
Curriculum - Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova

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Curriculum - Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova
Curriculum Vitae
bedogni Alberto
via ca' Silvestri 6, 35136 Padua (Italia)
[email protected]
Skype albertobedogni
Sesso Maschile | Data di nascita 14/07/1969 | Nazionalità Italiana
01/10/2014–alla data attuale
Assistant professor of Maxillofacial Surgery
University of Padua, Padua
Research/teaching activities:
▪ Clinical and basic research
▪ Resident and medical/dentistry students supervision
▪ Master degree and medical/dentistry degree theses supervision
01/10/2014–alla data attuale
Consultant of Maxillofacial Surgery
Azienda Ospedaliera Padova, Padua (Italy)
▪ Ward round, surgery, outpatient clinic and on call-roster
▪ Supervision of residents and medical students
▪ Responsible of the "Reconstructive Surgery Clinic" and the "radiation and drug-induced
ostoenecrosis of the jaw Clinic"
Assistant professor of Maxillofacial Surgery
University of Verona, Verona (Italia)
Research/teaching activities:
▪ Clinical and basic research
▪ Resident and medical/dentistry students supervision
▪ Master degree and medical/dentistry degree theses supervision
▪ Classes:
▫ Scientific English at the Faculty of Dentistry (annual course) (2006-10)
▫ Maxillofacial Surgery at the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery residency program (2006-11)
▫ Surgical Anatomy at the Maxillofacial Surgery residency program (2006-11)
Consultant of Maxillofacial Surgery
Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata, Verona (Italia)
Clinical activity:
▪ Ward round, surgery, outpatient clinic and on call-roster
▪ Supervision of residents and medical students
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Curriculum Vitae
bedogni Alberto
▪ Supervision of the "Reconstructive Surgery Clinic" and the "radiation and drug-induced
ostoenecrosis of the jaw Clinic"
Consultant (part-time job)
University Hospital of Padua, Padua (Italia)
Clinical activity: ward round, outpatient clinic, surgery, on call-roster
Adjunct professor
University of Padua, Padua (Italia)
Teaching activity:
▪ Reconstructive Surgery of the Head and Neck, at the Residency program in Maxillofacial Surgery
Attending Physician
Unit of Maxillofacial Surgery University Hospital of Padua, Padua (Italia)
Clinical activity:
▪ ward round, outpatient clinic, surgery
▪ Supervision of residents and medical students
▪ Supervision of the "Reconstructive Surgery Clinic" and the "radiation and drug-induced
ostoenecrosis of the jaw Clinic"
Consultant (part-time job)
Unit of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery - University Hospital, Verona (Italia)
Clinical activity:
▪ on call-roster/recall
Attending Physician
Unit of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery - University Hospital, Verona (Italia)
Clinical activity:
▪ ward round, outpatient clinic, surgery
▪ Supervision of residents and medical students
Guest and Observer
Department of Plastic Surgery - Gent University Hospital, Gent (Belgio)
Clinical activity:
▪ perforator flap planning and surgery; case discussion.
Clinical Research Core Curriculum
GIMBE - Evidence for Health, Bologna (Italia)
CV Modules:
▪ Concepts of Research Methodology
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Curriculum Vitae
bedogni Alberto
▪ Observational Sudies: planning, supervision, analysis and reporting
▪ Clinical trials: planning, supervision, analysis and reporting
Guest and Observer
Department of Plastic Surgery - Gent University Hospital, Gent (Belgio)
Clincal activity:
▪ perforator flap surgery;
▪ microsurgical breat reconstruction with autologous tissues.
