
INO-CNR: details list Abraham Neal B. Baldes Franco Barbay

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INO-CNR: details list Abraham Neal B. Baldes Franco Barbay
By INO-CNR WebSite, updated on Thursday 7 July 2016
INO-CNR: details list
Abraham Neal B.
Baldes Franco
Barbay Sylvain
Bassan Massimo
Boccaletti Stefano
Bonifacio Rodolfo
Bragard Jean
Bunner Martin Juan
Cardone Fabio
Castellini Carlo
Christiansen Freddy
Ciliberto Sergio
Cipriani Piero
Coppo Peter Marc
Cuche Yvan
Di Garbo Angelo
Di Sarcina Ilaria
Ernst Kcthistov
Giacomelli Gianni
Guarnieri Vanni
Guidarelli Silvio
Hnilo Alejandro Alvarez
Hwang Dong Huo
Iemmi Claudio César
Iorio-Fili Domenico
Jacobs Stephen F.
Ledesma Silvia Adriana
Lepri Stefano
Longobardi Giuseppe
Mannoni Andrea
Margheri Giovanni
Pastur Luc
Perrone Antonio Luigi
Politi Antonio
Puccioni Gian Piero
Ramazza Pier Luigi
Residori Stefania
Salieri Paolo
Stefanacci Simonetta
Tiribilli Bruno
Torcini Alessandro
Tredicce Jorge
Trivi Marcello
Vassalli Massimo
Zoli Maria Teresa
- email: [email protected]
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- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Office phone: +39 055 275 5097, - email: [email protected]
Agio Mario
Primary activity: Nanoscale optics and spectroscopy
Main experiences acquired: We investigate the properties of light beyond the diffraction limit and study its
interaction with nanoscale matter. We are particularly interested in interrogating single quantum systems and in
exploring quantum phenomena that occur at the subwavelength scale. Although we primarily address
fundamental questions related to light, matter and their interaction, our efforts may also make their way into
practical devices, such as a new class of light-sources, sensors and functional materials.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/agio
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By INO-CNR WebSite, updated on Thursday 7 July 2016
Allaria Enrico
- email: [email protected]
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/allaria
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Office phone: +39 0554572504, Laboratory phone: +39 0554572018 - email: [email protected]
Allegra Mascaro Anna Letizia
Primary activity: In the adult mammalian brain subtle reorganizations of axonal arbours occur under
physiological conditions and after injury; the underlying mechanisms of neuronal plasticity in both physiological
and post-lesional conditions remains largely unknown. Their elucidation would be a crucial step towards a better
understanding of brain functioning and towards the possibility of an effective brain repair.In the last years
two-photon microscopy has been used to perform in vivo high spatial resolution imaging of neurons, glial cells
and vascular structures in the intact neocortex. This technique can be used to follow the time course of biological
events in different cerebral compartments, characterizing the real dynamics of the neural network. The
two-photon apparatus is a custom-made, upright, scanning microscope built in the Biophotonics Laboratory at
LENS.Recently, in parallel to its applications in imaging, multi-photon absorption has been used as a tool for the
selective disruption of neural processes and blood vessels in living animals. We exploit the optical nanosurgery
setup in combination with the optical window preparation to perform in vivo imaging and ablation of fine
structures in the cortex of live animals. This micro-scale model of neural degeneration is set up to characterize the
remodeling properties of the network after injury. The spatial localization of multi-photon excitation is exploited
to perform in vivo selective lesions on small subset of neurons in the somatosensory cortex of mice genetically
expressing fluorescent proteins (GFP-M) without causing any visible collateral damage to the surrounding
neuronal structures. Neurons are irradiated with a focused, controlled femtosecond energy dose and then the
morphological consequences are characterized with time lapse 3D two-photon imaging.Following the temporal
evolution of the injured system (either a neuron or a blood vessel) though time lapse in vivo imaging, we can
characterize the physiological response of the target structure and follow the rearrangement of the surrounding
area. Multi-photon nanosurgery in live brain represents a useful tool to reproduce different models of neural
degeneration and finely characterize in vivo the evolution of the neural network after injury events.
Main experiences acquired: Live imaging with two-photon microscopy
Laser nanodissection
Correlative two-photon and electron microscopy; correlative two-photon and light sheet microscopy
Wide-field microscopy
Image analysis
Stroke models
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Allegrini Maria
Office phone: +39 050 2214 517, Laboratory phone: +39 050 2214 291 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: My research is at the intersection of optics with scanning probe microscopy. Basically, we use
atomic force (AFM) and near-field optical (SNOM) microscopy and spectroscopy techniques for the
characterization and manipulation of advanced materials at the nanometer scale.
Laser applications (such as laser cooling and gyrolasers) are my other broad interest.
Main experiences acquired: Nano-optics, plasmonics, cold molecules, ferroelectric materials.
Amico Andrea
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Lecce
Andreassi Elisabetta
Office phone: +39 0832-321816, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: collaboration in the identification of archaeological case studies for integrated testing of the
methods developed by UO CNR INO. Experimental support for the campaign, the validation and dissemination
of results by the realization of forms also available via Internet.
Main experiences acquired: archaeologist and content editor with high expertise in the field of ICT applied to
cultural heritage
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 055-2308225, - email: [email protected]
Arecchi Fortunato Tito
Primary activity: i)modeling cognitive dynamics over times longer than the feature bindig
synchronization; from apprehension to judgment via a stochastic approach called inverse Bayes; experimental
tests on musical and pictorial patterns.
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By INO-CNR WebSite, updated on Thursday 7 July 2016
ii)collective synchronization in networks of coupled chaotic lab. systems(
to make them cheap, we use LEDs rather than diode lasers.
iii)rogue wave and other collective phenomena in photorefractive
oscillators with large Fresnel number
Main experiences acquired: chaotic dynamics in extended systems; foundations quantum physics
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/arecchi
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Arimondo Ennio
Office phone: +39 0502214515, Laboratory phone: +39 0502214292 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Full Professor of Structure of matter at Università di Pisa. Researcher in Atomic Physics and
Bose-Einstein condensate.
Main experiences acquired: High resolution spectroscopy, atomic and molecular structures, atomic ultrafreddi
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Artoni Maurizio
Office phone: +39 0554572498, - email: [email protected]
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/NO
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Ascoli Cesare
Office phone: +39 050 3152563, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: •Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) and their nonconventional use.
•Improvement of methods and instrumentation for SPM.
•Use of SICM (Scanning Ion Current Microscopy) and AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) to guide neuronal
growth cones.
Main experiences acquired: High precision measurements, atomic resolution microscopy, noise treatment, signal
analysis, magnetic electronic and nuclear resonance, angular momentum detection of magnetic resonance,
instrumentation development.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
Avino Saverio
Office phone: +39 081 867 5429, Laboratory phone: +39 081 867 5428 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: High sensitivity temperature and strain sensors based on FBG resonators
interrogated by optical frequency combs; evanescent-wave chemical sensors based on fiber-loop resonator
interrogated by comb sources; plasmonics for sensing and spectroscopy; study and characterization of dielectric
microresonators for chemical sensing.
Main experiences acquired: Optical fibers, sensing, spectroscopy.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Baffigi Federica
Office phone: +39 0503152256, Laboratory phone: +39 0503152261 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: activity research on the laser-plasma interaction at high intensity, in particular calorimetric and
spectroscopic measurements of the laser-plasma instabilities for the studies on Inertial Confinement Fusion in
shock ignition relevant regime.
Main experiences acquired: experimental activity research and data analysis of measurements regarding to the
laser-plasma interaction at high intensity, in particular calorimetric and spectroscopic measurements of the
laser-plasma instabilities for the studies on Inertial Confinement in shock ignition relevant regime.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Bala Subramanian Suresh Anand
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Baldanzi Elisabetta
Office phone: +39 055-2308259, Laboratory phone: +39 055-2308315 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Science of vision
Main experiences acquired: Science of vision, lighting, psychophysics of vision, spectrophotometry
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
Baratto Camilla
Office phone: +39 030 3715/706, Laboratory phone: +39 030 3715/643 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy; preparation and characterization of gas sensors of
nanostructured metal oxides; characterization of metal oxides nanowires and nanostructures; deposition by
magnetron sputtering of transparent conducting oxides.
Main experiences acquired: metal oxide nanostructures, thin films, optical spectroscopies, chemical gas sensor,
plasmonic sensors
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Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
Baronio Fabio
Office phone: +39 030 3715590, Laboratory phone: +39 030 3715590 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Research in Electromagnetic fields, photonics, nonlinear optics.
Main experiences acquired: Theoretical investigation of nonlinear waves, dispersive waves, solitons, frequency
conversion, extreme wave events (rogue and shock waves).
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Bartalini Saverio
Office phone: +39 055-4572500, Laboratory phone: +39 055-4572394 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: High sensitivity and high precision spectroscopy in the medium and far infrared, by means of
new generation Quantum Cascade Laser sources.
Main experiences acquired: Electro-optic and magneto-optic characterization of semiconductor materials.
Neutral atoms trapping and cooling by means of magneto-optic and magnetic traps.
Vacuum systems design.
Design of Magnetic Microtraps for cold neutral atoms.
Spectroscopic techniques in the visible, mid and far infrared regions.
Quantum-cascade laser characterization and application to high-sensitivity and high-precision spectroscopy in the
mid infrared.
Laser sources stabilization by frequency locking to atomic-molecular transitions or resonant cavities.
Noise analysis in laser systems.
Noise analysis in electronics.
Automation and control of experimental apparatuses by LabView programming.
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Barucci Marco
Office phone: +39 055-2308316, Laboratory phone: +39 055-2308248 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Development and design of opto-electronic instrumentation for diagnostics for the cultural
heritage, multi-spectral analysis for VIS-NIR images.
Main experiences acquired: Spectrophotometry, colorimetry, optical interferometry, fiber optics, thermal
metrology, cryogenics, study of the electro-optical properties of materials at cryogenic temperatures,
superconductivity, materials and devices for cryogenic detectors, cryogenic and vacuum techniques.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Baschieri Paolo
Office phone: +39 050 315 2561, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Scanning probe microscopies
Main experiences acquired: Project and implementation of scanning probe microscopes AFM; STM, NSOM,
SICM. Real time Digital Signal Processing.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Office phone: +39 055-4572493, Laboratory phone: +39 055-457-2459/2215 - email: [email protected]
Bellini Marco
Primary activity: -Quantum optics: Generation, manipulation, and analysis of quantum states of light;
-Highly nonlinear optics: Generation, characterization, and applications of high-order harmonics and
Main experiences acquired: Quantum and nonlinear optics, ultrashort pulse laser sources, production and
detection of nonclassical light states.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/bellini
Bellucci Roberto
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Benassi Laura
Office phone: +39 055 2308 221, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: European Research Infrastructure on Heritage Science
Main experiences acquired: European planning, project management, research and communication in the field of
heritage science
Bertuna Angela
Betti Sergio
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Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
- email: [email protected]
By INO-CNR WebSite, updated on Thursday 7 July 2016
Bhandari Manohar Prasad
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Biagi Nicola
Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2215 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Quantum Optoics
Main experiences acquired: Parametric Down Convertion, Homodyne Detection
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Bianchini Giovanni
Office phone: +39 055 522 6309, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Fourier transform spectroscopy (FTS) in the middle-far infrared range. Development of FTS
instruments, deployment and operation of the instruments in field campaign, applications to the study of
atmospheric physics and chemistry and climate processes.
Main experiences acquired: Fourier transform spectroscopy, laser spectroscopy, development and application of
diode laser sources, development of field instrumentation for operation in extreme environmental conditions.
Bienaimè Tom
Bisset Russel Nathan
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Borri Simone
Office phone: +39 055 457-2227, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457-2461/2006 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: My main research activity at INO and LENS, in Firenze, has focused on the development of
mid-infrared coherent radiation and their implementation in high-sensitivity and high-precision molecular
spectroscopy apparatuses. Both well-assessed and novel techniques have been implemented in the molecular
fingerprint region, ranging from cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy, sub-Doppler spectroscopy,
polarization spectroscopy, frequency-modulation (single and two tones) spectroscopy, cavity ring-down
spectroscopy, optical frequency-comb assisted metrology. In addition, I have implemented laser frequency
stabilizations to stable references (optical cavities or narrow molecular features). About the sources, I developed
and used nonlinear setups (sum or difference frequency generation setups) and quantum cascade lasers (QCLs).
Recently, a deep analysis of QCLs frequency noise spectral density allowed the first direct measurement of their
intrinsic linewidth and a deeper insight into their inner physics.
Main experiences acquired: - High-sensitivity and high-precision molecular-spectroscopy techniques in the near
and mid infrared spectral range: cavity ring-down spectroscopy, polarization and saturation sub-Doppler
spectroscopy, frequency-modulation spectroscopy.
- Analysis of the spectral purity of mid-infrared quantum-cascade lasers and study of the fundamental
mechanisms responsible of the broadening of their emission.
- Application of quantum-cascade lasers to mid-infrared molecular spectroscopy.
- Frequency stabilization of laser sources by means of frequency locking to molecular transitions and to resonant
- Non-linear mixing techniques of visible/near infrared light (difference and sum frequency generation in
non-linear crystals).
- Generation of far-infrared (THz) radiation by mixing mid-infrared radiation into point-contact
metal-insulator-metal (MIM) diodes.
- Doppler-limited and Doppler-free spectroscopy on molecular rotational transitions by means of far-infrared
- Frequency metrology with Optical Frequency Comb Synthesyzers.
- Noise analysis on laser sources and on electronic instrumentation.
