The German Expansion in Eastern Europe section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe The German Expansion in Eastern Europe Index of Speeches: Resignation Speech page 03 Proclamation of Austrian Anschluss page 04 Speech in Piazza Venezia page 06 Speech in Piazza Venezia page 07 Czechoslovakia Prepares for War page 08 Message to the German Führer page 09 Speech against the Versailles Treaty page 10 Message to the British Prime Minister page 11 Speech on Czechoslovakian Crisis page 12 Munich Agreement Speech page 13 Munich Agreement Speech page 14 Defense of Freedom Speech page 16 Announcement of the Fall of Barcelona page 18 Speech on Judenfrage page 19 Declaration after Czech Invasion page 20 1 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Ventennale dei Fasci Speech page 21 Announcement of the End of the Spanish Civilian War page 23 Announcement of the End of the Spanish Civilian War page 24 Announcement of the Annexation of Albania page 25 Victory Speech page 26 On the Signature of the Stahlpakt page 27 Declaration of the Former Czech Ambassador in London page 28 2 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Resignation Speech Kurt von Schuschnigg March 11, 1938 Österreicher und Österreicherinnen! Der heutige Tag hat uns vor eine schwere und entscheidende Situation gestellt. Ich bin beauftragt, dem österreichischen Volke über die Ereignisse des Tages zu berichten: Die Deutsche Reichsregierung hat dem Herrn Bundespräsidenten ein befristetes Ultimatum gestellt, nach dem der Herr Bundespräsident einen ihm vorgeschlagenen Kandidaten zum Bundeskanzler zu ernennen und die Regierung nach den Vorschlägen der deutschen Reichsregierung zu bestellen hätte, widrigenfalls der Einmarsch deutscher Truppen in Österreich für diese Stunde in Aussicht genommen wurde. Ich stelle fest vor der Welt, dass die Nachrichten, die in Österreich verbreitet wurden, dass Arbeiterunruhen gewesen seien, dass Ströme von Blut geflossen seien, dass die Regierung nicht Herrin der Lage wäre und aus eigenem nicht hätte Ordnung machen können, von A bis Z erfunden sind. Der Herr Bundespräsident beauftragt mich, dem österreichischen Volke mitzuteilen, dass wir der Gewalt weichen. Wir haben, weil wir um keinen Preis, auch in diesen ernsten Stunden nicht, deutsches Blut zu vergießen gesonnen sind, unserer Wehrmacht den Auftrag gegeben, für den Fall, dass der Einmarsch durchgeführt wird, ohne Widerstand sich zurückzuziehen und die Entscheidung der nächsten Stunden abzuwarten. Der Herr Bundespräsident hat den General der Infanterie Schilhawsky, Generaltruppeninspektor, mit der Führung der Wehrmacht betraut. Durch ihn werden die weiteren Weisungen für die Wehrmacht ergehen. So verabschiede ich mich in dieser Stunde von dem österreichischen Volk mit einem deutschen Wort und einem Herzenswunsch: Gott schütze Österreich! 3 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Announcement of Austrian Anschluss Adolf Hitler March 15, 1938 Deutsche Männer und Frauen! In wenigen Tagen hat sich innerhalb der deutschen Volksgemeinschaft eine Umwälzung vollzogen, die wir heute wohl in ihrem Umfange sehen, deren Bedeutung aber erst spätere Geschlechter ganz ermessen werden. Es ist in den letzten Jahren von den Machthabern des nunmehr beseitigten Regimes oft von der besonderen Mission gesprochen worden, die in ihren Augen dieses Land zu erfüllen hätte. Ein Führer der Legitimisten hat sie in einer Denkschrift genau umrissen. Nach ihr war es die Aufgabe dieser sogenannten Selbständigkeit des Landes Österreich, die in den Friedensverträgen fundiert und von der Gnade des Auslandes abhängig war, die Bildung eines wahrhaft großen Deutschen Reiches zu verhindern und damit den Weg in die Zukunft des deutschen Volkes zu verriegeln. Ich proklamiere nunmehr für dieses Land seine neue Mission. Sie entspricht dem Gebote, das einst die deutschen Siedler aus allen Gauen des Altreiches hieher berufen hat: Die älteste Ostmark des deutschen Volkes soll von jetzt ab das jüngste Bollwerk der deutschen Nation und damit des Deutschen Reiches sein. Jahrhundertelang haben sich in den unruhevollen Zeiten der Vergangenheit die Stürme des Ostens an den Grenzen der alten Mark gebrochen. Jahrhundertelang, für alle Zukunft soll sie nunmehr ein eiserner Garant sein für die Sicherheit und Freiheit des Deutschen Reiches und damit ein Unterpfand für das Glück und für den Frieden unseres großen Volkes. Und ich weiß: die alte Ostmark des Deutschen Reiches wird ihrer neuen Aufgabe genauso gerecht werden, wie sie die alte einst gelöst und gemeistert hat. Ich spreche im Namen der Millionen dieses wunderschönen deutschen Landes, im Namen der Steirer, der Nieder- und Oberösterreicher, der Kärntner, der Salzburger, der Tiroler und vor allem im Namen der Stadt Wien, wenn ich es den in diesem Augenblick zuhörenden 68 Millionen übrigen deutschen Volksgenossen in unserem weiten Reich versichere: Dies Land ist deutsch, es hat seine Mission begriffen, es wird diese erfüllen, und es soll an Treue zur großen deutschen Volksgemeinschaft von niemandem jemals überboten werden. 