
Carolina Pacchi Curriculum Vitae

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Carolina Pacchi Curriculum Vitae
Carolina Pacchi
Curriculum Vitae
a. Politecnico di Milano
b. Other teaching activities
a. Books
b. Book Chapters
c. Journals
d. Main Conference Papers
Carolina Pacchi holds a PhD in Urban and Environmental Planning. She is Assistant Professor
(Ricercatore) at Politecnico di Milano, where she teaches Planning Theory and Practice and Local
Conflict Resolution in the Master in Urban Planning and Policy Design.
She is involved in research activities that moving from a combination of a planning and a policy
analysis background, look primarily to planning strategies based on stakeholder involvement and
innovative policies for urban and environmental planning.
Her main research interests include:
- urban conflict and contentious processes, in their relationship with grassroots initiatives, active
citizenship, urban movements, in a planning perspective;
- the development and the peculiarities of the European City, in the relationship between historical
development of the urban armature and structure, political role and profile, morphological
- the role of knowledge and in particular the role of Universities and Higher Education Institutions
in strategies towards local development, social innovation and inclusive growth at urban and
territorial level, in an international perspective;
- local development policies, both in the framework of EU funded policies (Cohesion Policy,
Interreg, ..) and within national programmes, with a particular attention towards the dimensions of
social capital, institutional capacity and strategies to tackle capacity gaps
- environmental policies, in the framework of the possibilities for effective policy integration,
paying particular attention to the role of knowledge and evaluation strategies
She has done research on partnership building in local development policies within EU funded
programmes, and she has been involved in a research about the relation between policy networks,
social capital and local policies. She has worked in EU funded research project about policies for
sustainability at the local and national level. She has been involved in a research project with
Kingston University (UK) about the relationship between urban grassroots mobility practices and
the physical characters of local contexts. She is currently doing research on the transformations of
the European city, about which she published a book in 2011, and on the role of active citizenship
in contributing to urban innovation.
She has published books, contributions to books and papers on Italian and international journals on
these research topics, and she regularly takes part to national and international conferences.
Carolina Pacchi
Date of birth
25 August 1969
Contact details
Via Bassano del Grappa, 22 – 20127 Milano ITALY
02 2828720 (home)
339 2603835 (mobile)
[email protected]
Language skills
Italian: mother tongue
English: very good written and oral
French: very good written and oral
German: basic written and oral
PhD in Regional and Environmental Planning (Pianificazione Territoriale
e Ambientale), Politecnico di Milano, final dissertation on “The Planner as
a Mediator: possible declinations of a new professional profile”
(“L’urbanista mediatore: declinazioni possibili di una nuova figura
Visting PhD Student at the Department of Urban Studies and Planning,
MIT, Cambridge, USA, under the supervision of Prof. Lawrence Susskind
Degree in Architecture (100/100 cum laude), Politecnico di Milano, with
a dissertation on the analysis of the relations between territory and industry
in the Biella region (“Territorio, industria, mutamento: forme
dell’insediamento e luoghi della produzione nel Biellese”), under the
supervision of Prof. Pier Carlo Palermo
Matriculation (60/60), Liceo Classico Cesare Beccaria, Milano
Member of the Editorial Board of Urbanistica
She obtains Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, Bando 2012 (DD n. 222/2012)
Director of Consorzio Metis (research consortium between Politecnico di
Milano and other Italian research institutes)
Lecturer at Alta Scuola Politecnica (Politecnico di Milano – Politecnico di
Torino), modules on “Complex Decision Making in the Public and the Private
Sphere” and on “The Dynamics of Creativity”
