dale blrlh d~imITifil~yy
ANNEX A Model Appllcation on Plaln Paper (fiI! up the parts with a grey background) The Rector LUrSS libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carll do Academic Personnel Office Viale Pola 12 0019a Rome (Italy) 5ubject: Applicalion for candidacy for competition bearing code GIUR·RIC·07/2013 The undersigned lcand,dala 5 surnllrne and "eme) born in (sa. M'F) on [dy cr fnr~IQn country of finiti) (dale blrlh d~imITifil~yy) APPLlE5 for admission to the comparative evaluation procedure announced by lUISS Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli for the awarding of one full-lime private-sector fixed-term contraet of dependent employment as a researcher, for an initial Ihree-year term posslbly renewable for a further two-year term, far research, teaching and student services, far the 12/G1 - Criminal Lawarea In the IUS/17 - Cri minai Lawacademic discipline iI,,,jlal~ alld rlame ollna c~m~~II!Ion ~rBa) Law at the Department of GIUR·RIC·0712013 bearing competition code To that end I declare under my own responsibility that: a. I am resident in (poSi code) (CI1y or r"5Idencn) address (slrBbl narne) (rlumbar, country of residence (fili in only If other than Italy) b. I hO Id the following cllizens~h~ip~:~ -'('~"li"""~,h~"",----------------------- c I elect a contaci address far the purposes of the competition at (fili in on!y if differenl from residence)' (prOVlnCB) (ciFjj (posi rode) address (nurllbar) (sire,,') country (if other than Italy) d. my tax number is: e. my e-mail address is: I. my telephone number is. (lor recal~IIIQ corr-espolldellr.e HDm Lul!!.S GUide Can. lo.. IhB purpcses or the cornpe!lHonj Includ"IQ Inlamallonal p",llx iior biiong Loniaa~d b~ LUiSS Gu,dù Cani for me purpa<es nl \ne compahuon) undertaking to timely communlcate any and ali changes; g. I hold the following universily qualifications: (degroo re,earcn dOcloralel h. I am capable of teachlng courses and writing research reports also in English, fulfil ali of the requisites specified in article 2 of the competilion announcement and do not fall within the scope of any of the excluslons referred to in that sa me article 2; I do noi hold any other position or if I do I will give il up if I am awarded the contract, j. I have no criminal record; k. I enjoy my dvii and politlcal rights in my country of residence or origino I attach the following to this application: 1. academic and professional curriculum vitae; 2. lisi of qualifications and publications; 3. qualifications, publications and work lhat J intend to submit far comparative evaluation, for a total of 4. research doctorate thesis (lf any): 5. photocopy of a valid Identily document. I I Pur5uant lo Legislative Decree No 196 o, 30 June 2003 as amended ì'0u are Informed thallhe processlng or YOLlr personal dala by LUISS Guido Carll IS done electronlcaliy and manually by LUISS GUido Carll facuity and employee$ D1" by otMI persons appolnled by the UnlverSI!y to handle thls comparallve e~aluat,on fD1" Ihe purpcses or managing thls comparatl\le evaluallon procedure, publiclslng Ihe relevanl acls and Doss.blì' award,ng 11"",& contracI The glvlng of lhe dala IS optional but essenllai for the seiectlon procedure )'aur rlghls under arllcle 7 01 Legislative Decree No 196r;>:003 may be ellercised by conlactlng lhe dala proce~sor Mr Francesco Span6, Heed 01 Human Reso"rces al LUISS GUido Carll )'our Signature authorlses LU iSS GUido Carll lo process your personal data for the atlO\le DurDoses (piace) \dale ddirtiminLl lIe9loie 5lgrlaMe) ~--------------------------------------------- Annex B Model Envelope Label _.-_._._._._._._._._._._.-._._._.-. __ _._._._._._.-._.-- .... Sender: (sl.Irname and name) Address: (strse! name ) (number, (lorelgn country) Subject: application to participate in the comparative evaluation for one position as a fixed-term researcher pursuant article 24, paragraph 3, subparagraph a), of Law No. 240/2010: in the 12/G1 - Criminal Law; in the IUS/17· Criminal Law academic discipline; at the Department of Law; bearing competition code GIUR-RIC-07/2013_ AI Magnifico Rettore della LUISS Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli cIo Settore Personale Docente Viale Pola 12 00198 Roma (Italy)