
Diapositiva 1 - Camere di Commercio

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Diapositiva 1 - Camere di Commercio
3rd International Conference
Technological challenges
as a competitive factor
30 – 31 May 2012
Centro Congressi Torino Incontra
Room Giolitti
Via Nino Costa 8 - Torino (Italy)
ATA-Associazione Tecnica dell’Automobile (the Italian Automotive Society) and Centro Ricerche
Fiat are delighted to announce the forthcoming 3rd International Conference on “Car Interiors:
technological challenges as a competitive factor”, that will take place in Torino, on 30 31 May 2012.
This conference addresses to all players in this field, including vehicle manufacturers, suppliers
of components and systems, public entities, decision makers, engineers and scientists. It will
provide an excellent platform for information exchange on an International level and will allow
to assess the status and potential for Internal Vehicle Technologies and Materials.
The technical programme, in which the selected papers will be included, is divided into the
following main topics:
Cockpit & Trims
HMI - Human Machine Interaction
Perceived Quality
Dynamic simulation about materials for interiors.
Chairman of the Conference
Silvia Quattrocolo (Centro Ricerche Fiat)
This event is organised under FISITA Patronage
FISITA is the international federation linking the national automotive engineering societies in
37 countries. FISITA was founded in 1948 as a neutral forum for the exchange of technical
knowledge on every aspect of vehicle design, development and manufacture. FISITA is a
non-profit organisation committed to helping create efficient, affordable, safe and sustainable
automotive transportation. www.fisita.com
With the support of
30 May 2012
From 8.15
Participants’ registration
Welcome addresses: G. Bolatto (Segretario Generale della Camera di commercio di Torino)
N. Di Giusto (Presidente ATA)
Key-note by V. Fernandez (Fiat Group Automobiles)
10:00 Session 1 ‘Innovative Scenarios’ chaired by C. Germak–Politecnico di Torino
C. Germak – Politecnico di Torino
Sustainable mobility roadmap. The Politecnico’s approach to the automotive design issues
S. Jakubiec - Fiat Group Automobiles
10:45 – 11:15
Coffee break
F. Cappadona – Pininfarina
Advanced navigation system for urban ecofriendly vehicles
• M. Carignano – Iveco
What is the interior system for a C.V.? Beauty and comfort?
• A. Boldrin – Decathlon Italia
Decathlon: innovate through the passion brands
Discussion coordinated by the Chairman
12:45 – 14:00
14:00 Session 2 ‘Seating’
• H. J. Daams – Ziegler Instruments
Analysing the formation of pleats in seats for leather and fabrics using REBEX
• M. Raveggi – Johnson Controls
• R. Dwarampudi, C. Cabane, C. Marca – ESI Group
Example of End-to-End Seat Virtual Prototyping from manufacturing to performances
• G. Creonti – Structura
Mass and cheap productivity of Composite light components for automotive
• T. Mannelli – Apollo
Fabrics from recycled materials
• M. J. Mazza - Woodbridge Group
The Comfort Sense, textured surface seat cushioning for improving initial softness and upgrading active
and passive ventilated seats
Discussion coordinated by the Chairman
16:15 – 16:35
Coffee break
Session 3 ‘Cockpit and Trims’
• F. Avenati-Bassi – Autoneum Italy; E. Negro, C. Campagna, A. Marino, G. Boreanaz – Fiat Group
Automobiles; C. Bertolini, M. Mantovani - Autoneum Management
Hybrid Acoustic Insulator-absorber modelling. The best compromise between performances and
weight: a dash-inner real example
• A. Odino, F. Carello – Renolit Gor
RENOLIT GORCELL – Innovative Honeycomb solution
• L. Bergadano – UNIFAST
UNIFAST: the fasteners supplier and solutions provider of the automotive industry
• F. Rey – Grupo Antolin Italia
Innovation as a key factor for competitiveness at Grupo Antolin
Discussion coordinated by the Chairman
31 May 2012
Key-note ‘Human Centred Design: creating added value for automotive interiors’
J. Giacomin - Brunel University
Session 4 ‘HMI-Human Machine Interaction and Ergonomics’