Ricercatore di Tecnica e Pianificazione Urbanistica (ICAR 20) at Dipartimento
di Architettura e Pianificazione (DiAP), then DASTU, Politecnico di Milano
Lecturer in Conflict Resolution, School of Architecture, Politecnico di Milano
Research Assistant, DiAP, Politecnico di Milano, on the themes of stakeholder
engagement in planning policies
Co-founder of Avanzi – idee, ricerche e progetti per la sostenibilità (think tank
and consultancy on the themes of sustainability and local innovation)
a. Politecnico di Milano
Planning Theory and Practice and Conflict Management and Resolution in
the Master in Urban Planning and Policy Design, Scuola di Architettura e
Società, Politecnico di Milano
Planning Theory and Practice and Conflict Management and Resolution in
the Master in Urban Planning and Policy Design; Urban Change in the
Bachelor in Architecture/Urban Planning, Scuola di Architettura e Società,
Politecnico di Milano
Planning Theory and Practice and Conflict Management and Resolution in
the Master in Urban Planning and Policy Design; Urban Sociology in the
Bachelor in Architecture/Urban Planning, Scuola di Architettura e Società,
Politecnico di Milano
Planning Theory and Practice and Conflict Management and Resolution in
the Master in Urban Planning and Policy Design; Urban Sociology in the
Bachelor in Architecture/Urban Planning, Scuola di Architettura e Società,
Politecnico di Milano
Planning Theory and Practice and Conflict Management and Resolution in
the Master in Urban Planning and Policy Design; Urban Planning in the
Elective Thematic Studio, Bachelor in Architecture, Scuola di Architettura e
Società, Politecnico di Milano
Urban and Regional Governance, Conflict Management and Resolution and
Cohesion Policy and Local Development Studio in the Master in Urban
Planning and Policy Design; Urban Planning in the Elective Thematic
Studio, Bachelor in Architecture, Scuola di Architettura e Società,
Politecnico di Milano
Conflict Management and Resolution in the Master in Urban Planning and
Policy Design; Urban Planning in the Elective Thematic Studio, Bachelor in
Architecture, Scuola di Architettura e Società, Politecnico di Milano
Conflict Management and Resolution in the Master in Urban Planning and
Policy Design
Urban Management and Environmental Conflicts in the Master in Urban
Planning and Policy Design
Conflict Management, Laurea in Pianificazione Territoriale, Urbanistica e
Ambientale, Facoltà di Architettura, Politecnico di Milano
b. Other teaching activities
Politecnico di Milano-Politecnico di Torino, Alta Scuola Politecnica
Course “Complex Decision Making in the Public and the Private Spheres”
(coordinators Prof. Bruno Dente and Prof. Giovanni Azzone)
Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano-LIPU Italy, she is responsible (with Chiara
Pirovano) of the module on stakeholder engagement and conflict management in
the course “Environment: anticipating the emerging questions. From defence to
proposal” (“Ambiente: giocare d’anticipo. Dalla difesa alla proposta”), funded by
Fondazione Cariplo
Politecnico di Milano-Politecnico di Torino, Alta Scuola Politecnica
Course “Complex Decision Making in the Public and the Private Spheres”
(coordinators Prof. Bruno Dente and Prof. Giovanni Azzone)
Politecnico di Milano-Politecnico di Torino, Alta Scuola Politecnica
Course “Complex Decision Making in the Public and the Private Spheres”
(coordinators Prof. Bruno Dente and Prof. Giovanni Azzone)
Politecnico di Milano-Politecnico di Torino, Alta Scuola Politecnica
Course “Complex Decision Making in the Public and the Private Spheres”
(coordinators Prof. Bruno Dente and Prof. Giovanni Azzone)
Politecnico di Milano-Politecnico di Torino, Alta Scuola Politecnica
Course “The Dynamics of Creatity” (coordinator Prof. Sandro Balducci)
Politecnico di Milano-Politecnico di Torino, Alta Scuola Politecnica
Course “Decision Making” (coordinators Prof. Bruno Dente and Prof. Carolina
Politecnico di Milano-Politecnico di Torino, Alta Scuola Politecnica
Course “Decision Making” (coordinators Prof. Bruno Dente and Prof. Carolina
Politecnico di Milano-Politecnico di Torino, Alta Scuola Politecnica
Course “The Dynamics of Creatity” (coordinator Prof. Sandro Balducci)
Consorzio Metis, coordination of the Module on “Conflict Mangament and Public
Participation Policies”, in the Master in Social Planning, coordinated by Prof.
