sa ‘ona se tasi i le taimi na tupu
ai se faalavelave.
E 3 tausaga i le falepuipui
ma le salatupe e $1,000 na
manatu le faamasinoga e
faasala ai Te’o, peita’i ua faamalumalu lona tuliina o le
3 tausaga i le toese, ae o le a
nofovaavaaia ai o ia i lalo o
poloaiga a le faamasinoga.
O ni isi o ia poloaiga e aofia
ai lona tuliina o le 6 masina i
le toese, ma totogi le salatupe
e $1,000. O le a mafai fo’i ona
tatala o ia i tua e alu e faigaluega, i le aso Gafua e o o atu
i le aso Faraile, mai le 6:00 i
le taeao e o o atu i le 6:00 i le
Ua poloaina fo’i o ia e auai i
aoaoga e fesoasoani ai i aafiaga
o le ava ma le tulaga o le ita,
ma ia aua ne’i ona toe soliina
se tulafono a le malo.
Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia
[email protected]
samoa news, Saturday, January 18, 2014 Page 3
TEL: 633-4266
FAX: 633-2964
invites written tenders for 1 only damaged
LIC #8770
on “as is, where is” basis.
The vehicle can be inspected at T.I. Brothers Auto Shop
(Tafuna) during normal working hours from
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
BID CLOSE at 4:00 p.m. on January 18, 2014
Bid should be in a sealed envelope and must be addressed to:
Tender - 68209693
Mr. Dennis Wellborn
Country Branch Manager
Utulei, Centennial Building
Pago Pago, AS 96799
Please do not hesitate to contact Elena Talitiga or Baron
Thomsen at 633-4266 for more questions.
American Samoa Government
This is to give notice to the public that the Department of Public Works has conducted an evaluation for the Department of
Education as required by Executive 11988, 24 CFR Part 55, Subpart C Procedures for Making Determinations on Floodplain
Management to determine the potential affect that its activity in the floodplain will have on the human environment for the Capital
Improvement Projects of the Office of the Insular Affairs.
The proposed project would involve construction of a 2-story concrete building which measures 66ft x 66ft located in the
Fagaitua High School Campus in Fagaitua, American Samoa with Grant No. AS-CIP-2011-1, D12AP00183 in the amount of
$800,000.00. The building will be built on the existing footprint of the old dilapidated Applied Tech Building. The target area
contains 4,900 sq. ft. of floodplains and the project site is located within the Flood Zones AE, as designated by the FEMA Flood
Insurance Rate Maps.
There are three primary purposes for this notice. First, people who may be affected by activities in floodplains and those who
have an interest in the protection of the natural environment should be given an opportunity to express their concerns and
provide information about these areas. Second, an adequate public notice program can be an important public educational tool.
The dissemination of information about floodplains can facilitate and enhance Federal efforts to reduce the risks associated with
the occupancy and modifications of these special areas. Third, as a matter of fairness, when the Federal government determines,
it will participate in actions taking place in floodplains, it must inform those who may be put at greater or continued risk.
All affected and interested agencies, groups and persons are encouraged to participate in this decision-making process for the
proposed action in the floodplain. Written comments for consideration by the Department of Public Works may be sent to:
Faleosina P. Voigt, PE,
Director, Department of Public Works,
Tafuna. AS,
Tel. No. (684) 699-9921
Comments may also be submitted to:
Dr. Vaitinasa Salu Hunkin-Finau
Director, Department of Education
Fagatogo, Main Office, AS
Written comments should be received at the above address on or before January 31, 2014.
Classified Ads are
posted on our website
and read world wide?
Faleosina P. Voigt
Director, Department of Public Works
Tafuna, AS 96799
Page 4
samoa news, Saturday, January 18, 2014
Stupid Politics
By Bob Franken
To my knowledge, this memo hasn’t been sent, but it should:
From: Top Republican Officials
To: Party 2014 Candidates
People: Don’t do or say anything stupid. That is all.
And from the same guy, a note to the GOP members of the
House and Senate seeking re-election: A “do-nothing Congress” is a good thing.
Or as one of them, Rep. Charlie Dent, told The New York
Times: “It’s pretty clear to me in the House, we don’t want to
make ourselves the issue.”
Unless they make themselves the issue by going crazy doing
something like forcing the nation into humiliating default when
the government’s borrowing authority runs out by March, or
taking other extremist tea-party-fueled positions or uttering Neanderthal comments on social issues that give the Democrats new
ammunition, the R’s have a good chance of taking control of both
sides of the Capitol and turning the White House into a bunker.
Yes, this is an election year. All that happens on the Hill is
nothing more than background music for a midterm congressional/pre-presidential campaign that will dominate everyone’s
agenda from now till November and then beyond.
Certainly, the D’s are going to try and goad the R’s and back
them into the corners of their harsh policies. We’re getting an
early taste of that with legislation to extend unemployment benefits to desperate Americans whose big sin is not finding a job for
a long, long time. Add to that a push by the president and his party
allies to raise the minimum wage to a slightly larger pittance and
paint the opposition as heartless champions of the rich. A few of
the top Republicans realize that as they dig in against any meaningful increase, they’re on treacherous ground given the perception that they’re the defenders of inequality in the United States.
Of course, it’s not that the Republicans are just going into
passive mode. They, too, are trying to exploit what they can
paint as failures on the other side. From the start, they will do
everything they can to keep Obamacare on the front burner,
starting with their legislation that will attempt to exploit security weaknesses that aren’t there. Obviously the strategy is to
take advantage of the awful start of healthcare.gov and continue to bang the drum about shortcomings, real or imagined,
as the Affordable Care Act lurches forward. The question is
whether they’ll overplay the issue.
That would be foolish, which is what party leaders are trying
to avoid. Of course, that is easier said than done. Look at what’s
happening in New Jersey. The Democrats are having a field
day. Suddenly, Gov. Chris Christie is completely tangled in a
bizarre scandal, desperately trying to separate himself from the
top aides who created those awful traffic jams on the George
Washington Bridge, allegedly retaliation for not supporting
Christie’s re-election, aimed at Fort Lee’s Democratic mayor.
Granted that mind-boggling episode is more about 2016 politics and Christie’s presidential flirtations, but it just goes to show
that moronic and hateful actions or comments are always lurking.
Predicting this year’s election? Now that would be stupid.
(c) 2013 Bob Franken
Distributed by King Features Synd., Inc.
© Osini Faleatasi Inc. reserves all rights.
dba Samoa News is published Monday through Saturday,
except for some local and federal holidays.
Please send correspondences to: OF, dba Samoa News,
Box 909, Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799.
Contact us by Telephone at (684) 633-5599
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Normal business hours are Mon. thru Fri. 8am to 5pm.
Permission to reproduce editorial and/or advertisements,
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Beware the hidden sugars in our food
by Luana Scanlan
According to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 16 percent of total calories in the
American diet on average come from sugar in foods like sweetened beverages, desserts and candies – an added 22 teaspoons of sugar on top of naturally occurring sugars digested from milk,
vegetables and fruit. The World Health Organization recommends that no more than 10% of
daily calories in a 2,000-calorie per day diet come from sugar while the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
recommends six to 10% of daily calories in a 2,000-calorie per day diet.
If you drink more than two regular sodas per day, and regularly eat candy, desserts, and dairy
products you are definitely eating more than 22 teaspoons of refined sugar, and way more than the
recommended 10%.
The American Heart Association recommends that women only consume 100 calories from
sugar per day (about 6 teaspoons), and men should have only 150 calories of this sweetener (about
9 teaspoons). Sugar is found naturally in foods as lactose in milk, fructose in fruit, in honey and
vegetables. Eating natural sugar combined with the healthy combinations of protein, fat, vitamins
and minerals in these foods is good for you. However, eating foods made with sugar that is created
or processed unnaturally can increase your risk for developing obesity, Type 2 diabetes and many
other chronic ailments.
Processed sugar is created from corn, beets, grapes and sugar cane. It is listed on food labels
as dextrose, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, maltodextrins, granulated sugar, invert sugar
and concentrated fruit juice sweetener. Sugar is removed from what would otherwise be healthy
foods if you ate them whole, then processed, and added to foods like cereal, bread, pasta, canned
soups and meats, and thousands of processed foods in quantities that are both unhealthy and
Today the American taste buds have become accustomed to, and indeed expectant of, the
intense sweetness in drinks and foods. Our minds have become conditioned to expect extremely
strong tasting foods which are really sweet or salty and this mindset is just part of the reason
why Americans have such a difficult time changing their eating habits, losing excess weight, and
reducing their risk for disease.
Soda is the number one source of processed sugar in the U.S. diet, followed by sweetened fruit
drinks. Candy, cake, cookies, pies, and dairy desserts such as ice cream are also major sources of
sugar. Many food makers advertise their products as healthy foods, like ready-to-eat cereals and
breakfast bars, but they are also significant sources of sugar. What does 100 to 150 calories or
6 to 9 teaspoons of processed sugar look like in food? 100 calories of candy contains roughly 6
teaspoons. Eight ounces of flavored yogurt contains 6 teaspoons.
The average 12 ounce can of soda contains 8 teaspoons or more of sugar. A 12 ounce can of
regular Coke contains 10 teaspoons while a can of Mountain Dew contains approximately 11.5
teaspoons, and Sunkist Orange Soda contains about 21 teaspoons of sugar!
An 8 ounce glass of Sunny Delight orange ‘juice’ contains 7 teaspoons of sugar! Beware of
drinks advertised as ‘juice’. Unless it’s labeled 100% juice – don’t drink it, and if you are drinking
100% juices please drink in moderation - excessive amounts of natural sugar in fruit juice is not
healthy either. Also, read your food and drink labels. Beware of ingredients like ‘artificial sweetener’, ‘aspartame’, ‘dextrose’, and other names for processed sugar or unnatural ingredients. If
you aren’t sure, don’t buy it. Once or twice may not be harmful, but creating a lifetime habit of
eating foods high in processed sugars increases their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, cancer,
and other diseases as adults.
Are artificial sweeteners safe to use in place of sugar? Currently the Food and Drug Administration or FDA has approved the following sweeteners: Acesulfame potassium (Sunett, Sweet
One), Aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet), Neotame, Saccharin (SugarTwin, Sweet’N Low) and
Sucralose (Splenda). These are synthetic sugar substitutes that may be refined from sugar itself.
A natural sweetener called Agave syrup has been popular on the market for the last few years
due to its intense sweetness, hence the need to use less of the syrup, and because it has no after
taste like the artificial sweeteners. The use of artificial sweeteners is possibly better than using
real sugar if you are prone to sweetening everything you eat. Drinking diet drinks that contain
these products is also okay, in moderation. According to the National Cancer Institute no credible
research has established a direct link between artificial sweeteners in diet drinks and diet foods to
disease or weight gain. However, moderation is important. The healthiest options are clean water,
100% juice, and low-fat milk; vegetables and fruits.
Diabetes is a significant health problem in American Samoa, and some could call it the basis
of most other prevalent chronic diseases in the territory. Heart attacks and strokes are the number
one causes of death in people with Type 2 diabetes. High blood pressure and high cholesterol
levels in diabetics contribute to kidney disease requiring dialysis treatment which is a temporary
tactic until a kidney transplant is done, or the patient’s kidneys fail to respond to dialysis. Dialysis
is not a cure or even a treatment per se because it only replaces the function of the kidneys; it does
not treat the symptoms or the disease itself.
Knowing that diabetes is the precursor to the most common causes of death in American
Samoa we can now target this disease – which is entirely preventable – beginning with changing
how we live each day.
Reducing the amount of sugar you eat is the first step. Being mindful of what you eat and how
much you move is the next step. Everything else will follow. Change will mean making conscious decisions to eat better. It shouldn’t be a chore or a punishment. Look at it as an opportunity
to feel better, to do better, to be happier, to live longer, to show your loved ones how to do the
same by being a good example.
Don’t let these be the last words someone says about you, ‘Ae kalofae, he was so young.’
samoa news, Saturday, January 18, 2014 Page 5
In Memory of Our Dearest Mom
Purcell Posala
One Year Since You Passed Away!
g{tÇ~ lÉâ yÉÜ XäxÜçà{|Çz `ÉÅ4
January 18, 2013
Le afioga i le kovana sili ia Lolo Matalasi Moliga i le taimi
na talanoa atu ai i isi sui o lana kapeneta, i le fonotaga a le
kapeneta sa faia i le aso Lua na te’a nei i le Fale Laumei i Utulei.
[ata: AF]
Footnote to murder:
$50K car repair bill
NEW YORK (AP) — Joseph Romano was once a wealthy
swindler who had a taste for vintage cars — a 1957 Chevy, a
1968 Camaro, a 1967 Impala — and a hefty bill with a mechanic
that he wasn’t paying. A dispute over that bill has become a
strange footnote to an ongoing trial where Romano is accused in
a failed plot to mutilate and kill a prosecutor and a judge.