Senior Fellow (Honorary)
Livello 8 QEQ
University of Melbourne, Melbourne - VIC (Australia)
Microsurgical research fellow
Livello 8 QEQ
B. O’Brien Institute of Microsurgery, Melbourne - VIC (Australia)
Research activity:
▪ Basic scientific research (both in vitro and in vivo)
▪ Microsurgical training laboratory
▪ Tissue engineering laboratory training
Clinical Assistant (On call/recall only)
Livello 8 QEQ
St. Vincent's Hospital Melbourne, Melbourne - VIC (Australia)
Surgical activity: plastic surgery and reconstructive microsurgery (head and neck, trunk, hand
replantation, breast, facial palsy, upper and lower limb)
Clinical activity: outpatient clinic and ward round assisting; multidisciplinary case discussion and
Attending Physician
Unit of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery -University Hospital, Verona (Italia)
Clinical activity:
Residency program in Maxillofacial Surgery
Livello 8 QEQ
Unit of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery - University Hospital, Verona (Italia)
Clinical acitivity:
▪ assisting ward round, surgery and outpatients
Research activity:
▪ Basic scientific research (animal models)
▪ Microsurgical training laboratory
Unit of Dentistry - University Hospital, Modena (Italia)
Clinical activity:
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Curriculum Vitae
bedogni Alberto
▪ Assisting Consultants and residents during ward round, outpatient clinic, OR, on call-roaster
Department of Orthopedics - University Hospital, Modena (Italia)
Clinical activity:
▪ Assisting Consultants and residents during ward round, outpatient clinic, OR, on call-roaster
Research activity:
▪ Basic scientific research (animal models)
▪ Microsurgical training laboratory
Medical Degree
Livello 7 QEQ
Faculty of Medicine - University of Modena, Modena (Italia)
Lingua madre
Altre lingue
Produzione orale
Livelli: A1/A2: Livello base - B1/B2: Livello intermedio - C1/C2: Livello avanzato
Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento delle Lingue
Competenze comunicative
team spirit
good ability to adapt to multicultural environments, gained through my work experience abroad;
Competenze organizzative e
Competenze professionali
Good experience in project or team management obtained through co-ordinator of clinical
research activity in the field of microsurgery, drug-related jawbone diseases and tissue engineering in
the past 8 years)
Surgical expertise:
▪ Reconstructive microsurgery of the head and neck
▪ Facial plastic surgery
▪ Trauma surgery
▪ Head and neck oncology
▪ Facial palsy
▪ Preprosthetic surgery
▪ Oral and implant surgery
Research areas:
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Curriculum Vitae
bedogni Alberto
▪ Regenerative medicine
▪ Drug-related osteonecrosis of the jaw
▪ Development of customised facial bone prototypes
Competenze informatiche
▪ Good command of Microsoft Office™ tools (Word™, Excel™ and PowerPoint™);
▪ Good expertise of biomedical database searching (Home - PubMed - NCBI, Scopus,
▪ Good expertise of Reference manager software for Mac (Sente 6)
▪ Good expertise of image processing software (dolphin 11.5 and OsiriX 5.6)
Peer-reviewed/indexed publications:
▪ Fusco V, Porta C; Saia G, Paglino, Bettini G, Scoletta, M, Bonacina R, Vescov Pi, Merigo E, Lo Re
G, Guglielmini P, Di Fede O, Campisi, G and Bedogni A. Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) in
patients with metastatic renal cell cancer (RCC) treated with bisphosphonates and targeted agents:
results of an Italian multicenter study and review of the literature. Clinical Genitourinary Cancer,
2014. In press
▪ 1.Fusco V, Bedogni A, Campisi G. Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) in renal cell cancer patients
after treatment including zoledronic acid or denosumab. Support Care Cancer 2014, 22(7): 173738.PMID:24570104
▪ Fedele S, Bedogni G, Scoletta M, Favia G, Colella G, Agrillo A, Bettini G, Di Fede O, Oteri G,
Fusco V, Gabriele M, Ottolenghi L, Valsecchi S, Porter S, Fung PP, Saia G, Campisi G, Bedogni
A.Up to a quarter of patients with osteonecrosis of the jaw associated with antiresorptive agents
remain undiagnosed. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2014 Oct 1. pii: S0266-4356(14)00585-3. doi:
▪ Bedogni A, Fedele S, Bedogni G, Scoletta M, Favia G, Colella G, Agrillo A, Bettini G, Di Fede O,
Oteri G, Fusco V, Gabriele M, Ottolenghi L, Valsecchi S, Porter S, Petruzzi M, Arduino P, D’Amato
S, Ungari C, Pok-Lam Fung P, Saia G, Campisi G: Staging of jaw osteonecrosis requires computed
tomography for accurate definition of bone disease extent. Br J Maxillofac Surg 2014, DOI:
10.1016/j.bjoms.2014.04.009 (BJOMS-D-13-00673R1)
▪ Sartore L, Dalla Venezia E, Della Puppa A, Bedogni A, Campana L, Giatsidis G. "Reconstructive
strategies for dermatofibrosarcomas of the face: The role of regenerative dermal templates" Head
Neck2014. doi: 10.1002/hed.23754. [Epub ahead of print]
▪ Campisi G, Fedele S, Fusco V, Pizzo G, Di Fede O, Bedogni A. Epidemiology, clinical
manifestations, risk-reduction and treatment strategies of jaw osteonecrosis in cancer patients
exposed to antiresorptive agents. Future Oncol, 2014, 10 (2): 1-19.