- Design of vacuum and cryogenic housings for laser chips.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Brandi Fernando
Office phone: +39 050 315 2584, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Development of novel optical diagnostics. Laser-plasma interaction at high intensity for the
production of XUV radiation. Laser micro-fabrication and material processing for biotechnology applications.
production of metallic and semiconductor nanoparticles by pulsed laser ablation in liquid for nano-biotechnology
Main experiences acquired: lLser-matter interaction at high intensity. Advance interferometry, spectroscopy, and
ellissometry. laser material processing. Instrument development and technology transfer.
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Main office and laboratory: Comandato altra Amministrazione non CNR
Bratina Vojko
Office phone: +39 055 23081, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Space astronomy
Science under microgravity conditions
Atmosphere and Earth observation
Main experiences acquired: providing technical expertise in the field of the design, assessment, test and
calibration of optical system for space based instrumentation, aimed at astronomical observation, remote sensing
and microgravity;
managing space application & research projects;
data analysis of astronomical observation from space;
evaluation of space radiation effects on satellites and instruments.
Brugioni Stefano
Buah Bassuah Paul
- email: [email protected]
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/stefanob
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Buonsante Pierfrancesco
Office phone: +39 0552055441, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Strongly correlated bosons, ultracold atoms in optical lattices
Main experiences acquired: Theory, simulations
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Burchianti Alessia
Office phone: +39 0554572474, Laboratory phone: +39 0554572458 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Utracold Fermi gases, BEC-BCS crossover, Josephson junctions, topological excitations in
quantum fluids
Coherent effects in atomic vapors, atomic magnetometry
Atomic photodesorption, photo-induced processes at the nanoscale and the interface, optical properties of
nanostructured surfaces, surface plasmon resonances
Main experiences acquired: Production and probing of ultracold gases, laser cooling and trapping, laser
spectroscopy, spectrophotometry, optics, development of solid state laser sources, UV and UHV systems, optical
techniques for the production and control of atomic vapors
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Bussolino GianCarlo
Office phone: +39 050 3152228, Laboratory phone: +39 050 3152261 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Experimental physics activities in the generation of particles from plasmas produced by
ultra-high intensity laser-material interaction
Main experiences acquired: Photonics of high fields, data acquisition, finite elements simulation, metrology,
material properties at high temperatures
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Calamai Martino
Office phone: +39 055 4572479, Laboratory phone: +39 055 4572463 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: My current research is focused at studying possible applications of biophotonic instruments to
problems related to human pathologies, in particular Alzheimer's disease.
Main experiences acquired: Studying the molecular basis of Alzheimer's disease by means of imaging and single
molecule tracking in vivo
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Office phone: +39 0554572140, Laboratory phone: +39 0554572007 - email: [email protected]
Calamai Massimo
Primary activity: High quality vaccum chamber set-up, for expertiment in optical levitation of nano-particle.
Main experiences acquired: Optics, statistical mechanics, data.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/NO
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Campa Annamaria
Office phone: +39 055 457 2056, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2222 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Development of THz laser-based systems for high-resolution imaging and spectroscopy
Main experiences acquired: Development of THz laser-based systems for high-resolution imaging and
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Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Campo Giulio
Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2461 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Generation and characterization of frequency combs in the near and mid-infrared through
nonlinear DFG processes in nonlinear crystals with periodic and non-periodic poling.
Main experiences acquired: Frequency combs generation in the near and mid IR.
Non linear optical processes: DFG-SFG-SHG.
Magneto-optical spectroscopy (MCD and MOKE)
SQUID magnetometry
Characterization of magnetic, plasmonic and hybrid magneto-plasmonic nanoparticles
Cancio Pastor Pablo
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Office phone: +39 055-4572501, Laboratory phone: +39 055-457-2461/2216 - email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Cantono Giada
Office phone: +39 0169081101, Laboratory phone: +39 Cea Saclay - LidYl - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Laser-plasma interaction; laser-driven ion acceleration from solid targets; diagnostics for
laser-driven ions and laser-matter interaction.
Main experiences acquired: Plasma physics: laser-plasma interaction, overdense plasmas, particle acceleration
from solid targets; diagnostic by means of radiochromic films, Thomson parabola, spectrometry; underdense
plasmas, interferometry.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Cappelli Francesco
Laboratory phone: +39 0554572461 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Laser sources stabilization by frequency locking to atomic/molecular transitions or resonant
cavities or trow optical injection locking. Noise analysis of Quantum Cascade Lasers and reconstruction of the
power spectrum.
Main experiences acquired: Optics. Neutral atoms trapping and cooling by means of magneto-optic and magnetic
traps. Design of Magnetic Microtraps for cold neutral atoms. Spectroscopic techniques in the visible and mid
infrared regions. Quantum-cascade laser characterization and application to high-sensitivity and high-precision
spectroscopy in the mid infrared. Laser sources stabilization by frequency locking to atomic-molecular transitions
or resonant cavities. Noise analysis in laser systems.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Cappellini Giacomo
Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2216 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Experimental research on quantum simulation and computation with ultracold Ytterbium atoms
Main experiences acquired: Laser cooling and trapping. Precision spectroscopy with clock lasers. Electronics and
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
Carbucicchio Massimo
Office phone: +39 3458768088, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Moessbauer Spectroscopy, MBE, Surface characterization
Main experiences acquired: Nuclear Spectroscopy, Magnetic thin films and multilayers, nanostructure, protective
coatings, surface and interface phenomena
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
Office phone: +39 0461 283925, - email: [email protected]
Carusotto Iacopo
Primary activity: Fundamental theoretical research in quantum optics and many-body physics, with a special
interest in the so-called fluids of light.
Main experiences acquired: Theoretical classical and quantum optics, light-matter interaction in atomic and
solid-state media, many-body physics. Related numerical techniques.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/NO
Castellano Carlo
Castrillo Antonio
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Cataliotti Francesco Saverio
Office phone: +39 0554572478, Laboratory phone: +39 0554572389 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Degenerate Quantum Gases, Quantum Technologies, AtomChips
Main experiences acquired: Laser Cooling, Bose-Einstein Condensation, Laser Spectroscopy
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Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Catani Jacopo
Office phone: +39 0554572563, Laboratory phone: +39 0554572216 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: National Coordinator for Technology Transfer for INO-CNR
Experimental research on ultracold degenerate atoms and mixtures for the quantum simulation and quantum
Main experiences acquired: Laser cooling of atoms. Physics of ultracold atoms, Bose-Einstein Condensation. CW
laser systems with high spectral performances (fiber- and solid state- based). Electrooptical and acoustooptical
systems. UHV Vacuum systems. Control and feedback systems.
IP and research valorisation procedures. Technology transfer processes. Research/Industry interface.
Technology transfer and licensing procedures.
Cattabiani Nicola
Checcucci Simona
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 055 2308 214, Laboratory phone: +39 055 2308 220 - email: [email protected]
Ciamberlini Claudio
Primary activity: In charge of the Computing Center and the Network Data Information and also ICT assistance
for the administrative staff.
Main experiences acquired: Systems of vision to high sensibility and low noise levels.
Methods for image processing in real/off time.
Analysis of images or data flow to improve detecting method systems.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/opus
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Ciampini Donatella
Office phone: +39 0502214522, Laboratory phone: +39 0502214292 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Experimental research activity in the Atomic Physics field, in particular:
· Cold and ultra-cold collisions;
· Bose-Einstein condensation;
· Photoionization of cold and condensed atoms;
· Quantum transport in optical lattices;
· Quantum control and dynamical localization in periodically driven systems;
· Dressed matter-waves and the Mott Insulator transition;
· Rydberg atoms for quantum simulation.
Main experiences acquired: Ultracold atoms manipulation
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Cicchi Riccardo
Office phone: +39 055 2308228, Laboratory phone: +39 055 2308212 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Development and application of optical and microscopy techniques for tissue diagnostics.
Main experiences acquired: Optical microscopy, Non-linear laser microscopy, Biophotonics, Tissue imaging,
Spectroscopy, Fiber sensors.
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Ciofini Marco
Office phone: +39 055-2308299, Laboratory phone: +39 055-2308281/424 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: research activity on diode-pumped solid-state lasers
infrared optics
Main experiences acquired: applyed research in the field of solid-state lasers
applyed research in the field of gas lasers
characterization and measurement of quality parameters of laser beams
infrared optics
Colzi Giacomo
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
Office phone: +39 030 3715877, - email: [email protected]
Comini Elisabetta
Primary activity: EC is a researcher specialist in the growth of metal oxides, particularly nanowires, and the
measurement of their electronic, functional and structural properties. She is responsible of the research line on
“Metal oxide nanocrystalline quasi-1D structures” at the SENSOR laboratory (Brescia University and
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Main experiences acquired: Vapour phase growth, electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, X ray
diffractometry, electrical, optical and functional characterisation
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/NO
Concina Isabella
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Consolino Luigi
Office phone: +39 055 457 2227, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2222 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: High sensitivity and precision THz spectroscopy, using Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs) with
absolute frequency referencing.
Main experiences acquired: L.C. expertize include the realisation of compact QCL based setups for high
sensitivity spectroscopy, characterisation of the quantum limited linewidth of THz QCL devices, demonstration
of an all optical phase locking of a THz QCL to a free space THz FCS for metrological grade THz applications,
demonstration of the first THz FCS assisted spectroscopy, based on frequency referenced THz QCL. He is author
of many publications on international peer-journals (including Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Phys.
Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. X).
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Costanzo Luca Salvatore
Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2215 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Quantum optics
Main experiences acquired: generation and manipulation of nonclassical light states, down-conversion in
nonlinear optical crystals
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Cristoforetti Gabriele
Office phone: +39 0503152222, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Investigation of the mechanisms occurring during laser-plasma interaction at low and high
Ai high laser intensity, research is focused to the generation of sources of energetic particles (electrons, ions), to
the Inertial Confinement Fusion (i.e. via Shock Ignition), to the study of the interaction of intense lasers with
nanostructured targets.
At low laser intensities, study of the mechanisms of nanoparticle formation via Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid
environment, laser ablation, plasma spectroscopy for the elementary analysis of materials (LIBS), microdrilling.
Main experiences acquired: Plasma spectroscopy, Local Thermal Equilibrium (LTE) in plasmas, instabilities,
elementary chemical composition of laser plasmas, mechanisms of pulsed laser ablation (PLA), formation and
expansion in vacuum, gas and liquid of laser plasmas, formation of nanoparticles via PLA in liquid environment.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Crocini Claudia
Office phone: +39 055 457 2476, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2018 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Development and application of innovative imaging techniques for studying cardiac
Main experiences acquired: Excitation-contraction coupling, voltage imaging, calcium imaging, fluorescence
imaging, cardiomyocyte isolation, analysis of images.
Cutter David
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 055 5226 333, Laboratory phone: +39 055 5226 202 - email: [email protected]
D'Amato Francesco
Primary activity: Presently responsible of the Aerospace Optics Group (Optics for Space Applications, and Diode
laser spectrometers for the measurement of concentration of gaseous species). Development of sensors based on
spectroscopic techniques. Measurements of molecular spectroscopy. Development of optical devices for
applications to spectroscopy (multipass cells) and to the exploitation of solar energy (concentrators). Preparation
and management of national and internationsl RTD projects. Co-chairman of the conference series FLAIR - Field
laser Applications in Industry and Research.
Main experiences acquired: Molecular spectroscopy, electronic noise reduction techniques, optics, cryogenics,
laser sources, software for instrument automation, preparation of proposals and management of RTD projects,
both national and international, organization of international conferences.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/damato
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D'Ambrosio Davide
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
D'Errico Chiara
Office phone: +39 055 457 2483, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2460 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: • Physics of disordered bosonic systems: Anderson localization, quantum phases of disordered,
interacting Bose systems, interplay of noise and quenched disorder
Main experiences acquired: • Physics of disordered bosonic systems: Anderson localization, quantum phases of
disordered, interacting Bose systems, interplay of noise and quenched disorder
• Production and collisional processes in ultracold atom-ion mixtures
• Bose-Einstein condensates with tunable interactions: few-body physics and atom interferometry applications
• Strongly interacting Bose-Fermi mixtures and ultracold molecule formation
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Dal Fovo Alice
Office phone: +39 055 2308 280, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Definition of a scientific approach for the qualitative and quantitative monitoring of restoring
operation, and, more specifically, the cleaning of ancient, modern and contemporary paintings by means of
experimental non-invasive optical techniques. Standardization and integration of diagnostic digital data.
Promotion of the professional figure of "conservation scientist" as trait d’union between the different
professionals involved in the conservation of artworks
Main experiences acquired: Scientific analysis of artworks by means of non-invasive optical techniques.
Restoration of paintings on canvas and wood panel
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
Dalfovo Franco
Office phone: +39 0461 281565, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Theory of ultracold atomic gases, quantum fluids.
Main experiences acquired: Theories for many-body systems; statistical mechanics.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
De Angelis Costantino
Office phone: +39 030 3715901, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Nonlinear Optics: areas of interest include soliton propagation sustained by second and third
order nonlinear effects, harmonic generation and frequency conversion in periodic structures.
Nanophotonics and optical antennas: areas of interest include novel photonic crystal based devices for
telecommunications and sensing applications, negative index materials, optical nanowires, optics of metals,
computational electromagnetism.