Federal prosecutors in New York City allege that Romano
also sought to hire someone to assault the Long Island mechanic,
Nicholas Pittas, as payback for having the Camaro seized from
his home on a flatbed. Undercover investigators ended up
staging a photo to make it look like Pittas had been knocked out
in a beat-down. “That’s a picture of me laying next to the trailer
that’s on the side of our building,” Pittas told jurors this week in
testimony that provided a lesson in both the mechanics of cars
and of an FBI sting. Lawyers for Romano, who has pleaded not
guilty to attempted murder charges, say he was entrapped and
that no one was ever in real danger. His trial resumes Tuesday
with closing arguments.
Romano, 50, met Pittas in 2008 while he was making a fortune with a boiler-room operation that cheated elderly investors
in a collectible coin scheme. He hired the 39-year-old Pittas, who
a year earlier had opened a custom auto shop with his father, to
care for his car collection. “The ‘57 Chevrolet and the Camaro
came and went, but the Impala was always at our shop,” Pittas
testified. “It was a bigger job.” Romano gave the go-ahead for a
complete — and expensive — restoration of the Impala.
“Basically every nut and bolt was removed, refurbished,”
Pittas said. “The body was taken off the chassis, engine, transmission — all rebuilt.” By 2010, parts and labor had reached
$50,000, he said. When it wasn’t paid, the shop placed a lien on
the Camaro and took possession of it.
Following Romano’s arrest in the coin scam, his business
partner showed up at the shop to tell Pittas that Romano wanted
the Camaro back. The exchange ended with the mechanic telling
the partner that if he covered the costs for both the Impala and the
Camaro, “We’d gladly get rid of them.” In the summer of 2012,
investigators learned through a jailhouse snitch that Romano
wanted to avenge his 15-year sentence and $7 million forfeiture
in the fraud case by having the judge and prosecutor killed by
decapitation. An undercover agent wearing a wire and posing
as a professional hit man named Bobby Russo visited Romano
who, as a test, first asked him to assault Pittas for $3,000 and told
him more work would follow, authorities said. He also wanted
proof that the job was done. “I have one to start. Stole two cars
from me,” Romano said in the recorded conversation, referring
to Pittas.
“Beat him up? Smack him up?” the undercover asked. “Beat
him.” “Bad?” “Bad.”
Shortly after, an FBI agent showed at Pittas’ shop and told
him about the threat. The agent also had an unusual request: He
wanted Pittas to lie down on the ground for a photo and also to
give him a piece of identification. The FBI provided Pittas bandages and a brace to wear afterward “to make it look like I was
assaulted,” he testified. The undercover turned over the photo
and identification — Pittas’ body damage estimator’s license
— to Romano’s business partner. The partner showed both to
Romano while visiting him in jail, authorities said. Romano was
satisfied enough to send word to the undercover that he would
pay $40,000 to kill the judge and prosecutor, authorities said.
This time, prosecutors say, more gruesome proof was demanded:
the heads of both preserved in formaldehyde.
He was charged before the alleged plot could go any further.
We think of you with love today but that is nothing new
We thought about you yesterday and days before that too,
We think of you in silence, we often speak your name
All we have are memories and your picture in a frame
Your memory is our keepsake with which we’ll never part
God has you in His keeping, We have you in our hearts.
We love and miss you dearly everyday.
From all your children, grandchildren,
great grandchildren, your families, and all
your loved ones here on earth.
Human Resource Department, Tafuna
PO Box PPB, Pago Pago
American Samoa 96799
Phone No: (684) 699-3040
Fax No: (684) 699-3046
Email: [email protected]
American Samoa
Power Authority
Position Title
Position Type
Reports To
Water and Well Systems Engineer
Engineering Services
Engineering Services
Two-year Contract
Engineering Services Division Manager
Posting Date
January 7, 2014
Open Until Filled
$50K - $75K per year plus
housing and vehicle benefits
Job Grade/Status Exempt
Pay Range
Major Duties & Responsibilities
The Water and Well Systems (W-WS) Engineer position performs professional engineering and project
management work on water transmission/supply, groundwater hydrology, and water resources environmental
projects related to the provision, treatment, transmission, and protection of public drinking water supplies. The
W-WS Engineer oversees the performance of complex engineering tasks by subordinate technical staff within
ASPA’s Engineering Services-Water Engineering Division. The W-WS Engineer plans, designs, inspects and
administers municipal construction projects and on-going maintenance plans, provides advanced technical
engineering expertise and project management skills in planning, design, administration and construction of
groundwater well and surface water supply systems, and assists the ESD Manager and Sr. Water Engineer with
conceptual planning and management of specific special projects and tasks, as well as other related work which
may be delegated by the ESD Manager.
MinimumR equirements
Skills, Abilities,
Job Requirements
Bachelor of Science in civil, mechanical, environmental, or agricultural engineering, and active U.S.
registration/licensure as a Professional Engineer (P.E.) or the eligibility to become a U.S.-registered
P.E. within 12-months.
Six (6) years experience in water resource/supply engineering including project management
(planning and design) or four (4) years of water system engineering work including project
management and a Master of Science in civil, mechanical, environmental, or agricultural
engineering with a minimum of two (2) years of engineering project management experience.
Knowledge of:
• Planning, design, inspection, and administration of municipal water supply system construction
and maintenance projects;
• US-EPA and AS-EPA drinking water regulations with specific emphasis on the 2010 US-EPA
Groundwater Rule.
• Federal and local environmental regulations.
• US-EPA construction grant programs (preferred);
Background Experience:
• Analysis of hydraulic systems including variable frequency drive pump installations;
• Analysis and evaluation of sub-surface hydrologic zone water resources management;
Serviceable knowledge of Water-Cad, MS-Project, Auto-Cad, and MS-Office programs.
• Provision of clear, common-sense technical guidance on public water supply issues to other
professional and technical staff, government officials and the general public;
• Managing and participating in water resource system surveys and studies, interpreting findings
and reporting on results.
• Planning and conducting technical training for professional, technical and construction staff in
order to regularly promote an increased level of overall system operations competency.
Qualified applicants: please submit a completed ASPA Employment Application with a copy of your
resume to ASPA (address listed above) by the deadline listed above. Please attach copies of credentials
and transcripts. Candidates selected for hire must pass examinations (when applicable), preemployment clearances & test negative on employment drug test. ASPA reserves the right to waive
education and experience requirements as necessary.
No phone inquiries accepted.
An Equal Opportunity Employer * A Drug Free Workplace
Page 6
samoa news, Saturday, January 18, 2014
TO Members of the VAILUU Family and to all whom these present may come!
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that LEILOA MANE TUINEI of LEONE has offered for recording in
this office an instrument in writing which seeks to separate a certain structure which is or to be
erected, on land FUAMETE, allegedly belonging to VAILUU FAMILY of the village of LEONE. Said
land FUAMETE is situated in or near the village of LEONE in the County of FOFO, Island of
TUTUILA, American Samoa.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any interested person may object to the recording of such
instrument by filing in the Territorial Registar’s Office in Fagatogo, a written objection to the
recording of said instrument. Any objections thereto must be filed with in 30 days from the date
of posting of this notice.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that if no such objections are filed within the said 30 day period,
the instrument will be recorded and shall be valid and binding on all persons. The said
instrument may be examined at any time at the Territorial Registrar’s Office.
DECEMBER 19, 2013 thru JANUARY 21, 2014
Taito S.B. White, Territorial Registrar
I tagata o le aiga sa VAILUU, ma i latou uma e silasila ma lauiloaina lenei fa’aaliga!
O le fa’aaliga lenei ona o LEILOA MANE TUINEI o le nu’u o LEONE ua ia fa’aulufaleina mai i
lenei ofisa se feagaiga tusitusi e fa’ailoa ai se mana’oga fia tu’u’eseina o se fale ua/po o le a,
fa’atuina i luga o le fanua o FUAMETE e fa’asino i le aiga sa VAILUU, o le nu’u o LEONE. O lenei
fanua e totonu pe latalata ane i le nu’u o LEONE, itumalo o FOFO, ile motu o TUTUILA, Amerika
O le fa’aaliga fo’i e fa’apea, so o se tasi e iai sona aia i lenei mata’upu e mafai ona fa’atu’i’iese
ile fa’amauina o lenei feagaiga pe a auina mai i le ofisa ole Resitara o le Teritori of Amerika Samoa
i Fagatogo, sana fa’atu’ese tusitusia. O fa’atu’iesega uma lava e ao ona fa’aulufaleina mai i totonu
o aso e 30 faitauina mai i le aso na faíaalia ai lenei fa’aaliga.
Afai ole a leai se fa’atu’i’esega e fa’aulufaleina i totonu o aso 30 e pei ona ta’ua i luga, o le a
fa’amauina loa lenei feagaiga e taualoaina ma ‘a’afia ai tagata uma.
01/04 & 01/18/14
Le taimi na tauaao ai le ava a susuga i Feagaiga o le afioaga o Aua, i le sauniga e faapaia ai
le amataga o le galuega mo le fausiaina o le latou fautasi fou, lea o lo o fausia e Leoititi Maselino
[ata: AF]
TO Members of the TUFAGA Family and to all whom these present may come!
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that LISATI AUGAFA of AUA has offered for recording in this office
an instrument in writing which seeks to separate a certain structure which is or to be erected, on
land GATAIVAI, allegedly belonging to TUFAGA FAMILY of the village of AUA. Said land GATAIVAI
is situated in or near the village of AUA in the County of MAOPUTASI, Island of TUTUILA, American
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any interested person may object to the recording of such
instrument by filing in the Territorial Registar’s Office in Fagatogo, a written objection to the
recording of said instrument. Any objections thereto must be filed with in 30 days from the date
of posting of this notice.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that if no such objections are filed within the said 30 day period,
the instrument will be recorded and shall be valid and binding on all persons. The said
instrument may be examined at any time at the Territorial Registrar’s Office.
JANUARY 15, 2014 thru FEBRUARY 14, 2014
Taito S.B. White, Territorial Registrar
Compiled by Samoa News staff
Local government and federal offices will be
closed Monday in observance of Martin Luther
King Jr. Day. Several businesses, including
the two commercial banks, will also be closed.
Samoa News will not publish a print edition on
Gov. Lolo Matalasi Moliga has already
FA’AALIGA O LE FEAGAIGA MO SE TU’U’ESEINA declared Monday an ASG holiday and all
I tagata o le aiga sa TUFAGA, ma i latou uma e silasila ma lauiloaina lenei fa’aaliga!
employees required to work on the holiday
O le fa’aaliga lenei ona o LISATI AUGAFA o le nu’u o AUA ua ia fa’aulufaleina mai i lenei ofisa
se feagaiga tusitusi e fa’ailoa ai se mana’oga fia tu’u’eseina o se fale ua/po o le a, fa’atuina i luga o will be paid wages in accordance with rules
and regulations. U.S. President Barack Obama
le fanua o GATAIVAI e fa’asino i le aiga sa TUFAGA, o le nu’u o AUA. O lenei fanua e totonu pe
latalata ane i le nu’u o AUA, itumalo o MAOPUTASI, ile motu o TUTUILA, Amerika Samoa.
reminded the nation that every year, America
O le fa’aaliga fo’i e fa’apea, so o se tasi e iai sona aia i lenei mata’upu e mafai ona fa’atu’i’iese
ile fa’amauina o lenei feagaiga pe a auina mai i le ofisa ole Resitara o le Teritori of Amerika Samoa sets aside a day “to remember a giant of our
i Fagatogo, sana fa’atu’ese tusitusia. O fa’atu’iesega uma lava e ao ona fa’aulufaleina mai i totonu
Nation’s history and a pioneer of the Civil
o aso e 30 faitauina mai i le aso na faíaalia ai lenei fa’aaliga.
Rights Movement,” according to the PresiAfai ole a leai se fa’atu’i’esega e fa’aulufaleina i totonu o aso 30 e pei ona ta’ua i luga, o le a
dent’s Martin Luther King proclamation.
fa’amauina loa lenei feagaiga e taualoaina ma ‘a’afia ai tagata uma.
01/18 & 02/01/14
“During his lifelong struggle for justice and
equality, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr., gave mighty voice to the quiet hopes of milNOTICE FOR SEPARATION AGREEMENT
TO Members of the AFUIA Family and to all whom these present may come!
lions, offered a redemptive path for oppressed
and oppressors alike, and led a Nation to the
ASILI has offered for recording in this office an instrument in writing which seeks to separate a
mountaintop,” he said. Obama urged all Americertain structure which is or to be erected, on land LALOFAUallegedly belonging to AFUIA FAMILY
of the village of ASILI. Said land LALOFAU is situated in or near the village of ASILI in the County
cans to celebrate this day with appropriate civic,
of ALATAUA, Island of TUTUILA, American Samoa.
community, and service projects in honor of Dr.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any interested person may object to the recording of such
instrument by filing in the Territorial Registar’s Office in Fagatogo, a written objection to the
King and to visit www.MLKDay.gov to find
recording of said instrument. Any objections thereto must be filed with in 30 days from the date
Martin Luther King, Jr., Day of Service projects
of posting of this notice.
across the country.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that if no such objections are filed within the said 30 day period,
the instrument will be recorded and shall be valid and binding on all persons. The said
instrument may be examined at any time at the Territorial Registrar’s Office.
