
tanti of the county of Berbice, in the colony ,of British fluiana, in

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real estate






tanti of the county of Berbice, in the colony ,of British fluiana, in
tanti of the county of Berbice, in the colony ,of British TJURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chanfluiana, in quality as the acting executors in this colony'of JL
eery, made in a cause Thomas Howard and othe'rs,
the last will and testament of Peter Nicholson, late of the infants, by the said Thomas Howard, their brother and
county of Berbice, deceased, do hereby, by edict, cite all next friend, against William Gaze and another, the creditors
known and unknown creditors, both Colonial and European, of Thomas Howard, late of Saint Paul's Back-lane, in the
of the said Peter Nicholson, late of Berbice, deceased, as city of Norwich, Millwright, who died in or about the month
also against his sugar plantation Adelphi, or Lot No. 7 of September, 1854, are, by their Solicitors, on or beforfithe
(seven), situate on the east bank of the river Canje, within 14th day of January nex.t, to come in and prove tht-iv
this county, containing five hundred acres of land, more or debts, at the chambers of the Master of tha Rolls, in the
less, with the cultivation, buildings, and further appurte- Rolls-yard, Chancery-lane, Middlesex, or in default thereof
nances thereto belonging; also all that piece or parcel of they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the
land, being part of plantation Goed Bananna Land, situate said Decree. Thursday, the 17th day of January 1856,
on the east bank of Canje, within this county, that is to say, at two o'clock in the afternooc, at the said chambers, is
on the north-east or upper side of the public road towards appointed for hearing and adjudicating upon the claims.-^the back, containing four hundred and fifty acres, more or .Dated this 3rd day of December, 1855.
less, to appear before the Honourable the Supreme Court of
URSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of ChanCivil Justice of British Guiana, at the Registrar's office for
cery, made in the matter of the estate of Robert
the county of Berbice, in the town of New Amsterdam, in Priestman, late of Garthorpe, in the county of Leicester,
the colony aforesaid, and there file their claims, properly Farmer, deceased, Catherine Ann .Tindall. plaintiff, Fredesubstantiated and in due form, within the period of one rick Shield Priestman, defendant, the creditors of Robert
month after notice by me in the Official Gazette of the Priestman, late of Garthorpe, in the county of Leicester,
colony, of the publication of this'edict in the London Gazette, Farmer, deceased, who died in or about the month of May,
on pain, in default thereof, as the law directs.
1855, are, by their Solicitors, on or before the 10:h day of
- Berbice, this-13tb day of October, 1855.
January, 1856, to come in and prove their debts, at "the
B. S. TURTON, Acting Provost-Marshal.
chambers of the Master of the Rolls, iu the Rolls-yard,
Marshal's Office.
Chancery-lane, Middlesex, or in default thereof they will
be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said
.Counties of Demerary and Essequebo.—Edictal Citation,
Decree. Tuesday, the 22nd day of January, 1856, at
TTJURSUANT to authority granted by his Honour the twelve o'clock at noon, at the said chambers, is appointed
Chief Justice of British'Guiana, dated the 5th day for- hearing and adjudicating upon the claims.—Dated this
of September, 1855, T, the undersigned Acting Provost- 1st day of December, 1855.
Marshal of British Guiana, in the name and behalf of
URSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of ChanAnnie Donald, born Redmond, widow, an inhabitant of the
cery, made in a cause Allen against Allen, the
city of Georgetown, in the county of Dercerary, in the creditors of the Rrverend John Allen, late of North Huishj
colony of British Guiana (by her duly constituted attorney in the county of Devon, Clerk, who died in or about the
in said colony, Thomas Henry Mackey), for herself, and mouth of October, 1853, are, by their Solicitors, on or.
de rato cavens Samuel Donald, at present residing in the before the 23rd day of January, 1856, to come in and prove
county of Antrim, in Ireland, in quality as deliberating their debts or claims, at the chambers of the Vice-Chanexecutrix and executor named in and by the last will and cellor Sir Richard Torin Kindersley, No. 3, Stone-buildtestament of James Donald, late an inhabitant of said colony, ings, Lincoln's-inn, Middlesex, or in default thereof they
deceased, do hereby, by edict, cite all known and un- will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said
known creditors, European as well as Colonial, of the said Decree.
Tuesday, the 29th day of January, 1356, at
James Donald, deceased, to appear before the Honourable twelve o'clock at noon, at the said chambers, is appointed •
the Supreme Court of Civil Justice of British Guiana, at for hearing and adjudicating upon the claims.—Dated this
the Registrar's office for the counties of Deinerary and 6th day of December, 1855.
