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Prof. Andrea Dall’Asta
Prof. Structural Engineering
School of Architecture and Design
University of Camerino
Curriculum Vitae
Via Sappanico, 99- 60131 Ancona – tel.320-7985790 – e.mail:[email protected]
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Prof. Andrea Dall’Asta
Curriculum Vitae
Born on April, 5; 1963, married to Luisa; Italy citizen.
Living at Via Sappanico, 99, 60131 Ancona, Italy
e-mail:[email protected]
1993, PhD in Structural mechanics, University of Bologna
1988, Laurea (cum laude) in Civil Engineering, University of Ancona
since 2000
Professor of Structural Engineering at University of Camerino
Associate Professor of Structural Engineering at Univ. Camerino
Researcher at University of Ancona
Post Doctoral Fellow at University of Ancona
since 2009
President of the Senato of the University of Camerino
Director of the Department of Environment Construction and
Member of the Senato of the University of Camerino
Member of the School of Advanced Study advisory board of the
University of Camerino
Member of the advisory board of the PhD course in Structure
and Infra-structure of the Polytech. Univ. Marche
Member of the deanship comittee of the Architecture Faculty
Via Sappanico, 99- 60131 Ancona – tel.320-7985790 – e.mail:[email protected]
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Prof. Andrea Dall’Asta
since 1998
Structural Design, Univ. Camerino
since 2006
Structural shapes for industrial design, Univ. Camerino
Seismic design of existing bridges, Univ. of Pisa
Special structures, Polytech. Univ. Marche
Seismic design of bridges, Univ. of Trieste
Seismic design of steel structures, Univ. of L'Aquila
Structural problems in historical buildings, Univ. Camerino
Theory and design of steel structures, Polytech. Univ. Marche
Statics, Univ. Camerino
Eurocodes, Univ. of Ancona
ISRN Civil Engineering (scientific journal) . Member of the Editorial Board since
Spazioricerca (scientific journal). Director from 2005 to 2009.
Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori Pubblici-Ministero delle Infrastrutture. Member of
the work group n.4 Steel and composite structures.
IABSE - International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering
ANIDIS. Italian association for the seismic engineering. Member of the
executive board.
Steel promotion foundation. Member of the Seismic commission for structural
Ingegneria Sismica Italiana. Member of the scientific board.
Collegio dei Tecnici dell'Acciaio. Member
Non linear models and numerical analysis of steel and steel-concrete structures
Stability of structures
Nonlinear and dynamic behaviour of structures prestressed by external
unbonded tendons
Seismic response of steel structures, bridges and existing RC structures.
Mitigation of seismic vunerability by passive dissipation systems and isolation
Via Sappanico, 99- 60131 Ancona – tel.320-7985790 – e.mail:[email protected]
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Prof. Andrea Dall’Asta
Probabilistic assessment of seismic risk in building and bridges
Articles (international journals only)
Freddi F., Tubaldi E., Ragni L., Dall’Asta A. (2012). Probabilistic performance assessment of lowductility RC frames retrofitted with dissipative braces. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,
DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2255 (ISSN: 0098-8847, eISSN: 1096-9845).
Tubaldi E., Dall’Asta A., Dezi L. (2013). Reduced formulation for post-elastic seismic response of
dual-load path bridges Engineering Structures, Vol.51, 178-187, DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2011.12.026, (ISSN:
Tubaldi E., Dall’Asta A. (2012). Transverse free vibrations of continuous bridges with abutment
restraint. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, DOI:10.1002/eqe1190, in press (ISSN: 0098-8847,
eISSN: 1096-9845).
Tubaldi E., Barbato M, Dall’Asta A. (2012). Influence of model parameter uncertainty on transverse
response and vulnerability of steel-concrete composite bridges with dual load path. ASCE Journal of
Structural Engineering, Vol.138(3), 363-374, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000456 (ISSN:0733-9445, eISSN:1943-541X).
Zona A., Dall’Asta A. (2012). Elastoplastic model for steel buckling-restrained braces. Journal of
Constructional Steel Research, Vol.68(1), 118-125 (ISSN:0143-974X)
Zona A., Ragni L., Dall’Asta A. (2012). Sensitivity-based study of the influence of brace over-strength
distribution on the seismic response of steel frames with BRBs. Engineering Structures, Vol.37(1), 179-192,
DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2011.12.026, (ISSN: 0141-0296).
