
Curriculum Vitae - Portale della Didattica

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Curriculum Vitae - Portale della Didattica
Curriculum Vitae
[email protected]
Giorgio Mannina è Ricercatore di Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale,
Aerospaziale, dei Materiali (DICAM) dell'Università di Palermo nonché membro del collegio dei docenti del corso di dottorato in
Ingegneria Civile per l'Ambiente ed il Territorio e, dall’A.A. 2006/2007, docente del corso di Ingegneria Sanitaria Ambientale e
del Laboratorio di Modellistica Sanitaria-Ambientale. Nel 2002 ha conseguito la Laurea in Ingegneria Civile, indirizzo Idraulica,
presso l’Università degli Studi di Palermo. Nel stesso anno ha vinto il concorso pubblico un posto di Dottorato in Ingegneria
Idraulica presso l’Università di Catania dove nel 2006 ha conseguito il titolo di dottore di ricerca. Nel 2004 e nel 2005 è stato
visitor scientist presso l’Università norvegese di Trondheim, NTNU, e l’Università belga di Laval. Dal 2006 al 2010 ha usufruito
di due assegni di ricerca per attività di ricerca inerenti l’Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale. È stato ed è relatore/correlatore di tesi
di laurea specialistica e di tesi di dottorato. L’attività di ricerca è stata principalmente incentrata su tematiche inerenti la
modellistica/sperimentazione relative a (i) valutazione dei gas clima alteranti e riduzione dei costi energetici negli impianti di
depurazione, (ii) gestione e trattamento delle acque di pioggia in ambito urbano (iii) trattamento delle acque reflue attraverso
trattamenti convenzionali ed avanzati (bireattori a membrana, moving bed biofilm reactor, sistemi ibridi) (iv) discariche per rifiuti
solidi urbani – RSU, (v) bonifica di siti contaminati e valutazione del rischio (vi) qualità dei corpi idrici ricettori.
Autore di più di 150 pubblicazioni scientifiche sia nazionali che internazionali nell’ambito dell’Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale.
Il numero di citazioni totali è >480 e l’h-index è di 12 (SCOPUS – aprile 2013).
È Associate Editor per le riviste International Journal of Water Sciences e Current Biochemical Engineering Bentham Science
ed è referee per più di 40 riviste internazionali. Nel 2010 è stato Host-Editor della rivista Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
Journal contribuendo alla pubblicazione di un numero speciale giugno 2012.
Dal 2012 è Responsabile per gi scambi Erasmus con l’Università di Girona per il Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria per l’Ambiente
e il Territorio
Dal 2002 ad oggi ha partecipato in qualità di responsabile/componente a numerosi progetti di ricerca sia nazionali (PRIN,
PON, ex 60%) che internazionali (EU Projects) su tematiche inerenti l’Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale. a modellistica/
sperimentazione di impianti di depurazione, qualità delle acque, corpi idrici ricettori, discariche per rifiuti solidi urbani - RSU.
Attività didattica a livello universitario
2011-oggi Professore a contratto in Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale. Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Civile Magistrale,
Università di Palermo.
2011-oggi Professore a contratto in Laboratorio di Modellistica Sanitaria-Ambientale. Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria per
l’Ambiente ed il Territorio, Università di Palermo.
Professore a contratto in Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale. Corso di Laurea in Tecniche della prevenzione
nell’ambiente e nei luoghi di lavoro, Facoltà di Medicina - Università di Palermo, anni accademici 2006-2007, 2007-2008,
2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011 e 2011-2012.
Professore a contratto in Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale. Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria per l’Ambiente ed il
Territorio, Università di Enna, anni accademici 2009-2010 e 2010-2011.
Professore a contratto in tecnologie ambientali – Corso SISSIS, Università di Palermo.
Tutor in Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale – docente Prof. G. Viviani. Corso di Laurea in Tecniche della prevenzione
nell’ambiente e nei luoghi di lavoro, Facoltà di Medicina - Università di Palermo, anno accademico 2006-2007.
Docente nel corso di Master in Water resources management – Università di Palermo.
2003-oggi Collaboratore alle esercitazioni dei corsi di Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientale, Impianti di Trattamento SanitarioAmbientale e Bonifica dei siti contaminati, Corso di Laurea triennale e magistrale in Ingegneria per l’Ambiente e Territorio della
Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università di Palermo, anni accademici 2003-2004, 2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008,
2008-2009, 2009-2010 e 2010-2011.
2003-oggi Relatore e correlatore di tesi di laurea in Ingegneria per l’Ambiente e il Territorio (laurea triennale e magistrale)
Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università di Palermo sui seguenti argomenti: sistemi avanzati di trattamento delle acque reflue,
monitoraggio e modellazione di impianti di depurazione, monitoraggio qualità dei corpi idrici a veloce ricambio e analisi dei
processi chimico-fisici e biologici nelle discariche per RU.