4 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Unsere Aufgabe aber wird es nun sein, durch Arbeit, Fleiß und gemeinsames Einstehen und Zusammenstehen die großen sozialen, kulturellen und wirtschaftlichen Aufgaben zu lösen, vor allem aber Österreich immer mehr zu einer Trutzburg nationalsozialistischer Gesinnung und nationalsozialistischer Willenskraft zu entwickeln und auszubauen. Ich kann diesen Appell an Sie aber nicht schließen, ohne nun der Männer zu gedenken, die es mir mit ermöglicht haben, die große Wende in so kurzer Zeit mit Gottes Hilfe herbeizuführen. Ich danke den nationalsozialistischen Mitgliedern der Regierung, an ihrer Spitze dem neuen Reichsstatthalter Seyß-Inquart. Ich danke den zahllosen Parteifunktionären, ich danke aber vor allem den ungezählten namenlosen Idealisten, den Kämpfern unserer Formationen, die in den langen Jahren der Verfolgung bewiesen haben, dass der Deutsche, unter Druck gesetzt, nur noch härter wird. Diese Jahre der Leidenszeit haben mich in meiner Überzeugung vom Wert des deutschösterreichischen Menschen im Rahmen unserer großen Volksgemeinschaft nur bestärkt. Die wunderbare Ordnung und Disziplin dieses gewaltigen Geschehens ist aber auch ein Beweis für die Kraft der diese Menschen beseelenden Idee. Ich kann somit in dieser Stunde dem deutschen Volke die größte Vollzugsmeldung meines Lebens abstatten: Als Führer und Kanzler der deutschen Nation und des Reiches melde ich vor der Geschichte nunmehr den Eintritt meiner Heimat in das Deutsche Reich! 5 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Speech in Piazza Venezia Benito Mussolini May 07, 1938 L’Italia fascista non conosce che una sola legge etica nell’amicizia, quella che io ricordai davanti al popolo tedesco al Campo di Maggio. A questa legge ha obbedito, obbedisce e obbedirà la collaborazione tra la Germania nazista e l’Italia fascista. Le premesse e gli obiettivi di questa collaborazione, consacrata nell’asse Roma Berlino, noi le abbiamo costantemente e apertamente affermati. La Germania e l’Italia hanno lasciato dietro di sé le utopie alle quali l’Europa aveva ciecamente affidato le sue sorti, per cercare tra loro e per cercare con gli altri un regime di convivenza internazionale che possa instaurare equamente per tutti garanzie più effettive di giustizia, di sicurezza e di pace. A questo si può giungere soltanto quando gli elementari diritti di ciascun popolo, a vivere, a lavorare e a difendersi, siano lealmente riconosciuti e l’equilibrio politico corrisponda alla realtà delle forze storiche che lo costituiscono e lo determinano. Noi siamo convinti che è su questa via che le nazioni d’Europa troveranno quella tranquillità e quella pace che sono indispensabili a preservare le basi stesse della civiltà europea. 6 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Speech in Piazza Venezia Adolf Hitler May 07, 1938 Es ist mein unerschütterlicher Wille und mein Vermächtnis an das deutsche Volk, dass es deshalb die von der Natur zwischen uns beiden aufgerichtete Alpengrenze für immer als eine unantastbare ansieht. Ich weiß, dass sich dann für Rom und Germanien eine große und segensreiche Zukunft ergeben wird. Duce! Und so wie Sie und Ihr Volk in entscheidungsreichen Tagen die Freundschaft gehalten haben, werde ich und mein Volk Italien in schwerer Stunde gleiche Freundschaft beweisen. 7 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Czechoslovakia Prepares for War Edvard Beneš September 10, 1938 Czechoslovakia is prepared to defend her territory and will not voluntarily give up any part of it. The army is equipped with modern arms, and the firm determination of the people to defend their democratic government compensates for what may be lacking in the numerical strength of the army. The soldiers know that they would be defending a just cause. 8 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Message to the German Führer Unknown Speaker on BBC September 14, 1938 The Prime Minister has sent the German Fuehrer and Chancellor, through His Majesty’s Ambassador to Berlin, the following message: ―In view of the increasingly critical situation, I propose to come over at once to see you with the view to trying to find a peaceful solution. I propose to come across by air and I am ready to start tomorrow.