
Visconti Catalogue in pdf

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Visconti Catalogue in pdf
collection 2011
For over twenty years the name ‘Visconti’ has been synonymous
of extraordinarily elegant writing instruments coming from very
intense historical and technological researches. Throughout
its entire range of fountain pens, rollers and ball-pens
Visconti offers a broad assortment of high quality items
all showing strong characters and features.
The director of this Florentine company
founded in 1988 is Dante Del Vecchio,
deus ex machina of strong creative
dynamism,the same feature that we
Here the incessant love for culture and the passion
can find in Visconti’s creations. His
for innovation, together with the rediscovering of
personal passion for historical
handicraft and the development of always new and
fountain pens is at the basis of
more sophisticated writing systems melt with the
his endless search for always
unforgettable coloured shapes, design and naturalness of
new expressions in writing
Visconti items making them inimitable. All these features are
instruments art.
at the basis of the concept for the creation of always new and
striking writing instruments for their contents, technological
innovation and forms.
Every pen tells a story: of art, archaeology, philosophy, mathematics,
literature, ancient and contemporary history and not only. Visconti
gives always a tribute to the signs of human culture. According to this
concept pens cease to be a simple writing instrument to become canvases
on which new artistic expressions are painted and new deep emotions are
Celluloid, the material considered the gold of writing instrument world, is
the main feature of the collections by Visconti that employs also alternative
materials like ancient ivory, ebonite, lucite; all acrylic or high-tech ones like
titanium and carbon fibre together with the most precious metals according
to the classical Florentine tradition, as gold, silver and fine jewellery materials.
Visconti has acted
on several occasions as
official sponsor of significant
and highly cultural events of
international fame. The first of these,
according to its historical importance,
signing the end of the Cold War, was the
Treaty NATO-Russia in May 28, 2002.
On that occasion Visconti fountain pens
have been selected for their unquestionable
character and their appeal in order to officially
sign this historical agreement. The most recent
of these was the G8 Summit in L’ Aquila. On
the occasion the fountain pen was selected by the
Italian government as complementary gift to the
participating prime-ministers and heads-of-state.
Il nome Visconti è da vent’anni sinonimo di strumenti per
la scrittura di straordinaria ricercatezza storica e tecnologica.
Stilografiche, penne a sfera e roller: Visconti offre una vasta
gamma di articoli di alta qualità e dalla forte personalità.
Fondata nel 1988, l’azienda fiorentina è guidata da
Dante Del Vecchio, deus ex machina del dinamismo creativo
che pervade le creazioni Visconti. La sua personale passione per le
penne d’epoca ha generato il desiderio di nuove espressioni dell’arte
della scrittura. Amore per la cultura e passione per l’innovazione,
riscoperta delle lavorazioni artigianali e sviluppo di sistemi sempre più
sofisticati si fondono con impasti di colore indimenticabili, di design e
naturalezza che rendono le penne Visconti inconfondibili.
Ogni penna parla di
arte, archeologia, filosofia,
matematica, letteratura,
storia o attualità e non
solo. Visconti rende
sempre omaggio a quello
che ha lasciato il segno
nella cultura dell’uomo.
La penna cessa di essere
un mero strumento di
scrittura e diventa la tela
su cui dipingere nuove
espressioni artistiche,
per comunicare nuove
profonde emozioni.
La celluloide, il materiale
considerato oro per gli
intenditori di penne,
contraddistingue la
collezione Visconti, oltre
ad una estesa gamma di
materiali alternativi quali
l’avorio antico, l’ebanite,
la lucite e i materiali
acrilici, nonché i materiali
altamente tecnologici
come il titanio e la fibra di
carbonio ai quali vengono
applicati, secondo la
più classica tradizione
fiorentina, oro, argento e
materiali di alta gioielleria.