JANUARY 2, 2014 thru FEBRUARY 3, 2014
Taito S.B. White, Territorial Registrar
As promised during Wednesday’s cabinet
Gov. Lolo Matalasi Moliga, along
I tagata o le aiga sa AFUIA, ma i latou uma e silasila ma lauiloaina lenei fa’aaliga!
Lemanu Peleti Mauga appeared
O le fa’aaliga lenei ona o SIKALETI SIO, FA’APAU AIOMALAGA & FA’ATUONO LEIATAUA o le nu’u
o ASILI ua ia fa’aulufaleina mai i lenei ofisa se feagaiga tusitusi e fa’ailoa ai se mana’oga fia
Thursday night on state-run KVZK-TV to offitu’u’eseina o se fale ua/po o le a, fa’atuina i luga o le fanua o LALOFAUe fa’asino i le aiga sa AFUIA,
cially inform the community about the launch of
o le nu’u o ASILI. O lenei fanua e totonu pe latalata ane i le nu’u o ASILI, itumalo o ALATAUA, ile
the Immigration Amnesty Program, which will
motu o TUTUILA, Amerika Samoa.
O le fa’aaliga fo’i e fa’apea, so o se tasi e iai sona aia i lenei mata’upu e mafai ona fa’atu’i’iese
make it legal for undocumented foreigners who
ile fa’amauina o lenei feagaiga pe a auina mai i le ofisa ole Resitara o le Teritori of Amerika Samoa
qualify for the program to reside in the territory.
i Fagatogo, sana fa’atu’ese tusitusia. O fa’atu’iesega uma lava e ao ona fa’aulufaleina mai i totonu
o aso e 30 faitauina mai i le aso na faíaalia ai lenei fa’aaliga.
Lolo, who delivered the speech in Samoan,
Afai ole a leai se fa’atu’i’esega e fa’aulufaleina i totonu o aso 30 e pei ona ta’ua i luga, o le a
the program, as well as the registrafa’amauina loa lenei feagaiga e taualoaina ma ‘a’afia ai tagata uma.
01/18 & 02/01/14
tion period which begins Feb. 18-Mar. 14. He
urged all undocumented residents to take up
this opportunity to correct their legal status.
TO Members of the AIONO Family and to all whom these present may come!
He said it’s never good to live in fear of being
due to the status of a person’s immioffered for recording in this office an instrument in writing which seeks to separate a certain
structure which is or to be erected, on land LALOVI allegedly belonging to AIONO FAMILY of the
gration papers. Lemanu delivered the English
village of FALENIU. Said land LALOVI is situated in or near the village of FALENIU in the County of address, saying that it’s been a year since the
TUALAUTA, Island of TUTUILA, American Samoa.
new administration took office, and since last
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any interested person may object to the recording of such
instrument by filing in the Territorial Registar’s Office in Fagatogo, a written objection to the
January, the administration have been assessing
recording of said instrument. Any objections thereto must be filed with in 30 days from the date
many areas of government “that we feel need
of posting of this notice.
improvement, so we can best serve you, the
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that if no such objections are filed within the said 30 day period,
the instrument will be recorded and shall be valid and binding on all persons. The said
people of American Samoa.”
instrument may be examined at any time at the Territorial Registrar’s Office.
“While we have made tremendous progPOSTED:
JANUARY 9, 2014 thru FEBRUARY 10, 2014
ress in many areas of our government, there
Taito S.B. White, Territorial Registrar
some we still need to continue working on,
one of those is immigration,” he said. “The
I tagata o le aiga sa AIONO, ma i latou uma e silasila ma lauiloaina lenei fa’aaliga!
problems, are without any doubt,
O le fa’aaliga lenei ona o AIONO W. MAGALEI & CHERYLNE MAGALEI o le nu’u o FALENIU ua ia
fa’aulufaleina mai i lenei ofisa se feagaiga tusitusi e fa’ailoa ai se mana’oga fia tu’u’eseina o se fale very serious.” He said the administration is
ua/po o le a, fa’atuina i luga o le fanua o LALOVI e fa’asino i le aiga sa AIONO, o le nu’u o
aware that many foreigners are in the territory
FALENIU. O lenei fanua e totonu pe latalata ane i le nu’u o FALENIU, itumalo o TUALAUTA, ile
without proper immigration papers. “I’m sure
motu o TUTUILA, Amerika Samoa.
O le fa’aaliga fo’i e fa’apea, so o se tasi e iai sona aia i lenei mata’upu e mafai ona fa’atu’i’iese
many are outstanding, contributing members
ile fa’amauina o lenei feagaiga pe a auina mai i le ofisa ole Resitara o le Teritori of Amerika Samoa
of the community,” he said, adding that many
i Fagatogo, sana fa’atu’ese tusitusia. O fa’atu’iesega uma lava e ao ona fa’aulufaleina mai i totonu
came into the territory legally.
o aso e 30 faitauina mai i le aso na faíaalia ai lenei fa’aaliga.
Afai ole a leai se fa’atu’i’esega e fa’aulufaleina i totonu o aso 30 e pei ona ta’ua i luga, o le a
“...but for whatever reason, their immigrafa’amauina loa lenei feagaiga e taualoaina ma ‘a’afia ai tagata uma.
01/18 & 02/01/14
tion papers have expired and they have since
been living in fear of the law,” he said and
noted that an immigration amnesty program has
been created with the registration to begin next
month at specific locations. “We want you to
make it right for your children, your family and
yourself,” he said.
Both Lolo and Lemanu stated that the government will publish more information on the
registration sites, times and other data in the
newspaper (see yesterday’s Samoa News edition) and broadcast information on radio and
television. (See Samoa News edition of Jan. 15
for more information)
Officials with the Department of Public
Works briefed Tualauta faipule, Larry Sanitoa
regarding the soakage pits to be constructed
in front of Cost-U-Less. In an email, DPW
explained that they have changed the design to
best fit and still meet the conditions set by Sanitoa in previous meetings, and barricades have
been put up at the site as the work is underway.
The contractor has requested the use of a
temporary retention area for the road runoff to
allow construction at the problem area. The
retention area will be located approximately 60
linear feet from the edge of the road and will be
further into the lot. The proposal from the contractor for this temporary structure will be sent
for the Tualauta faipule’s review.
The federal appeal’s court in Washington
D.C. has “granted” a request by U.S. House delegates Madeleine Z. Bordallo and Donna Christensen to participate as ‘amici curiae’, or “friend
of the court”, in support of the five American
Samoans and one California based Samoan
organization who filed a lawsuit against the federal government arguing that they are entitled
to being U.S. citizens under a provision of the
U.S. Constitution.
Another request for ‘amici curiae’ granted by
the court is that from Samuel Erman, an Assistant Professor of Law at University of Southern
California’s Gould School of Law.
The trio will now file detailed briefs on the
issues that they wish to argue in support of the
plaintiffs. Bordallo of Guam and Christensen of
the U.S. Virgin Islands noted that resolution of
this case may impact not only American Samoa
but also other United States territories and federal governance of those territories.
Erman’s proposed brief will assist the Court
in deciding the “ultimate legal issue in this case
— whether persons born in American Samoa
are United States citizens — by explaining the
historical conception of jus soli citizenship in
the United States, including how courts have
traditionally viewed birthright citizenship, and
how citizenship and nationality were conceptualized in the early days of the United States.”
(According to Princeton University website,
‘jus soli’ — is Latin ‘for right of the soil’ — and
is commonly known as birthright citizenship.)
samoa news, Saturday, January 18, 2014 Page 7
E te fia
Ao matamata le TV a le fafine o Dora i le ‘ata o le Wolfman
ae manava mai loa le tamaloa o Simi, e sau i le fale, ai o se mea
na tupu ia te ia ma le pule i le latou galuega, e manava mai le
tamaloa e le’i uma le ita. Na sau loa le tamaloa, fai atu loa Dora,
“Ua e manava ?.” ae ‘oso ma ‘e’e mai le tamaloa, “A ou koe sau
loa i le galuega aua ge’i e koe fesili mai i le galuega, ua e iloa ?.”
Fesili atu loa le fafine o Dora, “E a e faavevela mai lau mea’ai
la e i totonu o le ‘Microwave’ ?.” ae ‘e’e mai le tamaloa, “Alu
e makamaka lau aka, e ke le pule ma le kaimi ou ke ‘ai ai, na
o le keke lava o ou maka i le kiviiiiiii…..!!!!!!.” tu i luga ma le
tamaloa ato atu i ‘o lea mea o le fale, ia ua kiki mai lea mea i
le isi itu, ae vaai atu loa le fafine i fafo ua susulu mai le masina
ua atoa, ua ‘ata’ata foi le fafine ma fai lana tala, “O i leitio la a
faapea iuga o le tama i lenei po…la le ua atoa foi le masina e o
mai ai i fafo latou uiga ‘wolf’….a tiga a’e tagata e tau mafaufau
poo le a se mea e faauma ai i le po lenei. Ua lakkkkkkki…se
manu lava o lona po oti leneeeeeeei…….!!!.
Mo. death-row
inmate: State improperly stored drug
ST. LOUIS (AP) — Missouri’s prison system is improperly
storing expired doses of a new lethal injection drug provided by
an Oklahoma pharmacy not licensed to do business in Missouri,
attorneys for a death row inmate facing execution this month
said in a complaint filed Friday. Attorneys for Herbert Smulls
have asked the Oklahoma State Board of Pharmacy to recall
an “expired, unsafe” batch of the sedative pentobarbital provided to Missouri by an unidentified Oklahoma compounding
pharmacy. The complaint says the pharmacy gave erroneous
instructions to store the drug at room temperature, a violation of
accepted pharmaceutical standards.
Defense attorney Cheryl Pilate said David Dormire, a top
Missouri Department of Corrections official who oversees its 21
prisons, testified in a Wednesday deposition that he is keeping
the compounded pentobarbital in his office until Smull’s scheduled Jan. 29 execution. Industry standards say such drugs should
only be used within 24 to 48 hours when kept at room temperature, Pilate said. Smulls was convicted of killing a St. Louis
County jeweler in 1991. “They are dangerously indifferent to
widely recognized and accepted standards for the proper storage
of compounded drugs,” Pilate said.
Department director George Lombardi and a spokesman
for the Missouri Department Corrections did not immediately
respond to interview requests. Calls to the Oklahoma regulatory
agency were directed to a compliance officer who is out of the
office until next week. Missouri switched to its one-drug execution method late last year and has since killed two inmates. The
complaint filed Friday includes Missouri state records showing
the pentobarbital given to both inmates had expired eight to 10
days earlier.
The compounding pharmacy’s identity is blacked out of
the documents obtained by Smulls’ attorney under state public
records laws and through legal proceedings. Missouri says the
pharmacy is a member of the execution team protected under
state privacy laws. Other states have taken similar positions, in
part because of backlash against the drug makers by anti-death
penalty advocates. Missouri and other states had used a threedrug execution method for decades, but pharmaceutical companies recently stopped selling those drugs to prisons. Several
states now get their execution drugs from compounding pharmacies, which custom mix drugs for individual clients. Unlike
typical pharmaceutical firms, compounding pharmacies are not
regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, though
they are subject to state regulations. Missouri’s rocky efforts to
renew capital punishment continue to be scrutinized. A Democratic state lawmaker says he plans to file legislation to place
a one-year moratorium on executions and create an oversight
commission to further study the state’s use of capital punishment. The Republican state auditor last week announced a new
review of the Missouri Department of Corrections, though officials emphasized it was not triggered by recent developments.
In Ohio, the Thursday execution of Dennis McGuire took
nearly 30 minutes as he gasped and struggled for breath during
a 10-minute stretch. That execution also relied on a new drug
protocol — intravenous doses of the sedative midazolam and
the painkiller hydromorphone — being used for the first time
after the state’ s supply of pentobarbital ran out.
O se va’aiga i le vaega o le vasega 8 a Manulele e matua fiu e fa’ata’ita’i i ai se togi, velo, tamoe
ma le siva e fa’aaoga ai le mama. Ou te iloa e lelei i latou i le pulu mamafa. [ata: Leua Aiono Frost]
Fa’amalosia Ta’aloga
& Fa’amalositino Fanau
A’oga Tulaga Lua
tusia: Leua Aiono Frost
O le vaega o A’oa’oga Tau Fa’amalositino
[Physical Education] a le Matagaluega o A’oga,
ua matua fa’atamo’ea lava le la’ua polokalama
mo a’oga tulaga lua, ina ia mafai ona maua se
suiga i le mamafa o le fanau a’oga e fa’amauina,
a’o le’i o’o atu i le masina o Aperila 2014.
“O lenei taumafaiga, ina ia amata atu fo’i
tima’iga ma gaoioiga e fa’aitiitia ai le mamafa
o fanau a’oga tulaga lua i le Matagaluega o
A’oga, o se matati’a o lo’o mo’omia ona ave i
ai le fa’amuamua i le ma’ua itu o le auaunaga.”
O se tala lea a le susuga Valusia.