▪ Campisi G, Di Fede O, Bedogni A, Vescovi P, Fusco V, Lo Muzio L. Osteonecrosis of the jaw
related to bisphosphonates, denosumab and anti-angiogenics in cancer and osteoporotic patients:
Prevention and safety of dental procedures. Dental Cadmos Volume 81, Issue 10, December
2013, Pages 634-649.
▪ Campisi G, Bedogni A, Di Fede O, Vescovi P, Fusco V, Lo Muzio L. Osteonecrosis of the jaw
related to bisphosphonates, denosumab and anti-angiogenics in cancer and osteoporotic patients:
Diagnosis and management. Dental Cadmos Volume 81, Issue 9, November 2013, Pages 566589.
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Curriculum Vitae
bedogni Alberto
▪ Bedogni A, Anesi A, Fior A, Bettini G, Nocini PF. Microsurgical reconstruction of the mandible in a
patient with evans syndrome: a case report and review of the literature. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2013
Oct;29(8):545-50. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1348898. Epub 2013 Jun 26.
▪ Blandamura S, Alaggio R, Bettini G, Guzzardo V, Valentini E, Bedogni A. Four cases of solitary
fibrous tumour of the eye and orbit: one with sarcomatous transformation after radiotherapy and
one in a 5-year-old child's eyelid.J Clin Pathol. 2013 Oct 9. doi: 10.1136/jclinpath-2013-201820.
[Epub ahead of print]
▪ Bedogni A, Bettini G, Ferronato G, Fusetti S, Saia G. Replacement of fractured reconstruction plate
with customised mandible implant: a novel technique. Laryngoscope 2013. In press.
▪ Bettini G, Blandamura S, Saia G, Bedogni A. Bevacizumab-related osteonecrosis of the mandible
is a self-limiting disease process. BMJ Case Rep. 2012 Oct 22.
▪ Bedogni A, Saia G, Bettini G, Tronchet A, Totola A, Bedogni G,Tregnago P, Valenti MT, Bertoldo F,
Ferronato G, Nocini PF, Blandamura S, Dalle Carbonare L. Osteomalacia: the missing link in the
pathogenesis of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws? Oncologist.2012;17(8):1114-9.
▪ Bedogni A, Fusco V, Agrillo A, Campisi G. Learning from experience. Proposal of a refined
definition and staging system for bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ). Oral
Dis. 2012 Sep;18(6):621-3.
▪ Marconi S, Castiglione G, Turano E, Bissolotti G, Angiari S, Farinazzo A, Constantin G, Bedogni G,
Bedogni A, Bonetti B. Human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells systemically injected
promote peripheral nerve regeneration in the mouse model of sciatic crush. Tissue Eng Part A.
2012 Jun;18(11-12):1264-72.
▪ Bedogni A, Saia G, Bettini G, Tronchet A, Totola A, Bedogni G, Ferronato G, Nocini PF,
Blandamura S. Long-term outcomes of surgical resection of the jaws in cancer patients with
bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis. Oral Oncol.2011 May; 47(5):420-4.
▪ Nocini PF, Turra M, Valsecchi S, Blandamura S, Bedogni A. Microvascular free bone flap harvest
with piezosurgery. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011 May; 69(5):1485-92.
▪ Bedogni A, Bettini G, Totola A, Saia G, Nocini PF. Oral bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of
the jaw afterimplant surgery: a case report and literature review. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010 Jul;
68(7):1662-6. Review.
▪ Saia G, Blandamura S, Bettini G, Tronchet A, Totola A, Bedogni G, Ferronato G, Nocini PF,
Bedogni A.Occurrence of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw after surgical tooth
extraction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010 Apr; 68(4):797-804.
