
CV for Robin-Di Lascio

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CV for Robin-Di Lascio
October 1996-September 1998 and July 1999-January 2002– Undergraduate student at the
Philosophy Department of the University of Bologna.
October 1998 - June 1999 – Registered as Full Time Socrates-Erasmus Student in Classics and
Philosophy at the University of Durham.
March 2002 – Laurea in Filosofia (Degree in Philosophy), Philosophy Department of the
University of Bologna.
Degree thesis: L’ ἔκθεσις di Aristotele tra Metafisica e Logica (= ‘Aristotle’s Concept of
ἔκθεσις in Metaphysics and Logic’) (Supervisor: Prof. Walter Cavini, University of Bologna;
co-supervisor: Prof. Mauro Mariani, University of Pisa).
October 2002 - June 2003 – M.Phil. at the Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge.
October 2003 - December 2008 – Ph.D. Student at the Faculty of Classics, Cambridge University
(St. John’s College).
Ph.D. Thesis: Aristotle’s Linguistic Fallacies in the Sophistical Refutations (Supervisor: Mr.
N. Denyer, Trinity College).
October 2009 - September 2012 – Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, Department of Classics and
Ancient History of Durham University, UK.
November 2012 - October 2013 – Mairie de Paris Research Fellow, Centre Léon Robin des
recherches sur la pensée antique, Paris.
Awarded Socrates-Erasmus Studentship by the University of Bologna for the academic year
Awarded Post-lauream Scholarship for study abroad by the University of Padova for the academic
year 2002/03.
Awarded Newton Trust Bursary for my M.Phil. course (academic year 2002/03).
Awarded Arts and Humanities Research Council Fees Grant for my M.Phil. course (academic
year 2002/03).
Awarded Newton Trust Bursary for my Ph.D. course (academic years 2003/04, 2005/06, 2006/07).
Awarded Arts and Humanities Research Council Fees Grant for my Ph.D. course (academic years
2003/04, 2005/06, 2006/07).
Awarded Benefactors’ Scholarship by St. John’s College for my Ph.D. course (academic years
2003/04, 2005/06, 2006/07).
Awarded the Members’ Classical Essay Prize 2003 for my M.Phil. Thesis.
Elected Scholar of St. John’s College, Cambridge, in October 2003.
Awarded (jointly) the 2009 Hellenic Foundation Prize for the best UK doctoral thesis in Hellenic
Studies in the ancient category (singly in ancient philosophy).
Awarded (jointly) the 2010 Hare Prize for the best doctoral thesis in Classics at the University of
Co-authored book:
Ludwig Wittgenstein. Lecture on Ethics. Introduction, Interpretation and Complete Text, edited by
E. Zamuner, E. V. Di Lascio, D. Levy, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2007.
‘Third Men: The Logic of the Sophisms at SE 22, 178b36-179a10’, Topoi 23, 1 (2004), 33-59.
3. ‘Papyrus Michigan 2906 Revisited: A Fragment of Non-Chrysippean Logic?’, Papiri Filosofici.
Miscellanea di Studi, 5 (2007), 187-212.
4. ‘Solecisms on Things: the Arguments παρὰ τὸ σχῆμα τῆς λέξεως in Aristotle’s Sophistical
Refutations’, Antiquorum Philosophia, 1 (2007), 171-204.
5. ‘Papyrus Michigan 2906: An Afterthought’, Papiri filosofici. Miscellanea di Studi VI (2011),
Firenze, Olschki, 265-279.
6. ‘Testi dei Papiri di Logica Adesposti’ (co-authored with W. Cavini, M.S. Funghi), Papiri
Filosofici. Miscellanea di Studi VI (2011), Firenze, Olschki, 211-226.
7. ‘Papiri Filosofici e Papiri di Logica’ (co-authored with M.S. Funghi), in U. Eco (ed.),
L’Antichita’. Vol. 14: Temi trasversali, Milano, Encyclomedia Publisher, 2012, 88-109.
8. ‘Ancient Philosophy of Language’ (co-authored with L. Castagnoli), in D. G. Fara, G. Russell
(eds.), Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Language, 2012, 811-826.
9. ‘The Theoretical Rationale Behind Aristotle’s Classification of the Linguistic Fallacies in the
Sophistical Refutations’, Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy, XV (2012), forthcoming (37
pp.; 20, 222 words).
10. Review of P. Fait, Aristotele. Le Confutazioni Sofistiche. Organon VI, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2007,
Classical Review, 58, 2 (2008), 391-393.
11. Italian Translation of Rowe C. J., ‘Uccidere Socrate: le Idee di Platone sulla Democrazia nei
Dialoghi “Tardi”’, Dianoia, 5 (2000), 15-37.
Work in progress:
12. ‘Aristotle’s Logic’, for F. Sheffield, J. Warren (eds.), Routledge Companion to Ancient Philosophy.
(expected publication in 2013.)
13. Ludwig Wittgenstein. Lecture on Ethics (co-authored with E. Zamuner, D. Levy), for Blackwell.
(Under contract; under preparation; expected publication in 2013.)
14. Aristotle’s Sophistical Refutations (for CUP).
15. Ancient Fallacies, volume co-edited with Luca Castagnoli, book proposal under preparation, to be
submitted to OUP in December 2012. [The volume will contain a selection of papers from the
Conference ‘Ancient Fallacies’, Durham, 21-23 September 2011, and 2 further commissioned
16. ‘Sophistical Refutations 10 and Aristotle’s Conception of Sophism’.