International Water Association (IWA) - Working Group on Source Control (SOCOMA) Componente dal 2006.
International Water Association (IWA) - Working Group on Data and Models (IWGDM): Componente dal 2006.
The International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (IEMS)– Componente dal 2006.
Pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali
Mannina G., Freni G., Viviani G., Sægrov S., Hafskjold l. S. (2006). Integrated urban water modelling with uncertainty
analysis. Water Science & Technology. Vol. 54(6-7), 379–386.
Mannina G., Di Trapani D., Torregrossa M., Viviani G. (2007). Modelling of hybrid moving bed biofilm reactors: a pilot
plant experiment. Water Science & Technology, Vol. 55(8-9), 237–246.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2008). Uncertainty in urban stormwater quality modelling: the effect of acceptability
threshold in the glue methodology. Water Research, Vol. 42(8-9), 2061-2072 .
Freni G., Maglionico M., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2008). Comparison between a detailed and a simplified integrated model
for the assessment of urban drainage environmental impact on an ephemeral river. Urban Water Journal, Vol. 5 (2) 87 –
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2008). Uncertainty assessment of sewer sediment erosion modelling. Urban Water
Journal, Vol. 5(1), 21 – 31.
Di Trapani D., Mannina G., Torregrossa M., Viviani G. (2008). Hybrid moving bed biofilm reactors: a pilot plant experiment
. Water Science & Technology, Vol. 57(10), 1539–1545.
Mannina G., Mancini G., Torregrossa M., Viviani G. (2008). Wastewater modification processes assessment in a
stabilization reservoir. Water Science & Technology, Vol. 57(7),1037-1045.
Di Bella G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2008). An integrated model for physical-biological wastewater organic removal in a
submerged membrane bioreactor: model development and parameter estimation. Journal of Membrane Science, Vol.
322(1), 1-12.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2009). Assessment of data availability influence on integrated urban drainage modelling
uncertainty. Environmental Modelling & Software, Vol. 24(10), 1171-1181.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2009). Identifiability analysis for receiving water body quality modelling. Environmental
Modelling & Software, Vol. 24(1), 54-62.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2009). Urban runoff modelling uncertainty: comparison among bayesian and pseudobayesian methods. Environmental Modelling & Software, Vol. 24(9), 1100-1111.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2009). Uncertainty in urban stormwater quality modelling: the influence of likelihood
measure formulation in the glue methodology. Science of the Total Environment 408, 143-150.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2009). Uncertainty assessment of an integrated urban drainage model. Journal of
Hydrology, Vol. 373(3-4), 392-404.
Calabrò P.S., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2009). In sewer processes: mathematical model development and sensitivity
analysis. Water Science & Technology, Vol. 60(1), 107–115.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2009). Stormwater infiltration trenches: a conceptual modelling approach. Water
Science & Technology, Vol. 60(1) pp 185–199.
Mannina G., Viviani G. (2009). Separate and combined sewer systems: a long-term modelling approach. Water Science &
Technology, Vol. 60(3) pp 555–565.
Candela A., Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2009). Quantification of diffuse and concentrated pollutant loads at the
watershed-scale: an Italian case study. Water Science & Technology, Vol. 59(11), 2125–2135
Mannina G., Viviani G. (2009). Hybrid moving bed biofilm reactors: an effective solution for upgrading a large wastewater
treatment plant. Water Science & Technology, Vol. 60(5), 1103–1116.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2010). Urban water quality modelling: a parsimonious holistic approach for a complex
real case study. Water Science & Technology, Vol. 61(2), 521-536.
Mannina G., Viviani G. (2010). An urban drainage stormwater quality model: model development and uncertainty
quantification. Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 381(3-4), 248-265.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2010). Urban stormwater quality management: centralized versus source control. Water
Resources Planning and Management –Vol. 136(2), 268-278.
Mannina G., Viviani G. (2010). A parsimonious dynamic model for river water quality assessment. Water Science &
Technology, Vol. 61(3), 607–618.
Di Trapani D., Mannina G., Torregrossa M., Viviani G. (2010). Comparison between hybrid moving bed biofilm reactor
and activated sludge system: a pilot plant experiment. Water Science & Technology, Vol. 61(4), 891–902.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2010). Emission standards versus immission standards for assessing the impact of
urban drainage on ephemeral receiving water bodies. Water Science & Technology, Vol. 61(6), 1617-1629.
Di Trapani D., Mannina G., Torregrossa M., Viviani G. (2010). Quantification of kinetic parameters for heterotrophic
bacteria via respirometry in a hybrid reactor. Water Science & Technology, Vol. 61(7), 1757-1766.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2010). The influence of rainfall time resolution for urban water quality modelling. Water
Science & Technology, Vol. 61(9), 2381-2390.
