
Fondamenti della fisica

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Fondamenti della fisica
Fondamenti N.B:Altre indicazioni bibliografiche pertinenti i Fondamenti della Fisica compaiono negli elenchi delle singole aree disciplinari volumi con * : indicazioni prof. Bruno Bertotti Ambegaokar, Vinay ‐ Reasoning about luck : probability and its uses in physics / Vinay Ambegaokar, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1996 xv, 231 p. ; 25 cm Bellone, Enrico ‐ Spazio e tempo nella nuova scienza / Enrico Bellone Roma : La Nuova Italia Scientifica, 1994 136 p. ; 21 cm Berlekamp, Elwyn ‐ Mathematical Go : chilling gets the last point / Elwyn Berlekamp, David Wolfe Wellesley, Massachusetts : A K Peters, c1994 XX, 234 p. ; 24 cm Beth, Ewert W. ‐ The foundations of mathematics : a study in the philosophy of science, 1959 Bigelow, John ‐ The reality of numbers : a physicalistʹs philosophy of mathematics / John Bigelow, Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1988 VIII, 193 p. : ill. ; 23 cm Boole, George ‐ Indagine sulle leggi del pensiero, su cui sono fondate le teorie matematiche della logica e della probabilita / George Boole ; Ed. italiana a cura di Mario Trinchero Torino : G. Einaudi, 1976. ‐ CXXXIX, 585 p. Bridgman, Percy Williams ‐ La logica della fisica moderna / Percy Williams Bridgman ; introduzione di Vittorio Somenzi . ‐ Torino : Bollati Boringhieri, c1965, 215 p. Brown, Laurie M. (editor) ‐ The birth of particle physics\ Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1983 Bunge, Mario ‐ La causalita’ : il posto del principio causale nella scienza moderna / Mario Bunge . ‐ Torino : Boringhieri, 1970. ‐ 468 p. : Bunge, Mario ‐ Delaware seminar in the foundations of physics, Berlin [etc.] : Springer, 1967. ‐ X, 193 p. Carnap, Rudolf ‐ Introduction to symbolic logic and its applications, 1958 55
Carnap, Rudolf ‐ Two essays on entropy ; edited with an introduction by Abner Shimon . ‐ Berkeley [etc.] : University of California Press, c1977. ‐ XXII, 115 p. Church, Alonzo ‐ Introduction to mathematical logic, Princeton : Princeton university press, 1996, IX, 378 p. Colodny, Robert G. (editor) ‐ Paradigms and paradoxes ; the philosophical challenge of the quantum domain, Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 1972 Crossley, J. N. ‐ Che cosʹè la logica matematica?, Torino : P. Boringhieri, 1976. ‐ 126 p. : ill. Curry, Haskell B. ‐ Foundations of mathematical logic, New York : Dover publications, c1977. ‐ VIII, 407 p. : ill. Davies, P. C. W. ‐ Space and time in the modern universe, Cambridge : Cambridge University press, c1977 232 p. ; 22 cm Davies, P. C. W. ‐ The physics of time asymmetry, Belfast : Surrey university press, 1974 Dedekind, Richard ‐ Essays on the theory of numbers : 1.: Continuity and irrational numbers ; 2.: The nature and meaning of numbers / by Richard Dedekind ; authorized translation by Wooster Woodruff Beman, New York : Dover, 1963. ‐ 115 p. Dickson, Leonard Eugene ‐ Introduction to the theory of numbers / Leonard Eugene Dickson, New York : Dover, c1957 VIII, 183 p. ; 21 cm Ehrlich, Robert ‐ Why toast lands jelly‐side down : zen and the art of physics demonstrations / Robert Ehrlich, Princeton, N. J. : Princeton University press, c1997 X, 196 p. : ill. ; 24 cm Espagnat, Bernard : dʹ ‐ Alla ricerca del reale : fisica e oggettività / Bernard DʹEspagnat, Torino : Boringhieri, 1983. ‐ 233 p. Espagnat, Bernard : dʹ ‐ Conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics / Bernard dʹEspagnat, Menlo Park California : W. A. Benjamin, c1971 XVII, 493 p. ; 24 cm Espagnat, Bernard : dʹ I fondamenti concettuali della meccanica quantistica / Bernard dʹEspagnat, Napoli : Bibliopolis, 1980 395 p. : ill. ; 23 cm Fraenkel, Abraham A. ‐ Teoria degli insiemi e logica, Roma : Ubaldini, [1970]. ‐ 108 p. Gamow, George ‐ Physics : foundations and frontiers, Englewood Cliffs : Prentice Hall, 1960 56
