
Enrico ANGUILLARI URBACT III Pool of validated experts

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Enrico ANGUILLARI URBACT III Pool of validated experts
Curriculum Vitae
2971/C Cannaregio, Venice, 30121, Italy
+39 0415244246
+39 328156 6613
[email protected]
Skype enrico.anguillari
Sex Male | Date of birth 31/01/1972 | Nationality Italian
URBACT III Pool of validated experts
13 years (2003 - present)
Oct. 2014; Oct. 2012
Architect, Urban & Landscape designer
Veneto Progetti S.C., Treviso, Italy
▪ Urban Planning Invitation to Tender (ITT), Town Plan of Olbia
▪ Urban Planning Invitation to Tender (ITT), Town Plan of Monfalcone
Mar. - May 2014; May - Aug.
Sistemi Territoriali Spa, Rovigo, Italy
▪ Landscape Report - D.C.P.M. December the 12 , 2005, Relazione Paesaggistica per
l’Adeguamento del ponte Canozio sull’idrovia Fissero - Tartaro - Canalbianco - Po di Levante ai
parametri della Classe V della navigazione fluviale europea in località S.Apollinare (Ro).
Adeguamento delle rampe stradali.
▪ Landscape Report - D.C.P.M. December the 12 , 2005, Relazione Paesaggistica degli interventi per
la messa in sicurezza del Canale di Valle. Realizzazione di uno sbarramento mobile per la difesa del
canale dalle piene del fiume Brenta. Progetto preliminare.
Oct. - Nov. 2010
University Iuav of Venice, Italy
▪ Networking project of the Po Delta Region facilities, oriented to strengthening tourism and slow
July 2008 - Mar. 2010
Municipality of Roncegno Terme, Trento, Italy / University of Trento, Italy
▪ Town Plan of Roncegno Terme.
I was part of the project team of the Town Plan; I was mostly involved in urban settlement design
and research activities; Coordinator: prof. Corrado Diamantini.
Sviluppo Italia SpA – Regione del Veneto, Italy
▪ Advisoring and technical support for the development of the Feasibility Studies on Po di LevanteCanal Bianco river.
Supervisors Prof. R. Mascarucci, Prof. M.C. Tosi.
Studio Associato Bernardo Secchi, Paola Viganò, Milano, Italy
▪ Development Plan for Les Hauts de Rouen/Vallon – France.
I was responsible for preparing the preliminary design and the guidelines document.
Sept. 2003 - Aug. 2004
IUAV Studi&Progetti - ISP Srl, Venezia, Italy
▪ Structur Plan of Ferrara – Italy.
I was responsible for the urban system studies, for the design proposals on the residential
development and for preparing the guiding principles document for residential settlement design.
Responsible for the Structural Plan: prof. Carlo Magnani.
Business or sector Urban Planning and Design
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Curriculum Vitae
5 A.Ys (2010 - present)
Adjunct Professor [Professore a contratto]
A.Ys 2014-15; 2013-14
University of Florence, Department of Architecture - International Curriculum on Architectural Design
▪ I was in charge of the “Urban Landscape Design Studio” for graduate students (M.Sc), 6 credits, 48
hours, in english language.
A.Y 2012-13
University Iuav of Venice
▪ I was in charge of the “Urban Planning and Design Studio” for undergraduate students (B.Sc), 8
credits, 72 hours.
▪ I was in charge of the “Landscape Architecture Workshop” for graduate students (M.Sc), master's
thesis qualifying exam, 20 hours.
A.Ys 2012-13; 2011-12; 2010-11
University of Camerino, School of Architecture and Design “Edoardo Vittoria”
▪ I was in charge of the “ Urban and Regional Planning Theories” course for undergraduate students
(B.Sc), 6 credits, 60 hours.
Business or sector Education and Training
5 editions (2009 - 2014)
Professor at EC Lifelong Learning Erasmus Intensive Programme
Ljubljana, Aug. 21 - Sept. 2, 2014;
Venice, May 3 - 12, 2013
TU-Berlin (project leader), with TU-Graz; University Iuav of Venice; University of Ljubljana
▪ LLP Erasmus IP: “Future Cities: Demographic Change and Local Differentiation. The impact of
architecture as physical artifact on the urban development”
Po River Delta, Rovigo,
Sept. 4 - 18, 2011;
Sept. 27 - Oct. 9, 2010;
Sept. 20 - Oct. 4, 2009
University Iuav of Venice (project leader) with TU-Delft; Ion Mincu University of Bucharest;
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-ETSAV; University of
Sheffield; Vilnius Gediminas Technical University; Werkplaats Typografie.
▪ LLP Erasmus IP: “Summer school on the Po river delta. Creating scenarios in fragile territories”
Business or sector Education and Training
2 years (2011 - 2013)
Research group member
LATITUDE - Platform for Urban Research and Design, Venice-Brussels
▪ Research project: “Living With Water in the Veneto Region”.