Mannina G., Viviani G. (2010). A hydrodynamic water quality model for propagation of pollutants in rivers. Water Science
& Technology, Vol. 62(2), 288–299.
Freni G., Mannina G. (2010). Bayesian approach for uncertainty quantification: the influence of prior distribution. Journal
of Hydrology, Vol. 392(1-2), 31-39.
Mannina G., Viviani G. (2010). Water quality modelling for ephemeral river: model development and parameter
assessment. Journal of Hydrology Vol. 393(3-4), 186-196.
Mannina G., Viviani G. (2010). Receiving water quality assessment: comparison between simplified and detailed
integrated urban modelling approaches. Water Science & Technology, Vol. 62(10), 2301–2312.
Mannina G., Di Bella G., Viviani G. (2010). Uncertainty assessment of a membrane bioreactor model using the GLUE
methodology. Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 52(2) 263–275.
Freni G., Mannina G. (2010). Uncertainty in Water Quality Modelling: a Variance Decomposition Approach. Journal of
Hydrology, Vol. 394 (3-4), 324-333.
Freni G., Mannina G. Viviani G. (2011). Assessment of the water quality model complexity through identifiability analysis.
Water Research, Vol. 45(1), 37-50.
Mannina G. (2011). Uncertainty assessment of a water quality model for ephemeral river using GLUE analysis. Journal of
Environmental Engineering – ASCE, Vol. 137(3), 177-186.
Mannina G., Cosenza A., Vanrolleghem P., Viviani G. (2011). A practical protocol for calibration of nutrient removal
wastewater treatment models. Journal of Hydroinformatics, Vol. 13(4), 575-595.
Alexandrov G.A., Ames D., Bellocchi G., Bruen M., Crout N., Erechtchoukova M., Hildebrandt A., Hoffman F., Jackisch C.,
Khaiter P., Mannina G., Matsunaga T., Purucker, S.T., Rivington M., Samaniego L. (2011). Technical assessment and
evaluation of environmental models and software: Letter to the Editor. Environmental Modelling & Software, Vol. 26(3),
Di Trapani D., Capodici M., Cosenza A., Di Bella G., Mannina G., Torregrossa M., Viviani G. (2011). Evaluation of
biomass activity and wastewater characterization in a UCT-MBR pilot plant by means of respirometric techniques.
Desalination, Vol. 269, 190-197.
Freni G., Mannina G. and Viviani G. (2011). Assessment of data and parameter uncertainties in integrated water-quality
model. Water Science & Technology, Vol. 63(9), 1913-1921.
Mannina G., Di Trapani D., Viviani G., Ødegaard H. (2011). Modelling and dynamic simulation of hybrid moving bed
biofilm reactors: model concepts and application to a pilot plant. Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 56(1-2), 23-36.
Mannina G., Di Bella G., Viviani G. (2011). An integrated Model for biological and physical processes in membrane
bioreactors (MBR). Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 376(1-2), 56-69.
Candela A., Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani, G. (2012). Receiving water body quality assessment: an integrated
mathematical approach applied to an Italian case study. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 14(1), 30-47.
Di Bella G., Di Trapani D., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2012). Modelling of perched leachate zone formation in municipal solid
waste landfills. Waste Management 32(3), 457-463.
Dotto C. B. S., Mannina G., Kleidorfer M., Vezzaro L., Henrichs M., McCarthy D., Freni G., Rauch W., Deletic A. (2012).
Comparison of different uncertainty techniques in urban stormwater quantity and quality modelling. Water Research 46(8),
Freni G., Mannina G. (2012). Uncertainty estimation of a complex water quality model: GLUE vs Bayes with Box-Cox
transformation. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 42-44, 31-41.
Deletic A., Dotto C.B.S., Fletcher C.B.S., McCarthy D.T., Bertrand-Krajewski JL, Rauch W., Kleidorfer M., Freni G.,
Mannina G., Tait S. (2012). Harmonizing uncertainty assessment in urban water quality modelling. Physics and Chemistry
of the Earth 42-44, 3-10.
Freni G., Mannina G. (2012). The identifiability analysis for setting up measuring campaigns for integrated water quality
modelling. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 42-44, 52-60.
Mannina G., Schellart A.N.A., Tait S., Viviani G. (2012). Uncertainty in sewer sediment deposit modelling: detailed vs
simplified modelling approaches. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 42-44, 11-20.
Mannina, G., Cosenza, A., Viviani, G. (2012) Uncertainty assessment of a model for biological nitrogen and phosphorus
removal: application to a large wastewater treatment plant. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth., 42-44, 61-69.
