
Julio Alterach

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Julio Alterach
Julio Alterach
Researcher on hydropower resources
[email protected]
Is Expert Engineer of the Environment and Sustainable Development Department of RSE, in Italy. He is a
specialist in resolving problems related to the numerical optimization of the hydropower generation and the
hydropower potential. He has been responsible for developing tools and guidelines for better planning and
distribution of the small hydro plants and hydropower project optimization.
He has authored a number of papers in the field of sustainable reservoir management and the evaluation of
hydropower potential.
Groups and activities coordination, Hydropower potential, Hydrology, Hydraulics
Senior Research Engineer at Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico - RSE SpA
dicembre 2005 - Presente (6 anni 5 mesi)
Expert specialized in Environment and Sustainable Development research in hydraulic engineering.
Researcher in the field of hydroelectric generation and problems associated with hydroelectric potential.
Coordinates the development of tools and guidelines to improve planning and dissemination of mini-hydro.
He is the author of numerous articles on international theme of integrated management of reservoirs and
production idroenergetica.
Project Manager at CESI
2004 - 2005 (1 anno)
Specialized technician on hydraulic engineering in the Territorial and Environment Department (STA).
Diagnostics and modeling of river hydrology. Design and testing of hydraulic works. Solving problems
related to hydraulics and plant management. Studies on safety of dams and hydraulic calculation of the
flooded areas. Development, calibration and use of software, hydrological, hydraulic, statistical and
simulation using Visual Basic, Fortran and Excel.
Junior Engineer at ISMES - ENEL HYDRO
1990 - 2004 (14 anni)
Diagnostics and modeling of hydrological basins
Design and testing of sewers and water supplies.
Design and testing of hydraulic works.
Solving problems related to hydraulics and plant management.
Studies on safety of dams and hydraulic calculation of the flooded areas.
Development, calibration and use of software, hydrological, hydraulic, statistical and simulation using Visual
Basic, Fortran and Excel.
Junior Engineer at CIDY Consultora Internacional de Yacyreta
1986 - 1990 (4 anni)
Junior Engineer in the Hydraulic Department of the International Project Consulting Company in the Bi
National Yacyretá Project (Argentina and Paraguay).
Development, calibration and testing of statistical, hydrological, hydraulics, sedimentation forecasting models
applied to the Yacyretá Project.
Research for the Italian Electrical System 2009-2011
2009 to Present
Membri: Julio Alterach
Area: Italy
Research study for the assessment of the potential of renewable energy sources, particullarly the hydropower
Development of the tools to manange and calculate the hydropower energy.
2009 to Present
Membri: Julio Alterach, Peviani M., Danelli A.
Area: South Est Europe Countries.
The three years SEE HYDROPOWER project started on June 2009, financed by the South-East Transnational
Cooperation Programme (EU), aims to a sustainable exploitation of water concerning hydropower production
in SEE countries, looking up to renewable energy sources development, preserving environmental quality and
preventing flood risk.
SEE HYDROPOWER defines specific needs and test methodologies & tools, in order to help public bodies to
take decisions about planning and management of water and hydropower concessions, considering all
multi-purposes uses, taking into account the environmental sustainability of natural resources and flooding
Competition between water users (for drinking, irrigation, industrial processes, power generation, etc.) is
becoming a serious problem, and there is a strong need of a more accurate planning and management
optimization of the resources. SEE HYDROPOWER aims to be the solution!
S.M.A.R.T. "Strategies to proMote small scAle hydro electRicity producTion in Europe"
2008 to 2011
Membri: Julio Alterach
Area: Italy, Croatia, Norway, Greece, Austria.
The SMART project intends to reach the following direct outcomes: development of a handbook with the
review of local administrative procedures to derive water in the countries of the partnership, define weak
points and propose new strategies and review of the legal and institutional procedures to connect the small
scale hydro plants to the national electricity network; evaluation of water availability distribution and
optimization of water resources management to improve small scale hydro plants implementation,
considering water availability and geodetic head; diffusion of suitable support methodologies and tools to
exploit the SHP improving the RES efficiency; the use of web capabilities to disseminate opportunities to
investors; assessment of the possibility to implement private & public join investment regulation to increase
the interest of stakeholders to invest in small scale hydro electrical plants
SHARE Balancing river ecosystems and hydropower requirements
2007 to 2013
Membri: Julio Alterach
SHARE - Sustainable Hydropower in Alpine Rivers Ecosystems - is an ongoing European project involving
5 countries: Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Germany and France.