Visconti è, ed è stata sponsor ufficiale
di eventi significativi e culturali di alta risonanza
internazionale. Primo tra tutti, per la sua importanza
storica, il trattato Nato-Russia del 28 maggio 2002, che ha
segnato la fine della guerra fredda. Le stilografiche Visconti sono
state selezionate per il loro carattere indiscusso e il loro carisma,
per sancire questo accordo storico. Recentemente ha affiancato
molti degli eventi prestigiosi in Italia e all’Estero, ultimo tra i
quali il G8 de L’Aquila. Anche in questa occasione la penna,
rigorosamente stilografica, è stata scelta dal Governo
Italiano come omaggio ai Capi di Stato e di
Governo e personalizzata per l’evento.
limited edition
Princely Wedding
Special Edition Commemorative Pen
Limited Edition to 388 Fountain Pens / Rollerball
Sterling Silver handmade filigree 18Kt. Rose Gold plated on ivory color organic resin
Double Reservoir Power Filler™ filling system
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
Hand made solid wood box lacquered in pearl white with official wedding logo embossed
Declaration of Independence 1776
silver edition
Limited Edition to 776 Fountain Pens worldwide or Roller in Silver
Scrimshaw artwork
Aged 925 Sterling Silver trims
Power Filler™ filling system
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
gold edition
Limited Edition to 76 Fountain Pens worldwide in 18Kt. Gold
Scrimshaw artwork
Aged 18Kt. Rose Gold trims
Power Filler™ filling system
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
Mecca & Medina
Mystic Pen Collection
the mecca
Limited Edition to 622 Silver Fountain Pens
Limited Edition to 62 Fountain Pens in 18Kt. Rose Gold
Roller is available not numbered
Black resin material with ink scrimshaw in Gold Lacquering
Power Filler™ Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
the medina
Limited Edition to 622 Vermeil Silver Fountain Pens
Limited Edition to 62 Fountain Pens in 18Kt. Rose Gold
Roller is available not numbered
Green and ivory resin dressed with handmade filigree
Power Filler™ Filling system
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
Carbon Dream
Limited Edition to 993 Fountain Pens worldwide
Carbon fibre cut in Ripple patterns on ‘demonstrator’ transparent resin
Metal trims in Titanium grade 5
Double Reservoir Power Filler™ filling system
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
“Most Creative Use of Materials”
Homo Sapiens Bronze
Visconti by Mazzi
Limited Edition to 388 Fountain Pens worldwide
Basaltic Lava from the Etna volcano
Airbrush Painting by Maestro Claudio Mazzi
High Vacuum Power Filler Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
The Golden Man
the golden man hrh
Limited Edition to 18 Fountain Pens worldwide
Yellow Gold 750 18Kt. with red lacquering
Artwork in Yellow Gold 750 18Kt. lost wax
250 white diamonds on the clip and the barrel for 2,5Kt.
Power Filler Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
the golden man vermeil
Limited Edition to 388 Fountain Pens worldwide
Silver 925 vermeil with red lacquering
Artwork in Silver 925 vermeil lost wax
Power Filler Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
“Pen of the Year”
venetia silver
Limited Edition to 421 Fountain Pens worldwide
Black resin and Silver 925 filigree
Converter filling system
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in one tones
venetia vermeil
Limited Edition to 99 fountain pens worldwide
Blue bronze Acryloid and vermeil Filigree
Converter filling system
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
Divina Black G8 Summit
Limited Edition to 2009 Fountain Pens worldwide
Black Lucite
Silver 925
Pull & Turn Piston Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
Summit Nato-Russia
Limited Edition to 2002 Fountain Pens worldwide
Black Lucite
Power Filler™ Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
Supernatural Creatures
Maki-e Collection
Limited Edition to 188 Fountain Pens worldwide
Dragon and Phoenix, Pegasus & Chimera, Anubi, Ogres, Maya
Celluloid ivory colour
Maki-e Taka-Hira-Raden
Double Reservoir Power Filler™ filling system
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
Visconti Tarots
Maki-e Collection
Limited Edition to 78 Fountain Pens worldwide
