DIMENSIONI programma notte NIGHT COLLECTION _ ALMA DIMENSIONS NIGHT COLLECTION program _ ALMA design Silvano Barsacchi Collezione caratterizzata da comodini e settimanali di forma cilindrica. Comò con contenitori laterali ad ante curve e cassetti diritti. Zoccolo per appoggio a terra. Collection characterized by cylindrical nightstands and 7-day chest of drawers. Dressers with side compartments featuring shaped doors and straight drawers. Floor resting plinth. 56 150 53 53 dimensioni (cm) dimensions (cm) 1 123 123 123 74 74 52 52 52 52 28 28 74 56 56 28 56 56 56 56 74 56 28 56 56 53 123 56 150 150 15530 56 FINITURE E COLORI programma notte NIGHT COLLECTION _ ALMA FINISHES AND COLOURS NIGHT COLLECTION program _ ALMA LACCATI LUCIDI / OPACHI GLOSSY / MAT LACQUERS bianco white RAL 9010 bianco panna cream white RAL 1013 beige RAL 9002 RAL 1001 bianco grigiastro greyish white beige sabbia sand beige RAL 1027 verde acido acid green RAL 2004 arancio orange RAL 3003 rosso red RAL 4002 viola rossastro reddish violet RAL 4005 lilla lilac RAL 5010 blu genzana gentian blue RAL 8025 marrone pallido pale brown RAL 7006 visone mink colour RAL 7030 grigio pietra stone grey RAL 7044 grigio seta silk grey RAL 7047 grigio tele 4 “tele 4” grey RAL 7043 grigio grey RAL 9005 nero black LACCATI RAL RAL LACQUERS lucidi / opachi glossy / mat COLORI RAL LUCIDI E OPACHI RAL GLOSSY AND MAT COLOURS LACCATI GOFFRATI EMBOSSED LACQUERS bianco panna cream white beige marrone brown grigio chiaro light grey grigio antracite anthracite grey N.B. Per i componenti realizzabili con le finiture illustrate consultare attentamente il listino prezzi. For components that can be manufactured with the finishes shown herein, please browse carefully the price list. 2