
Miriam S. De Rosa Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum

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Miriam S. De Rosa Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
Miriam S. De Rosa
Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
Miriam Stefania De Rosa
E-mail: [email protected]
June 2011 Ph.D. in Culture della Comunicazione (Culture of communication; ssd L-Art/06), Università
Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan (full 3 years scholarship + individual research at the University Sorbonne
Nouvelle – Paris 3)
Dissertation: Spazio e immagine nell’esperienza filmica contemporanea. Questioni di design e cultura
visuale. (Space and Image in the Contemporary Filmic Experience. Design and Visual Culture Issues)
Advisors: Proff. Francesco Casetti, Ruggero Eugeni
> Full evaluation in the attached supporting documents
2007 MA (with honors) in Teoria e Tecniche della Comunicazione Mediale (Theory and technologies of
media communication), Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan
Dissertation: CINEMA. Festa Internazionale di Roma: l’evento culturale e le relative strategie di marketing
esperienziale. (CINEMA. Festa Internazionale di Roma: cultural event and experiential marketing
Academic Activity
October 2014-January 2015 (ongoing) DAAD Research Grant, Goethe Universität – Frankfurt, Institut
für TFM-Filmwissenschaft
Project: Cinema and the Gallery: Encounters in the Post-media Age
Local reference: Prof. Vinzenz Hediger
> Certificate of award in the attached supporting documents
a.a. 2014-15 (ongoing) Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan
Adjunct professor for the class of Institutions of History of Cinema, ssd L-Art/06, 6 ECTS.
Keywords: history of cinema, new film history.
a.a. 2013-14; 2014-15 (ongoing) Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Varese – Como (Como campus)
Adjunct professor for the class of Cinema, photography and television, ssd L-Art/06, 11 ECTS.
Keywords: postmedia, medium specificity, post-cinema, mobile cinema, locative media, convergence,
remediation, relocation, intermediality.
a.a. 2013-14 Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan
Teaching assistant and lecturer for the seminar attached to the class of Audiovisual Media Policies (Prof.
W. Strauven), ssd L-Art/06
Keywords: tactility, experience, filmic device, mediascape, urban ethnography, field research.
a.a. 2012-13; 2013-14 Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan
Adjunct professor for the seminar of Audiovisual cultures, ssd L-Art/06, 2 ECTS.
Keywords: cinema and visual arts, intermediality, remediation, visual culture.
a.a. 2010-11; 2011-12; 2012-13 Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan
Teaching assistant and lecturer for the seminar attached to the class of Pragmatics of Media
Communication (prof. R. Eugeni), ssd L-Art/06
Keywords: experience, filmic experience, expanded cinema, screen media, sensitive environments,
relational aesthetics, video-storytelling, audiovisual geography.
a.a. 2008-9; 2009-10 Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan
Teaching assistant and lecturer for the seminar attached to the class of Communication and Citizenship
(Proff. D. Boffo, A. Zaccuri), ssd SPS-08
Keywords: visual culture, medial experience, media hyper-saturation, media consumption.
2008 – today Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan
Supervision of bachelor and master students.
