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http://www.to.camcom.it/Page/t01/view_html?idp=12565 (selezionare “come richiedere
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ed inviarlo compilato a:
- imprese di Torino e Provincia: [email protected] (Camera di commercio di Torino)
- imprese delle altre province piemontesi: [email protected] (Unioncamere Piemonte)
Nel mese di GIUGNO sono disponibili le seguenti tipologie di annunci commerciali:
Rif. BRPL20150326001 – Ricerca produttori di macchinari agricoli
A Polish company is looking for suppliers of agricultural machinery. The small company from Poland deals in sales of
agricultural machinery of the world's leading producers, as well as spare parts and consumables to them, since 1998. It
is looking for producers of agricultural machinery, interested in entering the Polish market.
Lingua di contatto: inglese
Rif. BRBG20141208002 – Ricerca produttori di macchinari per imballaggi bag-in-box per il vino
A Bulgarian company starting a new business for production and packaging of wine, is looking for producers of
machines making bag-in-box packaging. The product that the company wants to produce and for whose production is
searching machines, will be a foil tube which will be filled with wine and situated within a carrier made of corrugated
cardboard that should be strong enough to withstand the weight of the liquid. The "bag-in-box" shall be outfitted with a
tap, accessed through a perforation on one of the box sides. The company is looking for manufacturing agreement.
Lingua di contatto: inglese
Rif. BRDK20150511001 - Ricerca produttori di lattice naturale per anelli da dentizione e giochi
Danish company seeks manufacturer working with natural latex. A small Danish designer of children's teething rings
and toys is looking for manufacturers who can produce their biodegradable, safe products in natural latex, in order to
conclude manufacturing agreements. The products must comply with European Conformity Standard EN71 which
specifies safety requirements for toys.
Lingua di contatto: inglese, francese
Rif. BRFR20150306001 – Ricerca partner ICT in grado di leggere database in modo automatico e estrarre
French company compiles information about crop protection products and seeds for about 80 countries.
It gives access to detailed information about:
- approved and expired crop protection products, all translated in English.
- existing and future Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs).
The database covers all crops including ornamentals, some non-agricultural uses and biological products. It is
updated constantly.
The company is looking for a partner which could read text automatically and extract information in a structured way
from these texts.
Lingua di contatto: inglese, francese, tedesco, italiano, spagnolo
Rif. BRNL20150407001 – Offerta contratto di agenzia per promozione industrie chimiche nei Paesi Bassi
Dutch sales representative seeks enterprises in the field of chemicals. This Dutch company is looking for partners in
Austria, France, Germany, Italy and the UK who operate in the chemical industry and are in need of representation
for the Dutch market. This company has extended experience in marketing and sales in the chemical industry and
offers its services in the form of a commercial agency.
Lingua di contatto: inglese, francese, tedesco, italiano
Rif. BOPT20150519001 – Grandi fiocchi decorativi
Portuguese company located in Porto, Portugal, that designs, produces and distributes big bows, including fragrant
bows, for several purposes. These bows are personalised by means of a cloud or heart shaped card. The company is
seeking new, country-exclusive or region-exclusive distributors in Europe, Africa, Asia, America and Oceania.
Lingua di contatto: inglese, portoghese
Rif. BOES20140506005 – Carta e plastica riciclata
Spanish company specialized in recycling and trading paper, plastic, cardboard and metallic scraps would like to
expand its activity to France and Italy. For that reason it is offering its products to distributors and commercial agents
from these countries in order to introduce them into the partners' local markets.
The company recovers paper, cardboard and plastic scraps and sells them to paper mills and plastic manufacturers.
The company has currently a well-established sales department in Spain and it is already selling to all the major
players of the sector.
Lingua di contatto: inglese, spagnolo
Rif. BOTR20150330001 – Arredamento e accessori da giardino in ferro
A Turkish company specialized in cast iron garden furniture and accessories such as decorative fountains, park and
garden benches, nostalgic mailboxes, cast iron tables and chairs, nostalgic cast stoves and cast iron fences is looking
for agents and distributors in Europe.
Lingua di contatto: inglese, tedesco, russo
Rif. BOUK20150513012 – Skateboard
A UK manufacturer of high-specification, quality mini cruiser skateboards and longboards seeks distributors to help it
expand its sales in the EU and beyond. The boards are sold at a mid-range price point, making them perfect for kids
of all ages, and demand is strong.
Lingua di contatto: inglese
Rif. BOES20140424003 – Telecamere intelligenti e innovative
Spanish company specialized in the development and manufacture of innovative smart cameras that solve
challenges of artificial vision in outdoor applications is offering its products to distributors and other partners which
are willing to set up a joint venture. The company is especially looking for trade intermediaries and other joint
venture partners in the European Union, the USA or Chile.