I was scientific co-director of the research project
Research project description:
While the global process of urbanization continues, global climate change results in more frequent
and more intense flooding and drought. These two phenomena clash as urbanization continues,
especially in former floodplains, near rivers and coastal areas, and water use is increasing. The
Veneto region in Italy is no exception, because of its high density and the high productivity of its
water-sensitive landscape. In this area, due to the disperse character of its urbanization – città
diffusa – urban patterns integrate diverse programs and water uses that result in widespread
episodes of flooding, drought and pollution. While all these issues are becoming increasingly
urgent, the current planning system seems to be inadequate to tackle these vulnerabilities.
Latitude is a platform that is coordinating an investigation aimed at constructing a new set of
planning tools, using case studies in the Veneto region. In doing so, they underline the importance
of local stakeholders and the social aspects that influence the region’s vulnerability. This research
and design exploration consists of an experimental methodology and will focus on three cases.
Urban planners will work together with anthropologists and graphic designers to survey the cases
and to build alternative scenario to make city. Thus, spatial and ethnographic surveys will sustain
three investigations that involve universities, experts from various fields, and local actors who are
all asked to constructively share their points of view. Latitude intends to use the knowledge gained
from this process to trigger a debate regarding current urban planning practice in water
(Extract from: “Living With Water in the Veneto Region”, G.Brugmans, J.W. Petersen (eds),
Making City, IABR, Rotterdam, 2012, p. 59)
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Curriculum Vitae
Honors & Awards:
The research project, has been selected as 'Counter Site' for the 5th IABR 2012 - International
Architecture Biennale of Rotterdam - 'Making City'
> From March 09 to March 24, 2013, Fondazione Benetton, Treviso;
> From February 02 to March 03, 2013, Biblioteca Civica di Verona;
> From June 08 to June 10, 2012, British Museum - Clore Centre;
> From April 20 to August 12, 2012, 5th IABR 2012 - 'Making City', NAI, Rotterdam
> May 10, 2013, University of Naples (E. Anguillari);
> December 06, 2012, University IUAV of Venice (E. Anguillari + Latitude);
> November 22, 2012, Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Architecture de Paris La Villette (Latitude);
> Novembre 05, 2012, University College of London (Latitude);
> October 23, 2012, Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Architecture de Paris La Villette (Latitude);
> July 10, 2012, Unesco-IHE Institute for Water Education of Delft (Latitude);
> June 26, 2012, University of Florence (E. Anguillari).
> Anguillari E., Veneto 2100. Living with water, in Planum. The Journal of Urbanism, no. 27,
vol.2(2013); Paper proceedings of the XVI Conferenza Nazionale Società Italiana degli Urbanisti,
Urbanistica per una diversa crescita, Napoli, 2013;
> Anguillari E., Veneto 2100. Living with water, in Planum. The Journal of Urbanism, C. Perrone
(edited by), 2013, Living Landscapes / Landscapes for Living. Policies, Practices, Images,
Conference Proceedings, University of Florence, February-June, 2012.
Business or sector Research and Innovation
3 years (2009 - 2011)
Research groups member
Univerity Iuav of Venice, Italy
▪ Research Unit: “Government and the Governance of Landscape Transformations”
Scientific Director: Prof. Matelda Reho
Research unit description:
The Research Unit works in two main directions. The first concerns processes, stakeholders and
decisions related to the landscape transformation. On the one hand it focuses on institutional
processes; on the other hand it focuses on the value system of each individual, with his preferences
and choices. The second direction considers the ways in which a governance approach can support
the transformation of the landscape. In this sense, the Research Unit focuses on the Landscape
Observatories as an instrument to support and monitor the decision-making procedures, not only for
planning, but also for sectoral policies. In this sense the Observatory is a “facilitator” that conveys
local knowledge, preferences and values to technician and experts and vice-versa, helping to define
landscape quality objectives.
As member of the Research Unit I was in charge of:
> the organization of the conference "Paesaggio e benessere" - University IUAV of Venice, June 25,
> the editorial direction of the book: Anguillari E., Ferrario, V., Gissi E., Lancerini E., (eds), Paesaggio
e benessere, Franco Angeli, Milan, 2011;
> the organization of the conference "The Landscape Observatories. Approaches, problems,
sharing experiences in Italy and Europe" University IUAV of Venice May 07 and 08, 2009;
> monitoring the Landscape Observatories in Italy and in Europe.
Business or sector Research and Innovation
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Curriculum Vitae
3 years (2008 - 2011)
Postdoctoral Fellow [Assegnista di ricerca]
University Iuav of Venice, Italy
▪ Research project: “The Landscape Observatory on the Po River Delta Region”; Supervisor: Prof.