2007 – today Dept. of Communication & Performing Arts, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan
Research teamwork for the following projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Education and
Action D.1/2011: Dagli urlatori agli auricolari. Il suono del cinema italiano: modi di produzione,
forme di consumo (From Shouters to Head-phones. Sound in Italian Cinema: Modes of
Production, Forms of Consumption); Scientific director, prof. Ruggero Eugeni;
Action D.3.1/2011: funding application for publishing initiatives (positive result; publication
released: M. De Rosa, Cinema e Postmedia. I territori del filmico nel contemporaneo, Postmedia
Books, Milano 2013);
Action D.1/2010: Media, autobiografismi, confidenze. La rappresentazione e il racconto di sé nel
panorama mediale contemporaneo (Media, Autobiographisms, Disclosures. Representation and
self-narration in the Contemporary Media Scenario); Scientific director, prof. Ruggero Eugeni;
Action D.1/2009: Documentare e narrare nell’epoca del 2.0. Come l’esperienza dell’utente
cambia i regimi discorsivi del testo audiovisivo (Document and Narrate in the 2.0 Age. How the
User’s Experience changes the Audio-visual Discourse); Scientific director, prof. Mariagrazia
Action D.1/2008: La dislocazione degli schermi. La creazione dei contenuti e formati mediali
nell’era del multipiattaforma (Screen Relocation - Creation of Medial Contents and Formats in the
Multi-Platform Age); Scientific director, prof. Ruggero Eugeni
Teaching assistant for the following classes:
Audiovisual Media Policies (Prof. W. Strauven)
Pragmatics of Media Communication (Proff. F. Casetti, R. Eugeni)
Cultural History of Audiovisual Media and Languages (Prof. M. Fanchi)
Media Products Marketing; Sociology of Consumption (Prof. S. Gnasso)
History of Italian Cinema (Prof. R. Della Torre)
Communication and Citizenship (Proff. D. Boffo, A. Zaccuri)
Further Professional Experiences
November 2014 – today (ongoing) CINERGIE – il cinema e le altre arti, http://www.cinergie.it
Co-editor of the section Art&Media files of the journal (texts planning, selection, scheduling and revision,
copy-editing, and publication organisation).
February 2014 – today (ongoing) NECSUS, European Journal of Media Studies, necsus-ejms.org
Co-editor of the exhibition review section of the journal (texts planning, selection, scheduling and revision,
copy-editing, and publication organisation).
August 2013 – today (ongoing) Screencity Lab – cultural association, screencitylab.net
Co-founder; Research and counselling activity dealing with multimedia, information & digital technology,
smart city, urban-screen, public art, media-architecture & informational architecture, design, digital
production and new media, heritage requalification and valorisation. Editor of Screencity Journal
(academic quarterly online publication).
June 2013 – today (ongoing) Pirate Cinema, Maldive Pavillion, 55. Biennale d’Arte di Venezia,
Member of the artistic project crew and co-curator (with Heath Iverson) of the film program presented in
the frame of the Maldive Pavillion, at the 55. Biennale d’Arte di Venezia.
October 2011 – today (ongoing) Publication Committee & NECS Graduate Workshop Organization –
European Network of Cinema and Media Studies, necs.org
Editorial collaboration, internal communication and network PR activity.
Graduates workshop full organization (scientific planning; call for papers composition and promotion,
editing, publishing; fund raising; participants selection; chairing).
List of the organized initiatives:
11th NECS Graduate Workshop, Contemporary perspectives on the City: Screen Media and
Dwelling, Milan, 17-18 June 2014 (full organisation and chairing)
10th NECS Graduate Workshop, Media Archaeology and the Digital Media, Udine, 3-4 April 2014,
(support and chairing)
6th NECS Graduate Workshop, Moving Images – Imagined Movements: Mobility in/of Film,
Vienna, 28 February - 1 March 2013, (full organisation and chairing)
4th NECS Graduate Workshop, Identities in Motion. New Visual Media Strategies, Lisbon, 19-20
June 2012 (full organisation and chairing)
September 2011 – today (ongoing) Bachelor students’ Internship co-coordinator (LiMed) – Università
Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan
Human resources selection; internal/external communication; general coordination of the activation,
evaluation and academic attestation procedures; organisation of workshop activities for bachelor
June 2010 – today (ongoing) International Master in Cinema and Audiovisual Studies – Almed |
Department of Communication & Performing Arts, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan,
General project secretary (planning and reporting of international activities, interface with international
partners, project communication, web content provider); students scientific and administrative mentor
(research projects consulting; participants selection, management of incoming/outcoming procedures).
April 2011 – June 2011 Soundtrack. Il cinema che si sente – Almed
Undergraduates summer school organisation; academic coordinator; students mentor.
2009 – 2011 Ph.Ds Delegate – Ph.D. school in Culture della comunicazione, Università Cattolica del
Sacro Cuore, Milan
Graduate students’ delegate at the Department of Communication & Performing Arts Council.