O polokalama fa’ataoto, e aofia ai le Ta’aloga
Soka e fa’atautaia ma fesoasoani malosi i ai le
FIFA, ma e faia i le ta’i lima a’oga i le taimi
e tasi. “O le ulua’i fa’atasiga lea o le ta’aloga
soka sa mua’i faia ia Novema 5, 2013, ma ua
mae’a fuaina fo’i le mamafa o le fanau vasega
8 sa auai e ta’a’alo mai a’oga e lima: Matatula,
Afonotele, Aua, Matafao ma Aunu’u.
Ua sauni atu le isi lima a’oga e tauva i lea
lava ta’amilosaga ia Fepuari 7, 2014 lea e aofia
ai: Coleman i Pago Pago, Leatele i Fagasa,
Pavaiai Elementary, Tafuna Elementary ma
Lupelele Elementary i Iliili.
O le aso ananafi, sa fa’atagisia ai se fesoasoani mai a le Asosi o Ta’aloga Afeleti
i Amerika Samoa mo ni ta’aloga e faia i le
Malae Ta’alo tele o le Malo i Tafuna. Na pa’au
Falenaoti Deanna Fuimaono ma se tasi o ona
soatau i le fo’i fa’agatama e fesoasoani i le
vasega o faia’oga o le Level 8 a Manulele Elementary, ma sui fo’i ole Physical Education a le
DOE mo le faia o nei ta’aloga matagofie mo le
fanau e fa’alusi ai o latou pauna.
I ta’aloga, ua matauina le mamafa o tino o le
fanau, ae le taitai ona mamao se togi e gafatia e i
latou ona togi ai le pulu mamafa po’o le tao fo’i
ma le u’amea salafa. “O lo’o i ai le malosi i le
fanau, ae le’i a’oina lelei ia iloa ona togi pe velo
fo’i le tao.” O se tala lea a Valusia.
I tu’uga tamo’e, e i ai le fanau o lo’o le mafai
ona vaovaoa i lea ta’aloga, ae i ai nisi e matua
musu mai e tamo’e so’o. Ae ina ua tamomo’e
le vaega faigata lea, ua matua sisina lava le afu
latou, ua aoga le fa’amalositino ua aia nei.” O
se tala fiafia lea a Valusia ina ua va’aia lea suiga
tele i le fanau.
O le umi na faia ai nei ta’aloga ile Malae e
tasi ma le afa itula, ma ua amatalia fo’i e Manulele lenei tausaga i lea fo’i faiga fou ia fa’aitiitia
pauna o le fanau a’oga talavou, ia fa’aitiitia ai
le avanoa e maua ai i latou i le ma’i suka, lea
e numera tasi ai Amerika Samoa i le to’atele o
tatou tagatanu’u ua tau togafitia i le mai suka.
I le aso lava ananafi, sa o’o ane ai fo’i Clayton
ma Valusia i le a’oga a Colemna i Pago Pago,
mo le amatalia o le la’ua galuega i lea lotoa, e
saunia ai mo le ta’aloga soka ia Fepuari e pei
ona fa’atulaga.
O le to’a 10 o a’oga nei o le a mae’a tauva i
le soka, o le a fuaina o latou pauna ia Aperila,
ma iloa ai, pe o aoga ia i latou fa’amalositino,
ina ua iloga, ua fa’aitiitia pauna o le fanau mai
le pauna na mua’i fuaina a’o le’i amatalia lea
ta’amilosaga soka.
“O le tima’iga, e le fa’asaina le taumafa, ae
ia faia se fa’amalositino, e toe fa’aalu ese ai
le afu, ma toe fa’aaoga i ai mea taumafa sa e
‘aina.” O se tala ata lea a Valusia mo le fanau.
O se va’aiga i le toe sui o le moligafu’a, ae na le tu’u mamaina lava le saoasaoa o le tama lea.
[ata: Leua Aiono Frost]
Page 8
samoa news, Saturday, January 18, 2014
brought to you by
tanoa tusitala hotel, apia, samoa
Saunia: L.A.F./Naenae Productions
E 60 laau faasaina o le mariuana na maua e leoleo i se latou osofaiga na faatinoina I le fanua o se tasi o aiga i le afioaga o Safaato’a, Lefaga i le aso Faraile na
sei mavae atu nei. Ua molia ai se ulugalii i lo la totoina ma le umia o le laau faasaina o le mariuana ma le faamoemoe e faatau atu. Na faaalia, e 60 laau mariuana
na maua ma o nisi o ia laau e oo atu i le ono ma le fitu futu le uumi. E le gata I
lea, na maua le tele o laau faatoa ola ma o nisi sa totoina e pei o ni laau teu fale.
Sa maua foi e leoleo ni sikaleti mariuana ua uma ona taai faapea mariuana e lei
taaiina a ua uma ona afifi i fasi pepa mo le faatauina atu. O lo o tau sailia nei e
leoleo se alii e igoa ia Ioane Ifopo o Safaato’a ma Mulifanua na sola ese i le taimi
na osofaia ai e leoleo le fanua na maua ai ia laau mariuana.
Ua tali le alii palemia, le susuga Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi, i
manatu faaalia a le vaega faaupufai o le Tautua Samoa e faapea, ua tatau i le alii
sui palemia ona tulai ese mai lona tofi ao faagasolo taualumaga o lona faamasinoga. E pei ona lipotia muamua i a tatou tala, o lo o molia le sui palemia, le tofa
Fonotoe Nuafesili Pierre Lauofo ma le alii minisita lagolago ia Muagututagata
Peter Ah Him i le faalavelave i galuega a leoleo, ona o se mataupu na tulai mai
i le faaiuga o le tausaga na tea nei lea na suesueina ai e leoleo Muagututagata i
masalosaloga o lo o faasua’ava ma uliina le taavale, ae oo atu Fonotoe ma faatonu
le alii minisita lagolago e alu ia. I le feiloaiga a le Tautua Samoa ma le au tusitala
i le vaiaso nei, na saunoa ai le taitai, le afioga Palusalue Faapo II, ua tatau lava i le
alii sui palemia ona tulai ese mai lona tofiga seia maea ona iloiloina lea mataupu
i le Faamasinoga.
Ua filifilia le alii loia o Fepuleai Ameperosa Roma e avea ma se tasi o Faamasino o le Faamasinoga Faaitumalo ma ua maea ona saini aao ai le Ao Mamalu o
le Malo, le afioga i le Tama Aiga Tui Atua Tupua Tamasese Efi. O le filifilia o
Fepuleai o le iuga lea o iloiloga a le komiti faafoe o galuega faa-faamasino i se
fautuaga a le afioga Faamasino Sili Patu Tiavaasu’e Falefatu Sapolu. O le a galue
nei le alii Faamasino fou i le Faamasinoga Faaitumalo faapea le Faamasinoga o
Apili i mataupu tau fanua ma suafa. Ua atofaina nei le aso 25 o Fepuari, 2014
e faatauto ai le susuga Fepuleai e aloaia ai lona tofiga fou. O le taimi nei o lo o
galue le susuga Fepuleai o se loia tutoatasi, o se galuega sa ia tauaveina talu mai
le 2002.
E toatolu alii ua molia nei i moliaga o le fasioti tagata faamoemoeina ona o le
maliu o se alii na maua lona tino i totonu o lana taavale i Vaitele I le tausaga na
tea nei. E umi se taimi na faatino ai suesuega a leoleo ma ua molia ai nei i latou
nei e toatolu. O le ua maliu o Uili Neil Seiuli, 35 tausaga le matua, na maua lona
tino maliu i totonu o lana taavale i se nofoaga e faafesagai ma le falekalapu o le
Tausala Bar i Vaitele-uta i le aso 16 o Novema, 2013. Na faaalia, sa fai se inuga
pia a le ua maliu ma i latou e toatolu ua molia nei lea e aofia ai se alii e 19 tausaga
mai Vaiusu-uta ma Saina, o se alii e 23 tausaga ma Saina ma Faiaai, ma se alii e
25 tausaga mai Vaitele-uta ma Samauga.
E 23 tausaga o se alii mai le afioaga o Satoalepai ua faamaonia mai le maliu i le
amataga o le vaiaso nei ina ua sipaka o ia i se uaea eletise ao faatino sana galuega
i le latou pa povi i Satoalepai.
Na faaalia e le Komesina Le Tumau o le Matagaluega o Leoleo ma Falepuipui,
le afioga Misa Nafoi Toa Talaimanu Keti, o le ua maliu o Anesone Peneueta, ma
sa galue i le latou pa povi i le tatuuina o niu I totonu o lo latou fanua ma sa tulai
mai ai loa lea faalavelave. Fai mai a ia, na maliu lava o ia ae lei oo i le falemai.
Na taua e Misa, na mafua lea faalavelave ona o ni uaea eletise na pa’u’u i luga o
le pa a lea aiga.
O le aso Faraile na sei mavae atu nei na faalauiloa aloaia ai le Manu Samoa
Taitoafitu o le a sauna atu mo vae e lua o le a sosoo ai nei o le taamilosaga taitoafitu a le IRB i Las Vegas, Amerika ma Ueligitone, Niu Sila.
O le laina i luma e aofia ai Lio Lolo, Fale Sooialo, Oneone Faafou, Levi AsiFaamatala, Keli Meafua. O le laina i tua e aofia ai Vavao Afemai, Sani Niue,
Alatasi Tupou, Reupena Levasa (kapeteni), Fomai Ah Ki, Tulolo Tulolo, Tom
Iosefo. O faaleoleo e faatali atu i Samoa o Patrick Faapale ma Samoa Toloa. O
le faiaoga ulu o le susuga Viliamu Punivalu ma le taitai malaga, le susuga Malo
Nofoagatotoa. Sa auai i lea faatasiga sui o le iuni, o sui o kamupani o lo o lagolagoina le au taitoafitu a le
atunuu faapea aiga ma uo a tama ua filifilia. Na saunoa faalaeiau foi le alii
palemia ma ia faamamafa ai le taua o le lava o le malosi, loto toa ma le faaaoga o
le mafaufau i taimi o taaloga. O le aso Sa nei e tuuvaa atu ai le au mo Las Vegas
i Amerika.
Alii fai faleaitu ia Tofiga ma Ete faatasi ai ma o la aiga i se latou feiloaiga sa faia i le vaiaso au mavae.
[ata: THA]
samoa news, Saturday, January 18, 2014 Page 9
Celebrating the Life
of Beloved Wife, Mother, Grandmother, A sister, friend, and Servant of the Lord
Women In New Dimensions (WIND) Prayer Fellowship
Charter Member & Leader, 1992-Until her Passing
March 4, 1955
December 30, 2013
O le a fata pea ia i aosa tupua tausi o lo’o ta’ui i le laupata fetalai lea na
sau silasila iai tupu ma e’e o Samoa i ona luma fatutoto ma ona papa
tuloto. Tulou. O ou paia Samoa mai le Matasaua se’ia paia le Agalega,
fa’ata’alolo atu. Ou te fa’atulou foi i sa o le aiga sa Levi o lo’o nono manu
aua se manuia o Samoa nei ma a taeao. Ou te fa’atulou foi i lau faigamalo
Tutuila ma Manu’a. Afio lau Afioga i le Kovana Sili ma le Tafatolu o lau
faigamalo. Tulou. “Ua logo nei le leo i Rama,” ona o le vala’au paia a le
Atua ile Tina Peleina o le aiga, Fa’aolatane Tinei Liu-Akapo. Ua
lagia ai nei le malae i Savelu, Susu ai Tagaloa, sa Amituana’i ma le Gafa.
Ua usuia fo’i le fono ia Safune ma Taulauniu. Tulou.
Talofa e, o le a le toe ifo le tava’etoto i Olohega ma Niue. O le a le toe
va’aia ona laumata fiafia ma si ona leo ma-lu. Fai mai a ia, i ona lava
lagona, “O oe lava Tokelau ma Niue, o taku pele!”
O le lagia foi lea o le Pu’e ma le Papa, Falesau ma Falesiliga, Lotomua ma
Fogavai e afio ai Sa’o ma Ma’opu ma le ‘au Tapa’au. Ua matagitogaina foi
le folauga ia Auala ma le Falelima ma le Tofa i le Igoa Matua. Ua lagia ai
foi le malae i Fuifatu ma le Maota i Falesea ma Lotofusi, e afio ai Leilua ma
To’alima o Alii, sa Lalatoa ma Alo o Malietoa. Ua tulolo foi le fue ma ua
gausia le atipouniu ia Tuilagi ma Namulauulu, Ma’opu Tufuga ma le na ‘ai
malae ma Safotulafai. Tulou, tulou lava. A, talofa! Ua motu le asoa, ua
malepe le falute, “ua nuti le kate i le vaipuna, ua gausia le mea ta’avili i le
vaieli;” ua pogisa ai le nu’u. Ae fa’afetai i le Atua i Lona alofa ma Lona
agalelei ua sulugia le malamalama o le Tala Lelei i le Toetu manumalo o
Iesu Keriso mai le maliu ma le oti, ua mautinoa ai lona nofoaga i le nu’u
tumau, “aua ua alu le tagata i lona fale fa’avavau.” O la matou molimau
ola i lona soifua auauna, “E tula’i mai lana fanau, ma fa’afetai ia te ia; o
lana tane foi ua vivii ia te ia. E to’atele fafine e amiolelei i latou; a o oe, ua
fa’asilisili oe ia i latou uma. O le matagofie e pepelo lea, o le mea
fa’atauva’a le lalelei; a o le fafine ua mata’u ia Ieova, e viia lava o ia. Avatu
ia te ia le fua o ona lima; o ana galuega foi e viia ai o ia i faitoto’a.”
