
Curriculum vitae - Dipartimento di Fisica

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Curriculum vitae - Dipartimento di Fisica
Curriculum vitae
Updated: March 2015
Angelo Bozzola
Born 19th February 1986
Brescia, Italy
Via Bassi 6
27100, Pavia, Italy
+39 0382 987486
+39 333 4341647
[email protected]
Angelo Bozzola
My research activity focuses on the design and numerical modelling of photonic
structures for sunlight harvesting and optical communications. I also have a basic
background in electro-optical characterization of photovoltaic materials and solar
cells. I am author of 20 papers in peer-reviewed journals and international
conference proceedings. I am a hands-on person, with good communication and
organisation skills. I enjoy tackling new scientific problems, and working in an
international and interdisciplinary environment.
 Apr 2014 – Apr 2015: Post Doc researcher (“Assegnista di ricerca”) in the
field of Silicon Photonics, University of Pavia (Italy).
o Design and numerical modelling of grating couplers
o European project FABULOUS (FP-7-ICT-2011-8)
 Nov 2013 – Apr 2014: Research fellowship (“Borsista di ricerca”) in the
field of Photonics and Photovoltaics, University of Pavia (Italy).
o Theoretical and experimental investigation of hybrid photovoltaic devices
incorporating fluorescent concentrators and photonic nanostructures (a national
patent application is currently pending)
o National project “Fotonica per sistemi fotovoltaici basati su concentratori
fluorescenti”, in collaboration with ENI S.p.a. and the University of Genova (Italy)
 Nov 2010 – Oct 2013: PhD in Physics (Photonics and Photovoltaics),
University of Pavia, Photonics and Nanostructures Group.
o Thesis title: Thin film silicon solar cells with photonic light trapping [PDF]
o Contents: Theoretical (numerical and analytic) investigation of the optical and
electrical properties of thin-film silicon solar cells with photonic crystal structures
for light trapping.
o Supervisor: Prof. Lucio Claudio Andreani
o Defence date: 30th June 2014
 July 2013: Visiting PhD student, IMEC, Belgium.
o Training program in fabrication and characterization of thin-film silicon solar cells
o Supervisor: Dr. Valerie Depauw
 Nov 2012 – Apr 2013: Assistant supervisor for the Master thesis of Dr.
Matteo Farina, Curriculum of Condensed Matter and Physics, University of
 July 2011: International school of Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy:
Plasmonic, Photonic Crystals and Sub-Wavelength Resolution. Ettore
Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy.
 Oct 2005 – Oct 2010: Master Degree in Physical Science (Curriculum
Condensed Matter and Physics), University of Pavia (Italy).
o Thesis title: Progettazione e realizzazione di un apparato sperimentale per la misura
di efficienza quantica in celle fotovoltaiche (“Design and realisation of an
experimental set-up for the measurement of quantum efficiency of photovoltaic cells”)
o Level (in national classification): 110 / 110 cum laude
 Oct 2005 – May 2011: Second Level Degree in Science and Technology
(“Diploma di Licenza di secondo livello”), IUSS, Pavia (Italy).
 Italian → Native
 English → Fluent
Most recent: L. C. Andreani, A. Bozzola, P. Kowalczewski, and M. Liscidini,
“Photonic light trapping and electrical transport in thin-film silicon solar cells”,
Sol. En. Mat. & Sol. Cells (2014). DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2014.10.012
Papers in peer-reviewed journals: 7 (4 as first author)
International conference proceedings: 13 (7 as first author)
Talks at international conferences: 6 (3 invited)
Poster presentations: 6
The full list of publications is attached.
See also my personal WebPages on Google Scholar and Research Gate.
 Computing for Optics and Photonics
o Rigorous Coupled Wave Analysis method
o Finite-Difference Time-Domain methods (experience in the commercial software
Lumerical FDTD Solutions)
 Programming: Fortran 90, Lumerical FDTD Solutions with scripts, Labview
 Lab
o Spectroscopic measurements for photovoltaic materials
o Electro-optical characterization of photovoltaic devices (quantum efficiency,
current-voltage curve)
 Data analysis: OriginLab, Microsoft Excel
 Communication:
o Working in an international and interdisciplinary research environment, with
academic and industrial partners
o Strong publication record and experience in oral and visual presentation at
international conferences (5 conference attended a year)
 Referee for Optics Express, IOP New Journal of Physics and Journal of Optics,
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, and Microelectronic Engineering
 Project management:
o Actively involved in three Italian projects related to Photovoltaics:
- ENI S.p.A. research contract 2011-2014 "Photonics for photovoltaic systems
based on fluorescent concentrators"
- Fondazione Cariplo 2010-2013 "Nanophotonics for thin-film photovoltaics"
- Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lombardia 2010-2011 "Laboratorio per il
o Executed and reported on the EU FP-7 project FABULOUS
 Lucio Claudio Andreani
Professor in Condensed Matter Physics
University of Pavia (Italy)
e-mail: [email protected]
 Marco Liscidini
Associate Professor in Photonics
University of Pavia (Italy)
e-mail: [email protected]
 Davide Comoretto
Professor in Industrial Chemistry
University of Genova (Italy)
e-mail: [email protected]
 Valerie Depauw
Research Engineer at IMEC (Belgium)
e-mail: [email protected]
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