Fall 2008 – Fall 2011 Cinéma et Cie. – International Film Studies Journal, cinemaetcie.net
Member of the editorial staff (texts revision, copy-editing, peer-review process and publication
January – December 2010 Master in Comunicazione e promozione del cinema – Almed
Initiative organisation and management; event project manager (round tables planning and release, open
lectures, unconventional PR and promotion).
May – December 2007 Labmedia – Media research and consulting
Junior researcher
Foreign Languages Skills
English: excellent written and oral
French: good written and oral
German: basic written and oral
Foreign languages certificates:
English: DAAD language assessment issued by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan; First
Certificate English (FCE) issued by University of Cambridge; TOEPE Test issued by Melton College, York
UK; Michigan Test issued by Tulane University, New Orleans LA.
German: Zertificat Deutsch issued by Goethe-Institut (Milan, Italy).
Archive of/for the Future, NECS 2015 Conference, University of Lodz, 18-20 June 2015
(submission accapted)
paper title: “Spatializing the Archive: from Tabletop Performance to Desktop Cinema”
A switched-on TV: the arts in the black and white of the cathode ray tube, Université de
Montréal, exp. 25 March 2015 (submission accepted)
paper title: “TV/Video/Video-art: trajectories across the cathode ray tube and the white
SCMS 2015, Concordia University @ Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth, exp. 26 March 2015
(submission accepted)
Paper title: “Mapping post-cinema: space-image and the neo-places of the cinematic.”
panel chairing – Theorizing Post-cinema: the cinematic in and out of the theatre
XXII Udine International Film Studies Conference, University of Udine, exp. 16-20 march 2015
paper title: Contaminated History of Art and Film: Thinking Topologically
Lecture, Ruhr University, Bochum, exp. 15 January 2015
lecture title: Cinema Outside Cinema
Video Art, 3rd Research Forum at the Alternative Video/Film Festival, Belgrade, 11 December
invited as a respondent
Envisioning Beethoven, Kernel Mapping Cinema, Villa Tittoni Traversi, Desio (MI), 26
September 2014
public talk and chairing: “3D cinema and videomapping”
Landscape and environment, Screen Studies Conference, University of Glasgow, 28 June
paper title: “Personal landscapes. Amos Gitai’s installations and the figure of home”!
Creative energies | Creative industries, NECS 2014 Conference, Università Cattolica del
Sacro Cuore, Milan, 19 June 2014
paper title: “Constructing creativity: Yervant Gianikian’s and Angela Ricci Lucchi’s
analytical camera” (with Greg de Cuir, Jr.)
Contemporary Perspectives on the City: Screen Media & Dwelling, 11th NECS Graduates
Workshop, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, 17-18 June 2014
opening and chairing
Media Archaeology and Digital Media, 10th NECS Graduates Workshop, University of Udine,
4 April 2014
panel chairing
XXI Udine International Film Studies Conference, University of Udine, 3 April 2014
paper title: “In between archaeology and intermediality. !Notes on Yervant Gianikian and
Angela Ricci Lucchi’s installations”
Fragmentation, 2nd Research Forum at the Alternative Video/Film Festival, Belgrade, 12
December 2013
paper title: “Frammenti elettrici. Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi’s cinematic
Cosmopolitan Screens, Screen Studies Conference, University of Glasgow, 29 June 2013
paper title: “Being there: the Subject before Cosmopolitanism”!