Costanzo Ranci
Module on Urban Planning in the Bachelor in Geography - Environmental Science,
School of Humanities, Università degli Studi di Milano
Consorzio Cooperazione Gino Mattarelli – Series of Lectures on “Public
Participation in Social Policies”, in various Italian cities
Workshop “Progetto Nuval”, Formez and Ministry on Economic Affairs, modules
on integrated territorial planning and programming
1998 - 2000
“Environmental and Territorial Management” (“Gestione dell’ambiente e del
territorio”), Master Course coordinated by Prof. Pier Carlo Palermo, DST,
Politecnico di Milano and Regione Lombardia, funded by the ESF for training
experts on urban and environmental management
She takes part to the DASTU working group, coordinated by Prof. Gabriele
Pasqui, for the “Third Strategic Plan of the City of Turin”, promoted by
Torino Strategica. The Dastu working group is engaged in in depth territorial
analyses and prospective work on future territorial scenarios for Turin
Metropolitan Area
Project Manager of the Targeted Analysis project “Institutional Capacity for
Territorial Development (SMART-IST)”, ESPON Programme, Priority 2,
scientific coordinator Prof. Bruno Dente. The targeted analysis aimed at
investigating the connection between institutional capacity, capacity building
policies and territorial development, in the framework of EU Cohesion
She obtains a British Council-CRUI Exchange Grant (with Silvia Gullino,
Kingston University, London) for a research on “Grassroots organisations,
eco-transport and behavioural change in the UK and in Italy: the example of
the Transition Towns movement”. The research project focused on
alternative urban mobility practices based on the use of the bicycle in Milan
and in London
She coordinates for Consorzio Metis the Regional Forum on Landscape
(Forum Regionale per il Paesaggio), in the framework of the development of
the Puglia Regional Landscape Protection Plan (Piano Paesaggistico della
Regione Puglia), scientific coordination by Prof. Alberto Magnaghi,
Università di Firenze. The Regional Forum involved the main stakeholders at
regional and local level in the plan making process.
She takes part to the research project “G-Fors Governance for
Sustainability”, funded by EU DG Research, in a DiAP working group
coordinated of Prof. Alessandro Balducci, developing a case study on SEA
implementation. The research project aimed at investigating the use of
knowledge in sustainability aimed policies at local level in nine EU
She takes part to the DiAP working group for the Strategic Project “City of
Cities” (Città di Città) for the Province of Milan, coordinated by prof.
Alessandro Balducci, where she is co-responsible of the Call for proposals
for new project ideas and best practices on urban inhabitability.
She takes part for DiAP to the development and writing of the Background
Report for the OECD Territorial Review for the Province of Milan. The
Background Report takes into account economic, social, territorial and
governance aspects of the area.
She takes part to the expert network for the implementation of the “Regional
Integrated Programme on Networks for Local Development” (PIR “Reti di
sviluppo locale” ) in Sicily, in the framework of the Sprint Project, promoted
by Formez, where she conducts analyses on stakeholder involvement
She takes part tothe Interreg III Medocc Programme “Metropole Nature”, for
the Province of Milan, coordinated at DiAP by prof. Alessandro Balducci.
The project was aimed at strengthening the governance framework for periurban parks and nature reserves in three EU countries.
She takes part to the research project “Social Capital, Governance Networks
and Metropolitan Innovation”, funded by MIUR. The research project,
coordinated by Prof. Bruno Dente, aimed at identifying the links between
dynamics of social capital, features of governance networks and metropolitan
innovation in four Italian cities.