Gödel, Kurt ‐ Collected works, New York : Oxford university press ; Oxford : Clarendon press, 1986 – comprende: ‐ 1: Publications 1929‐1936 ‐ 2: Publications 1938‐1974 ‐ 3: Unpublished essays and lectures Gödel, Kurt ‐ Opere; a cura di Solomon Feferman, con la collaborazione di John W. Dawson jr. ... [et al.] ; edizione italiana a cura di Edoardo Ballo [et al.] ‐ Torino : Bollati Boringhieri. ‐ v. ; 24 cm ‐ Comprende: ‐ 1: 1929‐1936 ‐ Torino : Bollati Boringhieri, 1999. ‐ XXII, 361 p., ‐ 2: 1938‐1974 ‐ Torino : Bollati Boringhieri, 2002. ‐ XVIII, 388 p. ‐ 3: Saggi inediti e conferenze Torino : Bollati Boringhieri, 2006. ‐ XIX, 456 p., Goodstein, R. L. ‐ Boolean algebra, Oxford : Pergamon, 1963 Graves, John C. ‐ The conceptual foundations of contemporary relativity theory ; foreword by John Arcibald Wheeler . ‐ Cambridge, Mass. : [s.n.], 1971. ‐ XI, 361 p. Grib, Andrey Anatoljevich ‐ Nonlocality in quantum physics / Andrey Anatoljevich Grib, Waldyr Alves Rodrigues, New York [etc.] : Kluwer academic, c1999 X, 225 p. : ill. ; 26 cm Haldane, John B. S. ‐ Russell, Bertrand ‐ Dedalo, o La scienza e il futuro / John B. S. Haldane Icaro, o Il futuro della scienza / Bertrand Russell ; a cura di Michela Nacci . ‐ Torino : Bollati Boringhieri, 1991. ‐ XXXIX, 66 p. * Halmos, Paul Richard ‐ Naive set theory, New York [etc.] : Springer, c1974 * Halmos, Paul Richard ‐ Measure theory, Princeton : D. Van Nostrand, c1956 * Halmos, Paul Richard ‐ Lectures on ergodic theory, Tokyo : Mathematical Society of Japan, 1956 Hans, Hermes – Enumerability Decidability Computability: An Introduction to the Theory of Recursive Functions: Vol 127 ( Die Grundlagen der mathematischen Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Anwendungsgebiete, Bd. 127), Academic Press, 1965 Hardy, G. H. ‐ An introduction to the theory of numbers, Oxford University Press, 1980 Hellerstein, Nathaniel ‐ Diamond : a paradox logic / N S Hellerstein, Singapore etc. : World scientific, c1997 XII, 257 p. ; 23 cm 57
Horwich, Paul ‐ Asymmetries in time : problems in the philosophy of science, The MIT press, 1987 Jammer, Max ‐ The philosophy of quantum mechanics : the interpretations of quantum mechanics in historical perspective. ‐ New York : John Wiley and sons. 1974 Jammer, Max ‐ The conceptual development of quantum mechanics, New York [etc.] : McGraw‐Hill Book Company, c1966 XII, 399 p. ; 24 cm Jones, Roger Stanley ‐ Physics as metaphor / by Roger S. Jones ; with drawings by Mike Norman Minneapolis : University of Minnesota press, stampa 1990 XIV, 254 p. : ill. ; 23 cm * Khinchin, Aleksandr Jakovlevic ‐Mathematical foundations of statistical mechanics / A. I. Khinchin ; translated by G. Gamow, New York : Dover, c1949 Nagel, Ernest ‐ Gödelʹs proof, New York University Press, 2001 Nagel, Ernest ‐ La prova di Gödel, Torino, Boringhieri, 1992 Nerlich, Graham ‐ The shape of space, Cambridge University Press, 1984 Newton, Roger G. ‐ Thinking about physics, Princeton : Princeton University press, c2000 X, 198 p. ; 24 cm Newton‐Smith, W. H. ‐ The structure of time, London : Routledge and Kegan Paul, c1980 XII, 262 p. ; 23 cm Novikov, Igor Dmitrievich ‐ The river of time; translated from the Russian by Vitaly Kisin Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, c1998 XXII, 275 p. ; 22 cm Omnes, Roland ‐ The interpretation of quantum mechanics, Princeton : : Princeton university press, 1994 XIV, 550 p. ; 24 cm. p. Papadimitriou, Christos H. ‐ Computational complexity / Christos H. Papadimitriou, Reading, Massachusetts : Addison‐wesley, 1994 XV, 523 p. ; 25 cm * Poincaré, Henri ‐ 1: Solutions periodiques, non‐existence des integrales uniformes, solutions asymptotiques, New York : Dover, c1957 * Poincaré, Henri ‐ 2: Methodes de mm. Newcomb, Gylden, Lindstedt et Bohlin, New York : Dover, c1957 58
