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Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley, DiSG Biblioteca DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 Lesson-based content on the Disg ebook reader DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 DISG e-book reader project lesson-based content to go Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 More than 5% Worse than -10% Between 0% and 5% Between -5% and 10% Between -5% and 0% Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 US library materials spending to fall by 4% in the US and 2% globally Work with scholars to access to their lecture notes, data sets, project notes, papers, etc. in virtual research environments and open digital repositories Collaborate with ICT staff to develop online tutorials and create local digital collections Engage with students to better connect with them, hence more SOCIAL/MOBILE Liaise with other librarians to share resources Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 Collaborate with faculty to integrate library resources into the curriculum DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 Increased collaboration to expand the role of the library within the institution and beyond Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 Utilizzo di tecnologie basate su editoria digitale per l’insegnamento, l’apprendimento e la specializzazione nei corsi di tecnica delle costruzioni presso il DISG (Bontempi, Crowley, Arangio, Petrini, Crosti, Gentili, Sgambi, Giuliani) Primi corsi universitari coinvolti • Costruzioni metalliche – 6CFU – 30 studenti • Modellazione dei sistemi strutturali – 6CFU – 10 studenti • Progettazione strutturale antincendio – 9CFU – 30 studenti Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 • Tecnica delle costruzioni – 12 CFU – 120 studenti Per ogni corso: dispense, appunti, esercizi, articoli, capitoli in libri, normative… Contenuti graduati in contenuti di base, approfondimenti, specialistici.. Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 Che cosa vuole il nostro utente? • Mettere in relazione utenti e contenuti per migliorare il grado di usabilità e fruibilità • Knowledge map del “corso” elaborato insieme con i docenti/studenti (knowledge retrieval and organisation), da gestire con un knowledge system • Information design – l’abilità e la pratica di preparare l’informazione così che le persone possano usarla con efficienza e efficacia. Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 Scegliere e organizzare il contenuto • Sapienza e-resources (ebooks, articles…) • Norms and standards • Approved web content Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 • Didactic material (lecture notes, exercises, modelling…) go! • how e-book readers could be used in a library setting • explore ways of using new technology in teaching • respond to explosive use of mobile devices (e-readers, ipads, smart devices, ecc.) Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 to stay or to DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 Elsevier & Disg together for excellence Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 Loan out e-book readers with course materials and readings pre-loaded Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 • Define academics – I am what I read • Sign of success • Professional promotion and status • Permit extended analysis • Occupies a space, identifiable authors, and format is stable • Looks like the printed book • but - unbound - instant access - linkages - interactive (commentators, readers, authors and editors – worldwide!) Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 450 years of printed books ..only a few years of digital books DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 US Trade Wholesale Electronic Book Sales Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 E-book explosion Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 • Dr Stephen Bury, British Library's Head of European and American Collections: “This is not the end of the book as we know it. The book in its physical form will remain important for so many reasons, but the incredible versatility of the new e-readers makes them perfect for researchers, allowing easy access to a wealth of information including previously rare and out of print material. This exhibit gives our researchers a chance to play around with some of the devices currently available, and explore how they can be used to complement existing printed collections in the 21st century.” Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 British Library to lend e-book readers "con l'adozione dell'e-book" si dà "una mano alle famiglie e un sollievo agli studenti. Il libro in versione digitale scaricabile da internet permetterà infatti ai genitori di risparmiare limitando al massimo la spesa per i libri di testo, e allo stesso tempo i ragazzi non saranno più costretti ad andare a scuola caricando sulle spalle zainetti troppo pesanti". …A partire dall'anno scolastico 2011-2012, il collegio dei docenti adotta esclusivamente libri utilizzabili nelle versioni on line scaricabili da internet o al massimo le versioni "miste", quelle cioè che integrano sezioni digitali e cartacee. Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 Il ministro Gelmini ''promuove'' il libro di testo elettronico •CIBER study, looking ahead to the state of virtual libraries in 2017, says ebooks will be the default format for textbooks, scholarly books, and reference works. •Springer study found that users primarily access ebooks for research, and that users skim rather than engage in extended reading sessions. •Jisc study (UK) found that 60 percent of users surveyed had used ebooks, 46% through their library, and 43% via the internet. Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 …. recent studies DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 • • • • • • DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 Sony-reader strengths were that is was: Good for sequential, narrative reading Annotation features (as well as audio) Easy on the eyes Page turning easy on touch screen Portablility, and work more on the move Print less Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 • In a social world build relationships with our users in their learning and research spaces • As the internet becomes more individualistic move away from traditional to PERSONAL LEARNING SPACES • Deliver tools and customized content and ensure ensure they know how to use it. • Be prepared ! Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 Serving the academic community online 1) Books are to be read 2) Every person his or her book 3) Every book its reader 4) Save the time of the reader 5) The library is a growing organism Thank-you! [email protected] Handling exceptions in structural engineering MJ Crowley 09/07/2010 DOI : 10.3267/HE2010 The Five Laws of Librarians