Ragni L., Zona A., Dall’Asta A. (2011). Analytical expressions for preliminary design of dissipative
bracing systems in steel frames. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol.67(1), 102-113 (ISSN:0143974X)
Tubaldi E., Dall’Asta A. (2011). A design method for seismically isolated bridges with abutment
restraint. Engineering Structures, Vol.33(3), 786-795 (ISSN: 0141-0296)
Ranzi G., Dall’Asta A., Ragni L., Zona A. (2010). A geometric nonlinear model for composite beams
with partial interaction. Engineering Structures, Vol.32(5), 1384-1396 (ISSN: 0141-0296).
[10] Zona A., Barbato M, Dall’Asta A., Dezi L. (2010). Probabilistic analysis for design assessment of
continuous steel-concrete composite girders. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol.66(7), 897-905
[11] Tubaldi E. Barbato M, Dall’Asta A. (2010). Transverse seismic response of continuous steel- concrete
composite bridge exhibiting dual load path. Earthquake and Structures An Int’l Journal, Vol.1(1), 21-41
(ISSN:2092-7614, eISSN:2092-7622).
[12] Zona A., Ragni L., Dall’Asta A. (2009). Simplified method for the analysis of externally prestressed
steel-concrete composite beams. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol.65(2), 303-313 (ISSN:0143974X).
[13] Ragni L., Dezi L., Dall’Asta A., Leoni G. (2009). HDR devices for the seismic protection of frame
structures: Experimental results and numerical simulation. Earthquake Engineering and Structural
Dynamics, DOI:10.1002/eqe891Vol.38(10), 1199-1217 (ISSN: 0098-8847, eISSN: 1096-9845).
[14] Dall’Asta A., Ragni L. (2008). Nonlinear behaviour of dynamic systems with high damping rubber
devices. Engineering structures, Vol.30(12), 3610-3618 (ISSN: 0141-0296).
[15] Dall’Asta A., Ragni L. (2008). Dynamic systems with high damping rubber: nonlinear behaviour and
linear approximation. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.37(13), 1511-1526 (ISSN: 00988847, eISSN: 1096-9845).
[16] Zona A., Ragni L., Dall’Asta A. (2008). Finite element formulation for geometric and material
nonlinear analysis of beams prestressed with external slipping tendons. Finite Elements in Analysis and
Design, Vol.44(15), 910-919 (ISSN: 0168-874X). (Top 25 Hottest Articles IV/2008-I/2009)
Via Sappanico, 99- 60131 Ancona – tel.320-7985790 – e.mail:[email protected]
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Prof. Andrea Dall’Asta
[17] Dall’Asta A., Ragni L., Zona A. (2007). Simplified Method for Failure Analysis of Concrete Beams
Prestressed with External Tendons. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.133(1), 117-121 (ISSN:07339445, e-ISSN:1943-541X).
[18] Dall’Asta A., Ragni L., Zona A. (2007). Analytical model for geometric and material nonlinear
analysis of externally prestressed beams. ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol.133(1), 121-131
(ISSN:0733-9399, e-ISSN:1943-7889).
[19] Dall’Asta A., Ragni L., Zona A. (2006) Steel-concrete composite beams prestressed by external
tendons: effects of material and geometric nonlinearities. International Journal of Advanced Steel
Construction, Vol 2(1), 53-70 (ISSN: 1816-112X).
[20] Dall’Asta A., Zona A. (2006) Finite element model for externally prestressed composite beams with
deformable connection. Closure to discussion. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 132(12), 2037-2038
(ISSN:0733-9445, e-ISSN:1943-541X).
[21] Dall’Asta A. e Ragni L. (2006). Experimental tests and analytical model of high damping rubber
dissipating devices. Engineering Structures, Vol.28(13), 1874,1884 (ISSN:0141-0296).
[22] Dall’Asta A., Zona A. (2005) Finite element model for externally prestressed composite beams with
deformable connection. ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.131(5), 706-714 (ISSN:0733-9445, eISSN:1943-541X).
[23] Dall’Asta A., Zona A. (2004) Slip locking in finite elements for composite beams with deformable
shear connection. Finite Element in Analysis and Design, Vol 40 (4), 425-448 (ISSN: 0168-874X).