Fa’ataoto 31:28-31.
Proverbs 31: 28-31, “Her children rise up and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her. Many women have done
excellently, but you surpass them all. Charm is deceitful, and
beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be
praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works
praise her in the gates.”
Fa’afetai fai tatalo, fa’afetai manatuaina o matou i le nofoalii pa’ia, ua
lagona ai le mafanafana o le fetalai mai o lona Matai,
“Le Auauna lelei e, ma le fa’amaoni, ina ulufale mai ia i le
fiafia o lou Alii.” Mataio 25:21.
Her Life’s Celebration Program
Sunday, January 19, 2014
5:00pm – 5:30pm
Prayer Service LBJ Chapel, Faga’alu
6:00pm – 10:00pm
FAMILY SERVICE Lee’s Auditorium, Utulei
Escort her body to Osema’s Lodge Banquet Hall, Vaitogi village
All night vigil of fellowship & singing
Monday, (holiday) January 20, 2014
Funeral Worship Service, CCCAS Vaitogi Sanctuary
Followed by Interment Rites at Akapo’s Family Burial Site
Thank You,
Leilua Mase Akapo & Family
Page 10
samoa news, Saturday, January 18, 2014
o le
(Kenese 8:15-22)
Ua tuu lea e Noa le areva i alu e siaki le lolo, poo ua i ai se
mea e faailoa mai ai ua iloa atu se pa’umatu, ae ua alu atu ai le
oreva ma alu atu ai ae o loo faatali mai Noa, ae ua toe sau ae alu
atu ma tu tu i luga o le fale o le va’a.
E lei umi ni aso, ae toe nofo foi le toeaina ma tuu le lupe e alu
e siaki le lolo poo ua maui, e leai ona toe faatali foi lea i le isi fitu
o aso, ona toe faalele foi lea e Noa le lupe, na fo’i ma le lupe ma
le lau olive, ma silafia ai e Noa, ua uma le lolo.
O le oreva o se manulele e lapoa o le ituaiga manulele e sau
mai i le aiga o le ‘crow’ e i ai manulele nei o le (ravens, jays,
magpies, choughs ma le nutcrackers.) e le tatau ona aiina e se
E taua e le Feagaiga Tuai e le manulele e latalata i mea o i ai
ni tagata, e tusa poo le a le le fiafia ai oni tagata, ae sa faaaogaina
lava e le Atua i ona fuafuaga, (Iopu:38:41) “O ai ea na te sauni
a le oreva lana mea e ‘ai, pe a fetagisi atu ana tama i le Atua, a o
se i latou ina ua leai se mea e ‘ai,”
Ae o le taimi na fetalai mai ai Iesu i ona so’o i le Feagaiga
Fou ma ia faapea ai, (Luka 12:24) “Ia outou mafaufau i oreva,
latou te le lulu saito, latou te le selesele foi, e leai lava potu oloa,
po o se fale saito, a e fagaina i latou e le Atua; e le sili ea lo outou
lelei, e manu ?.”
E manulele lea e faatusaina e le ‘mama’ e pei o nuu ‘ese, i
loto a tagata Isaraelu, ae na faaaogaina lava e le Atua i ana fuafuaga pei o le fafagaina o lana Perofeta o Elia (1 Tupu 17:)
E le pei o le lupe, e fiafia tagata e faalata aua e filemu, leitio
foi le pese a tagata Samoa a faapea, “Filemu pei o le lupe manu,
le lau olive ua tu..….” e le faatusaina lona tausaafia, e olo malu,
e le taufaalataina, e mo’omo’o tagata ia aumai e latou te faalataina, o uiga lelei uma lena o le lupe i lenei lalolagi.
Na oti lava i tatou ina ua agasala le uluai tagata, ae o le toe
afuaina o le taeao fou i le lalolagi ma ona tagata, na toe amataina
mai ia Noa ma lana fanau. Le taumafaiga lena a le Atua ia ina
oo mai lana faaolataga i le afio mai o le Iesu le Mesia, e aua nei
motu le gafa lea, ae vaai i ai le tiapolo lona faaolataga, na sau pea
lava seia afio mai Iesu Keriso.
E mafai lava e Atua ona toe fai se isi amataga fou, se manu e
toe fai se isi uluai tagata i lona fuafuaga, ae musu le Atua ina nei
te’i ua malo le faaleaga mea lea o Satani, e le faigata i le Atua
ona toe fai se isi lalolagi.
Na silasila mai le Atua, ua toe a o Noa ma le toalua tagata
amio atua ma si ana fanau, mai i le fia selau afe o lenei lalolagi
(e le taimi lena e le’i tumu tele le lalolagi aua lea e tau mai, ma
o le tasi le gagana.)
Na ola Metusela o le atalii a Enoka na sau ai lava lea o le
gafa se’ia tau ia Lameko le tama lea o Noa, le tagata ua sa’o
ona amio i luma o le silafaga a le Atua, ona ia fai foi le iuga o le
a aumai le lolo e tafi ‘ese uma ai mea leaga o tagata o mea’ola
ma manu fetolofi uma, ma manu felelei uma ma soo se mea o
le a faaumatia. O lona uiga o le a faaumatia le lalolagi uma le
lalolagi atoa.
Aua ina ua liu tino tagata Iesu, lea na fai mai ai ia tatou,
(Mataio 11:28-29), “Ia outou o mai ia te au, o outou uma o e
tigaina ma mafatia i avega o a’u foi e malolo ai outou. Ia outou
amoina la’u amo, ma ia outou faaa’oa’o ia te au, aua o a’u le agamalu ma le loto maualalo, ona maua lea e outou, o le malologa
mo outou agaga.”
Ia ua uma ona osia le feagaiga e le toe aumai e ia se lolo i le
lalolagi atoa e oo mai le faavavau, e iloa i le nuanua le faailogaina
o le lana feagaiga ma Noa se’ia oo mai i le taimi nei.
manumalo o le tatou Alii o Iesu Keriso. Amene.
[Sosoo ane loa lau faitau i le tatou tala faasolo
mo lenei vaiaso, lea na gata mai i le vaiaso na tea
nei i le taimi lea na faateia ai Kati ina ua ulufale
faafuase’i atu se tagata e laei mama ma ni ana
auauna se to’atele i totonu o le Casino, ma o le
tagata tonu lava lea e suafa ia Tomasi o lo o ia
tau sailia.]
Ua faasolo pea le taaloga i lea afiafi ma ua vaaia e
Kati le tau fai onana uma o le to’atele o tagata o lo o
tafafao ai i le Casino, e le i umi ae vaaia loa e le tama
ni ali’i se to’alua e foliga mai o ni tama faapitoa a le
tagata lenei o Tomasi, o savavali atu ma talanoa i se
tamaitai lalelei lava sa ta’aalo mai ma lana uo tama
i le isi laulau, mulimuli ane ua la ta’ita’i fa’amalosi
lea tama’ita’i i le isi itu o le fale ma le i toe vaaia
ai o ia i le taimi atoa na sosoo ane ai. Ua fesoota’i
Kati i lana paga faapitoa o Ianeta lea ua la fesoota’i
e faailoa i ai mea uma ia ua tutupu i totonu o le fale
talimalo, ae poo fea fo’i e ave aga’i i ai tamaita’i pe
afai e mana’o i ai le tagata leaga lenei.
Na faailoa uma ane e Ianeta ia Kati potu eseese
o le fale talimalo e tatau ona ia faaeteete i ai, atoa
ai ma le vaega tonu lea e faamautu uma i ai leoleo
faapitoa a le tamaloa, ina ne’i sasi sana gaioiga e
fai ona mateia lea o ia ma fasiotia loa. I le aoauli i
le taimi tonu lea ua malaga taamilo Tomasi ma ana
auauna i le taulaga, na taamilo ai loa Kati i totonu
o le fale talimalo atoa ma faapipi’i solo ana measini pu’eata i faitoto’a ma nofoaga e faigofie ona ia
maua ai gaioiga uma o lo o faia, atoa ai ma le tau
sailia o tamaita’i o lo o ave faamalosi e Tomasi ma
lana vaega faatupu faalavelave. Na ona maea lava
ona faapipii o masini a le tama i nofoaga eseese o
le fale, ona ia taumafai loa lea e faaaoga totonu o
lona potu e fai ma nofoaga autu o fesootaiga, ina
ia faigata ona mateia e se tasi. Ina ua oo i le afiafi
o le aso na sosoo ai sa toe alu Kati i le Casino e
nofonofo ma taalo ai pe na te toe vaaia ai Tomasi
ma ana tama faapitoa, o le taimi lea, ua alu sauni
Kati ma ana a’upega, ua le toe popole fo’i i se isi
lava mea e ono tula’i mai, aua ua mautu tonu uma
ua faia ma le tamaitai o Ianeta e tusa ai o gaioiga
uma e tatau ona faia. E le i umi ona taalo Kati
i masini Casino ae vaaia loa fo’i tama faapitoa a
Tomasi ua ulufale atu i totonu, e le i umi ae ulufale
ma le tamaloa, ona valaau fo’i lea i tagata uma lava
o lo o taaalo ina ia aga’i uma atu i le laulau e tasi
latou te taaalo faatasi ai, ona ia tufa fo’i lea o tupe
i tagata uma lava e aofia ai ma ia o lo o i ai i totonu
o le fale Casino. E le i umi ae vaaia loa e Kati isi
tama faapitoa a Tomasi ua savavali solo e saili ni
tamaitai la lelei e ave ma le latou tama ta’ita’i, ma
ua fiu e taamilo e le o i ai ni tamaitai lalelei i totonu
o le fale i le taimi lea, ma sa avea lea ma itu na ita ai
loa le tamaloa o Tomasi ma fai loa lana faatonuga i
auauna e vaai nisi tamaitai o i totonu o le fale e ave
i totonu o le nofoaga faapitoa lea o lo o masani ona
ave i ai isi tamaitai.
[E toe faatalofa atu i le mamalu o le au faitau i lenei taeao, malo le soifua maua malo foi le
onosa’i, ae alo mai loa o le toe sosooina lenei o le tatou tala faasolo lea na gata mai i le vaiaso na
te’a nei i le taimi lea na fesili atu ai Lisa i le tamaititi o Lisati, pe aisea lava ua tupu soo ai lenei
mea i le va o lona tina ma Lasela.]
Na avea le maea o le vevesi ma itu na amata ai loa ona maui atu le tumutumu o tagata na lolofi atu e fia
iloa le au o le paipa, e o o i tagata o le nuu o Amouta na o atu e faatali Lisati ma lana uo mai Niu Sila, ua
toe fo’i i le nuu ma tali e i le vaaiga sa tulai mai i le malae vaalele, aemaise ai lava le va o le tina o Lisati
ma Lasela lea ua foliga mai ua fai ma va e le mafai ona toe taofia. O le naunau o Lisa na te fia maua se
tali mai ia Lisati e tusa ai o lana fesili, na mafua ai ona ia toe augani i le tamaititi ina ia faailoa ane ia te
ia se mea na te le o iloa, ina ne’i i ai se mea e pogisa ai lona mafaufau i le la ulua’i mafutaga ma Lasela.
“Se!, e leai se ma ulua’i mafukaga sa faia ma Lasela, ga ou fai aku fo’i ia ke oe, o faigauo lava faa
kamaiki o le guu i kokogu o le aoga sa kula’i mai i lo ma va, ae o gisi mea e pei oga e mafaufau i ai, ua
ou leai aku ...” o le tali faasa’ea atu lea a Kati i le fesili soo atu o Lisa ia te ia, ona toe faasaga ane lea ua
fesoasoani i lona tina i le tau faaleleia o manu’a i ona foliga ae fetaui loa ma le sosolo atu o le taavale
a le falema’i. Toeititi leai se isi o le au faatali pasese e le i tomumu i fomai tamaitai se toalua na o atu
i le taavale falema’i faapea ai ma le ave taavale, i le fai’aga ma le tuai atu o le taavale, pe ana fai lava
o se ma’i e oso ma oti ai se tagata lona uiga e o o atu i le malae vaalele ua malo tia’a le ma’i. “Augasa
fo’i legei kaavale falema’i se’i vaai ua koeikiiki akoa le lua ikula o kau faakali le kou kaavale ao legei
faakoa sosolo mai, iga faakopekope ia kou gaioi ua leva oga mafakia si fafige i kiga o magu’a o loga
kigo,” o le tomumu ane lea a le isi olomatua sa alu atu ai i le faataliina o le au malaga. Ua foi le toatele
o le nuu faapea ai Kati ma Lisa ma lo la aiga i le fale, sei vagana ai le tina o le tamaititi lea ua ave i le
falema’i mo nisi o togafitiga i le matuia o manu’a na aafia ai ona foliga, e mafua mai ina ua fasi o ia e
Lasela ma lona aunty Tomboy. Talu mai lea aso, sa avea pea nei faaletonu o se fesili e le o mafai ona
tali i le mafaufau o Lisa. Ui o lea, o lea ua taunuu manuia le faigamalaga a le tamaititi i lona nuu, ma
ua sauni fo’i i le isi laasaga tele e pei ona la fuafuaina ma Lisa, o le faia lea o le la faaipoipoga i totonu
o lona nuu o Amouta ma amata loa ona atina’e le la pisinisi faleoloa lea ua fuafua e faatuina lava i
luma o le latou fale apa ma nai ona matua. Ua suia atoa le olaga o le aiga i totonu o le nuu, e o o lava
fo’i i tupulaga o le nuu, ua sui atoa le auala e ola ai tagata ona o faataitaiga lelei ma fautuaga e avatu i
ai e Lisati ma lana uo, ona o le naunautaiga o le tamaititi, ia avea lona nuu o Amouta o se aiga e tasi.