‖ 9 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Speech against the Versailles Treaty Benito Mussolini September 26, 1938 Camicie Nere di Verona – di questa mia un poco molto Verona, di questa Verona romana, bersaglieresca, fascista nell'anima fin dalla Vigilia! Con questa maestosa adunata di popolo, accompagnata da uno schieramento superbo di forze, si chiude il mio viaggio tra le genti del Veneto, e il mio pellegrinaggio sui Campi sacri delle nostre gloriose battaglie. È inutile che i diplomatici si affatichino ancora per salvare Versailles. L'Europa che fu costruita a Versailles – spesso con una piramidale ignoranza della geografia e della storia – questa Versailles agonizza. La sua sorte si decide in questa settimana. È in questa settimana che può sorgere la nuova Europa: l'Europa della giustizia per tutti e della riconciliazione fra i popoli. Camicie Nere, noi del Littorio siamo per questa nuova Europa. 10 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Message to the British Prime Minister Adolf Hitler September 26, 1938 Ich bin Mr. Chamberlain dankbar für alle seine Bemühungen. Ich habe ihm weiter versichert und wiederhole es hier, dass es – wenn dieses Problem gelöst ist — für Deutschland in Europa kein territoriales Problem mehr gibt! 11 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Speech on Czechoslovakian Crisis Neville Chamberlain September 27, 1938 How horrible, fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas masks here because of a quarrel in a faraway country between people of whom we know nothing. It seems still more impossible that a quarrel which has already been settled in principle should be the subject of war. We have to fight it must be on larger issues than that. I am myself a man of peace to the depths of my soul. Armed conflict between nations is a nightmare to me; but if I were convinced that any nation had made up its mind to dominate the world by fear of its force, I should feel that it must be resisted. Under such a domination life for people who believe in liberty would not be worth living; but war is a fearful thing, and we must be very clear, before we embark on it, that it is really the great issues that are at stake. For the present I ask you to await as calmly as you can the events of the next few days. As long as war has not begun, it may be prevented, and you know that I am going to work for peace to the last moment. 12 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Munich Agreement Speech Neville Chamberlain September 30, 1938 This morning I had another talk with the German Chancellor, Herr Hitler, and here is the paper which bears his name upon it as well as mine. Some of you, perhaps, have already heard what it contains. But I would just like to read it to you: ―We, the German Fuhrer and Chancellor, and the British Prime Minister, have had a further meeting today and are agreed in recognizing that the question of AngloGerman relations is of the first importance for our two countries and for Europe. We regard the agreement signed last night, and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement, as symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again‖. 13 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Munich Agreement Speech Winston Churchill October 5, 1938 We really must not waste time after all this long Debate upon the difference between the positions reached at Berchtesgaden, at Godesberg and at Munich. No one has been a more resolute and uncompromising struggler for peace than the Prime Minister. Everyone knows that. Never has there been such instance and undaunted determination to maintain and secure peace. That is quite true. Nevertheless, I am not quite clear why there was so much danger of Great Britain or France being involved in a war with Germany at this juncture if, in fact, they were ready all along to sacrifice Czechoslovakia. The terms which the Prime Minister brought back with him could easily have been agreed, I believe, through the ordinary diplomatic channels at any time during the summer. And I will say this, that I believe the Czechs, left to themselves and told they were going to get no help from the Western Powers, would have been able to make better terms than they have got after all this tremendous perturbation; they could hardly have had worse. All is over. Silent, mournful, abandoned, broken, Czechoslovakia recedes into the darkness. She has suffered in every respect by her association with the Western democracies and with the League of Nations, of which she has always been an obedient servant. She has suffered in particular from her association with France, under whose guidance and policy she has been actuated for so long. The very measures taken by His Majesty's Government in the Anglo-French Agreement to give her the best chance possible, namely, the 50 per cent, clean cut in certain districts instead of a plebiscite, have turned to her detriment, because there is to be a plebiscite too in wide areas, and those other Powers who had claims have also come down upon the helpless victim. What I find unendurable is