Lingua di contatto: inglese, spagnolo
Rif. BOBG20150224001 – Servizi di trasporto e logistica
A Bulgarian company specialized in transport and logistic services is offering its services to potential clients from
Europe. The company has own fleet of trucks with normal tilt trailers and small trucks, logistic centers in Bulgaria and
Germany and warehouses with non-stop security.
Lingua di contatto: inglese
BRPT20150401001 Offerta servizi commerciali settore energia rinnovabile ed efficienza energetica
Portuguese company, acting commercially on renewable energy and energy efficiency field, is looking for
partnerships (commercial agency agreement and/or licence agreement) with other companies that have innovative
energy solutions/products or services and seek their commercialization/distribution in the Iberian Peninsula and
Portuguese Speaking Countries. The company has a strong experience in commercializing technical solutions with
engineering/architectural and construction sector and they have also relations with mining and industrial activities.
Their aim is to enhance their products/solutions portfolio. Preferably acting as agent or exclusive partner of smart
technology producers/developers.
BRSE20150210001 Ricerca fornitori valvole purificazione acqua
A Swedish technology company, within water purification, is looking for a valve supplier/manufacturer for a
business relation that can be developed into larger volumes within 12 months. High quality and fast delivery is
prioritized. The Swedish company is looking for a product supplier in the valve industry, to be able to deliver valves
of superior quality. Initially, production series of 100's, should be able to be scaled up to 1000's within 12 months.
Fast delivery and qualitative products are highly valued parameters for the Swedish company.
BRPL20141022003 Offerta servizi di distribuzione settore trattamento acque di scolo e biomassa
The Polish company which operates on the waste managing market wants to be a distributor of interesting and new
technologies in this area. The company acts on the market as an integrator of various technologies to fulfil most
complicated demands from the clients. The Polish SME is offering complex solutions for the clients such as
integration of sewage sludge dryers and incineration of biomass with conversion the sludge into heat or electricity.
Now company is looking for more effective technologies for changing 40 % humid sewage sludge into heat or
energy. Technologies offered should provide possibilities to deal with 800 kg – 4 000 kg of sewage sludge in year.
Rif. BRPL20141014001 Offerta servizi di rappresentanza prodotti per compostaggio
A Polish company acting in the area of environmental protection is looking for suppliers of innovative solutions for
small scale composting. The innovative company from Poland is looking for suppliers of solutions for waste
management sector, environmental protection, and, in particular, for small scale composting construction. In
January 2014, the company has expanded its business offer to services connected with environmental consulting
with particular emphasis on waste management with biodegradable waste management included. In connection
with the new branch of business, the company is looking for technology, machinery or equipment suppliers,
especially designed for small scale composting. It wants to represent innovative products or technologies on the
Polish market.
Rif. BONL20141216001 Offerta prodotti per purificazione acque reflue e potabili
A Dutch company develops and distributes sustainable products for water quality problems in potable, waste,
industrial, storm, raw water and lakes. They offer a wide range of effective strategies against blue-green algae,
problems due to stratification and oxygen deficiency. The Dutch company is interested in partners who are active in
the environmental engineering and water pollution treatment market in the framework of a commercial agreement.
They are a specialist in innovative tools for purification of waste and drinking water systems. The products are
designed to circulate large volumes of water.
Rif. BOHU20150311001 Accordi di collaborazione settore illuminazione su tecnologia LED di spazi pubblici
Hungarian company, dealing with energy efficiency and renewable energy, offers comprehensive energy savings
and smart city solutions through ready-made public, indoor lighting projects using LED technology. The Hungarian
SME's scope of activities include complete preparation of investments, modernization of energy systems, use of
renewable energy devices, introduction of innovative technologies, implementation of ready-made solutions and
energy investments. The company is looking for partners for cooperation in identifying, locating, procuring and
implementing projects of interest in their primary fields of public lighting, decorative, sport and indoor lighting,
building energetic, photovoltaic solar, and geothermal energy. The Hungarian company is seeking distributors for
their business services.
Rif. BODE20150217003 Accordi di distribuzione o subfornitura per membrane per trattamento acque industriali
A German company offers a wide range of sophisticated tubular ceramic membranes for cross-flow micro-, ultraand nano-filtration of highly contaminated industrial waste water. Advanced customised membrane design allows
exceptional filtration performance and selectivity. The ceramic material results in outstanding physical propertieshigh temperature, chemical, solvent and mechanical resistance. The company seeks distributors, agents and
subcontracting agreement with plant manufacturer.
The filter units consist of tube-shaped ceramic membranes, which are arranged inside a compact stainless steel
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