She is responsible of the methodological coordination for the EU funded
research project “SURE. Sustainable Urban Regeneration” (DG XII),
coordinated by Prof. Sandra Bonfiglioli and aimed at integrating time
oriented policies into urban regeneration practices in five EU urban contexts
She is responsible of the analysis on Sicilia and Sardegna Regions, in the
framework of the research project “State of the Art of Integrated
Programming in Objective 1 Regions” (“Stato della progettazione integrata
nelle regioni dell’Obiettivo 1”), promoted by Formez and coordinated by
Prof. Pier Carlo Palermo for Consorzio Metis
She takes part to the IRS working group, coordinated by Prof. Paolo Fareri,
in the EU funded project “The implementation of the Air Framework
Directive 84/360 in Italy”, ( DG XII), in which she is responsible of the
Italian case studies on the effectiveness of the Air Framework Directive
She takes part to the research project “Monitoring Developments in Working
Time Organisation. Time in the City”, at DST Politecnico di Milano, under
the scientific supervision of Prof. Sandra Bonfiglioli, research promoted by
the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working
Conditions, Dublin
She takes part to the IRS working group, coordinated by Prof. Bruno Dente,
in the EU funded project “Environmental Policy, Subsidiarity Principle and
Spatial Related Policies” ( DGXII), aimed at analyzing
She takes part to the Milan research unit, coordinated by Prof. Pier Carlo
Palermo, in the framework of the national project “ITATEN: Survey on the
Transformations of the Italian Territory” (“Indagine sulle Trasformazioni del
Territorio Nazionale”) promoted by Dicoter, Ministry of Public Works
She organises an International Conference on ‘Innovative governance
patterns and grassroots activism in local contexts. Conflict and cooperation’,
Politecnico di Milano, 8-9 May
She is responsible of the Internship Programme, Master in Urban Planning
and Policy Design, School of Architecture and Society, Politecnico di Milano
She co-organises an exhibition and an international conference on Land
Culture, Care for Ideas (Cultura della terra, cura delle idee), based on the
experience of the Utopia Rural Campus of La Salle University, Colombia
Exhibition: The Experience of Utopia Campus in Colombia (L’esperienza del
campus Utopia in Colombia), July 8-18 , Spazio Mostre, Scuola di
Architettura e società, Via Ampere 2
International Conference: New challenges for Education and Employment
(Nuove sfide per l’educazione e il lavoro), July 9, Scuola di Architettura e
Società, Via Ampère 2
She takes part to an exchange programme with the Observatorio Urbano,
Facultad Ciencias del Hábitat - Universidad de La Salle, Bogotá, Colombia
on the themes of urban planning and public participation
Supervisor of the British Council Ring Grant exchange on ‘Methodologies
used in stakeholder engagement within environmental planning, focusing on
terrestrial and marine spatial planning’, with Giulia Detomati and Heather
Ritchie, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland
She takes part to the Organising Committee of the IX EURA Conference
“Learning Cities in a Knowledge-based Global Society”, Politecnico di
Milano, 9-11 October, and she is responsible of the Track on Emerging
Spatial Planning Practices (with Liliana Padovani and Paola Briata)
She is co-responsible of the Internationalisation Programme for the Bachelor
in Architecture and Urban Planning, School of Architecture and Society,
Politecnico di Milano. The activities involve tutoring for international
students before and after their enrollment at Politecnico di Milano and the
coordination with the Central Offices of the University
She is co-responsible of the Internationalisation Programme for the Master in
Urban Planning and Policy Design, School of Architecture and Society,
Politecnico di Milano. The activities, for each academic year, involve
tutoring for international students before and after their enrollment at
Politecnico di Milano, the organisation of elective cultural activities and the
coordination with the Central Offices of the University
Granata E., Pacchi C. (forthcoming), La ciudad europea. Lecturas a través del tiempo y el espacio,
Editorial de la Universidad de La Salle, Bogotá (Spanish translation and new edition of La
macchina del tempo, Marinotti, 2011)
Granata E., C.Pacchi (2011). La macchina del tempo. Leggere la città europea contemporanea.