Media Politics – Political Media, NECS 2013 Conference, Charles University, Prague, 20-22
June 2013
paper title: “The Eye in Captivity. Reflections on Surveillance Practices through the Prism
of Harun Farocki’s Work”!;
panel chairing Identity Policies – New Visual Media Strategies and Phenomenology
Media Environments – Esperienze a confronto, Media Environments Workshop, Polytechnic
of Milan, Mantua campus, 19 April 2013
paper title: “Screencity, postcinema e cultura dell’interdisciplinarità. Note metodologiche”
Expanded Cinema, Postgraduates Study Day, University of St. Andrews, 3 April 2013
paper title: “Expanding the Notion of Cinema. Notes on Moving Images in Everyday
XI MAGIS – International Film Studies Spring School, University of Udine – Gorizia, 17 March
paper title | section postcinema: “The ‘Cartographic Paradox’ in Film and After #3:
Contemporary Visual Arts and Desire to Be (Here)”
Moving Images – Imagined Movements: Mobility in/of Film, 6th NECS Graduates Workshop,
University of Vienna, 28 February – 1 March 2013
Pirate Cinema: an Installation about Cinema and Mobility: public conversation with artist
Ehsan Fardjadniya;
panel chairing Framing Mobility
Cinema of Intimacy, SERCIA Conference – XVII edition, Dijon, Burgundy University,
September 2012
paper title: “Architetture della Memoria: the Moving Image as Home of Intimacy”
Digital Crossroads, Utrecht University, June 2012 – panel chairing Diaspora and the Space
paper title: “Geo-cultural Displacements. Notes for a Migratory Aesthetics of the Self in
Bordercapes III, University of Trieste, 28 June 2012
paper title: “Betwixt and between: Notes for a Migratory Aesthetics of the Self in Space”
Time Networks: Screen Media and Memory, NECS 2012 Conference, New University of
Lisbon and Coimbra, 23 June, 2012
paper title: “Geo-cultural Displacements. Notes for a Migratory Aesthetics of the Self in
Identities in Motion – New Visual media Strategies, 4th NECS Graduates Workshop, New
University of Lisbon and Coimbra, 19-20 June 2012
Panel chairing
Media/City: New Spaces, New Aesthetics, Milan, Triennale Museum, 9 June 2012
paper title: “Cinematic Architectures INSITU. New spaces, New Aesthetics and the Visual
Urban Imagery”
Media and the City, conference organized by ECREA Temporary Workshop Group, Università
Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, 10 February 2012
paper title: “Cinematic Architectures INSITU. Notes on the Participatory Construction of a
Visual Urban Imagery”
PAESAGGIO 150. Sguardi sul paesaggio italiano tra conservazione, trasformazione e
progetto in 150 anni di storia, National conference, University of Reggio Calabria, 6 October
paper title: “Sensitive City. Note per la costruzione di un paesaggio antropologico tra
identità e rappresentazione del territorio”
Blurring Boundaries/Contested Geographies, 3rd NECS Graduates Workshop, Faculty of
Dramatic Arts – Belgrade, 30 September 2011
paper title: “Geo-cultural Displacements: Adrian Paci's Centro di permanenza
IX MAGIS – International Film Studies Spring School, THE ARCHIVE. Memory, Cinema, Video
and the Image of the Present, University of Udine – Gorizia, 10 April 2011
paper title | section cinema and other arts: “Lupercyclopedia. Moving Image and Living
Cinéma et art Contemporain III, Paris, INHA, 7 July 2010
paper title: “Origins II. Cinematic Interpretations of Migration and Displacement - or, For
an Ecology of Origins”
VIII MAGIS – International Film Studies Spring School, Cinema & Contemporary Visual Arts V.
Audiovisual Geographies, University of Udine – Gorizia, 20 March 2010
paper title | section postmedia: “David Rockwell’s Hall of Fragments. Looking for Film’s
Genius as a Medium through Audiovisual Geographies”
Cinéma et art Contemporain II, Paris, INHA, 6 July 2009
paper title: (Re-) designing tracks. A reflection on walking practice as trait-d-union
between art and new trends of contemporary cinema
Cinéma et art Contemporain I, Paris, INHA, 25 April 2008
paper title: “To look, to wander: Cinema in Installations”
Monographic volumes
Cinema e Postmedia. I territori del filmico nel contemporaneo, Postmedia Books, Milan 2013
(English translation under consideration).