Graphene photonics: areas of interest include the modelling of integrated optical circuits where silicon photonics
could take advantage of the remarkable (and tunable) linear and nonlinear properties of graphene at optical
Main experiences acquired: Nonlinear optics. Nanophotonics. Optics in bidimensional materials. Computational
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 055-2308250, 055-4572501, Laboratory phone: +39 055-4572461 - email:
De Natale Paolo
[email protected]
Primary activity: Director of Institute
Main experiences acquired: nonlinear optics, laser physics, atomic and molecular high precision spectroscopy,
frequency metrology, environmental monitoring with optical devices, optical sensors and diagnostics, physics of
non-linear optical crystals, development of infrared coherent sources.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/denatale
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
De Regis Michele
Office phone: +39 055 2308266, Laboratory phone: +39 055 2308285 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Synthesis of terahertz frequencies by difference frequency generation (DFG) in non linear
Main experiences acquired: Nonlinear optics
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
Office phone: +39 081 867 5413, Laboratory phone: +39 081 867 5412 - email: [email protected]
De Rosa Maurizio
Primary activity: Frequency comb generation in quadratic nonlinear media;
Generation of vacuum squeezed light;
Optomechanical manipulation of quantum states;
Optical parametric oscillators in the mid-infrared region;
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Molecular spectroscopy in the mid-infrared region;
Main experiences acquired: Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics, Laser Sources, Spectroscopy.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/derosa
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
De Rosi Giulia
Office phone: +39 0461 285307, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Boson-Fermion gas mixtures; Fermion gas mixtures; Fermion polarized gas with following birth
of superfluid and normal phase domains; FFLO phase in ultracold gas mixtures.
Main experiences acquired: Theoretical Physics: Quantum Field Theory, General Relativity, BCS Theory of
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Office phone: +39 0555226423, Laboratory phone: +39 0555226424 - email: [email protected]
Del Guasta Massimo
Primary activity: Optical remote sensing of aerosols and clouds by means of LIDAR. Development and use in
field campaigns of in-situ aerosol instruments. Aerosol light scattering simulations (T-matrix). Conduction of
automatic LIDAR stations in Sesto Fiorentino and Antarctica
Main experiences acquired: Development and use in field campaigns of atmospheric LIDARs. Development of
optical instruments for aerosol measurements. Development of analog and microcontroller-based electronics for
aerosol instruments. Development of simulation and analysis software for LIDAR and aerosol instruments
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/NO
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Di Donato Mariangela
Office phone: +39 055 457 2483, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2456 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Characterization of energy transfer processes in complex molecular systems through ultrafast
time resolved spectroscopy
Main experiences acquired: Ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy, 2D-IR spectroscopy
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
Di Liberto Marco Fedele
Office phone: +39 0461 283965, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Cold atoms, Quantum phase transitions, Topological superfluids
Main experiences acquired: Studies of theoretical models for systems of cold atoms employing analytical and/or
numerical methods
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Di Natale Gianluca
Office phone: +39 055 522 6399, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Fourier spectroscopy in mid and far infrared applied to the study of atmosphere and, in
particular,of high altitude ice clouds
Main experiences acquired: Fourier spectroscopy in thermal infrared by REFIR-PAD spectroradiometer
(Radiation Explorer Far InfraRed - Prototype for Application and Development), and computer programming for
application to radiative transfer forward and inverse models of atmosphere with clouds finalized to data analysis
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Dinelli Franco
Office phone: +39 050 315 2564, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Scanning probe microscopy applied to thin films of polymers and oligomers, ferroic
piezoelectric films.
Main experiences acquired: Scanning probe microscopy.
Viscoelastic properties of thin polymer films.
Growth of organic films for optoelectronic applications.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
Donarelli Maurizio
Office phone: +39 030 3715876, Laboratory phone: +39 030 3715876 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Electron beam lithography, fabrication and characterization of single metal oxide nanowire
Main experiences acquired: Electron beam lithography, scanning electron and atomic force microscopies,
photoelectron spectroscopies, profilometry, and gas sensors characterization.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Eramo Roberto
Office phone: +39 055 457 2029, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2222 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: High-order harmonics spectroscopy of atoms and molecules. Brillouin spectroscopy of fluids
and amorphous solids.
Main experiences acquired: Experimental skills, elaboration of experimental data, development of theoretical
models and simulation programs.
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Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
Fabbri Barbara
Office phone: +39 0532 974213, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Study and realization of gas sensors
Main experiences acquired: Sensing film preparation and deposition, electrical characteriazion of sensing devices
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Fabbri Nicole
Office phone: +39 055-4572469, Laboratory phone: +39 055-4572519 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Our research activity is focused on dynamics and control of single color centers in diamond and
nanodiamond, with application to quantum information and communication, and quantum metrology.
Optically active defects in diamond, so called color centers, have emerged in recent years, thanks to the high
fluorescence photostability of the single centers, and feasible control of localized and highly coherent spins
associated to the centers, even at room temperature.
We are exploring the use of individual NV centers for quantum-enhanced magnetic field sensing, developing
novel schemes for spin control for extending coherence and improve the sensitivity of the spin qubit as
magnetometer. We are also interested in the creation of large scalable systems for quantum information
processing in diamond using photonic architectures.
We also work on the investigation of ultracold gases in optical potentials for quantum simulation of
condensed-matter systems, quantum control and quantum information.
Main experiences acquired: atomic physics, laser cooling, optical and magnetic manipulation of ultracold atoms,
Bose-Einstein Condensation. quantum optics and metrology, color centers in diamond; spectroscopy techniques,
inelastic light-scattering (Bragg spectroscopy), Hanbury-Brown and Twiss interferometry; scanning confocal
microscopy, optical detected magnetic resonance.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
Faglia Guido Pietro
Office phone: +39 030 3715708, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: He is involved in the study of preparation of metal oxide semiconductors MOX as thin films and
quasi monodimensional nanostructures for gas sensing, energy (solar cells, thermoelectrics), opto-electronic
applications (LEDs) and nanomedicine.
Main experiences acquired: Sensors, PL, Raman
Falasconi Matteo
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Fallani Leonardo
Office phone: +39 055 457 2024, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2216 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Experimental study of ultracold atoms for quantum simulation and quantum information
Main experiences acquired: Atomic Physics, Spectroscopy, Laser Cooling, Ultracold atoms
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 055-2308222, Laboratory phone: +39 055-2308315 - email: [email protected]
Farini Alessandro
Primary activity: @ Ophthalmic optics: This field of research regards every device that cab be useful to improve
human vision. We have studied, for example, progressive addition lenses, contact lenses, filter lenses, sunglasses,
@ Lighting: E.g.: Relationship between vision and lighting, colour rendering of light sources, influence of light
on color perception.
@Optometric test: we can check optometric test from photometric and colorimetric point of view, but also from
psychophysical point of view.
@ Ergonomy: e.g. readibility of web pages, readibility in low contrast texts.
Vision research: bistable figures, intermodal matching of vision and audition, attentive tasks.
Main experiences acquired: Research in psychophysics, visual ergonomy, ophthalmic optics, lighting. Project
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Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/farini
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Fattori Marco
Office phone: +39 055-4572478, Laboratory phone: +39 055-4572004 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: I am currently working on the development of a new generation of atom interferometers based
on trapped Bose Einstein condensates. The innovative sensor will ovecome the sensitivity and the spatial
resolution of state of the art devices in the measurement of gravity, accelerations and electric fields.
Main experiences acquired: My scientific knowhow mainly concerns atomic physics, spectroscopy, laser physics
and collisional physics. In addition I have technical skills in electronics, production of high vacuum and
Fava Eleonora
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Felicetti Achille
- email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Development of tools and conceptual models for Cultural Heritage and Archaology
Main experiences acquired: Development of tools and conceptual models for Cultural Heritage and Archaology
Ferioli Giovanni
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Ferrari Carlo
Office phone: +39 050 315 2245, Laboratory phone: +39 050 315 2543 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Development of microwave devices. In particular: i) lamps without electrodes, fed by
microwave, with UV and visible emission, for civil and industrial applications; ii) microwave reactors, even at
high pressure, for the synthesis of polymeric materials or metallic nanoparticles. Laser calibration techniques for
electromagnetic calorimeters (eg. G-2 experiment at Fermilab)
Main experiences acquired: Microwave, electronics, calorimetry, software development in LabVIEW, optic
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
Ferrari Gabriele
Office phone: +39 0461285333, Laboratory phone: +39 0461285335-27 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Experimental studies of quantum gases with tunable interactions on long and short ranges.
Ultracold gases.
Main experiences acquired: Atomic physics, optics, quantum electronics
Ferrari Marco
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
Ferrari Vittorio
Office phone: +39 030 371 5444, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Sensors, microsystems, MEMS. Energy harvesting for sensors. Piezoelectric, pyroelectric,
acoustic/ultrasonic and resonant transducers. Printed sensors on different substrates. Electronic circuits and
low-noise instrumentation for sensors e microsystems.
Main experiences acquired: Sensors and microsystems for physical quantities and related signal readout and
processing electronics.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
Office phone: +39 030 3715749, Laboratory phone: +39 320 2929874 - email: [email protected]
Ferroni Matteo
Primary activity: Electron Microscopy: Characterization of nano structures by scanning / transmission electron
microscopy and tomography. Device fabrication by electron beam lithography.
Main experiences acquired: Specimen preparation and observation at the Electron Microscope. Conventional
imaging and Holography, STEM-HAADF, Tomography, HREM. Electron Beam Lithography and
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/NO
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Fioretti Andrea
Office phone: +39 0503152528, Laboratory phone: +39 0503152542 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Laser cooling of atoms and molecules. Production by photoassociation, trapping and
spectroscopy of ultracold Rb2, Cs2 and RbCs molecules. Study of dipolar interaction and blockade in frozen
Rydberg atoms. Production and imaging of monochromatic ion and electron beams based on cold atom
Main experiences acquired: Techniques of atomic laser cooling. Different laser technologies (diode laser, pulsed
and cw dye lasers, solid state lasers, CO2 lasers, femtosecond lasers, pulse shaping, optoelectronic tecniques,
laser frequency stabilization techniques). Different atomic and molecular spectroscopic techniques. Temporal and
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spatial detection and imaging of ion and electron beams at non-relativistic energies. Optics. Construction of
diatomic molecular potential energy surfaces from spectroscopic data. Atomic and molecular collisions.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Foggi Paolo
Office phone: +39 055 457 2494, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2457 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Time resolved electronic and vibrational spectroscopy.
Main experiences acquired: Ultrafst laser sources. Optical parametric generators. Molecular spectroscopy.
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Fontana Raffaella
Office phone: +39 055-2308313, Laboratory phone: +39 055-4627419, 0552308248 - email:
[email protected]
Primary activity: Development and planning of optical instrumentation for cultural heritage,VIS-NIR
multispectral imaging analysis, three-dimensional survey, optical choerence tomography for varnish thickness of
paintings, data analysis, image processing, diagnostic in situ.
Main experiences acquired: Spectrophotometry, colorimetry, 3D survey, optical interferometry, optical fibers,
TDL spectrometry, neutron diffraction, data analysis, multivariate analysis of multidimensional matrix, mathlab
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 055-2308283, Laboratory phone: +39 055-2308288 - email: [email protected]
Fontani Daniela
Primary activity: Responsible of Solar Collectors Lab. Measurement and project activity for the Photometry and
Lighting Lab and for the Solar Collectors Lab; Management of server and websites of the group.
Main experiences acquired: Optical project and testing of optical systems for solar applications, optical
metrology, radiometry, photometry, colorimetry.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/solar
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Fort Chiara
Office phone: +39 055 4572458, Laboratory phone: +39 055 4572481 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: experimental study of ultracold gases in optical lattices.
Main experiences acquired: Laser cooling methods. Manipulation of ultracold gases with optical and magnetic
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 055-2308231, Laboratory phone: +39 055-2308-254/288/308/311 - email:
Francini Franco
[email protected]
Primary activity: Responsible of the Photometry and Lighting Lab.;Manager of the module “Study and
characterization of systems and components for lighting and for visual perception”. Measurement and project
activity for the Photometry and Lighting Lab. and for the Solar Light Collectors Lab.
Main experiences acquired: Optical project and testing of optical systems, optical metrology, radiometry,
photometry, colorimetry.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/falco2
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 055 275 5089, Laboratory phone: +39 055 275 5089 - email: [email protected]
Franzosi Roberto
Primary activity: Bose-Einstein condensation, dynamics of classical and quantum systems, microcanonical
Main experiences acquired: Statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, dynamical systems.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/franzosi
Frosinini Cecilia
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Fulgentini Lorenzo
Office phone: +39 0503152219, Laboratory phone: +39 0503152260/2261 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Study of radiobiological and radiotherapic effects of a novel electron accelerators
Main experiences acquired: Study of radiobiological and radiotherapic effects of a novel electron accelerators
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Fuso Francesco
Office phone: +39 050 2214 305, Laboratory phone: +39 050 2214 291 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM), Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (SNOM) and
spectroscopy, analysis of optical properties (photoluminescence, optical activity) in materials and nanostructured
samples. Laser manipulation of atomic vapors, Atomic NanoFabrication (ANF), atom lithography and realization
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of slow and cold atom beams and of ion beams for technological purposes..
Main experiences acquired: Structure of the matter, optics, nanotechnology, laser applications, laser
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Gabbanini Carlo
Office phone: +39 050 315 2529, Laboratory phone: +39 050 315 2540 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Ultracold atoms and molecules, high resolution spectroscopy
Main experiences acquired: Atomic and molecular physics, radiation-matter interaction
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Gabbrielli Marco
Office phone: +39 055 2755085, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Theoretical study of quantum systems realized by means of Bose gases with applications to
atom interferometry
Main experiences acquired: Good knowledge of mathematical tools and formalism needed to deal Quantum
Good knowledge of vector calculus software Matlab, symbolic calculus software Mathematica and programming
language C.