Dall’Asta A., Zona A. (2004) Comparison and validation of displacement and mixed elements for
the non-linear analysis of continuous composite beams. Computers and Structures, Vol.82 (23-26), 21172130 (ISSN:0045-7949).
[25] Dall’Asta A., Zona A. (2003) Three-field mixed formulation for the non-linear analysis of composite
beams with deformable shear connection. Finite Element in Analysis and Design, Vol. 40 (4) 425-448 (ISSN:
[26] Dall’Asta A., Zona A. (2002) Non-linear analysis of composite beams by a displacement approach.
Computers and Structures, Vol. 80 (27-30), 2217-2228 (ISSN:0045-7949).
[27] Dall’Asta A., Dezi L., Leoni G. (2002) Failure mechanisms of externally prestressed composite beams
with partial shear connection. Steel & Composite Structures, Vol.2 (5), 315-330 (ISSN:1229-9367, eISSN:1598-6233).
[28] Dall’Asta A. (2001). Composite beams with weak shear connection. International Journal of Solids
and Structures, Vol. 38, 5605-5624 (ISSN:0020-7683).
[29] Dall’Asta A. (2000). Dynamics of elastic bodies prestressed by internal slipping cables. International
Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol.37, 3421-3438 (ISSN:0020-7683).
[30] Dall’Asta A. e Leoni G. (1999). Vibrations of beams prestressed by internal frictionless cables.
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 222 (1), 1-18 (ISSN:0022-460X).
[31] Dall’Asta A. e Dezi L. (1998). Nonlinear behavior of externally prestressed composite beams:
Analytical model. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.124 (5), 588-597 (ISSN:0733-9445, eISSN:1943-541X).
[32] Dall’Asta A. e Leoni G. (1997). Thin walled beams with internal slipping cables: balance conditions
and stability. International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol.34 (35-36), 4479-4498 (ISSN:0020-7683).
[33] Dall’Asta A. e Leoni G. (1997). Numerical analysis of thin walled beams with internal slipping cables
by the Ritz method. International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol.35 (1-2), 51-67 (ISSN:0020-7683).
[34] Dall’Asta A. (1996). Stability of viscoelastic solid systems with monotone relaxation. European
Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, Vol.15 (4), 787-797 (ISSN:0997-7538).
[35] Dall’Asta A. (1996). Non-linear behaviour of composite. columns under varying load history. Journal
of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 122 (8), 743-752 (ISSN:0733-9399, e-ISSN:1943-7889).
[36] Dall’Asta A. e L. Dezi (1996). Discussion on "Prestress force effect on vibration frequency of concrete
bridges". Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.122 (4), 458 (ISSN:0733-9445, e-ISSN:1943-541X).
[37] Dall’Asta A. (1996). On the coupling between three-dimensional bodies and slipping cables.
International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol.33 (24), 3587-3600 (ISSN:0020-7683).
[38] Dall’Asta A. (1995). A stability condition for an extensive class of viscoelastic motions. Journal of
Elasticity, Vol.39 (1), 17-29 (ISSN:0374-3535).
Via Sappanico, 99- 60131 Ancona – tel.320-7985790 – e.mail:[email protected]
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Prof. Andrea Dall’Asta
[39] Dall’Asta A. e Menditto G. (1994). A variational formulation of the perturbed motion problem for a
viscoelastic body. International Journal of Solids and Structures. Vol.31, No.2, 247-256 (ISSN:0020-7683).
[40] Dall’Asta A. e Menditto G. (1994). Differential equations for the stability problem of viscoelastic
cylindrical shells. ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Vol.75, No. 6, 483-484
[41] Dall’Asta A. (1994). A mixed variational principle in quasi-static aging viscoelasticity. International
Journal of Engineering Science, Vol.32(11), 1739-1747 (ISSN: 0020-7225).
[42] Dall’Asta A. (1994). Ritz approximation in aging viscoelastic problems. International Journal for
Engineering Analysis and Design, Vol.1 (4), 363-371.
[43] Dall’Asta A. e Menditto G. (1993) Perturbed motion of viscoelastic columns: a variational
approach. International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 30, No.3, 325-336 (ISSN:0020-7683).
[44] Dall’Asta A. e Dezi L. (1993). On the non-linear analysis of beams prestressed by unbonded cables.
Journal of Engineering Mechanics ASCE, Vol.119, No.4, 720-732 (ISSN:0733-9399, e-ISSN:1943-7889).