Chapters in edited volumes
Frammenti elettrici. Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi’s cinematic embroidery, in G.
deCuir Jr (ed.), On fragmentation. Alternative Film/Video Research Forum, 2012-2013,
Student City Cultural Center, Belgrade 2014: 28-33 (English and Serbian translation).
Sensitive City. Note per la costruzione di un paesaggio antropologico tra identità e
rappresentazione del territorio, in A. Villari, M.A. Arena (eds.), PAESAGGIO 150. Sguardi sul
paesaggio italiano tra conservazione, trasformazione e progetto in 150 anni di storia, Aracne,
Rome 2013: 254-258.
Cinematic architectures INSITU: Notes on the participatory construction of a visual urban
imagery, in S. Tosoni, M. Tarantino, C. Giaccardi (eds.), Media & The City Urbanism,
Technology and Communication, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne,
2013: 165-180.
Origins II. Cinematic Interpretations of Migration and Displacement - or, For an Ecology of
Origins, in C. D’Alonzo, K. Slock, Ph. Dubois (eds.), Cinéma, critique des images,
Campanotto, Udine 2012: 133-139.
(Re-) designing tracks. A reflection on walking practice as trait-d-union between art and new
trends of contemporary cinema, in Ph. Dubois, F. Monvoisin, E. Biserna (eds.), Extended
Cinema. Le cinéma gagne du terrain, Campanotto, Udine 2010: 36-45.
Peer-reviewed articles
“Poetics and politics of the trace: Notes on surveillance practices through Harun Farocki’s
work”, in «NECSUS» Traces, (5) Spring 2014, available on line at http://www.necsusejms.org/poetics-politics-trace-notes-surveillance-practices-harun-farockis-work/
“Il tableau vivant come strategia dell’azione: I colori della passione di Majewski”, in «Fata
Morgana. Quadrimestrale di Cinema e Visioni», Azione, (23) 2014: 191-197.
“Crowd, Space and the Movie Theater Lure. Notes on Contemporary Off/Online Moviegoing”,
in «Cinergie. Il cinema e le altre arti», (4) November 2013, (with Chuck Tryon), available on line
at http://www.cinergie.it/?p=3180.
“Image, Space, and the Contemporary Filmic Experience”, in «Cinéma & Cie. International
Film Studies Journal», European TV Series!/Séries TV Européennes, A. Autelitano, V. Innocenti
(eds.), (19) Fall 2012: 119-130.
“The Place of the Self. Autoethnographic Filmic Writings and Space”, in «Comunicazioni
Sociali», The Autoethnographical Impulse. Self-Reflexivity and Rootedness in the Age of
Intermediality, A. Cati, G. Franchin (eds.), Vita e Pensiero, Milano (3) 2012: 529-542.
“Oltre i media, oltre il visibile. Per una fondazione teorica e metodologica dei Postcinema
Studies”, in «Bianco e Nero»,Tendenze della ricerca sul cinema in Italia, (573) 2012: 48-59.
“Innovative persistenze. Ruolo e immaginario della sala al MAshRome Film Fest”, in «Cinergie.
Il cinema e le altre arti», (2) November 2012, available on line at
“Women without Men: Shirin Neshat e la spazializzazione del femminile”, in «Comunicazioni
Sociali», Il teatro al femminile: declinazioni e incroci di due differenze, L. Aimo, A. Frattali (eds.),
Vita e Pensiero, Milano (1) 2012: 152-169.
“Utopia dell’origine. Riflessioni su migrazione, dispersione, assenza e presenza”, in «Fata
Morgana. Quadrimestrale di Cinema e Visioni», Origine, (16) 2012: 217-222.
“I tesori dell’effimero. Wunderkammern, creazioni filmiche e il potere magico dell’immagineoggetto”, in «Comunicazioni Sociali», Media e Magia. Secolarizzazione dell'esperienza magica,
usi magici dei media, C. Giaccardi, S. Tosoni (eds.), Vita e Pensiero, Milano (3) 2011: 289-307
(with Alice Cati).
