
WORKSHOP 20 - 21 Ottobre 2015 2015. Medical records update

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WORKSHOP 20 - 21 Ottobre 2015 2015. Medical records update
WORKSHOP 20 - 21 Ottobre 2015
2015. Medical records update
EHR, EPR, PS, PHR: different medical records for different aims:
the roles of the doctors, patients and institutions
h. 14 - Opening registration
h. 14.30
Giovanni Rinaldi (Presentation of the Workshop)
Local and Regional authorities (Welcome and greetings)
Management Marche Nord Hospital (Welcome and greetings)
h. 14.50 - 16
Using and sharing clinical records in cross-border healthcare: solutions and perspectives
Alberto Deales (Medical Director Marche Nord Hospital - Italy)
Ilir Qose (Senior Project Manager and responsible of Balkan Area Activities - COOSS Marche - Italy)
Innovative tools and data sharing in ageing care: solutions and perspectives.
Dorijan Maušič (Tetras - Slovenia)
Cross border experiences in health IT. What the requests for the Medical Records? opportunities and
emerging issues
Antonio Baccan (Director of Information Systems - USSLL n. 14 Chioggia - Italy)
e_CardioNet: the role of the medical records in transnational projects
Alessandro Taddei (Senior Researcher of National Research Council - CNR - Italy)
Pediatric experience using ICT in cross border healthcare
Discussion and questions
Coffee break
h. 16 – 16.20
h. 16.20 – 18.30
New trends in using clinical data. Integration, visualization, big data analytics.
What are the requirements for the modern EHR?
Giovanni Rinaldi (Italian Society of Telemedicine and eHealth and Marche Nord Hospital - Italy)
Luca Sangiorgi (Head of the Department of Medical Genetics and of CLIBI Laboratory - Istituto Ortopedico
Rizzoli in Bologna - Italy)
Disease Registry: a tool for European transfrontalier medicine
Tove Sorensen (Head WHO Collaborating Centre for Telemedicine and e-health - Norway)
Providing patients’ electronic access to their health record: empowerment or business as usual?
Franco Falcini (Administrator of Local Health Organization Area Vasta Romagna - Italy)
Medical Records, eHealth and Health IT. What are the key points for the organizational benefits and for
the improvements of the modern local health organizations?
Alberto Di Meglio (CERN Openlab Head - IT Department - Switzerland)
Big and Smart Data Analytics. The possible advantages to clinical practice and patient treatment.
Alberto Deales (Medical Director Marche Nord Hospital - Italy)
Clinical data and performance improvement
Discussion and questions
II DAY - 21 October
h. 9.30 Opening registration
h. 10 – 10.35
Lectio Magistralis in video conference
Trish Greenhalgh (Professor of Primary Care Health Sciences and Fellow of Green Templeton College University of Oxford - UK)
Coffee break
h. 10.35 – 10.50
h. 10.50 - 13
ROUND TABLE. The principles underpinning the health IT. After decades of utilization what have been the
errors and what are the novelties and the challenges?
Giovanni Rinaldi (Italian Society of Telemedicine and eHealth and Marche Nord Hospital - Italy)
Mike Martin (Senior Research Advisor - Newcastle University Business School - UK)
Marco Manca (Senior Research Medical Division CERN - Switzerland)
Antonio Gaddi (Director of the Study Center Italian Society of Telemedicine and eHealth - Italy)
Massimo Casciello (Head Digitization, Health information system and Statistics of the Ministry of Health Italy)
Gian Franco Gensini (Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Florence, President Italian Society
of Telemedicine and eHealth - Italy)
h. 13 - 14
h. 14 - 16
Clinical Information in use. Problems, outcomes and challenges from experience.
Gabriele Cipriani (European Court of Auditors Cead Chamber Principal Adviser - Belgium)
Oscar Solans Fernandez (Responsible of the Shared Medical Record and Personal Health Record - TicSalut Catalonia)
Sharing Medical Records. Regional EHR AND PHR IN Catalonia
Claudia Pagliari (Senior Researcher in eHealth at the University of Edinburgh - UK)
The impact of Personal Electronic Health Records. Problems, challenges and innovations from the
Terje Peetso (Programme Officer - EU policies. Commission Directory CNECT. Health and Well-Being Bruxelles - Belgium)
Addressing eHealth at the EU Level
Giorgio Noera (HRS Ministry of Defence. Defence for Life - Italy)
The role of the clinical data in the innovative networks: aerospace computer science and people health
Alexander Rind (Scientific researcher at the Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies, St. Poelten
University of Applied Sciences - Austria)
Visual analytics of health care data with a focus on time
Discussion and questions
Coffee Break
h. 16 – 16.20
h. 16.20 – 18.30
The current Italian state of the Art. The patient's clinical documentation: the Health Dossier
(Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico: FSE)
Antonio Gaddi (Director of the Study Center Italian Society of Telemedicine and eHealth - Italy)
Gabriella Borghi (Cefriel - Politecnico di Milano/Regione Lombardia - Italy)
Anna Darchini (Director CUP2000 - Bologna - Italy)
Serenella Carota (Manager Information Systems and Telematics - Regione Marche - Italy)
FSE in use: what are the expected improvements for clinicians, patients and institutions? Regional
experiences and results in Italy.
Fabrizio L. Ricci (Senior researcher Institute for Systems Analysis and Computer Science of the National
Research Council IASI-CNR and coordinator of LAVSE eHealth Virtual Laboratory - Italy)
Health Dossier in Italy. Elements of reflection: What's new? What are its possible improvements?
Massimo Casciello (Head Digitization, Health information system and Statistics of the Ministry of Health Italy)
What is the Italian contribution to the Medical Record system?
Francesco Gabbrielli (Physician in the Department of General Surgery "P. Stefanini ", Policlinico Umberto I
in Rome and Vice President Italian Society of Telemedicine and eHealth - Italy)
Medical issues in patient’s management during Telemedicine clinical practice: scientific approach to build
effective health services
Loredana Luzzi, (Administrative Director “G. Salvini” Garbagnate Milanese - Italy)
Privacy, legal and management aspects in the provision of Health Dossier in Italy.
Discussion and questions
With the support of
Fly UP