Maria Chiara Tosi; Funding agency: Fondazione CaRiPaRo.
Research project description:
Started in 2008, the Observatory was assigned the task of developing and increasing inhabitants’
awareness of the territory’s delta area as to better lead and manage its transformations. The goal
was to establish a departure point for setting forth processes of socio-economic and cultural
renewal, as well as means for valorizing aspects of the local landscape. In this sense the
Observatory recognized the objectives of the European Landscape Convention and aimed to be
one of its main tools for its study, analysis and application. In light of the institution of UNISCAPE
(European Universities Network) and the endeavors taken on by the University Iuav of Venice to
uphold and strengthen interdisciplinary scientific cooperation for landscapes, specifically in the
areas of research and didactics, the Observatory has be intended as a space for contact,
representation and presentation of research projects along with all relevant reflections regarding
deltaic territories in Europe.
During the first research year, I mainly worked on the systematization of data and archives, on the
development of a knowledge framework of the area, as well of interpretative hypotheses and new
theming. I coordinated several community-based participatory round tables and an international
workshop attended by teachers and students of the University of Venice and Moscow State
University. During the second year, I mainly worked on the construction of an Atlas of European
Delta Regions in order to compare plans, projects and actions and identify best practices. I
organized the international conference "Delta Landscapes in Europe: a Comparison" and three
editions of the “Summer School on the Po delta region” funded under the LLP Erasmus IP
attended by teachers and students from different European universities engaged in research on
deltaic areas. During the third year, I have been involved in the research results dissemination
participating in conferences, calls and publications. The results are collected in three books and in
several articles. The methodological approach and the design assumptions developed for the Po
delta area are the basis of the research "Living with water in the Veneto region", selected and
presented at the 5th International Architecture Biennale of Rotterdam - 2012.
Business or sector Research and Innovation
6 A.Ys (2004 - 2011)
A.Ys. 2010-11; 2008-09; 2007-08
A.Ys. 2010-11; 2009-10; 2004-05
A.Y. 2010-11
A.Y. 2006-07
Teaching Assistant [Collaboratore alla didattica]
University Iuav of Venice, Italy
▪ Landscape Design Studio; 70 hours; for graduate students (M.Sc);
▪ Urban Design Studio; 40 hours, for undregraduate students (B.Sc)
▪ Architecture Design Studio, 38 hours, for undregraduate students (B.Sc)
▪ Tutoring and educational activities, 150 hours, for undregraduate students (B.Sc).
Business or sector Education and Training
1 year (2001 - 2002)
Term contract worker
Municipality of Venice, Italy
▪ Progetto Lettura Agevolata
Work activities description:
Service for the cultural growth and the improvement of visually impaired autonomy.
I was involved in researching and cataloguing the available resources and devices to access to
information for visually impaired people. I contributed to testing editorial products and to promoting
the project. In this context, it is worth mentioning the 3t-book Project. A Talking - hyperTextual Tactile version of the book "The Stones of Venice" by J. Ruskin, developed in collaboration with the
CNR-IROE of Florence; BrailleNet of Paris, the Cité des Sciences et Industries "La Villette" of Paris;
Research Institute KFKI-RMKI of Budapest. Project financed by the EU Programme Culture 2000.
Business or sector Public Administration / Social Services
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Curriculum Vitae
A.Ys 2003-04 - 2006-07
EQF level 8
Research Doctorate
University Iuav of Venice, Italy
▪ PhD in Urbanism
The focus of the PhD programme, in general, is on the “urban planning project”, a term which
preferably refers to a broader field than that of “urban planning” and one which includes what is
commonly known as “urban and territorial policy” and the “urban project”. The urban planning project
is an ensemble of activities through which a specific scientific-professional group strives to redefine
the environmental conditions in which the process of social reproduction takes place.
In this contest my PhD research concerned a critical reading of the European spatial development
perspectives designed from the end of the WWII up to now.
PhD dissertation (Nov 19, 2007): “Building the European space. The role of images (1947–2007)”;
PhD coordinator: Prof. Bernardo Secchi; Tutors: Prof. Giuseppe Dematteis, Prof. Giulio Ernesti.
A.Ys. 1991-92 - 2002-03
EQF level 7
Master's Degree
University Iuav of Venice, Italy
▪ Master in Architecture
The programme is dedicated to the design, on various scales, of city architecture, to the landscape
and environment, in a framework of sustainability and conscious relationship with history.
Master's Degree Dissertation (Jan. 31, 2003): “One meter to the State border”; Mentor: Prof.
Bernardo Secchi
1986 - 1991
EQF level 4
Upper secondary education diploma
Liceo Scientifico “Angelo Custode” – Rovigo, Italy
▪ Scientific Lyceum
The curriculum emphasises the link between the humanistic tradition and scientific culture. It covers
a complete and widespread range of disciplines, including Italian language and literature,
mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history, philosophy, Latin language and culture, English
language and culture, art history and technical drawing.