▪ Tilkorn DJ, Bedogni A, Keramidaris E, Han X, Palmer JA, Dingle AM, Cowling BS, Williams MD,
McKay SM, Pepe L, Deftereos A, Morrison WA, Penington AJ, Mitchell GM. Implanted myoblast
survival is dependent on the degree of vascularization in a novel delayed
implantation/prevascularization tissue engineering model. Tissue Eng Part A.2010 Jan; 16(1):16578.
▪ Nocini PF, Chiarini L, Fior A, Bedogni A. Le Fort I osteotomy to correct malocclusion after
reconstruction of the maxilla with the free fibula flap. J Craniofac Surg. 2009 Sep; 20(5):1420-3.
▪ Nocini PF, Saia G, Bettini G, Ragazzo M, Blandamura S, Chiarini L, Bedogni A. Vascularized fibula
flap reconstruction of the mandible in bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis. Eur J Surg Oncol.
2009 Apr; 35(4):373-9.
▪ Brunello A, Saia G, Bedogni A, Scaglione D, Basso U. Worsening of osteonecrosis of the jaw
during treatment with sunitinib in a patient with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Bone. 2009 Jan;
▪ Bedogni A, Blandamura S, Lokmic Z, Palumbo C, Ragazzo M, Ferrari F, Tregnaghi A, Pietrogrande
F, Procopio O, Saia G, Ferretti M, Bedogni G, Chiarini L, Ferronato G, Ninfo V, Lo Russo L, Lo
Muzio L, Nocini PF. Bisphosphonate-associated jawbone osteonecrosis: a correlation between
imaging techniques and histopathology. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2008
▪ Bedogni A, Saia G, Ragazzo M, Bettini G, Capelli P, D'Alessandro E, Nocini PF, Lo Russo L, Lo
Muzio L,Blandamura S. Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis can hide jaw metastases.
Bone. 2007 Dec; 41(6):942-5.Epub 2007 Aug 29.Bedogni A, McCombe D, Kennedy J, Morrison
WJ. Resurfacing the nasomaxillary cavity for management of epistaxis in Osler-Rendu-Weber
disease. Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2006; 59(5):537-40;discussion 536.
▪ Valsecchi S, Bedogni A, Fior A, Baltieri A, Chiarini L, Nocini PF. Upsizing the antebrachial fascio-
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Curriculum Vitae
bedogni Alberto
mucosal flap for the physiological reconstruction of the anterior mouth floor. Oral Oncology 2006;
11: (ISBN81-7211214-9).
▪ Marioni G, Bedogni A,Giacomelli L, Ferraro SM, Bertolin A, Facco E, Staffieri A, Marino F. Survivin
expression is significantly higher in pN+ oral and oropharyngeal primary squamous cell carcinomas
than in pN0 carcinomas. Acta Otolaryngol. 2005 Nov;125(11):1218-23.
▪ De Santis G, Nocini PF, Chiarini L, Bedogni A. Functional rehabilitation of the atrophic mandible
and maxilla with fibula flaps and implant-supported prosthesis. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2004 Jan;
113(1):88-98; discussion 99-100.
▪ Nocini PF, Bedogni A,Valsecchi S, Trevisiol L, Ferrari F, Fior A, Saia G. Fractures of the iliac crest
following anterior and posterior bone graft harvesting. Review of the literature and case
presentation. Minerva Stomatol. 2003 Oct; 52(10):441-8,448-52. Review.
▪ Nocini PF, De Santis G, Bedogni A, Chiarini L. Simultaneous bimaxillary alveolar ridge
augmentation by a single free fibular transfer: a case report. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2002 Feb;
▪ Chiarini L, De Santis G, Bedogni A, Nocini PF. Lining the mouth floor with prelaminated fasciomucosal free flaps: clinical experience. Microsurgery. 2002; 22(5): 177-86.
▪ Chiarini L, Nocini PF, Bedogni A, Consolo U, Giannetti L, Merli GA. Intracranial spread of a giant
frontal mucocele: case report. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2000 Dec;38(6):637-640.
▪ Bertossi D, Kharouf S, D'Agostino A, Fior A, Bedogni A, Zancanaro C, Nocini PF. Facial localized
cosmetic filling by multiple injections of fat stored at -30 degrees C. Techniques, clinical follow-up of
99 patients and histological examination of 10 patients. Ann Chir Plast Esthet. 2000 Oct; 45(5):54855; discussion 555-6.