Freni, G., Mannina, G., Montanari, A. (2012) Uncertainty in environmental and hydrological mathematical modelling.
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth., 42-44, 1-2.
Freni G., Mannina, G., Viviani G. (2012). Role of modeling uncertainty in the estimation of climate and socioeconomic
impact on river water quality. J. of Water Resources Planning and Management – ASCE, 138(5), 479–490.
Mannina G., Di Bella G. (2012). Comparing two start-up strategies for MBRs: experimental study and mathematical
modelling. Biochemical Engineering Journal, Vol 68, 91-103.
Cosenza, A., Mannina, G., Neumann, M., Viviani, G., P. Vanrolleghem. (2013) Biological nitrogen and phosphorus
removal in membrane bioreactors: Model development and parameter estimation. Bioprocess and Biosystems
Engineering, 36(4), 499-514.
Cosenza A., Di Bella G., Mannina G., Torregrossa M., Viviani G. (2013). Biological Nutrient Removal and Fouling
Phenomena in a University of Cape Town Membrane Bioreactor Treating High Nitrogen Loads. J. of Environmental
Engineering – ASCE, Vol. 139(6), 773-780.
Mannina G., Cosenza, A. (2013) The fouling phenomenon in membrane bioreactors: assessment of different strategies
for energy saving.
Journal of Membrane Science – in press.
Cosenza, A., Mannina, G., Vanrolleghem. P., Neumann, M., (2012) Global sensitivity analysis in wastewater applications:
a comprehensive comparison of different methods. Environmental Modelling and Software, (Submitted).
Cosenza, A., Mannina, G., Vanrolleghem. P., Neumann, M., (2012) Variance- based sensitivity analysis for membrane
bioreactor modelling. Water Research, (Submitted).
Mannina G., Cosenza, A., Viviani, G. (2013) The GSA-GLUE approach for uncertainty assessment of an integrated MBR
Journal of Membrane Science – (Submitted).
Cosenza A., Di Bella G., Mannina G., Torregrossa M. (2013). The role of EPS in fouling and foaming phenomena for a
membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology, (Submitted).
Pubblicazioni su libri internazionali
Mannina G., Viviani G., Freni G. (2004). Modelling the Integrated Urban Drainage Systems. In: J.-L. Bertrand-Krajewski,
M. Almeida, J. Matos and S. Abdul-Talib (Edr.): Sewer Networks and Processes within Urban Water Systems, pp. 3-12.
Ed. Water and Environment Management Series (WEMS), IWA Publishing,. ISBN: 1843395061.
Candela A., Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2009). Evaluation of diffuse and concentrated pollution at watershed scale
in impact on receiving streams due to polluted urban runoff waters. In: Paoletti, A. & Sanfilippo, U. (Edr.). “Impact on
receiving streams due to polluted urban run-off waters”, pp. 173-193. Ed. CSDU, Milano, ISBN 978-88-903223-1-0.
Pubblicazioni su atti di convegno internazionali
Mannina G., Viviani G., Freni G. (2003). Modelling the Integrated Urban Drainage Systems. Proc. 18th European Junior
Scientistics Workshop - Almograve (Portugal), 8-11 November 2003 J.-L. Bertrand-Krajewski, M. Almeida, J. Matos and S.
Abdul-Talib (eds.).
Mannina G., Viviani G., Freni G., (2004). Development of a Integrated Urban Drainage System Model for the River
Pollution Control. Atti del 5th International conference on sustainable techniques and strategies in urban water
management – NOVATECH 2004 – Lyon, 6-10 giugno 2004.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2005). Modelling urban stormwater impact mitigation by using BMPs and storage tanks.
Proceeding 10th ICUD (International Conference on Urban Drainage) - Copenhagen (Denmark), 2005.
Mannina G., Freni G., Viviani G., Sægrov S., Hafskjold L. S. (2005). Integrated Urban Water Modelling with Uncertainty
Analysis. Proceeding 10th ICUD (International Conference on Urban Drainage) - Copenhagen (Denmark), 2005.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2006). The effect of acceptability threshold on an integrated urban drainage model
uncertainty. 7th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, 4th-8th September 2006, Nice, FRANCE, ISBN:
Mannina G., Di Trapani D., Torregrossa M., Viviani G. (2006). Modelling of hybrid moving bed biofilm reactors: a pilot
plant experiment. 6th Biofilm Systems Conference, Amsterdam/The Netherlands, 24-27 September 2006.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2006). Uncertainty assessment of sewer sediment erosion modelling. Proc. SOM
Conference (Sewer Operation and Maintenance), 29-31 Agosto, Vienna.