Mother tongue
Other language
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
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Curriculum Vitae
Communication skills
Organisational / managerial skills
Job-related skills
Computer skills
Driving licence
▪ I have good communication skills gained through my experience as university professor and through
the participation in conferences, conventions and seminars.
▪ I have good organizational and managerial skills acquired both in the professional field as project
leader, and as coordinator in workshops of design, and as member of research teams.
▪ I worked in several large scale plans and projects, among others the “Structural Plan of Ferrara”; the
“Plan guide D’amenagement de Les Hauts de Rouen”; the “City Plan of Roncegno Terme”. As
postdoctoral research fellow, I was responsible for the “Landscape Observatory on the Po river delta
region”, developing specific skills on river basins and coastal systems planning. Over the years I
focused my interests on the landscape project in environmentally fragile areas, paying particular
attention to a “water sensitive” landscape design approach. In this context, it is worth mentioning the
research “Veneto 2100 - Living With Water”, selected for the 5th International Architecture Biennale
of Rotterdam - 'Making City'. My professional and research activity has combined with and has been
supported by a constant attention to teaching.
▪ good command on Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access);
▪ good command on Adobe programs (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Premiere);
▪ good command on Autodesk programs (CAD 2D e 3D);
▪ sufficient command on Geographic Information System programs;
▪ good command on Internet and social network programs.
▪ Anguillari E., Bonini Lessing E., Ranzato M., Tosi M. C. (2012), Delta Landscape 2100,
professionaldreamers, Trento, ISBN 978-88-904295-7-6
▪ Anguillari E., Ferrario V., Gissi E., Lancerini E. (2011), Paesaggio e benessere, Franco Angeli,
Milano, ISBN 978-88-568-4474-0
▪ Anguillari E., Bonini Lessing E., Ranzato M., Tosi M. C. (2011), Delta Landscapes. Geographies,
Scenarios, Identities, Papiroz, Kijswijk, The Netherlands, ISBN 978-90-814088-0-6
▪ Anguillari E., Bonini Lessing E., Musco F., Ranzato M., Tosi M. C. (2010), Paesaggi deltizi e
territori fragili. Comparazioni, D-Library Iuav, Venezia, ISBN 978-88-87697-52-0
Chapters or articles in books
▪ Anguillari E. (2013), Notes on transformations, planning and conflicts for the Guadalquivir estuary,
in: Towards an Atlas of the European Delta Landscapes, Tosi M. C., LIStLab, Trento-Barcellona,
74-79, ISBN 978-88-95623-87-0
▪ Anguillari E., Bonini Lessing E. (2013), Introduction, in: Towards an Atlas of the European Delta
Landscapes, Tosi M. C., LIStLab, Trento-Barcellona, 119-120, ISBN 978-88-95623-87-0
▪ Anguillari E. (2013), Po Delta 2100. Morphogenesis of a cultural landscape, in: Towards an Atlas
of the European Delta Landscapes, Tosi M. C., LIStLab, Trento-Barcellona, 130-141, ISBN 97888-95623-87-0
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Curriculum Vitae
▪ Anguillari E. (2012), Accomodating environmental pressures, in: Delta Landscape 2100, Anguillari
E., Bonini Lessing E., Ranzato M., Tosi M. C., professionaldreamers, Trento, 31-53, ISBN 978-88904295-7-6, http://www.professionaldreamers.net/?p=2497 - more-2497
▪ Anguillari E., Ranzato M., Vanin F. (2012), What’s next?, in: Delta Landscape 2100, Anguillari E.,
Bonini Lessing E., Ranzato M., Tosi M. C., professionaldreamers, Trento, 80-81, ISBN 978-88904295-7-6, http://www.professionaldreamers.net/?p=2497 - more-2497
▪ Anguillari E. (2011), Città, tumulti economici e nuovi paesaggi del benessere collettivo, in:
Paesaggio e benessere, Anguillari E., Ferrario V., Gissi E., Lancerini E., Franco Angeli, Milano,
129-138, ISBN 978-88-568-4474-0
▪ Anguillari E. (2011), Les Terres and the Ebro river delta landscape planning aspects, in: Delta
Landscapes. Geographies, Scenarios, Identities, Anguillari E., Bonini Lessing E., Ranzato M., Tosi
M. C., Papiroz, Kijswijk, The Netherlands, 22-24, ISBN 978-90-814088-0-6
▪ Anguillari E., Ranzato M. (2011), Scenarios, in: Delta Landscapes. Geographies, Scenarios,
Identities, Anguillari E., Bonini Lessing E., Ranzato M., Tosi M. C., Papiroz, Kijswijk, The
Netherlands, 28-69, ISBN 978-90-814088-0-6
▪ Anguillari E. (2010), Alla ricerca di un paesaggio energetico-ecologico, in: Paesaggi deltizi e
territori fragili. Comparazioni, Anguillari E., Bonini Lessing E., Musco F., Ranzato M., Tosi M. C.,
D-Library Iuav, Venezia, 93-104, ISBN 978-88-87697-52-0, http://rice.iuav.it/150/
▪ Anguillari E. (2010), Atlas/Atlanti, in: Delta Landscapes. Building scenarios within fragile territories,
Sarbu C., Schuetze T., Tosi M. C., Papiroz, Kijswijk, The Netherlands, 10-29, ISBN 978-90814088-3-7
▪ Anguillari E. (2010), Summer School at the Po river delta. Building scenarios in fragile territories,
in: Delta Landscapes. Building scenarios within fragile territories, Sarbu C., Schuetze T., Tosi M.