Christian Marinotti, Milano
Lanzani A., C.Pacchi, P.Pileri, A. Longo, C. Calvaresi, C. Novak (2009), Dorsale Verde Nord. Una
guida alla scoperta degli spazi aperti dal Ticino all'Adda. Sant'Arcangelo di Romagna, Maggioli
Book chapters
Pacchi C., G. Pasqui (forthcoming), “Urban Planning without Conflicts? Observations on the
Nature and Conditions for Urban Contestation in the Case of Milan”, in E. Gualini (ed.),
Planning/Conflict. Critical Perspectives on Contentious Urban Developments, Routledge
Pacchi C. (2014), “Conflittualità e partecipazione nei processi di riuso urbano”, in A. Paolella (a
cura di) People Meeet in the Recycled City. La partecipazione attiva dei cittadini al progetto di
recupero, riuso, recycle dell’edificato abbandonato e dei paesaggi del rifiuto, Roma, Arancne
Pacchi C. (2014), “Institutional Capacity for Territorial Development. Smart-Ist”, in M. Prezioso
(ed.), Espon Italian Evidence in Changing Europe, University of Rome Tor Vergata, pp. 107-111
Pacchi C., C. Pirovano (2013), “La partecipazione nell'ambito dei processi di riuso urbanistico e
territoriale” in A. Filpa, S.Lenzi (eds.), Riutilizziamo l'Italia. Dal censimento del dismesso
scaturisce un patrimonio di idee per il futuro del Belpaese, WWF Italia, pp. 239-251
Calvaresi C., C. Pacchi, (2011). “The City of Cities Competitions and the Strategic Project”, in. A.
Balducci, V. Fedeli, G. Pasqui (eds.), Strategic Planning for Contemporary Urban Regions. City of
Cities: a Project for Milan, Ashgate, pp. 113- 120
Pacchi C., D. Zanoni, (2010).”From G-FORS to EPIGOV. Which Governance Modes for EPI? The
Case of Strategic Environmental Assessment in Spatial Planning”, in A.Goria, A.Sgobbi, I.von
Homeyer (eds.), Governance for the Environment. A Comparative Analysis of Environmental Policy
Integration, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, pp. 103- 120
Pacchi, C., K. Davies, V. Fedeli, M. Lund-Iversen (2010), “Governance, knowledge and policy
networks in Strategic Environmental Assessment”, in R. Atkinson, K. Zimmerman, G. Terizakis
(eds.) Governance, Knowledge and Sustainability: The challenge of integration and policy
development, Routledge, pp. 165-187
Granata E., Pacchi C. (2010), “Le università nella città storica alla ricerca di nuovi spazi e luoghi”,
in A. Balducci, F. Cognetti, V. Fedeli (eds.) Milano, la città degli studi. Storia, geografia e
politiche delle università milanesi, Milano, Abitare Segesta, pp. 143-150
Pacchi C. (2010), “La responsabilità sociale delle università”, in A. Balducci, F. Cognetti, V. Fedeli
(eds.) Milano, la città degli studi. Storia, geografia e politiche delle università milanesi, Milano,
Abitare Segesta, p. 210-211
Pacchi C., D. Zanoni (2008), “Governance and knowledge, towards an innovation in sustainability
oriented policies?” In Learning Cities in a Knowledge based Society. Proceedings of the IX EURA
Conference, Santarcangelo di Romagna, Maggioli
Pacchi C. (2008), “Cittadinanza a Milano. Scelta democratica e trasformazione urbana”, In:
AAVV., Per un'altra città. Riflessioni e proposte sull'urbanistica Milanese, Santarcanelo di
Romagna, Maggioli, p. 95-98
Pacchi C. (2007). “Comitati di cittadini e progetti di infrastrutture nell’area milanese”. In A.
Lanzani e S. Moroni (a cura di), Città e azione pubblica. Riformismo al plurale, Roma, Carocci
Pacchi C. (2005), “Parco Agricolo Sud Milano” (pp. 27-34), “Parco del Roccolo” (pp. 57-62),
“Quadro normativo e governo dei Parchi in Lombardia” (pp. 67-69), in C. Calvaresi, C. Gfeller, A.
