
Tradizione e tecnologia per l`e-business siciliano di successo.

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Tradizione e tecnologia per l`e-business siciliano di successo.
Integrazione di sistemi
CREATEL Kick-off meeting
Zaragoza – 14.02.03
Fabio Maria Montagnino
Easy Integrazione di Sistemi, CREATEL Project account
Easy Integrazione di Sistemi
Easy Integrazione di Sistemi has been
started in 1996 as a spin-off of the
Department of Physics of the University
of Palermo with the support of the
European regional Business Innovation
Our mission
The mission of Easy is to develop new
methodologies and IT systems for the
business cooperation and the
knowledge management.
Our IT qualification
IBM Business Partner
Lotus Business Partner
Microsoft Certified Partner
TIVOLI Business Partner
ISO 9001 Certification
 Study analysis, design, production, sales,
maintenance and assistance of ICT
systems and their parts.
R&D Projects
A.QU.I.L.A. Applicazioni informatiche per la QUalità nell’Industria e
nelle Lavorazioni Artigiane, for the development of Object Orieneted
modules for the quality control in the SMB, financed by the Italian
Research Ministry
ViPlast_2 – HPC based Visual inspection of moulded Plastic
component, financed by the 4° RSD Framework dell’UE, with the
aim of the development of quality control system for the
thermoplastic industry
M.O.S.A.I.C.O., Metodologie ad Oggetti per lo Sviluppo di
Applicazioni Informatiche per il Controllo delle Organizzazioni,
financed by the EU, with the aim to build software objects for the
business collaboration
P.I.Q. project
The aim of this project, financed by the Italian Research
Ministry and managed by the Scientific Park of Sicily,
was the improvement of the technical skills and of the
quality processes of the IT companies in Sicily
Thanks to PIQ support, Easy has developed a Total
Quality Management approach on the basis of the
EFQM model.
Easy fact sheet
Turnover: 1,5 M€
Personnel: 20 people
50% is graduated
Easy is part of Elios Holding Group listed in the
Italian Stock Exchange
Easy is member of the Industrial Trust of
Palermo (Confindustria)
In January 2000 Easy has started a business
incubator in order to be able to afford the
market with a very wide and complete mix of
Ticonzero network of competence
Actually, coordinating the companies of the
incubator, we are able to:
 develop
software modules in the most
common environments and RDBMSs
 design and build local and geographical
 design complex web sites, as e-commerce or
vortals, including the graphics
Ticonzero network of competence
set up collaborative intranets in both Lotus
and Microsoft platforms
design and build GIS
set up CAD/CAM systems in the small
develop e-learning systems and set up
educational projects in the IT field
…larger networks
Integrazione di sistemi
Venture capital
Business incubator
Regional and national
business networks
Fly UP