C., Papiroz, Kijswijk, The Netherlands, 80-81, ISBN 978-90-814088-3-7
▪ Anguillari E., Biasi G., Delli Noci L., Ferrario V., Giametta S., Poggi F., Renzoni C., Sampieri A.
(2006), Figures. San Giuliano, in: Comment vivre ensemble. Prototypes of idiorrhythmical
conglomerates and shared spaces Pellegrini P., Viganò P. (eds), officina edizioni, 100-106, ISBN
Articles in journals
▪ Anguillari E. (2014), Venice after Venice. Myths, rites, identities, ADIP Magazine 4, PlaceTaker.
Future Cities – Projects for the Giardini of Venice, AADR Spurbuchverlag, Baunach, 20-23, ISSN
▪ Anguillari E., Bonini Lessing E. (2012), Delta del Po: immagini del futuro per un presente comune /
The Po River Delta: images of the future for a common present, PROGETTO GRAFICO, 22 Spazio Comune / Common Space, Aiap, Roma, 82-91, ISSN 1824-1301
▪ Anguillari E. (2012), Interfacce metropolitane, ARCHIVIO DI STUDI URBANI E REGIONALI, 103,
Franco Angeli, Milano, 175-177, ISSN 0004-0177
▪ Anguillari E. (2011), Interfacce metropolitane, URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI, 239-240, INU
Edizioni, Roma, 107-108, ISNN 0392-5005, http://www.urbanisticainformazioni.it/IMG/pdf/UI239240.pdf
▪ Anguillari E. (2010), Abitare territori fragili. Il caso del delta del Po descritto dagli amministratori
locali, ARCHIVIO DI STUDI URBANI E REGIONALI, 97-98, Franco Angeli, Milano, 261-280,
ISSN 0004-0177
▪ Anguillari E. (2009), Nel paesaggio. Il progetto per la città negli ultimi venti anni, URBANISTICA
INFORMAZIONI, 223, INU Edizioni, Roma, 79, ISNN 0392-5005
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Curriculum Vitae
▪ Anguillari E. (2009), Il delta come territorio in conflitto, GIORNALE IUAV, 61, Iuav, Venezia, 5,
ISSN 2038-7814
▪ Anguillari E. (2009), Il delta come territorio per la produzione di biomassa, GIORNALE IUAV, 61,
Iuav, Venezia, 6, ISSN 2038-7814
▪ Anguillari E. (2009), Il delta come territorio di piani, GIORNALE IUAV, 61, Iuav, Venezia, 7, ISSN
▪ Anguillari E. (2006), European Spatial Planning. La governance territoriale comunitaria e le
innovazioni dell’urbanistica, URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI, 206, INU Edizioni, Roma, 93-94,
ISNN 0392-5005
▪ Anguillari E. (2006), L’Europa delle città. Accessibilità, partnership e policentrismo nelle politiche
comunitarie per il territorio, URBANISTICA INFORMAZIONI, 206, INU Edizioni, Roma, 95, ISNN
Papers in conference
▪ Anguillari E., Four paradigms for the Veneto Region’s central area, in “2nd International
Academic Conference “Places & Technologies 2015. Keeping up with technologies to make
healthy places, Nova Gorica, Slovenia 18-19 June 2015”, edited by Alenka Fikfak (et al.), ISBN
▪ Anguillari E. (2013), Veneto 2100. Living with water, XVI Conferenza Nazionale Società Italiana
degli Urbanisti, Urbanistica per una diversa crescita, Napoli, 9‐10 maggio 2013, in Planum. The
Journal of Urbanism, no. 27, vol.2(2013), ISSN 1723-0993
▪ Anguillari E. (2013), Veneto 2100. Living with water, in Perrone C. (edited by) "Living Landscape /
Landscape for Living. Policies, Practices, Images” Conference Proceedings. Firenze, February ‐
June 2012", in Planum. The Journal of Urbanism, no. 27, vol.II (2013), ISSN 1723-0993
file://localhost/Users/admin/Downloads/01 Living Landscapes Conference by Planum n.27-2013
Anguillari Section 8.pdf
▪ Anguillari E. (2006), European Community city and territory: a critical reading of the development
of a spatial image, III International Ph.D Seminar U&U - A new modernity. Approaches, theories
and designs., IUAV Venezia, 115-124.