the sense of our country falling into the power, into the orbit and influence of Nazi Germany, and of our existence becoming dependent upon their good will or pleasure. It is to prevent that that I have tried my best to urge the maintenance of every bulwark of defense - first, the timely creation of an Air Force superior to anything within striking distance of our shores; secondly, the gathering together of the collective strength of many nations; and thirdly, the making of alliances and military conventions, all within the Covenant, in order to gather together forces at any rate to restrain the onward movement of this power. It 14 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe has all been in vain. Every position has been successively undermined and abandoned on specious and plausible excuses. I do not grudge our loyal, brave people, who were ready to do their duty no matter what the cost, who never flinched under the strain of last week. I do not grudge them the natural, spontaneous outburst of joy and relief when they learned that the hard ordeal would no longer be required of them at the moment; but they should know the truth. They should know that there has been gross neglect and deficiency in our defenses; they should know that we have sustained a defeat without a war, the consequences of which will travel far with us along our road; they should know that we have passed an awful milestone in our history, when the whole equilibrium of Europe has been deranged, and that the terrible words have for the time being been pronounced against the Western democracies: "Thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting". And do not suppose that this is the end. This is only the beginning of the reckoning. This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year unless by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigor, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the older time. 15 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Defense of Freedom Speech Winston Churchill October 16, 1938 Alexander the Great remarked that the peoples of Asia were slaves because they had not learned to pronounce the word ―No‖. Let that not be the epitaph of the Englishspeaking peoples or of Parliamentary democracy, or of France, or of the many surviving liberal States of Europe. There, in one single word, is the resolve which the forces of freedom and progress, of tolerance and good will should take. It is not in the power of one nation, however formidably armed, still less it is in the power of a small group of men, violent, ruthless men, who have always to cast their eyes back over their shoulders, to cramp and fetter the forward march of human destiny. The preponderant world forces are upon our side; they have but to be combined to be obeyed. We must arm. Britain must arm. America must arm. We shall, no doubt, arm. Britain, casting away the habits of centuries, will decree national service upon her citizens. But arms - instrumentalities, as President Wilson called them - are not sufficient by themselves. We must add to them the power of ideas. People say we ought not to allow ourselves to be drawn into a theoretical antagonism between Nazi domination and democracy; but the antagonism is here now. You see these dictators on their pedestals, surrounded by the bayonets of their soldiers and the truncheons of their police. They are afraid of words and thoughts; words spoken abroad, thoughts stirring at home - all the more powerful because forbidden - terrify them. A little mouse of thought appears in the room, and even the mightiest potentates are thrown into panic. They make frantic efforts to bar our thoughts and words; they are afraid of the workings of the human mind. A state of society where men may not speak their minds, where children denounce their parents to the police, where a business man or small shopkeeper ruins his competitor by telling tales about his private opinions; such a state of society cannot long endure if brought into contact with the healthy outside world. The light of civilized progress with its tolerances and co-operation, with its dignities and joys, has often been blotted out. But I hold the belief that we have now at last got far enough ahead of barbarism to control it, and to avert it, if only we realize what is afoot and make up our minds in good time. 16 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Is this a call to war? Does anyone pretend that preparations for resistance against aggression is unleashing war? I declare it to be the sole guarantee of peace, the finest and the surest prospect of peace. 