* Poincaré, Henri ‐ 3: Invariants integraux, solutions periodiques du deuxieme genre, solutions doublement asymptotiques, New York : Dover, c1957 Ponomarev, L.I. ‐ The quantum dice, Moscow : Mir, 1988, 280 p. : ill. ; 22cm p. Prigogine, Ilya ‐ From being to becoming : time and complexity in the physical sciences, 1980 Primas, Hans ‐ Chemistry, quantum mechanics and reductionism : perspectives in the theoretical chemistry, 1983 Quine, Willard Van Ormar, Set theory and its logic, Harvard University Press, 1969 Raju, C. K. ‐ Time : towards a consistent theory, Dordrecht [etc.] : : Kluwer, 1994 XI, 259 p. ; 25 cm. p. Ramsey, Frank P. ‐ I fondamenti della matematica e altri scritti di logica, 1964 Rasmussen, Eigil ‐ The fundamental units of physics and the logic of theoretical physics, 1970 Reichenbach, Hans ‐ I fondamenti filosofici della meccanica quantistica, Torino : Einaudi edizioni scientifiche, 1954 Reichenbach, Hans ‐ The direction of time / Hans Reichenbach ; edited by Maria Reichenbach ; foreword by Hilary Putnam Berkeley [etc.] : University of California press, 1991, XXIII, 280 p. ; 23 cm Reichenbach, Hans ‐ The philosophy of space & time; translated by Maria Reichenbach and John Freund ; with introductory remarks by Rudolf Canap . ‐ New York : Dover, c1958. ‐ XVI, 295 p. Roberts, J. B. ‐ The real number system in an algebraic setting, Freeman and Co., 1962 Robinson, Gilbert : De Beauregard ‐ The foundations of geometry / by Gilbert De B. Robinson Toronto : University of Toronto press, 1959 XI, 172 p. ; 22 cm Rosenbloom, Paul C. ‐ The elements of mathematical logic, New York, Dover, 2005 Rubin, Herman ‐ Equivalents of the axiom of choice, North Holland, 1985 Russell, Bertrand ‐ Introduzione alla filosofia matematica / Bertrand Russell ; introduzione di Flavio Manieri Roma : Newton Compton italiana, 1971 240 p. ; 20 cm 59
Russell, Bertrand ‐ I principi della matematica / Bertrand Russell ; introduzione di Bruno Widmar Roma : Newton Compton, c1971 799 p. ; 20 cm Russell, Bertrand ‐ La filosofia dellʹatomismo logico ; a cura di Michele Di Francesco . Torino : Einaudi, 2003 ‐ XXXVIII, 164 p. Schommers, W. ‐ Symbols, pictures and quantum reality : on the theoretical foundations of the physical universe, Singapore [etc.] : World scientific, 1995 XIV, 249 p. ; 23 cm. p. Schommers, W. ‐ Space and time matter and mind : the relationship between reality and space‐time, Singapore : World Scientific, 1994 XV, 163 p. : ill. ; 23 cm p. Segrè, Emilio ‐ From falling bodies to radio waves : classical physicists and their discoveries, New York : W. H. Freeman, 1984 X, 298 p. : ill. ; 24 cm Selleri, Franco ‐ Paradossi e realta’ : saggio sui fondamenti della microfisica, Bari, Laterza, 1987 Siegel, Carl Ludwig ‐ Transcendental numbers, Princeton University Press, 1949 Simhony, M. ‐ Invitation to the natural physics of matter, space and radiation / M. Simhony, Singapore : World Scientific, c1994 XX, 271 p. ; 23 cm Sklar, Lawrence ‐ Space, time, and spacetime, Universtiy of California Press, 1977 Slater, Noel B. ‐ The development & meaning of Eddingtonʹs fundamental theory : including a compilation from Eddingtonʹs unpublished manuscripts / by Noel B. Slater, Cambridge : Cambridge University press, 1957 XII, 299 p. ; 22 cm Smullyan, Raymond M. ‐ Theory of formal systems, Princeton University Press, 1961 Sneed, Joseph D. ‐ The logical structure of mathematical physics / Joseph D. Sneed, Dordrecht : D. Reidel, 1979, XXV, 320 p. ; 23 cm Spisani, Franco ‐ Implication, endometry, universe of discourse / by Franco Spisani, Bologna : International logic review, 1977 174 p. ; 24 cm Squires, Euan ‐ The mistery of the quantum world, Bristol ; Philadelphia : : Institute of physics pub., 1994, IX, 191 p. ; 22 cm. p. Suppes, Patrick ‐ Axiomatic set theory, Dover , 1972 Suppes, Patrick [ed.] ‐ Space, time and geometry. Dordrecht [etc.] : Reidel, 1973 60