M. Barbera – Reply
Bringing diagnostic to smartphone interface
H. Prashanth - Robert Bosch
Journey from Function HMI to Vehicle HMI
F. MacDougall - Qualcomm Inc.
Touch Free In-Car Gesture Control
10:30 – 10:50 Coffee Break
P. De La Pierre - Magneti Marelli; C. Argiri - TXT e-solutions
Instrument Cluster 2.0
C. P. Giordano - The DiSTI Corporation, C. Schröder - Antycip Simulation
Advancements in Technology Facilitating Next Generation 3D Interactive HMI
C. Zoldan – Centro Ricerche Fiat
HMI in the automotive field
M. Fischer – ENGEL Austria
"Sensitive surface: touch, feel, interact" a car cockpit without buttons
Discussion coordinated by the Chairman
12:30 – 14:00
Session 5 ‘Perceived quality’
B. Nicosia, M. Varrasso – IVECO; E. Bergadano, F. Fino – Fiat Group Automobiles
Innovative opportunity for Perceived Quality improvement: 2K direct skinning for soft interior trims
A. Wilson – ESI Group
Predicting the acoustics of rattle across a broad frequency range
H. J. Daams – Ziegler Instruments
Objective measurement of touch haptics – a subgroup of Perceived Quality
• L. Mondino – Adler Evo
Surface materials with antibacteria treatment
• V. Bortolon - SOFTER
Technology Dolphin for a sustainable eco-friendly full thermoplast solution for soft touch interiors (using
MuCell phisical foaming process).
Discussion coordinated by the Chairman & conference closure
Marisa Giunipero
ATA – Associazione Tecnica dell’Automobile
Strada Torino 32/A – 10043 Orbassano (TO) - Italy
Phone: +39.011.9080405 Fax: +39.011.9080400
[email protected]
The Conference will take place at:
Via Nino Costa 8 – Torino (Italy)
It is in the centre of Torino, at a 10-minutes-walking from Porta Nuova Railway Station.
Shuttle bus (SADEM Company) from Caselle Airport to Porta Nuova, stops on the corner of Via Sacchi and
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II. Timetable on http://www.sadem.it/upload/orari/estivi/000268.pdf
If you reach the venue by car
The Conference venue is located in the ZTL (the Restricted Traffic Area), so we remind participants who will
park their car in the PARKING AREA VALDO FUSI between 7:30-10:30 in the morning, to communicate their
car plate number to the parking staff, at their arrival and in any case before 11:00 in the morning, in order
to avoid a fine.
Language & presentations
Papers will be written and presented in English.
It will be possible to download all presentations from the ATA website. The access will be limited to the
participants, by using a password that will be provided by email a few days after the Conference.
Registration & cancellation policy
You can register either on-line or via fax/email.
Refunds will be given to cancellations received in writing prior to 15 May 2012.
No refunds will be given after this deadline. Replacement delegates are welcome at any time.
We accept payments:
• on-line
• by bank transfer
• by credit card at the reception desk.
Congress Dinner
The Congress Dinner will take place on 30 May.
Hotel information
Accommodation is not included in the Conference registration fee. Since this event takes place in the town
centre, you can choose from a wide selection of hotels.
If you decide for a 20 mt distance from the main entrance of the Conference, we suggest:
Hotel Victoria – Via Nino Costa 4 – 10123 Torino - phone +39 011 5611909
To get discounted fares, please refer to this event to be held at Torino Incontra Congress Centre.
Single Standard room: € 140 – DUS Standard room: € 160 – Double standard room: € 225
If you decide for a walking distance (10 minutes) from the Conference, we suggest:
Best Western Hotel Piemontese - Via Berthollet 21 - 10125 Torino – Phone +39 011 66 98 101
III International Conference ‘CAR INTERIORS’ – 30-31 May 2012
Please complete and return this form to:
Fax: +39.011.9080400 or
e-mail: [email protected]
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Registration fees (On-line proceedings, coffee, lunches, congress dinner and 21% VAT are included)
ATA member
Delegate (non member)
I will attend the congress dinner
 Yes
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 Bank transfer to A.T.A. - S.r.L. - Banca Popolare di Novara, Filiale Beinasco TO (Italy)
IBAN: IT42L0503430090000000020407
(payment must be received before start of Conference)
 Credit card / POS Bancomat at the congress reception desk.
Full refunds will be given to cancellations received in writing prior to 15 May 2012.
No refunds will be given after this deadline.
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In compliance with art. 7 of Italian law 196/2003, your personal data are used exclusively for processing ATA activities.
For further information about our privacy policy: http://www.ata.it/en/content/42/privacy/
ATA Consulting & Solutions srl - Strada Torino 32 A – 10043 Orbassano (TO) – Italy
Partita IVA / Codice Fiscale 10241220010
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