
Champions security project

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Champions security project
International Conference
“Innovative Policies to Advance
Security Governance”
New York
20-23 Gennaio 2009
Roberto Massucci
Ministero dell’Interno - Dipartimento della PS
Ufficio Ordine Pubblico C.N.I.M.S.
Why the “Champions security project”
The Champions League Final constitutes the major international
football event at European level for club teams;
It involves institutions, media representatives from all over the
world, government and sports representatives, thousands
supporters and fans;
A successful security system is based on an effective public/private
The employment of law enforcement bodies has to rely on the
principle of “police ethics”
International community, in particular
Europe, shall support the hosting country
both at operational level and for
information exchange
9 luglio 2008
Ministero dell’Interno - Dipartimento della PS
Ufficio Ordine Pubblico C.N.I.M.S.
Draft program of the Champions League Final of Rome 2009
21 April
22 May
27 May
Cerimony of trophy handover
Cup tour
Champions festival
Press Conference
Celebration Party
Arrival of the finalist
teams’ Ambassadors
Ministero dell’Interno - Dipartimento della PS
Ufficio Ordine Pubblico C.N.I.M.S.
International legislation of reference
EUSEC Handbook – Coordination of national research programs on security
on the occasion of major events (9 July 2008)
European Convention 19/8/1985 “European Convention on Spectator Violence
at Sports Events and in particular at Football Matches”;
Resolution of the Council of the European Union 6/12/2001 “Handbook of
international police cooperation with measures to prevent and control violence and
disturbances in connection with football matches of international dimension in which
at least the team of one Member State is involved (2002/C 22/01)
Recommendation of the Council of the European Union (Enfopol 14)
13/02/2004 “Concerning a Handbook for cooperation between Member States to
avoid terrorist acts at the Olympic Games and other comparable sporting events”.
Decision of the Council of the European Union (2002/348/JHA) 25/4/2002
“Concerning security of international football matches”;
Resolution of the Council of the European Union of 4 December 2006
“Updated Handbook with reccommendations for international police cooperation and
measures to prevent and control violence and misbehaviours on the occasion of
football matches of international dimension in which at least one Member State is
Ministero dell’Interno - Dipartimento della PS
Ufficio Ordine Pubblico C.N.I.M.S.
The Italian organizational structure and the Champions League structure
Government system
Sports system
Ministry of the Interior
National Authority of Public
Chief of Police
Director General of Public
Public Security
Public Order Office
Facility owner
Questura of Rome2
National Information Centre on Sports Events (CNIMS), set up within the Public Order Office of
the Public Security Department Secretariat Office, collects, analyzes and processes data concerning the
phenomenon of violence in stadiums. The related outcomes are examined on a weekly basis by the
National Observatory on Sports Events.
The CNIMS collects and analyzes at central level data on the phenomenon of violence nation-wide and is
part of a European network of international police cooperation for the fight against hooliganism.
Questura of Rome, the public security provincial authority, coordinates public order and
security activities at technical-operational level.
Ministero dell’Interno - Dipartimento della PS
Ufficio Ordine Pubblico C.N.I.M.S.
Il “Champions security project”
Before the event
As far as the Champions League 2009 Final is concerned, operational meetings and briefings with the Questore of Rome
have long been organized in order to combine, among other things, the UEFA needs with those of security.
After identifying the semifinalist teams the CNIMS, in a first briefing, will provide information centres of the
semifinalist teams’ origin countries with information on issues, such as the relevant legislation, organizational aspects
of the event, identification of the responsible police authorities, etc.
Furthermore, in the subsequent phase when the finalist teams have been identified, the CNIMS will send to the
information centres of the countries concerned requests for information on the transfers of common and “risky”
supporters of the participating team and its escort (in case of threat) as well as on ticket sale. Possibly, it will also
request cooperation for the secondment of liaison officers and an appropriate number of spotters and uniformed
officers, who will be made available to the Questura of Rome in order to escort and assist supporters under their
competence, and also any other relevant information.
The CNIMS will then provide information centres of the two finalist teams’ countries with information on the
organization of public order services, in particular on the ways how to integrate police officers in the local public
order system, as well as on the directives concerning supporters, etc.
Liaison officers, spotters and uniformed personnel will be hosted by the
Italian government that will be responsible for accreditation, instructions for
operational plans, accommodation, food, technical equipment. The Italian
government will also ensure their safety and support on the field. Travel
expenses will be borne by the origin country.
Once ticket buyers’ names have been obtained the CNIMS will involve the
counterparts of the interested countries in order to receive information on
them and verify whether they include persons able to cause disturbances to
public order and security.
Ministero dell’Interno - Dipartimento della PS
Ufficio Ordine Pubblico C.N.I.M.S.
The “Champions security project”
durante dell’evento
During the event - from 22 May 2009 (opening of the
Champions Festival) to 28 May 2009 (the day after the
Final) the CNIMS members will also include the two
liaison officers of the finalist countries.
The CNIMS – without overlapping of activities - will
analyze at central level the outcome of the activities
carried out by the offices of the Public Security
Department responsible, each in its field of activity, for
the collection and and analysis of information coming
from other sources, also international ones (Interpol,
Europol, Schengen and Police Working Group on Terrorism
– PWGOT) by ensuring information exchange for a
general threat assessment both at national and
international level.
Moreover, the CNIMS will constantly exchange the
relevant data with the information centres of the
finalist countries for an update of the risk analysis as
well as with all the NFIP concerned for the transfer and
arrival monitoring, including accommodation and
departure time and modalities.
The CNIMS will constantly provide liaison officers
seconded to Rome with information on visitors-related
events and police custody measures as well as with a
description of possible incidents.
Ministero dell’Interno - Dipartimento della PS
Ufficio Ordine Pubblico C.N.I.M.S.
Il “Champions security project”
After the event
At strategic level the CNIMS will assess supporters’ behaviour in order to allow
information centre of the assisting country to update visitors’ risk analysis.
At operational level, the operative usefulness of the information provided by the
information centres of the other countries will be assessed together with the level
of risk posed by the away team.
Ministero dell’Interno - Dipartimento della PS
Ufficio Ordine Pubblico C.N.I.M.S.
Project stages
20/24 January
New York
Submission of the project to partner countries;
Acquisition of experts’ proposals.
28 February
Adoption of the project and its distribution to partner countries
20/21 April
Rome – Champions Meeting
Presentations by the countries that hosted Champions League Finals: France and Greece.
Presentation by the UEFA
Submission of the Italian proposal on the Final management in Rome
Adoption of the conclusions
22 May
Activation of the National Centre “Roma 2009”
30 July
Drawing up of of Champions League Final
management scheme.
Ministero dell’Interno - Dipartimento della PS
Ufficio Ordine Pubblico C.N.I.M.S.
Le aree progettuali del “Champions security project”
The ticketing project
The accreditation project
The stewarding project
The welcoming and volunteering project
The mobility project
The Olympic stadium project
The public order and security project
The international police co-operation project
Ambush marketing
Medical service
Ministero dell’Interno - Dipartimento della PS
Ufficio Ordine Pubblico C.N.I.M.S.
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