Good knowledge of English language, both verbal and written.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
Gagliardi Gianluca
Office phone: +39 081-8675423, Laboratory phone: +39 081-8675428 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: His research interests are about laser spectroscopy and fibre optic sensors. The experimental
activity is focused on
a) high precision spectroscopy on simple molecules;
b) high sensitivity laser spectroscopy for trace gas detection;
c) molecular spectroscopy in high-finesse optical cavities;
d) isotopic analysis of atmospheric species by laser spectroscopy techniques;
e)mid-IR and far-IR spectroscopy by quantum-cascade lasers and nonlinear generation systems;
f) laser systems for measurement of mechanical deformations and accelerations by fiber Bragg-grating sensors
and fiber optic resonators;
g) silica whispering-gallery mode microresonators for spectroscopic analysis of gas and liquid samples;
h) whispering-gallery mode liquid-droplet microresonators.
Main experiences acquired: -Development of optical apaaratuses, optical fiber systems;
-Measurement of physical and chemical parameters with fiber-optic sensors;
-Engineering, construction and optimisation of simple electronic circuits;
-Development and use of of laser sources (visible, telecom and mid-IR), unconventional coherent radiation
sources (non-linear generation in the mid and far-IR);
-High-sensitivity and precision laser spectroscopy methods;
-Absolute frequency measurements;
-Molecular spectroscopy, isotopic ratios;
-Development of portable spectrometers for field applications (ecology, geophysics).
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
Gaiardo Andrea
Office phone: +39 0532 974230, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured semiconductors used for the realization of gas
Main experiences acquired: -Synthesis semiconductor nanopowders through different methods (sol-gel,
hydrothermal, precipitation by aqueous solution);
-Synthesis of organic and inorganic compounds;
-Knowledge on characterization techniques of organic and inorganic compounds (SEM and TEM Microscopy,
XRD, UV-Visible and IR Spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, use of gas chromatography and HPLC
-preparation and electrical characterization of gas sensors.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Galli Iacopo
Office phone: +39 055-4572292, Laboratory phone: +39 055-4572461 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: My main researches include non-linear optics,
high-sensitivity and high-precision infrared spectroscopy, frequency metrology, quantum cascade lasers.
Main experiences acquired: Development of laser systems and coherent source by non linear crystals.
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Development of phase lock between laser and optical frequency comb. High resolution molecular spectroscopy.
Galstyan Vardan
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
Office phone: +39 030 3715702, - email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Gessner Manuel
Office phone: +39 0552755088, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Characterization of quantum systems. Identification of quantum correlations. Development of
interferometric methods and quantum metrology. Applications with experiments on cold atoms, trapped ions and
Main experiences acquired: Quantum optics, open quantum systems, quantum information theory, quantum phase
transitions, semiclassical methods, nonlinear spectroscopy
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
Office phone: +39 0818675415, Laboratory phone: +39 0818675428 - email: [email protected]
Giorgini Antonio
Primary activity: Optical Sensors for physical and chemical parameters, Fiber Sensors, Laser Spectroscopy,
Safety Contact Person for INO-CNR UOS Naples
Main experiences acquired: Fiber Optics Sensors, Laser Spectroscopy, Atomic Physics and Atom Iterferometry,
electronic feedback controls, Data Acquisition and controls, SCADA systems.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/NO
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
Giorgini Stefano
Office phone: +39 0461-281633, Laboratory phone: +39 0461-281633 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Theoretical study of ultracold gases, Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity.
Main experiences acquired: Theory of many-body systems. Numerical calculation techniques using quantum
Monte-Carlo methods.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Office phone: +39 050 315 2258, Laboratory phone: +39 050 315 2260 - email: [email protected]
Giulietti Antonio
Primary activity: Basic studies on laser-plasma interaction and application of high-power pulsed lasers with dense
plasmas for innovative concepts in energy production and medicine.
Main experiences acquired: Laser; high power lasers; ultrashort-pulse laser; non-linear optics; high intensity
laser-matter interaction; plasma physics; laser produced plasmas; ICF plasmas; ICF physics; plasma waves
excitation; parametric effects and stimulated scattering; laser-driven particle acceleration in plasmas; laser-plasma
accelerators for radiotherapy.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/NO
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Giulietti Danilo
Office phone: +39 050 2214840, Laboratory phone: +39 050 3152260 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Teaching in the courses of Quantum Optics and Classical Electrodynamics, introducing students
in the INO-Pisa group trained in the field of laser-plasma interaction at ultra-high intensities. Participation to the
main group experiments concerning laser-plasma acceleration of particles and related secondary sources of
radiation and applications.
Main experiences acquired: Optics. LASER. Spectroscopy. Laser-matter interaction.Plasmas. Metals.
Ca;orimetry. Innovative X and gamma ray sources.Inertial Confinement Fusion. Laser-plasma acceleration of
electron and ions. Ultra-high vacuum techniques.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Office phone: +39 055-4572506, Laboratory phone: +39 055-457-2461 - email: [email protected]
Giusfredi Giovanni
Primary activity: High resolution and sensibility molecular spectroscopy. Metastable atom beams spectroscopy.
Electronic devices for phase locked loops of lasers. Metrology. Experimental studies of spatio-temporal
instabilities in dynamical systems. High sensitivity spectroscopic systems operating in the mid-infrared with high
finesse resonant cavities for the detection of trace gases, in particular CO2 radiocarbon.
Main experiences acquired: Development of experiments with laser, writing of acquisition programs and
elaboration of experimental data; development of theoretical models and implementation of simulation programs.
Design and realization of experimental apparatus. Optical Physics teaching, history of Optics.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/miomao
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Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Office phone: +39 0503152257, Laboratory phone: +39 3472213505 - email: [email protected]
Gizzi Leonida Antonio
Primary activity: Head of the Intense Laser Irradiation Laboratory (ILIL) - http://ilil.ino.it
Main experiences acquired: Experimental physics of ultra-high intensity laser-plasma interaction
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/lgizzi
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Gorelli Federico Aiace
Office phone: +39 055 457 2490, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2530/2529/2509 - email:
[email protected]
Primary activity: The main subject of my research activity is the study of matter under extreme pressures. The
experimental investigations are based on vibrational spectroscopy technique (Raman scattering and Infrared
absorption at LENS, Florence), X ray diffraction and Inelastic X ray scattering (at the european synchrotron
radiation facility, ESRF, Grenoble and at LENS, Florence (XRD)). The extreme pressures are generated by
Diamond Anvil Cells (DAC), also projected and developed at LENS.
Main experiences acquired: Vibrational spectroscopy (Raman and IR), X ray diffraction, High pressure
technology (diamond anvil cells (DAC) and hydrothermal cells, sample preparation for DAC (cryogenic ad high
pressure gas loading), laser heating in DAC, project and development of vacuum chambers for high and low
temperatures, project and development of motorized systems for remote control.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Gozzini Silvia
Office phone: +39 050 315 2526, Laboratory phone: +39 050 3152541 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Coherent effects and their applications in alkali vapors: Coherent Population Trapping,
Electromagnetically Induced Transparency, Electromagnetically Induced Absorption in cells and applications to
Study of atom/surface interaction: Light Induced Atomic Desorption and its applications for fundamental physics
and sensors.
Diode laser molecular spectroscopy of molecules of atmospheric interest
Atom cooling
Main experiences acquired: Atomic and molecular spectroscopy
Laser technologies
Kinetic effects of light on atoms and gas
Laser cooling
Coherent phenomena
Grassi Anna
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Distacco temporaneo
Greco Marinella
Office phone: +39 055-2308275, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Study and application of novel techniques and development of optical devices for multispectral
imaging in the spectral band 300 to 2500 nm (UV, visible and NIR) for imaging analysis of painted surfaces
Software realization for spectral and colorimetric analysis of the acquired data in the visible region, NIR images
elaboration, individuation and application of multivariate image analyses methods suited particularly integration
and interpretation of the two spectral band data.
Main experiences acquired: Multispectral analysis, colorimetry, spectrophotometry
Integrating 2D and 3D data for diagnostics of panel paintings
3D digital modeling
Optical techniques for shape measurements (laser scanner profilometry and conoscopic micro-profilometry)
Computation of the collisional relaxation of absorption spectra
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 055-2308271, Laboratory phone: +39 055 2308 268 - email: [email protected]
Greco Vincenzo
Primary activity: Optical testing and Lens Design.
Main experiences acquired: Competences in the field of the lens design and optical testing.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/greco
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Grittani Gabriele
Gronchi Mario
Guidi Vincenzo
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
- email: [email protected]
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Iagatti Alessandro
Office phone: +39 055 457 2496, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2457 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Development and spectroscopic characterization of molecular biotechnological systems able to
give charge and energy transfer processes. Such systems could be used in many application field for the
development of sensors and photovoltaic devices. Physical and chemical investigations on protein systems to be
applied in imaging cell and drug delivery.
Main experiences acquired: Stationary and time-resolved spectroscopic techniques, Inorganic chemistry and
synthesis of nanostructured systems
Iessi Francesco Gregorio
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Insero Giacomo
Office phone: +39 055 457 2477, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2006 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Control and manipulation of cold molecules
Main experiences acquired: Non-Linear Spectroscopy, Stark deceleration, molecular beam, lasers physics,
molecular physics, ultracold atoms
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Ioli Nadia
Office phone: +39 3356252123, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Since 2003 I am engaged in dissemination of scientific culture by organizing, designing and
setting up interactive science exhibitions that offer to a wide audience, many fun experiments with a high
scientific content.
I am the creator and coordinator of the LUS project: "Ludoteca Scientifica", a collection
of over 60 games and experiments in physics, chemistry, geophysics and robotics. The exhibition is open to the
public from four to ten weeks each year welcoming thousands of visitors.
Main experiences acquired: Acquired skills:
a)Orientation of atoms by optical pumping techniques and the study of interactions with the environment
b)Measures of broadening and shift of spectral lines and determination of interatomic potentials with magnetic
scanning techniques
c)Spectroscopic detection of molecular pollutants.
d)Development of laser in the visible and ultraviolet.
e)Quantum Electronics: CO2 lasers and laser physics.
f)Development of molecular laser sources in the far infrared (FIR).
g)Molecular spectroscopy using laser techniques.
h)Systematic analysis of spectra in the Fourier transform
i)Frequency metrology.
j)New technologies in the far infrared.: detectors, modulators and mixers with superconductors and
semiconductors with applications to frequency metrology, astrophysics and molecular investigation of fast
phenomena related
k) Agreement in the FIR laser frequency
l) Generation of single and multiple pulse sources in continuous FIR.
m) Optical techniques of investigation, non-destructive properties of semiconductors in the far infrared (InSb)
n) high resolution frequency measurements in the THz region (FIR)
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Jafrancesco David
Office phone: +39 055-2308256, Laboratory phone: +39 055-2308311 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Quality manager. Fotometry and Lighting Lab manager. Measurement and project activity for
the Photometry and Lighting Lab. and for the Solar Light Collectors Lab.
Main experiences acquired: Optical project and testing of optical systems, optical metrology, radiometry,
photometry, colorimetry.
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Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
Kholmanov Iskandar
Office phone: +39 030 3715 677, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Synthesis and characterization of graphene, carbon nanotubes, metal nanowires and
graphene-based hybrid nanomaterials; Application of low-dimensional inorganic nanomaterials in optoelectronic
Investigation of thermal energy transfer in low dimensional carbon nanomaterials and their composites.
Investigation of electronic, optical, mechanical and thermal properties of graphene and other carbon
Applications of carbon nanostructures in electrochemical and solar energy storage and harvesting;
Main experiences acquired: Development of novel fabrication methods for production of graphene, carbon
nanotubes and hybrid carbon nanostructures. Experimental investigation of thermal and electrical energy transfer
in the low-dimensional carbon nanomaterials.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Koester Petra
Office phone: +39 050 315 2220, Laboratory phone: +39 050 315 2261 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Experimental studies of high-intensity laser-matter interactions.
Main experiences acquired: Particle acceleration from laser-plasmas. X and Gamma-ray generation from
laser-plasmas. Study of plasmas in regime of interest for inertial confinement fusion.
La Penna Paolo
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Labate Luca
Office phone: +39 050 315 2255, Laboratory phone: +39 050 315 2260/2261 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Ultra-high intensity laser-matter interaction.
Electrons/protons acceleration and X/gamma photons generation in laser-produced plasmas.
Inertial Confinement Fusion plasmas studies.
Main experiences acquired: Ultra-high intensity laser-matter interaction.
Electrons/protons acceleration and X/gamma photons generation in laser-produced plasmas.
Inertial Confinement Fusion plasmas studies.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
Lamporesi Giacomo
Office phone: +39 0461 282016, Laboratory phone: +39 0461 285335 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Experimental studies on the production and dynamics of defects in ultra cold gases across phase
Main experiences acquired: Cold atom physics
Magnetic and optical trapping
Gravity sensors based on atoms
Vortex physics
Physics in reduced dimensional systems
Lapini Andrea
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 055-2308226, Laboratory phone: +39 055-2308281 - email: [email protected]
Lapucci Antonio
Primary activity: •Laser beam Optics, and laser beam Diagnostics.
•Optical resonators.
•Study and development of medium to high power diode-pumped solid state lasers.
Main experiences acquired: •Instabilities in Laser systems, non-linear dynamics.
•Wave-front sensors in the I.R. and Adaptive Optics.
•Gas laser sources (with particular reference to diffusion cooled R.F. excited CO2 lasers).
•Laser resonators for unconventional active media.
•Laser arrays, phase locked arrays, diffractive cavities and phase plates.