Collection of 4 Fountain Pens:
the Chariot and the Wheel of Fortune,
the World and the Lovers,
the Sun and the Moon,
the Devil and the Tower
Vegetal Resin material with Maki-e by Soukou Oshita
Double Reservoir Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
Four Seasons
Maki-e Collection
Limited Edition to 188 Fountain Pens worldwide
Ebonite material with four seasons Maki-e by Soukou Oshita
first Class Urushi Lacquering
Double Reservoir Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
The Gordian Knot
the gordian knot gold
Limited Edition to 188 Fountain Pens and Roller worldwide
18Kt. solid gold 750
Gordian knot artwork in guilloché fine engraving
“Push & Turn” piston Filling System
18Kt. gold nib
the gordian knot silver
Limited Edition to 288 Fountain Pens worldwide
Silver 925
Gordian knot artwork in guilloché fine engraving
“Push & Turn” piston Filling System
14Kt. gold nib
the gordian knot gun metal
Limited Edition to 288 Fountain Pens worldwide
Silver 925
Gordian knot artwork in guilloché fine engraving
“Push & Turn” piston Filling System
14Kt. gold nib
ripple hrh
Limited Edition to 39 Fountain Pens worldwide
Filigree AU 750 White Gold on black resin
Pavè with over 650 white diamonds
Double Reservoir Power Filler™ filling system
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
ripple gold
Limited Edition to 199 Fountain Pens worldwide
Filigree 18 Kt. Solid Gold 750 on clear demo resin
Double Reservoir Power Filler™ filling system
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
The Bible
Mystic Pen Collection
Limited Edition to 999 Fountain Pens worldwide
Vermeil Silver
(scrimshaw artwork painted by Maestro Claudio Mazzi)
Sterling Silver (black scrimshaw)
Limited Edition to 199 Rollers worldwide
Vermeil Silver
(scrimshaw artwork painted by Maestro Claudio Mazzi)
Sterling Silver (black scrimshaw)
Limited Edition to 99 Fountain Pens worldwide
Antique Gold 750
(scrimshaw artwork painted by Maestro Claudio Mazzi)
Antique Gold 750 (sepia scrimshaw)
Ivory coloured resin material
Power Filler™ Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones with ivory feeder
Divina Proporzione HRH
divina proporzione hrh
white gold
Limited Edition to 60 Fountain Pens worldwide
Celluloid briar colour
Push & Pull Touch Down Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
divina proporzione hrh
yellow gold
Limited Edition to 60 Fountain Pens worldwide
Celluloid briar colour
Push & Pull Touch Down Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
Around 480 Diamonds in two different sizes
(7 carats in total, 59 diamonds on the nib)
The Forbidden City
the forbidden city silver
Limited Edition to 888 Fountain Pens worldwide
Silver Ag 925 / Blue Resin
Power Filler™ Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
the forbidden city gold
Limited Edition to 88 Fountain Pens worldwide
18 Kt. Yellow Gold / Red Resin
Power Filler™ Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
the forbidden city hrh
Limited Edition to 38 Fountain Pens worldwide
18 Kt. White Gold / Black Resin
Power Filler™ Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
Jung Alchemy
jung alchemy silver-vermeil
Limited Edition to 1038 Fountain Pens worldwide
Red Vegetal Resin
Eyedropper Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
jung alchemy white-yellow gold
Limited Edition to 238 Fountain Pens worldwide
Red Vegetal Resin
Eyedropper Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
jung alchemy hrh white-yellow gold
Limited Edition to 38 Fountain Pens worldwide
Red Vegetal Resin
Eyedropper Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
Limited Edition to 1988 Pens worldwide
Acryloid material
Piston Filler Filling System
14 Kt. Gold nib
Edvard Munch
Limited Edition to 388 Fountain Pens worldwide
Black Resin
Piston Filling System
14 Kt. Gold nib
Wall Street
Limited Edition to 4000 Fountain Pens worldwide
Celluloid Mother of pearl
Double Reservoir Power Filler™ Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
blue, ivory, red, black
Fountain Pen, Roller, Fountainroller, Ballpoint
Variegated Resin
Cartridge / Converter Filling System
Steel nib
Magnetic lock
“Most Incredible Value”
Van Gogh
sunflowers, starry night, room in arles