Di Bella G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2007). A model for wastewater organic removal and fouling development in a SMBR
pilot plant. 4th International Water Association Conference on Membranes for Water and Wastewater Treatment, 15-17
May 2007, Harrogate (UK), (ISBN: 978-1-86194-127-5).
Mannina G., Viviani G. (2007). Upgrading of an existing WWTP with Hybrid Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor systems. 10th
IWA Specialised Conference Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants 9-13 September
2007, Vienna, Austria.
Di Trapani D., Mannina G., Torregrossa M., Viviani G. (2007). Hybrid moving bed biofilm reactors: a pilot plant experiment
. 10th IWA Specialised Conference Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants 9-13
September 2007, Vienna, Austria.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2007). Integrated urban drainage uncertainty assessment: the influence of the likelihood
efficiency measures. Proc. 6th International conference on sustainable techniques and strategies in urban water
management - NOVATECH 2007 - Lyon, 25-28 June 2007, (ISBN 2-9509337-7-7).
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2007). Urban drainage integrated modelling: uncertainty propagation and parameters
identifiability. Proc. 6th International conference on sustainable techniques and strategies in urban water management NOVATECH 2007 - Lyon, 25-28 June 2007, (ISBN 2-9509337-7-7).
Calabrò P.S., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2007). In sewer processes: mathematical model development and sensitivity
analysis. Proc. 5th International conference on sewer processes and networks, Delft, 29-31 August 2007.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2007). Water quality monitoring campaign design based on integrated modelling
identifiability analysis. Proc. 5th International conference on sewer processes and networks, Delft, 29-31 August 2007.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2007). Urban runoff quality modelling uncertainty assessment. Proc. 5th International
conference on sewer processes and networks. Delft, 29-31 August 2007.
Mannina G., Mancini G., Torregrossa M., Viviani G. (2007). Wastewater modification processes assessment in a
stabilization reservoir. Proc. 6th IWA Specialist conference on wastewater reclamation and reuse for sustainability,
Antwerp, Belgium, 9-12 October 2007.
Candela A., Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2008). Point and no point pollution assessment for a receiving water body
quality management. Proc. SIDISA - Simposio Internazionale di Ingegneria Sanitaria Ambientale - Firenze 24-27/06/2008 .
(ISBN 978-88-903557-0-7)
Cosenza G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2008). A model for biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal: application to a full
scale WWTP. Proc. SIDISA - Simposio Internazionale di Ingegneria Sanitaria Ambientale - Firenze 24-27/06/2008. (ISBN
Di Bella G., Mannina G., Viviani, G. (2008). Sensitivity analysis and uncertainty assessment of a SMBR model. Proc.
SIDISA - Simposio Internazionale di Ingegneria Sanitaria Ambientale - Firenze 24-27/06/2008. (ISBN 978-88-903557-0-7)
Freni G., Mannina G., Torregrosssa M., Viviani, G. (2008). The benefit effects of rainwater utilization: a long term
modelling approach. Proc. SIDISA - Simposio Internazionale di Ingegneria Sanitaria Ambientale - Firenze 24-27/06/2008. (
ISBN 978-88-903557-0-7)
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2008). Urban drainage impact assessment on receiving water body: long-term
simulation and statistical analysis. - 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 31/08 4/092008, (ISBN: 978-1-89979-621-2).
Calabrò P., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2008). Sewer as a biological reactor: mathematical modelling as aid for sewer design
issues. 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 31/08 - 4/092008, (ISBN:
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2008). Catchment-scale modelling approach for a holistic urban water quality
management. 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 31/08 - 4/09 - 2008. (ISBN:
Mannina G. Viviani G. (2008). Total emissions assessment from sewer and WWTP: a long term modelling approach. 11th
International Conference on Urban Drainage, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 31/08 - 4/09 – 2008, (ISBN: 978-1-89979-621-2).
Candela A., Freni G. Mannina G., Viviani G. (2008). Diffuse and concentrated pollution control at watershed-scale: an
Italian case study. 11th international specialised conference on watershed & river basin management 4-5 September 2008
- Budapest, Hungary.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2008). Assessment of data availability influence on integrated urban drainage modelling
uncertainty. iEMSs 2008 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Integrating Sciences and
Information Technology for Environmental Assessment and Decision Making July 7-10, 2008 - Barcelona, Catalonia.
(ISBN: 978-84-7653-074-0).
Mannina G., Viviani G. (2009). Parameter uncertainty analysis of water quality model for small river. In R. Braddock et al.
(eds) 18th IMACS World Congress - MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Cairns – Australia,
December 2009, pp. 74-80. ISBN: 978-0-9758400-7-8.
Mannina G., Viviani G. (2009). Integrated urban drainage modelling: simple vs detailed modelling approach for receiving
water quality assessment. In R. Braddock et al. (eds) 18th IMACS World Congress - MODSIM09 International Congress
on Modelling and Simulation, Cairns – Australia, December 2009, pp. 74-80. ISBN: 978-0-9758400-7-8.