Tala i Vavau o Samoa
O le faaauauina lenei o le
vaega mulimuli o le tatou tala i le
mafutaga a Tuiatua ma Letufuga,
lea na mafua ai ona maua ni isi o
muagagana a le atunuu ma o lo o
faaaoga e le toatele o Faleupolu i
taimi o a latou lauga.
A’o alu le vaa, sa faailoa e le
i’a i le tamaititi, a latalata atu loa
i Savaii, ona vave oso lea i lalo
ma aau i uta ne’i pa’ulia o ia pe
a latalata tele i uta, ona faapena
loa lea ona fai le maliliega a le
toalua lea. Ua aga’i atu le malaga
a le i’a ma le tamaititi ma tau atu
i le Atu Aleipata, ona la vaaia lea
o tamaiti o le nuu o lo o sausau
lupo mai i luga o le sami i le isi
motu pito i tai, ma ua tosina atu
ai lava le vaai a le tamaititi, ae na
avea ma itu na fesili atu ai le i’a
i le tamaititi, pe aisea e autilo ai
i uta, ae na tali le tamaititi, e fia
sau sau lupo pei o tamaiti o lo o
sausau lupo mai i uta, ona fai atu
le o le i’a i le tamaititi, e oso i luga
o lona si’usi’u e tu ai ma sausau
lupo. Le tama la lea na mafua ai
le muaagaga lea, “ua ou tu nei
i siua ae ou sausau i le moana.”
Ae o le i’a, fai mai le tala na alu
atu lava le i’a a’e i Lalomanu i le
maota o Fuataga ma mate ai, ona
feamoa’i ai lava lea o le i’a i uta
toe amo i tai, faasolo mai i Falealii
ma alu atu ai i Solosolo, e oo ane
la le amoina o le i’a i se ogaeleele
e latalata i Manunu, o lo o tutu ai
le tama o Seleselelimalelei le alo
o Fa’ifa’i o Manunu, fai mai ona
alaga lea o le tama fai mai,
“E, ta fia fai a’ea lena i’a.”
na lagona e tagata na tausoaina
le i’a le alaga a le tama ona
latou valaau loa lea i le tama o
Seleselelimalelei, e alu atu loa
e faasoa le i’a, ma o lalo o le
fu’afu’a na faasoa ma lufilufi ai
e le tama o Seleselelimalelei ma
tagata nei le i’a, o iina na mafua
ai loa ona maua malae fono o
Atua iina, le malae i “Lulilufi ma
Lalogafu’afu’a.” Fai mai le tala
ona vaetolu lea o le i’a, ua ave
le ulu o le i’a ia Tafua ma Fuataga, ona maua ai loa lea iina o le
“Ao o Atua,” ua ave le ogatotonu
o le i’a ia Iuli ma Moeono, ona
maua ai loa lea iina o le “Uso
o Atua,” ma le si’usi’u o le i’a
na ave ia Taloolemaagao ma
Tofua’eofoia, ona maua ai loa lea
iina o le “I’u o Atua,” o iina lea
na faatoa taoto ai tofiga a Atua.
“Ia seu le manu ae taga’i i le
galu” “O le a fa’amanusina le atu
o le taeao” “Ua ou tu nei i siui
ae sausau i le moana e pei o le
fetalaiga ia Velova’a.”
China rocker quits state TV
show over song choice
BEIJING (AP) — A Chinese rocker known for his
rebellious style will not perform at a state broadcaster’s
variety show for the upcoming
Lunar New Year after the organizers turned down his song
choice, his manager said.
Cui Jian had proposed to
sing his 1986 song “Nothing
to My Name” at China Central Television’s Jan. 30 gala
show, but the event’s censors told him he would have
to choose another song, his
manager, You You, said
late Friday. “Nothing to My
Name” became the unofficial
anthem for demonstrating students during the deadly 1989
Tiananmen protests.
Cui decided to quit the show
because he did not want to sing
another song, You You said.
“It is not only our regret, but
also the gala’s,” the manager
“Cui Jian has his fans all
over the world, so his stage is
far beyond the CCTV’s gala.”
The state broadcaster could
not be reached immediately
Saturday for comment.
Cui fell out of favor with the
Chinese government after he
sided with the Tiananmen protesters, but received an invitation this year from CCTV to
perform at the annual show.
Since its inception in the
early 1980s, the show has
become a staple for the holiday celebrations, although it
has become widely mocked
for its cheesy performances
and stilted staging, prompting
organizers to hire popular film
director Feng Xiaogang to
direct this year’s gala.
Known as the godfather of
Chinese rock, Cui won fame in
the late 1980s with songs such
as “Nothing to My Name,”
voicing the hopes and anxieties of a generation of Chinese
entering adulthood after the
death of Mao Zedong and the
end of orthodox communism.
During the 1989 pro-democracy protests, Cui performed at
tusia Ausage Fausia
O le tina e 46 tausaga le matua lea na tuuaia i lona gaoiina
o se vaega tupe e silia ma le $7,000 mai le Ofisa o le malo sa
faigaluega ai, ua ia ta’utino i luma o le faamasinoga maualuga i
le vaiaso nei, e fa’amaonia tuuaiga faasaga ia te ia.
E 16 moliaga mamafa na ulua’i tuuaia ai e le malo ia Fiapapalagi Eteuati Letuli, ae i lalo o se maliliega na sainia e le ua
molia ma le malo, lea fo’i na talia e le faamasinoga maualuga i
le vaiaso nei, ua ia tali ioe ai i moliaga mamafa e lua ae solofua e
le faamasinoga moliaga e 14 o lo o totoe ai i le pepa o tagi.
O moliaga e lua sa tali ioe i ai Letuli o le gaoi atoa ai ma lona
faia o faamaumauga tau faasese.
I le tali ioe ai o le ua molia, sa ia tautino ai e faapea, i se taimi
o le aso 14 Ianuari 2011 a’o avea o ia ma tagata faigaluega o le
Ofisa o le ASESRO a le malo o Amerika Samoa, sa ia gaoiina ai
ni siaki mo totogi a le malo o Amerika Samoa, sa tuuina atu ia
Gale Clarke, ona ia saini faamalosi lea o le igoa o Gale Clarke i
le tino o le siaki, ina ia mafai ai ona tala le siaki ae ona faaaoga
le tupe sa maua mai ai, i le aofaiga e $7,860.65
Na ta’utino Letuli e faapea, o le gaioiga sa ia faia na mafua ai
ona ia faia lenei solitulafono, o lona tuuina atu lea o pepa e faamaumau ai taimi faigaluega o Gale, ina ia maua ai lona totogi,
e ui sa ia iloaina lelei lava, o Gale o lo o ave ana livi, ona o lo o
malaga i fafo mo ana talavai, e le o totogiina fo’i o ia (Gale) i le
taimi sa malaga ai i fafo mo ana talavai.
Ina ua fesiligia e le faamasinoga maualuga le ua molia po
o fea sa ia talaina ai siaki nei, na taua e Letuli e faapea, e lua
faleoloa sa ia talaina ai siaki nei, o le faleoloa o le Mini Mart
Store ma le faleoloa o le Christopher Store.
Ua malamalama le ua molia i tuutuuga o le latou maliliega ua
faia nei ma le malo, tusa lava pe finau loia i le faamasinoga mo
se faasalaga mama mo ia, e pule le faamasinoga pe teena pe talia
ia faafinauga.
Ua malamalama fo’i Letuli, e le mafai ona toe suia lana tali
ioe ua tuuina atu i le faamasinoga, pe afai e tuuina mai le faasalaga a le faamasinoga ae le tusa ai ma lona mana’o.
E tusa ai ma faamaumauga a le faamasinoga o lo o taua ai e
faapea, e tusa ma le 8 siaki sa saini faamalosi e le ua molia ma
tala ae faaaoga tupe sa i ai.
O le va o le aso 14 Ianuari e o o atu i le aso 5 Aokuso 2011
na tula’i mai ai lenei faalavelave, a’o galue le ua molia i le Ofisa
o le malo a Amerika Samoa e taua o le ‘American Samoa Economic Stimulus Recovery Office’.
O lo o tumau pea poloaiga a le faamasinoga o lo o tatala ai
Letuli i tua, e faatali ai le aso 7 Fepuari lea ua faatulaga e lau ai
lana faasalaga.
Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia [email protected]
Tiananmen Square for students
on a hunger strike, days before
the government sent in tanks
and troops to crack down on
the demonstrations.
Later, Communist authorities refused Cui permission
for concerts and censored his
lyrics. In 2005, he was able to
headline at a Beijing stadium.
In 2006, he performed with
the Rolling Stones in Shanghai,
singing “Wild Horses” alongside Mick Jagger.
samoa news, Saturday, January 18, 2014 Page 11
TO Members of the AUMAVAE Family and to all whom these present may come!
for recording in this office an instrument in writing which seeks to separate a certain structure
which is or to be erected, on land LEU, allegedly belonging to AUMAVAE FAMILY of the village of
LEONE. Said land LEU is situated in or near the village of LEONE in the County of FOFO, Island of
TUTUILA, American Samoa.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any interested person may object to the recording of such
instrument by filing in the Territorial Registar’s Office in Fagatogo, a written objection to the
recording of said instrument. Any objections thereto must be filed with in 30 days from the date
of posting of this notice.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that if no such objections are filed within the said 30 day period,
the instrument will be recorded and shall be valid and binding on all persons. The said
instrument may be examined at any time at the Territorial Registrar’s Office.
DECEMBER 20, 2013 thru JANUARY 21, 2014
Taito S.B. White, Territorial Registrar
I tagata o le aiga sa AUMAVAE, ma i latou uma e silasila ma lauiloaina lenei fa’aaliga!
O le fa’aaliga lenei ona o MATAIO FIAMALUA & SINA L. FIAMALUA o le nu’u o LEONE ua ia
fa’aulufaleina mai i lenei ofisa se feagaiga tusitusi e fa’ailoa ai se mana’oga fia tu’u’eseina o se fale
ua/po o le a, fa’atuina i luga o le fanua o LEU e fa’asino i le aiga sa AUMAVAE, o le nu’u o LEONE.
O lenei fanua e totonu pe latalata ane i le nu’u o LEONE, itumalo o FOFO, ile motu o TUTUILA,
Amerika Samoa.
O le fa’aaliga fo’i e fa’apea, so o se tasi e iai sona aia i lenei mata’upu e mafai ona fa’atu’i’iese
ile fa’amauina o lenei feagaiga pe a auina mai i le ofisa ole Resitara o le Teritori of Amerika Samoa
i Fagatogo, sana fa’atu’ese tusitusia. O fa’atu’iesega uma lava e ao ona fa’aulufaleina mai i totonu
o aso e 30 faitauina mai i le aso na faíaalia ai lenei fa’aaliga.
Afai ole a leai se fa’atu’i’esega e fa’aulufaleina i totonu o aso 30 e pei ona ta’ua i luga, o le a
fa’amauina loa lenei feagaiga e taualoaina ma ‘a’afia ai tagata uma.
01/04 & 01/18/14
Island-Wide Territorial
Spelling Bee will be held
Wed., Feb 19, 2014.
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and to bring in your Biographies.
Samoa News is located across from the ASG Port and we are open
from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
For more information please contact 633-5599.
Department of
American Samoa Government
February 10 - February 14, 2014
The Criminal Justice Planning Agency, the designated State
Administrative Agency of the American Samoa Government wishes to
advise the Public of available grant funding for FY’2014.
Funding is available for new and continued Criminal Justice system
improvement projects that have been approved under application to the
U.S. Department of Justice for projects focused on the implementation of
the criminal system in Law Enforcement, Prosecution, Community Based
Policing, Victims’ Assistance, Violence against Women services and
Juvenile Justice services in American Samoa. Any new and continuing
applications shall be submitted to the Criminal Justice Planning Agency for
due executive and programmatic review of the State Administrative
Agency prior to submission to the U.S. Department of Justice.
For more information, please contact Mr. Keith Gebauer, Director
633-5221 or 633-5222. Thank You.
Page 12
samoa news, Saturday, January 18, 2014
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Sui o le aumaga a Aua i le taimi o le ‘ava i le aso Gafua na te’a nei, e faapaia ai le amataina
o le galuega mo le fausiaina o le latou fautasi fou, le Paepaeulupoo II, lea o lo o fausia e Leoititi
[ata: AF]
Maselino Ioane.
