
raffaella nani - Bocconi Alumni Association

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raffaella nani - Bocconi Alumni Association
Function: Partner
Company: Barabino & Partners SpA
Raffaella Nani is a Partner at Barabino &
communication Group in Italy, as well as
the leading Italian player in Europe in
the communication industry.
Since 2009 to 2012 she has been a
member of the Boards of Directors of
Barabino & Partners SpA.
She has been in charge for economic
and financial communication issues
assisting national and multinational companies, law firms, banks, financial institutions,
private equity funds and organizations operating in the most different industries.
She has been in charge for the communication and media relations activity for
companies such as BNP Paribas, Chase Manhattan Bank, PricewaterhouseCoopers,
LUISS Guido Carli, ABI, CVC Capital Partners, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer,
Finmeccanica, Manuli Rubber Industries, Federcasse, Banca Popolare dell’Emilia
Romagna, UniCredit Xelion Banca.
She carried out a number of complex strategic communication projects such as the
PTO of BNP Paribas on BNL (MF award for the best adv and PR 2006 PTO
campaign), the PTO of Leonardo Finanziaria on Beni Stabili and of Foncière des
Régions on Beni Stabili, the PTO of Swisscom on Fastweb, the PTO of Silver on Seat
Pagine Gialle, the last three ENEL retail bonds, the IPO of Enel Green Power, Polynt,
Bolzoni, e-Biscom (Fastweb), D-Mail, the S3 UniCredit reorganisation plan.
Ms. Nani graduated at Bocconi University and attended the 1992 Fall Term section of
the MBA at The University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (Detroit). She then started her
career in the export finance department at Fineurop Soditic Finance Limited and
moved to Banca Commerciale Italiana where she worked as Banking Relationship
Assistant in the Correspondent Banking Division. Since 1999 she has been with
Barabino & Partners.
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