•Laser beam Optics, and laser beam Diagnostics.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/lapo
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Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
Larcher Fabrizio
Office phone: +39 0461 28 5308, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Analytical and numerical investigation of finite temperature BEC, and collaboration with the
experimental laboratory of the BEC Center.
Main experiences acquired: Development and setup of numerical programs for the investigation of the dynamics
of Bose-Einstein condensates at finite temperature.
Larrè Pierre Elie
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
Lebreuilly Josè
Office phone: +39 3669541290, Laboratory phone: +39 none - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: - Interacting out of equilibrium photonic systems
- quantum quenches
Main experiences acquired: - many body physics
- quantum phase transitions
- quantum optics
Livi Lorenzo Francesco
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
Locatelli Andrea
Office phone: +39 030 3715649, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Numerical and analytical modelling of photonic devices in the linear and in the nonlinear
Main experiences acquired: Plasmonics, graphene, nonlinear optics, guided waves, nanostructures.
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Locatelli Massimiliano
Office phone: +39 055 2308286, Laboratory phone: +39 055 2308286 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Imaging and Digital Holography in the Mid Infrared and in the Terahertz range
Main experiences acquired: Imaging IR, Holography, Biophotonics
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Lombardi Pietro Ernesto
Office phone: +39 0554572025, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2389 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: single molecule spectroscopy with confocal technique
Main experiences acquired: optics;
COMSOL based simulations
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Longo Iginio
Office phone: +39 050 3152530, Laboratory phone: +39 050 3152543 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Experimental study of high performance microwave activated chemical reactors (CNR patents
are pending) and their use for the preparation of metal nanoparticle, nanocatalysts, polymers, azo-dye in water
destruction, microwave assisted photochemical and ultrasonochemical reactions. Design and construction of
nonradiative waveguides in the THz frequency region (CNR patent ). Construction of advanced coaxial
microwave devices for the surgical thermoablation of tumors (a new CNR patent). Assistant in department
activities for the transfer of exploitation rights of CNR patents dealing with industrial innovative technologies.
Main experiences acquired: Techniques of experimental spectroscopy at microwave frequencies, mm-waves, far
infrared, infrared and visible-uv, also applied to the detection of surface palsmon resonances of nanometal
particles during their formation.. Skill in design and use of whispering-gallery dielectric resonators for
spectroscopic applications in the evanescent field. Knowledge and practice in the use of instruments and
systems for the generation, propagation and utilization of high power microwaves, in continuous wave or
pulsed regime up to 8 kW, in the frequency range permitted for industrial applications. Experience in the thermal
interaction between microwaves and biological tissues in vivo. Experience in the microwave controlled thermal
activation of chemical and physical processes for innovative applications.
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Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
Office phone: +39 055 457 2502, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2222 - email: [email protected]
Lopez Garcia Inaki
Primary activity: Development of technologies, materials and devices for applications in spectroscopy. Study of
waveguided behaviour into IR spectrum.
Main experiences acquired: Expertise researcher:
- Proficiency in the fabrication and characterization of micro- and nanostructures of semiconducting oxides.
- Excellent knowledge in electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), characterization of materials phase (XRD, Saed,
EBSD, Raman spectroscopy) chemical characterization (EDX), synchrotron radiation techniques (XPS / ESCA),
high pressures, electrical characterization (photocurrent, IV-temperature), optical characterization
(cathodoluminescence, photoluminescence) and waveguide behaviour characterization of semiconductor oxide
Computer skills:
- Excellent knowledge of productivity software (Microsoft Office, Open Office)
- Good knowledge of graphic programs (Adobe Photoshop, GIMP and Paint.Net) e software analysis of data
(Origin, Igor, PeakFit).
- Elemental knowledge of programming languages Matlab / Scilab and LabVIEW
- Good knowledge of Linux "Ubuntu" and Windows operating system.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/NO
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Office phone: +39 050 621 2532, Laboratory phone: +39 050 621 2533 - email: [email protected]
Lucchesini Alessandro
Primary activity: Scientific responsibility on the thematic: "Diode laser frequency modulation spectroscopy"
Main experiences acquired: Atomic & Molecular Spectroscopy, Nonlinear Optics
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/NO
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Lucioni Eleonora
Office phone: +39 055 457 2504, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2460 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Quantum gases experiments
Main experiences acquired: Optical cooling and manipulation of neutral atoms
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Office phone: +39 0502214403, Laboratory phone: +39 0502214842 - email: [email protected]
Macchi Andrea
Primary activity: Theory and simulation of high-intensity laser pulses interaction with plasmas and solid targets;
ion acceleration, coherent structure generation, high field plasmonics, fundamental processes, modeling and
interpretation of experiments, proton probing techniques.
Main experiences acquired: Delopment of analytical models of laser-plasma interaction, numerical
implementation, simulations with particle-in-cell codes also on parallel supercomputers.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/macchi
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
Office phone: +39 081-8675421, Laboratory phone: +39 081-8675427 - email: [email protected]
Maddaloni Pasquale
Primary activity: nonlinear optics, frequency metrology, high-sensitivity and high-resolution spectroscopy
Main experiences acquired: ultra-cold atoms, optics, laser, molecular spectroscopy
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/maddaloni
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
Malagù Cesare
Office phone: +39 0532974294, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Realization of gas sensors, modelling of nanostructures of semiconductors
Main experiences acquired: Electromagnetism, semiconductor physics
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
Malara Pietro
Office phone: +39 081-8675414, Laboratory phone: +39 081-8675364 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: fiber-optic and plasmonics-based sensors for physical and chemical observables
sensors based on coupled resonators and whispering gallery mode resonators (WGM).
generation and spectroscopic applications of frequency combs.
high sensitivity/high precision spectroscopic techniques
Main experiences acquired: fiber-optic sensors
SPR sensors
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coupled resonators
WGM resonators
fiber lasers
external cavity quantum cascade lasers
frequency comb spectroscopy and generation of Mid-IR frequency combs
high sensitivity/high precision spectroscopic techniques
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Marchetti Sauro
Office phone: +39 050 315 2524, Laboratory phone: +39 050 315 2542 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: sperimental and theoretical study of the laser Raman generation
Main experiences acquired: infrared, optics, spectroscopy
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Marconi Lorenzo
Office phone: +39 055 4572027, Laboratory phone: +39 055 4572008 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Realization of un optomechanical system with dieletric membranes and Si MEMS in a
Fabry-Perot cavity.
Main experiences acquired: I am a very well formed in scientific field, especially with respect experimental
Physics. My studies and my professional experience give to him many technical expertises, several manage
capability and very good interpersonal relationships.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Marin Francesco
Office phone: +39 055 457 2033, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2007/2008 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Opto-mechanics
Main experiences acquired: Quantum optics, Atomic Physics
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Marinelli Carmela
Laboratory phone: +39 050 315 2541 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Surface/atom interaction: Light Induced Atomic Desorption and its applications.Atomic
diffusion in disordered nanoporous materials, optical properties and control of photoinduced metal nanoparticles
in nanostructured arrays. Coherent effects and their applications in thermally and optically controlled alkali metal
vapors. Laser cooling and trapping of stable and radioactive atoms (MOT)
Main experiences acquired: Laser spectroscopy techniques in continuous and pulsed regimes. Laser sources.
Coherent spectroscopy. Metal nanoparticle spectroscopy. Laser-assisted collisions.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Office phone: +39 055 457 2027, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2008 - email: [email protected]
Marino Francesco Mario Simone
Primary activity: Nonlinear dynamics in optical systems, Classical and quantum optomechanics, Gravitational
Main experiences acquired: Dynamical Systems, Nonlinear optics, Laser physics
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Masella Guido
Office phone: +39 050 3152 542, Laboratory phone: +39 050 3152 542 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Atomic Physics, Laser cooling and trapping of atoms.
Main experiences acquired: Atomic Physics, Optics, Lasers, Computational Physics, Data Analysis, Simulations
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Mazzamuto Giacomo
Office phone: +39 055 457 2026, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2389 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Single molecule spectroscopy, quantum optics, disordered photonic structures, FDTD
simulations, Monte Carlo methods for photon transport in turbid media
Main experiences acquired: Physical modeling, data processing and acquisition, lab automation, software
Mazzinghi Piero
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 055-2308-257, - email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Office phone: +39 055 457 2500, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2461 - email: [email protected]
Mazzotti Davide
Primary activity: Molecular laser spectroscopy. Novel mid-IR coherent sources based on nonlinear crystals and
quantum cascade lasers. Metrology with optical frequency combs. Optical cavities.
Main experiences acquired: Optics, laser, molecular spectroscopy, basic electronics, Microsoft Windows and
Ubuntu Linux OS, Fortran/C languages
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/mazzotti
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Menotti Chiara
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
Office phone: +39 0461 283926, - email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 055-2308310, Laboratory phone: +39 055-2308311 - email: [email protected]
Mercatelli Luca
Primary activity: University stages' tutor. Measurement and project activity for the Photometry and Lighting Lab.
and for the Solar Light Collectors Lab.
Main experiences acquired: Optical project and testing of optical systems, optical metrology, radiometry,
photometry, colorimetry.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/lucamerca
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Mercatelli Raffaella
Office phone: +39 055 5226 634, Laboratory phone: +39 055 4151 72 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: His research involved Two photon and fluorescence lifetime cellular
imaging in thick samples, FLIM/FRET Techniques for the characterization of
protein interacion in cells, development of supercontinuum sources for
applications in microscopy and optical characterization of
Main experiences acquired: Linear and non linear microscopy techniques, FLIM/FRET analysis, C, Fortran and
Labview programming language
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 055-2308242, Laboratory phone: +39 055-2308234 - email: [email protected]
Meucci Riccardo
Primary activity: Chaotic dynamics in lasers. Control and synchronization of chaos, analogies with neuronal
systems. Polarization dynamics. Interferometry and holography in the mid infrared region. Liquid crystals in the
mid and near infrared region.
Main experiences acquired: Laser physics, nonlinear dynamics.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/ric
Milan Riccardo
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Office phone: +39 0554572036, Laboratory phone: +39 0554572145 - email: [email protected]
Minardi Francesco
Primary activity: Experiments with mixtures of degenerate atoms: optical lattices, control of interactions, low
dimensional systems.
Main experiences acquired: Atomic physics and optics, cold atoms.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/francesco.minardi
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Modugno Giovanni
Office phone: +39 0554572481, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Experimental study of ultracold quantum gases
Main experiences acquired: Ultracold quantum gases; atom interferometry; disordered systems.
Mordini Carmelo
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Morsch Oliver
Office phone: +39 050-2214569, Laboratory phone: +39 050-2214292 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Experiments on ultra-cold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensates; optical lattices; Rydberg
atoms; strongly driven quantum systems; quantum control
Main experiences acquired: Design and realization of cold atom experiments
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
Mosca Simona
Office phone: +39 0818675365, Laboratory phone: +39 0818675412 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: I am currently working at a squeezed light source to be used for the optomechanical tailoring of
quantum states. Further, part of my activity is dedicated to the development of ultrastable sources for
spectroscopic applications, in particular an optical parametric oscillator (OPO), with a periodically poled crystal
of lithium niobate, for spectroscopy of saturation.
Main experiences acquired: nonlinear optics, quantum optics,optomechanics, high resolution spectroscopy,
singular optics, interferometry laser for gravitational waves detection
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
Munasinghe Arachchige Hashitha Mahesh
- email: [email protected]
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Navpreet Kaur
Neri Elettra
Nunez Carmona Estefania
Omarini Sergio
Ozawa Tomoki
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Palchetti Luca
Office phone: +39 055 522 6311, Laboratory phone: +39 055 522 6235 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Experiments of atmospheric spectroscopy, study of the Earth's radiation budget and the climate
system. Development of Fourier transform spectrometers (FTS) operating in the mid and the far infrared (FIR)
spectral regions and their application in field campaigns from remote sites (Stratospheric balloons, high-altitude
ground-based sites, Antarctica).
Main experiences acquired: Fourier transform spectroscopy, development and application of optical
instrumentation in field experiments, integrated optics.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Palla Daniele
Office phone: +39 0503152261, Laboratory phone: +39 0503152261 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: PHD Student
Main experiences acquired: Self injection mechanism
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 055-2308260, Laboratory phone: +39 055-2308283 - email: [email protected]
Pampaloni Enrico
Primary activity: Optical Diagnostics for Cutural Heritage
-Study and development of optical instrumentations, new measurement methodologies, analysis and visualization
of digital data.
Image Analysis
- IR and color high definition reflectography
- Multispectral UV fluorescence
- Iperspectral high definition imaging
- Thermography
3D survey
- Triangulation Methods
- Projection Methods
- Conoscopic micro-profilometry
- Time-of-flyght methods
- Photogrammetry
Data analysis
- Processing of imaging and 3D survey data
- Data integration and visualization
Main experiences acquired: Optical Diagnostics for Cutural Heritage (from 1998)
-Study and development of optical instrumentations, new measurement methodologies, analysis and visualization
of digital data.
Image Analysis
- IR and color high definition reflectography
- Multispectral UV fluorescence
- Iperspectral high definition imaging
- Thermography
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3D survey
- Triangulation Methods
- Projection Methods
- Conoscopic micro-profilometry
- Time-of-flyght methods
- Photogrammetry
Data analysis
- Processing of imaging and 3D survey data
- Data integration and visualization
Nonlinear Optics (from 1993 to 1998)
- Experimental study on 2D pattern formation in optical nonlinear system. Selection and competition among
different symmetry structures. Mode locking and phase dynamics in pattern selection.