Appeals court upholds sex
change for Mass. inmate
BOSTON (AP) — A federal appeals court
on Friday upheld a judge’s ruling granting a
taxpayer-funded sex change operation for a
transgender inmate serving a life sentence for a
murder conviction, saying receiving medically
necessary treatment is a constitutional right that
must be protected “even if that treatment strikes
some as odd or unorthodox.”
U.S. District Judge Mark Wolf ruled in 2012
that the state Department of Correction must
provide sex reassignment surgery for Michelle
Kosilek, who was born Robert Kosilek and is
serving a life sentence for the killing of his wife
in 1990.
The Department of Correction challenged
the ruling, arguing Kosilek has received adequate treatment for gender identity disorder,
including female hormones, laser hair removal
and psychotherapy. Prison officials said those
treatments have eased the stress and anxiety felt
by the 64-year-old Kosilek, and they brought
in experts who supported their argument that
it was unnecessary to heed advice from independent medical experts who recommended she
undergo the sex change surgery as the next step
in treating her gender identity disorder.
The Department of Correction also argued it
was concerned about protecting Kosilek, who’s
in an all-male prison, from sexual assaults if she
were allowed to complete her transformation
into a woman.
But judges cited a prison security review
conducted after Kosilek lived safely as a
woman with male prisoners, wearing women’s
clothing, using women’s cosmetics and taking
hormones that caused her to develop breasts.
They said no security issues cropped up.
U.S. 1st Circuit Court of Appeals Judges O.
Rogeriee Thompson and William Kayatta Jr.
said in their ruling that courts must not shrink
from their obligation to enforce the constitutional rights of all people, including prisoners.
“And receiving medically necessary treatment is one of those rights, even if that treatment strikes some as odd or unorthodox,” they
One member of the three-judge appeals
panel, Judge Juan Torruella, disagreed, saying
in a separate opinion the ruling went beyond
the boundaries of protections offered under the
Eighth Amendment.
Still, Kosilek’s lawyer Joseph Sulman said
they were very happy her right to receive the
treatment was affirmed.
“This decision is really about more than
sexual reassignment surgery,” Sulman said.
“It’s about the state’s requirement to treat all
prisoners equally regardless of their gender
identity or regardless of the circumstances.”
Kosilek was convicted of killing Cheryl
Kosilek, a volunteer counselor at a drug rehabilitation facility who thought she could cure
his gender identity disorder.
Kosilek first sued the Department of Correction in 2000. Two years later, the U.S. District
Court judge found Kosilek was entitled to treatment for gender identity disorder but stopped
short of ordering surgery. Kosilek sued again
in 2005, arguing the surgery was a medical
Kosilek’s attorney Frances Cohen had previously said the surgery, which can cost more
than $50,000, would be paid for under a contract the Department of Correction has with its
medical provider. She said the contract is based
on the number of inmates, not the number of
medical procedures provided, so the surgery
wouldn’t increase the state’s costs.
Democratic Gov. Deval Patrick had no
immediate comment on the appeals court ruling
or whether a further appeal to the U.S. Supreme
Court was possible, a spokeswoman said. The
Department of Correction was reviewing the
court decision.
Boston-based legal group Gay & Lesbian
Advocates & Defenders said that in a civilized
society there’s “a baseline of care that has to
be provided to all prisoners, including prisoners
who are transgender.”
“We hope that Michelle will now get the
treatment that she desperately needs,” said Jennifer Levi, director of GLAD’s Transgender
Rights Project.
samoa news, Saturday, January 18, 2014 Page 13
tusia Ausage Fausia
Ua faalauiloa e le alo o Samoa ua lauiloa i le fauina o fautasi,
le tofa Leoititi Maselino Ioane, o le va’a o le Paepaeulupo’o II
lea o le a ia fausia, e le toe i ai lava se isi fautasi i totonu o
Amerika Samoa na te maua, o le a avea fo’i ma siamupini o soo
se tuuga fautasi i le lumana’i.
“O le va’a lea o le a ou fausiaina, o le a ou fausiaina i le
ituaiga fausaga e le toe muli ai i se isi lava va’a, e o o lava fo’i i
le va’a o Vatia na ou faia, e muli fo’i i le va’a lea,” o folafolaga
ia a Leoititi na tuuina atu i Ali’i o le Faleono faapea le tofa a
Paopaoailua Joe Fiaui, i le taimi o le sauniga e faapaia ai le galuega, lea na auai uma ai Feagaiga o le afioaga i le taeao o le aso
Gafua na te’a nei.
Na taua e Leoitiiti i luma o le afioaga o Aua, o le va’a o le
Paepaeulupoo II lea ua amata ona fausia, e atoa i ai le 12 o fautasi ua ia fausia i totonu o Amerika Samoa ma Samoa.
Ma soo se taimi e amata ai ana galuega faapenei, na te talosagaina ai afioga e ana va’a ina ia tatala le galuega i se sauniga
lotu e faapaia ai le tufuga ma le amataina o le galuega, ina i’u
manuia le galuega ma maua se tulaga lelei o le va’a.
Na taua e le tufuga e faapea, e lua isi ana fautasi sa fausia i
totonu o le teritori nei e le i maea, e mafua mai e le i faia se faigalotu e faapaia ai le amataina o ia galuega.
O le fausaga o le Paepaeulupoo II lea ua fausia nei e Leoitiiti,
e tutusa lelei lava ma le fausaga o le Sa a le afioaga o Vatia, lea
ua faalua ona mua i tuuga fautasi i totonu o le teritori talu ona
maea lona fausiaina.
I le faamausaliina e Leoititi o lana tautinoga i Alii o le Faleono
atoa ai ma le afioga o Aua, o le va’a lea o le a ia fausia e le muli i
se va’a, sa ia toe faatepa ai lona afioaga i ni isi o vaa sa ia fausia
na avea ma siamupini i tuuga ua mavae, e pei o le vaa o le Little
Rina mai Apia lea na ia fausia i le 2002, ma malaga mai ai ma
mua i le tuuga o le fu’a i Amerika Samoa nei, e faapena fo’i i le
Segavao na alo e tama aoga a Don Bosco, lea fo’i na sau iinei i
le 2006 ma mua ai.
E faapena fo’i le vaa a tama aoga a Samoana ma le Sa fou a
le afioaga o Vatia lea faatoa maea atu ona fau, o lo o tulaga lelei
uma lava i le taimi nei.
“Tusa lava pe i ai fausaga ‘high tech’ lea ua vaaia i ona po
nei, ou te tautino atu, e le muli lava le va’a lenei i se isi lava
va’a,” o folafolaga ia a Leoititi i luma o lona nuu.
O le maea ai o le faapaiaina o le galuega i le vaiaso nei, na
amata ai loa ona fausia le va’a fou o Aua ma le faamoemoe, e
tatau ona tausinio i tuuga fautasi o le fu’a o lenei tausaga.
Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia [email protected]
Autopsy: Nashville singer
shot in back of head
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — An autopsy for a Nashvillebased singer-songwriter who was killed by a bar owner shows
Wayne Mills was shot in the back of the head.
Bar owner Chris Ferrell has told police he shot Mills in selfdefense in the pre-dawn hours of Nov. 23. Ferrell says the two
got into an argument over the musician smoking a cigarette in
a no-smoking area of Ferrell’s Pit and Barrel bar in downtown
Mills was brought to Vanderbilt University Medical Center
at about 5:30 a.m. and died there about twelve hours later.
According to the autopsy from the Davidson County Medical Examiner’s Office, Mills died from the gunshot wound,
although he also had two broken ribs plus several bruises and
scrapes. The report said there was no evidence the gun was fired
at close range.
The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department has said its
investigation found the evidence did not support Ferrell’s selfdefense claim. He is charged with second degree murder and is
free on a $150,000 bond.
A call and email to Ferrell’s attorney, David Raybin, late
Friday afternoon were not immediately returned. Previously,
Raybin has said his client is not guilty of any degree of homicide.
A spokeswoman for Mills’ family, Beverley Keel, said
the family has no comment because the investigation is still
According to biographical information in his obituary and
memorial service announcement, Mills toured for more than 15
years as lead singer of the Wayne Mills Band. Country music
stars Jamey Johnson and Blake Shelton, as well as American
Idol winner Taylor Hicks, all opened for the band in their early
Le taimi na tu’itu’i ai e Alii o le Faleono a le afioaga o Aua fao e amata aloaia ai le galuega
mo le fausiaina o le fautasi fou a le afioaga, le Paepaeulupoo II, lea ua fausia e le tofa Leoititi
[ata: AF]
Maselino Ioane, o se tama fanau lava a le afioaga o Aua.
Governor Lolo outlines signif-
icant progress for DOH & LBJ
Joyetter Feagaimaali’i-Luamanu
Samoa News Reporter
Positive change is in store for the LBJ Medical Center according to Governor Lolo Matalasi
Moliga, who noted in his State of the Territory
address to the Fono that the hospital will soon
implement its new Telemedicine System, and
that system will be up and running by the middle
of this year. The Emergency Medical Services
(EMS) will also be launching their new ambulance service in Manu’a, in collaboration with
the Department of Health (DOH) beginning this
month. These are some of the improvements for
DOH and LBJ hospital announced by Governor
Lolo at the Fono opening this past Monday.
The new ambulance is funded by the USDA
grant, according to Lolo, who said the healthcare
infrastructure is slowly being transformed by the
formation of private healthcare providers, and a
private healthcare clinic is now in operation. He
said this trend will accelerate during the year if the
government’s current effort reaches fruition and
the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI)
is approved. The governor did not specify which
private clinic he was referring to. “The different
medical service components of the medical mall
will be run by privative businesses with the cost
of services eligible for Medicaid reimbursement,”
he noted. The governor also was proud to state
that the DOH had launched Operation Mata’ala,
which entails orchestration and implementation of
an exercise designed to demonstrate the capacity
of the DOH and its partners to manage, receive,
secure, store, stage, distribute and dispense the
Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) vaccines in a
public health simulated exercise.
The governor also reported that the hospital
has executed a partnership with the University of California-San Diego Medical School
to administer a new Physician Assessment and
Clinical Education (PACE) program to resolve
the existing problem with local licensing of foreign-trained local physicians who currently treat
patients under the supervision of a relatively
small number of licensed medical staff. Successful completion of this year-long local workforce development program will also help resolve
the territory’s licensed physician shortage, he
said. The new Telemedicine System he referred
to will be implemented by the first half of 2014,
with funding by the Hawai’i Chapter of the Shriners Foundation, to be used in collaboration with
DOH, ASCC, WHO and various university and
hospital partners such as Tripler Medicine, VA
Health Care System, Queen’s Hospital System,
Fiji National University, California System,
Centers for Disease Control. It is designated the
Hawaii based Mountain Pacific Quality Review
Organization and is part of LBJ’s new workforce
development strategy. The governor also noted
that the hospital has a new pharmacy automatic
refill system that has been successfully making
the process much more streamlined and efficient,
less labor intensive and cost effective, resulting
in significantly lower waiting times for patients.
The hospital also reported that it has a new
Dental Appointment system implemented to
make dental visits more streamlined and efficient,
and that the hospital has implemented successfully its lab improvements including new equipment and certified lab technologist training which
resulted in federal re-certification and accreditation through 2016.
The hospital held two groundbreakings in
December 2013, one for the construction of a
state-of-the art Dialysis Unit renovation and
expansion project, which is funded through
Department of Interior, and slated to be completed by summer 2014. This expansion will
double the current capacity, said the governor.
The other groundbreaking was for a new stateof-the art freestanding 10-bed inpatient/outpatient Forensic Mental Health Facility, designed to
improve mental health services to DPS inmates
but also to be certified by the federal government,
as a Mental Health provider for the US Army
Reserve, VA and Tri-Care beneficiaries with the
aim of making this unit the highest skilled psychiatric facility in the entire South Pacific Region
outside of Hawaii and New Zealand. The ground
breaking for this facility was also conducted last
year December. The new Mental Health facility
is being funded through DOI, DHSS, Veteran’s
Administration, the AG’s Office and DPS.
The hospital is also in the process of completing the design phase of the Operating room,
Labor and Delivery room, the Intensive Care
Unit and NICU (Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit)
renovation and expansion and these are slated to
be completed by February 2015. According to
the governor, the hospital also launched its mammography services funded by a generous donation from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day Saints. The hospital is also in the process of
purchasing and installing new CT-scanner, Ultrasound and Mobile X-Ray equipment. This diagnostic equipment is expected to be completed and
operational— including certified training of local
radiology technologists— by March 2014, and
funding is from DOI -supplied Capital Improvement Project funds. Lolo also pointed out that
the hospital and DOH held a joint Medical and
Dental Symposia— mainly focusing on NCDs
and workforce development— and the first ever
Clinical Skills fair was held in partnership with
DOH and World Health Organization.
Page 14
samoa news, Saturday, January 18, 2014
Talofa Video
Riddick • The Butler
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Pavaiai 699-7206 • Nuuuli 699-1888 • Fagatogo 633-2239
TO Members of the UTI Family and to all whom these present may come!