Longo (eds.), Guida alla governance dei Parchi della Provincia di Milano, Provincia di Milano
Domante D., Pacchi C. (2005), “Parchi e territorio in Europa, casi di best practice”, in C. Calvaresi,
C. Gfeller, A. Longo (eds.), Guida alla governance dei Parchi della Provincia di Milano, Provincia
di Milano, pp. 210-219
Pacchi C., (2004) “Grandi infrastrutture e conflitti locali”, in A. Lanzani e V. Fedeli (a cura di), Il
progetto di territorio e paesaggio. Cronache e appunti su paesaggi e territori in trasformazione.
Atti della VII conferenza SIU, Angeli, Milano
Pacchi C. (2003). “Dal conflitto alla fiducia. Due domande sulla costruzione di beni comuni nelle
politiche territoriali”. In: F. Gastaldi, E. Milanesi (eds.) Capitale sociale e territorio. Risorse per
l'azione locale, Milano, pp. 69-81
Pacchi C. (2003), “Politiche per la competitività territoriale e rigenerazione del capitale sociale.
Conversazione con Fabrizio Barca”, in: F. Gastaldi, E. Milanesi (eds.). Capitale sociale e territorio.
Risorse per l'azione locale, Angeli, Milano, p. 133-138
Pacchi C. (2003), “Sardegna”, in P.C.Palermo, G.Pasqui (eds.), Progetti integrati e sviluppo
territoriale/ Regioni Obiettivo 1, Formez, Roma, p. 113-122
Pacchi C. (2003), “Sicilia”, in P.C.Palermo, G.Pasqui (eds.), Progetti integrati e sviluppo
territoriale/ Regioni Obiettivo 1, Formez, Roma, p. 123-136
Dente B., C. Griggio, A. Mariotto, C. Pacchi (2001), “Governing the Sustainable Development of
Venice: Elements of the Institutional Planning Procedure”, in I. Musu, Sustainable Venice:
Suggestions for the Future, p. 227-262, Kluwer Academic Publishers
Busetti S., C. Pacchi (forthcoming), “Institutional capacity for EU Cohesion Policy: concept,
evidence and tools that matter”, DISP. The Planning Review (paper accepted in November 2014)
Pacchi C. (2013), “The Role of Cities in the new European Programming. Interview with Fabrizio
Barca”, Urbanistica, 152, pp. 11-15
Pacchi C., C. Ranci, R. Torri (2013), "A Cohesion Policy and Local Development Studio in a
Multicultural Planning Course", Planum. The Journal of Urbanism, no.26, vol.1/2013, pp.1-16
Pacchi C. (2012), “Governo locale e forme di cittadinanza attiva: un dialogo difficile?”, Urbanistica
Informazioni, 244
Calvaresi C., C.Pacchi (2011), “Il coinvolgimento della società pugliese e dei produttori di
paesaggio: il premio e il manifesto”, Urbanistica, vol. 147
Pacchi C. (2009), “Using a call for proposals as a tool of government: the experience of the Città di
Città Strategic Project of the Province of Milan”, Urban Research and Practice, vol. 2, 3
Hertin J., Kl. Jacob, U. Pesch, C. Pacchi. (2009), “The production and use of knowledge in
regulatory impact assessment – An empirical analysis”, Forest Policy And Economics, vol. 11, 5-6
Bartolomeo M., Pacchi C. (2009), “Comitati multi-stakeholder e responsabilità sociale d’impresa”,
Politeia, vol. 93, p. 332-338
Granata E., Pacchi C. (2009), “E' possibile riformare le scuole di architettura?”, Territorio, vol. 49,
Pacchi C. (2008), “La voce dei territori. Istanze emergenti, forme di organizzazione e modalità di
confronto”, Territorio, vol. 46, pp. 49-53
Pacchi C., D. Zanoni (2007), “From G-FORS to EPIGOV: which governance modes for
environmental policy integration? The case of Strategic Environmental Assessment in spatial
planning”, EPIGOV Papers No. 26, October
Pacchi C. (2006), "Comitati di cittadini e progetti di infrastrutture nell'area milanese", Supplemento
a Territorio, 39, pp. 328-332
Pacchi C. (2006), "Conflitti locali e mediazione, una questione aperta", Impresa e Stato, n. 74
Dente B., C. Pacchi, G. Pasqui, A. Spada (2005), “Buone idee e progetti strategici per la regione
urbana milanese”, Territorio, vol. 33, p. 119-124