Fountain Pen, Roller, Fountainroller, Ballpoint, Pencil
Natural Vegetal Resin
Coverter Filling System or Cartridge
Steel nib
Fountain Pen, Roller, Fountainroller, Ballpoint, Pencil
Natural Resin
Coverter Filling System or Cartridge
14 Kt. Gold nib
Magnetic lock
150° Unità Italia
Fountain Pen, Roller, Fountainroller, Ballpoint
Natural Resin
Coverter Filling System or Cartridge
14 Kt. Gold nib
Homo Sapiens
Fountain Pen, Roller, Ballpoint, Pencil
Basaltic Lava of Etna Volcano
High Vacuum Power Filler Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
“Best Writing Pen”
Wall Street
Fountain Pen, Roller, Ballpoint, Pencil
Celluloid Mother of pearl
Converter Filling System
23 Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in two tones
Divina Desert Springs
Fountain Pen, Roller, Ballpoint
Desert Springs Celluloid
Pull & Turn Piston Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib one tone
Divina Royale
divina royale rose “peau d’ange”
Fountain Pen, Roller, Ballpoint
Vegetal Resin
Pull & Turn Piston Filling System
14Kt. Gold nib
divina royale black
Fountain Pen, Roller, Ballpoint
Vegetal Resin
Pull & Turn Piston Filling System
14Kt. Gold nib
Divina Black
divina black over size
Fountain Pen, Roller, Ballpoint, Sketch
Black Lucite and Silver 925
Pull & Turn Piston Filling System
23Kt. Palladium Dreamtouch nib in one tone
divina black medium size
Fountain Pen, Roller
Black Lucite and Silver 925
Pull & Turn Piston Filling System
14Kt. Gold nib in one tone
regular edition
Visconti Divine Proportion,
patented in 2006, is the most innovative
pen design since...ever! Designed following
the golden rule, 0.618 is the proportion of the
cap and the body. At the same time the golden
spiral gently wraps a 5 sided pentacle pen. The
trims of this pen are a masterpiece of craftsmanship.
Visconti Hook Safe Lock, patented in the same year,
is the most revolutionary system to lock the pen in the
cap, because it’s totally prevents the accidental unscrew
of the pen while in the pocket.
Visconti magnetic lock, patent pending, is an efficient,
easy to use and innovative system to safely lock the pen in
the cap. Avoids that after some time of use, your cap lock gets
loose being not able to hold safely the pen in the pocket.
In 2010 Visconti introduces the first ever made 23kt. 950
Palladium Dreamtouch nib. Dreamtouch is the term we coined to
define a nib that requires no pressure whatsoever in order to write,
it traces in a gentle way thoughts and words for a dream handwriting.
In this vision Visconti patents are our testimonials.
Il nome Visconti è sinonimo di strumenti per la scrittura di straordinaria
ricercatezza storica e tecnologica. Attraverso la sua vasta gamma di penne
stilografiche, roller e a sfera Visconti offre articoli di alta qualità e dalla forte
personalità. I valori del brand Visconti sono passione, arte e tecnologia; passione
intesa come una profonda conoscenza e un amore incondizionato per la penna, che
va oltre il business; abilità nel creare e fare percepire lo strumento di scrittura come
un mezzo di elevazione culturale. La penna cessa di essere un mero strumento di
scrittura e diventa la tela su cui dipingere nuove espressioni artistiche, per comunicare
nuove profonde emozioni.
Tecnologia si identifica con invenzione, novità e brevetti; capacità di innovare è il coraggio
di cercare soluzioni alternative di grande maestria per ogni piccolo dettaglio
che rende il prodotto prezioso e di alta qualità.
Non c’è un singolo componente della penna che non sia stato riprogettato
da Visconti, attualmente l’azienda più creativa sul mercato internazionale,
capace di migliorare sempre ogni singolo particolare.
Il calamaio da
viaggio universale
Visconti, brevettato nel
1997, permette un facile
riempimento di tutte le
stilografica nel mercato.
Può essere facilmente
portato in borsa ed
utilizzato all’occorrenza.
Il power filler a doppio
serbatoio, brevettato nel
1998, è il sistema più
avanzato di riempimento
mai prodotto nella storia
delle penne stilografiche.
Permette di riempire
una stilografica con una
quantità di inchiostro
equivalente a dieci cartucce
e allo stesso tempo,
grazie ai due serbatoi, è
l’unica penna che si può
trasportare in aereo in
assoluta sicurezza.