Quantum Optics (1993)
- Study on the phase locking in a distribuited coupling three slab CO2 laser
Applied Optics (from 1990 to 1993)
- Study and development of an optical instrument for the granulometric analysis of mineral particles in the range
5-500 microns (contract SIM Italian Mines Society)
- Study and development of an optical tachimeter for car velocity measurement (contract CRF FIAT Research
Vision Science (1990)
- Study on: the display legibility, the fuctional visual field definition, the image quality and the color vision.
Thermal fluid convection (from 1988 to 1990)
- Experimental study of the symmetry transitions and the defects role in the Raileigh-Bénard pattern formation.
- Experimental study on the relation among the temperature field fluctuation spectra in turbulent regimes in the
Raileigh-Bénard convection.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/pampa
Parisi Luca
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
Office phone: +39 081 867 5367, Laboratory phone: +39 081 867 5332 - email: [email protected]
Parisi Maria
Primary activity: The current research is carried out prevalently in the non-linear optics.
Mainly it is focused on the frequency combs generation in quadratic nonlinear crystals in particular a lithium
niobate is interrogated and on modeling of the observed dynamics.
The research activity, also, is aimed to the stabilization frequency in the order of sub-kHz of a non-resonant idler
generated by an optical parametric oscillator in the medium infrared and on the realization of a source of a
vacuum squeezed light for optomechanical tailoring of quantum states.
Main experiences acquired: Laser Interferometry, Scanning and Analysis of wave-front distortions: thermal
deformations and thermal lensing effect, jitter noise propagation.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/NO
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Parmeggiani Camilla
Office phone: +39 055 457 2502, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2221/3508/2452 - email:
[email protected]
Primary activity: Synthesis and characterization of liquid crystal elastomers for writing optically active polymers
and related applications.
Main experiences acquired: Synthesis and characterization of organic polymeric compounds.
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Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Patrizi Barbara
Office phone: +39 0554572475, Laboratory phone: +39 0554572456-0554572457 - email:
[email protected]
Primary activity: organic photovoltaics for solar concentrators
Main experiences acquired: Time-resolved spectroscopy
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Patti Mattia
Office phone: +39 050 2216005, Laboratory phone: +39 055 4625431 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Activity Research within Cultural Heritage Group, especcially in the field of Multispectral
Infrared Reflectography.
Main experiences acquired: Modern and Contemporary Art History; Multispectral Infrared Reflectography, X
Radiography and other Imaging Techniques.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Pavone Francesco Saverio
Office phone: +39 055 457 2480, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2520 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: single molecule biophysics, imaging of single living cell, morphofunctional tissue imaging,
two-photon microscopy and light-sheet microscopy
Main experiences acquired: optical microscopy, linear and non linear imaging of biological systems, optical
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Pazzagli Sofia
Office phone: +39 055 4572 026, Laboratory phone: +39 055 4572 389 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: I work in the research group of Dr. Costanza Toninelli and our activity focuses on molecules for
quantum optics and on the combination of advanced photonic materials with organic molecules, with the idea of
developing novel light-matter interfaces for quantum technologies.
Main experiences acquired: sinlge molecule spectroscopy and microscopy, graphene
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Pegoraro Francesco
Office phone: +39 050 2214844, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Laser plasma interaction - theory
Main experiences acquired: Plasma physics
Main office and laboratory: Comandato altra Amministrazione non CNR
Pelagotti Anna
Office phone: +39 055-2308227, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: digital IR holography, UV fluorescence imaging, multispectral imaging, automatic 3D model
Main experiences acquired: signal and image processing
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Pellegrino Mario
Office phone: +39 050 2213523, Laboratory phone: +39 050 2213467 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Use of scanning probe microscopies to induce oriented neuronal growth.
Noncontact measurement of the mechanical stiffness of live cells with the Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy
Functional localization of single mechanosensitive ion channels
on the surface of living cells.
Main experiences acquired: Single-channel electrophysiology.
Intracellular Calcium Imaging.
Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy.
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Pezzati Luca
Office phone: +39 055-2308279, Laboratory phone: +39 055-2308287 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Research management
Main experiences acquired: Optics and Optical Metrology
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Pezzè Luca
Office phone: +39 055 2055 094, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Quantum metrology, disordered systems, entanglement and quantum correlations
Main experiences acquired: theoretical physics, quantum information, theory of ultra cold gases
Pirri Angela
Pitaevskii Lev
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- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
- email: [email protected]
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Poggiali Francesco
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
Ponzoni Andrea
Office phone: +39 030 371 5707, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Development of conductometric gas sensors; development of surface ionization gas sensors;
electrical characterization; development of electronic noses and sensing systems for application in safety and
security field
Main experiences acquired: Thin film deposition by means of physical methods; electrical measurements; AFM
characterization techniques; AFM lithography techniques; measurements in controlled atmosphere
Price Hannah
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Pugliese Eugenio
Laboratory phone: +39 055 2308 286 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Classical and quantum dynamical systems, control and synchronization of chaotic regimes.
Optical investigations of complex systems. Development of techniques of mid-infrared digital holography for
civil and industrial applications.
Main experiences acquired: Non linear dynamics, chaos theory. Digital holograpy and interferometry.
Pulvirenti Andrea
Qu Chunlei
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Quercioli Franco
Office phone: +39 055 522 6634 / 055 2308 229, Laboratory phone: +39 055 415172 - email:
[email protected]
Primary activity: The research activity is in the field of optical microscopy and microspectroscopy, instrumental
and applicative and as a support to other research groups, especially in the biomedical and cultural heritage areas.
The main interest is in the field of confocal and nonlinear microscopy and all the related techniques.
With regard to the activity of instrumental type, for example in the past, we realized various configurations of
autocorrelators for the measurements of the temporal width of the excitation laser pulse in a non-linear
microscope. We made a monochromator and a spectrometer with an axial dispersion symmetry, particularly
suitable in the context of confocal microscopy where use is made of fibers for the transport of the optical signals.
A system for FLIM (Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy) microscopy was developed, for the acquisition
of ”images” of fluorescence decay times. A supercontinuum source was made by using a photonic crystal fiber.
Such radiation was then employed for applications in confocal microscopy, FLIM and FLIM-FRET
measurements with single-photon excitation.
Regarding the activities in the field of conservation and valorization of cultural heritage, a campaign of
spectroscopic measurements of textile samples treated with natural dyes was carried out in order to implement a
database of reference spectra. In the biomedical field, for example, studies were conducted, with the FLIM
technique, on the lipid domains in artificial membranes. We applied FLIM-FRET techniques to study the
interaction of proteins (Cx43 and CDOs) involved in skeletal muscle differentiation. It was carried out
microscopic diagnostics of organic matrices colonized by stem cells of various kinds for application protocols in
regenerative medicine.
Activity in the diffusion of science. Franco Quercioli was principal investigator of projects funded by MIUR for
the dissemination of scientific culture. As part of this activity, a website (www.scienzaludica.it) was created
dedicated to the dissemination of science through play. Were carried out thesis. We participated in various events
and exhibitions including the "festival of creativity" (Florence 2010), "ScienzEstate" (Florence, 2010, 2011,
2012), "Inside the microscope" (Pisa, 2011), "Under a new optics" (Florence, 2011), and various editions of the
"festival of science" in Genoa, the two most recent, in 2009 and 2010 with interactive workshops on optical
Main experiences acquired: Franco Quercioli received his Physics degree at the University of Florence, Italy in
1980. He joined the National Institute of Applied Optics in 1983 and afterwards from 2005 to 2010 he moved to
the Institute of Complex Systems of the Italian National Research Council. Now he is back to INO. He is a senior
research scientist. His competences are in the fields of coherent optics, interferometry, optical metrology,
holography, Fourier optics, surface inspection, scanning probe microscopy, confocal and multiphoton microscopy
and education. His current research interests are biophotonics and optical techniques applied to the inspection of
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works of art.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
Office phone: +39 0461 883924, - email: [email protected]
Recati Alessio
Primary activity: Theory of ultracold Fermi and Bose gases.
Sonic analog for vaccum quantum effects.
Main experiences acquired: Theory of fermionic gases with population and mass unbalance and strong
Polaron physics in atomic gases.
Bogoliubov theory in bosonic gases.
Low-dimesional gases and Luttinger liquid physics.
Atomic and molecular gases with dipolar interaction
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/NO
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
Ricciardi Iolanda
Office phone: +39 081-8675410, Laboratory phone: +39 081-8675412 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: The current research activity is devoted to: frequency comb generation in quadratic nonlinear
media and theoretical modelling of the temporal and spectral dynamics of nonlinear generation processes in
optical resonators; realization of an efficient source of vacuum squeezed light and optomechanical tailoring of
quantum states of light; development of a highly stable and spectrally pure optical parametric oscillator for
molecular spectroscopy in the mid-infrared region.
Main experiences acquired: Nonlinear and Quantum Optics; Molecular Spectroscopy; Laser Interferometry.
Rigoni Federica
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Roati Giacomo
Office phone: +39 0554572474, Laboratory phone: +39 0554572458 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Trapping and cooling of atomic samples
Main experiences acquired: Optics and laser physics
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
Rocco Alessandra
Office phone: +39 081-8675422, Laboratory phone: +39 081-867 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Involved in MONICA project for developing a monitoring network of traditional and
innovative sensors via fiber optic communication.
Recently has been involved in NDT damage evaluation in composite materials.
Main experiences acquired: Optics spectroscopy
Ronchi Lucia
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Rosi Sara
Office phone: +39 055 457 2475, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2145 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Atomic Physics Research - Ultracold Atoms
Main experiences acquired: atomic physics - Ultracold atoms - laser - basic electronics - computer - basic
programming - data analisys -
Rusciano Giulia
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Office phone: +39 055 4572451, Laboratory phone: +39 055 4572018 - email: [email protected]
Sacconi Leonardo
Primary activity: Development and application of novel microscopy techniques
Main experiences acquired: Linear and non-linear microscopy, Biophotonics
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/sacconi
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Laboratory phone: +39 049 827 7132 - email: [email protected]
Salasnich Luca
Primary activity: Theoretical study of Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity in ultracold atoms and other
many-body systems.
Main experiences acquired: Statistical physics and many-body theory. Bose-Einstein condensation and
superfluidity for bosons and fermions. Theory of ultracold quantum fields. Analytical and numerical solutions of
nonlinear differential equations. Nonlinear dynamics and quantum chaos. Models of atomic nucleus and nuclear
matter. Atomic physics and quantum optics.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/salasnich
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Salerno Grazia
Sanchez Alvarez Claudia
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 055-2308278, Laboratory phone: +39 055-2308311 - email: [email protected]
Sani Elisa
Primary activity: ·Optical characterization of materials for solar energy applications
Main experiences acquired: Optical characterization of materials
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/sani
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 055-2308232, Laboratory phone: +39 055-2308-254/288 - email: [email protected]
Sansoni Paola
Primary activity: Optical design and measurement for the Photometry and Lighting Lab. and for the Solar
Collectors Lab.
Substitute of the Responsible of the Solar Collectors Lab. and of the Photometry and Lighting Lab.
Main experiences acquired: Optical design and testing of optical systems, optical metrology, radiometry,
photometry, colorimetry. Research in the field of renewable energy and sustainable lighting.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/paola
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
Santamaria Luigi
Office phone: +39 0818675414, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Molecular cooling and spectroscopy
Main experiences acquired: Nonlinear optics and time resolved spectroscopy
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Office phone: +39 055 457 2469, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2006 - email: [email protected]
Santambrogio Gabriele Raimondo Giuliano
Primary activity: Control and manipulation of cold molecules
Main experiences acquired: Spectroscopy, Stark deceleration, molecular beams, laser physics, molecular physics
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Santoro Mario
Office phone: +39 055 4572490, Laboratory phone: +39 055 4572530/2515/2529/2509 - email:
[email protected]
Primary activity: Physics and technology of condensed matter at extreme conditions of high pressures (0.1-250
GPa) and low/high temperatures (10-5000 K). Specifically: (i) study of structural and dynamical changes and of
phase transitions in crystalline and amorphous solids, liquids and supercritical fluids; (ii) synthesis of novel
polymeric materials, novel hard alloys, and novel nano-composite materials. The experimental activity is mainly
performed at INO-Sesto Fiorentino/LENS and at synchrotron radiation facilities like ESRF-Grenoble and
Main experiences acquired: Design, development and use of: (i) high pressure technologies, specifically of the
diamond anvil cell coupled to cryostats, heaters and laser heating set-ups: Nd:YAG (YLF) e CO2; (ii) optical
spectroscopy technologies: Raman, micro-Raman imaging, and absorption and reflectivity Fourier transform
IR-VIS-UV spectroscopy; (ii) laboratory and synchrotron X-ray diffraction; (iv) synchrotron inelastic X-ray
scattering; (v) synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS).
Sasso Antonio
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
Office phone: +39 030 3715771, Laboratory phone: +39 030 3715707 - email: [email protected]
Sberveglieri Giorgio
Primary activity: My research activity is focused on applied physics and the development of functional materials
and their applications. I started in the 70s working in the field of thin film solar cells (1971-1987). I after moved
to the field of gas sensors focusing first on the development of thin film techniques and then on nanowire
technology to develop functional metal oxide layers.