▪ De Santis B, Fraccari E, Fior A, Bedogni A, Dolci M. Intraoperative lesions of the maxillary artery
and its immediate treatment. Presentation of a clinical case. Minerva Stomatol. 2000
▪ De Santis G, Chiarini L, Bedogni A, Nocini PF. Jaw reconstruction by free fibular transfer: emphasis
on osseointegrated implants, TMJ and maxilla reconstruction. European Journal of Plastic Surgery.
1999 April; 22:62-68.
Monographs and books (co-autorship)
▪ 1.Bedogni A, Bettini G, Fior A, Saia G. Secondary Correction of Facial Deformities Following
Major Resection and Reconstruction: Fat Stem Cell for Restoration of Facial Asymmetries. In: M.A.
Shiffman, A. Di Giuseppe, F. Bassetto: Stem Cells with fat transfer in Aesthetic Procedures,
Science, Art and Clinical Techniques. doi 10.1007/978-3-642-45207-9_32, © Springer-Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg 2014.
▪ Bedogni A, Campisi G, Fusco V, AgrilloV. Raccomandazioni clinico-terapeutiche sull’osteonecrosi
delle ossa mascellariassociata a bisfosfonati e sua prevenzione. Ed. Cleup, Padova, March 2013.
▪ Nocini PF, Albanese M, Bedogni A, BertossiD. Chirurgia estetica piezoelettrica. Cap. XI; pp: 52347. In: Botti G, PelleCeravolo M: Chirurgia plastica estetica del midface e del collo. Eds: SeeFirenze;vol. 1, 2011.
▪ Procopio O, Bedogni A. Neoplasie malignedella testa e del collo. In: M. Lise. Chirurgia per le
professioni sanitarie.Ed. Piccin, Padova, 2006; Pp:1086-1092. 11.
▪ Bedogni A, Procopio O. Chirurgiaricostruttiva del distretto testa-collo. In: M. Lise. Chirurgia per
leprofessioni sanitarie. Edizioni Piccin, Padova, 2006; Pp:1093-1101.
▪ Nocini PF, Chiarini L, De Santis D, BertossiD, Bedogni A. Il prelievo di osso autologo in chirurgia
preprotesica. Cap. 7:101-134. In: P.F. Nocini, L. Chiarini, D. De Santis. Trattato di chirurgiapreprotesica ed Ingegneria tessutale. Ed. Martina -Bologna, 2005 (ISBN:88-7572-019-3).
▪ Nocini PF, Chiarini L, De Santis D, BedogniA, D’Agostino A. Fixtures zigomatiche. Cap. 12:167178. In: P.F. Nocini, L.Chiarini, D. De Santis. Trattato di chirurgia pre-protesica ed
Ingegneriatessutale. Ed. Martina - Bologna, 2005 (ISBN:88-7572-019-3).
▪ Nocini PF, Chiarini L, Bedogni A,Valsecchi S, Testoni R. La riabilitazione funzionale delle
arcatedento-alveolari nelle atrofie di grado estremo dei mascellari medianteincremento osseo con
lembo rivascolarizzato di fibula. Cap. 13: 179-204. In:P.F. Nocini, L. Chiarini, D.De Santis. Trattato
di chirurgia pre-protesica edIngegneria tessutale. Ed.Martina - Bologna, 2005 (ISBN: 88-7572-0193).
▪ Nocini PF, Bedogni A, Fior A, D’AgostinoA. La ricostruzione mandibolare. In: La chirurgia
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Curriculum Vitae
bedogni Alberto
ricostruttivaoro-maxillo-facciale. (I.S.B.N. 88-7327-005-0) Pp:29-39. Ed. Giuseppe De Nicola–
Napoli, Maggio 2001.
▪ Nocini PF, Wangerin K, Albanese M, D’AgostinoA, De Santis D, Bertossi D, Bedogni A. Vertical
distraction of the mandibleusing a new distraction device: the Verona experience. From: 3rd
InternationalCongress on Cranial and Facial Bone Distraction Processes. 2001
DistractionOdyssey. Paris(France), June 14-16, 2001. Pp:103-109. Ed. Monduzzi S.p.A.
▪ Nocini PF, Wangerin K, Albanese M, FiorA, D’Agostino A, Bedogni A. Histological evaluation of
human bone tissue oneyear after distraction. In: M. Samchucov, J. Cope, A.M.