17 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Announcement of the Fall of Barcelona Benito Mussolini January 29, 1939 Il grido della vostra esultanza pienamente legittima si fonde con quello che sale da tutte le città della Spagna – oramai completamente liberata dall’infamia dei Rossi – e con quello degli anti-bolscevichi di tutto il mondo. La splendida vittoria di Barcellona è un altro capitolo della storia della nuova Europa che noi stiamo creando. Dalle magnifiche truppe di Franco dai nostri intrepidi legionari non è stato battuto soltanto il governo di Negrin: molti altri tra i nostri nemici mordono, in questo momento, la polvere. La parola d'ordine dei rossi era questa: ―No pasarán‖. Siamo passati! E vi dico che passeremo! 18 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Speech on the Judenfrage January 30, 1939 Adolf Hitler Europa kann nicht eher zur Ruhe kommen, bevor die jüdische Frage ausgeräumt ist. Die Welt hat Siedlungsraum genügend, es muss aber endgültig mit der Meinung gebrochen werden, als sei das jüdische Volk vom lieben Gott eben dazu bestimmt, in einem gewissen Prozentsatz Nutznießer am Körper und an der produktiven Arbeit anderer Völker zu sein. Das Judentum wird sich genauso einer soliden aufbauenden Tätigkeit anpassen müssen, wie es andere Völker auch tun, oder es wird früher oder später einer Krise von unvorstellbarem Ausmaß erliegen. Wenn es dem internationalen Finanzjudentum in und außerhalb Europas gelingen sollte, die Völker noch einmal in einen Weltkrieg zu stürzen, dann wird das Ergebnis nicht der Sieg des Judentums sein, sondern die Vernichtung der jüdischen Rasse in Europa. 19 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Declaration after Czech Invasion Neville Chamberlain March 15, 1939 If an attempt were made to change the situation by force in such a way as to threaten Polish independence, that would inevitably start a general conflagration in which this country would be involved. 20 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Ventennale dei Fasci Speech Benito Mussolini March 26, 1939 Camerati Fascisti! La vostra adunata, che è la manifestazione culminante delle celebrazioni del Primo Ventennale del Fascismo, ha luogo in un momento serio della vita europea. Noi non ci facciamo e non ci faremo prendere da quella che è oramai è conosciuta come la psicosi di guerra, miscuglio di isterismo e di paura. La rotta della nostra navigazione è definita, e i nostri principi sono chiari. Nel mio discorso di Genova io parlai di una barricata che separava l'Italia dalla Francia. Questa barricata può considerarsi abbastanza demolita e fra qualche giorno, forse fra qualche ora, le magnifiche fanterie della Spagna Nazionale daranno l'ultimo colpo, e quella Madrid dove le sinistre attendevano la tomba del Fascismo sarà invece la tomba del Comunismo. Noi non chiediamo il giudizio del mondo, ma desideriamo che il mondo sia informato. Orbene, nella nota italiana del 17 dicembre del 1938, erano chiaramente stabiliti i problemi italiani nei confronti della Francia, problemi di carattere coloniale. Questi problemi hanno un nome: si chiamano Tunisi, Gibuti, Canale di Suez. Il governo francese è perfettamente libero di rifiutarsi anche alla semplice distruzione di questi problemi, come ha fatto sin qui attraverso i suoi troppi reiterati e forse troppo categorici giammai. Ma non avrà poi a dolersi se il solco che divide attualmente i due Paesi, diventerà così profondo che sarà fatica ardua se non impossibile colmarlo. Comunque si svolgano gli eventi, noi desideriamo che non si parli più di fratellanze, di sorellanze, di cuginanze e di altre tali parentele bastarde. Poiché i rapporti tra gli Stati sono rapporti di forza, e questi rapporti di forza sono gli elementi determinanti della loro politica. Camerati Squadristi: questa è la vostra giornata – la vostra grande giornata – e col vostro coraggio, col vostro sacrificio, con la vostra fede, avete dato un impulso potente alla ruota della storia. Ora io vi domando: 21 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Desiderate degli onori? Delle ricompense? La vita comoda? Esiste per voi l'impossibile? Quali sono le tre parole che formano il nostro dogma? Credere, Obbedire, Combattere! Ebbene Camerati: in queste tre parole fu, è, e sarà il segreto di ogni vittoria! 22 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Announcement of the End of the Spanish Civilian War Francisco Franco April 01, 1939 Parte Oficial de Guerra, del Cuartel General del Generalísimo, correspondiente al día de hoy, 1 de Abril de 1939, III Año triunfal. En el día de hoy, cautivo y desarmado el Ejército Rojo, han alcanzado las tropas nacionales sus últimos objetivos militares. La guerra ha terminado. Burgos, 1 de Abril de 1939, Año de la Victoria. El Generalissimo, Franco. 