Main experiences acquired: My activity addressed both the study of the synthesis techniques to control and
optimize the material structure at the micro and nanoscale to optimize its receptor and transductor function and
the exploitation of these devices and electronic nose systems in different applicative fields including
environmental monitoring, medicine, food quality, safety and security. Working in the field of gas sensors, in
1988 I founded the SENSOR laboratory (http://sensor.ing.unibs.it/). Originally composed by myself and a
technician, it’s now a well established lab in the field of gas sensors and solar cells (see next) where about 20
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people work, including personnel from both the University of Brescia and the National Council for Research
I published over 489 papers on peer-reviewed journals, getting an h-index of 52.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/NO
Sberveglieri Veronica
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Scazza Francesco
Office phone: +39 055 457 2474, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2458 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Ultracold fermionic gases in two dimensions
Main experiences acquired: Cooling and trapping of atomic gases
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Semeghini Giulia
Office phone: +39 055 457 2373, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2004 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Quantum interferometry
Serafini Simone
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
Laboratory phone: +39 0461 28 5335 - email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Office phone: +39 055 457 2514, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2209 - email: [email protected]
Sias Carlo
Primary activity: Experiments with ions and ultracold atoms
Main experiences acquired: Optics, electronics (analog and RF)
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/NO
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Siciliani de Cumis Mario
Laboratory phone: +39 0554572222 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Development of materials and devices for spectroscopic applications
Main experiences acquired: Optics, Laser, Spectroscopy, Semiconductors, Micro-ElectroMechanical Systems
Computer skills:Office, Autocad, Corel Draw e GIMP, Origin, Matlab e LabView, Linux “Ubuntu”, PHP.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Silvestri Ludovico
Office phone: +39 055 457 2504, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2513/2019 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Development of advanced optical methods based on light-sheet illumination for high-resolution
neuroanatomical mapping.
Main experiences acquired: Optical microscopy, LabVIEW programming, management and analysis of large
amounts of images (>1TB).
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Simonelli Cristiano
Office phone: +39 050 24571, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Experimental atomic physics with cold gases of atoms in high principal quantum number
excited states. Study of Many body highly correlated systems.
Main experiences acquired: Experimental lab activities, data analysis, Mathematica modelling, Igor, Latex.
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Smerzi Augusto
Office phone: +39 055 2308 280, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Bose-Eintein condensation, quantum interferometry, entanglement
Main experiences acquired: physics of matter, superfluidity, quantum information
Solimeno Salvatore
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Spagnolli Giacomo
Office phone: +39 055 457 2373, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2004 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: My research activity is related to the developement of a new atom interferometer exploiting
Bose Einstein condensates in dipolar traps
Main experiences acquired: My expertise includes Atomic Physics, Spectroscopy, Laser Physics.
Stringari Sandro
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Striova Jana
Office phone: +39 0552308282, Laboratory phone: +39 0554627419 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Set-up and application of innovative and non-invasive methods for the characterization,
monitoring and cleaning of artworks.
Main experiences acquired: Infrared and Raman spectroscopy, colorimetry, artificial ageing, laser cleaning
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Tettamanti Manuele
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Toci Guido
Office phone: +39 055 522/5315, Laboratory phone: +39 055 522/5315 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Study and development of solid state laser sources with diode pumping<br />
Characterization of new solid state laser materials (crystals and ceramics)<br />
LIDAR systems for environmental monitoring: design, development and field deployment<br />
Study, modelling and diagnostics on laser material processing techniques
Main experiences acquired: Solid state laser materials with Ytterbio and Cerium doping<br />
Design and development of solid state laser sources with diode pumping<br />
Methods and instruments for spectroscopic diagnostics<br />
Fluorescence LIDAR systems for environmental monitoring (vegetation and water bodies)<br />
Desig of optical instrumentation for airborne applications
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Tognoni Elisabetta
Office phone: +39 050 315 2223, Laboratory phone: +39 050 315 3044 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Development of experimental procedures and data processing approaches for Scanning Ion
Conductance Microscopy (SICM). Applications to the study of cells in vitro.
Main experiences acquired: UV-Vis-NIR spectroscopy. Scanning probe microscopies. Software programming in
LabView environment for data acquisition and processing.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Tombaresi Lorenzo
Office phone: +39 055 4572476, Laboratory phone: +39 055 4572018 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: European project management group at LENS Biophysics, control over project expenditures,
business reporting, management missions.
Main experiences acquired: Knowledge of PC programs Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel. Knowledge of the
different stages of presentation of the European project. Good knowledge of English and spanish written and
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Office phone: +39 0554572134, Laboratory phone: +39 0554572389 - email: [email protected]
Toninelli Costanza
Primary activity: The focus of our activity on molecules for quantum optics is the combination of advanced
photonic materials with organic molecules, with the idea of developing novel light-matter interfaces for quantum
technologies. Single-molecule-based photon sources can be selectively coupled to the evanescent electromagnetic
field of plasmonic excitations, graphene, or complex dielectric media. The system hence represents a valuable
testbed for applications ranging from microscale opto-electronics, to fluorescence-based sensing and solid-state
protocols for quantum communication. The group is also working on the coupling of single molecule to the
Atom-Chip condensate.
Main experiences acquired: single molecule spectroscopy and microscopy, micro- and nano-photonics, optics of
disordered systems, Anderson localization, graphene for QED, quantum optics
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/toninelli
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Office phone: +39 055 4572495, Laboratory phone: +39 055 4572454 - email: [email protected]
Torre Renato
Primary activity: Research on soft matter focuses on the study of a variety of physical systems whose properties
are intermediate between liquid and solid states. All these materials, despite their very different nature, share an
important common physical feature: soft matter self-organizes into mesoscopic structures that are much larger
than the microscopic scale and yet are much smaller than the macroscopic (overall) scale of the material. We
study the structure and dynamics of soft matter by means of time-resolved laser spectroscopy, exciting the sample
impulsively. It is thus possible to follow the sample response over a very wide time scale, from picosecond to
millisecond, and investigate a variety of soft matter properties, including molecular vibrations,
structural-rotational relaxation, elastic-acoustic propagation and thermal diffusion.
In particular we are presently investigating: the physics of supercooled water, the nanoconfined liquids,
nanocomposite materials and systems showing the phononic features.
Main experiences acquired: Development of laser sources with pulsed radiation with broad spectrum:
- Sources with picosecond pulses of variable frequency from UV to infrared.
- Conversion of femtosecond pulses from the near infrared to THz.
- Wave mixing and parametric conversion of pulses of laser sub-pico-second high energy.
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Realization and use of time-resolved spectroscopic techniques, such as:
- CARS spectroscopy with pico-second resolution of the molecular vibrations.
- Optical Kerr effect in heterodyne detection for the measurement of the relaxation processes
- Transient grating for the study of acoustic, structural processes and thermal transport in nano-heterogeneous.
Excellent knowledge of the physics of liquids, theories on phase transitions and critical phenomena.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/NO
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Trenkwalder Andreas
Office phone: +39 055 457 2373, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2005 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: setup a new Fermi-Fermi mixture experiment of Li6-Cr53 atoms
Main experiences acquired: basic research on degenerate fermions (Li6 and K40) and bosons (K39)
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
Tylutki Marek
Office phone: +39 0461281525, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Ultracold atoms, dynamics of a quantum phase transition
Main experiences acquired: Theory of quantum phase transitions in ultracold quantum gases
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Valtolina Giacomo
Office phone: +39 055 457 2477, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2458 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Quantum simulation with ultracold atoms
Main experiences acquired: Optical and magnetic manipulation of ultracold atoms
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Vannini Matteo
Office phone: +39 0555225314, Laboratory phone: +39 0555225383 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Solid state laser & gas lasers from SWIR (Short Wavelength Infra-Red) to UV. Solid state laser
with ceramic active media, Ytterbium laser and other RAEE (Rare earth element) ions as dopant. Recently
research on phosphors without RAEE for blu LED conversion in lighting applications. Eye safe power laser
(Erbium laser study and future realization).
Main experiences acquired: Optics, Non-Linear Optics, Laser Physics, Spectroscopy, RAEE Atomic Physics.
Main office and laboratory: Comandato altra Amministrazione non CNR
Vannoni Maurizio
Office phone: +39 055-2308228, Laboratory phone: +39 055-2308-266/268 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Past activity: Academic research, collaborations and service for industry applications.
Major responsible for the calibration laboratory Centro SIT n° 130, for the planarity of optical flats. The Centro
SIT is not active anymore.
Major responsible for high-level scientific measurements: ophtalmic lenses quality testing, cryogenic refractive
index characterization.
Scientific activity in the optical testing field and support to other scientific projects, as an example the
characterization (in reflection and transmission) of ion-beam damaged diamond.
Referee for Optics Express, Optics Letters, Applied Optics, Optics Communications, Measurement Science &
Technology, European Journal of Physics, Applied Optics, Optics Express. Associate of INFN
Actually on duty at European XFEL, Hamburg.
Main experiences acquired: Optics and optical testing, Interferometry and holography.
Vecchione Raffaele
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Viciani Silvia
Office phone: +39 055 522 6332, Laboratory phone: +39 055 522 6202 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: - development and realization of laser devices for environmental and atmospheric applications
- realization and field deployment (during international campaigns) of airborne mid-infrared tunable diode laser
spectrometers for stratospheric measurement of trace gases
- analysis and realization of optical simulators of quantum transport in photosynthetic systems and prospects for
new solar energy technologies
Main experiences acquired: - Laser spectroscopy in the near, mid and far infraed.
- Mid-infrared diode laser spectrometers for environmental and atmospheric applications
- Remote sensing and airborne instrumentations for atmospheric analysis
- Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)for ophthalmic applications
- Quantum Optics: generation and manipulation of non-classical field states, entanglement, non-locality, optical
simulators of quantum transport
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Vomiero Alberto
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
Office phone: +39 030 3715846, - email: [email protected]
Wabnitz Stefan
Primary activity: Nonlinear optics, optical communications
Main experiences acquired: Nonlinear optics, optical communications
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/NO
Wiersma Diederik Sybolt
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Office phone: +39 055-4572492, - email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Zaccanti Matteo
Office phone: +39 055 4572 474, Laboratory phone: +39 055 4572 458 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Investigation of atomic and molecular ultracold gases, strongly interacting fermions,
few-particle systems, disordered systems.
Main experiences acquired: Laser cooling and trapping, ultracold atomic and molecular physics
Zambotti Giulia
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Zanotto Simone
Office phone: +39 055 457 2452, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2452 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Design, fabrication, and characterization of reconfigurable photonic devices and of light-driven
Main experiences acquired: Optical experiments in different wavelength ranges (visible, near and far infrared,
Terahertz). Fabrication of nanophotonic devices by cleanroom techniques. Electromagnetic simulations.
Nanophotonic modeling.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
Zappa Dario
Office phone: +39 030 371 5767, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Synthesis of Metal Oxide Nanostructures; Morphological characterization using Scanning
Electron Microscope (SEM); Structural characterization using Raman Spectroscopy and X-Ray Diffraction
(XRD); Fabrication of functional devices, like gas sensors.
Main experiences acquired: Synthesis of Metal Oxide nanostructures; Morphological and Structural
characterization using SEM, XRD and Raman; Fabrication of metal oxide based functional devices; Industrial
automation and LabView programming; Electronic devices and organic semiconductors.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Office phone: +39 055 457 2226, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2215 - email: [email protected]
Zavatta Alessandro
Primary activity: Generation, manipulation and analysis of quantum states of the light.
Main experiences acquired: Generation of single-photon states by parametric downconversion process.
Manipulation of quantum states of light. Parametric amplification at the single-photon level. Characterization of
the quantum state of light high-frequency high-efficiency homodyne detection. Quantum tomography:
reconstruction of density matrix and Wigner function.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/azavatta
Zonta Giulia
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
Office phone: +39 081 8675366, Laboratory phone: +39 081 867 5428 - email: [email protected]
Zullo Rosa
Primary activity: Current research is aimed to the development of new technologies in the field of sensors for the
detection of chemical and physical properties of the materials. Main research topic are chemical optical sensors,
fiber optics sensor, FT-IR spectroscopy and chemical formulation. The previous research activities are focused on
the formulation and characterization of polymeric materials.
Main experiences acquired: sensori ottici, sensori in fibra ottica, spettroscopia FT-IR e formulazioni chimiche
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/NO
Acciai Sergio
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 0552308240, Laboratory phone: +39 0552308269 - email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Aglietti Andrea
Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2531 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: My role at L.E.N.S. is the development and testing of new electronics lab instruments (generally
for 19" rack) to support the research in the field of physics of matter.<br>
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I've recently worked on an acousto optic modulator driver and I'm currently working on a digital PID controller
based on a FPGA core.<br>
My primary interests relate to the low-level hardware and electronics design, printed circuit (analog and mixed
signal) board design and programming of microcontrollers and FPGAs.
Main experiences acquired: Low noise electronic front end design, microcontroller and FPGA programming,
design and realization, test and measurements of multilayer mixed signals PCB with RF paths.
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Albavetti Loreno
Office phone: +39 055-2308233, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Head of Safety on the work of National Institute of Optics.Safety coordinator external institute.
Main experiences acquired: Institute responsable for maintenance on line portal State Property ( Demanio dello
Stato )
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Barbini Alessandro
Office phone: +39 050 315-2537, Laboratory phone: +39 050 315-2537 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: design and manufacture of electronic instrumentation
Main experiences acquired: design of electronic instrumentation and implementation of control software
Calzolai Roberto
D'Uva Massimo
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Office phone: +39 0555226221, - email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Laboratory phone: +39 055-2308240/269 - email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Euzzor Stefano
Office phone: +39 055-2308239, Laboratory phone: +39 055-23081 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: .
Main experiences acquired: .
Ferrantini Irene
Lanza Clara
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Office phone: +39 055 457 2476, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2018/2463 - email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Office phone: +39 050 3152557, Laboratory phone: +39 050 6212065 - email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 055-2308293, Laboratory phone: +39 055-23081 - email: [email protected]
Mascalchi Silvano
Primary activity: Technical electronic design and development of new electronic systems of support to research
and manager of the Official website of INOA.