“La traccia tra sorveglianza, disseminazione, territorializzazione. Per una variazione sul tema”,
in «Comunicazioni Sociali», Lasciare tracce, essere tracciati, F. Casetti (ed.), Vita e Pensiero,
Milano (1) 2010: 48-61.
“The Filmic Experience: a Map”, in «Cinéma & Cie. International Film Studies Journal»
Relocation, (11) Fall 2008, F. Casetti (ed.), Carocci, Roma 2008: 65-66 (published as The
Light Brigade with F. Casetti et. ali.).
“To look, to wander: Cinema in Installations”, in «Cinéma & Cie. International Film Studies
Journal» Relocation, (11) Fall 2008, F. Casetti (ed.), Carocci, Roma 2008: 31-39.
“Media-façade Innovation Strategies: Looking for new Aesthetics and Sustainability Drivers.
An Interview with Mirjam Struppek”, in «Screencity Journal», (1) January-April 2013, S.
“Elusioni e rivelazioni. L’ombra come metafora e strategia visuale nella videoarte
contemporanea”, in «Elephant&Castle. Laboratorio dell’immaginario», (5) 2012, available on
“Lupercyclopedia. Moving Image and Living Archive”, in «Comunicazioni Sociali on line»,
Conferences 2010|11, (5) 2011, available online at http://www.vitaepensiero.it/schedafascicolo_contenitore_digital/autori-vari/comunicazioni-sociali-2011-csonline-5-conferencesdottorato-di-ricerca-in-culture-della-comunicazione-dipartimento-di-scienze-dellacomunicazione-e-dello-spettacolo-001200_2011_0012-225721.html
“David Rockwell’s Hall of Fragments. Looking for Film’s Genius as a Medium through
Audiovisual Geographies”, in «Comunicazioni Sociali on line», Conferences 2009, (3) 2010,
available online at http://www.comunicazionisocialionline.it/2010/3/6/.
“Forme dell’abitare. Pratiche di tracciabilità fra Mondo e Reale”, in «Comunicazioni Sociali on
line», Media e città, (1) 2009, available online at http://www.vitaepensiero.it/schedaarticolo_digital/miriam-de-rosa-glenda-franchin/forme-dellabitare-pratiche-di-tracciabilita-framondo-e-reale-001200_2009_0011_0002-155398.html (with Glenda Franchin).
“Non Non Non – Visiting the exhibition with Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi”,
exhibition review, in «NECSUS», Tangibility, (2) Autumn 2012, available on line at
Dictionary entries
Semiotica degli Oggetti, in D.E. Viganò (ed.), Dizionario della Comunicazione, Carocci, Rome
2009: 541-546.
Semiotica e Design, in D.E. Viganò (ed.), Dizionario della Comunicazione, Carocci, Rome
2009: 546-550.
Semiotica e Spazialità, in D.E. Viganò (ed.), Dizionario della Comunicazione, Carocci, Rome
2009: 573-578.
Peer-reviewed chapter in book – Lupercyclopedia. Notes on the archive in the age of live
cinema, in C.G. Saba, F. Federici, Cinema and Art as Archive: Form, Medium, Memory,
Mimesis, Milan: 2014.
Peer-reviewed article – Intermediality, media-archaeology, and the gallery. Notes on Yervant
Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi’s video installations, in At the Borders of (Film) History.
Temporality, Archaeology, Theories, FILMFORUM 2014 proceedings, Forum, Udine 2015.
Review – Creative Energies, Creative Industries, conference review, in «Aniki. Portuguese
Journal of the Moving Image» Expanded Cinema, Susana Viegas (ed.), vol. 2 (1) 2015: 385392.
Review – América Latina 1960 – 2013, exhibition review, in «Cinéma & Cie. International Film
Studies Journal» Archives in human pain. Circulation, persistence, migration, (23) Fall 2014,
Vicente Sánchez-Biosca, Alice Cati (eds.), Carocci, Roma 2015.
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