
Jacques Ziller

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Jacques Ziller
Dr. Jacques Ziller, PhD
Born 1951, French nationality, Full Professor of European Union Law at the University of
Pavia, Department of Political and Social Sciences.
Coordinator of the PhD programme Istituzioni, Amministrazione e Politiche Regionali IAPR.
Member of the Consiglio di Gestione and the Direzione Scientifica, Fondazione
Universitaria per la Formazione delle Amministrazioni Pubbliche FUAP.
Member of the Consiglio scientifico, Fondazione Romagnosi
Studied at Paris II and Paris IV Universities as well as at the Paris Institute of Political Studies
(Sciences Po). Doctor’s degree in law from Paris II University (Doctorat d’Etat en droit), postgraduate diplomas (Dipômes d’Etudes supérieures) in public law and political science, graduate
diploma of the Paris Institute of Political Studies (Dipômes de l’IEP de Paris), as well as a graduate
diploma (Licence ès lettres) in German language and literature.
Has been teaching French public law and comparative public law, European community law and
international law, as well as public administration as an assistant professor at Paris II University
(1980-1985), as an associate professor at ESSEC Business School (Cergy-Pontoise, 1980-1985) and
later as a professor at the University of French West-Indies and Guyana (Guadeloupe-FWI, 19891991) and at University Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne (1992-2007 – on secondment from 1/09/1998
to 30/09/2007). Professor of Comparative Public Law the European University Institute, Florence
from September 1st 1998 until 2008. Head of the Law Department from 1 October 1999 to 31
October 2003.
Specialized in research and training for senior civil servants in the fields of comparative public
administration and management and also in the field of European affairs and regional integration
when working as a lecturer and later an associate professor at the European Institute of Public
Administration (IEAP/EIPA-Maastricht, The Netherlands, 1986-1989) and Director of research and
publications at the International Institute of Public Administration (IIAP, Paris, France, 1992 -1995).
Chief Editor of the Revue française d’Administration publique from January 1992 to September
1995. Visiting Professor at the College of Europe (Bruges, Belgium) from 1993 to 1998, and at the
Universitat Autonoma (Barcelona, Spain) from 1994 to 1997.
Member of the Scientific Council of the Deutsches Forschungsinstituts für öffentliche Verwaltung bei
der deutschen Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer, of the Academic Advisory Board, Salzburg
Centre of European Union Studies, of the Steering Committee of Euro-Latin Study Network on Integration
and Trade – ELSNIT.
Member of the Excecutive Committee of Societas Iuris Publici Europaei (SIPE), Coordinator and
Member of the Steering Committee of ReNEUAL (Research Network on EU Administrative Law).
Former member of the Steering Committe of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPAGEAP, Bruxelles) : 1993-1996 and 2004-2010 and of the Program Committee of the International
Association of Schools and Institutes or Administration (AIEIA/IASIA)
Consultant to the European Parliament, to the European Commission and to the Committee of the
Regions of the European Union. Consultant to OECD (Puma and Sigma programs). . Member of
the working group which produced the reports A Basic Treaty for the European Union, (EUI-Robert
Schuman Centre), 15 May 2000 and Reforming the Treaties’ Amendment Procedures, 31 July 2000. Expert
for the Committee of Regions for the European Convention on (2002-2003).
Member of the Association française de Droit Constitutionnel, Associazione Italiana Giuristi Europei
(AIGE, member of the Scientific council), Associazione Italiana dei Professori di Diritto
amministrativo, Comité pour l’Etude des Communautés européennes (CEDECE), Istitut Français
des Sciences Administratives (IFSA), Societas Iuris Publici Europaei (SIPE, Member of the
Executive Committee), and the Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer
Member of the Editing board or Scientific council of: Revista de Derecho de la Unión Europea,
Revista de Estudios Autonómicos y federales, Revue française d'Administration publique, Revue
Internationale de droit économique, Revue Juridique, Politique et Economique de la Nouvelle
Calédonie, Rivista Cittadinanza europea, Rivista Diritto della Cultura , Rivista Italiana di Diritto
Pubblico Comunitario, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, Uprava –
Administration, del Yearbook of Polish European Studies, Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht e della
collana Réflexe Europe, la Documentation française.
Languages :
French (native speaker), Dutch, English, German, Italian, Spanish; Portuguese
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