La clip Visconti, brevettata
nel 2003, ha la funzione
di agganciare la penna alla
tasca senza danneggiare il
tessuto e di comunicare
il brand attraverso il
nome Visconti smaltato
su ogni lato della clip. La
sua forma a ponte vuole
rappresentare un messaggio
positivo di amicizia e di
unione tra i popoli.
La Quadratura del
Cerchio, brevettata nel
2004, il design è stato
ispirato dall’uomo
vitruviano di Da Vinci.
La forma
della penna è la fusione di
un cerchio con un quadrato: la penna è
ergonomicamente perfetta, usandola le dita non
riescono a percepire il passaggio tra le facce piane e
gli angoli arrotondati, inoltre la forma ha il vantaggio di
rimanere ferma una volta appoggiata sul tavolo.
Visconti My Pen System, brevettato nello stesso anno, è il più
semplice ed ingegnoso sistema di personalizzare magneticamente la
penna con le iniziali del nome, con i segni zodiacali e pietre preziose.
Visconti Divina Proporzione, brevettata nel 2006, rappresenta
il modello più innovativo di penna mai realizzata!
Progettata seguendo la regola della comparazione
aurea, il numero 0,618 stabilisce la perfetta
proporzione tra il cappuccio e il fusto.
Al tempo stesso una spirale
dorata avvolge
delicatamente i cinque lati della penna. La forma e le proporzioni
di questa stilografica rappresentano un capolavoro di artigianato.
Visconti Hook Safe Lock, brevettato nello stesso anno, è un sistema
facile che previene le aperture accidentali del cappuccio della penna.
La chiusura magnetica, in attesa di brevetto, è anch’esso un
efficiente e innovativo sistema per aprire e chiudere il cappuccio
anche con una sola mano.
In 2010 Visconti presenta il primo pennino al mondo
realizzato in Palladio 950, 23 Kt. Dreamtouch è il
termine per definire un pennino che non necessita
pressione per scrivere, ma traccia con dolcezza
pensieri e parole per una scrittura da sogno.
I brevetti Visconti sono i nostri
testimonials migliori.
The name Visconti has been synonymous of extraordinarily elegant
writing instruments coming from very intense historical and
technological researches. Throughout its entire range of fountain
pens, rollers and ball-pens Visconti offers a broad assortment of
high quality items all showing strong characters and features.
Visconti brand values are passion, art and technology;
passion is the deep knowledge of the pen, a love that goes
beyond the wall of business. It is the ability to create,
judge and live the handwriting as living part of the
human being, a prerogative just as reading and
a means of cultural elevation. Art because for
Visconti the pen ceases to be a simple writing
instrument in order to become emotion,
just as the canvas ceases to be simple
material by turning into painting. Art
to the stillness, it is the courage to try and return into
is when the pen becomes capable of
the game, but also to know how to manufacture a
narrating the story just like the
truly valuable high quality product.
shooting machine for a film
director. Technology is the
There is not a single component of the pen that was not
invention, the novelty,
innovated from Visconti.
the patent. It is the
Visconti is widely the most creative pen company and was
ability to innovate
able to improve a number of details in writing instruments.
and change as
Visconti Travelling Ink Well, patented in 1997, allows an easy
filling of nearly any fountain pen of the market. It can be easily
carried in any pen holder.
Visconti Double Reservoir Power Filler, patented in 1998, is the
most advanced filling system ever made in all fountain pen history. It
allows to fill a fountain pen with the greatest amount of ink ever seen,
up to the equivalent of ten cartridges, and at the same time thanks to the
two reservoirs, is the only pen totally safe in air freight.
Visconti clip, patented in 2003, has the function to hook the pen to the
pocket without damaging the tissue and to communicate the brand with the
Visconti name enamelled on the side. It represent a bridge that is a positive
message of international friendship and diplomacy.
Visconti Squaring the Circle, patented in 2004, the design was inspired from the
Da Vinci Vitruvian man. The shape of the pen is the fusion of a circle and a square
with two results: first, the pen is ergonomically perfect because the finger feels mostly
the round corners, second the pen do not rolls when sits in the table.
Visconti My Pen System, patented in the same year, is the most simple and ingenious
system to customize the pen with the initials, with the oroscope, with many stones.
Fly UP