Essequebo, in the Public-buildings, in the city of Georgetown, in the colony aforesaid, and there file their claims, FJURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery
made in a cause, wherein Thomas Chauntler is
properly substantiated and in due form, within the period of JL
one month after notice by me in the Official Gazette of the plaintiff and Thomas Greenwood and others are defendants,
colony, of the publication of this edict in the London all persons claiming to have any demand in respect of any
claim against or liability of the Chelmsford and Bury RailGazette ; on pain, in default thereof, as the law directs.
way Company, or the defendants, Thomas Greenwood,
Demerary and Essequebo, this 6th day of October, 1855.
James Parker, and John Edmunds, as the Committee of
R. S. TURTON, Acting "Provost-Marshal.
Management, or Managing Committee, or trustees under a
deed of arrangement, dated the 29th day of June, 1846,.
Counties of Demerary and Essequebo.
and all persons claiming to be entitled to (he returns of'
Y>URSUANT to an Order of his Honour Robert Crosby eleven shillings per share and five shillings and two pence
Beete, First Puisne Judge of British Guiana, bearing per share, declared payable by the Committee of Managedate. 28th September, 1855, in the matter of Nathaniel ment of the said Company, are, by their Solicitors, on or
Chapman, an inhabitant of the county of Demerary, in the before the 15th day of January, 1856, to come in and prove
colony of British Guiana, plaintiff, versus the proprietor their claims at the chambers of the Vice-Chancellor Sir
or proprietors, representative or representatives, of planta- William Page Wood, No. 11, New-square, Lincoln's-inn,
tion La Bonne Mere, cum annexis, situate in the county of Middlesex, or in default thereof they will be peremptorily
Demerary aforesaid, defendant or defendants.
excluded from the benefit of the said Decree. Tuesday,
I, the undersigned, Acting Provost-Marshal of British the 29th day of January, 1856, at twelve o'clock at noon, at
Guiana, do advertise, by these presents, for the first, second, the said chambers is appointed for hearing and adjudicating 1
and third time, that I, or my lawful deputy, will expose upon the claims.—Dated this 5th day of December, 1855.
for sale, at public judicial auction, in the month of Novi-rnOURSUANT to an Order of the High Court of Chanber, 1856, Plantations La Bonne Mere, Alliance,' Ceres,
eery, made in a cause Thomas Holloway, plaintiff,
Joyce, Philip's Land, and Charles and Mary's Hope, now JL
known together as Plantation La Bonne Mere, cum annexis, against John Gardiner, Matthew Elgie, Henry Pool?, Wiland situated on the west bank of Mahaica Creek, in the liam Bullock, and James Allcott, defendants," the creditors
county of Demerary, in the colony of British Guiana, of John Allcott, late of Bishop's-Frome, in the county of
bounded on the north by Plantation Supply, and on the Hereford, Gentleman, deceased, the testator in the pleadsouth by Plantation Strathaven, save and except such parts ings of this cause named, who died in or about the month of
or portions thereof as have been transported to other parties, October, 1829, are, by their Solicitors, on or before the 10th
day of January, 1856, to come in and prove their debts, at
as per inventory.
All persons who may have any right, title, and interest in the chambers of the Vice-Chancellor Sir John Stuart, No. 12,,
and to the net proceeds of the property above described, Old-square, Lincoln's-inn, Middlesex, or in default thereof
are hereby summoned to appear in person, or by attorney, they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the
at the Registrar's office for the counties of Demerary and said Order. Wednesday, the 16:h day of January, 1856,
Essequebo, within one calendar month after expiration of the at one o'clock in the afternoon, at the said chambers, is
Registrar's advertisement to that effect, which advertise- appointed for hearing and zdjudicating upon the claims.—
ment will be issued twenty-one days after the sale of the Dated this 6th day of December, 1855.
said property, for the purpose of delivering into said
OURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of ChanRegistrar's office their respective claims, with all documents J.
eery, made in a cause Edward Swift, an infant, by
and vouchers in support thereof, in order that the Honour- his next friend, against Ann Swift and others, the creditors
able the Supreme Court of Civil Justice of British Guiana of Samuel Swift, late of Hemingfield, in the parish of Darmay proceed to a decision, prse et concurrentise, on the said field, in the county of York, Gentleman, who died in or
net proceeds, on pain, in default thereof, as the law directs. about the month of December, 1854, are, by their Solicitors,'
An inventory of said plantation may be seen at the on or before the 10th day of January, 1856, to come in
counting-house of Messrs. John Kingston and Company, and prove their debts or claims, at the chambers of the
No 6, Crosby-square, London.
Vice-Chancellor Stuart, No. 13, Old-square, Liucoln's-inn,.
Marshal's Office, Demerary and Essequebo, this 24th day Middlesex, or in default thereof they will be peremptorily •
of October, 1855.
excluded from the benefit of the said Decree. Saturday,,
R. S. TURTON, Acting Provost-Marshal.
the 12th day of January, 1856, at twelve o'clock at noon
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