PhD thesis
▪ Anguillari E. (2007) La costruzione dello spazio europeo. Il ruolo delle immagini (1947-2007),
University IUAV of Venice, PhD in Urbanism.
Research reports
▪ Anguillari E., Latitude Platform for Urban Research and Design (2012), Living with water in the
Veneto region, in: Making City. 5th IABR 2012, Catalog, G. Brugmans, J.W. Petersen (eds),
IABR, Rotterdam, 59, 206-207, ISBN 9-789080-957244
▪ Anguillari E., Ammatuna M., Kollhoff H., Saltarin A. (2012), Hans Kollhoff: Edilizia urbana contro
Social housing, in: Workshop 2011 – Facoltà di Architettura di Venezia, E. Giani (edited by),
Marsilio editore – IUAV, Venezia, 112-117, ISBN 978-88-317-1347-4
Anguillari E. (2008), Un territorio in trasformazione, in: Nuova Variante al Piano Regolatore
Generale del Comune di Roncegno Terme. Linee d’indirizzo, Diamantini C. (edited bt), UniTn,
Trento, 20-43 http://www.comune.roncegnoterme.tn.it/images/DocumentoPreliminare.pdf
▪ Anguillari E., PhD in Urbanism IUAV Venice (2005), A micro history: the reuse of Antwerp’s 19th
century belt, in: M-City, European Cityscapes, M. De Michelis, P. Pakesch (eds), ed. Kunsthaus
Graz, 292-299, ISBN 3-86560-010-7
▪ Anguillari E., Biondi R. (2001), Un progetto per la Fondamenta delle Zattere a Venezia, in:
Lavorare sui bordi. Paesaggi di margine nella laguna di Venezia, Benati F., Zampieri L.,
Edicomedizioni, Gorizia, 45, ISBN 88-86729-21-9
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Curriculum Vitae
Conferences and seminars
▪ 2 International Academic Conference “Places & Technologies 2015. Keeping up with
technologies to make healthy places”, Nova Gorica, Slovenia, June 18-19, 2015.
I have been part of the Scientific Committee and I was “paper reviewer”.
Paper: Four paradigms for the Veneto Region’s central area
▪ International Conference “Smart Urbanism. Teaching Sustainability”, University of Ljubljana Faculty of Architecture, June19-21, 2014
I have been part of the Scientific Committee and I was session chair.
▪ XVI Conferenza Nazionale Società Italiana degli Urbanisti, “Urbanistica per una diversa crescita.
Aporie dello sviluppo, uscita dalla crisi e progetto del territorio contemporaneo”, Università degli
Studi di Napoli Federico II, May 9-10, 2013
Paper: Veneto 2100 - Living With Water
▪ 13 Biennale Internazionale di Architettura di Venezia “Common Ground”, European Prize for
Urban Public Space, November 16, 2012
I was invited as discussant.
▪ PhD Seminar: “Paesaggi Abitati. Politiche, pratiche, opportunità, dispositivi - Sessione Abitare il
Territorio”, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dottorato in Progettazione della Città, del Territorio e
del Paesaggio, 26 giugno 2012
Paper presentato: Veneto 2100 - Living With Water
▪ Seminar: “Nel paesaggio”, Università degli Studi di Camerino, Scuola di Architettura e Design
“Eduardo Vittoria”, Ascoli Piceno, May 27, 2011
I organized the seminar.
▪ Seminar: “Paesaggio e Benessere”, Università Iuav di Venezia, June 24, 2010
I have been part of the Scientific Committee and I was discussant session.
Position paper: Economia e Paesaggio.
Proceedings: Anguillari E., Ferrario V., Gissi E., Lancerini E., Paesaggio e benessere, Franco
Angeli, Milano, 2011
▪ International Conference “Delta Landscape in Europe. A comparison”, Museo Regionale della
Bonifica, Taglio di Po (Rovigo), May 20, 2009
I have been part of the Scientific Committee and I was session Chair and discussant.
Position paper: Energia e Ambiente
Proceedings: Anguillari E., Bonini Lessing E., Musco F., Ranzato M., Tosi M.C., Paesaggi deltizi
e territori fragili. Comparazioni, D- Library Iuav, Venezia, 2010
▪ Conference: “Gli Osservatori del paesaggio. Approcci, problemi, esperienze a confronto in Italia e
in Europa”, Università Iuav di Venezia, May 7-8, 2009
I have been part of the Scientific Committee
▪ III International PhD Seminar “Urbanism&Urbanization: A new modernity. Approaches, theories
and designs”, Università Iuav di Venezia, August 30, 2006
Paper: The city and European Community territory: a critical reading of the development of a
spatial image.