17. Formally invited to write the entry ‘Aristotle’s Sophistical Refutations’ for the Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy (to be submitted on 1st of March 2013).
18. Analysis of P.Oxy. LIII 3699, for Studi e Testi per il Corpus dei Papiri Filosofici Greci e Latini.
19. Review of M. Crubellier, A. Laks (ed.), Aristotle: Metaphysics Beta. Symposium Aristotelicum,
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009, for Journal of Hellenic Studies.
20. Review of D. Charles (ed.), Definition in Greek Philosophy, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010,
for The Philosophical Quarterly.
21. Invited to give a paper at the 2012/13 Conference Series on ‘Aristotle’s Logic and Metaphysics’ at
the Centre Léon Robin, Paris, on 31st of May 2013.
22. Invited to give a paper at the 2013 Keeling Colloquium on ‘Methodology in Ancient Philosophy’,
UCL, 4-6 November 2013.
Gave a joint paper (with Luca Castagnoli) on Top. I 8, 103b12-19 at the 12th Conference of the
European Society for Ancient Philosophy on Aristotle, Topics I 8-9 (Athens, 5-8 April 2006).
Gave a paper on P.Mich. 2906 at the Conference ‘Testi Antichi di Logica e Nuove
Interpretazioni’ at the University of Pisa (Italy), 30-31 March 2009.
Gave a paper at the Conference ‘Lost in Logical Space’ on Aristotle’s Sophistical Refutations at
the Humboldt University, Berlin, 3-4 July 2009.
Gave a paper at the B Club, Cambridge, 10 May 2010. (Title: ‘The Theoretical Rationale Behind
Aristotle’s Classification of the Linguistic Fallacies in the Sophistical Refutations’.)
Gave a paper at the Southern Association for Ancient Philosophy Conference, Cambridge, 21-23
September 2010. (Title: ‘Sophistical Refutations 10 and Aristotle’s Conception of Sophism’.)
Gave a paper at the Durham Classics and Ancient History Department Work in Progress Seminar,
27 January 2010 on Aristotle’s Linguistic Fallacies in the Sophistical Refutations’.
Gave a presentation at the B Caucus Senior Seminar, Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge
(24 April 2003) on Aristotle, Sophistical Refutations 12.
Gave several presentations at undergraduate and graduate seminars at the University of
Bologna and University of Cambridge from February 1998 to May 2007.
Co-organised (with Luca Castagnoli) the international Conference ‘Ancient Fallacies’ (Durham
University, 21-23 September 2011), with the sponsorship of the Leverhulme Trust and of the
Department of Classics and Ancient History of Durham University. (The organization of the
conference was part of the project for which I was awarded the Leverhulme Early Career
Conference programme at: http://www.dur.ac.uk/classics/events/all_events/?eventno=10391
TEACHING AND MARKING (University of Durham Oct. 2009- June 2012):
Taught module ‘Advanced Greek 2/3B’ on ‘Plato and Aristotle on Poetry’ (on Plato’s Ion, Plato’s
Republic X 595a1-608b10, extracts from Aristotle’s Poetics) (levels 2 and 3, 44 hours) in the
academic year 2009/10.
Taught module ‘Advanced Greek 2/3B’ on ‘Plato and Aristotle on Poetry’ (on Plato’s Ion, Plato’s
Republic X 595a1-608b10, extracts from Aristotle’s Poetics) (levels 2 and 3, 44 hours) in the
academic year 2010/11.
Co-taught (with Dr with Ivana Petrovic) module ‘Advanced Greek 2/3B’ on ‘Plato and Aristotle on
Poetry’ (on Plato’s Ion, and extracts from Plato’s Republic X) (levels 2 and 3, 22 hours) in the
academic year 2011/12.
Co-taught (with Dr Andrej Petrovic) module ‘Higher Greek 3B’ on ‘Plato and Thucydides on the
Correct Justifiability for Actions’ (on Plato’s Crito) (level 3, 22 hours) in the academic year
Co-supervised (with Dr Luca Castagnoli) the MA thesis ‘Aristotle on the Veiled Man Paralogism’
in the academic year 2010/11.
Marked the second and third year module ‘Plato and Aristotle on Poetry’ in the academic years
2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12.
Marked the third year module ‘Plato and Thucydides on the Correct Justifiability for Actions’
in the academic year 2011/12.
Acted as second marker for the first year module ‘Ancient Philosophers on Memory and
Recollection’ in the academic year 2009/10.
Acted as second marker for the first year module ‘Intermediate Latin 1A’ in the academic year
Acted as second marker for the second year module ‘Intermediate Latin 2A’ in the academic
year 2010/11.
Acted as second marker for several BA theses in the academic year 2010/11.
Acted as second marker for the MA thesis ‘Aristotle on the Veiled Man Paralogism’ in the
academic year 2010/11.
Reviewed ancient philosophy titles for the Journals ‘Logical Analysis and History of
Philosophy’ and ‘The British Journal for the History of Philosophy’.
MAIN RESEARCH INTERESTS: Ancient philosophy; Aristotle’s dialectic and logic; ancient dialectic
and logic; ancient papyri about logic and philosophy; Plato’s and
Aristotle’s ‘theories’ of poetry.
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