Cosenza A., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2009). Parameter estimation and sensitivity analysis of a nitrogen and phosphorus
biological removal model. In R. Braddock et al. (eds) 18th IMACS World Congress - MODSIM09 International Congress
on Modelling and Simulation, Cairns – Australia, December 2009, pp. 3151-3157. ISBN: 978-0-9758400-7-8.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2009). The effect of rainfall temporal resolution on urban drainage water quality
modelling. 8th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling – Tokyo 7-13 Settembre 2009
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2009). Data availability impact on integrated modelling reliability throughout
identifiability analysis. 8th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling – Tokyo 7-13 Settembre 2009
Mannina G., Viviani G. (2009). River water quality modelling: a parsimonious model approach. 8th International
Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling – Tokyo 7-13 settembre 2009.
Freni G., Mannina G. (2009). The influence of the prior distribution on the uncertainty analysis assessment of a urban
drainage stormwater quality model. 8th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling – Tokyo 7-13 settembre
Deletic A., Dotto C.B.S., Fletcher C.B.S., McCarthy D.T., Bertrand-Krajewski JL, Rauch W., Kleidorfer M., Freni G.,
Mannina G., Tait S. (2009). Defining Uncertainties in Modelling of Urban Drainage Systems. 8th International Conference
on Urban Drainage Modelling – Tokyo 7-13 settembre 2009.
Di Trapani D., Mannina G., Torregrossa M., Viviani, G. (2009). Quantification of kinetic parameters for heterotrophic
bacteria via respirometry in a hybrid reactor. 2nd IWA Specialized Conference on Nutrient Management in Wastewater
Treatment Processes, Krakow, Poland, 6-9 September 2009, 367-377.
Mannina G., Viviani G. (2010). River water quality assessment: a hydrodynamic water quality model for propagation of
pollutants. 7th Novatech conference June 27th - July 1st – Lyon, (ISBN 978-2-917199-01-5).
Freni G., Mannina, G. (2010). Quantification of the uncertainty contributions for a complex water quality models. 7th
Novatech conference June 27th - July 1st – Lyon, (ISBN 978-2-917199-01-5).
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2010). Integrated modelling of the influence of urbanization and climate change on river
water quality. 7th Novatech conference June 27th - July 1st – Lyon, (ISBN 978-2-917199-01-5).
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2010). Evaluation of infiltration trench clogging by means of long term analysis. 7th
Novatech conference June 27th - July 1st – Lyon, (ISBN 978-2-917199-01-5).
Capodici M., Cosenza A., Di Bella G., Di Trapani D., Mannina G., Torregrossa M., Viviani G. (2010). Characterization of
wastewater and biomass activity in a membrane bioreactor using respirometric techniques. Proc. Water and Wastewater
Treatment Plants in Towns and Communities of the XXI Century: Technologies, Design and Operation, IWA, 1-4 June,
Moscow, (ISBN 978-5-9900677-9-0).
Cosenza A., Di Bella G., Mannina G., Torregrossa M., Viviani G. (2010). Biological nutrient removal in a UCT-MBR pilot.
Proc. Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants in Towns and Communities of the XXI Century: Technologies, Design and
Operation, IWA, 1-4 June, Moscow, (ISBN 978-5-9900677-9-0).
Di Bella G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2010). Comparison of a MBR system start-up with and without inoculum:
experimental and mathematical model application. Proc. Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants in Towns and
Communities of the XXI Century: Technologies, Design and Operation, IWA, 1-4 June, Moscow, (ISBN
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2010). Uncertainty propagation throughout an integrated water-quality model.
International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Modelling for Environment’s Sake, Fifth Biennial
Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, David A. Swayne, Wanhong Yang, A. A. Voinov, A. Rizzoli, T. Filatova (Eds.).
(ISBN: 978-88-903574-1-1)
Cosenza A., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2010). Uncertainty of a biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal model.
International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Modelling for Environment’s Sake, Fifth Biennial
Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, David A. Swayne, Wanhong Yang, A. A. Voinov, A. Rizzoli, T. Filatova (Eds.).
(ISBN: 978-88-903574-1-1)
Freni G., Mannina G. (2010). Uncertainty estimation of a complex water quality model: GLUE vs Bayes with Box-Cox
transformation. International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Modelling for Environment’s Sake, Fifth
Biennial Meeting, Ottawa, Canada, David A. Swayne, Wanhong Yang, A. A. Voinov, A. Rizzoli, T. Filatova (Eds.).