[45] Dall’Asta A. e Dezi L. (1993). Asymptotic behaviour of imperfect viscoelastic beams. International
Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 30, No. 11, 1533-1544 (ISSN:0020-7683).
[46] Dall’Asta A. e Dezi L. (1992). Design of r.c. sections with generic shape under biaxial bending.
Journal of Structural Engineering ASCE, Vol.118, No.4, 1138-1143 (ISSN:0733-9445, e-ISSN:1943-541X).
[47] Dall’Asta A. e Dezi L. (1992). Discussion on "Concrete box sections under biaxial bending
and axial load", Journal of Structural Engineering ASCE, Vol.118, No.2, 621-624 (ISSN:0733-9445,
- European Union (2010-2013), Innovative Hybrid and Componsite steelconcrete structural solution in seismic areas – Research Fund for Coils and
Steel. Funding:207.000,00 € (project coordinator, total funding:1.488.000,00€)
- Protezione Civile (2009-2012), RELUIS Project: Net of Seismic Engineering Italian
Loboratories. Task AT2 – Code innovation and new technologies in seismic
engineering . SubTask 2.3.2. Development of new technologies for the seismic
retrofitting. Funding: 30.000,00 € (unit coordinator)
- European Union (2007-2010), Prefabricated steel structures for low-rise
buildings in seismic areas – Research Fund for Coils and Steel.
Funding:119.000,00 € (Unit coordinator)
- Protezione Civile (2005-2009), RELUIS Project: Net of Seismic Engineering Italian
Loboratories. Task 7 – Seismic isolation and dynamic control of structure and
infra-structure. Funding: 90.000,00 € (unit coordinator)
- Fondazione cassa di risparmio di Macerata (2005-2006) Safety in existing
construction. Funding:15.000,00 € (project coordinator)
- Soprintendenza archeologica delle Marche (2005). Preliminary studies for the
the Extension for the archeologic Museum of Ascoli Piceno. Funding: 30.000,00
€ (working gorup member)
- Min. Università e Ricerca (2002-2004): Advanced design and performance
control of steel-concrete frames in seismic area (working group comoponent)
- Min. Università e Ricerca (2000-2002). Seismic risk: strategies for the
vulnerability mitigation (working group component)
Via Sappanico, 99- 60131 Ancona – tel.320-7985790 – e.mail:[email protected]
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Prof. Andrea Dall’Asta
- Ministero Attività Produttive- Società TRAVAGLINI S.r.l. (2000-2002). Models and
systems for the automated management of construction companies.
Funding:125.000,00 €. (project coordinator)
- Ministero Attività Produttive-Ubaldi Costruzioni s.r.l. (2000-2002). Process
innovation in the management of the constraction company production units.
Funding:125.00,00 € (project coordinator).
- Min. Università e Ricerca (1997-1998) Safety in high performance concrete
construction (working group comoponent).
CONSULTANT ACTIVITY (most recent and significative ones)
GLF spa (2012). Design of seismic isolation system for the Marche regional
University of Camerino (2011-date). Evaluation of seismic vulnerability of
buildings with reinforce concrete and masonry structure.
DSD srl- Provincial administration of Pescara (2009). Design of cable stayed
steel-concrete composite bridge
ERAP (regional authority for the house) (2009). Design of innvative buildings
with steel structure and seismic dissipative devices.
Italingegneria srl (2008-2012). Design of cable-stayed footbridge in Milan
Provincial authority of Macerata (2009-2011). Design of steel arch bridge.
Regional archbishopric (2008-2011) Seismic retrofit of historical buildings
Provincial authority of Macerata (2008) Characterization of isolated bridge by
experimental test program.
Municipality of Falconara (2006-2009). Design and experimental test program
of a externally prestressed steel footbridge.
Ministero dell'Interno (2004) Seismic vulnerability and retrofit by dissipative
devices of existing r.c. building.
Harbour authority of Ravenna (2001-2004) Design of steel structure of the
authority headquarter
University of Ancona (2000-2003). Seismic design of the buildings of medicine
Regional authority of Marche (1998-2001) Design of retrofit of historical
Camerino wall.
Provincial authority of Ancona (1999) Study for the identification of collapse
cause of twosteel geodetic structures.
Ancona, October 22, 2012
Andrea Dall'Asta
Via Sappanico, 99- 60131 Ancona – tel.320-7985790 – e.mail:[email protected]
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