Cherkashin:Craniofacial Distraction Osteogenesis. Chapter 7, 68-71. Mosby Ed., 2001.
▪ Fior A, Carminati R, Bedogni A, De LucaM, Paulli S, Bertossi D. Focus: Le Neopalsie Parotidee. In:
A. Bedogni, D. Bertossi,R. Carminati, M. Crispo, A. D’Agostino, M. De Luca, A. Fior, S. Paulli,
A.Salgarelli. “Aggiornamenti in Patologia Cervico-Facciale”. Ed. MedicinaScientifica Internazionale
– Roma. Vol I: 27-36, 2001.
▪ Carminati R, Fior A, Bedogni A, D’AgostinoA, De Luca M, Salgarelli A. Storia della Chirurgia
Ortopedica dei mascellari. In:A. Bedogni, D. Bertossi, R. Carminati, M. Crispo, A. D’Agostino, M.
De Luca, A.Fior, S. Paulli, A. Salgarelli: “Aggiornamenti in Patologia Cervico-Facciale”.Ed. Medicina
Scientifica Internazionale – Roma. Vol I: 1-8,2001.
▪ Nocini PF, D'Agostino A, Fior A, BedogniA, Carminati R. Ruolo dello stomatologo nella diagnosi
differenziale con lapatologia del cavo orale. In: G.E. Senna, M.A. Crivellaro, P. Bonadonna,
F.Campolongo: "Reazioni allergiche in Odontoiatria". Ed. Roche, 1999;pp. 93-102.
Appartenenza a
▪ Active Member of the Italian Society of Maxillofacial Surgery (SICMF)
▪ Active Member of the Italian Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery (SIM)
▪ Active Member of the European Society of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery (EACMFS)
▪ Member of the Italian Society of Oral Pathology and Medicine (SIPMO)
▪ Faculty (Italian) of the AO-Cranio Maxillofacial Surgery (AOCMF)
International board of peer-reviewed journals:
▪ Associate Editor of the Italian Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery (Official Journal of the Italian Society
of Maxillofacial Surgery) (2012-)
▪ Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology (2009-)
▪ Dental Cadmos (2011-)
▪ Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research (2011-)
▪ Oral Diseases (2012-)
▪ BMJ case reports (2012-)
▪ Medicina Oral Patologia Oral y Cirurgia Bucal (2012-)
▪ Winner of the Scientific award of the ’Italian Association for the Progeress of Maxillofcial Surgery"
with the research project: Bedogni A, Keramidaris F, Young K, Bartlett PF, Morrison WA: Qualitative
assessment of adult mouse NSCs survival and differentiationin an in vivo model of angiogenesis
with application in tissue engineering. XIII National Congress of the Italian Society of Maxillofacial
Surgery (SICMF). Vicenza, June 2013.
▪ "Margiotta Award" of the Italian Society of Oral Pathology and Medicine for the best
medical/dentistry degree thesis "Histopathologicalfeatures of human alveolar jawbone exposed to
nitrogen-containingbisphosphonates: case-control study” (Student: Francesca Bresciani,
Supervisors: Nocini PF, Bedogni A); Palermo March 2010.
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bedogni Alberto
▪ Winner of the Scientific award of the ’Italian Association for the Progeress of Maxillofcial Surgery"
with the research project: “Bettini G, Totola A, Tregnago P, Tronchet A, Marangoni S, Saia G,
Bedogni A, Ferronato G, Nocini PF: Studio Istologico-Immunoistochimico ed
Immunoistomorfometrico del turnover osseo in pazienti affetti da BRONJ”. XIII National Congress
of the Italian Society of Maxillofacial Surgery (SICMF). Como, May 2011.
Reference letter from prof. Wayne Morrison (Director of the O’Brien Institute and Executive Director of
the O'Brien Foundation)
Continuing education practical courses:
▪ Cours Superieur d’Anatomie Chirurgicale du Cou et des Glandes salivares. Universitè de
Montpellier. Montpellier (France); 11-16 May, 1998
▪ 3rd Course on Microsurgical Reconstruction in Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery. Graz (Austria); July 610, 1998
▪ Practical Microvascular Course. Regional Centre for Maxillofacial Surgery, Aintree Hospitals NHS
Trust and Liverpool University. Liverpool; 22-26 February 1999
▪ Settimana di Anatomia Chirurgica dissettiva su cadavere. Anatomisches Institut (Prof. Anderhuber);
Graz (Austria); 28 June- 02 July 1999
▪ International Symposium and Workshop on advanced microsurgery/ implantology procedures.