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MALIA FAIFUA of LELOALOA has offered for recording in this
office an instrument in writing which seeks to separate a certain structure which is or to be
erected, on land MULIAVA, allegedly belonging to UTI FAMILY of the village of LELOALOA. Said
land MULIAVA is situated in or near the village of LELOALOA in the County of MAOPUTASI, Island
of TUTUILA, American Samoa.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that any interested person may object to the recording of such
instrument by filing in the Territorial Registar’s Office in Fagatogo, a written objection to the
recording of said instrument. Any objections thereto must be filed with in 30 days from the date
of posting of this notice.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that if no such objections are filed within the said 30 day period,
the instrument will be recorded and shall be valid and binding on all persons. The said
instrument may be examined at any time at the Territorial Registrar’s Office.
JANUARY 9, 2014 thru FEBRUARY 10, 2014
Taito S.B. White, Territorial Registrar
I tagata o le aiga sa UTI, ma i latou uma e silasila ma lauiloaina lenei fa’aaliga!
O le fa’aaliga lenei ona o MALIA FAIFUA o le nu’u o LELOALOA ua ia fa’aulufaleina mai i lenei
ofisa se feagaiga tusitusi e fa’ailoa ai se mana’oga fia tu’u’eseina o se fale ua/po o le a, fa’atuina i
luga o le fanua o MULIAVA e fa’asino i le aiga sa UTI, o le nu’u o LELOALOA. O lenei fanua e
totonu pe latalata ane i le nu’u o LELOALOA, itumalo o MAOPUTASI, ile motu o TUTUILA, Amerika
O le fa’aaliga fo’i e fa’apea, so o se tasi e iai sona aia i lenei mata’upu e mafai ona fa’atu’i’iese
ile fa’amauina o lenei feagaiga pe a auina mai i le ofisa ole Resitara o le Teritori of Amerika Samoa
i Fagatogo, sana fa’atu’ese tusitusia. O fa’atu’iesega uma lava e ao ona fa’aulufaleina mai i totonu
o aso e 30 faitauina mai i le aso na faíaalia ai lenei fa’aaliga.
Afai ole a leai se fa’atu’i’esega e fa’aulufaleina i totonu o aso 30 e pei ona ta’ua i luga, o le a
fa’amauina loa lenei feagaiga e taualoaina ma ‘a’afia ai tagata uma.
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Times For Saturday,January 18,2014 - Sunday,January 19,2014
➧ AG’s Office not opposed to Child Abuse law…
Continued from page 1
instrument” that may be used to threaten a child. The amendment states that a dangerous instrument is any instrument, article, or substance, which under the circumstance in which it is used, is
readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury.
The second amendment deleted the words “mentally retarded” from the bill and replaced it
with a “person whose mental capacity has been determined by a health professional to be that of
someone under the age of 18.”
House members were disturbed about using the term “mentally retarded” in the bill and
believe it is no longer appropriate in this day and age.
On Thursday this week, the Senate Judiciary Committee, chaired by Sen. Soliai Tuipine Fuimaono, heard testimony from Deputy Attorney General Mitzie Jessop, who was accompanied
by Attorney General-nominee Talauega Eleasalo Ale, in his first Fono appearance since being
appointed to the post more than a week ago.
At the outset of the hearing, Soliai reminded committee members that the Senate has already
approved its version of this “very important bill” without any amendments and is now pending
in a House committee.
However, he said, the Senate now needs to hear directly from the AG’s Office on their opinion
of the House amendments, for clarification.
Talauega told the committee that Jessop had worked on the draft of this proposal from the
beginning and can provide sufficient input, or further explain in detail any information that is
needed by senators. He also pointed out that Sen. Afoa L.S. Lutu, the former attorney general,
could also provide additional input on the measure. (Afoa attended the hearing and spoke briefly
about the bill).
Jessop explained that after reading the House amendments, the AG’s Office could only identify two major changes and the first change was to delete “mentally retarded” and expand the
definition of a person with a mental disability.
She said there are some individuals in the community who are the age of adults, but who have
this disability, and therefore have the mentality of a child. “These members of the community
must be protected,” she said.
“In our opinion, this amendment does not change the substance of the bill” ... it “just further
improves and strengthens the bill,” Jessop said.
As for the second amendment, expanding the definition of “dangerous instrument,” Jessop
said this change further defines this provision, which is the same definition in the local Criminal
In other words, this amendment “just redefines it again,” she said and noted that the AG’s
Office does not oppose this change, either.
There were no specific questions from senators pertaining to the amendments, but Soliai did
remind his colleagues that there were concerns last year from some senators who don’t want the
bill to conflict with the rights of a parent to discipline a child.
He said this was also the same concern raised by some members of the public; however, current law does allow parents to discipline their children, as long as it does not result in the abuse of
a child. Additionally, this issue was made clear by the AG’s Office during last year’s committee
Jessop told the same committee last year that Samoans do discipline their children, “This
is how we [Samoans] teach our children right and wrong, and it’s important, it’s part of our
She then pointed out the bill does not prevent a parent from disciplining their children, noting
the bill targets cases — such as those that have reached the AG’s office — where parents have
abused their children by tying them up and beating them with a 2x4 piece of lumber.
This type of action is “more than just disciplining our children and that is what this bill seeks
to stop – that type of behavior,” the deputy AG said. “We also have situations where children are
not only tied up and beaten by their parents, but they (the children) are not fed, or given water.”
Normal parental discipline — cited in provision of current law ASCA 45.0103 — means “all
actions by parents, such as administration of blows by hand, strap, or light switch upon buttocks
or any firm handling, scolding or light taps, insufficient to seriously bruise or produce medical
injury or disability.”
Mai itulau 1
nuu e ala i soo se mea fai e pei o le alofa i le faifeau, atoa ai ma soo se faamoemoe o le nuu ou te
tautua ai fo’i, e ui o lea ou te aumau i Tutuila nei.”
E le gata la i le faaiuga ina ia faate’a le afioga Lefiti mai le faiganuu a Si’ufaga, ae sa toe faamautuina ai i lea fonotaga le faaiuga sa faia e tama o le nuu i ni tausaga ua mavae e fa’ate’a ai le
tofa Fofo mai totonu o le Faletolu i Ta’u, Manu’a.
“O le faaiuga lea ua faia nei, sei vagana lava ua usitaia e le tofa Fofo le faaiuga sa tuuina atu
i tausaga ua mavae, e pei o le totogiina lea o lana sala sa tuuina atu, ona faatoa toe fa’aa’e lea i
totonu o le nuu,” o le saunoaga lea a Nuanuaolefeagaiga.
Ina ua fesiligia e le Samoa News le tofa a Fofo i luga o le telefoni i le aso Tofi na te’a nei e uiga
i lenei mataupu, sa ia faamaonia mai ai le faaiuga e pei ona taua e le ali’i Senatoa faasaga ia te ia
i ni tausaga ua mavae.
Saunoa Fofo e faapea, o le faaiuga e faate’a ese ai o ia ma le nuu, sa faia pe a ma le sefulu
tausaga talu ai faatasi ai ma nisi o matai o le nuu, mulimuli ane na toe faaa’e matai na faate’a
fa’atasi latou ae totoe ai lava na o ia o lo o tumau pea ona fa’ate’a.
“O lo o i ai pea le finagalo o le nuu masalo ua atoa nei le 10 tausaga, ina ia faate’a a’u ma isi
to’oto’o mai le faiganuu, sa toe fo’i uma isi toeaiina i totonu o le nu’u se’i vagana ai lava a’o ou
te le i toe fo’i lava i totonu o le nu’u,” o le saunoaga lea a Fofo.
“Sa i ai ni nai taimi sa iou taumafai ai e toe fo’i i totonu o le nuu, pe a ma le fa’alua, peita’i sa
fautuaina a’u e toeaiina o lo o faia le nuu i le taimi nei, ou te fa’atali laititi se’i i ai se aso, ae ou te
iloa pau le auala e mafai ai ona ou toe fo’i i totonu o le nu’u, o le totogi o la’u sala ona kilia loa lea
o mea uma,” o le saunoaga lea a Fofo.
Sa ia taua fo’i e faapea, o lo o ia nofo faatali pea i le taimi e valaau atu ai le nu’u ia te ia e toe
fo’i atu, ona ia usitaia fo’i lea o le finagalo o le nuu.
Saunoa Fofo, talu ai o ia o se matai tausi aiga ma fai nuu lelei, o le mafua’aga lena na te
fa’aaloalogia ai le faaiuga a lona nu’u.
© 2014
Feso’ota’i mai i le tusitala ia [email protected]
samoa news, Saturday, January 18, 2014 Page 15
Hans Klok performs during the 38th Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival in Monaco, Thursday, Jan. 16, 2014. The International Circus Festival will take
(AP Photo/Valery Hache, Pool)
place from January 16 to January 26, 2014. De Blasio expands NYC paid sick leave law
York City Mayor Bill de
Blasio touted an expansion
of the city’s paid sick leave
law Friday, the first legislative accomplishment of his
administration and a muscular display of the new, leftleaning government running
the nation’s largest city.
More than half a million
New Yorkers will receive
paid sick days thanks to the
bill, which will be fast-tracked
through the City Council.
The new speaker of the
council, Melissa Mark-Viverito, stood with de Blasio outside a Brooklyn restaurant to
announce the legislation, long
a dream of liberal politicians
and activists, but her presence
seemed indicative of more.
Mark-Viverito is the liberal
de Blasio’s ideological match
and a partner at the controls of
She leads a council that
largely shares de Blasio’s
beliefs and appears poised
to rubber-stamp much of
his agenda, a sharp contrast
between the often contentious relationship between
the council and the previous
mayor, Michael Bloomberg.
Mark-Viverito, who was
elected speaker last week by
her council colleagues, is a
longtime ally of de Blasio.
The mayor took the unusual
step of lobbying council members to choose her, a practice
that some critics felt under-
mined the government’s system
of checks-and-balances.
De Blasio made it clear that
on this issue, the mayor and
the council were speaking with
one voice.
“This City Hall is going be
on the side of working families all over this city,” he said.
“We’re going to work hard and
we’re going to work together
— both sides of City Hall —
to make sure that this will be
one city where everyone rises
The winding history of the
paid sick legislation, which
was first discussed more
than four years ago, offers a
window into the changed relationship between council and
mayor. Bloomberg, a Repub-
lican-turned-independent who
held pro-business policies,
opposed the paid sick legislation for fears that it would
burden small businesses.
He pressured then-Speaker
Christine Quinn, a sometimes ally, to stall the legislation over the cries of several
elected officials.
One of those was de Blasio,
then the public advocate, who
turned paid sick days into a
campaign issue in last year’s
mayoral race.
Under intense pressure
from the left during the Democratic primary that she was
also running in, Quinn eventually caved, offering a watereddown version of the bill that
mandated that businesses with
The American Samoa Women’s Business Center (ASWBC) begins its next training cycle, offered at no cost
to women and military veterans in the Territory. Two new programs are offered this cycle:
1. Customer Service Training with an emphasis on English language skills for the workplace.
2. Roundtables – informal discussions held weekly on a variety of business & employment topics.
Call the ASWBC for the week’s topic.
Mondays & Wednesdays,
Mondays and Wednesdays,
Mondays & Wednesdays,
Tuesdays & Thursdays,
9:00am – 12:00pm
1:00pm – 4:00pm
5:00pm – 7:00pm
9:00am – 12:00pm
Tuesdays & Thursdays,
1:00pm – 4:00pm
– Basic Computer Literacy
– Financial Literacy for Adults
– Weekly Roundtables (call in for weekly topic)
– Customer Service/Emphasis on developing
English skills for the Workplace
– Advanced Computer Training
To register, please call 699-8739 or 699-6579 from January 15th to January 22nd, 2014. Register early as
class sizes are limited. First come, first served.
15 or more employees offer at
least five sick days a year.
That bill was to go into
effect in April.
It will now be superseded
by the new legislation, which
will be introduced at a council
meeting next week and is
assured of passage.
The new bill requires businesses that employ more than
five workers to offer the same
five sick days a year to be used
if the employee or a family
member falls ill.
The expansion also removes
exemptions for the manufacturing sector, eliminates a provision that would have allowed
some businesses to not offer
coverage until 2015 and gets
rid of measures that could have
stalled the implantation of sick
days based on certain citywide
economic benchmarks.
The new law would bring
New York closer in line to
cities that already have paid
sick days legislation, like
Seattle and San Francisco.
“Under this legislation, the
lives of over a half-million
New Yorkers will be immeasurably better,” de Blasio
said outside a restaurant in
the Bushwick neighborhood.
“Families will be stronger
and more stable because they
will have paid sick leave
Some small businesses
have feared that having to
pay employees for sick days
would produce an economic
A leading business group,
the Partnership for New York
City, offered a measured
endorsement of de Blasio’s
“Our hope is that these
amendments to the current law
will expand protection to more
workers who need it, but avoid
undue hardship on employers,”
said Kathy Wylde, head of the
Page 16
samoa news, Saturday, January 18, 2014
Fly UP