The purpose of SHARE is to develop, test and promote a decision support system to merge, on an
unprejudiced base, both river ecosystems and hydropower requirements.
The project openly pursues integrated river management aims.
ALPRESERV Sustainable Sediment Management of ALPine RESERVoirs considering ecological and
economical aspects
2005 to 2007
Membri: Julio Alterach
Area: Alpine Space
The project aims on a wise management of sediments on basis of experiences gained on national level to
establish trans-national guidelines taking into account the EU Water Framework Directive and spatial
development needs to preserve existing reservoirs and to avoid uncontrolled exploitation by constructing new
storage capacity.
PTA (Water Protection Plan) Abruzzo
2004 to 2005
Membri: Julio Alterach
Water Protection Plan in the Abruzzo Italian Region, water balance calculation.
PTA (Water Protection Plan) Piemonte
2003 to 2004
Membri: Julio Alterach
Water Protection Plan in the Piemonte Italian Region, water balance calculation.
ENTELLA Flooding protection works
2004 to 2004
Membri: Julio Alterach
Coordination of the team to to calculate the flood protections works of the Entella river in the Liguria Region
IDROUSI - Regionalization of flow duration curves
2005 to 2007
Membri: Julio Alterach
application of the regionalization procedures for the estimation of daily flow duration curves in the
Orobie-Adamello alpine area of Italy
CERNI OSSAM plant Project - Bulgaria
2002 to 2003
Membri: Julio Alterach
Bulgaria - Hydraulic calculations and supporto to the Preliminary and Feasibility Projects of the Cerni Ossam
Dam for the hydroelectric generation and distribution of drinking water
Ferrara Waterways upgrade project (Italy)
2002 to 2002
Membri: Julio Alterach
Hydraulic support to the upgrade of the Waterways Preliminary and Final project the Ferrara Italian Province.
Colombia - Combined risks - Estudio para la reconstrucción del Eje Cafetero
2002 to 2003
Membri: Julio Alterach
Colombia-Eje Cafetero - Support as expert hydraulic engineer to produce the combined risks mapping
Environmental Emergency Middle Sarno (Italy)
1998 to 2000
Membri: Julio Alterach
Preliminary Projects of the completion of the sewer system of 18 municipalities in the project Environmental
Emergency Middle Sarno (Angri, Corbara, Ottaviano, Poggiomarino, Scafati, Siano, Striano, S.Egidio
M.Albino, Castel S.Giorgio, Pagani, Nocera Inferiore, Roccapiemonte, S. Marzano sul Sarno, Terzigno, Cava
de´ Tirreni, Gragnano, Sant´Antonio Abate e S. Giuseppe Vesuviano)
UTE Uruguay - Maximas Crecidas Probables
1997 to 1997
Membri: Julio Alterach
Responsible for the development of hydrological and hydraulic statistical models for the maximum flows on
the Rio Negro in Uruguay. Developement of the hydraulic management dam models in the Río Negro during
the floods (Gabriel Terra, Baygorria, Constitución)
EDISON barrages on Adda italian river
1996 to 1996
Membri: Julio Alterach
Hydrological and hydraulic check of the spillways of 6 Edison dams on the river Adda (Italy)
Feasibility Project of Nam Theun 3 dam - Laos
1995 to 1995
Membri: Julio Alterach
Hydrological calculations relating to the Feasibility Project of Nam Theun 3 dam in Laos.
Po River water quality mathematical model (Italy)
1994 to 1994
Membri: Julio Alterach
Mathematical model of water quality in the River Po (Italy)
Po River transient temperatures mathematical model (Italy)
1994 to 1994
Membri: Julio Alterach
Mathematical model of the propagation of transient temperatures of the river Po water course (Italy)
Toce River (italy), management of hydroelectri plants
1993 to 1996
Membri: Julio Alterach
Development Hydra, an integrated management tool for the management of hydroelectric plants in the basin
of the River Toce (Italy)
HYDRA development
1994 to 1996
Membri: Julio Alterach
HYDRA: Development of an integrated geographical system for the simulation of hydraulic and hydrologic
phenomena in a distributed parameter system (HYDRA)
MALLERO real time flood model (Italy)
1991 to 1991
Membri: Julio Alterach
Development and calibration of the hydrological model for the real-time prediction of floods in the basin of
Mallero rivere (Italy). Performed statistical hydrological and hydraulic analysis of historical data.
YACYRETA hydropower plant (Argentina - Uruguay)
1986 to 1990
Membri: Julio Alterach
Development, calibration and testing of statistical, hydrological, hydraulics, sedimentation forecasting models
applied to the Yacyretá Project (Argentina - Uruguay)
Design flow 95000 m3/s, power 2700 MW, 62 km earth length dam.