Main experiences acquired: Design and development of new electronic systems of support to the research, laser
power supplies, CO2 Laser, CO2 Laser SLAB, borosilicate glass blowing techniques for the realization of laser
tubes, vacuum thin film deposition (PVD)Web design, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP. image processing, PSP, Photoshop,
Microsoft office.
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By INO-CNR WebSite, updated on Thursday 7 July 2016
Google Traduttore per il Business:Translator ToolkitTraduttore di siti webStrumento a supporto dell'export
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Design and development of new electronic systems of support to the research, laser power supplies, CO2 Laser,
CO2 Laser SLAB, Web design, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP. image processing, PSP, Photoshop, Microsoft office,
blowing glass laser tubes.
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By INO-CNR WebSite, updated on Thursday 7 July 2016
È sbagliato?
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By INO-CNR WebSite, updated on Thursday 7 July 2016
Google Traduttore per il Business:Translator ToolkitTraduttore di siti webStrumento a supporto dell'export
Disattiva traduzione istantaneaInformazioni su Google TraduttorePer cellulariCommunityPrivacy e
TerminiGuidaInvia commenti
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By INO-CNR WebSite, updated on Thursday 7 July 2016
Design and development of new electronic systems of support to the research, laser power supplies, CO2 Laser,
CO2 Laser SLAB, blowing glass laser tubes, Web design, HTML, CSS, JS, PHP. image processing, PSP,
Photoshop, Microsoft office.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/masca
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Montori Alessio
Office phone: +39 055 457 2531, Laboratory phone: +39 055 457 2531 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Development and implementation of electronic devices. Design and implementation of
tunable-diode-laser spectrometers for trace-gases concentration measurement used in the field and for airborne
Main experiences acquired: Low-noise drivers for semiconductor lasers. Low-noise front-ends for
near-mid-infrared detectors. Electronic for rugged systems working in extreme environmental conditions.
Software for instruments automation.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
Notariale Gianluca
Office phone: +39 0818675406, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: .
Main experiences acquired: .
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Pardini Federico
Office phone: +39 050 3152227, Laboratory phone: +39 050 3152227 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: construction (design / changes) of components of precision mechanics, using machine tools.
Main experiences acquired: Machining on machine tools
Poggi Pasquale
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Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 055-2308264, Laboratory phone: +39 055-2308264 - email: [email protected]
By INO-CNR WebSite, updated on Thursday 7 July 2016
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Pucci Mauro
Office phone: +39 055-2308289, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: The Optics Manufacturing Service of INO provides high precision optic substrates, both for
internal use and for external companies or research institutes. OMS can work on many kind of optics, made of
different materials: amorphous, as glasses, fused silica or plastics, or many kind of crystals, like
neodymium:YAG, sapphire, lithium niobate, TiO2, Ruby, zinc selenide, gallium arsenide, including igroscopic
crystals as NaCl.
Flatness quality of better than l/50 was obtained for precision flats of 50 mm in diameter for interferometry. High
precision prisms can be provided, with a precision of 1" of arc on a 90° degree angle, and with a sharp-edge of
0.1 mm. Spherical, aspherical and cylindrical lenses can be realized with many of the above mentioned materials.
The limitation in the dimension is about 200 mm, due to the limited size of the polishing machines.
On the other side many microoptics components for integrated optic or optoelectronics were produced, as for
example geodetic lenses with sharp edges to enter into the waveguide and very thin fiber with the polished
surface at 45 degree.
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Raffaelli Marco
Office phone: +39 055 2308248, Laboratory phone: +39 347 4651381 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Laboratory work: maintenance and upgrade of diagnostic tools for cultural heritage
Main experiences acquired: Spectrophotometry, colorimetry, optical interferometry, optical fibers
Rossi Antonella
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Office phone: +39 050 315 2262, - email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 0552308247, Laboratory phone: +39 0552308268 - email: [email protected]
Sordini Andrea
Primary activity:
Main experiences acquired:
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/NO
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Spanedda Andrea
Office phone: +39 050 315 2525, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: A futrher interpretation of discrepancies between van't Hoff and calorimetric enthaply data for
biomacromolecular interactions.
Main experiences acquired: Isothermal Titration Calorimetry data analysis through the use of Planck-Benzinger
thermal work function.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Tagliaferri Mauro
Office phone: +39 050 315 2527, Laboratory phone: +39 050 315 2541 - email: [email protected]
Primary activity:
Main experiences acquired:
Voliani Mauro
Addeo Carmela
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Office phone: +39 050 315 2227, - email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
Office phone: +39 081-8675424, - email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Aprile Nunzia
Office phone: +39 050 315 2232, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Issuing purchase orders after verification of accounting regularity and acquisition by the
suppliers of mandatory certification, accounting invoices and administrative documents passive, issuing money
orders, budget changes into account residues, accounting obligations of year-end closing (checks arrears)
predispositions assignments for research activities (seminars), winding through the bottom economale of
expenditure in cash (as treasurer). Total Document Archiving
Main experiences acquired: Skills of financial accounting, economic capital and analytical
Legal expertise, especially Law and Procedure Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Criminal Procedure and
International Law
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Checchi Simona
Office phone: +39 055 4572090, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Management accounting of purchases (orders, invoices). Payments. Budget changes.
Management of travel documentation.
Main experiences acquired: Knowledge of PC software programs: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel. Knowledge
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By INO-CNR WebSite, updated on Thursday 7 July 2016
of Web-Rainbow application software for management protocol information. Knowledge of accounting
information system "SIGLA" organized by CNR for the accounting-administrative-fiscal in P.A.. Basic
knowledge of English.
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Cirri Leonardo
Office phone: +39 055-2308236, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Service management minute Maintenance, Case liquids and normal maintenance of the
Main experiences acquired: Bursar, Head of the aesthetic-functional institute
De Rosa Giorgia
De Toffol Tonina
Fornaciari Donata
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Napoli
- email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 055-2308245, - email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Office phone: +39 055 2308258, - email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Fraioli Paola
Office phone: +39 055-2308276, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Management personnel and missions. Payments. Protocol.
Main experiences acquired: Knowledge of PC software programs: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel. Knowledge
of accounting information system "SIGLA" organized by CNR for the accounting-administrative-fiscal in PA.
Basic knowledge of English.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Grassini Stefania
Office phone: +39 050 315 2443, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Management of the administration of the Territorial Operating Unit of Pisa - Preparation of
management plan and its changes during the year - Establishment working relationships, scholarships, research
grants, contracts of collaboration with payments and management fees.
Main experiences acquired: Good knowledge of software in windows office ambient; of “SIGLA” for accounting
and administration management of CNR; of Web-Rainbow for management of informatics protocol documents;
good knowledge of English language
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Guberti Elisa
Office phone: +39 055 4572163, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: General support to the accounting/administrative office, presently in training phase.
Main experiences acquired: Solid knowledge of the Winodows Office software programmes and of the
Web-Rainbow and SIGLA application for internal management. Good knowledge of English, French and Russian
launguages and basic knowledge of Spanish and German.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Lecce
Mitolo De Donno Federica
Office phone: +39 0832-321816, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Management of the administration of the Territorial Operating Unit of Lecce
Main experiences acquired: Book keeping and straight administrative; Civil law; I use of SIGLA - Informative
System for the Management of the Lines of Activity; Contractual aspects and fiscal discipline in the management
of the search activities; Within of application of the certification stione of the activities of quality search.
Main office and laboratory: Comandato altra Amministrazione non CNR
Mustarelli Chiara
Office phone: +39 055-23081, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Project management and financial support to the scientific coordinator of regional, national and
EC co-funded projects.
Main experiences acquired: Provide management and financial support to the scientific coordinator and
assistance to project partners to ensure projects run smoothly, their objectives are achieved and obligations to the
EU or to regional and national administrative offices fulfilled. Provide access to R&D co-funded programmes.
Revision of scientific papers, the leaflet and website of the art diagnostic group.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
Nodari Rosita
Office phone: +39 030 6595246, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Management of the administration of the Territorial Operating Unit of Brescia: management
accounting of purchases (orders, invoices), management personnel and missions. Payments. Protocol
Main experiences acquired: Knowledge of PC software programs: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel. Knowledge
of Web-Rainbow application software for management protocol information. Knowledge of accounting
information system "SIGLA" organize by CNR for the accounting-administrative-fiscal in P.A.. Basic knowledge
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By INO-CNR WebSite, updated on Thursday 7 July 2016
of English.
Paolini Patrizia
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Brescia
Office phone: +39 030-6595026, - email: [email protected]
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Parenti Roberta
Office phone: +39 055-2308262, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Administration officer
Main experiences acquired: Administration officer
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Pipino Pasqualina
Office phone: +39 055-2308213, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Support to the scientific network in monitoring, managing and reporting project activities.
Main experiences acquired: Provide management and financial support to the scientific coordinator and
assistance to project partners to ensure projects run smoothly, their objectives are achieved and obligations to the
EU or to regional and national administrative offices fulfilled. Provide access to R&D co-funded programmes.
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Poggiali Sandra
Office phone: +39 055-2308 244/215, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: The functions of this office mainly regard the maintenance and the updating of the library
material that includes books, journals, digital resources and the Grey literature collection of this Institute:
acquisitions, cataloguing, web access management to resources (OPAC, electronic journals, databases). The job is
also related to the reference service: loan, interlibrary loan, document delivery.
Main experiences acquired: Thorough knowledge of the software LIBERO (a library management system).
Knowledge of ISBD (International Standard Bibliographic Description) and the rules RICA (Italian Cataloging
Rules for Author) for modern books and reviews cataloguing.
Basic knowledge of the following programs: SIGLA (inventory register only), Microsoft Office 2000, Microsoft
Office 2007. Little knowledge of English.
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Renai Simonetta
Office phone: +39 055-2308219, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Management accounting of purchases and invoices of active collections and payments, inserting
the management plan and budget changes, management of the detection system and control dellla appearances.
Main experiences acquired: Knowledge of PC software programs: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel. Basic
knowledge of the management-accounting-tax and administration: AdHoc, Passpartout for private businesses;
Ascotweb for the Pubblic administrations. Basic knowledge of Web-Rainbow an application software for
management protocol information. Thorough knowledge of accounting information system "SIGLA" organized
by CNR for the accounting-administrative-fiscal in PA.
Thorough knowledge of the software program "Presenze" made by the company Planet for the management of
employees's attendence.
Basic knowledge of English.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Trento
Ricci Beatrice
Office phone: +39 0461 282017, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Administration of the Unit in Trento - BEC Center. Financial management and variations in
balance sheet items. Tendering and procurement of public works, supplies and services contracts. Accounting
management (purchase orders and invoicing). Payments and reimbursements. Report accounting and financial
statements of financed projects. Inventory management. Document protocol system management. Personnel staff
management (PhD students, Post-Doc, collaborators).
Main experiences acquired: Good knowledge of the accounting and administration system SIGLA, Microsoft and
OpenOffice Office Suites. Good knowledge of the application software Web-Rainbow for the document protocol
management. Good knowledge of English and German.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Lecce
Rizzo Rocco Massimo
Office phone: +39 0832321816, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Management of the Territorial Operating Unit of Lecce and administration of personnel
contracts for the Units of Napoli and Trento
Main experiences acquired: good knowledge of “SIGLA” for accounting and administration management of
CNR; good knowledge of English; good knowledge of softwares in windows office ambient;
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Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Lecce
Romeo Antonio
Office phone: +39 0832 321816, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Administration
Main experiences acquired: Information protocol with application of the program web-rainbow
Main office and laboratory: Firenze - Sede Arcetri
Rossi Roberto
Office phone: +39 055 2308216, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: - He works as a driver also performing maintenance on the machine in question;
- Assists the warehouse operations, taking care of loading and unloading;
- Manages, if necessary, institute outgoing correspondence;
- Manage inventory items (storage, loading and testing);
- Deputy Treasurer;
- Receiving and sorting electronic faxes;
- Liquidation and advances missions.
Main experiences acquired: Using SIGLA (Information System for Management of the Lines of Activities)
Advanced use of the main applications of Microsoft Office package.
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Office phone: +39 050 315 2235, - email: [email protected]
Ughi Susanna
Primary activity: Administrative Management and Accounting of UOS of Pisa: order management Italian and
foreign, recording and liquidations invoices,clearance missions, inventory management of assets and preparation
of PDG year.
Main experiences acquired: Diploma in Technical Comm.le achieved at ITC "A. Pacinotti" in Pisa, knowledge
and use the "windows Office", system management accounting "SIGLA", system information protocol
"web-Rainbow" and good knowledge of English.
Personal Web page: http://www.ino.it/home/NO
Main office and laboratory: Sezione di Pisa
Usala Francesca
Office phone: +39 050 2214540, Laboratory phone: +39 050 315 2237 Area Ricerca CNR - email:
[email protected]
Primary activity: Ufficio Progetti del CNR-INO
Main experiences acquired: Support to the scientific network in monitoring, managing and reporting project
Main office and laboratory: Sezione Sesto Fiorentino - LENS
Zanaboni Antonella
Office phone: +39 055-4572169, - email: [email protected]
Primary activity: Processing and liquidation of missions. Collaboration assignments (coordinated and continuous,
occasional, seminars). Management of the cash fund. Health surveillance of personnel.
Main experiences acquired: Knowledge and use of PC programs Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, of the
application program Web-Rainbow for the management of the electronic protocol, of the Informative System for
the Management of Lines Activity "SIGLA". School knowledge of English language.
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