▪ Conference: “Confini aperti. Carso Classico senza confine”, Villa Opicina – Trieste, May 17, 2003
I was invited to presented my Master’s Thesis: Confine di Stato a 1 m.
▪ “Veneto 2100 - Living With Water”, University Iuav of Venice, Urban Design Studio Prof. P.
Viganò, Prof. M.C.Tosi, Dicember 6, 2012.
▪ “Venezia è una città. Note per un’operante studio sullo spazio pubblico”, University Iuav of
Venice, Information Design Studio, Prof. E. Bonini Lessing, October 13, 2012.
▪ “On porosity “(video lecture), History and art meeting in Klaipedas Sculpture park, Klaipeda Lithuania, October 21, 2011.
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Curriculum Vitae
▪ “Veneto 2100 - Living With Water”, Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche - Palazzo Bomben,
Treviso, March 09-24, 2013
▪ “Veneto 2100 - Living With Water”, Biblioteca Civica di Verona, February 04 - March 03, 2013
▪ “Veneto 2100 - Living With Water”, 5th IABR 2012 - International Architecture Biennale of
Rotterdam - ‘Making City’, NAI - Netherland Architecture Institute, Rotterdam, April 20 - August
12, 2012
▪ “Anyway the Wind Blows: A Micro History” by prof. Paola Viganò, M-City, European Cityscapes,
curator prof. Marco De Michelis, Kunsthaus, Graz, October 01, 2005 - January 08, 2006
I edited the research outputs developed by "Studio 05 + PhD in Urbanism IUAV", partially
published in: M. De Michelis, P. Pakesch (eds), 2005, M-City, European Cityscapes, ed.
Kunsthaus Graz, 292-299; B. Secchi e P. Viganò, 2009, Antwerp. Territory of a New Modernity,
ed. Sun, Amsterdam, 110-115
Teaching Activities
PhD Commission member
PhD thesis referee
Master’s thesis co-supervisor
▪ Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, June 20, 2013
Doctoral School - Phd Program in Urbanism – coordinated by Prof. Joaquim Sabaté;
Dissertation: Across the river. Hydraulic signs and inhabited territories of the Ter river lower
PhD student: Caterina Anastasia; Supervisor: Prof. Ferran Sagarra Trias.
▪ Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, January 20, 2014
PhD Program in Humanities, History and Theory of Arts Sculpture and Architecture,
Dissertation: The expression of recreational functions in spatial structure of Vilnius city
PhD student: Inga Urbonaite; Supervisor: Prof. Gintaras Staukias
▪ University Iuav of Venice, Department of Architecture, AY. 2010-2011
Dissertation: Il delta del Po: costruire scenari in territori fragili [Po river delta: building scenarios in
fragile territories],
student: M. De Marchi; supervisor: Prof. M.C. Tosi, vote: 110/110
▪ University Iuav of Venice, Department of Architecture, AY. 2009-2010
Dissertation: Welfare latente. Il caso di Vittorio Veneto [Latent Welfare. The Vittorio Veneto case
students: A. Danese, P. Silvestrini; supervisors: Prof. S. Munarin, M. C. Tosi, vote: 110/110
▪ University Iuav of Venice, Department of Architecture, AY. 2008-2009
Dissertation: DONA(U)VAN a moving project along Danube shifting landscape,
students: M. Carli, G. Mari, A. Oss Pegorar; supervisor: Prof. S. Munarin, vote: 110/110 cum
laude and publication recommended
▪ University Iuav of Venice, Department of Architecture, AY. 2008-2009
Dissertation: Salento: racconti tra est e ovest [Salento: stories between east and west],
student: M. Nicolardi; supervisor: Prof. S. Munarin
▪ University Iuav of Venice, Department of Architecture, AY. 2006-2007
Dissertation: Porto: rivivere il centro, una strategia [Porto: re-living the center, a strategy],
students: A. De Cesaro, P. Frigo, F. Maccarone, G. Sgarbossa; supervisor: Prof. B. Secchi
▪ University Iuav of Venice, Department of Architecture, AY. 2006-2007
Dissertation: Pola Waterfront,
student: V. Vidulin; supervisor: Prof. S. Munarin
▪ University Iuav of Venice, Department of Architecture, AY. 2006-2007
Dissertation: Il progetto di riqualificazione della ex zona industriale a Rijeka [The redevelopment
of the former industrial area in Rijeka],
students: D. Perica, P. Tikulin; supervisor: Prof. S. Munarin
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Curriculum Vitae
▪ University Iuav of Venice; KU-Leuven; TU-Delft, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
European Postgraduate Master in Urbanism (EMU)
Fall semester, AY. 2011-2012
▪ University Iuav of Venice; FAI; École Nationale Supérieure du Paysage de Versailles, TUMünchen.