Civil Engineer, Hydropower, Hydraulics,
Hydrology, Energy, Environment
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Corso internazionale di "Idrologia in Tempo Reale",
INCyTH-CRA-BID, Mendoza Argentina, 1986
Elementi Finiti, Università di Buenos Aires, 1986
Junior Engineer
CIDY Consultora Internacional de Yacyreta
"Applicazioni Termiche delle Energie Rinnovabili",
borsa di studio dalla Scuola Internazion,
Junior Engineer
Coordinatore per la progettazione e coordinatore per
l’esecuzione, Ordine degli Ingenieri Prov. di BergamoEnel.Hydro Seriate (BG), 2001
Verifica delle fognature e delle reti di bonifica con il
programma S.O.C.S, Università degli Studi di Pavia,
‘Verifica idraulica e Gestione delle Reti di Bonifica e
Fognatura con il programma S.O.C.S.’, , Università
degli Studi di Pavia , 1998
Strumenti per il potenziale idrico italiano
Centrali Mini Idroelettriche Corso di progettazione tecnica, economica e ambientale con sopralluoghi, Vigevano
(PV) 3 marzo, 2011
Autori: Julio Alterach, A. Elli, J. A. Alterach , M. A. Vergata
SEE HYDROPOWER Project, targeted to improve water resource management for a growing renewable
energy production
Hidroenergia 2010 - International Congress and Exhibition on Small Hydropower, Lausanne, Switzerland 16
giugno, 2010
Autori: Julio Alterach, M. A. Peviani
A method to evaluate the effective potential hydropower production applied to a case study
Hidroenergia 2010 - International Congress and Exhibition on Small Hydropower, Lausanne, Switzerland, 16
giugno, 2010
Autori: Julio Alterach, M. A. Vergata
Strumenti informatici per la valutazione del potenziale idroelettrico
Impianti Mini Idroelettrici , Parma 9 giugno, 2010
Autori: Julio Alterach, A. Elli, M. A. Vergata
SEE HYDROPOWER Project, targeted to improve water resource management for a growing renewable
energy production
EGU European Geosciences Union - General Assembly 2010, Vienna 2 maggio, 2010
Autori: Julio Alterach, M. A. Peviani, Danelli
Strumenti informatici per la valutazione del potenziale idroelettrico
Mini Idro 2010 - Mini Centrali Idroelettriche , Venezia 4 marzo, 2010
Autori: Julio Alterach, A. Elli, M. A. Vergata
Strumenti informatici per la valutazione del potenziale idroelettrico
Casasoleil EMT - Centrali Mini Idroelettriche, Milano 18 novembre, 2009
Autori: Julio Alterach, A. Elli, M. A. Vergata
Strumenti tecnici per una corretta valutazione del Potenziale Idroelettrico Massimo e Residuo
CAI Club Alpino Italiano - Energia dall, Solaro (MI) 13 giugno, 2009
Autori: Julio Alterach, A. Elli
Evaluation of the remaining hydro potential in Italy
Journal Hydropower & Dams, United Kingdom, 2009 2009
Autori: Julio Alterach, A. Elli, M. A. Peviani, M. A. Vergata, Gervasio Ciaccia (Università di Roma), Fulvio
Esperienze maturate sul mini-idroelettrico in Italia nell'ambito del progetto SMART e della Ricerca di
Solarexpo Innovazione nel fotovoltaico: moduli a film sottile inverter per connessioni alla rete, Verona, 7
maggio, 2009
Autori: Julio Alterach, M. A. Peviani
Sviluppo del mini-idroelettrico: metodologie ed esperienze maturate nella Ricerca di Sistema e progetto
AEIT - AEE- Giornata di Studio L, Milano 6 maggio, 2009
Autori: Julio Alterach, M. A. Peviani
Strumenti informatici per la valutazione del potenziale idroelettrico
Progettazione tecnica, economica e ambientale di Impianti MICRO IDROELETTRICI con sopralluogo tecnico,
Angeli di Rosora (AN), 12 marzo, 2009
Autori: Julio Alterach, M. A. Peviani, M. A. Vergata, Alessandro Davitti
Valutazione del potenziale idroelettrico residuo in Italia
European Small Hydropower Association: ESHA Publications- Ottobre 2008, Brussels ottobre 2008
Autori: Julio Alterach, A. Elli, M. A. Peviani, M. A. Vergata
A GIS integrated tool to evaluate the residual potential hydropower at Water course scale
13th IWRA World Water Congress 2008, Montpellier - France 1 settembre, 2008
Autori: Julio Alterach, A. Elli, M. A. Peviani, Alessandro Davitti
Evaluation of the residual potential hydropower production in Italy
Hidroenergia 2008 - International Conference on Small Hydropower, Bled, Slovenia 11 giugno, 2008
Autori: Julio Alterach, Peviani M., Davitti A.,Vergata M.