(ISBN: 978-88-903574-1-1)
Di Bella G., Di Trapani D., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2010). Formation of perched leachate zones in MSW landfill. From
Sanitary to Sustainable Landfilling - why, how, and when? 1st International Conference on Final Sinks 23rd – 25th
September 2010, Vienna.
Mannina G., Schellart A.N.A., Tait S., Viviani G. (2010). Uncertainty in sewer sediment deposit modelling: detailed vs
simplified modelling approaches. XXXII Hydraulics and Hydraulic Constructions, Palermo, 14-17 September 2010.
Freni G., Mannina G. (2010). The identifiability analysis for setting up measuring campaigns for integrated water quality
modelling. XXXII Hydraulics and Hydraulic Constructions, Palermo, 14-17 September 2010.
Cosenza A., Mannina G., Vanrolleghem P.A., Viviani G., Neumann, M. (2011). Global sensitivity analysis in ASM
applications: comparison of different methods. WATERmatex, San Sebastian – 20-22 June 2011.
Cosenza A., Mannina G., Neumann M., Viviani G., Vanrolleghem P.A. (2011). Modelling biological nitrogen and
phosphorus removal with soluble microbial products (SMP) production-degradation processes: application to an UCTMBR system. WATERmatex, San Sebastian – 20-22 June 2011.
Mannina, G. and Viviani, G. (2012) A mathematical model for wastewater modification processes assessment in a
stabilization reservoir. 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Belgrade September 2012. Edited by
Dušan Prodanović and Jasna Plavšić, Published by Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade (ISBN
Freni, G., Mannina, G. (2012) Notes about urban drainage systems in the ancient Rome. 9th International Conference on
Urban Drainage Modelling, Belgrade September 2012. Edited by Dušan Prodanović and Jasna Plavšić, Published by
Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade (ISBN 978-86-7518-156-9).
Mannina, G., Cosenza, A., Viviani, G., Vanrolleghem, P. and Neuwmann, M. (2012) Global sensitivity analysis for urban
water quality modelling: comparison of different methods. 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling,
Belgrade September 2012. Edited by Dušan Prodanović and Jasna Plavšić, Published by Faculty of Civil Engineering,
University of Belgrade (ISBN 978-86-7518-156-9).
Di Trapani, D., Di Bella, G., Capodici, M., Mannina, G., and Viviani, G. (2012) The Influence Of Msw Landfill Height In The
Perched Leachate Formation. ISWA Conference – Florence WORLD SOLID WASTE CONGRESS 2012 – Florence, Italy,
17-19 September – ISBN 978-88-907694-1-2.
Candela, A., Mannina, G. and Viviani, G. (2012) Multiregression analysis of the kinetic constants in ephemeral rivers: the
case study of the Oreto river. 11st SIDISA - Conference Milano, 26 – 29 June 2012. In: Proceedings of SIDISA 2012,
SIDISA 2012 Sustainable Technology for Environmental Protection, Milan 29-29/6/2012, pp. 8, 2012, pagine da 1 a 8,
ISBN: 9788890355721
Cosenza, A., Di Bella, G., Mannina, G., Torregrossa, M. and Viviani, G. (2012) The role of EPS in fouling and foaming
phenomena occurring in an UCT-MBR pilot plant. 11st SIDISA - Conference Milano, 26 – 29 June 2012. In: Proceedings
of SIDISA 2012, SIDISA 2012 Sustainable Technology for Environmental Protection, Milan 29-29/6/2012, pp. 8, 2012,
pagine da 1 a 8, ISBN: 9788890355721
Mannina, G., Di Bella, G., Giustra, M.G., and Viviani, G. (2012) Biological nutrient removal using intermittent aeration in a
hybrid moving bed biofilm reactor. 11st SIDISA - Conference Milano, 26 – 29 June 2012. In: Proceedings of SIDISA 2012,
SIDISA 2012 Sustainable Technology for Environmental Protection, Milan 29-29/6/2012, pp. 8, 2012, pagine da 1 a 8,
ISBN: 9788890355721
Mannina, G. and Viviani, G. (2012) Global sensitivity analysis in integrated water quality modelling: an application to a
real case study. 11st SIDISA - Conference Milano, 26 – 29 June 2012. In: Proceedings of SIDISA 2012, SIDISA 2012
Sustainable Technology for Environmental Protection, Milan 29-29/6/2012, pp. 8, 2012, pagine da 1 a 8, ISBN:
Cosenza, A., Mannina, G. and Viviani, G. (2012) The fouling phenomenon in membrane bioreactors: assessment of
different strategies for energy saving. 11st SIDISA - Conference Milano, 26 – 29 June 2012. In: Proceedings of SIDISA
2012, SIDISA 2012 Sustainable Technology for Environmental Protection, Milan 29-29/6/2012, pp. 8, 2012, pagine da 1 a
8, ISBN: 9788890355721
Cosenza, A., Mannina, G. and Viviani, G. (2012) The GSA-GLUE approach for uncertainty assessment of an integrated
MBR model. 6th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs) - Leipzig, Germany, July 1-5,
Di Trapani, D., Di Bella, G., Mannina, G., Torregrossa, M. and Viviani, G. (2012) Suspended and attached biomass in an
MBR system treating high strength wastewater loads. Euromebrane Conference - London September 2012.