Workshop: I luoghi del cuore. Il brolo di San Giacomo di Veglia: quale futuro per un Luogo del
Cuore? [Places for the heart. The orchard of San Giacomo in Veglia: what future for a Place for
the Heart?]
September 7-14, 2010
▪ University Iuav of Venice; Moscow State University
Workshop: Summer School on the Po river delta
July 21 - August 01, 2008
▪ University of Ferrara; University Iuav of Venice
Workshop: Mesolandscape Workshop
AY. 2004-2005
▪ University Iuav of Venice
Workshop: INFRA Veneto_Reticoli di strade [INFRA Veneto_Street networks]
AY. 2003-2004
Lifelong Learning Activities
Continuing education
Attendancies to workshops
▪ Training Course in European Funding and Project Design for Regional and Urban Regeneration,
Padova, May 9,16,30, 2015.
▪ IV Ph.D Workshop: Scenarios for the European city and territories: Comment vivre ensemble
University IUAV of Venice, Phd in Urbanism, August 29 - September 06, 2005
▪ III Ph.D Workshop: Scenarios for the European city and territories: Comment vivre ensemble
University IUAV of Venice, Phd in Urbanism, August 30 -September 08, 2004
▪ II Ph.D Workshop: Scenarios for the European city and territories: Comment vivre ensemble
University IUAV of Venice, Phd in Urbanism, August 27-September 04, 2003
Attendancies to masterclasses
and seminars
▪ II International Ph.D Seminar Urbanism&Urbanization, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, June
27-29, 2005
▪ Ph.D Masterclass: Landscape of Urbanism, Prof. Charles Waldheim, University IUAV of Venice,
Phd in Urbanism, February 02-04, 2005
▪ I International Ph.D Seminar Urbanism&Urbanization Comment vivre (en grand) ensemble,
Ecole d’Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires à Marne-la-Vallée, Paris, 2004
Competitions and Calls
Design competitions
▪ Contest for ideas within the Revitalization of the Riverine Front of Oporto in the Zone of Priority
Intervention (PT), 2007
▪ Redevelopment of the square of Tombolo [Riqualificazione dello spazio urbano e sistemazione
della piazza di Tombolo], 2005
Honors & Awards: Spacial mention
▪ Redevelopment of the city center of Gaiarine [Riqualificazione ex cinema ed ex casa del fascio
Comune di Gaiarine, 2005
▪ Europan 7. Sub-Urban challenge – Site: Pordenone, 2005
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Curriculum Vitae
Research projects calls for
▪ HORIZON 2020, Reflective Societies: Cultural Heritage and European Identities, Call 2015
Research Project presented: PAXLAND - Towards the Cultural Heritage Transformations of
European Warscapes
University of Ljubljana (Applicant organisation)
I curated the application on behalf of the University Iuav of Venice (Partner)
▪ ERASMUS+, Call: 2015 (EAC/A04/2014), Action: KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the
exchange of good practices / Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education
Project presented: KLABS
University of Priština (Applicant organisation)
I curated the application on behalf of the University Iuav of Venice (Partner)
▪ Erasmus Mundus Action 2 - Erasmus Mundus Partnerships - Strand I - Call for Proposals
Project presented: Balkans Urban Border Environments,
University of Ljubljana (Applicant organisation)
I curated the application on behalf of the University Iuav of Venice (Partner)
▪ 5th International Architecture Biennale of Rotterdam, 2012 “Making Cities” - Counter Site Call for
Research project presented: Living With Water in the Veneto Region
Honors & Awards: Selected as 'Counter Site' for the 5th IABR 2012
▪ University Iuav of Venice
Research project presented: European Delta Atlas. Images, Scenarios, Strategies
Honors & Awards: € 7.000,00 grant
▪ Lifelong Learning Erasmus Intensive Programme, European Commission, DG Education and
Training - call 2009, renewal 2010, 2011.
Research project presented: Summer school on the Po river delta: creating scenarios in fragile
Honors & Awards: € 44.822,00 grant in 2011; € 44.810,00 in 2010, € 44.956,00 in 2009
▪ EU Culture 2000 Program, 2001
Project presented: “3t-book”, Talking, Tactile hiper Textual version of the book "The Stones of
Venice", by J. Ruskin.
Comune di Venezia, in collaboration with CNR-IROE Firenze; BrailleNet Parigi, Citè des
Sciences et Industries “La Villette” Parigi; KFKI-RMKI Institute of Budapest.
Honors & Awards: € 124.910,00 grant
2005 - present
May 2015 - November 2016
▪ Chartered Architect: “Ordine degli Architetti Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori della
Provincia di Venezia n° 3947”
▪ Validated Expert: Camp Italy Project - Coastal Area Management Programme
Venice, July 10, 2015
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