Freiburg (Germany), 2nd-4th September 1999
▪ Ist International Advanced Maxillofacial course Rhinoplasty 2000. Verona, 21-25 Maggio 2000
▪ Maxillofacial Course on Advanced Implantology, Surgical Tecniques and Prosthodontic
Rehabilitation using Zygoma Fixtures. Advanced Fracture Fixation, Endoscopic Fracture Treatment
in Head and Neck Trauma (experimental workshop). University Hospital Freiburg. Freiburg
(Germany); 6-8 Ottobre 2000
▪ Corso: Patologia e medicina orale. Adr Centro Corsi, Treviso; 28-29Maggio 2004
▪ 2004 Vesalius Course. Brussels (Belgium); 23-25 September 2004
▪ First AO Course of Endoscopic Maxillofacial Surgery. Abbazia di Praglia, Padova; 8-9 Ottobre 2004
▪ AO craniomaxillofacial Principles Course. Davos (Switzerland); 4-9 December 2004
▪ S.O.R.G. free flap course on head and neck reconstructive and oncologic surgery. Fresh frozen
cadaver course with microsurgical exercises. Groningen (Nederland), 22nd – 25th November 2006
▪ Metodologia della ricerca: corso introduttivo. Verona, 13-14 Ottobre 2007
▪ Practical “full immersion” course on surgical anatomy and modern operative techniques in facial
plastic aesthetic surgery. Brussels (Belgium), 28th-30th October 2007
▪ Italian Resuscitation Council (IRC). Basic Life Support Defibrillation Course (BLSD). Azienda
Ospedaliera di Verona - Centro riferimento IRC Verona, 11 Aprile 2008
▪ Vienna 2009 Aesthetic surgery of the face- principles and pitfalls in aesthetic facial surgery. Handson Human Cadaver course. Vienna (Austria), 7th – 8th March 2009
▪ Italian Resuscitation Council (IRC). Basic Life Support Defibrillation Course (BLSD). Azienda
Ospedaliera di Verona - Centro riferimento IRC Verona, 11 March 2010
▪ Dissection Course based upon bisphosphonate-research study. Insitute of Anatomy, Univeristy of
Wien. 25th-27th April 2009
▪ Workshop “Evidence in Practice”. GIMBE. Bologna, 24-25 Novembre 2009
▪ Evento formativo “Retraining BLSD”. Verona, 2 Marzo 2010
▪ Workshop “Introduzione alla metodologia della ricerca clinica”. GIMBE. Bologna, 20-22 Settembre
▪ Cadaver dissection Course based upon bisphosphonate-related disease. Institute of Anatomy,
University of Wien. 20th-21st November 2010
▪ XXV Corso “Lionello Ponti” Rinoplastica morfodinamica. Firenze, 6-9 Novembre 2011.
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Curriculum Vitae
bedogni Alberto
▪ AOCMF Advanced Workshop on Orbital reconstruction. Milan, 18th-19th November 2011
▪ Italian Resuscitation Council (IRC). Basic Life Support Defibrillation Course (BLSD). Azienda
Ospedaliera di Verona - Centro riferimento IRC Verona, 11 May 2012
▪ Trial clinici: Pianificazione, Conduzione, Analisi e Reporting. GIMBE, 21-24 Maggio 2012, Bologna
▪ Studi osservazionali: Pianificazione, Conduzione, Analisi e Reporting. GIMBE, 15-17 Ottobre 2012,
▪ Hands-on Human Cadaver dissection course-advanced free flap reconstruction of radiation and
drug-induced composite defects oft he jaws. Vienna, 24-25 Novembre 2012
▪ Corso modulare dell’Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata Verona: Comitati etici Ricerche da
presentare al Comitato Etico per la sperimentazione: Chi, Cosa, Quando, Dove e Perchè. 26
Ottobre, 9-16 e 30 Novembre, 7 Dicembre 2012
Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali qui contenuti, ai sensi del D.Lgs. n. 196/2003 e ss.mm.ii.
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