SMART: Strategies to proMote small scAle hydro electRicity
International Conference on Small Hydropower. Hidroenergia 2008: "On the Crossroads", Bled, Slovenia 11
giugno, 2008
Autori: Julio Alterach, M. A. Peviani, Antoniazzi Marco
Analysis of the best practice for flushing operatin of the Forni barrage
IAHR 2007, Venezia 1 luglio, 2007
Autori: Julio Alterach, Sosio S., Peviani M., Danelli A.
Regionalizzazione della curva di durata delle portate nell'area Adamello-Alpi Orobie
settembre, 2006
Autori: Julio Alterach, A. Cadore, P. De Lotto, G. Zaina
Morimor - gis, modello numerico idraulico-morfologico per la simulazione del trasporto di sedimento
multigranulare nei corsi fluviali a forte pendenza
Idra 2006 XXX° - Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Roma 10 settembre, 2006
Autori: Julio Alterach
Regionalization procedures for the estimation of daily flow duration curces in the Italian Alps
aprile, 2006
Autori: Julio Alterach, S. Barontini, D. Bavera
Sediment transport analysis using the MORIMOR model for the assessment of downstream river effects
due to flushing in reservoirs
River Basin Managment 2005 - Third International Conference on River Basin Management including all
aspects of Hydrology, Ecology, Environmental Management, Flood Plains and Wetlands. Bologna, Italy 6
settembre, 2005
Autori: Julio Alterach, Maximo Peviani
Regionalizzazione della curva di durata delle portate nell’area ‘Adamello ‘ Alpi Orobie’
XXX° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche - IDRA 2006 Roma 2006
Autori: Julio Alterach, A. Cadore, P. De Lotto , G. Zaina
Morimor gis, modello numerico idraulico-morfologico per la simulazione del trasporto di sedimento
multigranulare nei corsi fluviali a forte pendenza
XXX° Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche - IDRA 2006 Roma - Italia 2006
Autori: Julio Alterach, Peviani M., Danelli A
Management of ambient waters subject to power plant heating: Application to the Po River
Autori: Julio Alterach, Giorgio Bemporad, Eugenio Ghisolfi, Marco Miseocchi, Paolo Molinaro
A distributed approach for sediment yield evaluation in Alpine regions
Journal of Hydrology Volume 197, Issues 1-4, 1 October 1997, Pages 370-392 ottobre 1997
Autori: Julio Alterach, Giorgio A. Bemporad, Flavio Amighetti, Maximo Peviani, Italo Saccardo
Uniting European hydropower
Water Power & Dam Construction, pag 28 settembre 2010
Autori: Julio Alterach, Peviani M, Danelli A, Zenz G, Harb G.
A GIS tool to evaluate the effective hydropower potential in the Verbano-Cusio-Ossola Italian Province
HYDRO 2011 Praha ottobre 2011
Autori: Julio Alterach, Vergata M.,Maran S., Proverbio M., Pizzorni F. Casucci S.
SEE HYDROPOWER Project, targeted to improve water resource management for a growing renewable
energy production
HYDRO 2011 Praha ottobre 2011
Autori: Julio Alterach, Peviani M.; Danelli A.
Evaluation of small scale hydroelectricity potential in Italy
IAHR 2007, Venezia 1 luglio, 2007
Autori: Julio Alterach, Peviani M., Brasi O., Maran S.
Mini Idroelettrico, perché no?
BioEcoGeo magazine, Dec2011-Jan2012 1 dicembre, 2011
Autori: Julio Alterach, Elisabetta Garofalo
(Conoscenza madrelingua o bilingue)
(Conoscenza madrelingua o bilingue)
(Conoscenza professionale completa)
(Conoscenza base)
(Conoscenza base)
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Civil Engineer, Hydropower, Hydraulics, Hydrology, Energy, Environment, 1979 - 1985
Guide in GAMeC: Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art (Bergamo - Italy)
Coral singer in the Canticum Novum Choir (Bergamo - Italy)
Julio Alterach
Researcher on hydropower resources
[email protected]
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