
Angelo PALADINO Assessore alle Politiche Ambientali della

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Angelo PALADINO Assessore alle Politiche Ambientali della
of the European
Landscape Observatory
of Arco Latino
The ELO (European Landscape
Observatory) was born in 2002 on
the occasion of the meeting
“Toward the Second Conference
for the realization of the
European Landscape
Convention” under the aegis of
the Congress of Local and
Regional Authorities of the
Council of Europe
In 2004, on the occasion of the
2nd Conference for the
application of the European
Landscape Convention, was
recognised from the Council of
Europe related to the Resolution
178 (2004), concerning local
and regional powers for the
implementation of CEP
The resolution established
aims and objectives:
1.contributing the improvement of
the technical and scientific
potential of local and regional
authorities within the framework of
their respective responsibilities, in
particular in the areas of planning
and licensing, in cooperation with
the State authorities
Aims and objectives:
2. undertaking, in particular,
activities in the framework of
elaborating documents relating to
the identification and evaluation of
landscape elements, the setting of
objectives for landscape quality
and activities aiming at the
protection, management and
planning of the landscape;
Aims and objectives:
3. representing a forum for
dialogue and coordination of
landscape policies for the local
and regional authorities
The province of Salerno together
with the National Park of Cilento
and Vallo di Diano started up this
initiative also because of the
responsabilities of operating in a
prestigious area.
In 2005 in Barcelona the Province
of Salerno candidated the ELO as
operative structure of ARCO
In 2007 in Vietri sul Mare (SA, ITALY)
the “Agreement for the Landscape”
was signed, establishing the head
office of ELO at the Padula
Charterhouse (SA) IT
In 2008 in Padula the ELO became
Association, under the high patronage of
the President of the Italian Republic with
the awarding of silver medal, the aegis of
the relevant Ministers and the recognition
by the Council of Europe
The ELO statute undertook the
Recommendation CM/Rec (2008) 3
of the Committee of Ministers to
member states OF THE Council of Europe
on the guidelines for the implementation
of the European Landscape Convention
Initiatives for the partecipation and
Mallet Laboratory
“Forum di Documentazione e
Ascolto per il Paesaggio”
Summer School for the Landscape
2006, 2007, 2008 ,2009
Periodical “Politiche del Paesaggio”
supported by CNR
Priority projects
Coordination of activities for the
development of AG21 on Landscape
Policy within the National Coordination
Team of Ag21
GdL “Landscape Participation and
Priority projects
“National prize for path of
partecipation to the landscape policy
and biodiversity”
Together with the National
Coordination of Local Agendas 21
and Federparchi
Priority Projects
European Master course in Landscape
Protection, Management and
together with the Interdepartmental
Centre of the Environmental Science
in the University of Salerno
Priority Projects
FORGIARE Project :
FORmazione GIovani Alla RicErca
(Young People’s Training for
Definition of guide lines for decision
making process concerning the
environmental risk management of
the Mediterranean costal areas.
Priority Projects
Realization of the sit-gis of the Arco
Latino landscape concerning protected
areas. together with the
Diputació de Barcelona and the
Province of La Spezia
Priority Projects
Establishment a European Group for
Territorial Cooperation (GECT)
concerning the Landscape.
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