
Convegno 27-28 marzo_FINALE

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Convegno 27-28 marzo_FINALE
With patronage of:
Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere
under the auspices of Commissione Nazionale Italiana per l’UNESCO
Sala Opus sectile di Porta Marina, detail
With participation of:
World Theatre Day
We wish to thank the Embassy of
Ireland for the wine kindly offered for
The playwrights’ works have been translated into Italian by Alfredo Agostini,
Francesco Chiaro, Antonio Dino Clemente, Margherita De Angelis, Flavia Franco,
Martina Giuliani, Sara Papini, Maria Angela Sajeva during a Seminar conducted by
Dott. Valentina Rapetti as part of the project “Donne Fuori Scena”.
We are also grateful to Flavia Franco for assistance with the organization of the
Comitato scientifico: Maria Anita Stefanelli, Carla De Petris, Sabrina Vellucci, Valentina
World Theatre Day was conceived at the World
Congress of the UNESCO International Theatre
Institute in Vienna (ITI) in 1961. It is celebrated
annually on the 27th March. Every year a figure of
world stature is invited to pronounce a message on
the theme of theatre and a culture of peace.
“A long time ago, those in power resolved their
intolerance of ‘comedians’ by banishing them from
the country. Today, actors and theater companies
have trouble finding public spaces, theaters and
audiences—everything because of the crisis”:
with such daunting words Dario Fo – a playwright,
theatre director, actor, composer, and recipient of
the 1997 Nobel Prize in Literature – opened 2013
International Theatre Institute’s World Theatre Day
This Conference is intended to contribute reflections
on the theme of gender and violence and have
a number of women playwrights from Italy and
English-speaking countries read from works of their
own centered on the same theme.
The author of the Message of World Theatre Day
2014 is the South African playwright, designer,
director and installation maker Brett Bailey.
Performing Gender and Violence in
Contemporary National and
Transnational Contexts
starring women playwrights from Italy and the
English-speaking world
Sala Opus sectile di Porta Marina
Sala Conferenze “Ignazio Ambrogio”
via del Valco di San Paolo, 19
March 27 - 28, 2014
Thursday, March 27 - Sala Ignazio Ambrogio
Direttore del Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture
Straniere, Giuseppe Grilli
Embassy of Ireland Cultural Attaché, Sarah Cooney
Maria Anita Stefanelli (Università Roma Tre), Conference
Chair: Masolino D’Amico
Cathy Leeney (University College Dublin), Making Visible:
Theatres of Marina Carr and Caryl Churchill
Valentina Rapetti (Università Roma Tre)
Interview with Marina Carr
Marina Carr reads from Marble
Valentina Rapetti, Crumbling Walls, Shifting Identities: Space
and Gender in Marina Carr’s Marble
Museo dell’Alto Medio Evo, viale Lincoln 3
(meeting point: Metro “Marconi” – Upstairs)
Visit to the Museum
Sala Opus sectile di Porta Marina
Direttore del Museo dell’Alto Medio Evo, Mirella
Presidente della Commissione Nazionale Italiana per
l’UNESCO, Giovanni Puglisi
Maria Anita Stefanelli introduces the playwrights
Tamara Bartolini reads from Carmen che non vede l’ora
Betta Cianchini reads from Storie di donne morte
Fausta Squatriti introduces Macelleria (video)
Lucilla Lupaioli reads from Mamma Colomba
Wine Refreshments
19.30 Carrozzerie n.o.t. (nostra officina teatrale), via
Panfilo Castaldi, 28/a
11.10 Coffee break
Performances by Carolyn Gage and Angela Maria Sajeva
(Carolyn Gage’s Patricide), Elena Fazio and Leonardo
Gambardella (Marina Carr’s Marble) Gabrielle Chiararo,
Rishad Noorani, and Fabiana De Rose (George Elliott
Clarke’s Beatrice Chancy)
Chair: Caterina Ricciardi
Giulio Marra (Università di Venezia, Ca’ Foscari), Black
Canadian Theatre
Chair: Giulio Marra
Maria Anita Stefanelli (Università Roma Tre)
Interview with Erin Shields
Erin Shields reads from If We Were Birds
Maria Anita Stefanelli, Turning Muteness into Performance
in Erin Shields’ If We Were Birds
13.00 Lunch
Friday, March 28 – Sala Ignazio Ambrogio
Chair: Cristina Giorcelli
Sabrina Vellucci (Università Roma Tre)
Interview with Carolyn Gage
Carolyn Gage reads from The Second Coming of Joan of Arc
Sabrina Vellucci, “To Put My Life Back into the Main Text”:
Re-Dressing History in The Second Coming of Joan of Arc by
Carolyn Gage
11.15 Coffee break
Alessandro Clericuzio (Università di Perugia)
Interview with Raquel Almazan
Raquel Almazan reads from La Paloma Prisoner
Alessandro Clericuzio, On La Paloma Prisoner: Gender, Love
and National Identity Behind Bars
12.45 Lunch
Chair: Carla De Petris
Marinella Rocca Longo (Università Roma Tre)
Interview with Van Badham
Van Badham reads from and The Bull, the Moon and the
Coronet of Stars
Marinella Rocca Longo, Cannibals and Beasts: the Mythical
World of Love for Van Badham?
Chair: Maria Anita Stefanelli
Melissa Sihra (Trinity College Dublin), Violence in Theatre,
Theatre as Violence; Re-imagining the Obscene in Sarah Kane
and Marina Carr
Kate Burke (University of Virginia), Vocal and Verbal
19.30 Carrozzerie n.o. t. (nostra officina teatrale)
20.00 Dinner
21.00 Performances by Silvia Zoffoli and Andrea Bardi
(Van Badham’s The Bull, the Moon and the Coronet of Stars),
Silvia Consoli, Antonio De Stefano, Guido Del Vento,
Martina Montini, Fabio Minicillo, Sarah Nicolucci, Giulia
Paoletti, Veronica Pinna, Armando Quaranta, and Sofia
Storniolo (Lucilla Lupaioli’s Falsae Praetextae including Erin
Shields’ If We Were Birds).
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