
Riunione interna di coordinamento sulle attività internazionali

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Riunione interna di coordinamento sulle attività internazionali
4th CSE ERI Stakeholders Group meeting
Overview of the regional work programme
towards 2014
AEEG – European regulatory affairs
15 maggio 2012
At a cornerpoint
The CACM NC preparation is marking an
important step towards a common set of binding
rules towards the implementation of the target
Nevertheless the voluntary approach is going to
keep a fundamental role in the coming
Role of the stakeholders in identifying key
development areas
A region at the border of the main ongoing
integration processes (NWE): what role, what
inputs to the creation of the IEM?
Autorità per l’energia elettrica e il gas
Long term timeframe
The subject is already considered as “crossregional”
In line with the workprogramme: from 2011 a
single set of auction rules almost harmonized
between CSE and CWE regions
Single auction office for the 2 regions
Still significant differences exist in the 2 regions
(products, firmness management) mainly
deriving from the different ways in which
capacity is calculated (top-down vs bottom-up
Autorità per l’energia elettrica e il gas
Long term timeframe /2
Harmonization of capacity calculation method is
perceived of special importance to improve also
auction rules harmonization;
The CSE region has played an important role in
PTR allocations, what about FTR?
The WP foresees a decision towards FTR already
in 2012 (roadmap towards implementation in
2014) (too early?) anyway important local
experiences (Italian market already uses FTRs)
could be helpful also at a cross-regional level.
Autorità per l’energia elettrica e il gas
Long term timeframe /stakeholders’
CASC operation: any comment / suggestion?
FTR role in the region: when should discussion
be started what involvement for the
Products definition and duration: any
Autorità per l’energia elettrica e il gas
Day ahead timeframe
The workprogramme foresees a gradual adotpion
of the PCR algorithm (once developed and
validated) in the markets of the region
2012 and 2013 to adapt local market
arrengements hampering the integration with
European coupling
Implementation of price coupling in the region by
beginning of 2014
Autorità per l’energia elettrica e il gas
Intraday timeframe
The workprogramme foresees the
implementation of the first interim solution by
April 2012 (little delay)
Development of a roadmap towards the target
solution to be approved by regulators by Q4
Go Live of the target solution by the end of 2014
Autorità per l’energia elettrica e il gas
Intraday timeframe /potential obstacles
TSOs invited to work – in coordination with PXs –
on the roadmap towards the target model;
The implementation of the target solution is not
so smooth also in more advanced regions (NWE)
where different solutions are being tested in
different borders
The cohexistence of continuous trading and
auctions represents an additional constraint for
our region, but a joint working group already
established to study pilot solutions on selected
Autorità per l’energia elettrica e il gas
WP foresees first possible solutions to be
adopted from 2013 on selected borders
The increasing amount of RE generation capacity
in the region may represent a driver for
exchange of balancing energy
It will be important to go hand in hand with the
development of the future NC on balancing
Autorità per l’energia elettrica e il gas
Capacity calculation
The current WP foresees a possible revision of
the product definitions so to allow offering
capacity with a higher level of firmness
Work on FB to be started in 2013
What about the CWE and CEE experiences?
The regional dimension is extremely important
also for the CACM NC, but what is the ideal
regional scope for activities linked to FB
Autorità per l’energia elettrica e il gas
Could it be considered a feasible approach to
define prioritization criteria on the different topics
so to concentrate the efforts on selected issues?
What are the stakeholders’ views?
Autorità per l’energia elettrica e il gas
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