23 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Announcement of the End of the Spanish Civilian War Benito Mussolini April 02, 1939 Camerati, noi ci incontriamo in un momento che gonfia di gioia e d'orgoglio i nostri cuori. Da ieri la bandiera a falce e martello è stata completamente eliminata dalla generosa terra di Spagna. Il merito principale è di Franco e delle sue truppe, ma vi hanno contribuito i fanti del nostro glorioso Esercito e le Camicie Nere. Essi avevano detto: non passeranno, e siamo passati. Ma è ancora più importante dire che passeremo. Tutte le speranze, tutte le profezie idiote e miserabili delle sinistre, sono state disperse dalla nostra volontà, dalla nostra tenacia, dalla nostra fede e dalle baionette italiane. 24 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Announcement of the Annexation of Albania Achille Starace April 13, 1939 Salutate nel Duce il Fondatore dell’Impero! Camicie Nere! Il Duce mi ordina di leggere il seguente ordine del giorno, approvato per acclamazione dal Gran Consiglio del Fascismo: ―Il Gran Consiglio del Fascismo, presa cognizione del voto solenne e unanime col quale la Costituente Albanese ha deciso di offrire la Corona di Albania al Re d’Italia e Imperatore di Etiopia, saluta con gioia virile questo evento storico, che sulla base dei secolari vincoli di amicizia associa al popolo e al destino d’Italia il destino e il popolo di Albania in una più profonda e definitiva unione. Dichiara che l’Italia Fascista è in grado, coi suoi uomini e con le sue armi, di garantire all’antico e valoroso popolo albanese l’ordine, il rispetto di ogni fede religiosa, il progresso civile, la giustizia sociale e, con la difesa delle frontiere comuni, la pace. Il Gran Consiglio del Fascismo esprime la gratitudine del popolo italiano al Duce, Fondatore dell’Impero.‖ 25 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Victory Speech Francisco Franco May 19, 1939 Un estado totalitario armonizará en España el funcionamiento de todas las capacidades y energías del país, en el que dentro de la unidad nacional, el trabajo, estimado como el más ineludible de los deberes, será el único exponente de la voluntad popular, y merced a él podrá manifestarse el auténtico sentido del pueblo español, a través de aquellos órganos naturales que como la familia, el municipio, la asociación y la corporación, harán cristalizar en realidades nuestro ideal supremo. 26 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe On the Signature of the Stahlpakt May 22, 1939 Galeazzo Ciano Il patto di alleanza e di amicizia concluso oggi fissa e consacra in precisi impegni politici e militari quella profonda comunione di spiriti e di opere che esiste fra Germania nazista e Italia fascista. Le due grandi nazioni che, rinnovate e potenziate dal genio e dalla volontà del Führer e del Duce, si sono messe alla testa della storia d’Europa per preservare le basi della sua millenaria civiltà e per rivendicare i principi dell’ordine e della giustizia in mezzo a un mondo in dissoluzione, si stringono oggi in un blocco inscindibile di forze, di volontà e di interessi. Le stipulazione del patto di alleanza non hanno bisogno di alcun commento tanto esse sono categoriche nella loro brevità e chiarezza. Il loro stile è quello della aperta lealtà che caratterizza le relazioni italo - tedesche. 27 section 02 - the German Expansion in Eastern Europe Declaration of the former Czech Ambassador in London Jan Masaryk August 27, 1939 No one knows what is going to happen within the next 24 or 48 hours. I don't think that either Chamberlain or Hitler really know at this minute. But one thing is very definitely sure: if the war starts, it will be Hitler who is the guilty party. I do not wish to deny that the unbelievable policy of the Western democracies has helped Hitler to this fortunate or tragic position. History will prove that most efficiently and conclusively. But I do not think I’m too optimistic when I say that these democracies have definitively learned their lesson. It is the terrible tragedy of my little country that it had to be crucified to redeem the sins of others. Please do not consider me blaspheme when I say that. There might be war even before I finish this little talk or we may have another attempt at negotiations. If there is even a vestige of the Munich spirit left to initiate these negotiations, they are doomed to be a dismal failure. The only possible chance of success without bloodshed is for Hitler to climb down from the Trojan Horse on which he has galloped from Munich to Berlin, and then to Vienna, Memel, Prague and so forth, and now toward Warsaw. From now on he must walk, even walk backwards a bit. Let me be perfectly frank; I believe I have the right to be so. If Hitler attempts another bloodless victory for vulgar gangsterism, and the world – including the United States of America – let him get away with it, I have no illusions about the future of the European civilization. And what’s more, we all deserve what is coming to us. 28