Di Bella, G., Di Trapani, D., Mannina, G., Torregrossa, M. and Viviani, G. (2012) Suspended and attached biomass in an
MBR system treating high strength wastewater loads. Euromebrane Conference - London September 2012.
Pubblicazioni su libri nazionali
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2005). Modellazione dell’impatto dei deflussi urbani sui corpi idrici ricettori attraverso un
approccio integrato. In: Paoletti A., Piro P. Sanfilippo U.. (Edr.): La tutela idraulica ed ambientale dei territori urbanizzati.
Atti dei seminari. Parma (5-6 febbraio 2004) e Cosenza (13-15 dicembre 2004)”, Vol 1, 34-68, Ed. CSDU, Milano.
Ciraolo G., Freni G., La Loggia G., Mannina G., Napoli E., Viviani G. (2008). Controllo dell'inquinamento delle acque
meteoriche e qualità dei corpi idrici ricettori. In: L.G. Lanza (Edr.): Collana Ambiente “Acque di prima pioggia: Soluzioni
tecnologiche e innovazione” volume 31 pagg. 105-117. Ed. CIPA, Milano.
Freni G., Mannina G., Torregrossa M., Viviani, G. (2009). Sistemi localizzati di riuso delle acque meteoriche in ambito
urbano. In: L.G. Lanza (Edr.): Collana Ambiente “Riuso e risparmio delle acque reflue e meteoriche” volume 33 pagg.
105-117. Ed. CIPA, Milano. (ISBN 978-99-95591-05-6)
Pubblicazioni su atti di convegno nazionali
Freni G., Maglionico M., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2005). Valutazione dell’impatto sui corpi idrici delle acque di pioggia:
confronto tra un modello integrato fisicamente basato e uno semplificato. Atti del seminario Acqua e città - I Convegno
nazionale di idraulica urbana. Sorrento 28-30 settembre 2005.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2006). Valutazione dell’incertezza di un modello integrato di drenaggio urbano. XXX
Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche - IDRA 2006, Roma, Italy.
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2007). Valutazione dell’incertezza connessa con i modelli di qualita’ dei deflussi
meteorici in ambiente urbano. Atti II Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica Urbana "Acqua e Città" Le Meridien Chia Laguna
Resort Chia (CA) 25-28 Settembre 2007. (ISBN 978-88-900282).
Freni, G. Mannina, G. Viviani G. (2008). Analisi integrata della qualità dei deflussi meteorici in un bacino naturale
parzialmente urbanizzato. 31° Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche Perugia, 9-12 settembre 2008,
(ISBN: 978-88-6074-220-9).
Di Trapani D., Mannina G., Torregrossa M., Viviani G. (2008). Reattori a letto mobile ibridi per il trattamento di acque
reflue urbane. Proc. SIDISA - Simposio Internazionale di Ingegneria Sanitaria Ambientale - Firenze 24-27/06/2008. (ISBN
Freni G., Mannina G., Olivieri S., Viviani G. (2008). Modellazione matematica degli interventi di messa in sicurezza di un
sito contaminato. - Proc. SIDISA - Simposio Internazionale di Ingegneria Sanitaria Ambientale - Firenze 24-27/06/2008. (
ISBN 978-88-903557-0-7)
Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2009). Influenza dell’urbanizzazione sullo stato di qualità dei corpi idrici ricettori
attraverso un approccio di tipo integrato. Atti III Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica Urbana "Acqua e Città" Milano 6-9
Ottobre 2009. (ISBN 978-88-903223-3-4).
Candela A., Freni G., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2010). Valutazione dei carichi inquinanti di origine diffusa e concentrata a
scala di bacino: applicazione a un caso di studio siciliano. XXXII Convegno di Idraulica e Costruzioni idrauliche. Palermo,
14-17 Settembre 2010.
Mannina G., Viviani G. (2011). Effetti delle acque di pioggia sull’efficienza degli impianti di depurazione. Atti IV Convegno
Nazionale di Idraulica Urbana "Acqua e Città" Venezia 21-24 giugno 2011.
Candela A., Mannina G., Viviani G. (2011). La modellazione dei corsi d’acqua a carattere torrentizio: il caso di studio del
fiume Oreto. Atti IV Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica Urbana "Acqua e Città" Venezia 21-24 giugno 2011.
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