La Marca C., Pacchi C. (2005), “ Un’esperienza di costruzione di partenariato locale: riflessioni sul
caso dell’area delle Madonie”, Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione, vol. 33, p. 58-75
Pacchi C. (2004), “Dalla negoziazione alla collaborazione: come usare la programmazione per
riscrivere i rapporti tra enti pubblici e imprese sociali”, Impresa Sociale, 74-75, pp. 122-132
Bartolomeo M., Pacchi C. (2004), “Conflittualità locale nei processi di localizzazione: un caso
emblematico di (non) coinvolgimento degli stakeholders”, Politeia, XX, n.74, pp.148-155
Pacchi C., P. Giugni (2002), “Piani provinciali e coinvolgimento degli attori locali”, Urbanistica
Informazioni, vol. 185
Pacchi C. (2001), “La progettazione urbana fra democrazia del processo decisionale e cultura
specialistica”, Territorio, vol. 18
E. Granata, C. Pacchi (1998) “La scelta e la costruzione delle immagini”, Territorio, vol. 9
Main Conference Papers
2014 Pacchi C., Forms of conflict and participatory approaches in urban reuse mobilisations,
“Innovative governance patterns and grassroots activism in local contexts. Conflict and
cooperation”, Politecnico di Milano, May 8-9
2013 C. Pacchi, E. Sartori, The weakness of housing mobilization in Milan, “International research
conference: planning / conflict - cities and citizenship in times of crisis”, Lisbon, October 9-11,
2013 C. Pacchi, Citizens’ initiatives in the face of power: the reuse of two derelict areas in Milan,
Eura Conference “Cities as Seedbeds of Innovation”, University of Twente, Enschede (The
Netherlands), July
2013 C. Pacchi, “Aria di casa, di centro, di quartiere…”. Quattro casi di mobilitazioni urbane a
Milano, “Tracce Urbane Research Conference”, Rome, June
2012 C.Pacchi, Institutional Capacity As A Key Factor In Territorial Development Policies: A
Case Study Analysis In Three Eu Countries; Aesop Congress “Planning To Achieve / Planning To
Avoid: The Need for New Discourses and Practices in Spatial Development and Planning”, Middle
East Technical University (Ankara, July)
2011 C.Pacchi, G.Pasqui, Urban planning without conflicts? The case of Milan. Contentious
projects or contentious plans? “Planning/Conflict Conference”, TU Berlin, (Berlin, October)
2010 C. Pacchi, S. Gullino Grassroots organisations, eco-transport and behavioural change in the
UK and in Italy: the example of the Transition Towns movement, Aesop Congress “Space is
Luxury” (Helsinki, July)
2009 E. Granata, C. Pacchi, Leonardo Benevolo, interpreter of the European urban culture,
AESOP Congress “Why can't the future be more like the past?” (Liverpool, July)
2009 C. Pacchi, Tra spazio e società: quale domanda di qualità dei luoghi?, XII Conferenza
Società Italiana degli Urbanisti, (Bari, February)
2008 C. Pacchi, D. Zanoni, Governance, knowledge, legitimacy: a possible equation in
sustainability oriented policy? EURA Conference “Learning Cities in a Knowledge based society”
(Milan, October)
2007 C. Pacchi, Local Groups: Voice, Conflict, Knowledge Forms, EURA Conference “The Vital
City” (Glasgow, September)
2006 C. Pacchi, Citizens' committees and large infrastructure projects: conflict and consensus,
World Planning Schools Congress (Mexico City, July)
2004 C. Pacchi, Un’esperienza di costruzione di partenariato locale: riflessioni sul caso dell’area
delle Madonie, Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Valutazione, Milano, marzo
2003 C. Pacchi From Conflict to Trust. Ways to collectively build up Social Capital in Local
Policies, ACSP-AESOP Third Joint Congress “The Network Society . The New Context for
Planning”. Leuven, Belgium, July
Milano, November 2014
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