
28 Italian Songs and Arias of the Seventeenth and

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28 Italian Songs and Arias of the Seventeenth and
28 Italian Songs and Arias of the
Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
G. Schirmer
Based on the editions by Alessandro Parisotti
Edited by Richard Walters
Includes historical notes, word-for-word translations, and IPA.
Available with a CD of accompaniments and recorded diction lessons.
In addition to the original Schirmer “24” these songs have been added:
Delizie contente (Cavalli) • Intorno all’idol mio (Cesti) •
O leggiadri occhi belli (Anonymous) • Sento nel core (A. Scarlatti)
Book only, $9.99, and Book/CDs versions, $17.99
High Voice NEW
Useful for high, light soprano voices and the
occasional tenor with an especially high natural voice.
50490104 Book only $9.99
50490105 Book/CDs $17.99
Medium High Voice
These are the keys originally available in
24 Italian Songs & Arias, Medium High Voice.
50485628 Book only $9.99
50485630 Book/CDs $17.99
Medium Voice NEW
Useful for mezzo-sopranos and high baritones.
50490106 Book only $9.99
50490107 Book/CDs $17.99
Medium Low Voice
These are the keys originally available in
24 Italian Songs & Arias, Medium Low Voice.
50485629 Book only $9.99
50485631 Book/CDs $17.99
Low Voice NEW
Useful especially for basses.
50490108 Book only $9.99
50490109 Book/CDs $17.99
See reverse side for keys for all five volumes.
28 Italian Songs and Arias of the
Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
G. Schirmer
Keys in Five Editions
Alma del core
B-flat Major A Major F Major
A minor
G minor
F-sharp minor
Caro mio ben
F Major
E-flat Major
D Major
Che fiero costume
A minor
G minor
F minor
G minor
G minor
E minor
Come raggio di sol
C minor
B-flat minor
A minor
Danza, danza
Delizie contente
A minor
G minor
F minor
A Major
A-flat Major
G Major
Già il sole dal Gange
F minor
E minor
D minor
Intorno all’idol mio
Lasciatemi morire!
G minor
F minor
E minor
C Major
B-flat Major
A-flat Major
Le violette
Nel cor più non mi sento
G Major
F Major
E Major
G minor
G minor
E minor
Non posso disperar
G minor
F minor
E-flat minor
O cessate di piagarmi
A minor
G minor
F minor
F-sharp minor F minor
E-flat minor
O del mio dolce ardor
O leggiadri occhi belli
C Major
B-flat Major
A-flat Major
Per la gloria d’adorarvi
A-flat Major
G Major
E-flat Major
D minor
D minor
B minor
Pietà, Signore!
Pur dicesti, o bocca bella
F Major
E Major
D Major
Quella fiamma che m’accende
B-flat minor
A minor
F minor
Se Florindo è fedele
B-flat Major
A-flat Major
G Major
Se tu m’ami
A minor
G minor
F minor
Sebben, crudele
F minor
E minor
D minor
Sento nel core
G minor
F minor
E minor
Tu lo sai
F Major
E Major
D Major
Vergin, tutt’amor
D minor
C minor
B minor
Vittoria, vittoria!
D Major
C Major
B-flat Major
E Major
F minor
C Major
E minor*
D minor
G minor
E minor
E-flat Major
C minor
C minor
G Major*
E-flat Major
D minor
D minor
E minor
D minor
G Major
D Major
A minor
C Major E minor
F Major
E minor
C minor
D minor
C Major
A minor
A Major
D Major
D minor
B-flat Major
D minor
C minor
F-sharp minor
D minor
D Major
B minor
B minor
E-flat Major
D-flat Major
C minor
C minor
D minor
C minor
F Major
C Major
G minor
B-flat Major
D minor
E-flat Major
D minor
B-flat minor
C minor
B-flat Major
G minor
G Major
*After adding High Voice, Medium Voice and Low Voice editions to the original Medium High Voice and Medium Low Voice editions,
this Medium Low key has been or will be changed on reprint.
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