
Buongiorno - Edinburgh Modern Languages

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Buongiorno - Edinburgh Modern Languages
Italian Level 1
1. Greetings
Build into daily routines starting with Buongiorno and Arrivederci and then gradually
adding in more vocabulary as learners progress.
Buongiono a tutti!
Buongiorno Signora for a teacher MAESTRA!
Buongiorno Signore for a teacher MAESTRO!
Facciamo l’appello!
Fate la nanna!
Buona notte!
Buon fine settimana!
A demain!
Hello everyone!
Hello Miss
Hello Sir
We will take the register
Go to sleep
Good night!
Have a nice weekend
See you tomorrow!
Buongiorno a tutti!
Buongiorno Maestra!
Buongiorno Maestro!
Facciamo l’appello!
A domani!
Buon fine settimana!
Facciamo la nanna
Buona notte!
Embedding the language
Using the greetings as part of everyday routine in class e.g.
Buongiorno at the start of everyday, a domani at the end of
the day and bon week-end on a Friday at the end of the
school day!
Do the register in Italian each morning – teacher says,
“Facciamo l’appello” and pupils respond with “buongiorno”.
Use a Buongiorno and/or an Arrivedeci at the start and end of
each day.
Sample activities
You will find a bank of sample activities which you can use to
practise the vocabulary in the classroom.
This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or
adapt them to suit the needs of your class.
Buongiorno e arrivedeci
1. Pupils walk around the class whilst some Italian
music plays. As they walk around, they should
greet each other saying Buongiorno!
2. Teacher then plays more lively music and everyone
skips and mimes wearing a backpack and waving to
each other and saying “a domani!” to each other.
3. Music gets even livelier and pupils now dance about
saying “buon fine settimana!”
4. Lastly the music is sad and they pretend to cry
and look sad, waving each other goodbye saying
Ascoltate la musica…
…dite buongiorno...
E fate buongiorno con
la mano!
Ascoltate la musica…
…dite a domani...
E fate a domani con la
Ascoltate la musica…
…dite buon fine
E fate il saluto con la
mano !
Ascoltate la musica…
…dite arrivederci...
E fate il saluto con la
Songs and videos!
You will find a bank of sample songs and videos which you can use
to practise the vocabulary in the classroom.
This is not a prescriptive list of songs and you can use or adapt
them to suit the needs of your class.
You will find a set of more supported activities in Early Feelings
and more challenging activities in Level 2 Feelings.
Ciao ao ao
Ciao ao ao ao
Ciao ao ao aoa
Ciao ao ao ao ao
Ciao ao ao per te che cuciniamo questo ciao ao ao
Un dolce di finissimo cacao ao ao
L’assaggia pure il gatto e dice miao ao ao
ricetta per cantare insieme ciao ao ao
Ricetta per cantare
Ciao ao ao ao ao ao
Ciao ao ao ao ao
Ciao ao ao ao ao
Ciao ao ao per te che cuciniamo questo ciao ao ao
Un dolce di finissimo cacao ao ao
L’assaggia pure il gatto e dice miao ao ao
ricetta per cantare insieme ciao ao ao
Ricetta per cantare
Ciao ao ao ao ao ao
Ciao ao ao ao ao ao
Ciao ao ao ao ao ao
La canzone dell’arrivederci
La canzone dell’arrivederci
BEAR:è stato divertente
LUNA: giocare in allegria
BEAR:cè un solo inconveniente INSIEME:che il
tempo vola via BEAR:addio addio amici addio
INSIEME: noi ci dobbiamo lasciare BEAR:ma
ehi,io dico che è ok
LUNA: io non vedo l'ora di tornare
BEAR: voglio ritornare
INSIEME: addio addio amici addio
LUNA: addio
BEAR: ma venite domani
INSIEME: da noooi..la luna e l'orso nella casa
blu,torneranno per giocare con voi,qui con voi..qui
con voi..
BEAR: ciao ciao luna ciaooo
English vertion http://youtu.be/NdgveC5xeNU
Luna: We hope you liked it too
Bear: Seems like we've just begun
Both: When suddenly we're through
Bear: Goodbye, goodbye, good friends, goodbye
Both: Cause now it's time to go
Bear: But, hey, I say, well, that's OK
Luna: Cause we'll see you very soon, I know
Bear: Very soon, I know
Both: Goodbye, goodbye, good friends, goodbye
Bear: And tomorrow, just like today
Luna: (Goodbye - today)
The moon, the bear and the Big Blue House
We'll be waiting for you to come and play
To come and play, to come and play
Fly UP