
Diapositiva 1

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Diapositiva 1
Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi – LESCO
Reinforcing the links between education and working life
and improving students’ career orientation
Nunzio Casalino
Assistant Professor of Business Organization - Ph.D.
Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi – Italy
[email protected]
Seminario di informazione generale
Roma, 27 – 28 ottobre 2009
Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi – LESCO
The LESCO partnership project will allow all partners to broaden
their understanding of the topics “career guiding and counselling”
and “links between education and the working life” and exchange
ideas and best practices. The project facilitates the development
of innovative practices in education in view to student’s transition
to work and their transfer from one participating country to
The partnership will gain an European insight on the problems
related to those topics and possible solutions.
The project will result in a methodology that can be implemented
into the secondary and tertiary education system on European
Seminario di informazione generale
Roma, 27 – 28 ottobre 2009
Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi – LESCO
Project Partners and duration
BG - European Center for Quality Ltd.
IT - Università Telematica Guglielmo Marconi
AT - MERIG, Multidisciplinary European Research Institute Graz
BE - Centre de Coordination et de Gestion des Programmes
Européens pour L'Enseignement Secondaire en Alternance et
L'Enseignement Secondaire Technique et Professionnel de Plein
08/2008 – 07/2010
(24 months)
Seminario di informazione generale
Roma, 27 – 28 ottobre 2009
Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi – LESCO
Project Aims
The concrete objectives are as follows:
• definition of priorities and key concepts;
• identification of problems, needs and constraints in participating
• identification of at-risk youths from the education system;
• exchanging, analysing and comparing good examples of policy
practices concerning education system and career guiding and
• deciding on the concrete target groups for the methodology that
will be developed;
• identification of possible ways for connections between
organisations (=employers) and education;
• assessment, refinement and consolidation of concepts;
recommendations and conclusions for strengthening polices.
Seminario di informazione generale
Roma, 27 – 28 ottobre 2009
Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi – LESCO
Partnership activities and the results achieved 1/3
Key activities of the first partner meeting, 18-19.12.2008, Rome
• Presentations of partner organisations
• Brief presentation of the project idea, aims and results
• Presentation of education system in each partner country (AT, BE,
BG & IT)
• Identification of problems related to the education system and the
labour market in each partner country
• Definition of statistics interesting for LESCO (drop-outs, risk groups,
connections between education institutions and labour market)
• Discussion about research on labour market conditions
• Domain registration and LESCO website
• Meeting evaluation and evaluation report
Seminario di informazione generale
Roma, 27 – 28 ottobre 2009
Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi – LESCO
Partnership activities and the results achieved 2/3
Key activities of the second partner meeting, 16-17.02. 2009, Brussels
• Presentation of evaluation results of first partner meeting
• Presentations of the structure of education system in each partner
country and discussion about differences among them
• Discussion about problems in secondary and higher education
• Research reports on the labour market conditions
• Presentation of statistics related to education
• Agreement on structure for the description of initiatives/best practice
examples/case study
• Top ten list of “labour market requested jobs”
• LESCO website improvements
• Meeting evaluation and evaluation report
Seminario di informazione generale
Roma, 27 – 28 ottobre 2009
Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi – LESCO
Partnership activities and the results achieved 3/3
Key activities of the third partner meeting, 06-07.07.2009, Graz
• Presentations of best practices in education system and career guiding and
counselling (a. Presentation of a good practice in Italy – Placement and job
market – virtual interviews ; b. Presentation of good practice in Bulgaria – A
manager for a day; Labour Market Project)
• Presentations of innovative pedagogical methods (Presentation of a good
practice in Belgium – dual system)
• LESCO web-site and improvements
• Discussion on the key points to be included in the final document
• Consensus on the following key points:
a. Overview of situation in countries: Education systems (BG, OS, BE, IT),
Problems in countries, Statistics
b. Best practices and policies for career orientation: 3-ball models
(education – companies – social actors). The role of the social actor
c. Existing motivation programmes and innovative pedagogical methods
Seminario di informazione generale
Roma, 27 – 28 ottobre 2009
Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi – LESCO
LESCO web-site
Seminario di informazione generale
Roma, 27 – 28 ottobre 2009
Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi – LESCO
Results and future activities
The result of the LESCO partnership project will be:
• the LESCO website;
• LESCO CD-Rom with the major findings and content of the
methodology for secondary and tertiary education;
• project flyers and the LESCO conference on which the outcomes
and findings of the Partnership will be presented;
• a basis of a new EU project proposal and dissemination activity.
Seminario di informazione generale
Roma, 27 – 28 ottobre 2009
Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi – LESCO
Some pictures
Seminario di informazione generale
Roma, 27 – 28 ottobre 2009
Fly UP