Takeuti, Gaisi ‐ Introduction to axiomatic set theory, New York : Springer, 1982 Tarski, Alfred ‐ Introduction to logic and to the methodology of deductive sciences, Dover, 1995 Tokaty, G. A. ‐ A history and philosophy of fluidmechanics, Henley : Foulis, 1971 Tonti, Enzo ‐ La struttura formale delle teorie fisiche, Milano : Clup, 1976 Truesdell, Clifford Ambrose ‐ Six lectures on modern natural philosophy Berlin : Springer, 1966 Truesdell, Clifford Ambrose ‐ The concepts and logic of classical thermodynamics as a theory of heat engines : rigorously constructed upon the foundation laid by S. Carnot and F. Reech / C. Truesdell and S. Bharatha, New York [etc.] : Springer, c1977 XX, 151 p. ; 24 cm Texts and monographs in physics. Truesdell, Clifford Ambrose ‐ An idiots fugitive essays on science : methods, criticism, training, circumstances, New York [etc.] : Springer, c1984 XVII, 654 p. : ill. ; 25 cm Ubbelohde, A. R. ‐ Time and thermodynamics, Oxford University Press, 1947 Uspensky, J. V. ‐ Elementary number theory, McGraw Hill, 1941 Velleman, Daniel J. ‐ How to prove it : a structured approach, Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 1994 IX, 309 p. Vermaas, Pieter E. ‐ A philosopherʹs understanding of quantum mechanics : possibilities and impossibilities of a modal interpretation, New York : Cambridge University Press, 1999 XI, 295 p. : ill. ; 26 cm Von[ ]Neumann, John ‐ Theory of games and economic behavior / by John Von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern, Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1953 VIII, 641 p. : graf. * Von[ ]Neumann, John ‐ Mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics / by John Von Neumann ; traslated from the German edition by Robert T. Beyer, Princeton : Princeton University, 1955
* Von[ ]Neumann, John ‐ I fondamenti matematici della meccanica quantistica / Johann von Neumann ; a cura di Giovanni Boniolo, Padova : Il poligrafo, [1998] 378 p. Wang, Hao ‐ A survey of mathematical logic, Science press, 1963 61
Weyl, Hermann ‐ The continuum : a critical examination of the foundation of analysis / Hermann Weyl ; translated by Stephen Pollard & Thomas Bole, New York : Dover, 1994 Weyl, Hermann Algebraic theory of numbers 1940 Weyl, Hermann ‐ Analisi matematica del problema dello spazio / Hermann Weyl ; traduzione e note aggiuntive a cura di Angelo Loinger, Bologna : Zanichelli, 1991 XVI, 176 p. ; 24 cm Wheeler, A. and Zurek, W. H. ‐ Quantum theory and measurement, New Jersey, Princeton University, 1984, 840 p. Whitaker, Andrew Einstein, Bohr and the quantum dilemma / Andrew Whitaker, Cambridge : Cambridge University press, 1996 XVII, 349 p. ; 25 cm Whitehead, A. N. ‐ An introduction to mathematics, Oxford University Press, 2007 Whitrow, G. J. ‐ The natural philosophy of time, Oxford University Press, 1980 Wilder, Raymond L. ‐ Introduction to the foundation of mathematics, Krieger Pub Co. 1980 Youse, Bevan K. ‐ Mathematical induction, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. Prentice‐Hall 1964 Zandvoort, Henk ‐ Models of scientific development and the case of nuclear magnetic resonance, Dordrecht : D. Reidel, 1986 Zehna, Peter W. ‐ Elements of set theory, Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1962 [TITOLI] A unified grand tour of theoretical physics / Ian D. Lawrie, Bristol : Institute of Physics, c2002 XV, 564 p. ; 24 cm Herzian relativistic electrodynamics and its associated mechanics, Palm Harbor : Hadronic press, 1991 IX, [216] p. I fondamenti della meccanica quantistica : analisi storica e problemi aperti / edited by Gianpiero Cattaneo, Arcangelo Rossi, Commenda di Rende, Italy : Editel, c1991 IX, 392 p. ; 24 cm 62
Qualitative reasoning about physical systems / edited by Daniel G. Bobrow, Cambridge, Massachussetts : MIT press, 1985 495 p. ; 23 cm The nature of time / edited by Raymond Flood and Michael Lockwood, Oxford ; Cambridge, Mass. : Basil Blackwell, 1988 VIII, 187 p. : ill. ; 23 cm The ghost in the atom : a discussion of the mysteries of quantum physics / P. C. W. Davies, J. R. Brown [eds.], Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University press, 1986 IX, 157 p. : ill. ; 22 cm 63
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