
Les Arts de la Rue en France

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Les Arts de la Rue en France
Buongiorno a tutti e grazie
per accogliere la federazione a Pennabilli
e Montegranaro
Les Arts de la Rue en
De quoi parle-t-on ?
What about Street Arts in France ?
A proposito del Arti di strada in France
•Dimanche 20 juin 2010 – Pennabilli
• I. La fédération française et ses objectifs
• I. The french federation and its main purposes
• I. la federazione francese ed i suoi obiettivi
• II. La situation du secteur en France
• II. The situation in France
• II. La situazione in France
• III. Vers une coopération culturelle européenne
• III. Towards an European cultural cooperation
• III. Verso una cooperazione culturale europea
• 13 ans de militantisme pour défendre une éthique, 13 years
of militancy to defend an ethics, 13 anni di attivismo per
difendere un'etica
• Créée, born, creata en 1997
• pour promouvoir et défendre une éthique, To promote and
defend an ethics, per promuovere e difendere un'etica,
• Impulser l’échange d’idées, to impulse the exchange of
ideas, impulser lo scambia di idee,
• Prendre position sur les pratiques de l’espace public et
l’aménagement du territoire, Take position on the practices
of the public place and the town and country planning,
Prendere posizione sulle pratiche dello spazio pubblico ed il
piano di sviluppo del territorio.
I.La fédération des Arts de la Rue
• Lobbying : A constant presence auprès des partis politiques, des
institutions et des autres partenaires culturels.
2001 Reconnaissance des Arts de la Rue (Recognition of street Art by the
Ministry of Culture.
2003 Fight for the maintening the specific status of « intermittent »
2005-2008 : le TAR Temps des Arts de la Rue : Project of 4 MO €
• Creation of 6 CNARs (6 centers of Street Arts in France),
• Fond alloued to creators of street arts,
• Creation of a Steet art City in Marseille (South o France)
429 adhérents à fin 2009
10 régionals federations
10 CNARs (centers of Street Arts in France,
I.La fédération des Arts de la Rue
• How does it work ? 11 thinking heads and an arm
(RUE LIBRE) => a collective dialogue and militancy
• The national coordination : an elected board of directors
and regional representants.
• Lobbying at national level,
• Veille éditoriale – day watch on internet and media
• Observation (statistics on production, diffusion, financial
• Thought and propositions toward politicals, institutions and
• The rotating plateform of ideas
• Administration of the Web site
I.La fédération des Arts de la Rue
I.La fédération des Arts de la Rue
• How does it work ? 11 thinking heads and an arm
• 10 regions, more or less active do the same kind of
missions at the regional level. This leads to the result :
A concerted common work,
A taking into acount of regional specificities
A sharing of experiences and competences from each region
A sharing of knowledge and means by the developement of
crossing professional networks (administration, diffusion,
authors by the exchange on the web lists.
I.La fédération des Arts de la Rue
• Nowdays
• The situation changed in France, with specific
incidences in the cultural sector.
• The federation stay watchfull to the situation,
defends and proposes différent issues to ensure
the developpement of Street art in France
II. The Street Art situation in France
• Figures
France : 547 000 Km2
Inhabitants : 65 Mo Tourists : 79 Mo
1001 Street Art companies
220 festivals
10 CNARs (Centers of Street Arts)
1,6 % of the state budget of culture
34 % /year see Street Arts
19 % go to theater
II. The Street Art situation in France
• How doest it work ?
The main financial resources of Companies come from
public fonds, by financial conventions, supports or
transfers when the representation are buyed by public
The access to culture for everybody is one of very
important aim the main preoccupation for the french
Street Art companies. One of the way is free
II. The Street Art situation in France
• Free acces to culture for everybody
• Freedom of creativity and creation
• Freedom of expression and diffusion in the public space.
• Force and Success of Street Arts :
Artistic and esthetical projects
Création of social link (urbain and rural places)
Participation to the writing of territories
Development of attractivity (urbanism & tourism)
Participate to the metropolitain construction
Cheap in proportion to the mass of public (1€/ inhab)
II. The Street Art situation in France
• Institutions and cultural policies
• 1 state government
• Ministry of culture
• DGCA (dir gal creation Art)
22 to 26 regions
100 departments
181 community of towns
36 000 towns
III.To an european federation ?
• Getting forces to succeed in lobbying
• Sharing and exchanging skills and ways of working
• Trying to find common definitions and a common sens
• Examinating our systems
• Think together to new propositions
• Make a plateform of thoughts and ideas
• Producing commun arguments, communications tools and
What would happen if…
• Journée internationale des Arts de la
Rue et de la libre expression dans
l’espace public
• International day of the Street Arts and
the free expression in the public place
• Giornata internazionale delle Arti di
strada libera espressione nello spazio
• Created in 2007 - RUE LIBRE is preparing its 4th edition for
2010, october, the 30th.
• RUE LIBRE proposes :
• One time in the street the day of the 25th hours, which
means the day most of countries chage the time to
winter schedule. National and regional evenements
• a way of communication (media and the webradio)
• Militantist actions all over the yearEurope, Africa, Australia,
Canada… … Italy ?
What would happen if …
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